pozar@hoptoad.uucp (Tim Pozar) (05/16/88)
Volume 5, Number 20 16 May 1988 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | _ | | / \ | | /|oo \ | | - FidoNews - (_| /_) | | _`@/_ \ _ | | International | | \ \\ | | FidoNet Association | (*) | \ )) | | Newsletter ______ |__U__| / \// | | / FIDO \ _//|| _\ / | | (________) (_/(_|(____/ | | (jm) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Editor in Chief Dale Lovell Editor Emeritus: Thom Henderson Chief Procrastinator Emeritus: Tom Jennings Contributing Editors: Al Arango FidoNews is published weekly by the International FidoNet Association as its official newsletter. You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in FidoNews. Article submission standards are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC, available from node 1:1/1. Copyright 1988 by the International FidoNet Association. All rights reserved. Duplication and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in other circumstances, please contact IFNA at (314) 576-4067. IFNA may also be contacted at PO Box 41143, St. Louis, MO 63141. Fido and FidoNet are registered trademarks of Tom Jennings of Fido Software, 164 Shipley Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94107 and are used with permission. The contents of the articles contained here are not our responsibility, nor do we necessarily agree with them. Everything here is subject to debate. We publish EVERYTHING received. Table of Contents 1. ARTICLES ................................................. 1 Important Message on The Midwest Echo Star 282/1 ......... 1 Why the FidoNet is Still Fun! ............................ 2 D'Bridge - A new commercial EMAIL package ................ 4 ZONELISTS - A proposal for extended nodelists ............ 5 2. COLUMNS .................................................. 8 Top Downloads 4/10/88 - 4/16/88 .......................... 9 Top Downloads - 4/17/88 - 4/23/88 ........................ 11 Top Downloads 4/23/88 - 4/30/88 .......................... 13 3. NOTICES .................................................. 15 AVICULTURE ==> A New Echo Conference that is for the Bi .. 15 The Interrupt Stack ...................................... 15 Latest Software Versions ................................. 16 FidoNews 5-20 Page 1 16 May 1988 ================================================================= ARTICLES ================================================================= From : Steve Sherwick, Coordinator of Net 282 Date : 05/13/1988 To : All FIDONET SysOps Subject: 282/1, The Midwest Echo Star As the coordinator of Net 282, The Twin Cities Area Metronet it has fallen to me to try to explain the whys and wherefores of the status of 282/1 also known as the Midwest Echo Star. Unfortunately this information is quite limited. Please be assured, we in Net 282 are just as upset as much of the nation is at this time due to the disruption of echomail flow. I will be as blunt about this point as I can be. 282/1 will NOT be returning to the net and the Midwest Echo Star is down for good. On the up side of that note it appears that the excellent management of the echo portion of the net has responded quickly and echomail is returning to normal flow. It is the consensus of the SysOps in the Twin Cities Metronet that it is in the best interests of the net to not respond to Netmail information requests concerning the SysOp of 282/1 at this time. Please accept this note as our assurance that we at this time have no information that we can release and that when we can release a full disclosure will be made. While we are interested in anything that the net may produce as far as information concerning 282/1 and it's SysOp John Richard as well as his whereabouts we have been deluged with requests concerning the return of 282/1 as an echomail hub. As I said, this will not occur. We highly advise looking into new links, Butch Walker and his troops are hard at work relinking the system and once the help nodes go back into the nodelist the echomail coordinators are ready to help you out. Any information you might care to share should be sent marked private in netmail only to either the SysOp of 282/0 (Myself, running NMH -1 to NMH +1) or crash to Don Seiford at 282/3. We are deeply interested. We thank you for your concern, Steve Sherwick ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-20 Page 2 16 May 1988 Ed Ridpath FidoNet 1:372/2.0 Why the FidoNet is Still Fun! I've recently rejoined the FidoNet and IFNA after an absence of about a year. I missed the fun of the FidoNet and Sysoping greatly, and I'm very enthusiastic about being involved again. This has to be the most interesting hobby I've ever come across. I recently read an article here in to FidoNews where some one felt differently, and thought that there was no more fun in the FidoNet. Not so, the Fidonet is still fun! I can remember the first time I saw a FidoNet mail session. It was like magic. I had entered a message in the mail area of my Fido BBS requesting a Net/Node number from the Regional Coordinator of Region 18. Yes, I did get up at 4:00am to make sure this thing worked. The call went flawlessly from Fido to Fido (that was the only thing that did mail then) and I was in the FidoNet. The ability to send electronic mail back and forth between BBSs I still don't take for granted. There is always a thrill when I see two computers transferring mail all by themselves. With the continuous mail features of many new FidoNet software packages, I don't even have to get up in the wee hours to see it. Now this is excitement! I'm also a devout EchoMail junkie. The combined information available through all the users and sysops is incredible. Sure, you have to stick to the smaller, more specialized conferences to get a good percentage of worthwhile info. These smaller conferences also have the advantage of getting to know some of the people better, and form a more cohesive group. There is something just plain neat about entering a message here in Charleston, SC, USA and getting replies from Europe, Australia, or Atlanta, GA. I also like to see my computer not only get used, but pushed to the limit. To see it available for use all day, watch it crunch on EchoMail, and see it transfer files and messages, is some how satisfying. It's also an adventure, getting the latest whiz-bang NetMail software to work right without doing something that causes a great uproar on the board or my part of the net. Getting new hardware online to increase the mail efficiency can be quite challenging also. I'm not alone though, and there are lots of people in the net that are willing to help, if I just ask nicely. I think another proof of the magnetism of the Net is the old faces that are back. I'm not going to name them all here, but there are many people who were instrumental in the beginnings of the net who have returned. I can remember them leaving, very unhappy with what they saw, and now some of them are not only back on the nodelist, but very actively involved in the FidoNet and IFNA. So, I don't know about you, but this sysop plans on sticking FidoNews 5-20 Page 3 16 May 1988 around for the fun and frolic of the FidoNet for some time to come. Ed Ridpath -The Keep It Simple Sysop- Opus 1:372/2.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-20 Page 4 16 May 1988 D'Bridge - A new commercial EMAIL package Chris Irwin, 1:135/68 D'Bridge is a fully "Fidonet-compatable" EMAIL system for the IBM PC. It is a commercial package designed to facilitate electronic mail and file transfer in a friendly, menu-driven user interface. I have tried to create a system which is both powerful and easy to use. Mainly designed for "corporate" use, D'Bridge is also capable of acting as a front-end for bulletin board systems and other EMAIL receivers. D'Bridge was released on May 15th and is priced at a reasonable $79.00 for a "soft" copy. Complete information and a "30-day demonstration copy" are available from our support BBS in Miami. On the leading edge of EMAIL technology, D'Bridge has all of the "standard" features that you would expect from an commercial mail system, and many unique to "UltraTek" systems. To name a few... - Advanced full-screen editor with macros and block commands - Complete Fidonet/WaZOO compatability - Uses ZMODEM, SEAlink, Telink and XMODEM - ZMODEM has 32 bit CRCs and aborted file recovery - Runs stand-alone; no other software required - Complete "point" support with a 4-dimensional nodelist - Supports WaZOO and SEAdog file/update-requests - Excellent security system - Complete cost-accouting (shows actual) - Complete 4-dimensional routing language - Weekly scheduling of mail events and DOS commands - Provides a unique "SERVICE-REQUEST" feature - Can also be the "front-end" for other EMAIL receivers - Powerful scripting language for alternate carriers (like PCP) - Free updates available; always available for file-request. - Much, much more - get the DEMO version and see! I'd tell you more, but I wanted to keep this article to one page. If you use Fidonet technology in your workplace, then I'm sure that you'll find D'Bridge is the best EMAIL system on the market today... For more information, download or file-request: DBRIDGE Release information - read this first DEMO Demonstration software (about 430K) DOCS Documentation only 1:135/68 D'Bridge/East Miami, Florida 1-305-232-9365 1:105/3 D'Bridge/West Portland, Oregon 1-503-246-0591 2:508/28 D'Bridge/Europe Arnhem, Holland 31-85-459034 3:632/340 D'Bridge/Australia Melborne, Australia 61-3-848-3331 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-20 Page 5 16 May 1988 Jeff Sheese, Washington DC Fidonet 1:109/714.0 and 1:109/714.2 Good Egg Net 99:9200/1.0 and 99:9200/1.2 In September 1985 when I became the net host for the newly formed Net 110 in Dayton Ohio I was amazed to see the nodelist gently pushing toward the 2000 node limit for Fido v11w. What was even more amazing is that these nodes not only covered the continental United States but also Europe, Asia and Australia. Now it's a common weekly occurrence to see at least 3000 nodes being reported by my favorite nodelist compiler. Just recently I was stunned to hear that our International Coordinator had to prune comments and other information in order to produce the nodelist for Friday April 29. This should be common knowledge by time this article is published in Fidonews. What troubles me more is that nodes marked as private as well as certain hubs may have to be pruned to prevent MAKENL from choking on more nodes thereby preventing new node numbers from being assigned, especially with the existing RBBS-PC, QuickBBS and PC-Board systems gaining netmail capabilities. I'd really hate to see someone from being listed in the nodelist simply because the software that's used to generate the nodelist has met certain technical limitations. I'm nervously awaiting to hear flames about this, but you CAN'T blame the software. Wasn't it Bob Hartman who said in the BINKLEY echo that "software and hardware are not infallible, especially when used together!". What should happen instead is that the great minds currently keeping our heads above water should work on a better system. I realize that they're doing this now, so I'd like to throw a few ideas to them. Heck, everyone needs as much help as they can get without hearing everyone cry for results! THE PROBLEM: One problem is that new node number assignments have been frozen since MAKENL is choking on the size of the final nodelist. This nodelist contains not only Zone 1 for North America, but also Zones 2 and 3 covering Europe and Asia respectively. I'd hate to see the new node assignments frozen because of this limitation. I'd also not like the fact that this may prevent the addition of other zones from South America and Africa. Another problem is that the St. Louis format nodelist as published takes up more than 250k disk space. Compile the nodelist and it creates one or more data files that almost equal in size. If you use Fido v11w you wind up with the St. Louis nodelist, NODELIST.BBS and at least two more data files after compilation. Total the amount of disk space and if you don't clean up after the nodelist compiler your nodelist and related data files result in almost 1 meg of disk space. ONE SOLUTION: This isn't the final solution, just a suggestion. This FidoNews 5-20 Page 6 16 May 1988 suggestion may even be partially combined with other suggestions to make a workable solution that everyone can work with. How about the idea of a ZONELIST in lieu of a NODELIST. Most nodelist processors and compilers allow the combining of one or more nodelists. By restricting a zonelist to one zone including zonegates to other zones the size of each zonelist will be reduced to facilitate production of all the zonelists. These ZONELIST's with their respective ZONEDIFF's can be distributed along the same paths as the current NODEDIFF's. This would allow everyone to maintain communication to nodes within their zone and communicate with zonegates as needed, as well as include other zonelists in their nodelist compilation as necessary. IMPLEMENTATION: The names of the zonelists are important since not every nodelist processor or FTSC compatible mailer program has the feature of using differently named nodelists. XLATLIST v2.86, Copyrighted by System Enhancements Association, has the ability to include one or more nodelists whether they use the name NODELIST.### or not with the PUBLIST statements. I propose that the zonelists be distributed under two names for each list. I propose that the zonelists for zones 1, 2 and 3 used the following name conventions: Zone ZoneLIST ZoneDIFF -------------- -------- -------- Fidonet Zone 1 - FNZ1LIST - FNZ1DIFF Fidonet Zone 2 - FNZ2LIST - FNZ2DIFF Fidonet Zone 3 - FNZ3LIST - FNZ3DIFF Fidonet Zone X - FNZXLIST - FNZXDIFF To maintain compatibility with existing setups the required zonelist as shown above can be distributed under the name NODELIST.A## and NODEDIFF.A## within each zone. The other zonelists may be distributed under the above listed names or be made file requestable by those that need them. This will allow the nodelists for each zone to be small enough in size to allow processing, with the advantage of using existing software to add the extra lists to the locally produced nodelist. To add the lists with XLATLIST v2.86 you only need to add the following lines to your XLATLIST.CTL file: publist NODELIST NODEDIFF publist FNZXLIST FNZXDIFF . . . If your using PARSELST v1.0 which does not yet support the 'publist' statement you can: FidoNews 5-20 Page 7 16 May 1988 1. Use XLATLIST v2.86 as described above to update all zonelists with the required zonediffs. Also use the NONODELIST option to prevent generation of NODELIST.BBS. 2. Use the batch file command "DayNbr Copy FNZXLIST.@### FNZXLIST.LST". 3. Use PARSELST v1.0 with the command "mylist FNZXLIST.LST" in the PARSELST.CFG file. IN CONCLUSION: A change like this cannot take place overnight, but may prove to be either an interim or long term solution. Regardless of what the 'powers that be' decide on something must be done in order to prevent assignments of new node numbers from being frozen. If anyone disagrees with the concept of distributing the zonediffs separately, through the use of batch file commands the zonediffs may be distributed in the current distribution of 'NODEDIFF.A##'. Whatever solution is agreed upon should be designed to meet as many needs as possible. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-20 Page 8 16 May 1988 ================================================================= COLUMNS ================================================================= Are You Afraid How many times have you thought about writing an article for either the Fido News or Opus Gazette, or any other news letter you may have been reading. This is a difficult task, and in many cases some of you have not done so. I would like to offer to SySops and Users a little way to get around the hassle of writing a lengthly article or column. I have established a ECHO MESSAGE AREA where you may post pieces which you would like to see printed in a news letter. This area is called Local, Regional, National News Items. For you sysops who would like to join in this echo, the title is LRN-NEWS, it is available from 301/1. I only ask that no more than one node from each net request pickup. I do not intend to replace or compete with either of the two major news letter for our network. I would just like to see a place where we can post such items as: 1. Birthday Announcements. 2. Systems Going Down, or Up. 3. General information about the system you operate. 4. Guidelines for each ECHO AREA. 5. Other items of importance to YOU. As the Editor in Chief, of the High Mesa Ranger's News letter, I promise to ensure articles are kept in good taste, and each of you have the opportunity to rebut any information you feel is incorrect. All submissions in the message area will be printed as is and copyrighted to the person responsible for the drafting the message. Article length items may be forwarded directly to node 301/1 via national mail, or may be uploaded directly into the news area on the bbs. All interested persons should contact me by sending their message, or by sending their file. My system is operational from 10pm to 6am daily. It honors NMH, and does echo mail runs from 11pm to 5am. (C) Jake Hargrove 1988 HMRNews ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-20 Page 9 16 May 1988 Top Downloads: 4/10/88 - 4/16/88 A weekly report of the most popular downloads from contributing systems. Contributing systems: 135/1 and a Network host somewhere that wishes to remain unidentified Total downloads from contributing systems: 398 File Download Report -- Top 20 Rank Area\File Name # DL's ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. COMM\pcplus11.arc 6 ProComm+ version 1.0 or 1.1 2. GAME\monop68.arc 5 Version 6.8 of Monopoly 3. MISC\ibmbds.arc 4 List of IBM dedicated Bbs's 4. UTIL\moredos.arc 4 Use more than 640K 5. MISC\memruler.arc 3 TSR displays ruler on screen 6. UTIL\getrom.arc 3 Dump ROM to disk file 7. UTIL\moreram.arc 3 Increase usable K to 704. 8. UTIL\ramwarm.arc 3 RAM disk by Jennings 9. UTIL\ultprint.arc 3 Good printer set-up util 10. EDIT\letrhead.arc 3 Design letter-heads for 11. MIDI\mahjongg.arc 3 EGA adaptation of game 12. MIDI\scrabble.arc 3 EGA adaptation 13. MIDI\sorry.arc 3 EGA adaptation 14. EDIT\qedit2.arc 3 Great Text editor 15. INFO\readmac.arc 2 View Mac pics on IBM 16. LANG\conv.bas 2 Convert exe/com to basic data 17. LANG\t2c.arc 2 Convert Turbo Pascal to C 18. LANG\trekfor.arc 2 Fortran source for StarTrek 19. MISC\alarm.arc 2 Put clock w/alarm on screen 20. COMM\logi-pc.arc 2 LogiTech Driver for Procomm+ Selected Files of Interest Area\Name #DL's --------------------------------------------------- MISC\ford.arc 2 Info on new model Ford cars BBSP\xlax_04c.arc 1 Alternative to Xlatlist INFO\godspeed.arc 1 Bible concordance LANG\c_tutor1.arc 1 C language tutorial LANG\c_tutor2.arc 1 BBSP\do280-01.exe 1 Dutchie Mailer BBSP\do280-10.exe 1 BBSP\do280-20.exe 1 BBSP\do280-30.exe 1 MISC\startrek.txt 1 UTIL\kcodetxt.arc 1 List of Keyboard scan codes SWLH\utes.txt 1 Military/Util freq. on SWL BBSP\newsysop.arc 1 Info for the new sysop COMM\pibt41e1.arc 1 PibTerm 4.1 Transfer methods total FidoNews 5-20 Page 10 16 May 1988 --------------------------------- SEAlink download/upload: 91 Telink download/upload: 15 Xmodem download/upload: 165 Ymodem download/upload: 84 Zmodem download/upload: 55 External download/upload: 10 If there are any other systems that can send me thier system stats in a similar format, please drop a net-mail note at 135/1. If you run LogRpt, then send me your system.rpt file. If there is a file you particularly want me to list, let me know. I MUST have the information by Monday's Net-mail time in order to get the stats compiled. Please keep your reports at 7 or 8 days and no longer than 10 days. (We can accept net-mail anytime of the day and are PC-Pursuitable). James Gilbert RAM-SOFT Archive Library 1:135/1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-20 Page 11 16 May 1988 Top Downloads: 4/17/88 - 4/23/88 A weekly report of the most popular downloads from contributing FidoNet systems. Contributing systems: 135/1 and a Region 18 Network host who wishes to remain unidentified. Total downloads from contributing systems: 352 File Download Report -- Top 20 Rank Area\File Name # DL's ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. COMM\pcplus11.arc 6 ProComm+ Test Drive 2. GAME\begin.arc 5 StarTrek like game 3. INFO\animate.arc 4 Animates graphics objects 4. GAME\monop68.arc 4 Monopoly version 6.8 5. GAME\axlef.arc 4 6. UNPT\sierra.arc 4 7. GAME\sorry.arc 3 EGA vers. of this game 8. GAME\sounds2.arc 3 Sound effects 9. GAME\moria.arc 3 Adventure like game 10. GAME\jukebox1.arc 3 Music playing program 11. UNPT\balance.arc 3 12. UNPT\arcm221.arc 3 ArcMaster for unarcing files 13. EDIT\qedit203.arc 3 Qedit Text Editor 14. INFO\hypertxt.arc 2 Browse/Edit text/pic files 15. MISC\targ.arc 2 ESP program from grant NASA/JPL 16. LANG\tccmisc.arc 2 Code for Turbo C 17. LANG\d86b.arc 2 Debugger for A86 assembler 18. INFO\teapot.arc 2 EGA graphics drawing 19. GAME\hack.arc 2 Classic game of hack 20. INFO\icon10.arc 2 Convert among graphics formats Selected Files of Interest Area\Name (description) ------------------------------------------------- INFO\egamac.arc View Mac Pics on EGA INFO\oldt4.arc Old Testament LANG\a86a.arc Assembler LANG\bsrc_140.arc C Source to Binkley 1.4 LANG\pibt3sp1.arc Pascal Source to PibTerm 3 MISC\spanish1.arc Spanish tutorial UTIL\ansi43.arc EGA Replacement for ansi.sys APPL\123temp.arc Templates for 1-2-3 COMM\pcplusrt.arc Sort the ProComm+ directory EDIT\qedit203.arc Qedit text editor V 2.03 SWLH\shipfone.txt Ship to shore phone frequencies BBSP\fidohist.arc History of FidoNet boards Transfer methods total ----------------------------- SEAlink download/upload: 75 FidoNews 5-20 Page 12 16 May 1988 Telink download/upload: 3 Xmodem download/upload: 185 Ymodem download/upload: 55 Zmodem download/upload: 25 External download/upload: 23 If there are any other systems interested in being a part of this weekly column, please send me your system stats in a similar format via net-mail at 135/1. If you run LogRpt, then send me your system.rpt file. If at all possible, include a description of files with unusual names. If there is a file you particularly want me to list, let me know. I MUST have the information by Monday's Net-mail time in order to get the stats compiled. Please keep your reports at 7 or 8 days and no longer than 10 days. (We can accept net-mail anytime of the day and are PC-Pursuitable). James Gilbert RAM-SOFT Archive Library 1:135/1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-20 Page 13 16 May 1988 Top Downloads: 4/23/88 - 4/30/88 A weekly report of the most popular downloads from contributing FidoNet systems. Contributing systems: 135/1 and a Region 18 Network host who wishes to remain unidentified. Total downloads from contributing systems: 263 + 71 File Download Report -- Top 20 Rank Area\File Name # DL's ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. GAME\sorry.arc 7 EGA version of Sorry 2. COMM\pcplus11.arc 6 ProComm+ TD version 1.1 3. COMM\dsz0414.arc 4 Yet another DSZ 4. APPL\bq40d.arc 3 Check-book program 5. INFO\aquarium.arc 3 EGA drawing 6. MISC\fsp.arc 3 7. ARC\pkfind11.arc 3 8. ???\terra.arc 2 9. UTIL\ram4ega1.arc 2 Move ROM->RAM on AT Ega's 10. ????\cboot200.arc 2 11. GAME\begin.arc 5 Adventure game 12. INFO\animate.arc 4 13. GAME\monop68.arc 4 14. UNPT\sierra.arc 4 15. GAME\axlef.arc 4 Music 16. GAME\jukebox1.arc 3 Music 17. UNPT\balance.arc 3 18. GAME\sounds2.arc 3 19. GAME\moria.arc 3 20. MISC\targ.arc 3 Selected Files of Interest Area\Name #DL's -------------------------------------------------- misc\sublim.arc 2 Flash subliminal message on screen comm\logi-pc.arc 2 LogiTech Mouse drive for ProComm+ bbsp\do280-01.exe 1 Dutchie 2.8 comm\clink120.arc 1 SEAlink external protocol bbsp\do280-10.exe 1 bbsp\do280-20.exe 1 util\ddi.arc 1 Device Driver Information misc\german2.arc 1 German tutorial (In Miami area?) util\do280-30.exe 1 misc\lottery.arc 1 Florida now has its own lottery arcs\narc13.arc 1 edit\qedit203.arc 1 Great text editor. V 2.03 Transfer methods total ----------------------------- SEAlink download/upload: 68 Telink download/upload: 3 Xmodem download/upload: 175 FidoNews 5-20 Page 14 16 May 1988 Ymodem download/upload: 66 Zmodem download/upload: 29 External download/upload: 9 If there are any other systems interested in being a part of this weekly column, please send me your system stats in a similar format via net-mail at 135/1. If you run LogRpt, then send me your system.rpt file. If at all possible, include a description of files with unusual names. If there is a file you particularly want me to list, let me know. I MUST have the information by Monday's Net-mail time in order to get the stats compiled. Please keep your reports at 7 or 8 days and no longer than 10 days. (We can accept net-mail anytime of the day and are PC-Pursuitable). James Gilbert RAM-SOFT Archive Library 1:135/1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-20 Page 15 16 May 1988 ================================================================= NOTICES ================================================================= Joe Elser 1:120/85 NEW ECHOMAIL CONFERENCE CREATED A new echo called AVICULTURE has been created. It covers all topics related to birds. Have you ever wondered ... What kind of bird was easiest to teach to speak? What is the easiest one to teach tricks? What you should feed your pet bird to keep it in top health? Where to find rare birds? How can to find a good vet who knows about birds? How to get your pet birds to breed? The answers to these and other questions are given in a spirit of helpful cooperation in the AVICULTURE echo. We are a group of bird lovers who have birds as pets and / or breed birds. Our goal is to share our knowledge and experiences to the benefit of both birds and pet owners. We are looking for like minded people to help spread the word. Any interested Sysops can pick up this echo from: 1:13/33 Avi-Technic BBS Sysop: Tom Hendricks 1:120/85 Charlie's Roost BBS Sysop: Joe Elser We look forward to hearing from you all soon! Joe Elser Tom Hendricks ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Interrupt Stack 29 May 1988 MetroFire Third Annual Birthday Bash and Floppy Disk Throwing Contest. ALL FidoNet Sysops and their families are invited. Contact Christopher Baker at 135/14 for more details. Details available by SEAdog file request as FPICMAP.ARC or BASH. 5 Jun 1988 David Dodell's 31st Birthday 18 Jun 1988 Area Code 407 takes effect in East/Central Florida. All Sysops should adjust their Nodelist entries immediately. FidoNews 5-20 Page 16 16 May 1988 25 Jun 1988 EuroCon II starts in Tiel, Holland. Sponsored by the Dutch Hobby Computer Club. Will run for 2 days. Contact Hans Lichthelm at 2:2/999 for information. 16 Jul 1988 A new areacode, 508, will form in eastern Massachusetts and will be effective on this date. The new area code will be formed from the current areacode 617. Greater Boston will remain areacode 617 while the rest of eastern Massachusetts will form the new areacode 508. 25 Aug 1988 Start of the Fifth International FidoNet Conference, to be held at the Drawbridge Inn in Cincinnati, OH. Contact Tim Sullivan at 108/62 for more information. This is FidoNet's big annual get-together, and is your chance to meet all the people you've been talking with all this time. We're hoping to see you there! 24 Aug 1989 Voyager 2 passes Neptune. If you have something which you would like to see on this calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Latest Software Versions BBS Systems Node List Other & Mailers Version Utilities Version Utilities Version Dutchie 2.81 EditNL 4.00* ARC 5.21 Fido 12h* MakeNL 2.10* ARCmail 1.1 Opus 1.03b Prune 1.40 ConfMail 3.31 SEAdog 4.10 XlatList 2.86 EchoMail 1.31 TBBS 2.0M MGM 1.1 BinkleyTerm 1.50* QuickBBS 2.00* * Recently changed Utility authors: Please help keep this list up to date by reporting new versions to 1:1/1. It is not our intent to list all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-20 Page 17 16 May 1988 OFFICERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL FIDONET ASSOCIATION Ken Kaplan 100/22 Chairman of the Board Don Daniels 107/210 President Mark Grennan 147/1 Vice President Dave Dodell 114/15 Vice President - Technical Coordinator Tom Marshall 107/524 Secretary Leonard Mednick 12/1 Treasurer IFNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS DIVISION AT-LARGE 10 Steve Jordan 102/2871 Don Daniels 107/210 11 Bill Allbritten 11/301 Hal DuPrie 101/106 12 Leonard Mednick 12/1 Mark Grennan 147/1 13 Rick Siegel 107/27 Brad Hicks 100/523 14 Ken Kaplan 100/22 Ted Polczyinski 154/5 15 Jim Cannell 128/13 Kurt Reisler 109/74 16 Vince Perriello 141/491 Robert Rudolph 261/628 17 Rob Barker 138/34 Greg Small 148/122 18 Chris Baker 135/14 Bob Swift 140/24 19 Vernon Six 19/0 Larry Wall 15/18 2 Henk Wevers 2:500/1 Gee Wong 107/312 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-20 Page 18 16 May 1988 __ The World's First / \ BBS Network /|oo \ * FidoNet * (_| /_) _`@/_ \ _ | | \ \\ | (*) | \ )) ______ |__U__| / \// / Fido \ _//|| _\ / (________) (_/(_|(____/ (tm) Membership for the International FidoNet Association Membership in IFNA is open to any individual or organization that pays a specified annual membership fee. IFNA serves the international FidoNet-compatible electronic mail community to increase worldwide communications. Member Name _______________________________ Date _______________ Address _________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________________________ State ________________________________ Zip _____________________ Country _________________________________________________________ Home Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________ Work Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________ Zone:Net/Node Number ____________________________________________ BBS Name ________________________________________________________ BBS Phone Number ________________________________________________ Baud Rates Supported ____________________________________________ Board Restrictions ______________________________________________ Your Special Interests __________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ In what areas would you be willing to help in FidoNet? __________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Send this membership form and a check or money order for $25 in US Funds to: International FidoNet Association c/o Leonard Mednick, MBA, CPA 700 Bishop Street, #1014 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-4112 USA Thank you for your membership! Your participation will help to insure the future of FidoNet. Please NOTE that IFNA is a general not-for-profit organization and Articles of Association and By-Laws were adopted by the membership in January 1987. The first elected Board of Directors was filled in August 1987. The IFNA Echomail Conference has been established on FidoNet to assist the Board. We welcome your input to this Conference. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 5-20 Page 19 16 May 1988 INTERNATIONAL FIDONET ASSOCIATION ORDER FORM Publications The IFNA publications can be obtained by downloading from Fido 1:1/10 or other FidoNet compatible systems, or by purchasing them directly from IFNA. We ask that all our IFNA Committee Chairmen provide us with the latest versions of each publication, but we can make no written guarantees. Hardcopy prices as of October 1, 1986 IFNA Fido BBS listing $15.00 _____ IFNA Administrative Policy DOCs $10.00 _____ IFNA FidoNet Standards Committee DOCs $10.00 _____ SUBTOTAL _____ IFNA Member ONLY Special Offers System Enhancement Associates SEAdog $60.00 _____ SEAdog price as of March 1, 1987 ONLY 1 copy SEAdog per IFNA Member Fido Software's Fido/FidoNet $100.00 _____ Fido/FidoNet price as of November 1, 1987 ONLY 1 copy Fido/FidoNet per IFNA Member International orders include $10.00 for surface shipping or $20.00 for air shipping _____ SUBTOTAL _____ HI. Residents add 4.0 % Sales tax _____ TOTAL _____ SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN US FUNDS: International FidoNet Association c/o Leonard Mednick, MBA, CPA 700 Bishop Street, #1014 Honolulu, HI. 96813-4112 USA Name________________________________ Zone:Net/Node____:____/____ Company_____________________________ Address_____________________________ City____________________ State____________ Zip_____ Voice Phone_________________________ Signature___________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- ======================================================================= | ...sun!hoptoad!\ Tim Pozar | | >fidogate!pozar Fido: 1:125/406 | | ...lll-winken!/ PaBell: (415) 788-3904 | | USNail: KKSF 77 Maiden Lane San Francisco CA 94108 | =======================================================================