jukoff@imram.net.com (Steve Jukoff) (05/17/91)
From: jukoff@net.com () Newsgroups: comp.mail.elm Subject: ELM MMDF SUBMIT: CHANNEL error Expires: References: Sender: Followup-To: Distribution: world Organization: NET Keywords: The environment: SCO UNIX 3.2.2, ELM 2.3 PL11, MMDF configured. In ELM, I say "m" Send the message to: xyname ...and get this error: Submit: Channel 'name.abacus.UUCP' does not exist ...after the "Mail sent!" message. The name was truncated in the front. This error only occurs when the user's mail address is more than 4 characters. Names 4 or less characters work fine. Mail to external addresses work, i.e. abname@company.com works. 'mail xname' also works. (i.e. non-ELM mail works). Its just ELM that fails. Can you help me? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Steven Jukoff DDN: jukoff@net.com Phone: 415-780-5819 uucp: ...!ames!unet!jukoff -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-