[comp.mail.elm] Line Wrap on/off problems...

wb8foz@mthvax.cs.miami.edu (David Lesher) (06/26/91)

nn included only to exonerate it. note Followup group.

I read news and mail on an Ultrucks 3.0 machine via a PeeSee running
Procomm 2.4.2 with vt100 emulation. I had a nagging problem whereby the
builtin+ pager in elm would scroll once at the end of the page draw,
pushing the title line off the top. If lines were wrapped on that page,
it would scroll several times. A friend's machine with Ultrucks 2.0
would REALLY get confused in vi on long lines, in addition to the
builtin+ pager problem.

I could cure this hassle by turning off the LINE WRAP in my emulation.
But something kept turning it back on. I then noticed that nn and vi
did it.

I switched to using 'less' as the pager for one session, and
had no problem.

Several helpful netters answered. One explained about the vs and ve
variables in termcap. It seems those mean "visual {editor} start and
end. He also mailed me a different termcap. It seems to never turn on
linewrap. As he pointed out, it is often nice to have wrap on while in
the shell. But I need it off in the elm pager.

Today's queries:

q1) Does the "builtin+" pager use enough of the termcap to turn off
linewrap when painting pages? I really prefer it to less, as builtin+
does such a good job of passing most commands back to elm. But I
recall that elm does not use curses.

q2) When I have line wrap off, and I'm in vi, SOMETHING wraps the
overlength lines to several {physical} ones. Note this is NOT
wrapmargin or !fmt - if you turn on line numbers, you'll see that line
47 just gets wrapped, not turned into 47, 48 and 49. Where is
that done? (Same thing seems true in 'less'.}

Thanks to all those who have helped me so far. 

A host is a host from coast to coast.....wb8foz@mthvax.cs.miami.edu 
& no one will talk to a host that's close............(305) 255-RTFM
Unless the host (that isn't close)......................pob 570-335
is busy, hung or dead....................................33257-0335