[comp.org.fidonet] FidoNET Newsletter, Volume 4, # 33

pozar@hoptoad.uucp (Tim Pozar) (08/31/87)

     Volume 4, Number 33                                31 August 1987
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     Editor in Chief:                                   Thom Henderson
     Chief Procrastinator Emeritus:                       Tom Jennings
     FidoNews  is  published  weekly  by  the  International   FidoNet
     Association  as  its  official newsletter.  You are encouraged to
     submit articles for publication in FidoNews.  Article  submission
     standards  are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC,  available from
     node 1:1/1.
     Copyright 1987 by  the  International  FidoNet  Association.  All
     rights  reserved.  Duplication  and/or distribution permitted for
     noncommercial purposes only.  For  use  in  other  circumstances,
     please contact IFNA at (314) 576-4067.

                          SPECIAL FIDOCON EDITION

                             Table of Contents

     1. EDITORIAL  ................................................  1
        Changes  ..................................................  1
     2. ARTICLES  .................................................  2
        Minutes of First IFNA BofD Meeting, August 21, 1987-DRA  ..  2
        IFNA Board of Directors, Alternates and Officers  .........  4
        Minutes of Second IFNA BofD Meeting, August 21, 1987-DR  ..  6
        Minutes of Third IFNA BofD Meeting, August 23, 1987-DRA  .. 10
        Minutes of Meeting of the IFNA Executive Committee  ....... 15
        Tom Marshall's Views/Cover Notes FidoCon IV  .............. 16
        Henderson's Letter of Resignation  ........................ 19
        FidoNet in the South Pacific  ............................. 20
     3. NOTICES  .................................................. 23
        The Interrupt Stack  ...................................... 23
        Latest Software Versions  ................................. 23
        IFNA Order Form  .......................................... 24
        IFNA Membership Application  .............................. 25
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     Thom Henderson, 1:107/6.1

              "Free at last!  Free at last!  Thank God Almighty, I'm
              free at last!"
                        --- Martin Luther King, Jr.

     First of all,  I want to extend my heartfelt thanks  to  everyone
     who voted for me.  Yes,  I was elected to the Board of Directors,
     and yes,  I really do deeply appreciate the show  of  confidence.
     I'm VERY glad to know that my efforts have been appreciated.

     But I felt that I had to resign.

     Before leaving, I nominated Rick Siegel as my Alternate, so he'll
     be  on  the board in place of me.  I've known Rick for some time.
     He's a concerned sysop who I think will make an  excellent  board
     member.  Besides, every stew needs salt.

     I  should  explain.  As I read it,  article 11 of the Articles of
     Association says I can't be  on  the  board.  The  articles  were
     passed by a  majority  of  the  members.  But  the  members  also
     elected a number of board members in addition to myself who would
     be disqualified under article 11.  So what to do?

     A  few  days  before  the  conference an emergency meeting of the
     Interim Board was called to consider article 11.  At that time we
     voted to temporarily suspend article 11 until the new board could
     sit and consider the matter.  I still stand by that  decision.  I
     wouldn't swear it was right, but I stand by it anyway.  Meanwhile
     I decided that,  if I was elected,  I would stand aside until the
     new board had decided what to do about article 11.

     Then it came down to brass tacks, as they say.  I got elected.  I
     spent a great deal of the weekend wrestling with  my  conscience,
     and  finally decided that in good faith I must apply the original
     article 11 to myself.

     So now I'm back where I was a little over  a  year  ago,  on  the
     outside  looking  in.  I'll  probably like it better here.  I was
     never really comfortable with being an "insider".

     IFNA is off and running now -- it doesn't need me any more.  It's
     better off without the controversy.


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     Tom Marshall - IFNA Secretary
     IFNA Legal 1/12

     DRAFT - 082787

     August 21, 1987 at about 1229
     Poplar Room, Radisson Mark Plaza Hotel

     The Meeting was called by the Chair of the Interim Board of
     Directors, IFNA Executive Director, Ken Kaplan.

     The first order of old business was the distribution of folders
     of information for each of the attendees.  Those attending were
     those persons present at the Fourth International FidoNet
     Association Conference who had been elected as Members of the
     Interim Board, as announced by the Chair of the Nominations and
     Elections Committee, Bob Morris 16/0, as part of the 0900 Opening
     Ceremonies Item on the Conference Agenda.

     On motion of Ben Baker 1/0 At-Large Director, Ken Kaplan was
     nominated Chair of the Board of Directors.  That motion was
     carried unanimously.

     Ryugen Fisher, Director - Division 11, moved the nomination of
     Tom Marshall as IFNA Secretary and Parliamentarian.  That motion
     was carried. Thereafter, Tom Marshall 107/524 attended each
     Board Meeting to record the Minutes and act as Parliamentarian.

     The next order of business on the Agenda, as proposed by the
     Secretary and adopted by the Board for this Meeting, was to
     bring before the Board the previous actions of the Interim Board
     suspending Article 11 of the ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR
     INTERNATIONAL FIDONET ASSOCIATION and recommending adoption of a
     substitute Article 11 (known as the Kessler-Marshall Substitute)
     previously approved by Mark S. Rubin, Esq., St. Louis IFNA
     General Counsel.  On motion by Ryugen Fisher to adopt the
     substitute Article 11, pending further review and until the
     Meeting of Board of Directors scheduled for Sunday, August 23,
     1987 at 1000.  The motion carried.

     The next Agenda item was for the Board to receive formally the
     Report of the Nominations and Elections Committee.  On motion of
     Ryugen Fisher, seconded by Mark Grennan, after discussion, the
     Board adopted that Report.  On the request of the Secretary, a
     motion was made to amend the Report to state that the Directors
     elected were for the voting Divisions as specified in By-Law 24
     and that full names of each elected Director be substituted,
     when provided by such to the Secretary.  The motion carried.

     The Secretary requested each elected Director to appoint an
     Alternate, as defined by the By-Laws, as promptly as possible.
     FidoNews 4-33                Page 3                   31 Aug 1987

     On motion of Ryugen Fisher the Chair opened the floor for
     nominations for the Office of President of IFNA.  Thom Henderson
     was nominated, but declined the nomination on personal
     privilege.  Gee Wong 103/312; Mark Grennan; and Don Daniels
     were nominated, whereupon Ben Baker moved that nominations be
     closed and that motion carried.   Each of the nominees was
     requested to state his qualifications.  Gee Wong withdrew
     himself from consideration on matters of personal privilege.
     That withdrawal left only two candidates, each of whom spoke in
     his behalf as did others.  On motion by Thom Henderson, which
     carried, the Board concluded that the voting for the Office of
     President would include the election by the Board of the Vice
     President, with the person receiving the highest number of votes
     being appointed President and the other candidate being
     appointed as Vice President. Upon calling the question, the
     Board voted to elect Don Daniels President and Mark Grennan
     Vice President.

     The last business item was a duly made and adopted Board
     Resolution, appointing Ken Kaplan as Acting Treasurer of IFNA,
     pending nomination and election of a Treasurer at the scheduled
     Board Meeting, Sunday, August 23, 1987 at 1000.

     At about 1315 the First Board of Directors Meeting was adjourned
     to a time after the Banquet at a place to be announced by the Chair.

     Respectfully submitted,

     Tom Marshall, Secretary

     (NOTE: A number of Alternates were appointed by Directors,
     both those present and by telephone contact on August 22, 1987.
     A Listing of the present Members of the Board of Directors,
     Alternates and Officers of IFNA is enclosed herewith as a
     separate item.)


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     Tom Marshall, IFNA Secretary
     IFNA Legal 1/12

     August 23, 1987

     The following is the listing of the Board of Directors Members,
     Alternates (selected - not all Alternates have been appointed)
     and Officers of IFNA.  This compilation is from:
          A.  The Report of the Chair, Bob Morris 16/0, of the
              Nominations and Elections Committee August 21, 1987;
          B.  Written Alternate appointments by Division Directors
              and At-Large Directors delivered to the Secretary; and
          C.  Oral telephone Alternate appointments by Division and
              At-Large Directors who were not attending the Fourth
              International FidoNet Conference (these have been or
              must be confirmed by mail messages to the Secretary).

     NAME                    NODE            OFFICE/POSITION
     Ben Baker               100/76        At-Large Director
                                           Vice President -
                                           Technical Coordinator
     Christopher Baker       135/14        Alternate - Division 18
     Rob Barker              342/34        Director - Division 17
     Phil Becker             104/23        Alternate - Larry Wall
     Jim Cannell             114/13        Alternate - Division 15
     Gene Clayton             12/14        Director - Division 12
     Michael Connick         107/412       Alternate- Ted Polcyzinski
     Wes Cowley              135/0         Director - Division 18
     Neal Curtin             343/1         Alternate - Division 17
     Don Daniels             107/210       At-Large Director
     David Dodell            114/15        Director - Division 15
     David Drexler           147/1         Alternate - Mark Grennan
     Hal Duprie              101/106       At-Large Director
     Ryugen Fisher           220/1         Director - Division 11
                                           Chair - Fido Technical
                                           Standards Committee
     Mark Grennan            19/0          At-Large Director
                                           Vice President
     Bob Hartman            132/101        Director - Division 16
     Thom Henderson         107/6.1        Elected - Director -
                                           Division 13
                                           Resigned August 23, 1987
                                           FidoNews Editor
     Brad Hicks             100/523        At-Large Director
     Brian Hughes           109/634        At-Large Director
     Tom Jennings           125/111        Alternate - Division 10
                                           Alternate - Hal DuPrie
     Steve Jordan           102/2871       Director - Division 10
     Ken Kaplan             100/22         Director - Division 14
                                           Chair of the Board
                                            of Directors
     Joe Keenan              109/661       Alternate - Kurt Reisler
     Tom Marshall            107/524       Secretary
     Leonard Mednick          12/1         Treasurer
     FidoNews 4-33                Page 5                   31 Aug 1987

     Bob Morris               16/1         Alternate - Division 16
     Dave Oshea              107/35        Alternate - Division 13
     Ted Polczynski          154/5         At-Large Director
     Kurt Reisler            109/74        At-Large Director
     Bob Rudolph             261/628       Alternate - Brian Hughes
     Rick Siegel             107/27        Director - Division 13
     Greg Small              148/122       Alternate - Ben Baker
     Bob Swift               343/24        At-Large Director
     Wynn Wagner             124/101       Director - Division 19
     Henk Wevers             500/1         Director - Division 2
     Gee Wong                107/312       At-Large Director

     Please forward any corrections/changes/substitutions to the above
     address.  Also, would those listed and any futrue Directors or
     Officers please provide me, Private Net Mail with you full legal
     names, business and home addresses and telephone numbers; and
     advise me of any changes to any such personal data, so that I
     may contact all of you as and when required.  Additionally,
     please keep me currently advised of any change in you email
     addresses, in case nom-de-plumes of Boards make it difficult
     for me to locate you in the NodeList.

     One optional item, I would also like to have and maintain, is
     an up-to-date listing of the Zone, Region, Net (and any other)
     Coordinators.  If EchoMail Coordinators feel so inclined,
     they might also provide me with their personal data and the
     Conferences they coordinate, just in case I am required to
     get in touch with them.

                     Respectfully submitted,

                     Tom Marshall, Esq. 107/524 - Secretary


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     Tom Marshall - IFNA Secretary
     IFNA Legal 1/12

     DRAFT - 082787

     August 21, 1987 at about 2100
     Great Hall and Patio, Radisson Mark Plaza Hotel

     The Second Meeting of the IFNA Board of Directors was called by
     the Chair and convened following the Banquet at the Great Hall,
     but was moved to the Patio at the request of all.

     The Chair called the Meeting to order.  The Agenda as proposed by
     the Secretary and adopted by the Board was to consider matters to
     be on the Agenda for the Sunday, August 23, 1987 Board Meeting
     scheduled in the Conference Agenda and open to all attending the

     Ben Baker proposed a new Agenda item, action on the proposed
     substitute Article 11 by the Board.  It was agreed that that item
     would be considered first.

     Ben Baker moved the immediate adoption of the substitute Article
     11 of the ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION.  A lively discussion followed,
     ending with the call of the question.  On vote it was determined
     that eight Directors were for Ben Baker's motion and four
     against.  The Secretary was called upon to rule whether the
     matter could be adopted.  Reference to Article 9, ARTICLES OF
     ASSOCIATION, showed that "three-fourths vote of all directors"
     was required and that for the substitute Article 11 to be adopted
     an affirmative vote of seventeen Directors was required, making
     it impossible for the twelve Directors voting to effect

     On motion duly made and seconded, Ben Baker's motion was tabled
     until the Sunday Board of Directors Meeting.  The President and
     Vice President were requested by the Board to contact the absent
     Members by telephone, Saturday, August 22, 1987 and to request
     that each absent Director appoint as an Alternate someone in
     attendance at the Conference.

     A motion was made that the text of the substitute Article 11 be
     amended to include the test of Mitch Kessler's proposed "purpose"
     language.  After discussion, the Board adopted the intent of the
     motion by requesting the Secretary to include the the sense of
     the language in a Board Resolution. (See: Enclosed Resolution
     below, Enclosure Item 2.)

     On motion made and duly adopted the Board convened itself as a
     Committee on the Whole to act on the Secretary's request of
     determining the Agenda for the Sunday Board of Directors Meeting.

     After considerable discussion, the Committee on the Whole
     reported the enclosed proposed Agenda, Enclosure Item 1.  The
     Committee of the Whole was then dissolved.
     FidoNews 4-33                Page 7                   31 Aug 1987

     The Board was reconvened by the Chair.  On suggestion that the
     hour was late, on motion duly made and adopted, the Second
     Meeting of the Board was adjourned at 2343, subject to being
     recalled on August 22, 1987 by the Chair at a place to be

     Respectfully submitted,

     Tom Marshall, Secretary

     (NOTE:  The enclosed Agenda and its attachment, the proposed
     Board Resolution relating to Article 11 were prepared by the
     Secretary and made available to the Board of Directors and
     Alternates present at the Conference, as well as distributed to
     all Conference attendees on Saturday, August 22, 1987 AM.  Also,
     a copy of these documents was CRASH mailed to 3000/0 IFNA_CON for
     such distribution as that HOST chose. - Comment: Rick Siegel "The
     Wizz" had set up a special Conference Board and those who, like
     me, who had brought Systems, were linked as Nodes 3000/618, my
     Hotel Room Number, to enable intra-Conference email and receipt
     of EchoMail.)

     Enclosure for Minutes of Second BofD Meeting - DRAFT

     Item 1



                              August 23, 1987

          The IFNA Board of Directors, elected on August 21, 1987, in
     a Meeting duly called on August 21, 1987 at about 9:00 PM, acting
     as a Committee of the Whole discussed and adopted the following
     as the Agenda for the scheduled open 10:00 AM Meeting Sunday,
     August 23, 1987:

     I.  Old Business -:-  Ratification of:
             A. The Adoption of the Articles of Association and By-
                Laws as voted on by the Members January 1987.
             B. The Election of the 11 Division Directors and 11
                Directors At Large by the vote of the Members as
                Reported by the Chair of the Nominations and Elections
                Committee, Robert Morris at the Members Annual Meeting
                Session August 21, 1987.
             C. The acts of the new elected Board of Directors at its
                First Board of Directors Meeting on August 21, 1987 at
                about 12:30 PM in appointing the following positions
                and Officers:
                          Chair of the Board - Ken Kaplan
                          President - Don Daniels
                          Vice-President - Mark Grennan
                          Vice-President Technical Director - Ben Baker
     FidoNews 4-33                Page 8                   31 Aug 1987

                          Acting Treasurer - Ken Kaplan
                          Secretary - Tom Marshall
             D. Suspension of Article 11 of The Articles of
                Association and substitution of attached substitute
                for the interim period, pending review by a sub-
                committee and adoption at the Annual Meeting Session,
                August 23. 1987.
     II.  New Business:
             A.  Consideration of adopting revised POLICY4.
             B.  Appointment of either new Standing Committee Chairs
                 or appointment of present persons performing those
                 functions as Interim Chairs, pending review of
                 suggestions of Member for such positions.
             C.  Budget Report and adoption of an Interim Budget,
                 pending development of an Annual Budget by
                 Administration and Finance Committee.
             D.  Consideration of policy directives for FTSC.
             E.  Consider change to Copyright Notice in NodeList to
                 recognize existing commercial uses; refer Commercial
                 Licensing of IFNA properties to commercial users to
                 Administration and Finance Committee.
             F.  Selection of dates of next Annual Meeting of the
                 Members and referring to Membership Services
                 Committee the tasks of soliciting site suggestions
                 and all planning for preparing for and holding the
                 next Annual Meeting of the Members.
             G.  Adjournment of Annual Meeting of the Members to
                 selected dates and adjournment of the Meeting of
                 Board of Directors until reconvened by a call by the

     Enclosure Item 2



                     The present Article 11, Articles of Association
             of IFNA having been the subject of discussion by the
             Members and by the Interim Board as being unsuitable; and
             the Interim Board having duly suspended Article 11
             pending convening of the new Board of Directors; the
             Board of Directors in its Meeting at about 12:30 PM,
             August 21, 1987 having ratified the suspension of Article
             11 and having adopted the below substitute Article 11
             pending further review, prior to considering adoption of
             said substitute at the Annual Meeting Session Sunday,
             August 23, 1987;

             NOW THEREFORE:

                     For the purpose of permitting, within the scope
                     of applicable laws, statutes, rules and
                     regulations, persons having commercial
     FidoNews 4-33                Page 9                   31 Aug 1987

                     involvements in the computer industry to serve as
                     Directors and Officers of IFNA;

             BE IT RESOLVED THAT:

             The following text is substituted for Article 11 of
             IFNA's Articles of Association:

             Article 11 - No person shall be eligible to serve in any
             of the positions or offices of Director, Alternate,
             President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Vice
             President - Technical Coordinator, whose service in any
             such capacity would:

             A. Violate any applicable law, statute, ruling or
                regulation of the State of Missouri or the United
                States of America, or of the country of domicile of
                such person; or
             B. Jeopardize the non-profit or tax-exempt status of
                IFNA, as defined by the laws, statutes, rulings or
                regulations of the State of Missouri or the United
                States of America; or
             C. Amount to, create or continue a conflict of interest
                between the activities, aims or purposes of IFNA and
                such person's private financial interests or such
                interests of any of such person's employer, family or
                relations.  Each person nominated or elected to any
                such position or office shall have an affirmative and
                continuing obligation to disclose fully any fact or
                circumstance which is or could be considered in any
                way to amount to, create or continue any such conflict
                of interest.  As long as any person nominated for or
                holding any of the enumerated positions or offices
                shall have made a disclosure of and fairly presented
                all of the facts and circumstances,  the existence of
                a financial interest in some product or service that
                might be or is used, approved for use or acquired by
                IFNA shall not, absent any abuse of that person's
                position or office, constitute a conflict of interest.

         DULY ADOPTED ON THIS August 23, 1987 by IFNA Board of Directors.

             Certified:  Thomas M. Marshall, Secretary

     End of Enclosures


     FidoNews 4-33                Page 10                  31 Aug 1987

     Tom Marshall - IFNA Secretary
     IFNA Legal 1/12

     DRAFT - 082787

     August 23, 1987 at about 1000
     Plaza A and Great Hall, Radisson Mark Plaza Hotel

     The Meeting was called to order by the Chair AT 1032.  The
     Agenda prepared by the Secretary and widely distributed to those
     attending the Conference on Saturday, August 22, 1987, was
     adopted.  After noting that those Board Members and Alternates
     present were greater than the three-fourths required by the
     Article 9, ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION, a motion was adopted to
     amend Item I. A. to add "and all acts of the Interim Board taken
     in accordance with those Articles of Association and By-Laws."

     Motions were made on Items I. A. through D. and discussion
     proceeded, including recognition by the Chair of IFNA Members
     and others attending on the floor in order that they could be

     It appearing that the length of the Meeting was going to exceed
     the time allowed by the Hotel for use of Plaza A and that there
     was general agreement on adopting all the Items on the Agenda
     under the heading "I.  Old Business ...", upon the request of
     Randy Bush, a motion was duly made by a Board Member and adopted
     to accept those Agenda Items, as amended above.

     The Chair then opened the Meeting up for consideration of the
     Agenda Items II. New Business:, Items II. A. through G.

     The Board heard discussion by Board Members, Alternates and from
     the floor on Items A. through D. and, after motions duly made
     and adopted, took the following actions on each such Item:

     Item II. A. - POLICY4 - Referred the matter of adoption of the
     revised POLICY4, reported by Thom Henderson as the proposal of
     the participants of the Coordinators EchoMail Conference, to the
     Executive Committee for review; the soliciting of the views
     of the FidoNet Community; and reporting to the Board that
     Committee's recommendations thereon.

     Item II. B. - Standing Committee appointments and the Chair for
     each such Committee as required by By-Law 30.  Don Daniels read
     a list of appointments he as President suggested and called for
     opening up membership on such Standing Committees to all
     concerned. The Board duly adopted Don Daniels' requests that
     those names read by him be appointed; that the list of those
     appointed be published in FidoNews, along with a call for
     recommendations for further appointments.  The Chair announced
     that he would appoint the Chairs of each Standing Committee from
     the members of such and, until such Committees were formed, the
     persons presently acting as Chairs were appointed as "Interim
     Chairs" of each.  It was the sense of the Meeting that the
     FidoNews 4-33                Page 11                  31 Aug 1987

     announcements of the President and Chair of the Board be adopted.
     Further details relating to this Item will be published in

     Item II. B. 1. - A new Agenda Item was proposed and adopted that
     the "four Directors selected by The Board of Directors", as
     required by Article 6, ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION, be nominated and
     elected by the Board as promptly as possible.  Accordingly the
     Chair opened up the Meeting for nominations of Board Members for
     the four open positions on the Executive Committee.  Nominations
     were duly made for the following: Kurt Reisler; Hal DuPrie; Wes
     Cowley; Bob Hartman; Steve Jordan; Rob Barker; and Ryugen Fisher.
     After a motion to close nominations was duly adopted, the
     President and Vice President prepared written ballots and
     distributed them to the Board Members and Alternates present.
     The voting was, by consensus, postponed until the resumption of
     the Board Meeting after 1200.

     At about this time, it having been noted that Thom Henderson,
     though elected as Director - Division 13, had elected not to
     participate in the Board's deliberations and had "informally
     resigned" his elected position, the secretary, at 1153 August
     23, 1987 was handed a written resignation of Thom Henderson.
     Upon receipt of that document, the Secretary notified the Chair
     and the Meeting that a vacancy existed on the Board and that
     there no Alternate had been appointed.  The Secretary's request
     that the the Board make filling that position the first order of
     business when the Meeting resumed was adopted.

     Item II. C. - Budget Report - As Acting Treasurer, Ken Kaplan
     presented the Board with a written Budget Report of IFNA
     Operations and Financial status, along with a proposed Budget
     for the coming year.  Ken Kaplan noted that he had been assisted
     by Leonard Mednick in the preparation of his submissions.
     On motion duly made and adopted, the Board accepted the Budget
     Report as presented by the Acting Treasurer and referred the
     proposed Budget to the Administration and Finance Committee.
     Upon motion made at the request of Ken Kaplan, Leonard Mednick's
     name was placed in nomination for the Office of Treasurer.  No
     others having been nominated, nominations were duly closed and
     the Board elected Leonard Mednick as Treasurer.

     ITEM II. D. - Policy Directives to the FTSC - On motion made by
     Don Daniels,  the Board referred this Item to both the Fido
     Technical Standards Committee for its recommendations on the
     nature of the effort it would undertake and to the Executive
     Committee for consideration of the policies that should be
     implemented by the FTSC.

     Item II. E. - Consideration of changing the NOTICE language in
     the text as it appears after the Copyright Notice in the weekly
     FidoNet NodeList; and consideration of Licensing IFNA properties
     to commercial users.  The Board heard some discussion from Board
     Members; Alternates; and the floor.  Upon a request made by a
     Board Member, Tom Marshall, IFNA Legal, commented on a suggestion
     that the NodeList could be published without any Copyright
     FidoNews 4-33                Page 12                  31 Aug 1987

     Notice or accompanying NOTICE text.  The Meeting was advised
     that, as Copyright comes into existence on the instant of
     creation in a form readable by man or machine, such a
     publication would not affect the Copyright status of the
     compilation work, the NodeList.  However, it was recommended that
     that not be done as there are procedural advantages to including
     the Copyright Notice and a NOTICE be used to specify allowed and
     prohibited usage.  After further discussion, the matter was duly
     tabled for further review by the Executive Committee, promptly
     after its election in the resumed session of the Board Meeting.

     At this point, the Meeting was recessed, pending its movement to
     the Great Hall, for fifteen minutes.

     The Chair reconvened the Meeting in the Great Hall at about
     1230.  The first Item on the Agenda was the filling the Board
     vacancy created by Thom Henderson's resignation.  The Chair
     opened the Meeting by calling for Division 13 Members present to
     nominate candidates for Director - Division 13.  Rick Siegel
     107/27 was duly nominated.  No other nominations having been
     made, the Board closed nominations and directed the Secretary to
     note the election of Rick Siegel as Director - Division 13.
     Rick Siegel appointed Dave Oshea as Alternate - Division 13 by
     written notice to the Secretary.

     The next order of business was the voting by the Board on the
     candidates nominated for the four Directors' positions on the
     Executive Committee.  The President and Vice President collected
     the written ballots.  A short recess was declared to allow the
     President and Vice President to count the votes, the Secretary
     observed the counting.  Three of the four were elected on the
     first ballot and two candidates ended up in a tie for the fourth
     position.  New ballots containing the names of the two tied
     candidates were prepared and distributed.  On counting the
     second round ballots the fourth member was elected.

     Upon reconvening after the Board Meeting, at the request of the
     President, the Secretary announced the following results:
     The Directors elected to serve on the Executive Committee are:
     Kurt Reisler; Bob Hartman; Steve Jordan; Rob Barker.  Pursuant
     to Article 6, ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION, the President, Don
     Daniels; the four elected Directors; the non-voting Vice
     President and Vice President - Technical Coordinator constitute
     the Executive Committee.

     Upon motion of Ben Baker, duly adopted, the Board Meeting was
     recessed to allow the newly constituted Executive Committee to
     consider and report to the Board on the matter referred by the
     Board for immediate attention earlier, relating to Agenda Item
     II. E., portion up to the semi-colon - specifically changes to
     the Copyright Notice and NOTICE language in the present NodeList.

     (See: Separate Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting, August
     23, 1987, Enclosure to these Minutes below.)

     Upon the return of the Executive Committee, the Chair reconvened
     FidoNews 4-33                Page 13                  31 Aug 1987

     the Meeting and heard the Report of the Executive Committee. The
     Secretary read the language recommended by the Executive
     Committee and explained the effect of the changes.  Basically,
     the previous language prohibited any commercial use of any kind
     of the NodeList by anyone.  As there have been and are numerous
     such uses by listed nodes to conduct "commercial business", the
     Executive Committee's new language licenses listed nodes to use
     the NodeList only in the technical operation of their nodes.
     All other commercial uses of the NodeList continue to be
     prohibited.  The more general issues of Licensing "commercial
     use" of IFNA properties, also referenced to the Executive
     Committee are postponed until a chance has been had for
     contributions to the discussions by the FidoNet Community and
     until the Executive committee may consider this critically
     important matter in an atmosphere less constrained by time.

     In the discussion that followed, Thom Henderson and others, made
     a plea for much more "English" and simpler NOTICE  language that
     Sysops could easily understand.  In particular, Thom Henderson
     felt that a Sysop should not have to get his attorney's opinion
     before deciding that a proposed use is licensed or not.  In
     rebuttal, Tom Marshall defended attorney's fees in general, and
     particularly pointed out that the language is necessarily
     "legalese" because its sets forth a line between licensed uses
     of the NodeList and unlicensed uses.  If a proposed use is
     questionable, any commercial user should realize that the
     consequences of a Copyright Infringement are serious enough to
     retain a competent attorney before jeopardizing a business.

     After further discussion the Board adopted the Executive
     Committee's Report and the changes to the NodeList NOTICE
     language that Committee suggested.

     (For the text of the "new" language adopted by the Board in
     accepting the Report of the Executive Committee, See:
     NodeList.240, published August 28, 1987.)

     Agenda Item II. F. - Selection of the dates for the next Annual
     Meeting of the Members and reference of details to the
     Membership Services Committee.  There was some discussion of
     this Item, but the sense of the Board was there was not enough
     data on which to arrive at any decision.  Accordingly, on motion
     duly adopted, the Board referred this entire Item to the
     Membership Services Committee for review; solicitation of
     suggestions by Members, Sysops and any others interested; and
     required that the Committee report dates and suggested sites to
     the Board within ninety days.  Thus, the Membership Services
     Committees report on arrangements for next year's Annual Meeting
     of Members is due on or before November 20, 1987.

     Upon being reminded that the terms of the At-Large Directors is
     not specified in the By-Laws for this first elected Board, an
     additional Agenda Item was placed before the Board, by consensus.
     Those At-Large Directors present were polled to see if enough
     were willing to accept a one-year term, with three indicating
     they would do so.  However, as consent of the number required
     FidoNews 4-33                Page 14                  31 Aug 1987

     for half of this first elected Board's At-Large  to hold that
     position for one year was not available, this Board referred the
     matter to the Nominations and Elections Committee for resolution
     and report to the Board.  In view of the volunteering by three
     of those present to serve the on year term, it is not
     anticipated that resolution should require much effort.

     Agenda Item II. G. - Adjournment of the Annual Meeting of the
     Members and the Meeting of the Board of Directors.  No decision
     having been reached about next year's Annual Meeting of the
     Members dates, the Annual Meeting of the Members was adjourned
     until the time selected by the Board upon considering the
     recommendations of the Membership Services Committee.  There
     being no further business to come before the Board, on motion to
     adjourn, pending call by the Chair, the motion was adopted and
     at 1536 the Board of Directors Meeting was adjourned.

     Respectfully submitted,

     Tom Marshall, IFNA Secretary


     FidoNews 4-33                Page 15                  31 Aug 1987

     Enclosure: Minutes of Meeting of the IFNA Executive Committee
                Sunday, August 23, 1987 at the Great Hall, Radisson
                Mark Plaza Hotel. at about 1430

             Attending: Don Daniels, President,
                        presiding as Chair pro tem
                        Kurt Reisler, Director At-Large
                        Bob Hartman, Division 16 - Director
                        Steve Jordan, Division 10 - Director
                        Rob Barker, Division 17 - Director
                        Mark Grennan, Vice President
                        Ben Baker, Vice President - Technical Coordinator
                        Tom Marshall, Secretary

     The Meeting was called to order by Don Daniels.  The single item
     on the Agenda being consideration of the first portion of the
     Board Agenda Item II. E. at the urgent requirement of the Board
     of Directors.  Proposed NOTICE language changes for the NodeList,
     prepared during the recess between Board Meeting Sessions by Ben
     Baker and Tom Marshall was laid on the table for consideration.

     After due discussion and deliberation, including changes
     recommended by those attending, a motion was made to adopt the
     revised text as the Executive Committee's Report to the Board,
     the question was called and the motion carried, Bob Hartman
     abstained and none of Mark Grennan, Ben Baker and Tom Marshall
     are allowed to vote. (Ref: Article 6, ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION)

     There being no further business, on motion duly adopted the
     Executive Committee adjourned at about 1500, pending recall
     by the President.

     Respectfully submitted,

     Tom Marshall, Secretary


     FidoNews 4-33                Page 16                  31 Aug 1987

     Tom Marshall, Esq.

     As  I  was  completing  DRAFTs  of  the  three Board of Directors
     Meetings and on Executive Committee,  a number  of  "impressions"
     kept  floating  up  that  I  felt  should not be a part of formal
     Minutes of Meetings.  Also,  two (and  probably  lots  of  other)
     details  are  "of  record"  but  are  not  included in any of the

     First, the well-intentioned, serious - but mostly light-hearted -
     fellows and gals I met at 4FIDOCON are definitely  NOT  the  same
     crowd that attended last year's Conference.  I wasn't there,  but
     I've read lots and listened to lots of  tales  about  disruptive,
     abusive and downright disagreeable persons who did attend, that I
     had  formed  a  conclusion  that  this  was  likely  to  be a bad

     Nothing could be further from the truth.  I certainly did not get
     to meet or "be with" many  who  were  there.  But  to  a  person,
     everyone  I  did meet,  was with and who participated in the same
     activities I did was patently eager to  be  constructive.  I  did
     not witness, nor have I heard of one incident that I could in any
     classify as mean-spirited or destructive.  Maybe the people I did
     meet  and engage in conversation were just the "nice guys".  I am
     firm in my conviction that that did not happen.

     The lasting impression I have is that  "we",  those  present  and
     those not,  who are this incredible FidoNet Community can be very
     proud of our accomplishments and can count on the continued  hard
     work  of  all to build an even more important Net for the good of
     all who we  contact.  To  Tom  Jennings,  who  isn't  necessarily
     pleased  with  "how"  his  baby is growing up,  thank you so very
     much.  To Thom Henderson,  who stepped aside for reasons he  will
     explain,  I'll  miss your counsel and wit in the "inner circles".
     To all of the nay-sayers who could not or chose  not  to  attend,
     you  missed  a  delightful experience that might have given you a
     different impression.

     The two "items of record" you won't find in the Minutes are:

      1. A written note by Hal DuPrie:  clearly stating for the record
         his  reasoning  for voting against submission of the NodeList
         NOTICE changes to the Executive Committee.  Herewith is Hal's
         "for the record" submission:

              "for 'reading into the record'
              Section -- Vote on 'copyright'

              I voted NO on modifying the  copyright  notice  since  I
              believe that the statement made by counsel 'Copyright is
              retained/created   at   creation  of  document...',   is
              sufficient to allow  REMOVAL  not  modification  of  the
              copyright statement form the nodelist until such time as
              IFNA   wishes   to   re-instate  it  with  the  members'
     FidoNews 4-33                Page 17                  31 Aug 1987

              Signed: HAL DuPRIE, Director At-Large;
              Marked received 8/23/87 1:10PM from H.duP. TMM

         As a guide to anyone else who feels the need to make anything
         "of record", be you Director or not:  my archivist chore (and
         "pack-rat"  propensities)  are  such that I'll file it if you
         send it to me and indicate you want to "go on record".  I may
         or may not do anything else  with  "it",  but  you  can  rest
         assured you will be "on record".

      2. Before  the  start  of the last Session of the Third Board of
         Directors Meeting on Sunday, there was an "off-record" baring
         by all of the Directors,  Alternates and Officers of anything
         they felt anyone could criticize as constituting a "conflict-
         of-interest".  When  the  Substitute for Article 11 was being
         discussed during the Second Board Meeting,  all of us  agreed
         to  make  a  full  disclosure  of  any  possible conflict-of-
         interest,  as soon as  that  Article  was  adopted,  that  is
         required  by that Article's text.  In listening to that group
         "bare their individual souls",  I felt  a  growing  sense  of
         pride in IFNA because of the spirit with which each displayed
         their feelings on this sensitive matter.

     So it is "of record" here is basically what I said: I am a Patent
     Attorney,  specializing  in  Computers/Software/Systems.  That is
     how I earn my living.  As an attorney for nearly 32 years, I find
     the concept of  advertising  my  services  distasteful,  but  the
     realities of today, and the concept of my practice being "On-Line
     Real-Time"  require me to let potential clients know who I am and
     what my qualifications are.  I am counting on my participation in
     FidoNet and in IFNA as Secretary and IFNA Legal,  to get my name,
     "who"  I am and what my qualifications are "out there".  I expect
     that many of my clients will know me because  of  my  connections
     and  service  to  this  organization.  I  DO  use the NodeList to
     contact directly my clients and for  my  clients  to  contact  me
     directly.  And  I  am  Commercial  Use Licensee #1!  I've paid my
     $100 Commercial Member Dues and donated  my  fair  share  of  the
     expenses  to  4FIDOCON.  My  opinion  is  that  there  is  now no
     conflict-of-interest,  nor is it likely that there ever  will  be

     Lastly,  "for  the record" one last thought - I think I had a lot
     of "fun" at 4FIDOCON.  When I recover form the exhaustion of  the
     whole affair,  I'll find out.  For sure two remarks made stick in
     my mind as being very appropos - Bob Hartman said in an  EchoMail
     message  before the Conference and repeated the same theme at the
     Conference:  Up until the Conference we were organizing for a new
     beginning,  now  all  we  can do is push the start button and see
     what happens.  He is SO RIGHT.  Then when the  (still  in  shock)
     new  President  finished  his  speech at the Saturday Luncheon he
     said: "Don't tell us what we're doing wrong, tell us how to do it

     The start button has been pushed and it is entirely probable "we"
     didn't do it right the first attempt.  But there is in place  and
     now  running  the  ways  and  means  to  patch the bugs and "our"
     FidoNews 4-33                Page 18                  31 Aug 1987

     representatives are there to find out from us how we think it can
     be done right.

     Now that all the work is done, I'm going to have some "fun"!

     Tom Marshall, Esq. 107/524


     FidoNews 4-33                Page 19                  31 Aug 1987

     The following is a copy of a letter sent by Thom Henderson to the
     Chairmain of the Board of Directors of IFNA:

     25 August 1987

     Ken Kaplan, Chairman
     International FidoNet Association

     Dear Ken:

     First, I would like to appoint Rick Siegel, 107/27 as my
     Alternate for the IFNA Board of Directors.

     Second, I regret to inform you that I must tender my resignation
     as a member of the IFNA Board of Directors.  I interprete Article
     11 of the Articles of Association, as passed by the membership in
     January of 1987, as indicating that I cannot hold a seat on the
     Board.  I know that Article 11 was suspended prior to the
     election, but my conscience demands that I apply it to myself.


     Thom Henderson


     FidoNews 4-33                Page 20                  31 Aug 1987

     This article was originally intended as a paper to  be  delivered
     at  FidoCon.  Unfortunately,  it was not received in time,  so we
     are publishing it here instead.

                        FIDONET IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC
                         (or is it Western Pacific)
                                   ZONE 3

     Whilst FidoNet was created and evolved largely in the U.S.  where
     the  Network  and  its environment largely adapted to each other,
     the growth of FidoNet in other  parts  of  the  world  has  posed
     different sets of problems....  none more unique than those found
     on the continent of  Australia,  the  western  pacific  area  and
     south-east Asia.

     In this area,  known of late as Zone-3,  there have been problems
     arising from the relatively small number of nodes spread  over  a
     huge area of the earth's surface, literally hundreds of different
     languages,  remoteness  from  the  U.S.  as  the  major centre of
     FidoNet development and even from Europe  and  the  necessity  to
     service and accomodate the rapid growth of the Net.

     That all these problems have, to a large extent, been overcome or
     are  in  the  process  of  being  solved,  is  a  credit  to  the
     flexibility and adaptibility of the Networking concept itself and
     to the administrators on both sides of the Pacific.

     The purpose of this contribution from Zone-3 is  to  tell  you  a
     little about how the Zone is structured and to point out where we
     have overcome some of the problems that have arisen.

     The  first  networked  Fido Boards in the Region were operated in
     Indonesia.  Indeed,  the first mail sent outside the  continental
     United States was sent between Indonesia and the U.S.

     However,  the Indonesian Boards were not the active participators
     they have become today and the Western  Pacific  area  languished
     until  a  couple of Boards were brought up in Australia as a part
     of Region 12...  based in Hawaii.  In  fact,  the  whole  of  the
     Australian  continent must have been the largest net that FidoNet
     ever saw....  or,  is ever likely to see again.  With an area the
     size  of  the  U.S.  (excluding Alaska) the country was served by

     As Net-155 grew and,  even with substantial hubbing arrangements,
     became unwieldy , it was decided to create Region-3 with a couple
     of  Regions beneath it...  Region-50 to cover mainland Australia,
     Region-52  to  cover  Indonesia  and  Region-59   to   accomodate
     independent nodes.

     With the introduction of the Zone philosophy, of course, Region-3
     became Zone-3.

     As  it  stands  today  Zone-3  accomodates six Regions,  with one
     FidoNews 4-33                Page 21                  31 Aug 1987

     pending and allowanc e for an eighth.  The Zonegate is owned  and
     operated  by Alwyn Smith and is based at Scarborough on the coast
     of Queensland near the New South Wales border. Mainland Australia
     is covered by Region-50  with  John  Blackett-Smith  as  Regional
     Coordinator based in Melbourne,  the most southern mainland city.
     Region-50 contains Net-620 in Sydney,  Net-626 in  Canberra  (the
     national capital), Net-630 and Net-631 serving Melbourne, Geelong
     and Tasmania, Net-640 in Queensland, Net-680 in Adelaide and Net-
     690 in Perth.  It is believed that Net-640 is the largest net (by
     area) in the international Fido Network being spread over a  1200
     mile strip along the east coast and containing only 6 nodes.

     Region-54,   covers   Papua-New  Guinea  with  Net-710  and  some
     Australian Nets - 711,  712 and 713 - and is coordinated by Geoff
     Smith from Port Moresby, the capital city of PNG.

     Region-51  covers  Singapore with Net-600,  Malaysia with Net-609
     and Thailand with  Net-608...  three  small  countries  in  close
     proximity  in  the  same  geographical region but culturally very

     Region-52 is Indonesia covering two nets - 131 and 611.

     Region-53 covers Hong Kong and contains Net-164  which  may  soon
     change to Net-700.

     Region-55  is  the Japanese region.  Whilst there have been Fido-
     type boards running in Japan for some time now,  it  is  expected
     that  they  will be joining the international network in the very
     near future.

     Allowance has been made  for  the  inevitable  inclusion  of  New
     Zealand  with  Region-56  and  finally,  Region-59 was created to
     accomodate those nodes who,  for  a  variety  of  reasons  either
     didn't  fit  into the existing structures or,  elected to operate
     independently.  At the moment this Region,  coordinated by  Geoff
     Arthur from Sydney, contains only 3 nodes.

     Because of the distances, differences in time zones, difficulties
     with  satellite links across the Pacific as well as the multitude
     of languages involved,  a great deal of planning and thought  has
     gone  into  the  mail  routing  throughout the Zone,  and it goes
     something like this....

     The Zonegate handles all incoming and outgoing mail for the  Zone
     as  well as well as passing EchoMail and Netmail through from the
     U.S. to Europe and return.

     The  Zonegate  distributes  NetMail  and  any  required  EchoMail
     conferences to Region-50 via 630/301 in Melbourne which,  in turn
     distributes to Nets 631, 626, 680 and 690 as well as nodes within
     Net-630.  The remaining nets in  Region-50...  620  and  640  are
     served direct by the Zonegate.

     The  link to Region-52 in Indonesia and Region-53 in Hong Kong is
     direct to and from the Zonegate.
     FidoNews 4-33                Page 22                  31 Aug 1987

     In Region-54,  the other large Region  in  Zone-3,  all  mail  is
     routed  to 711/403 which,  in turn distributes to the other nodes
     in his Net as well as to mail servers in Nets 710, 712 and 713.

     A special gateway operates between  Regions  54  and  51  and  is
     provided  by 711/805 which is owned and operated by Andrew Khoo a
     SysOp  of  Chinese  extraction.  This  has  helped  overcome  the
     language problems between the two areas.

     It should be noted here that the operator of the Zone-3 Zonegate,
     Alwyn Smith,  provides free local, international and echomail for
     the entire zone.

     The system works quite smoothly,  depite the unpredictable nature
     of  the  satellite  links between Australia and the U.S.  and the
     varying sizes of the incoming mail packets...  varying,  that is,
     from  large  to  gargantuan,  and  the  large  distances  between
     centres.... particularly on mainland Australia.

     That  it  IS  successful  is  evidenced  by  the  steady   growth
     throughout  the entire zone...  Australia is fast approaching its
     hundredth node,  Thailand  and  Malaysia  are  adding  new  nodes
     currently  and  Indonesia  recently added several new nodes.  The
     only area yet to be penetrated by FidoNet is New Zealand..... but
     even they will be hard put to resist once their very  restrictive
     regulatory problems are solved.

     We  hope this gives you all some idea of the nature of Zone-3 and
     its structure..... and that we can expect to continue the already
     enjoyable dialogue with Zones 1 and 2  along  with  the  echomail
     conferences  which have done so much to enhance this uniques area
     of computer communications.


     FidoNews 4-33                Page 23                  31 Aug 1987


                          The Interrupt Stack

     24 Aug 1989
        Voyager 2 passes Neptune.

     If you have something which you would like to see on this
     calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1.


     Thomas Kenny (107/316), the renowned echomail scribe, is having
     some technical problems and will be down for a few weeks.


                          Latest Software Versions

     BBS Systems            Node List              Other
     & Mailers   Version    Utilities   Version    Utilities   Version

     Dutchie        2.51    EDITNL          3.3    ARC            5.21
     Fido            11w    LISTGEN    05.25.86    ARCmail        1.00
     Opus          1.03a*   MakeNL         1.00    ConfMail       3.00
     SEAdog         4.00    Prune          1.40    EchoMail       1.31
     TBBS           2.0M    XlatList       2.81    Renum          3.30

     * Recently changed

     Utility authors:  Please help  keep  this  list  up  to  date  by
     reporting  new  versions  to 1:1/1.  It is not our intent to list
     all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity.


     FidoNews 4-33                Page 24                  31 Aug 1987

                                 ORDER FORM


     The IFNA publications can be obtained by  downloading  from  Fido
     1/10  or other FidoNet compatible systems,  or by purchasing them
     directly from IFNA.  We ask that all our IFNA Committee  Chairmen
     provide  us with the latest versions of each publication,  but we
     can make no written guarantees.

                   Hardcopy prices as of October 1, 1986

     IFNA Fido BBS listing                       $15.00    _____
     IFNA Administrative Policy DOCs             $10.00    _____
     IFNA FidoNet Standards Committee DOCs       $10.00    _____

                                               SUBTOTAL    _____

                      IFNA Member ONLY Special Offers

     System Enhancement Associates SEAdog        $60.00    _____
     SEAdog price as of March 1, 1987
     ONLY 1 copy SEAdog per IFNA Member

     International orders include $5.00 for
            surface shipping or $15.00 for air shipping    _____

                                               SUBTOTAL    _____

                    Mo. Residents add 5.725 % Sales tax    _____

                                               TOTAL       _____

         P.O. Box 41143
         St. Louis, Missouri 63141  USA

     City____________________  State____________  Zip_____
     Voice Phone_________________________



     FidoNews 4-33                Page 25                  31 Aug 1987

                 The World's First   /  \
                    BBS Network     /|oo \
                    * FidoNet *    (_|  /_)
                                    _`@/_ \    _
                                   |     | \   \\
                                   | (*) |  \   ))
                      ______       |__U__| /  \//
                     / Fido \       _//|| _\   /
                    (________)     (_/(_|(____/ (jm)

            Membership for the International FidoNet Association

     Membership in IFNA is open to any individual or organization that
     pays  an  annual  specified  membership  fee.   IFNA  serves  the
     international  FidoNet-compatible  electronic  mail  community to
     increase worldwide communications. **

          Name _________________________________    Date ________
          Address ______________________________
          City & State _________________________
          Phone (Voice) ________________________

          Net/Node Number ______________________
          Board Name____________________________
          Phone (Data) _________________________
          Baud Rate Supported___________________
          Board Restrictions____________________
          Special Interests_____________________
          Is there some area where you would be
          willing to help out in FidoNet?_______

     Send your membership form and a check or money order for $25 to:

               International FidoNet Association
               P. O. Box 41143
               St Louis, Missouri 63141

     Thank you for your membership!  Your participation will  help  to
     insure the future of FidoNet.

     ** Please NOTE that IFNA is a general not-for-profit organization
     in formation and Articles of Association and By-Laws were adopted
     by  the  membership  in January 1987.  An Elections Committee has
     been established to fill positions outlined in  the  By-Laws  for
     the  Board  of  Directors.  An  IFNA Echomail Conference has been
     established on FidoNet to  assist  the  Elections  Committee.  We
     welcome your input on this Conference.

        Tim Pozar
UUCP    pozar@hoptoad.UUCP
Fido    1:125/406
	77 Maiden Lane
	San Francisco CA 94108
PaBell  (415) 788-3904