pozar@hoptoad.uucp (Tim Pozar) (07/01/87)
Volume 4, Number 24 29 June 1987 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | _ | | / \ | | /|oo \ | | - FidoNews - (_| /_) | | _`@/_ \ _ | | International | | \ \\ | | FidoNet Association | (*) | \ )) | | Newsletter ______ |__U__| / \// | | / FIDO \ _//|| _\ / | | (________) (_/(_|(____/ | | (jm) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Editor in Chief: Thom Henderson Chief Procrastinator Emeritus: Tom Jennings FidoNews is published weekly by the International FidoNet Association as its official newsletter. You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in FidoNews. Article submission standards are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC, available from node 1:1/1. Copyright 1987 by the International FidoNet Association. All rights reserved. Duplication and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in other circumstances, please contact IFNA. Eight Weeks to FidoCon! Table of Contents 1. ARTICLES ................................................. 1 Trojan Horse Alert! ...................................... 1 Hello from Communet ...................................... 2 What's To Eat? ........................................... 5 The Trash Hauler's Union of Dayton ....................... 6 The creation of FUN ...................................... 11 2. NOTICES .................................................. 12 The Interrupt Stack ...................................... 12 Latest Software Versions ................................. 12 Summer Fun ............................................... 12 Programming Contest ...................................... 13 IFNA Board of Directors Ballot ........................... 15 International FidoNet Conference Registration Form ....... 18 FidoNews 4-24 Page 1 29 Jun 1987 ================================================================= ARTICLES ================================================================= Thom Henderson, 1:107/6.1 System Enhancement Associates, Inc. * * * WARNING * * * SEASTAT IS NOT OUR PROGRAM!!!! A program called SEASTAT is being passed around these days. It consists of a file called SEASTAT.ARC, containing SEASTAT.COM and SEASTAT.DOC. It purports to be a SEAdog log file analyzer, and bears a copyright notice in the name of System Enhancement Associates. This program was NOT written by us, nor was it distributed by us. It is an out and out hack that will alter your system in strange ways. In particular, look for the following: Changes to CONFIG.DOG: MODEM BAUD 300 DIAL PULSE BANNER Please wait while the SysOp gets a blowjob... event Q all 1:30 2:00 Changes to ROUTE.DOG: schedule q poll 102/0 120/0 107/0 109/0 100/0 These changes are appended to the end of the affected files, preceeded by 26 blank lines to help hide them. Whoever originated this hoax is in violation of several Federal statutes, including unauthorized use of our trademarks and false allegation of copyright. It is our intention to pursue this matter. Any information you can provide us about the source of this hoax will be greatly appreciated. We can be reached by FidoNet mail at 1:107/6 or by calling us at (201) 473-5153. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 4-24 Page 2 29 Jun 1987 Peter Green Communet, 631/326 H E L L O F R O M C O M M U N E T Communet ("Communications Network for the Community") was setup six months ago by several non-profit community groups in Melbourne Australia, including the Community Interest Computer Consultancy, the Working Women's Centre and the Coalition Against Poverty and Unemployment. As we are new to FidoNet, this article is to explain who we are and seek contacts with other nodes anywhere in the world that may have similar interests. We are particularly anxious to join any international Echomail conferences discussing social and political topics likely to be of interest to our members, as well as technical topics relevant to establishing our network facilities or assisting community groups to make the best possible use of computers. TECHNICAL PLANS Due to very limited budgets, we need to establish communications facilities as cheaply as possible, yet with greater technical sophistication than typical mainframe systems, so they can be easily used by our non-computer literate constituency. We will therefore be generating lots of technical questions about the best way to do different things. Hopefully we will also be able to contribute some answers when we have gained more experience. Our primary aim is to establish a national computer network to link micro-computers currently used simply for wordprocessing by various non-profit community groups and other organisations. We are working jointly with ASYNC ("Australian Students Information Network Committee"), which is planning a similar service, primarily to exchange material between student newspapers. When funding is available, multi-user AT or 386 based Unix conferencing systems with large fixed disks will be established in each major city, linked by packet network channels for continuous parallel updating of all conferences in all cities. A gateway will be maintained to FidoNet, both for general access purposes and to transfer messages, files and Echomail to users operating "Dutchie" point software. The main services Communet will offer are Computer Conferencing and Email and file exchange for remote typesetting and Desktop Publishing of text files uploaded from wordprocessor software. But we are also interested in chatlines, multi-player role playing games and just about anything else that will encourage non-computer oriented people to get a modem and hook up! Initially, we have established a single line private FidoNet node, currently running Opus 0.0 under SEAdog 4.00, as a FidoNews 4-24 Page 3 29 Jun 1987 preliminary test system. This is accessed regularly by members and associates of Communet to become familiar with various aspects of communications networks and to provide some initial services. As our orientation is towards non-computer literates and we lack technical knowledge, especially with Unix and communications networks, we hope to learn a lot from other FidoNet users. But we also hope to eventually contribute some ideas of our own. PHONE NUMBER Although we are not yet open to the general public, and therefore do not want our phone number listed in the nodelist where it could encourage calls from numerous BBS users, we would welcome direct file transfers and crashmail from other FidoNet nodes around the world. This can be achieved by simply including the following line in XLATLIST.CTL or equivalent: PHONE 631/326 61-3-482-1718 PLANNED SERVICES Two Communet services almost operational are: 1) 'Community Calendar' - a continuously updated list of activities and dates for public meetings and other events. 2) 'Public Radio News' - a professionally edited daily news feed for Public Broadcast stations around Australia. This will have associated with it a discussion area for feedback on news stories and comments on current events. We anticipate that users with a wide range of different political and philosophical outlooks will find this a useful way to debate and exchange views, and that it will spawn separate discussion areas on particular topics. Other groups that have expressed an interest in setting up conference topics and interstate hook-ups include the Community Arts Network and Community Youth Support Schemes. They are keen to learn how to use Opus boards, and will be seeking funding to obtain the necessary hardware. Aims of Communet are: 1. Establish a network to link computers used by computer groups and their members at minimal cost and maximum performance. 2. Promote computer conferencing in Australia, by encouraging and assisting the setting up and running of such conferences and by providing access to international conferences and databases. 3. Provide computer communications services to the community sector comparable to those available in corporate networks, FidoNews 4-24 Page 4 29 Jun 1987 and to promote the the use of computer communication between community groups. 4. Establish an influential position for the community sector in exploiting computer conferencing and build this up as a counter to the press and TV monopolies. As Australia's mass media are dominated by a very small group of large owners, we see the potential for computer conferencing to provide an alternative media that is far more democratic and interactive - allowing users to participate in the media rather than merely consuming it. We also see computer conferencing as having great potential for breaking down international barriers. At present these potentials are mainly being used by people with a technical interest in computing. But as the cost of hardware keeps falling and the quality of software keeps improving, more and more non-computer oriented people will join in. THANK YOU We would like to thank everyone involved in FidoNet and public domain and shareware software development (especially Opus and related utilities) for the help and inspiration already received. We look forward to meeting lots of new friends in the matrix. Peter Green, for Communet 631/326 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 4-24 Page 5 29 Jun 1987 Doug Goens Opus 108/44 The Heart of Gold What's To Eat? As I was sitting here thinking, I asked myself What I could write for the Fido Newsletter. After several very short moments and one crash of my word processor, I will try to bring to you what I find rather silly and totally gross to eat! I was shooting billards with several friends when two of them began discussing turtle soup. The first was trying to convince the second that he would like turtle soup. The second was not about to compromise because he was convinced that he would just not care for the taste of turtle. So the second guy tried to convince him that instead of turtle soup that he should then try mock turtle soup, because it does not have turtle in it. Having never tried either ,(and I am not willing to), I sort of stayed out of this. That is until they mentioned that they both totally agreed on the flavor of frog legs. They both admitted eating frog legs on one or more occasion and admitted liking them. At this point I found it necessary to butt in and voice my opinion. I simply stated that I did not care to eat frog legs, case closed. It was at this point that I was told that frog legs taste just like chicken. At this I responded that this was all fine and dandy and that i would stick to chicken upon finding out that I had nothing to gain buy tasting frogs legs. Several minutes of arguing had not changed my view and had also brought out the fact that I had no intentions of ever eating snake meat, as it too tastes like chicken. I also (by others evesdropping) found that deer meat tastes just as good as steak, so I will make it a point to eat steak, just for the fact that there is nothing gained by me trying something that I know what it tastes like. But the entire point of this article is to show my displeasure to a recent radio program that proudly told me that the locust (cicada) hanging on my tree, making that hideous sound, when orange in color would be a tasty treat. In fact, he went on to say, that when the wings are gone (plucked) and deep fried, that they taste just like french fries! This was the last straw. For all of you who are reading this. Why is it that people must eat things that are not commonly eaten when they taste just like an everyday food? I will never be tempted to eat any kind of insect unless it is an emergency! I suggest you do the same! Thanks for listening to me whine about bugs for a while! If you have any comments on this feel free to netmail me some. Oh, and you are asking yourself, "What does this have to do with computers? Bulletin Boards? Fido? Opus? Seadog?" Nothing!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 4-24 Page 6 29 Jun 1987 Jeff Sheese, THUD BBS, Matrix 110/10 The Story of the Trash Hauler's Union of Dayton The Trash Hauler's Union of Dayton (otherwise known as THUD) is a pseudo-elitist group of electronic bulletin board users dedicated to the free expression of life, liberty, and pursuit of just plain bull!@#$. It is NOT a trade union for the local sanitation department. It is instead a group of people from all walks of life that join together to make life with the computer a bit easier. If we can have a bit of fun along the way then why not? The definition of 'Trash Hauler' comes from a local office joke where it is determined that if one wants to look busy, one only needs to dump the contents of the trash bins on their desk and carry a lot of pencils. It's easy to justify a messy desk since it is well known that an empty desk (or an empty pocket protector) means an empty mind. Therefore in searching for a meaningless acronym, the phrase "Trash Hauler's Union of Dayton" came to mind (aka - THUD). Current membership in the T.H.U.D. include but are not limited to: Supreme Trash Hauler: Jeff Sheese, sysop of THUD (110/10) Occupation: Systems Software Training Most Famous Quote: "It's raining outside. I hate to drive in the rain, so I'd better get home before it stops." Executive Vice President of Beer Kegs: CMSG Tom Stahl, sysop of THUD-2 (110/50) Occupation: Communications, LCD/LGMU Most Famous Quote: "de tom and rgrgrgr roger that-ke6ww" Executive Vice President of Camping Provisions: Cheif of DATACOM Joe Davis, sysop of THUD-3 (110/51) Occupation: Communications, LCD/LGMU Most Famous Quote: "I meant a BUD Light!" Executive Vice President of Morale: Bob Frantz, AsstSysop of THUD (110/10) Occupation: ECR VCR Repair, Huber Heights OH Most Famous Quote: "I'll put it in my garage." Cheif Assistant Bottle Cap Collector: Diane Pencil, Sysop of Expression Photo Occupation: Photographer Most Famous Quote: "No one can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble doing it." Guilt by Association: Chief PDtrek Victim: Tom Harnish, sysop R&R (110/84) specializing in Model 100, Amiga, FidoNews 4-24 Page 7 29 Jun 1987 Aviation/Flying, and Astronomy (Skywatchers Echomail conference member) Chief PDtrek Killer: Jeffery Weil, sysop Human Factor (110/88) (no longer operational) Chief of Sanity: Charles Rouhier, sysop EDS Fido (110/20) It was first founded in August of 1986 as a means of allowing me to use Fido software to dial up my office computer and exchange data files between work and home. This was probably done no more than twice a week. But since there were very few Fido systems in the area, I allowed a few friends and co-workers to use the system as a means of exchanging electronic mail. But as our needs grew, so did the system. The system first went public around the last week of September 1986. After publicizing the telephone number on as many boards in the Dayton area as possible, a user base was formed. Since I *HAD* to use the office computer for various things during the day the system was running from 7pm to 7am weekdays and 24 hours weekends. The lust for interconnection to the Fido network grew among area sysops. The only Fidonet node in the area at the time was the Reynolds and Reynolds system, operated by Tom Harnish, which was attached to the Cincinnati area net 108. I applied for a net number to the network coordinator at 108/10 (at that time Allen Miller) and got a node number in the Net 108 area. If I remember, my first node number was 108/90. But after lots of talk and very little action the sysops of the Dayton area Fido systems pooled together to set up a network of their own. These comprised of: Myself, sysop of the THUD BBS (108/90) Tom Harnish, sysop of the R&R (108/84) Jeffery Weil, sysop of the Human Factor (108/88) We had to figure out who was going to be in charge of it all. With my usual luck (while I was napping at my desk) I was unanimously given the title of 'Future Network Coordinator'. So after bumping heads with Allen Miller on getting a node number of 108/90, I applied to the Region 11 Coordinator in Lexington Kentucky (Bill Allbritten) for a new network number. Given that all natives of Kentucky are slightly suspicious of native Ohioans (remember the story of the flashlight?) the sysop of 11/301 went to great pains in verifying that we indeed did exist. Thereafter Network 110 in region 11 was born. We now had the capability to send mail around the world within the Fidonet network. We didn't use it that often, but it was fun. We did have our growing pains. For instance after starting the network our old node numbers from network 108 were carried in the nodelist for a few weeks concurrently with the new network numbers. Then there were a few additions to the nodelist locally. We originally started out with 3 nodes in the network - The R&R (110/84), The Human Factor (110/88), and the THUD FidoNews 4-24 Page 8 29 Jun 1987 (110/10). This increased to 7 at one time, and now we're down to only 5 nodes. Also as the new Network 110 Coordinator (gee I love fancy titles!) I had to sit down and figure out how to use ROBOT. This wasn't that bad, except for the fact that I had yet to learn how to specify file directory for the Fidomail message area. This was a very important step that I had missed at the beginning of the entire Fidomail venture. Around January of 1987 a local user (Karim Ashur) had downloaded almost all the Opus programs and utilities. After uploading the whole shot he asked me to take a look at it. By then I found out how to use the office copy of Multilink to run Fido concurrently with other applications. At that time I decided to go online 24 hours a day. I used the office LAN file server to run the BBS while other applications served the LAN within the office. It was a nice setup, and Opus proved to be a good addition. Since then we've picked up and experimented with Echomail. We had already set up a Dayton Echomail Conference, and was more than ready to add the Vietnam Veteran's Echomail Conference. This last addition proved to be a great success since Dayton is the home of the Wright Brothers and the site of the Wright Patterson Air Force Base, which also houses the central headquarters of the Air Force Logistics Command (AFLC). The latest echomail addition to THUD is the Software Careers Echomail Conference (CARDIS). This was also a great addition since it carries a lot of good advice for job hunting and resume preparation (which is something anybody can use). We are also trying a new and bold experiment. We're dedicating each BBS in the area to carry a certain type of file for downloading. Instead of everyone having the same games, communication programs, utilities, etc. - we're setting aside different systems to carry each of those. Currently THUD (110/10) carries only IBM utilities and applications, besides the general and Twilite Zone text files. THUD 2 (110/50) carries all the games. THUD 3 (110/51) carries all of the IBM communications and CPM programs. This helps to cut down on the redundancy of files and saves quite a bit of disk space. For instance if a user wants to go for the games, he/she calls THUD 2. If a user wants to see a list of the latest available versions of communications programs, the user only need to call THUD 3. By releasing disk space for games and communications I've saved at least 9 megabytes on my 30 meg Seagate. Others have seen a significant savings by releasing like files that I generally carry for download. This has allowed me to archive the issues of Fidonews published so far this year. I plan on getting back issues in the future for archival as well. I archive monthly sets of four or five issues per month, and place them in files named like FNMAY87.ARC in Pkarc format only. This saves at least 8 to 10 kilobytes of disk space per monthly set of issues. Fidonews for the current month is FidoNews 4-24 Page 9 29 Jun 1987 available for download as separate files in the Fidomail File Area until the end of the month. The current week's Fidonews is also available from the Bulletin Menu for online reading. This is acheived by replacing my WELCOME1.BBS file with an Opus type menu driven file display utility that I wrote up for displaying current bulletins, general information, weekly Fidonews newsletter, as well as a list of local bulletin board systems. Message areas include but are not limited by: 1 ... General Message Area 2 ... IBM Message Area 3 ... SOFTWARE Echo Conference 4 ... FidoNet Message Section 5 ... Messages From the Twilight Zone 6 ... Dayton Sysop Echomail Area 7 ... CP/M Message Area 8 ... Dayton Area Echomail Conference 9 ... Argue and Debate 10 ... Vietnam Veterans Echomail Conference 11 ... Movie News and Reviews 12 ... Ohio Echomail Conference 13 ... Fido, Opus, and Dutchie Software Messages File areas include but are not limited by: 1 ... General File Section 2 ... IBM File Section 4 ... Fido(tm) and Opus(tm) File Section 5 ... IBM Communications [available at THUD 3, (513) 257-8159] 6 ... Dayton Area Sysop Files 7 ... CP/M File Section [available at THUD 3, (513) 257-8159] 8 ... Various Computer Languages 9 ... IBM Games [available at at THUD 2, (513) 254-7488] 10 ... FiLeZ fRoM De TwiLiTE ZonE 11 ... Dutchie Files Feel free to call at any time. The system is currently running at 300/1200 baud, with plans to go to 300/1200/2400 baud as soon as I can get my hardware upgrades ordered. The number is (513) 890-0422. I have been graced many times by callers from outside the area including a few from our friends in Australia. First time callers to the system have no file upload/download priveledges, or are allowed to enter public messages. If you plan on calling us long distance you can skip the first time caller routine by sending a message via Fidomail to Jeff Sheese, Matrix 110/10 with your name and preferred password. I'll return your message within the United States. If the message is from outside of the United States give me at least 7 days and you'll be all set up. Anyone contacting me in this manner can be assured of being PERMANENTLY entered in my users list. DENIAL OF COPYRIGHTS This article has been provided pursuant to absolutely no License Agreement containing restrictions on its use. This article contains no valuable trade secrets or proprietary information of THUD BBS Corporation and is not protected by FidoNews 4-24 Page 10 29 Jun 1987 federal copyright law. It may be copied or distributed in any form or medium, disclosed to third parties, or used in any manner not provided for in the aforementioned nonexistant License Agreement except without prior written authorization from THUD BBS Corporation. This article is the property of THUD BBS Corporation as its created work. This work includes certain individual portions provided to THUD BBS Corporation by operators and users of the THUD Bulletin Boards. THUD has the right to create and distribute these articles based, in part, on rights granted to it by those originating such portions. Other than the rights granted THUD, those creating and maintaining the portions retain all residual rights in and to each's individual portion. Specific manure rights are hereby granted to whomever wants to clean up the mess. Everyone is granted any right to use, sale, duplication or distribution of this article for any commercial purpose. I figure if your willing to copy it and present it as your own, I must have done something right! (This article may be reproduced without permission and may also be excerpted out of context in a misleading way. -jes) ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 4-24 Page 11 29 Jun 1987 The creation of FUN I was thinking of fun things to do and decided to officially create an un official organization for the elimination of UN_FUN. Now this isn't an easy task, first I had to define what the major objectives would be. First to mind was just eliminate all those things in our lives and hobbies that aren't fun. After giving that some thought I realized that most of us don't know how to have fun so if we eliminated the UN_FUN aspects we would have nothing left. So the next idea (and the one I like the most (I don't work too hard on any problem)) was to replace the doldrums with something fun to do. What that means is if your getting tired of doing something, don't just stop doing it but find some way to improve it. The second major objective would be to eliminate the UN_FUN being forced upon us by UN_FUN people, when someone gets on our case just tell them they are vying for the UN_FUN person of the week award. We will have a vote, not tally the results and tell everyone nominated that they won. Hopefully they can be brought into the societies fold. Maybe we will have contests and guest speakers on how to have fun once again and award the winners and speakers with a resounding round of laughter. Now I know many of you are going to want to join this elite organization so I will tell you what you need to do to become a FUN person. First of all have a good laugh, second take the sacred OATH. Repeat after me "I am a FUN person and I vow to eliminate UN_FUN where ever I may encounter it." There, now you are a member. Lastly comes the matter of money, we all know how important this organization is, so what I think would be fair is that you allocate $25.00 and take someone out for a FUN time, maybe the kids to a miniature golf course, or the wife out to dinner. Remember though that you have to have FUN or it doesn't count. Lastly (this time for real), you can tell people that you belong to a non secret organization dedicated to the overthrow of UN_FUN in your signature. Bill President and Chairman of the Board of FUN, an elite organization for the elimination of UN_FUN. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 4-24 Page 12 29 Jun 1987 ================================================================= NOTICES ================================================================= The Interrupt Stack 1 Aug 1987 Third Annual BBS Picnic in Edison, NJ. Please register before July 10th. Admission is $7 for adults, $4 for 12 and under, free for 5 and under. Contact John Kelley at 107/331 for details. 20 Aug 1987 Start of the Fourth International FidoNet Conference, to be held at the Radisson Mark Plaza Hotel in Alexandria, VA. Contact Brian Hughes at 109/634 for more information. This is FidoNet's big annual get-together, and is your chance to meet all the people you've been talking with all this time. We're hoping to see you there! 24 Aug 1989 Voyager 2 passes Neptune. If you have something which you would like to see on this calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Latest Software Versions BBS Systems Node List Other & Mailers Version Utilities Version Utilities Version Dutchie 2.51* EDITNL 3.3 ARC 5.21* Fido 11w LISTGEN 05.25.86 ARCmail 0.60 Opus 0.00 Prune 1.40 EchoMail 1.31 SEAdog 4.00 RouteGen 2.81* FastEcho 2.00* TBBS 2.0M* TestList 8.3* Renum 3.30 XlatList 2.81* * Recently changed Utility authors: Please help keep this list as current as possible by reporting new versions to 1:1/1. It is not our intent to list all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Introducing a new Echomail... ** The Boardwalk ** National Resort and Shore Conference FidoNews 4-24 Page 13 29 Jun 1987 Do you and your users like to talk about Summer funtime activities? Well now there is a place for you to talk. The BoardWalk specializes in all the fun topics in season or out. Tanning, Fishing, Crabbing, Camping, Sailing, Swimming, Stakeboarding, Volleyball, Frisbee, Eating, Barhopping, Waterskiing, Gambling, Boardwalking, Shopping. You name it we got it. 5 BBS's (Shore and Non Shore) are welcome. Delaware and New Jersey shores are tied in but we need more! We can't be the only resors or fun spots in the world. So Jump on the Beach Bound Express and tie in! Hope to See YOU down at "The Boardwalk". For TIE-INS contact Mike J at 150/900 Randall E. Kobetich Boardwalk Coordinator Auxiliary Control -* Rehoboth Beach, DE 150/131 (302)227-0769 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Magazines On Disk Programming Contest APPLE II: 1st Place: $1000 2nd Place: $ 500 3rd Place: $ 250 COMMODORE 64/128: 1st Place: $1000 2nd Place: $ 500 3rd Place: $ 250 IBM PC/Compatibles: 1st Place: $1000 2nd Place: $ 500 3rd Place: $ 250 NINE CHANCES TO WIN! Start programming today and submit your entry. You could win one of nine cash prizes offered in CodeQuest '87, the annual programming contest of Magazines On Disk. Pioneering the most powerful publishing concept of the century, Magazines On Disk continually searches for the best software available to enhance the program variety created by its staff of programming professionals. The result: thousands of readers throughout the U.S. and Canada reap the benefits of brand-new, ready to run software collections each and every month. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from each division will be published in upcoming issues of SOFTDISK for Apple II computers, LOADSTAR, for Commodore 64/128 computers, or BIG BLUE DISK for IBM PC and compatible computers. EVEN IF YOU DO NOT WIN A CASH PRIZE, YOUR PROGRAM MAY BE SELECTED FOR PUBLICATION. Generous purchase fees determined by the FidoNews 4-24 Page 14 29 Jun 1987 complexity and market value of each specific program are paid to authors. Each contest competitor remains eligible to receive publication fees should their program(s) be selected for publication. Entries may be published prior to the contest deadline without effect on chances of winning a contest prize. Published authors assign nonexclusive publication rights to Magazines On Disk but retain program copyrights. For complete rules and an entry form, write to: CodeQuest '87 Magazines On Disk PO BOX 30008 Shreveport, LA 71130-0008. Address FidoMail comments to Daniel Tobias on OPUS 380/2. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 4-24 Page 15 29 Jun 1987 Bob Morris 141/333 Chairman, Elections and Nominations Committee The next two pages are your Official ballot for the Election of the IFNA Board of Directors. The following are the few rules which must prevail in this election: 1. You must send a legible copy of this ballot to the address listed on the ballot. It must be signed and bear your net/node number. 2. You may vote for any one person in your region for the position of Regional Director. This vote is to be cast in the LEFT column of the ballot. 3. You may vote for any eleven people in any regions for the position of Director at Large. These votes are to be cast in the RIGHT column of the ballot. 4. Voting will continue until the end of registration at the Conference in August. The results will be read during the opening of the business meeting on the first day of the conference. 5. Write-in Votes will be accepted and are requested during this election. FidoNews 4-24 Page 16 29 Jun 1987 IFNA Board Of Directors Ballot Regional At Large Region 10: Steve Jordan _________ ________ Region 11: Ryugen Fisher _________ ________ Theodore Polczynski _________ ________ Region 12: Region 13: Don Daniels _________ ________ John Penberthy _________ ________ Thom Henderson _________ ________ Gee Wong _________ ________ Brian Hughes _________ ________ Region 14: Ben Baker _________ ________ Ken Kaplan _________ ________ Brad Hicks _________ ________ Region 15: David Dodell _________ ________ Larry Wall _________ ________ Region 16: Bob Hartman _________ ________ Hal Duprie _________ ________ Region 17: Rob Barker _________ ________ Bob Swift _________ ________ Region 18: Wes Cowley _________ ________ FidoNews 4-24 Page 17 29 Jun 1987 Region 19: Mark Grennan _________ ________ Wynn Wagner _________ ________ Region 2: Henk Wevers _________ ________ Write-in candidates: ___________________ _________ ________ ___________________ _________ ________ Name ______________________________ Net/Node ___________ Signature______________________________ Date ___________ Please complete this and mail it to: Robert Morris IFNA Elections Committee 210 Church Street West Haven, Ct. 06516 or bring it with you when you come to the conference in August. These ballots will be counted by myself since with 200 members the charges for a CPA would be very high. Hard copies will be made available to anyone wishing to insure that their vote was included. Thank You Bob Morris Elections and Nominations Committee ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 4-24 Page 18 29 Jun 1987 OFFICIAL REGISTRATION FORM FOURTH INTERNATIONAL FIDONET CONFERENCE RADISSON MARK PLAZA HOTEL ALEXANDRIA, VA. AUGUST 20 - 23, 1987 Name _________________________________ Date _____________ Address ______________________________ City & State _________________________ Phone (Voice) ________________________ Net/Node Number ______________________ Phone (Data) _________________________ Number in Your Party _________________ Staying at the Radisson? _____________ Number of Rooms? _____________________ Arrival Date? ________________________ Departure Date? ______________________ Registration Fees: How Many Total Full Conference $60.00 each ________ $________ Late registration $10.00 each ________ $________ (after Aug. 1) Friday Night Banquet $30.00 each ________ $________ Saturday Luncheon $16.50 each ________ $________ Total Amount Included (Registration and Meals) $________ IFNA MEMBERS ONLY: How many in your party will be attending the Sunday morning Board of Directors meeting? ________ Send your registration form and a check or money order to: Fourth International FidoNet Conference 212 E. Capitol St., Washington, D.C. 20003 Attn: Brian H. Hughes -- voice: (202) 543-4200 This registration form does not include hotel accomodations. If you wish to stay at the Radisson Mark Plaza Hotel, please contact them directly and mention you are with the FidoNet Conference. Conference room rates are $80/night for single or double occupancy, and $20/night for an extra cot. Radisson Mark Plaza Hotel 5000 Seminary Rd., Alexandria, Va. 22311 1-800-228-9822 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tim Pozar UUCP pozar@hoptoad.UUCP Fido 125/406 USNail KLOK-FM 77 Maiden Lane San Francisco CA 94108