[comp.mail.elm] What is the latest patch level on elm2.3 and where is it?

sscott@camdev.comm.mot.com (Steve Scott) (11/20/90)

The subject line says it all ;-)

Basically, I need to know the latest patch level of elm 2.3 and the
anon ftp location to get the base and the patches


| Steve Scott                                | Internet: sscott@mot.com        |
| Fort Worth Research and Development Center | UUCP:     uunet!csccat!sscott   |
| Cellular Infrastructure Group              | Internal: TX14/4G               |
| Radio Telephone Systems Group              | Voice:    (817) 232-6317        |
| Motorola, Inc.                             | Fax:      (817) 232-6081        |

cgregory@suna7 (Christine Gregory) (11/29/90)

In article <311@camdev.comm.mot.com?> sscott@mot.com (Steve Scott) writes:
" The subject line says it all ;-)
" Basically, I need to know the latest patch level of elm 2.3 and the
" anon ftp location to get the base and the patches

I hate to use such a worn-out phrase, but

Me Too!