(S.Riehm) (06/18/91)
I have recently installed elm2.3 pl11 on our local system, and although the source files were partially corrupted it seems to work quite well, however I have a few problems which I suspect might be addressed in the regular common problems posting. could someone please direct me to where I might find this file, and while they're at it could they direct me to an anon. ftp site with an error free copy??? many thanx in advance. under new management ========================================================================= Romulis [Stephen Riehm] BKX Australia Pty. Ltd. (Software Engineer) (ACN:003 347 528) +61 3 525 2677 11th Floor, 600 St. Kilda Rd. Melbourne 3004 Australia. If ya wanna catch me at RMIT =====< My employer is too busy with his own ideas, these are MINE!>======