[comp.mail.elm] equivalent of ~r in elm?

uk1@spacsun.rice.edu (Paul A. Scowen) (04/03/91)


a user has just asked me about a function that I cannot find info on in the ELM
manual: the ~r function used in Mail to include a file in your message (under
composition).  Does this capability exist?  Thanks.

-                                                         __________          -
|       Paul A. Scowen                                   / ___  ___ \         |
-       Department of Space Physics and Astronomy       / / @ \/ @ \ \        -
|       Rice University, Houston TX 77251               \ \___/\___/ /\       |
-       (713) 527-8101 x2433, x3534                      \____\/____/||       -
|                                                        /     /\\\\\//       |
-       Internet:       uk1@spacsun.rice.edu             |     |\\\\\\	      -
|                       scowen@vega.rice.edu              \      \\\\\\       |
-                                                          \______/\\\\       -
|       Span:           RICE::SCOWEN                        _||_||_           |
-                                                            -- --            -