[comp.org.fidonet] FidoNET Newsletter, Volume 6, # 39

pozar@hoptoad.uucp (Tim Pozar) (09/26/89)

     Volume 6, Number 39                             25 September 1989
     |                                                  _            |
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     |        - FidoNews -                           (_|  /_)        |
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     |        International                          |     | \   \\  |
     |     FidoNet Association                       | (*) |  \   )) |
     |         Newsletter               ______       |__U__| /  \//  |
     |                                 / FIDO \       _//|| _\   /   |
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     Editor in Chief:                                  Vince Perriello
     Editors Emeritii:                                     Dale Lovell
                                                        Thom Henderson
     Chief Procrastinator Emeritus:                       Tom Jennings
     FidoNews  is  published  weekly  by  the  International   FidoNet
     Association  as  its  official newsletter.  You are encouraged to
     submit articles for publication in FidoNews.  Article  submission
     standards  are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC,  available from
     node 1:1/1.    1:1/1  is  a Continuous Mail system, available for
     network mail 24 hours a day.
     Copyright 1989 by  the  International  FidoNet  Association.  All
     rights  reserved.  Duplication  and/or distribution permitted for
     noncommercial purposes only.  For  use  in  other  circumstances,
     please contact IFNA at (314) 576-4067. IFNA may also be contacted
     at PO Box 41143, St. Louis, MO 63141.
     Fido  and FidoNet  are registered  trademarks of  Tom Jennings of
     Fido Software,  164 Shipley Avenue,  San Francisco, CA  94107 and
     are used with permission.
     We  don't necessarily agree with the contents  of  every  article
     published  here.  Most of these materials are  unsolicited.    No
     article submitted  by  a  FidoNet SysOp will be rejected if it is
     properly attributed and  legally  acceptable.    We  will publish
     every responsible submission received.

                        Table of Contents
     1. EDITORIAL  ................................................  1
        Article submission guidelines  ............................  1
     2. ARTICLES  .................................................  2
        Let's give Mike Ratledge a hand  ..........................  2
        NCLM Sweepstakes 2  .......................................  4
        Farewell to a Network and State  ..........................  5
        Minutes of IFNA Board of Directors meeting  ...............  6
     3. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR  .................................... 17
     4. LATEST VERSIONS  .......................................... 18
        Latest Software Versions  ................................. 18
     5. NOTICES  .................................................. 21
     And more!
     FidoNews 6-39                Page 1                   25 Sep 1989


     I'm trying  to  sort  of  stand  to  the side and let things just
     happen, but I'm afraid that I need to make a point of order.

     I'm  really  pleased  with  the  way submissions to FidoNews have
     picked up this year.  However, in the past several weeks,  I have
     gotten articles  which  are  really  huge  (over  60K in length),
     formatted so far  out  of  spec  that I couldn't do anything with
     them, and with all kinds of  really strange file names.  My guess
     is that not too many people have  ARTSPEC.DOC  or  aren't reading
     it, so I'll give you some guidelines here.  Please pay attention,
     I don't promise I'll fix ANY broken article!

     Please, give me flat ASCII text, no more  than 65 characters on a
     line, no tabs and no control characters.  Also,  try  to keep the
     length down.  4,000 characters is a pretty good length.    I will
     print  longer stuff, but once you get past 16,000 characters, you
     invite being overlooked, as  MAKENEWS  won't automatically insert
     the story and I don't  like  having  to override its limits.  Use
     any file name you want, but  use  .ART  as  the extension (if you
     send me archives I may not find  them for weeks!), and if you are
     a prolific writer, please use a different file name every time.

     This last thing recently caused Phil Buonomo some  embarrassment.
     His articles have tended to have the file name AAA.ART.  Recently
     I  went  looking  for  stuff I hadn't caught for publication  and
     found files  AAA.AR0  and  AAA.AR1  (BinkleyTerm  keeps  dupes by
     changing the extension).    I published them.  Because of the way
     things had progressed since  they  first  had arrived here, those
     articles no longer made complete sense.

     I'm sorry that this happened.    Please  help  me  keep this from
     happening again.  Stick to these  simple  guidelines  and it will
     make life easier for both me and you.

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     I captured  this  from the SYSOP echo this morning.  I think it's
     worth publishing, so here it is:

     [Copied from the SYSOP echo]

     From:   Amnon Nissan
     To:     All
     Subj:   Mike Ratledge

     Guys, how about taking a break a second, and and attending to

     This is a message I posted in R18 sysop echo, I thought it would
     be a good idea to post it here, so more can help.

     From:   Amnon Nissan
     To:     All
     Subj:   Mike Ratledge

     I just spoke with Mike guys, and the situation is real sad.
     Mike's both houses are completely gone, foundation and all.
     Their cloths, personal belongings, computers, EVERYTHING.  Those
     of us who were fortunate to visit him at his house on the water
     front, the forest is all gone, everything is completely flat he

     I would like to suggest that we start some kind of a fund to help
     him.  Do we have someone who can head this effort ?

     Mike is not sure if his insurance will pay for anything, he will
     know tommorow.

     This is real sad, but at least they are alive he said.  They
     spent the nite at his dad's house, 50 miles away.

     I forgot to get his address, or a phone number where he can be
     found (got sort of emotional there, and didn't think).  But he
     did say he is going to call other sysops in the region.  If you
     get this befor he calls, or if you have the number or address,
     get/post them.

     Mike sounded real hurt when he called.  So a word of support is
     the least we can do, but hopefully more.


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     OK, if you don't know what I was talking about, Mike Ratledge
     lives in Charlston SC, and I am sure he will not name his first
     born Hugo.

     Ed Melone, 360/0 - 360/1 volonteered to take care of the
     specifics, and open a bank account for the fund.

     If there is ANYTHING that you can do, please do it.  This is --
     unfortunatly -- one way we can show we do care about each other,
     and put all of our differences aside.

     I will keep you posted as to any developements, but at the
     meantime, you can get in touch with Ed, at 360/0.

     Shalom Y'all
     Amnon Nissan, REC18

     FidoNews 6-39                Page 4                   25 Sep 1989

     Butch Witherspoon
     Fido 1:288/525

                     National Computer Learning Month
                       Computer Benefits Sweepstakes

     1 Grand Pize: One individual, drawn at random from the qualifying
     entries, will win a computer.

     10  Second  Prizes:  Ten  individuals,  drawn  at random from the
     qualifying entries, will win software programs.

     Description:  Computers  and  software  are  valuable  tools  for
     assisting  us  in  our  lives.  This  sweepstakes  is designed to
     encourage people to think about the ways computers  and  software
     can  be  used as tools to assist in other activities, rather than
     as ends in themselves.

     Rules: To qualify to enter the sweepstakes, you must  submit  the
     following.  On  n 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper, list the following
     doen the left side of  the  paper:  research  tool,  productivity
     tool,  learning  tool,  entertainment  tool.  Next to each one of
     these, briefly describe one way that computers and  software  can
     assist  you  as  this  type  of  tool in activities in your life.
     Attach this paper tpo the contest entry form.

     Limit: One entry per individual.

     For more information contact Butch Witherspoon, Fido 1:288/525 or
     write to NCLM Echo, P.O. Box 8045, Granite City, IL 62040-8045.

     FidoNews 6-39                Page 5                   25 Sep 1989

                   North Dakota says good-bye.

       Well I learned about a week ago that my friend and partner
     in crime is getting reassigned from Minot AFB ND to the
     warmer climes of March AFB in California. And with his
     departure the only network and ONLY nodes in the state will
     disappear from our nodelist. Tom Manship went to the Dakotas
     with an idea to setup and operate a friendly and interesting
     BBS called the Buddist BBS. He succeeded so well that his
     BBS was named twice as one of the Top 10 in the country by
     PC Mag. Along the way he introduced a lot of people,
     including a me, to this neat little network called Fidonet.
     Why he persisted in the face of the great apathy and sparse
     population(600,000) of the state.....amazes even me. But he
     did and he was influential behind the scenes, even though he
     will strongly object to the idea, of changing the way some
     people look at this hobby. Maybe it has to do with his
     Buddist beliefs?
       I guess the reason I am lauding such praise upon the past
     net coordinator of 281 is that after a little experience and
     exposure to the network.....I am beginning to see the wisdom
     of his laid-back easy going style and "don't get mad"
     approach. If we could only just see that same spirit
     throughout the rest of the net. Wow!! You would attract a
     greater following and net expansion. We might even become a
     collective force to be dealt with when it comes to
     organizations that legislate/regulate/manufacture items
     vital to our hobby.
       In closing I hope that Tom Manship returns to us when he
     gets setup in California and keeps our feet on the ground
     and gently reminds us that sometimes there is "no answer"
     .....just questions......and friends with which to discuss
     them with.

     FidoNews 6-39                Page 6                   25 Sep 1989

                 Minutes of IFNA Board of Directors meeting
                  August 25-27 1989, FidoCon, San Jose, CA

                         *** Friday, August 25 ***
                             Convened at 17:25

     Roll Call

      10 Bill Bird (alternate for Courtney Harris)
      12 Matt Whelen (alternate for Bill Bolten)
      13 Thom Henderson (alternate for Irene)
      15 Jim Cannell
      17 Steve Barnes
      19 John Knox

         At large
         Don Daniels
         Mort Sternheim
         Tony Davis for Ste
         Steve Jordon
         Phil Buonomo for Dave Melnick
         Matt Whelan

     Discussion on whether to allow one person to cast more than one
     vote, because Matt Whelan is a director and is also representing
     Bill Bolton.

     Motion by Mort Sternheim to accept minutes from Feb meeting -
     approved unanimously Accepted minutes from February Board meeting
     but the board was not impressed with the time it took to get them

     Statement of new business agenda items (just stating the agenda)
         - Appoint committe to look at BIX question
         - OPCN nodelist
         - Funding IC
         - FidoNews Editor resignation
         - Bill Bolton - the name of IFNA
         - Don Daniels - IFNA FidoNet policy statment

         Don Daniels to have open forum for questions from membership
         at the general BOD meeting on Sunday.

     Motion of thanks to FidoCon 89 organizers by Don Daniels
        passed unanimously

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     Motion to express appreciation to Fidonews editor by Don Daniels
        passed unanimously

     Don Daniels read Report of Nominations by Dave Melnick

     Don Daniels read election results for new board of directors
            - 63 total ballots
            - discussed how to break tie for Division 19
               .discussed how many real vacancies in board
               .let one fill a vacancy?
               .flip a coin?

     Motion by Thom Henderson to flip coin to solve tie for r19
         director discussion - how to solve tie (Bod decides?)
         -amended to accept report not as written and modify that we
          resolve the tie
         -Don D. told us one of the two got many at large votes that
          might influence our decision

       amend report with amendment that r19 tie be resolved by using
       total number of votes as director and other at large

       amend report by using total votes (region and atlarge) to
       determine tie in division 19.   passed all except Don Daniels
       who abstained

     Motion by Thom Henderson to accept report as amended - passed
     unanimously except Don Daniels, who abstained.
     Kris Vietch won by amendment of report.

     Discussed how to get new board together Saturday.
      - Thom Henderson suggested getting them together tonite after

     Recessed at 18:30 until after banquet

                        *** Saturday, August 26 ***
                             Convened at 22:10

     Argument about proxies - should we allow them or not?
       - we have nothing in bylaws to disallow them
       - State laws don't disallow it

     Thom Henderson made motion to allow proxies in board meetings
     without limitation on how many they can actually do.
      - 10 yah, 1 nay, 1 abstain.

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     Phil Buonomo made motion to thank Mort Sternheim.
      - unanimously approved

     Don Daniels explains duties of the officers
      - chairmain chairs the meetings, names the heads of committees,
        can't make motions, can't make vote unless there is a tie,
        recommends removals
      - president runs the organization, breaks ties in exec committee
      - VP - acts for president, responsible for anuual meeting
      - VPTC
      - secretary/treasurer - self explanitory
      - 5 people will be on executive committee - 4 will be elected

     Phil Buonomo made motion to start nominations for new officers
      - unanimous

     Chairman -  Phil Buonomo nominated Thom Henderson
                 Tony Davis nominated John Knox

        Mort Sternheim made motion to close nominations for Chairmain
        - passed

        Bill Bird asked nominees how they intend to get bod members to
        do their jobs.

        Tony Davis observed that Thom Henderson might cause flak
        amongst FidoNet - however John Knox is a temporary alternate
        that is not a real member of the board

        Thom Henderson was elected chairman.

     10:55 - recessed for 5 minute break
     11:05 - resumed session

     Opened nominations for President
      - no nominations were received
      - The decision was made that the position needed more thought

     Motion to table President nominations.
      - seconded
      - open for discussion.
      - Got off track and discussed when to actually vote for
        president and where to have public meeting and when
      - Passed motion to table nominations for President.

     Opened nominations for Vice President
      - no nominations were received
      - Same reason as for president
      - Passed motion to table nominations for VP

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     Don D. Nominated Bill Bolton - seconded
     Phil B. Nominated Ben Baker - seconded
     Motion to close VPTC nominations - passed

     Discussion of qualifications of 2 nominees

     Fabian made motion to contact Bill Bolton and Ben Baker and table
     election until tomorrow
      - passed

     Tony Davis nominated Kris Veitch for secretary
      - no other nominations
      - Motion to table nominations - passed
      - Kris wins by acclimation

     Tony Davis nominated Kris Veitch for treasurer
      - no other nominations
      - Motion to table nominations - passed
      - Kris wins by acclimation

     Discussion of new business to put on agenda
      - discussion was tabled and attendees were told to give WRITTEN
        motions to the secretary.

     Tony Davis suggested a new committee to look into internet
     communications and recommended John Roberts as chairman.
     Discussion was tabled and motion will be added to the agenda for

     Discussion to approach Tom Jennings to discuss the matter with
     his removal of the license to FidoNet.  Thom made the suggestion.
     The decision was made to approach him during Saturday's sessions.

     Motion to recess - passed.

     Meeting recessed at 12:05 until Saturday at 19:30.

                        *** Saturday, August 26 ***
                             Convened at 20:55

     Roll call
         Bill Bird for Courtney Harris
         John Lamb for John Rafuse
         Matt Whelan for Bill Bolton
         Fabian Gordon
         Peter Stern for Ivan Schaeffel
     FidoNews 6-39                Page 10                  25 Sep 1989

         Steve Barnes for Kathi Krockett
         Rob Lerman for Kris Vietch
         Don Daniels
         Phil Buonomo
         Phil Buonomo for Mark Hawthorne
         Thom Henderson for Irene Henderson
         Steve Jordon
         Joe Keenan for Bob Rudolph
         Phil Buonomo for Dave Melnick
         Thom Henderson for Jim Hruby
         Phil Buonomo for Burt Juda
         Fabian Gordon for Karl Schinke
         Tony Davis for John Roberts
         Jim Cannell for Scott Miller
         Jim Cannell for Andrew Adler
         Mort Sternheim for Ken Kaplan
         Matt Whelan elected to divison 3 vacancy
         Tom Jennings elected for at large vacancy
         Henk Wevers absent

     Meeting opened to IFNA members
         ground rules - observers cannot interfere
         directors have 1st priv on chairs, bathroom
         may limit number of peple
         reserve right to convert to closed meeting

     motion to fill vacancies - div 3 and at large
         Matt Whelan nominated for division 3
         motion to close nominations
         Matt Whelan by acclimation
         Matt Whelan appoints Randy Bush as alternate
         - accepted at-large membership application from Randy Bush

     At-large director nominations
         Tony Davis nominated
         Tom Jennings nominated
         - accepted at-large membership application from Tom Jennings
         - Tom Jennings elected

     Nominations for President
         - Les Kooyman
         - Fabian Gordon
         nominations closed, open for discussion
         Don Daniels asked for qualifications from candidates
         - listen to qualifications
         move to close discussion, seconded, passed
         Les Kooyman elected President

     Nominations for Vice President
         - Steve Jordan nominated Fabian Gordon, Don Daniels seconded
         move to close nominations, seconded, passed
     FidoNews 6-39                Page 11                  25 Sep 1989

         motion to elect by acclamation, seconded, passed

     21:50 - 5 minute recess
     22:00 - meeting reconvened

     Discussion of nominations for VPTC from yesterday's nominations
         listened to Jim Cannell about Bill Bolton
         heard question from Bob Hartman about Bill's accomplishments
         Fabian Gordon move to close discussion, seconded, closed
         Bill Bolton elected as VPTC

     move to appoint Matt Whelan to tell Bill Bolton that he is the
     VPTC, seconded, passed

     Reports from officers
     President - no report
     VP   - no report
     VPTC - report is not here - table report until after next break
     Secretary - report not here - table report until break
     Treasurer - report not here - table report until break

     Committee reports
     exec commitee - no report
     a&f - no report now - tabled until report gets here
     nominations/elections - already accepted by outgoing board
     bylaws - report tabled until break
     tech standards
     publications - (Thom for Irene) FidoNews editor has indicated he
         desires to resign
         Randy Bush move to note that no report from pub committee,
           seconded, passed
     intl affairs - table report until after next break
     membership services - no report
     membership database - Randy Bush move that there is no report

     motion to untable bylaws report, seconded, passed
       Don Daniels presented bylaws committee report

     divisional director reports
     10 bill bird - no report
     11 no report
     12 table report because not here
     13 no report
     14 no report
     15 no report
     16 no report
     17 no report
     18 no report
     19 no report
     FidoNews 6-39                Page 12                  25 Sep 1989

      2 no report
      3 no report

     other committee reports
     ethics - has been document submitted but no report
     public affairs - no report

     Processing of the trademark and associated legal bill
       - discussion of validity of the bill
       - motion as amended to refer to exec comm
       - second-passed

     22:40 recessed
     23:05 - reconvened

     Secretary reported Peter Stern representing Ivan Schaeffel has to
     leave the meeting.  Ivan Schaeffel has appointed Vince Perriello
     as proxy.

     Retable report from VPTC becaues it still cannot be found
     no retable on secretary report - no report
     motion to table treasurers report, second, passed

     Randy Bush moved board passed to exec comm that we have no
     balance sheet or income statement and is extremely high priority
     item, seconded, passed

     Randy Bush moves to table international affairs report, seconded,


     Call for written additions

     Executive committeee appointments
         4 members to be appointed, everyone casts 4 votes
         - Don Daniels
         - Karl Schenke
         - Matt Whelan
         - Kris Veitch
         Joe Keenan move to close nominations.
         Four nominees elected by acclaimation

     FidoNews 6-39                Page 13                  25 Sep 1989

     Randy Bush - move to have treasurer deal with local FidoCon 89
     chair to pay to have meeting room tomorrow for board meeting
         second by Vince Perriello, passed

     Fabian Gordon - move to revise the IFNA nodelist copyright notice
     to read, "Copyright (year), International FidoNet Association,
         Randy Bush - Amend to executive committe is empowered to
             consult legal advice to modify copyright notice on
             nodelist, seconded, passed
         Phil Buonomo - Amend to require that it be done by October 1,
             seconded, passed
         Motion passed as amended

     Phil Buonomo - motion to entertain proposals/decide on site of
         FidoCon 90 Seconded, rejected.

     00:00 - Mort Sternheim had to leave meeting, appointed Bob
         Hartman as proxy

     Phil Buonomo - motions to amend IFNA bylaws
         major frigging discussion
         Thom Henderson - question is can we consider that question?
         Phil Buonomo read bylaws to clarify if we can do this or not
         Point of order - can the board consider this motion?
         Chairman calls for a vote on the point of order.
              "Disagree with the point of order that we do not
              have the right to consider amendments which have not
              been submitted to the board by bylaws comittee."
              nay 11  yay  6  abstain  6
              I.e. yes the board may consider this question

     00:40 - recessed for 5 minutes
     00:50 - reconvened

     Motion to amend bylaws, seconded, discussion
         Jim Cannell moved to recess until 07:00am Sunday, seconded,

     02:15 - recess until 7:00 Sunday in romm 922

                         *** Sunday, August 27 ***
                             Convened at 08:00

     Roll call
         Bill Bird for Courtney Harris
         John Lamb for John Rafuse
     FidoNews 6-39                Page 14                  25 Sep 1989

         Matt Whelan for Bill Bolton
         Randy Bush for Matt Whelan
         Fabian Gordon
         Peeter Stern for Ivan Schaeffel
         Steve Barnes for Kathi Krockett
         Rob Lerman for Kris Veitch
         Don Daniels
         Phil Buonomo
         Phil Buonomo for Mark Hawthorne
         Thom Henderson for Irene Henderson
         Steve Jordon
         Joe Keenan for Bob Rudolph
         Phil Buonomo for Dave Melnick
         Thom Henderson for Jim Hruby
         Phil Buonomo for Burt Juda
         Fabian Gordon for Karl Schinke
         Tony Davis for John Roberts
         Jim Cannell for Scott Miller
         Jim Cannell for Andrew Adler
         Bob Hartman for Ken Kaplan
         Tom Jennings
         Henk Wevers absent

     Don Daniels - motion to request immmediate discontinuance of
         violation of nodelist copyright, seconded, passed.
         - Randy Bush moves we make it unanimous, seconded, passed

     Don Daniels - motion to allow OPCN nodelist
         - Failed for lack of a second

     8:15 - Joe Keenan arrives

     Kris Veitch - motion to fund the IC
         - Vince Perriello seconds
         - Jim Cannell moves to table, seconded, tabled

     Reopen discusssion on motion to entertain ammendments to bylaws
         - restated and clarified motion
         - discussion again
         - author of motion has asked for comments on rewording
         - Randy Bush asked for straw poll
         - reworded, if in nodelist, at time of election, sysop gets
           vote for at-large

     08:50 - recessed
     09:00 - reconvened

     Motion to amend the bylaws
         yay  16  nay 5  abstain 2
         The bylaws are amended

     FidoNews 6-39                Page 15                  25 Sep 1989

     Phil Buonomo - motion to call for a referendum
         Seconded, discussion
         - Randy Bush, nodes should respond to this vote to prove this
           node works
         - the intent of the yellow sheet was agreed upon
         motion to recess until 10:00 downstairs, seconded, recessed

     9:50 - recess
     10:20 - General meeting

     Roll call

         Bill Bird for Courtney Harris
         John Lamb for John Rafuse
         Matt Whelan for Bill Bolton
         Fabian Gordon
         Peter Stern for Ivan Schaeffel
         Steve Barnes for Kathi Krockett
         Rob Lerman for Kris Veitch
         Don Daniels
         Phil Buonomo
         Phil Buonomo for Mark Hawthorne
         Thom Henderson for Irene Henderson
         Steve Jordon
         Joe Keenan for Bob Rudolph
         Phil Buonomo for Dave Melnick
         Thom Henderson for Jim Hruby
         Phil Buonomo for Burt Juda
         Fabian Gordon for Karl Schinke
         John Knox for John Roberts
         Jim Cannell for Scott Miller
         Jim Cannell for Andrew Adler
         Bob Hartman for Ken Kaplan
         Randy Bush for Matt Whelan
         Tom Jennings
         Henk Wevers absent

     Phil Buonomo - move to table motion under consideration and
         appoint special committee, seconded, passed
         Chairman appoints Phil Buonomo and Don Daniels to special

     Randy Bush - move that board ask current FidoNews editor to
         remain in office, seconded, passed.  Vince Perriello accepts.

     Phil Buonomo - move to accept policy 4
         Failed for lack of a second

     Bill Bolton - motion to rename IFNA
     FidoNews 6-39                Page 16                  25 Sep 1989

         - Matt Whelan seconds
         - Randy Bush moves to table, seconded, tabled

     Bill Bolton - motion on affirmation of interests of IFNA
         - Randy Bush seconds
         - Don Daniels moves to pass on to committee, seconded, passed

     Don Daniels - motion regarding Bix and echomail, seconded,
         rejected.  Noted for record, Bob Hartman and Fabian Gordon

     Phil Buonomo - final motion for bylaws
         - Randy Bush seconded
         - Randy Bush moved to remove item about VPTC/IC, Jim Cannell
           seconds, amendment accepted by author.
         - Don Daniels moved to remove "at no charge", Randy Bush
           seconds, passed.
         - Randy Bush moved to amend dates on voting to Dec 1 for
           original referendum, Feb 1 for policy/bylaws referendum.
           Seconded, passed
         - Motion accepted as amended.
         - Randy Bush moves to make it unanimouse, seconded, passed.

     Motion to adjourn, seconded, passed

     Metting adjourned at 11:45.

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                           LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

     From:   David Pyke of 120/148.0
     To:     Everyone of 1/1.0
     Subj:   the finding of a source

     I am unable to get ahold of the source for the game Omega due to
     the lack of easynet access.  WOuld any one having the latest
     version of the source please send me where i can get it.  I wish
     to install it on the VAX i have use of.

     From:   Scott Johnson of 260/332.0
     To:     Sysop of 1/1.0
     Subj:   Showpartner, and Hyperpad

     I'm not sure just how many people are out there that own a
     product called Showpartner, and Hyperpad.  They are both products
     of a company out of Syracuse, NY called Brightbill/Roberts. Their
     customer support BBS has been a whole lot less than anticipated,
     and expected.  In response to this, I am setting up areas in my
     BBS to handle this situation.  I am not an employee of
     Brightbill/Roberts, nor am I a user of these particular products.
     I am a supporter of any new company, and a supporter of Customer
     SUPPORT.  In this respect, I feel that this BBS should, and will
     support Showpartner, and Hyperpad if only to handle the influx of
     questions and ideas, as well as files, and programs.  My BBS is
     called "The Last Word!!!" at 1200 baud, 8/n/1, and the phone
     number is (315) 476-3604.  All hyperpad and Showpartner users
     will receive instant validation if they fill out the
     Showpartner/Hyperpad questionnaire.

                                    Scott Johnson
                                    Syracuse, NY   13203

     From:   Adam Plotkin 269/101.0
     To:     EVERYONE of 1/1.0
     Subj:   Fido Mailers

     do you know of any fido mailers or BBS programs for the Apple
     IIGS or II Series?  Your help is appreciated.  Also, if someone
     is writing one and you could put me in touch with him, I'd love

     FidoNews 6-39                Page 18                  25 Sep 1989

                              LATEST VERSIONS

                          Latest Software Versions

                               MS-DOS Systems

                           Bulletin Board Software
     Name        Version    Name        Version    Name       Version

     Fido            12n+   Phoenix         1.3    TBBS           2.1
     Lynx           1.30    QuickBBS       2.04    TComm/TCommNet 3.4
     Kitten         2.15*   RBBS          17.2A    TPBoard        5.2
     Opus          1.03b+                          Wildcat!     2.00P

     Network                Node List              Other
     Mailers     Version    Utilities   Version    Utilities  Version

     BinkleyTerm    2.30*   EditNL         4.00    ARC           6.02
     D'Bridge       1.21    MakeNL         2.12    ARCmail        2.0
     Dutchie       2.90C    ParseList      1.30    ConfMail      4.00
     FrontDoor       2.0    Prune          1.40    EMM           2.02
     PRENM          1.47    XlatList       2.90    GROUP         2.15*
     SEAdog        4.51A    XlaxDiff       2.32    LHARC         1.13
                            XlaxNode       2.32    MSG            3.3
                                                   MSGED         1.99
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.01*
                                                   QM             1.0
                                                   QSORT         4.03*
                                                   TCOMMail       2.2
                                                   TMail         1.11
                                                   TPBNetEd       3.2
                                                   UFGATE        1.03
                                                   XRS            3.0*
                                                   ZmailQ        1.09


     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Red Ryder Host   v2.1b3   Tabby         2.1   MacArc        0.04
     Mansion            7.12                       ArcMac         1.3
     WWIV (Mac)          3.0                       StuffIt       1.51
                                                   TImport      1.331
                                                   TExport       1.32
     FidoNews 6-39                Page 19                  25 Sep 1989

                                                   Timestamp      1.6
                                                   Tset           1.3
                                                   Timestart      1.1
                                                   Tally          1.1
                                                   Mehitabel      1.2
                                                   Archie        1.60
                                                   Jennifer   0.25b2g
                                                   Numberizer    1.5c
                                                   MessageEdit    1.0
                                                   Mantissa       1.0
                                                   PreStamp      2.01
                                                   R.PreStamp    2.01
                                                   Saphire       2.1t
                                                   Epistle II    1.01
                                                   Import        2.52
                                                   Export        2.54
                                                   Sundial        2.1
                                                   AreaFix        1.1
                                                   Probe        0.052
                                                   Terminator     1.1
                                                   TMM           4.0b


     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Paragon            1.00+* BinkleyTerm  1.50   ConfMail      1.10*
                                                   ChameleonEdit 0.10
                                                   RMB           1.30

                                    Atari ST

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailer      Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Star-Net           2.00   BinkleyTerm 1.03g   ConfMail      1.00
     EchoDoor           0.11                       ParseList     1.30
     GS Point           0.61                       ARC           5.21
     FoReM Door         1.00                       TurboArc       1.1
                                                   LHARC         0.40
                                                   PKUNZIP       1.00
                                                   MSGED        1.96S
                                                   SRENUM         6.2
                                                   OMMM          1.30
                                                   Timestop      1.00

     FidoNews 6-39                Page 20                  25 Sep 1989

     + Netmail capable (does not require additional mailer software)
     * Recently changed

     Utility authors:  Please help  keep  this  list  up  to  date  by
     reporting  new  versions  to 1:1/1.  It is not our intent to list
     all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity.

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                          The Interrupt Stack

      5 Oct 1989
        20th Anniversary of "Monty Python's Flying Circus"

     11 Oct 1989
        First International Modula-2 Conference at Bled, Yugoslavia
        hosting Niklaus Wirth and the British Standards Institution.
        Contact 1:106/8422 for more information.

     11 Nov 1989
        A new area code forms in northern Illinois at 12:01 am.
        Chicago proper will remain area code 312; suburban areas
        formerly served with that code will become area code 708.

     23 Nov 1989
        26th Anniversary of "Dr. Who" - and still going strong

     30 Dec 1989
        Telephone area codes (5, 3 and 0) are abolished in Hong Kong

     If you have something which you would like to see on this
     calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1.


     FidoNews 6-39                Page 22                  25 Sep 1989


     Don Daniels

                Report from Bylaws and Rules Committee

     During the recent Board of Directors meeting held August 25-27
     in San Jose during FidoCon, the Board of Directors enacted
     changes to the bylaws of IFNA as follows:

       1f) is changed to read:

          "At-Large Member.  Anyone listed in the FidoNet nodelist who
          is a system operator in good standing of a PUBLIC ACCESS
          NODE at the date of publication of the ballot, is
          automatically entitled to one vote in the election.  Dues
          for At-Large Members are set at $0."

          [The intent of this amendment is to insure that all public
          access sysops in the FidoNet nodelist in good standing are
          automatically granted a vote in an election, without having
          to apply for membership or pay a 'processing fee'.]

       2. is changed to read:

          "Applications for regular, associate, commercial, or life
          membership shall be submitted to the..."

       9. is changed from "written report" to "report".

      10. is changed from "Elections Committee shall solicit such
          petitions" to "Elections Committee should solicit such

          Add "Failure to meet the deadline will not invalidate an

      11. Strike "Annual Membership Meeting", change to "the
          election".  Strike "send to every voting member, and..."
          Add "Failure to meet the deadline will not invalidate an

      12. Remove the last sentence, "Said time must be at least
          forty (40) days from the date the ballots were sent to the

      13. Change to read, "The Nominations and Elections Committee
     FidoNews 6-39                Page 23                  25 Sep 1989

          shall be responsible for the receipt, tabulation and
          verification of all BALLOTS cast before the close of

      18. Change the word "mailed" to be "sent".

     The complete, up-to-date set of the IFNA Articles of Association
     and Bylaws may be obtained from 1:107/210 or 1:107/211 by file
     requesting BYLAWS.ARC (which is dated 89/09/21).

     Thanks to Phil Buonomo for preparing most of this report!

     FidoNews 6-39                Page 24                  25 Sep 1989


     Thom Henderson 1:107/1015 Chairman of the Board
     Les Kooyman    1:204/501  President
     Fabian Gordon  1:107/323  Vice President
     Bill Bolton    3:3/0      Vice President-Technical Coordinator
     Kris Veitch    1:147/30   Secretary
     Kris Veitch    1:147/30   Treasurer


      Administration and Finance   *
      Board of Directors  (CoB)    Thom Henderson   1:107/1015
      By-laws and Rules            *
      Executive Committee (Pres)   Les Kooyman      1:204/501
      International Affairs        *
      Membership Services          *
      Nominations and Elections    *
      Public Affairs               *
      Publications                 Irene Henderson  1:107/9
      Technical Standards          Rick Moore       1:115/333
      Ethics                       *
      Security & Individual Rights *
      Grievance Committee          *

      * Position waiting to be appointed/confirmed by IFNA Chairman
        of the Board of Directors, Thom Henderson.

                      IFNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS

         DIVISION                               AT-LARGE
      10 Courtney Harris  1:102/732   Don Daniels      1:107/210
      11 John Rafuse      1:12/700    Phil Buonomo     1:107/583
      12 Bill Bolton      3:711/403   Mark Hawthorne   1:107/238
      13 Fabian Gordon    1:107/323   Tom Jennings     1:125/111
      14 Ken Kaplan       1:100/22    Irene Henderson  1:107/509
      15 Scott  Miller    1:128/12    Steve Jordan     1:206/2871
      16 Ivan Schaffel    1:141/390   Robert Rudolph   1:261/628
      17 Kathi Crockett   1:134/30    Dave Melnik      1:107/233
      18 Andrew Adler     1:135/47    Jim Hruby        1:107/536
      19 Kris Veitch      1:147/30    Burt Juda        1:107/528
       2 Henk Wevers      2:500/1     Karl Schinke     1:107/516
       3 Matt Whelan      3:54/99     John Roberts     1:147/14

     FidoNews 6-39                Page 25                  25 Sep 1989

                 The World's First   /  \
                    BBS Network     /|oo \
                    * FidoNet *    (_|  /_)
                                    _`@/_ \    _
                                   |     | \   \\
                                   | (*) |  \   ))
                      ______       |__U__| /  \//
                     / Fido \       _//|| _\   /
                    (________)     (_/(_|(____/ (tm)

            Membership for the International FidoNet Association

     Membership in IFNA is open to any individual or organization that
     pays  a  specified  annual   membership  fee.   IFNA  serves  the
     international  FidoNet-compatible  electronic  mail  community to
     increase worldwide communications.

     Member Name _______________________________  Date _______________
     Address _________________________________________________________
     City ____________________________________________________________
     State ________________________________  Zip _____________________
     Country _________________________________________________________
     Home Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________
     Work Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________

     Zone:Net/Node Number ____________________________________________
     BBS Name ________________________________________________________
     BBS Phone Number ________________________________________________
     Baud Rates Supported ____________________________________________
     Board Restrictions ______________________________________________

     Your Special Interests __________________________________________
     In what areas would you be willing to help in FidoNet? __________
     Send this membership form and a check or money order for $25 in
     US Funds to:
                   International FidoNet Association
                   PO Box 41143
                   St Louis, Missouri 63141

     Thank you for your membership!  Your participation will help to
     insure the future of FidoNet.

     Please NOTE that IFNA is a general not-for-profit organization
     and Articles of Association and By-Laws were adopted by the
     membership in January 1987.  The second elected Board of Directors
     was filled in August 1988.  The IFNA Echomail Conference has been
     established on FidoNet to assist the Board.  We welcome your
     input to this Conference.

     FidoNews 6-39                Page 26                  25 Sep 1989

Tim Pozar    Try also...
Internet: pozar@toad.com   
    Fido:  1:125/555
  PaBell:  (415) 788-3904
  USNail:  KKSF / 77 Maiden Lane /  San Francisco CA 94108