[comp.org.fidonet] FidoNET Newsletter, Volume 5, # 51

pozar@hoptoad.uucp (Tim Pozar) (12/23/88)

     Volume 5, Number 51                              19 December 1988
     |                                                  _            |
     |                                                 /  \          |
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     |        - FidoNews -                           (_|  /_)        |
     |                                                _`@/_ \    _   |
     |        International                          |     | \   \\  |
     |     FidoNet Association                       | (*) |  \   )) |
     |         Newsletter               ______       |__U__| /  \//  |
     |                                 / FIDO \       _//|| _\   /   |
     |                                (________)     (_/(_|(____/    |
     |                                                     (jm)      |
     Editor in Chief                                       Dale Lovell
     Editor Emeritus:                                   Thom Henderson
     Chief Procrastinator Emeritus:                       Tom Jennings
     Contributing Editors:                                   Al Arango
     FidoNews  is  published  weekly  by  the  International   FidoNet
     Association  as  its  official newsletter.  You are encouraged to
     submit articles for publication in FidoNews.  Article  submission
     standards  are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC,  available from
     node 1:1/1.  1:1/1 is available  for network  mail between  NMH-1
     hour to NMH+1 hour.  At all other times,  netmail is not accepted
     although submissions can be uploaded.
     Copyright 1988 by  the  International  FidoNet  Association.  All
     rights  reserved.  Duplication  and/or distribution permitted for
     noncommercial purposes only.  For  use  in  other  circumstances,
     please contact IFNA at (314) 576-4067. IFNA may also be contacted
     at PO Box 41143, St. Louis, MO 63141.
     Fido  and FidoNet  are registered  trademarks of  Tom Jennings of
     Fido Software,  164 Shipley Avenue,  San Francisco, CA  94107 and
     are used with permission.
     The  contents  of  the  articles  contained  here  are  not   our
     responsibility,   nor   do   we   necessarily  agree  with  them.
     Everything here is  subject  to  debate.  We  publish  EVERYTHING

                             Table of Contents

     1. ARTICLES  .................................................  1
        Twas The Byte Before Computing  ...........................  1
     2. COLUMNS  ..................................................  3
        RegComm - Communications From RegCon  .....................  3
     3. FOR SALE  .................................................  5
        MSO 80386-SX System on Sale  ..............................  5
     4. NOTICES  ..................................................  6
        The Interrupt Stack  ......................................  6
        Telephone Professional Related Echos  .....................  6
        Latest Software Versions  .................................  6
     5. COMMITTEE REPORTS  ........................................  8
     And more!
     FidoNews 5-51                Page 1                   19 Dec 1988


                      Twas The Byte Before Computing
                              by Bert Happel
                   (with apologies  to Clement C. Moore)

     Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
     Not a circuit was working not even in my mouse;
     The files were all loaded on the hard disc with care,
     In hopes that the FAT would list them as there.
     The backups were nestled all snug in their sleeves,
     To keep the bytes from dropping off them like leaves;
     And the disc drive was quiet, taking a rest
     Just waiting to run the next boot-up test.
     When out of the speaker there arose such a clatter
     I sprang to my desk to see what was the matter.
     Away to the keyboard I flew like a flash,
     Threw open the drive-door and heard a loud crash.
     The lights on the breast of the new-fallen dust
     Gave a luster of mid-day to a CRT covered with crust.
     When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
     But a miniature sleigh and the eight data registers I fear.
     With a little old driver, so lively and gloss
     I knew in a moment he was a master of DOS.
     More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
     And he whistled out and called them by name
     "Now Fido!  Now Opus!  Now QuickBBS and TBBS!
     On, ConfMail!  On, XlatList!  On, Bark and WaZoo!
     To the top of the memory!  To the top of the stack!
     Now dash away!  Dash away!  Dash away all!"
     As leaves before the wild hurricane fly,
     When they meet with an obstacle mount to the sky,
     So up on the screen the coursers they flew,
     With a sleigh full of utilities, and DOS commands too.
     As I drew back my head and was turning around,
     Out the RS-232 port he came with a bound.
     He was dressed all in ROM, from his head to his foot,
     And his clothes were all tarnished with bytes and some soot;
     A bundle of data he had flung on his back,
     And he looked like he had a program he wanted to crack.
     His eyes -- How they twinkled!  His dimples, how merry!
     His cheeks were like roses, his nose was a cherry!
     His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
     And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow;
     The stump of a pipe he held in his teeth,
     And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
     He had a broad face and a round little belly
     That shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly.
     He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
     And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
     A flash of the CRT and a twist of his head
     Soon gave me to know I had lost programs to dread;
     He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
     FidoNews 5-51                Page 2                   19 Dec 1988

     And filled all the RAM; then turned, the big jerk,
     And laying a finger aside of his nose,
     And giving a nod, in the RS-232 port he goes.
     He sprang to the sleigh, his team they all whistled,
     And away they all flew like they had sat on a thistle.
     But I heard him exclaim, ere he faded out of sight,
     "Bug-free programs to all and to all a good night!"

     Best wishes for the Holidays to everyone.
           Bert Happel
           Sysop, The I.O. Board


     FidoNews 5-51                Page 3                   19 Dec 1988


                 RegComm - Communications From RegCon.

     Recently one of the nodes within FidoNet was excommunicated twice
     within a very  short period of  time.  In  both cases there  were
     definite  policy  violations,  there  was  more  than  sufficient
     warning given before action was taken and everything was done  by
     agreement between the RC and  NC involved.  Sounds like  a pretty
     simple case history, but nothing ever is.

     The  node  filed  an  appeal  to  the second excommunication, and
     during the appeal process the RC became quite ill.  As there  had
     been some delay  in the appeal  process prior to  the illness the
     ZC, in all  fairness, requested the  NC reinstate the  node until
     the appeal could be completed.  The NC refused the request.   The
     ZC restated the request a  little more strongly and the  NC again
     refused the request.  The ZC was forced to change the request  to
     an order.   (Keep  in mind  that at  ANY time  the ZC  could have
     removed the node  himself!)  The  order was ignored  and when the
     nodediff was sent in by this  NC it was accompanied by a  message
     that the change had still not taken place.  Now with regret,  but
     little choice, the ZC had to remove the NC from the nodelist  and
     because there was now no NC for the net the entire net was placed
     on hold.

     Our present policy was followed to the letter.  Evidently the  NC
     in question  did not  understand the  management structure within
     FidoNet and  thought, with  the RC  responsible incapacitated  by
     illness, there was no management.   The ZC, well aware  of every-
     thing that  had transpired  and feeling  that there  could be  no
     success in the appeal of the node STILL followed due process  and
     asked  for  reinstatement  until  policy  could be followed.  But
     failure to recognize the  management chain resulted in  an entire
     net being placed in limbo.

     We all need  to realize there  is a management  chain within this
     network.  That chain  starts at the IC/ZC  level and ends at  the
     node level.   Oh,  yes, the  node is  a part  of management.  The
     management of one's own node is an important part of net  manage-
     ment as an error in software implementation at the node level can
     impact the local net, the region and even the entire network.  As
     in  any  organization,  there  is  a  need  for management within
     FidoNet and  the *C  structure IS  that management.   Failure  to
     follow the requests of  management within FidoNet will  result in
     the  same  actions  you  might  expect  for failure to follow the
     requests of management in any business or organization.

     Now that our regional management team has improved their communi-
     cations you  can expect  to see  actions taking  place much  more
     quickly than  in the  past.   We will  do all  we can  to enforce
     present policy while  we continue to  work towards updating  that
     policy to better address the  problems created by a network  that
     is expanding at the rapid rate that FidoNet is demonstrating.
     FidoNews 5-51                Page 4                   19 Dec 1988

     We don't ask you to follow blindly, as in any management team  we
     still have the infamous `middle management' and we have  managers
     who have had little  training.  All the  problems of the *C  team
     and all  problems we  will constantly  be addressing.   We do ask
     that you communicate with management, let us know problems as you
     perceive  them  and  give  us  the  opportunity  to  act  on your
     requests.    But  please  do  not  make our job more difficult by
     failing to recognize the requests  of the management team, as  to
     do so leaves that team little  choice as to the course of  action
     it must follow.

     ("RegComm" will be a weekly column in FidoNews and your  comments
     are  welcome.  Please  address  your  concerns  and  comments via
     NetMail to your Net  or Regional Coordinator, you  should receive
     an answer within a few days. It's your net and we are in need  of
     your input in order for us to fairly represent you.)


     FidoNews 5-51                Page 5                   19 Dec 1988

                                 FOR SALE

     Jim Deputy (aka Sir Dep)
     204/40 204/386

     MSO Computers is announcing special pricing on their Jet-386/SX
     System. The system includes:

       Intel 80386-SX Microprocessor, 1 MB of 100ns SIM Modules,
       2 Serial/1 Parallel Ports, 1:1 Interleave (FD/HD) Controller,
       Either a 1.2 MB or a 1.44 MB Floppy Drive, 230 Watt Power
       Supply, Real-time CMOS Clock/Calendar, 101-key tactile key-
       board, Amber monitor with mono video card.

     The System Features are:

       Full 32-Bit Internal Architecture, Runs under MS-DOS, OS/2,
       UNIX, or PICK. Virtual Memory Support (EEMS 4.0), Page Mode
       Interleave Support, Mother board will handle up to 8MB in 1MB
       SIM Modules. Fully IBM Compatible. 20 MHz operating speed. On
       204/386 this machine (286 version) does a complete nodediff
       update (using Xlaxnode) in less than 1.5 minutes.

     The price is:    $2386.00 (plus applicable tax)

     This price is for a limited time. Those interested should con-
     tact me at either 204/40 or 204/386, or call either 408-945-
     4270 or 800-YES-4MSO, and mention my name.


     FidoNews 5-51                Page 6                   19 Dec 1988


                          The Interrupt Stack

     24 Aug 1989
        Voyager 2 passes Neptune.

      5 Oct 1989
        20th Anniversary of "Monty Python's Flying Circus"

     If you have something which you would like to see on this
     calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1.


     Jim Deputy (aka Sir Dep)

            Telephone Professional Related Echos

     I am attempting to organize two Echos for those who work in
     the Telephone Industry. I am in a PC-Pursuitable area.

     The first Echo, Telephone Professionals (TELEPRO) for those
     who are actively working in the telephone industry in any
     capacity from telemarketing to system sales. Where informa-
     tion can be passed between users on various topics of inter-

     The second Echo, Telephone Consultants, (TCONSULT) for those
     who are selling, consulting etc on various types of telephone
     systems. A place to pick-up tips, locate equipment, etc.

     Let me know if you would like to link into either of these

                          Latest Software Versions

     BBS Systems            Node List              Other
     & Mailers   Version    Utilities   Version    Utilities  Version

     Dutchie       2.90b    EditNL         4.00    ARC           5.32*
     Fido            12i    MakeNL         2.12    ARCmail        1.1
     Opus          1.03b    Prune          1.40    ConfMail      4.00
     SEAdog         4.10    XlatList       2.86    EchoMail      1.31
     TBBS            2.1*   XlaxNode       2.22    MGM            1.1
     BinkleyTerm    2.00    XlaxDiff       2.22    TPB Editor    1.21
     QuickBBS       2.03    ParseList      1.30*   TCOMMail       1.1
     TPBoard         4.2                           TMail         8812*
     TComm/TCommNet  3.2                           UFGATE        1.02*
     Lynx           1.10                           GROUP          2.0*
     D'Bridge       1.10
     FidoNews 5-51                Page 7                   19 Dec 1988

     FrontDoor       2.0

     * Recently changed

     Utility authors:  Please help  keep  this  list  up  to  date  by
     reporting  new  versions  to 1:1/1.  It is not our intent to list
     all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity.


     FidoNews 5-51                Page 8                   19 Dec 1988

                             COMMITTEE REPORTS

     Don Daniels

                  Request for Members of IFNA Committees

     Three of IFNA's Committees are presently in need of additional
     volunteers.  There is need for both workers and leaders.  If
     interested, review the material below and, if you are prepared to
     take on part of the effort described, please send a message to
     Don Daniels at 1:107/210.

     Nominations and Election Committee - IFNA BYLAW 34: "The
       Nomination and Elections Committee shall be responsible for:
         a) finding and qualifying candidates;
         b) reviewing voting procedures and recommending modifications
            as necessary;
         c) performs other duties as described in applicable By-Laws."

       As indicated, this committee runs and oversees the entire
       election process.  It has various tasks to do between now and
       FidoCon relative to the election.  The Chairman will present
       the election results to the BoD at FidoCon.

     Bylaws and Rules Committee - BYLAW 35:  "The By-Laws and Rules
       Committee shall be responsible for review and any suggestion
       of changes to these by-laws."

       There still is a fair amount of work that needs to be done to
       bring our by-laws into shape.  Also, it can be expected that
       the current by-laws election may produce a few inconsistencies
       which will require revisions, and changes in IFNA's direction
       may also have to be provided for.  If you can write well and
       have a feel for how things should be, this might be for you.
       Most of the committee's work will have to be done before

     Security and Individual Rights - This is a new committee, in the
       process of being formed at this time.  It will be concerned
       with any and all matters related to security and to privacy.
       As many conflicts between individuals typically occur when
       their respective individual rights come in conflict, this
       committee will look at such areas and provide guidelines as
       they deem best.  Work on this committee could continue
       throughout the year, but there are concerns related to the
       Security and Privacy Committee of the Electronic Mail
       Association which this committee will need to address prior to
       meetings Feb 28 - Mar 1 in Scottsdale AZ and in late June in
       San Francisco.

     Sorry that we can't promise fame, wealth or glory - just work
     towards the common good!  Again, if interested in helping, please
     FidoNews 5-51                Page 9                   19 Dec 1988

     contact Don Daniels at 1:107/210.


     FidoNews 5-51                Page 10                  19 Dec 1988


     Hal DuPrie     1:101/106  Chairman of the Board
     Bob Rudolph    1:261/628  President
     Matt Whelan    3:3/1      Vice President
     Ray Gwinn      1:109/639  Vice President - Technical Coordinator
     David Garrett  1:103/501  Secretary
     Steve Bonine   1:115/777  Treasurer

                         IFNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS

         DIVISION                               AT-LARGE

     10  Courtney Harris   1:102/732?    Don Daniels     1:107/210
     11  Bill Allbritten   1:11/301      Hal DuPrie      1:101/106
     12  Bill Bolton       3:711/403     Mark Grennan    1:147/1
     13  Rick Siegel       1:107/27      Steve Bonine    1:115/777
     14  Ken Kaplan        1:100/22      Ted Polczyinski 1:154/5
     15  Larry Kayser      1:104/739?    Matt Whelan     3:3/1
     16  Vince Perriello   1:141/491     Robert Rudolph  1:261/628
     17  Rob Barker        1:138/34      Steve Jordan    1:102/2871
     18  Christopher Baker 1:135/14      Bob Swift       1:140/24
     19  David Drexler     1:19/1        Larry Wall      1:15/18
      2  Henk Wevers       2:500/1       David Melnik    1:107/233


     FidoNews 5-51                Page 11                  19 Dec 1988

                 The World's First   /  \
                    BBS Network     /|oo \
                    * FidoNet *    (_|  /_)
                                    _`@/_ \    _
                                   |     | \   \\
                                   | (*) |  \   ))
                      ______       |__U__| /  \//
                     / Fido \       _//|| _\   /
                    (________)     (_/(_|(____/ (tm)

            Membership for the International FidoNet Association

     Membership in IFNA is open to any individual or organization that
     pays  a  specified  annual   membership  fee.   IFNA  serves  the
     international  FidoNet-compatible  electronic  mail  community to
     increase worldwide communications.

     Member Name _______________________________  Date _______________
     Address _________________________________________________________
     City ____________________________________________________________
     State ________________________________  Zip _____________________
     Country _________________________________________________________
     Home Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________
     Work Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________

     Zone:Net/Node Number ____________________________________________
     BBS Name ________________________________________________________
     BBS Phone Number ________________________________________________
     Baud Rates Supported ____________________________________________
     Board Restrictions ______________________________________________

     Your Special Interests __________________________________________
     In what areas would you be willing to help in FidoNet? __________
     Send this membership form and a check or money order for $25 in
     US Funds to:
                   International FidoNet Association
                   PO Box 41143
                   St Louis, Missouri 63141

     Thank you for your membership!  Your participation will help to
     insure the future of FidoNet.

     Please NOTE that IFNA is a general not-for-profit organization
     and Articles of Association and By-Laws were adopted by the
     membership in January 1987.  The second elected Board of Directors
     was filled in August 1988.  The IFNA Echomail Conference has been
     established on FidoNet to assist the Board.  We welcome your
     input to this Conference.

     FidoNews 5-51                Page 12                  19 Dec 1988

                            ORDER FORM


     The IFNA publications can be obtained by downloading from Fido
     1:1/10 or  other FidoNet compatible  systems, or by purchasing
     them directly from IFNA.  We ask that  all our  IFNA Committee
     Chairmen   provide  us   with  the  latest  versions  of  each
     publication, but we can make no written guarantees.

     Hardcopy prices as of October 1, 1986

     IFNA Fido BBS listing                       $15.00    _____
     IFNA Administrative Policy DOCs             $10.00    _____
     IFNA FidoNet Standards Committee DOCs       $10.00    _____

                                               SUBTOTAL    _____

                    IFNA Member ONLY Special Offers

     System Enhancement Associates SEAdog        $60.00    _____
     SEAdog price as of March 1, 1987
     ONLY 1 copy SEAdog per IFNA Member

     Fido Software's Fido/FidoNet               $100.00    _____
     Fido/FidoNet price as of November 1, 1987
     ONLY 1 copy Fido/FidoNet per IFNA Member

     International orders include $10.00 for
            surface shipping or $20.00 for air shipping    _____

                                               SUBTOTAL    _____

                 MO. Residents add 5.725% Sales Tax         _____

                                               TOTAL       _____

        International FidoNet Association
        PO Box 41143
        St Louis, Mo. 63141

     City____________________  State____________  Zip_____
     Voice Phone_________________________



 ...sun!hoptoad!\                                     Tim Pozar
                 >fidogate!pozar               Fido:  1:125/406
  ...lll-winken!/                            PaBell:  (415) 788-3904
       USNail:  KKSF / 77 Maiden Lane /  San Francisco CA 94108