[comp.mail.elm] comp.mail.elm reular posting ??

smr@bksmel.oz.au (S.Riehm) (06/18/91)

I have recently installed elm2.3 pl11 on our local system, and
although the source files were partially corrupted it seems to work
quite well, however I have a few problems which I suspect might be
addressed in the regular common problems posting. could someone please
direct me to where I might find this file, and while they're at it
could they direct me to an anon. ftp site with an error free copy???

many thanx in advance.

under new management
Romulis [Stephen Riehm]		 		  BKX Australia Pty. Ltd.
(Software Engineer)					(ACN:003 347 528)
+61 3 525 2677				    11th Floor, 600 St. Kilda Rd.
smr@bksmel.oz.au				Melbourne 3004 Australia.
s887212@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au		     If ya wanna catch me at RMIT
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