[comp.org.fidonet] FidoNET Newsletter, Volume 7, # 1

pozar@hoptoad.uucp (Tim Pozar) (01/11/90)

     Volume 7, Number  1                                1 January 1990
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     |        International                          |     | \   \\  |
     |     FidoNet Association                       | (*) |  \   )) |
     |         Newsletter               ______       |__U__| /  \//  |
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     Editor in Chief:                                  Vince Perriello
     Editors Emeritii:                                     Dale Lovell
                                                        Thom Henderson
     Chief Procrastinator Emeritus:                       Tom Jennings
     FidoNews  is  published  weekly  by  the  International   FidoNet
     Association  as  its  official newsletter.  You are encouraged to
     submit articles for publication in FidoNews.  Article  submission
     standards  are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC,  available from
     node 1:1/1.    1:1/1  is  a Continuous Mail system, available for
     network mail 24 hours a day.
     Copyright 1989 by  the  International  FidoNet  Association.  All
     rights  reserved.  Duplication  and/or distribution permitted for
     noncommercial purposes only.  For  use  in  other  circumstances,
     please contact IFNA at (314) 576-4067. IFNA may also be contacted
     at PO Box 41143, St. Louis, MO 63141.
     Fido  and FidoNet  are registered  trademarks of  Tom Jennings of
     Fido Software,  164 Shipley Avenue,  San Francisco, CA  94107 and
     are used with permission.
     We  don't necessarily agree with the contents  of  every  article
     published  here.  Most of these materials are  unsolicited.    No
     article submitted  by  a  FidoNet SysOp will be rejected if it is
     properly attributed and  legally  acceptable.    We  will publish
     every responsible submission received.

                        Table of Contents
     1. ARTICLES  .................................................  1
        COMMENTS ON INTERNETWORK POLICY  ..........................  1
        Netmail Handling within Fidonet  ..........................  5
        Results from IFNA Vote  ................................... 13
     2. WANTED  ................................................... 21
        WANTED: Korean War Veterans  .............................. 21
     3. LATEST VERSIONS  .......................................... 23
        Latest Software Versions  ................................. 23
     4. NOTICES  .................................................. 26
        New Anesthesia Echo  ...................................... 26
        The Interrupt Stack  ...................................... 26
     FidoNews 7-01                Page 1                    1 Jan 1990


                                  - or -
                     Observations From The Cheap Seats

          Whether for better or for worse, the IFNA election is  over.
     The question of what the ultimate result will be from the outcome
     is one that can only be left to be answered in the future.  Other
     things, it appears, have been in the works that perhaps we should
     be concerned about, so on with the new!

          First  and foremost would have to be the appearance  of  the
     Internetwork Gateway Policy draft as presented by Tim Pearson  in
     FidoNews  651. There has obviously been a lot of effort put  into
     this  proposal by such FidoNet luminaries as Bill  Bolton  (ZC3),
     Steve  Bonine  (Zone 1 Coordinator), Randy Bush (Zone  1  netmail
     gateway  to Zones 2, 3, 4 and 5), David Dodell (retired  Interna-
     tional  Coordinator and Zone 1 Coordinator), Rick Moore  (FidoNet
     Technical  Standards Committee Chairman), Tim Pearson (Region  14
     Coordinator),  Vince Perriello (FidoNews Editor  and  BinkleyTerm
     Author),  Tim Pozar (InterNetwork Coordinator), and  Matt  Whelan
     (International Coordinator).  That's quite an impressive  collec-
     tion of titles, by anyone's definition.

          Given  the prominence of the individuals on this  committee,
     and that it has obviously been working on this proposal for quite
     a long time, I'm at once forced to wonder why the draft  couldn't
     have  been released prior to or during the IFNA election so  that
     people  could have had a little more of an idea of  the  possible
     alternatives  should  IFNA fail to succeed.  However,  I'll  come
     back  to that later.  Right now I'm going to address some of  the
     things  that about the proposal that are troubling  me,  ignoring
     the  trend toward the micromanagement of FidoNet that began  with
     Policy 4 and continues with the current proposal.

          You see, I believe that FidoNet always has been, and  should
     always remain above all a hobbiest network.  I believe that  most
     of  us  run our systems for our own enjoyment and  pleasure,  and
     that we're not overly concerned with anything beyond  communicat-
     ing  with  others who do the same.  The results from  the  recent
     IFNA  election  would appear to indicate that I'm correct  in  at
     least the second, if not the first of these beliefs.

          I also believe that FidoNet technology is a wondrous  thing,
     in that it allows us to accomplish the act of communicating  with
     each  other with pretty fair reliability in a  relatively  simple
     manner.  It even works, and works well, for messages that need to
     travel between systems in one network and systems in another,  as
     long as both systems are compatible with the FidoNet mail  proto-
     col.  From an operational standpoint, it's no more difficult than
     operating  in a single network.  A lot of us have been  doing  it
     for  a  couple  of years now, and though there have  been  a  few
     FidoNews 7-01                Page 2                    1 Jan 1990

     difficulties  from time to time, most of these were a  result  of
     personal problems, not technical issues.  Even some of the  tech-
     nical  difficulties that did occur could often be  attributed  to
     simple  operator  error rather than problems with  the  technique

          Certainly there must be special requirements and  techniques
     for  passing mail between systems that use the  FidoNet  protocol
     and those that do not, and certainly there must be agreements for
     establishing  connections to professional and/or commercial   net
     works  that  exist.   However, the proposal as  it  stands  would
     appear  to put more emphasis on protecting these  other  networks
     from FidoNet than on protecting FidoNet and its hobbiest standing
     from  these professional and/or commercial giants.  At least  one
     of the members of this committee has been espousing the necessity
     of  making  FidoNet  a professional network for  years,  and  the
     proposal shows more than a little of an influence in that  direc-

          But all of those special requirements and techniques  simply
     aren't necessary for communication between networks based on  the
     FidoNet  protocol.  However, now we have a proposal from a  group
     of  individuals who apparently feel there is a need  to  increase
     the  complexity, the difficulty, and in most cases the  cost  for
     anyone within FidoNet who wants to communicate with his  neighbor
     down  the street who also runs a FidoNet compatible  mail  system
     but  happens to be a member of a different network, for  whatever
     reason.  Interestingly enough, several of these same  individuals
     have been the most outspoken of the "my net or no net" camp - you
     know, those folks who say "if you don't like it, you can  leave",
     knowing  full  well that they've got the  biggest  (and  arguably
     best)  game on the block, and knowing that most people will  just
     resign themselves to take it on the cheek.

          Note that I'm not saying that there aren't some good  things
     in  the proposal.  There most certainly are, for if nothing  else
     the  document at least acknowledges the fact that there are  net-
     works based on the FidoNet protocol other than FidoNet itself  in
     existence and that they're not going to just dry up and go away -
     an  acknowledgment  that previously had  never  been  formalized.
     There's also an indication that there may be some willingness  to
     establish  agreements with these networks for  communication  be-
     tween them and the resolution of problems that may occur.  Howev-
     er, even here the bully attitude reasserts itself in the "my  way
     or no way" philosophy and method of handling such problems. Other
     FidoNet technology networks are, plain and simple, reduced to the
     same  status  as private point networks by the proposal  and  its

          Now,  all of this may not concern most of you in the  least.
     But it is, after all, remotely possible that someday you too  may
     want  to join a different network for social reasons  or  special
     benefits  that it may offer.  Should that happen, would you  want
     to be placed in the position of having to go through  unnecessary
     contortions  simply  to  send a message to  your  FidoNet  friend
     across  town?  I wouldn't.  However, getting back to  my  earlier
     FidoNews 7-01                Page 3                    1 Jan 1990

     question  about  why  this proposal was released  at  this  time.
     Frankly,  if I were doing it and had control of the situation,  I
     could think of absolutely no better time.  Why?

          Because there are those who would see this as an  undeniable
     attempt to increase the control of FidoNet by a few select  indi-
     viduals  (as opposed to IFNA).  Had it been released prior to  or
     during the IFNA election, it's entirely possible that the outcome
     would  have been much, much different.  Also, there are a  number
     of  proposals  for a new FidoNet policy being worked  on  at  the
     present  time,  most of them based to one extent  or  another  on
     moving toward a truly democratic network.  Should one of those be
     passed and come into effect prior to this proposal, it  certainly
     might have a difficult time of passage without being reworked  to
     be a little more appropriate for a hobbiest network.  Of  course,
     that's all conjecture on my part, but it seems a bit too  conven-
     ient  to have happened just by coincidence.  Because of  all  the
     above, I want to make a couple of suggestions.

          First, to all sysops of FidoNet or other FidoNet  technology
     networks.   This  proposal represents a serious  threat  to  your
     capability  to continue communication with systems in other  net-
     works  in  the most efficient, cost-effective  manner.   Read  it
     closely.  If implemented, it will in most cases take at least two
     calls  to send the message that now takes one,  and  additionally
     will  have  to  undergo some sort of processing on  one  or  more
     gateway  systems,  quite  probably resulting in  an  increase  in
     costs, increase in time lag, and lower reliability as a result of
     dependence on an increased number of other systems to be involved
     in the transmission of your internetwork messages.

          Second, to all sysops of FidoNet.  You should demand to have
     a  personal  voice  in the adoption of ANY policy  that  has  the
     potential,  now or later, of affecting your day to day  operation
     in  any  manner.   You should demand that any  such  election  be
     conducted  in a similar manner to the IFNA election,  i.e.,  that
     any policy can only be implemented by a YES vote from over 50% of
     the  nodes in the network, and that no "formulas" be applied  for
     adjusting the outcome of the vote.  Anything less than this,  and
     you  are leaving yourself open to the possibility of  being  con-
     trolled by the desires of a few individuals who "know what's best
     for you".

          Third,  to all sysops of all other FidoNet  technology  net-
     works.  If you're also still a member of FidoNet, then now is the
     time  to  let  yourself be heard, both by the  drafters  of  this
     proposal  and by your fellow sysops.  You should also  let  those
     within  the  hierarchy  of whatever other network you  may  be  a
     member of know that you feel it's time for all the other networks
     to attempt to overcome their differences and speak to the FidoNet
     with  a single voice, through netmail, newsletter articles,  con-
     ferences  between  FidoNet  coordinators and those  of  your  own
     network,  regaining  control of your network's  conferences  from
     FidoNet if necessary, or whatever other actions may be  available
     to you.

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 4                    1 Jan 1990

          Last  item from the cheap seats, to everyone.  Whatever  you
     do or don't do, agree with or don't agree with, make sure to make
     your opinions known.  Along with any benefit comes  responsibili-
     ty,  if nothing more than the responsibility to participate  when
     asked.  Most of the time, it's just a matter of giving an  honest
     answer  when  you're asked what you think or how you  feel  about
     something,  or taking the time to cast your vote when there's  an
     election.  If you do nothing else, at least make the  attempt  to
     stand up and be counted when it's time!

                                   John Roberts
                                   FidoNet 1:385/49

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 5                    1 Jan 1990

     Jack Decker
     1:154/9, 11:154/8


     The purpose of this article is to stimulate you to think for a
     moment about netmail (also known as "Matrix Mail" if you run an
     Opus system).  I'd like to make some statements about netmail,
     and ask how many of the following you'd agree with:

     1)  In the early days of Fidonet, netmail was what held us
     together.  Without it, we'd have been just a loose collection
     of BBS's, if that.

     2)  In the past two or three years, most new sysops have joined
     Fidonet primarily to gain access to echomail, and many sysops
     don't even use netmail, nor offer it to their users.

     3)  From the user's perspective, sending or replying to a
     message in echomail is thought of as being "free", while
     sending netmail costs money, if the BBS you're using even
     allows you to do so.

     4)  From the sysop's point of view, outgoing echomail costs
     very little compared to outgoing netmail (for which a separate
     call may have to be made to deliver each single netmail
     message).  The exception to this is in the (relatively few)
     nets that have OGATEs.

     5)  If a sysop has a really important netmail message to send,
     he'll usually send it directly to the destination system (using
     "crash mail") rather than take the risk that it will be lost or
     grunged in transit through other systems.

     6)  Calling an unknown node to deliver netmail can be risky.
     While all nodes in Fidonet are supposed to be able to talk to
     each other, it turns out that certain modems and/or mailers
     will refuse to communicate more often than we'd like.

     7)  If you wish to send netmail within your own zone, and you
     do not have an OGATE in your net, you must send it to the
     destination node or to his net host on your own nickel (and
     hope that your system and the one at the other end will

     8)  Most sysops have no idea how to go about sending a netmail
     message to someone in a different Fidonet-compatible network,
     let alone to a non-Fidonet network such as Usenet, Internet,

     9) If someone told a Fidonet sysop that he had an account on
     Usenet, chances are that the Fidonet sysop would not be able to
     tell that person how to address mail to the sysop at his
     Fidonet address.  In fact, most Fidonet sysops would never
     expect to receive mail from another network in that manner.

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 6                    1 Jan 1990

     10)  Many messages that are currently placed in echomail could
     go by netmail, which would cut down on much of the extraneous
     and off-topic discussion that today permeates the echo

     11)  It is much easier and less expensive to send netmail in
     other networks (such as Usenet) because mail is routed through
     other systems.

     That's the end of the "pop quiz."  How many of the above
     statements did you agree with?  If it was five or more, then
     you probably realize that we have a bit of a problem with
     netmail right now, in both Fidonet and most of the
     "alternative" networks that use Fidonet technology.

     How would you like to be able to handle outbound netmail in
     this way:  When you post a netmail message, if your system
     "knows" the destination system (for example, it's another
     system in your local calling area, or one with which you
     regularly exchange netmail or echomail), your system would send
     the message direct, as it does now.  Or, if the message was
     really important and had to get to the destination quickly,
     your system would crashmail it to the destination, just as it
     does now.

     But, for all other netmail... the stuff that goes to systems
     you don't "know" but which is not time-sensitive... you'd
     simply dump it on one node in your net and he'd see that it got
     delivered!  That would be simple and convenient, right?

     Ah, but what does that node do with it?  Well, suppose he
     collects all the long distance netmail from your net, and makes
     ONE long distance call each night and dumps it on a node at the
     regional level?  Still pretty simple, right?

     And what does the regional level node do?  Well, if it's mail
     for a net in his region, he holds it for pickup by the node
     that calls in from that net (the netmail hub for that net, in
     other words).  Otherwise, he bundles it up and sends it to a
     zone level node, which holds it for pickup by the proper
     regional level node.

     Now, this is all pretty straightforward up to the regional
     level.  Either you "know" the destination net of any given
     message and send it directly to that net, or you don't, in
     which case the message it sent "upstream."  But above the
     regional level, there has to be some way to know which regional
     hub gets any particular netmail message.  It would be nice to
     assume that we'd always have one regional netmail hub for each
     Fidonet region, but that may not always be the case.  In
     reality, we might have one hub that serves two adjacent
     regions.  Or, there may be some technical or economic reason
     why a particular net may need to connect with a mail hub in a
     different region.  Since we're designing this from the ground
     up anyway, we might as well build in some flexibility to handle
     these types of situations.
     FidoNews 7-01                Page 7                    1 Jan 1990

     So let's suppose we have a network-wide "topology map."  This
     would have to be maintained, but not anywhere near as
     frequently as the nodelist.  It could probably be distributed
     as an SDS file.  Its greatest benefit would be to those at the
     regional level and above, so minor changes could probably be
     made manually (and immediately) by sending out netmail messages
     to the parties who really need the information.

     The map would make the assumption that each mail hub knows how
     to get to the levels above and below it (that is, the full
     net/node address of those nodes above and below it), so the map
     itself would really only have to list net, region, or zone
     numbers.  That way, when the functions of a particular hub are
     transferred to a different node, the map doesn't necessarily
     have to be redrawn.

     As an example, the following might be the basic outline for a
     map for a mythical zone 6 that has three regions (67, 68, and
     69) which each serve three nets:

     230      67      6
     320      68
     121      69

     (This may seem like it reads backwards, but it creates a
     smaller file than if written the other way around, and is
     probably easier to parse).

     So, if you want to send a message to zone 5, net 373 and it
     arrives at the zone-level node, it can check the "map" and
     determine that it can send the message to the region 68 hub.

     A couple more technical points about the map:  First, there
     would be separate maps for each zone, not a combined map.  It's
     really nobody's concern how mail is routed in a different zone
     from their own. Also, it would be permissible to have listings
     ABOVE the first zone listing, particularly during the time
     frame when this scheme is first being implemented.  This would
     indicate regions that have intra-regional routing but that do
     not tie into any zone-wide routing scheme (yet).  Net hubs
     would know that in such cases they could not use the regional
     hub to send mail outside of their own regions.  Actually, a
     fourth field could be used in such a case, to indicate those
     other regions that a particular region DOES connect with (see
     the technical appendix at the end of this article).

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 8                    1 Jan 1990

     Would you believe that we already have the beginnings of such a
     netmail routing scheme in Fidonet, but few know about it?  For
     example, in at least one region that I know of, the Regional
     Echomail Coordinator handles inter-net netmail within his
     region, and in a different region, the Regional Coordinator
     performs this service.  Under policy, neither of these folks is
     REQUIRED to perform this service, they just do it because they
     are nice folks.

     And in Fidonet Zone 2, it appears that netmail routing is being
     accomplished routinely.  A message from Tomas Gradin to me in
     the NET_DEV conference (in response to an earlier message of
     mine) stated:

           JD> NODE ==> NC ==> RC ==> ZC ==>
               [OTHER ZONE ZC ==>] RC ==> NC ==> NODE

           I agree. We have done it exactly this way in Region
           20 (consisting of the seven nets in Sweden) for
           several years by now, and it works *excellently*! We
           do it like this:

           node -> [hub ->] NC -> RC -> NC -> [hub ->] node

           Mail to other regions is sent by the RC to the RC of
           the destination node, or to the proper zonegate.

           The quoted line of yours shows exactly how I would
           like FidoNet netmail to work in all regions/zones.
           It's the best way, doubtlessly.

     I've been around Fidonet long enough to know that if we try to
     mandate any sort of netmail routing scheme upon the network, it
     will never happen.  For example, if we tried to pass a Policy
     that stated that REC's or RC's HAD to handle netmail within
     their region, those who don't want to do it will scream bloody
     murder and try to make life miserable for everyone else, and
     will do their darndest to make sure that the idea never comes
     to fruitation.  So, let's avoid that problem.  What I propose
     is that we create a totally new, totally voluntary position...
     The zone/region/net NETMAIL Coordinator.  This doesn't even
     have to be an "officially recognized" position, though it would
     be nice if it was.  But, keep in mind that distribution systems
     like the SDS and SDN got started without a whole lot of
     "official" blessing, yet they are widely recognized within the
     net now.

     The one thing that would differentiate the Netmail Coordinator
     (*NC) position from the others is that in this case we would
     allow (and even encourage) folks to wear "two hats."  It makes
     a LOT of sense for an existing *EC or *C to also be the *NC for
     his net, region, or zone.  Only in the case where neither the
     *EC nor *C wanted the job would we start asking for volunteers.
     The reason, of course, is that it makes a lot of sense to
     "piggyback" netmail on existing structures where possible,
     rather than creating totally new structures where these are not
     FidoNews 7-01                Page 9                    1 Jan 1990

     required.  For example, if the Net Echomail Coordinator makes
     outgoing calls to virtually everyone in his net every day, he
     might not feel that it's such an imposition to deliver the
     occasional piece of netmail at the same time, during the same
     call  (then again, he might, which is why we make it

     In order to make this work, those who volunteer to be Netmail
     Coordinators would be wise to agree to follow a few common
     sense rules:

     1) Delivery of mail takes precedence over political
     considerations.  In other words, you don't withhold delivery of
     someone's mail in order to make a political statement.

     2) Every reasonable effort should be made to deliver netmail.
     It's not reasonable to expect you to make a call to Timbuktu to
     deliver mail on your nickel, but you should be willing to "go
     the extra mile" to see that mail passing through your system
     gets delivered.

     3) If you're at the region level or above, no checking for the
     existence of a node is allowed before mail delivery is
     attempted.  If the NET number is valid, you at least should
     deliver it as far as the net hub for that net.  The net hub
     just might know what to do with it, even if you don't!  The
     destination node may be a new node that's not yet in the
     nodelist, or a private node in that net that's not listed in
     the nodelist, or even a node that's existed for years but that
     through some accident or screwup by man or machine, got omitted
     from this week's nodelist.

     4) Anyone who has a "chip on their shoulder" in regard to the
     alternative networks will probably not make a good Netmail
     Coordinator, and probably should not apply for the position.
     Eventually "Domain Gating" may be worked into this scheme
     (indeed, "Domain Gating" really only becomes viable when a
     netmail routing scheme such as this one exists on both sides of
     the Domain gate!) so if you just can't stomach the idea of
     handling mail that originates in networks other than your own,
     you probably ought to let a more open-minded individual take
     the position.

     5) You also probably shouldn't get into this if you think
     you're going to charge other people money for providing this
     service.  One of the major problems we've had in Fidonet is
     people who take a position with the idea that somehow it's
     going to financially enrich them, and when that doesn't happen,
     they start pushing for "chargeback" schemes and the like (which
     generally go over like lead balloons, and cause all sorts of
     problems, flames, and policy complaints).

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 10                   1 Jan 1990

     6) Geographic boundaries are not idols, and are not "cast in
     concrete."  If it makes more sense (from a cost standpoint, or
     for some technical reason such as modems or mailers that refuse
     to communicate with each other at a reasonable speed), a net
     distribution point may be allowed to connect into the netmail
     routing scheme at some point outside of their own region.
     That's why we have the topology map!  Even though I use the
     word "region" in this proposal, it's not my intent to say that
     netmail routing regions must *exactly* follow Fidonet regional
     boundaries.  It's also not my intent to say that mail going
     between political subdivisions MUST flow through the next
     higher level.  If the Netmail Coordinators of two different
     nets or regions wish to send direct to each other, that should
     be encouraged since it will take some of the load off of the
     system at the next higher level!

     Those of you who think that this idea stinks (for whatever
     reason) probably wonder why anyone would volunteer their time
     and, to some extent, their money to provide this service.  My
     answer to that is that I don't know WHY folks do things for
     others, but many do.  Consider again the SDS and SDN nodes,
     which in many areas spend no small amount of money to bring the
     "latest and greatest" software into their nets, in most cases
     without recompense.  Also consider that many nets have echomail
     hubs that absorb the expenses incurred in bring echoes into the
     net.  Still other nets presently have OGATEs that send outbound
     netmail at their own expense.  Why do any of these folks do
     what they do?  For that matter, why do sysops set up free
     BBS's?  I don't know, but I'll bet there's more folks out there
     who would be happy to have a chance to make a meaningful
     contribution to this hobby that we call Fidonet.

     Technical Addendum:

     My actual proposal for the map differs slightly in
     implementation from the very general outline mentioned above.
     The actual format would be:

     [for Zone_Map entries:]
     net[,region[,zone][,other connected regions]]

     For example:

     289,24,,25 26 27
     315,25,,24 26 27

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     Note that in the above example, no zone is specified until the
     seventh line.  Nodes list above that line are not tied into the
     zone-wide netmail routing scheme, but do participate in
     multi-regional routing between regions 24-27.  Eventually the
     fourth field may become unused, but in the beginning it will
     allow netmail routing to begin in portions of the zone prior to
     implementation of a full zone-wide delivery system.  In other
     words, the fourth field would be considered temporary, and
     would probably be abolished after zone-wide netmail routing
     becomes a reality.

     The ";Zone_Map" keyword is REQUIRED and allows the list to be
     expanded with other useful information, with each type of
     information having its own specific format.  For example, if it
     were desired to place the actual network addresses of the
     regional hubs in the map (again, as a temporary measure until
     full zone-wide routing is achieved), it could be done in this

     ;Region_Hubs 24,24/0

     ...and, it would even be possible to include Domain Gating
     information to make it easy for folks to find domain gates.
     The syntax might be:

     domain name,domain gate address[,net/regions served]

     For example:

     Hairnet,304/252,r24 25 n124

     In the first example, the "Hairnet" gate would be the one
     actually accessed by the region 24, region 25, and net 124 hubs
     for transmission of inter-net mail.  In other words, this field
     would be for informational purposes ("this is the domain gate
     we are currently using") rather than as an imperative ("if you
     are in region 24 you MUST use this gate only!").

     Having this information available from one centralized location
     within a zone would make it much easier for mail hubs to
     construct meaningful routing control files.  None of the above
     is "cast in stone" and I am certainly open to suggestions on
     how it might be improved.  One thing to keep in mind is that
     the more information that is included with the map, the more
     useful it becomes, BUT it will have to be updated more

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 12                   1 Jan 1990

     One other note... I have deliberately avoided mentioning the
     ZoneGate in this document because, although I feel it would be
     better if the ZoneGate were at the "top of the pyramid" in any
     netmail routing scheme, the current ZoneGate operators may not
     wish to participate.  Therefore, for the time being, if a piece
     of mail for another zone turns up on a Netmail Coordinator's
     system, it should be handled just like any other piece of mail
     destined for the ZoneGate's net (for example, in zone 1, it
     would be handled just like any other piece of mail going to net
     105).  Also, the current zone 1 ZoneGate operator has indicated
     that he will destroy rather than deliver mail that originates
     in a network outside of Fidonet; therefore, if full
     inter-domain routing ever becomes a reality, it may be
     appropriate at that time for the Netmail Coordinators to find
     an alternate routing for mail which originates in other domains
     (but which is destined for a Fidonet node in another zone).

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 13                   1 Jan 1990

     Steve Bonine  1:115/777
     Chair of IFNA Elections and Nominations Committee

     At this Summer's FidoCon, the IFNA Board of Directors passed a
     resolution affectionately known as YPOP (Yellow Piece of Paper)
     which decreed that a vote would be taken to determine the future of
     IFNA.  The rules for this vote were published in FidoNews 644.  The
     polls were open during the month of November, and the vote totals
     were tabulated and reported up the FidoNet coordinator structure
     during the month of December.  This article reports those results.

     The resolution passed by the Board stated that the outcome of the
     vote was to be based upon the total of ELIGIBLE voters, not on the
     number of actual votes received.  It thus was as important to
     develop a count of eligible voters as to record the votes received.
     Network Coordinators who conducted the vote were requested to
     forward three numbers:  YES votes, NO votes, and number of eligible

     A mechanism was developed to adjust the total of eligible voters to
     compensate for nets which did not report any results or for which
     no number-eligible was reported.  This mechanism, described in the
     published rules, involves calculating a ratio of the number of
     eligible voters to the number of nodelist entries and then applying
     that ratio to nets which did not report.

     In summary, the numeric results are as follows:

     YES votes received:                                  1417
     NO  votes received:                                   480
     Eligible voters reported:                            3741
     Nodelist entries represented by these 3741 voters:   4373
     Nodelist entries represented by nets not reporting:  1484
     Calculated  eligible  voters in nets not reporting:  1269
     Total eligible voters:                               5010

     Percentage of eligible voters voting YES:  28%

     As Chair of the IFNA Nominations and Elections Committee, the Board
     of Directors should consider this my formal report that the
     required majority of eligible voters was NOT received in this

     Now that I have presented the numbers, I want to editorialize just
     a bit.

     I want to thank everyone who helped conduct this election.  The
     cooperation from the entire FidoNet coordinator structure was
     excellent and quite gratifying.  After all, it wasn't the coordina-
     tors who asked for this, and it is no small amount of work to hold
     this type of election, especially in a large net.  Considering the
     number of people involved and our experience level at doing this,
     the number of problems encountered was vanishingly small.

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 14                   1 Jan 1990

     Which brings me to a related topic.  There are almost 2,000 votes
     tallied in this election.  I am certain that, somewhere, there must
     be a typo or a net's vote which somehow was mis-recorded.  Let's
     not nitpick on this.  A few votes one way or the other really isn't
     going to change anything.  A few HUNDRED votes wouldn't change the
     outcome.  In fact, it would take more than 1,000 additional YES
     votes to change the outcome.  Everyone involved has done their best
     to insure accuracy, and flames about misrecorded votes just aren't
     called for.

     In conclusion I present the vote tally by net.  This list is based
     upon NODELIST.300, which was the nodelist-of-record for the
     election.  It does not purport to reflect current reality in terms
     of NC names, etc.  The line length was chopped at 65 characters to
     allow it to appear in FidoNews with one line per net, which
     mutilated some NC's names; for that I apologize.  The three numbers
     shown are YES votes, NO votes, and number-eligible.  In those cases
     where the number-eligible is blank (including those indicated as
     "no report"), the eligible count was adjusted using the ratio
     technique described above.

     YES  NO  Elig

      12    4   26  Net 100,St Louis Area,St Louis MO,J Harre
      16    3   33  Net 101,Boston Metro,Swampscott MA,HAL DuPrie
      10    1   61  Net 102,SoCalNet,Los Angeles CA,Richard Martz
      14    3   28  Net 103,Orange Co CA,Anaheim CA,Jim Bacon
       8   13   71  Net 104,Denver Area Net,Denver CO,Rod Lamping
       6   28   62  Net 105,VanPort Net,S Wash & N Ore,The Curmudgeon
       4    6   74  Net 106,Houston Area,Houston TX,Merrilyn Vaughan
      84   10  100  Net 107,NY/NJ MetroNet,East Brunswick NJ,Fabian G
       5    1    6  Net 108,CincyNet,Cincinnati OH,Jesse Armontrout
      51    2   89  Net 109,Spooks R Us Net,DC MD NoVA Metro,Bill And
       1    7    8  Net 110,DAYTON Area,Dayton OH,Decker Doggett
       0    0       Net 112,NE Florida Coast,Jacksonville FL,Dana San
      17    9   48  Net 114,Phoenix Area,Phoenix AZ,John Valentyn
      20    8   42  Net 115,ChicagoLand,Chicago IL,Tom Etheridge
       0    0       Net 116,Greater Tenn Area,Nashville TN,Mike Black
     no report      Net 117,Brazos County Area,College Station TX,Pau
      11    1   13  Net 119,ChicoNet,Chico CA,Bob Campbell
      12    2       Net 120,Detroit MetroNet,Ferndale MI,Mike Bader
       2    0    4  Net 121,Madison Area,Madison WI,John Galvin
       4    1       Net 123,Mid-South Net,Memphis TN,Bill Paul
     no report      Net 124,Dallas Metroplex,Dallas TX,Jon Sabol
      12    1   31  Net 125,SF Bay Net,San Francisco CA,Mike Moore
      14    1   23  Net 128,Southern Colorado,Colorado Springs CO,Woo
      32    1   34  Net 129,Pitt-Net,Pittsburgh PA,Paul Kelly
       5    1   42  Net 130,FTW Gateway,Fort Worth TX,George Braswell
      10    9   36  Net 132,New England-North,Nashua NH,Kath Kirby
       8    0       Net 133,ATLNET,Atlanta GA,Steve Antonoff
      15   13   29  Net 134,Southern Alberta,Calgary Alta,Norbert Lan
     FidoNews 7-01                Page 15                   1 Jan 1990

      18    1   38  Net 135,SFLorida Net,Miami FL,Christopher Baker
       1    1    4  Net 136,Del Rio,Del Rio TX,James Johnston
       0    0       Net 137,Fla Suncoast Net,Sarasota FL,George Emigh
       0   14   15  Net 138,South Puget Sound,Washington,Steven Barne
       7    0    8  Net 139,Eastern WI & U.P. MI,Neenah WI,Bruce Casn
       1    8   25  Net 140,Sask Net,Saskatchewan Canada,Ken Read
      26   21   77  Net 141,ConnCentral,New Haven CT,Emmitt Dove
       7    1   10  Net 142,Hartford Area,Farmington CT,Maynard Marqu
      10    1   21  Net 143,Silicon Valley,Sunnyvale CA,Jim Cannell
      17    3   43  Net 147,OKC MetroNet,Oklahoma City,Kris Veitch
       2    8   10  Net 150,First State,Wilmington DE,Dave Hart
       0    0       Net 151,NC Net,Greensboro NC,Michael Hill
       9    0   34  Net 152,The Oregon Network,Eugene OR,Paul Ortman
       3    1   60  Net 153,Pacific Rim,BC MAN YUK NWT,Len Boscoe
      13    0   20  Net 154,Wisconsin S.E.(lata),Milwaukee WI,Ted Pol
       6    2   18  Net 157,Northeast OH,Cleveland OH,Bob Abbott
       0    8   21  Net 159,Mid Michigan Net,Lansing MI,Bob Peel
       6    0   13  Net 160,South TX Gulf Coast,Corpus Christi TX,Bob
      11    0   34  Net 161,SF EAST BAY\VALLEY,Benicia CA,Derek Koopo
       2    4   51  Net 163,Ottawa Net,Ottawa ON,Bruce Miller
       1    2   40  Net 167,QUEBEC WEST,Brossard Que,Renald Loignon
      11   18   43  Net 170,Tulsa Area,Tulsa OK,Bruce Bodger
       3    0   19  Net 200,South Net,Malmoe Sweden,Mats Knuts
     no report      Net 201,Lafayette Net,West Lafayette IN,Don Ault
       5    0   35  Net 201,Mid Sweden Net,Sweden,Thomas Bergstam
      22    2   33  Net 202,San Diego Co CA,San Diego CA,Jim Dailey
       4    0   22  Net 202,TCL-NET,Tungelsta Sweden,Hakan Andersson
      30   11   41  Net 203,SacraMetro Valley Net,Sacramento Ca,Ralph
       1    0   19  Net 203,West Swedish Net,Gothenburg Sweden,Anders
       1    0    8  Net 204,Central Net,Orebro Sweden,Thomas Stjernst
       2    3   16  Net 204,SF Peninsula Net,San Mateo CA,Les Kooyman
      13    1   17  Net 205,Fresno/Central Valley,Clovis CA,Ken Wecte
     no report      Net 205,Norrland Net,Sundsvall Sweden,Roberth Lin
       4    1   21  Net 206,Ventura County Net,Thousand Oaks CA,Steve
     no report      Net 207,Inland County Net,Colton CA,Rod Bowman
       2    0   13  Net 208,Stockton/Modesto Net,Modesto CA,Stephen E
       4    0    4  Net 209,Vega$Net,Las Vegas NV,Jeff Marsh
       0    0   12  Net 221,SouWest O Net,London ON,Erik Sea
       0    0    7  Net 222,The Soo Net,Sault Ste. Marie ON,Mario D'U
       2    0    5  Net 225,Near North Net,North Bay ON,Jesse David H
      24    1   30  Net 226,Buckeye Net,Columbus OH,David Pointer
       3    0    5  Net 227,Michiana Net,South Bend IN,Bob Heide
       5    2   22  Net 228,West Michigan Net,Grand Rapids MI,Kevin O
       7    1   24  Net 229,Durham Net,Ajax ONT,Rick Bates
      11    0   13  Net 230,DANE TECH,Denmark,Mik Tuver
       5   10   22  Net 231,Central IN Fido Net,Indpls IN,Brian Murre
       3    0   25  Net 231,DaneNet,Denmark,Johnny Odgaard
       2    2    9  Net 232,Central IL,Peoria IL,Lee Busby
      14    1   18  Net 233,Chambana Net,Urbana IL,Wayne Hamilton
      13    1   14  Net 234,Maumee Valley Net,Toledo OH,Jim Dunmyer
     no report      Net 234,Mosquito Network Ass.,Denmark,Keld Hansen
     no report      Net 236,NE Indiana Net,Fort Wayne IN,Ron Kuhn
     no report      Net 237,State Line <HST>,Niles OH,Orren Zook
     FidoNews 7-01                Page 16                   1 Jan 1990

       3    0    3  Net 238,Central WI,Schofield WI,William Huther
       4    0    6  Net 240,QUEBEC EAST,QuebecCity Que,Doug Kitson
       0    5    5  Net 241,European HST NET,West Germany FRG,Mario R
       4    2   11  Net 242,AltiPlex Net,FRG,Leo Moll
     no report      Net 243,Big Science Net,West Germany FRG,Ruediger
       8    0   17  Net 244,RHEIN-AREA-NET,West Germany FRG,Helmut Sa
       1    4    8  Net 245,MUG-Net,West Germany FRG,Klaus Schaefer
       4    0   10  Net 246,Bavarian Net,West-Germany FRG,Tommy Roede
       0    0    9  Net 247,Niagara Net,St. Catharines ON,Hugh Mitche
       1    6   13  Net 247,SchaWot Net Suedhessen,West Germany FRG,S
     no report      Net 248,Ara Net Wiesbaden,West Gemany FRG,Hans Ko
       0    0   84  Net 250,Southern Ontario Net,ON,Bruce Smith
       2    0    3  Net 251,Southern Net,South Coast UK,Jon Dunster
      22    0   27  Net 252,South Central,Reading UK,David Rance
      22    1   51  Net 253,Central Net,Droitwich UK,Pete Franchi
      27    0   46  Net 254,London Net,London UK,Grant Burch
       7    0   12  Net 255,SouthWest Net ,Exeter UK,John Burden
       1    0   10  Net 256,Brit Net North,Tyneside UK,John Rawson
     no report      Net 257,The Home Counties Net,UK,Grant Burch
       1    1   16  Net 258,Eastern Net [HST],Sandy UK,Alan Walker
       4    0    6  Net 259,ScotNet,Barrhead UK,Donald Whannell
      24    2   47  Net 260,EmpireStateNet,Syracuse NY,Mark Howard
      32    2   49  Net 261,Chesapeake MetroNet,Baltimore Area,Bob Ru
       3    0    6  Net 262,West Virginia Net,So Charleston WV,Mike H
       4    1   21  Net 264,Mid Virginia Net,Richmond VA,Cabell Clark
       0    1   11  Net 265,SOUTHERN NORTHERN VA NET,Woodbridge Va,Ri
       1   11   22  Net 266,51st State,Burlington NJ,Bob Germer
       7    0    7  Net 267,Adirondack Net,Glens Falls NY,Ross Callow
       1    2    5  Net 268,Pocono Net,Hainesville NJ,Ed Crissey
       2    4   15  Net 269,Garden State North,Caldwell NJ,Glen Johns
       7    5   12  Net 270,Central PA Net,Middletown PA,Gary Rux
       3    4   15  Net 271,Tidewater Va Net,Norfolk VA,Tom Cadorette
      13    0   16  Net 272,South East NY Net,Poughkeepsie NY,Ray Hyd
       5   10   35  Net 273,Philadelphia Metro,Bensalem PA,Thomas Lyn
     no report      Net 280,DFF Host Holland Capital,Amsterdam Hollan
      30    2   32  Net 280,KC Area Net,Kansas City MO,Fred Armantrou
       5    0   25  Net 281,DFF Holland North-West,Voorschoten Hollan
     no report      Net 282,DFF Holland-North/East,Heerenveen Holland
      11    2   22  Net 282,Twin Cities Metronet,Mpls/St. Paul MN,Ste
     no report      Net 283,DFF Host Holland-Mid/East,Ommen Holland,P
       3    0    9  Net 283,IowaNetEast,Iowa City IA,Jim Stepp
       3    0   15  Net 284,DFF Host Holland South-East,Casteren Holl
       2    1    3  Net 284,Springfield Area Net,Springfield MO,Phil
       3    0   15  Net 285,DFF Host Holland South-West,Roosendaal Ho
       3    2    8  Net 285,Tri City Network,Omaha NE,Phil Root
       3    0   33  Net 286,Dutch Independent Network,Monster Holland
       2    1    3  Net 286,Ozark Net,Joplin MO,Tim Pearson
       1    0    1  Net 287,Cape Girardeau,Cape Girardeau MO,Bob Mari
       1    0    6  Net 288,ILL EAST OF MISS,Granite City IL,Mark Veh
       3    0    5  Net 289,Mid Missouri Net,Mexico MO,Linda Glover
       4    0    5  Net 290,CIA Central Iowa Net,Des Moines IA,Dan Bu
     no report      Net 290,IBN 290,Brussels Belgium,Frank Verstraete
     FidoNews 7-01                Page 17                   1 Jan 1990

       0    2    2  Net 291,Istari-Belgium,Mechelen-Belgium,Julien Va
       0    0    2  Net 291,Wichita MetNet,Wichita Kansas,Mike Holcom
       5    1   19  Net 295,Belgian Independant Nodes,Mortsel Belgium
       3    3   12  Net 300,Pueblo NET,Tucson AZ,Don Appleton
     no report      Net 300,SwissNet,Titterten,Ernesto Hagmann
       6    1    8  Net 301,High Mesa Net,Albuquerque NM,Jake Hargrov
     no report      Net 302,CACHE VALLEY NET,Smithfield UT,Dave Bell
     no report      Net 302,IVSS-Net [HST],Guntershausen,Nik Bombelli
       4    0    4  Net 303,COWBOY NET,Wyoming,Casper WY
       3    0    5  Net 304,Northern Arizona,Flagstaff Az,Linda Murph
       3    0    5  Net 305,Whole Enchilada Net,Las Cruces NM,Scott H
     no report      Net 306,Northern CO,Ft. Collins CO,Rob Diehl
     no report      Net 307,SE COLO NET,Pueblo CO,Bryan Hall
       8    0    8  Net 308,5-N-UP NET,Alamogordo NM,Greg Ament
       3    0    4  Net 309,SOUTHERN AZ NET,Sierra Vista AZ,Robin Moo
     no report      Net 310,CHEYENNE ONLINE,Wyoming,Cheyenne WY
       6    4   10  Net 310,ViennaNet,Vienna Austria,Werner Illsinger
       5    0    5  Net 313,Lower Austria Net,Klosterneuburg Austria,
       2    0    2  Net 316,StyriaNet,Graz Austria,Andreas Polz
       2    4   21  Net 320,Marlboro Exchange,Marlboro CT,Joe Turner
     no report      Net 320,Paris Net,Paris,Mic Ralle
       4    8   17  Net 321,MassNet West,Amherst MA,Mort Sternheim
     no report      Net 321,Tours Net,Tours,Pascal Brisset
       1   10   21  Net 322,Lille Net,Halluin,Philippe Galle
     no report      Net 322,MassNet Central,Marlborough MA,Kevin Port
       0    1    1  Net 323,Avignon Net,Avignon,Jacques Martin
     no report      Net 323,Rhode Island,Providence RI,Ray Vaughan
       6    0   20  Net 324,MassNet NE,Danvers MA,Bob DeAlmeida
       4    0    7  Net 325,Freedom of Choice,Vermont,James Pallack
     no report      Net 331,NorthernC,Italy,Alberto Morosi
     no report      Net 332,Italy88 Telnet,Italy,Claudio Boarino
     no report      Net 333,Fri-Ve-Net,Italy,Adolfo Melilli
     no report      Net 334,North-West Italy net,Italy,Franco Carcill
     no report      Net 335,Italia Centro Sud,Italy,Giorgio Rutiglian
       5    0    5  Net 340,Canada West Net,Victoria BC,Mike Davey
       7    0   10  Net 341,CASTILLA CENTRO,Spain,Enrique Lopez
      14    2   17  Net 342,Northern Alberta,Edmonton Alberta,Tom Hal
       8    0       Net 343,Catalunya Net,Spain,Jaime Roca
       0   14   33  Net 343,Lesser Seattle Opera,Washington,LeRoy DeV
       5    1   10  Net 344,NW Washington State,Washington,Dan Hartma
       5    0       Net 345,ANDALUCIA,Spain,Peter Kjoege
       3    0   10  Net 345,Pacific Region Fido,Honolulu HI,Ron Skate
       3    0       Net 346,Levante Net,Spain,Javier Cueto
       0    0    8  Net 346,WA Inland Empire,Spokane WA,Susan & Rober
       4    0    7  Net 347,CNW NET The Last Frontier ,Kenneick WA,Ga
       0    0   31  Net 348,Manitoba Net,Winnipeg MB,Chris Davis
       0    0    1  Net 349,SoNet,Southern Oregon,Jonathan Talon
       5    1    7  Net 350,Olympic Gateway,Grapeview WA,Ralph Sims
       2    3   10  Net 351,North Island Coord,Nanaimo BC,Helen Marti
       0    0    4  Net 352,Olympia Net Lacey WA,Sue Coleman
       4    0       Net 360,Augusta Net,North Augusta SC,Ed Meloan
     FidoNews 7-01                Page 18                   1 Jan 1990

       0    0       Net 361,Central Mississippi,Vicksburg MS,Vic Parr
       0    0       Net 362,Chatta-NET METRO,Chattanooga TN,Shawn Sto
      14    3       Net 363,ODIN-NC,Orlando FL,John Ervin
       0    0       Net 365,North Central Fla Net,Ocala FL,Eric Carr
       0    0       Net 366,NW Florida (HST),Ft. Walton Beach FL,Stev
       0    0       Net 367,Puerto Rico Net,San Juan PR,Juan Davila
       0    0       Net 369,Treasure Coast Net,Fort Lauderdale FL,W.C
       0    0       Net 370,NE Georgia Network,Athens GA,Tracy Graves
       9    0       Net 371,SW Florida Coast Net,Cape Coral FL,Steve
      14    0       Net 372,Charleston Net,Charleston SC,Mike Ratledg
       0    0       Net 373,Rocket City Net,Huntsville AL,John Emmert
       0    0       Net 374,Space Coast Net,Titusville FL,Jerry Russe
       3    0       Net 375,Central Alabama Net,Montgomery AL,Tom Jon
       0    0       Net 376,Cola Net,Columbia SC,Shay Walters
       0    0       Net 377,Tampa Bay Net,Tampa Fl,Brian Hart
      10    0       Net 379,MetroLina Net,Charlotte NC,Cary Howell
       8    0   17  Net 380,S'port/Bossier City,Shreveport La,Paul Br
     no report      Net 381,West Texas Net,El Paso TX,Rick Petersen
     no report      Net 382,Capitol City,Lake Travis TX,Michael Maste
       1    4    6  Net 383,San Angelo Net,San Angelo TX,Dori Peterso
       9    0    9  Net 384,South Louisiana,Houma LA,Raymond Barnes
     no report      Net 385,SW OklaNet,Lawton OK,John Roberts
       3    1    4  Net 386,Galveston County Net,Texas City TX,Calvin
      18    0   22  Net 387,San Antonio Net,San Antonio TX,Dieter Bel
     no report      Net 388,HOT NET Waco,Waco TX,Bob Brown
       6    1   11  Net 389,East Arkansas Net,Jonesboro AR,Kevin Watk
     no report      Net 390,Southeast Louisiana Net,Slidell LA,Walt F
     no report      Net 391,NoWe ARk Net,Fayetteville AR,Bob Underdow
     no report      Net 392,Big Country Net,Abilene Tx,Cliff Capers
     no report      Net 393,TX TriAngle,Denton TX,Van Holland
       4    0    4  Net 394,Hammond Area Sysop Assoc,Hammond LA,Ray W
       3    0    3  Net 395,Killeen Area,Killeen TX,Marc Wolf
      12    4   16  Net 396,New Orleans Area,New Orleans LA,John Souv
     no report      Net 397,Tip-O-Tex/Valley Net,Edinburg TX,Michael
       4    0   14  Net 398,East Tex Net,Longview TX,David Miller
     no report      Net 402,HollyNet (02),Jerusalem Israel,Uriel Sega
     no report      Net 403,Tel Aviv (03),Tel Aviv Israel,Chaim Neuma
     no report      Net 405,Network 052,Kfar-Saba Israel,Alon Gingold
     no report      Net 480,Poland,PL,Jan Stozek
     no report      Net 481,Botswana Net,Gaborone Botswana,John Case
     no report      Net 491,Transvaal Net,Johannesburg RSA,Dave Pedle
     no report      Net 492,Peninsula Net,Cape Town RSA,Peter Sheldon
     no report      Net 494,Algoa Net,Port Elizabeth RSA,Bryan Haefel
      19    0   77  Net 500,HCC net,Ede,Henk Wevers
     no report      Net 501,First Net,Malmoe Sweden,Mats Knuts
     no report      Net 502,Norway,Oslo Norway,Ola Garstad
      16    2   51  Net 504,Finland 1st Net,Espoo Finland,Hannu Stran
     no report      Net 505,DK,Denmark,Per Holm
      10   14   43  Net 507,KRAUT'S INN MAIL-ONLY,FRG (Germany),Diete
     no report      Net 508,Netherland1,Apeldoorn Holland,Ignaat Simo
       1    0    4  Net 509,Tech Net,West Germany FRG,Michael Juergen
     FidoNews 7-01                Page 19                   1 Jan 1990

       3    1   54  Net 512,PCC Net,Venray Holland,Joop Mellaart
       6    1    7  Net 513,HCC(B)-BELGIUM,Wijnegem Belgium,David Gev
       3    2   27  Net 515,Midnight Sun,Espoo Finland,Werner Cappel
     no report      Net 600,Singapore Area,SINGAPORE,Wing Lee
     no report      Net 608,Thailand Net,Thailand,Phoom Sanguanhong
     no report      Net 609,Malaysia Area,MALAYSIA,Jon Hiew
     no report      Net 610,Indonesia Net,Jakarta INDONESIA,James Fil
     no report      Net 620,Canberra Net,Canberra Australia,Scott Fur
     no report      Net 632,Melbourne Central Net,Melbourne Victoria
       9  0 13      Net 633,Network 3:633,Melbourne Victoria Australi
       2  1  4      Net 634,Southern & Western Melbourne Net,Melbourn
     no report      Net 635,Western & Northern Melbourne Net,Melbourn
     no report      Net 636,FrontDoor Australia,Frankston Nth Vic Aus
       8    3   40  Net 640,QLD NET,Cairns Qld AUSTRALIA,Ray Chalmers
     no report      Net 670,Tasmania,Tasmania Australia,Alan Hughes
     no report      Net 681,Southern Central Net,Inglewood Sth Austra
       8    3   19  Net 690,The Golden State,Perth WA,Andrew Milner
      12    0   52  Net 700,Hong Kong Net,Hong Kong,Louie Chan
       5    4   31  Net 711,Coastal Opus,Springfield NSW,Kevin Mann
       7   13   34  Net 712,SYDNEY NET,NSW AUSTRALIA,Colin Lean
       8    1   13  Net 713,Sydney West,Penrith Australia,Ben Sharif
     no report      Net 714,WARRINGAH,Sydney NSW Australia,Graeme Nic
     no report      Net 720,TAIPEI Net,Taipei TAIWAN,Honlin Lue
     no report      Net 721,TAINAN Net,Kaohsiung TAIWAN,Shin-Huei Duh
     no report      Net 722,Mid TAIWAN Net,Changhua TAIWAN,Stronger S
     no report      Net 723,North TAIWAN NET,ChungLi TAIWAN,LeeAn
     no report      Net 724,Hsin Chu Net,HsinChu TAIWAN,Shean Yang Tz
     no report      Net 725,Taichung Net,Taichung TAIWAN,Chaur-Shyam
       0    1    2  Net 770,Christchurch NET,CHCH NEW ZEALAND,Tony Ha
       0    0    3  Net 771,Wellington NET,WGTN NEW ZEALAND,Jeremy Sc
       7    3   11  Net 772,Auckland NET,AUCK NEW ZEALAND,Terry Bowde
       0   10   12  Net 1200,TangoNET,Buenos Aires RA,Gustavo Zacaria
       0    3    3  Net 1201,Red Litoral,Litoral RA,Gonzalo Borracer
       2    0       Net 3600,The Chain Gang,Lake City Fl,Joe Vinci
       0    0       Net 3601,North Florida Net,Gainesville FL,Robert
       0    0       Net 3602,BHAMnet,Birmingham AL,Howard Duck
       0    0       Net 3603,PinellasNET,St Petersburg FL,Bill Staab
       0    0       Net 3604,MS Gulf Coast Net,Gulfport MS,Rick Maddo
       0    0       Net 3605,Tally-Net,Tallahassee FL,Troy Kaser
       0    0       Net 3607,North Alabama Net,Decatur AL,Jeff Fuller
       2    0       Net 3608,Panama City Net,Panama City FL,James You
       0    0       Net 3609,Gator Net,Cloud Lake FL,Clay Vagnini
       3    0       Net 3610,Palm Bay Net,Palm Bay FL,Gary Blydenburg
       2    0       Net 3611,Mid Ga Net,Macon GA,Jerry Toler
       0    0       Net 3612,Pensacola Net (HST),Pensacola FL,John Br
       0    0       Net 3613,West Central Ga Net,Columbus GA,Roger Ha
       5    1   12  Region 10,Calif Nevada,Tustin CA,David Garrett
       2    1    8  Region 11,Central,IL IN KY MI OH WI,Pat Mulcahy
       0    0    3  Region 12,EASTERN CANADA,ON PQ PEI NS NB NF,Tom K
       0    1    2  Region 13,Mid Atlantic,DE DC MD NJ NY PA VA WV,Ge
     FidoNews 7-01                Page 20                   1 Jan 1990

       3    0   13  Region 14,Mid West,IA.KS.MN.MO.NE.ND.SD,Tim Pears
       2    0   12  Region 15,Mountain,AZ CO NM UT WY,Marv Carson
       0    1    2  Region 16,New England,CT ME MA NH RI VT,Pete Whit
       0    1    6  Region 17,North West,AK ALB BC HI ID MAN MT OR SS
       3    1   15  Region 18,SouthEast/Caribbean,AL FL GA MS NC SC T
       3    2   25  Region 19,TexArkOkLa,AR.LA.OK.TX,Tony Davis
       0    0    2  Region 20,Sweden,S,Mats Knuts
     no report   0  Region 21,Norway,N,Ola Garstad
       0    0    4  Region 22,Finland,SF,Matti Lattu
       0    0    1  Region 23,Denmark,DK,Per Holm
       0    0       Region 24,West Germany,FRG,Michael Juergens
       0    0       Region 25,British Isles,UK,Pete Franchi
       0    0    1  Region 28,Holland,Oud-Beijerland,Hanno van.der.Ma
       1    0    1  Region 29,Belgium,B,Staf Weyts
     no report      Region 30,Switzerland,CH,Clement Studer
       1    0    3  Region 31,Austria,A,Werner Illsinger
     no report      Region 32,France,F,Pascal Brisset
     no report      Region 33,Italy,I,Giorgio Rutigliano
       5    0    8  Region 34,Coordinador,SPAIN,Raymond Richmond
     no report      Region 40,Israel,IL,Ido Ophir
       0    0    1  Region 48,BOTSWANA,Gaborone Botswana,John Case
       2    2    4  Region 48,Poland,PL,Jan Stozek
      18    1   19  Region 49,South Africa,RSA,Dave Pedler
     no report      Region 50,AUSTRALIA,MELBOURNE VIC AUSTRALIA,Simon
     no report      Region 51,ASEAN Region SINGAPORE,Wing Lee
     no report      Region 52,INDONESIA NET,Jakarta Indonesia,Jim Fil
       0    0    1  Region 53,HONG KONG,Kowloon HK,Cordy Chan
       0    0    1  Region 54,WESTERN PACIFIC OPUS,Cairns Qld AUSTRAL
     no report      Region 55,The Million Sq Mile Region Perth Wester
     no report      Region 56,TAIWAN NET,Taipei TAIWAN,Honlin Lue
     no report      Region 57,NEW ZEALAND,Christchurch NZ,Tony Hall
     no report      Region 60,Republica Argentina,Rosario SF/RA,Luis
       0    0    3  Region 61,Red Venezolana,Caracas VZ,John Griffing

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 21                   1 Jan 1990


     Justin Norman
     Norm's Hideaway
     Sherwood, Oregon

                                W A N T E D

     The  Senior  Advanced  Placement  History  class at Sherwood High
     School is putting together a book about the Korean War which will
     include tales of veterans.  We are looking for any vets who would
     be  willing  to set a side a small part of time for an interview,
     we  will  work to your schedule and pay all costs involved.  This
     project  promises  to  be  one of the best in many years and your
     story  would  be of incredible help to our book.  Please consider
     our offer and let us know if you would like to help.

     Please contact Justin Norman at one of the following locations:

     Sherwood High School

     Post Office Box 41
     Sherwood, Oregon 97140
     503/692-5976 voice, message
     503/692-9660 voice

     Norm's Hideaway
     FidoNet 1:105/205
     24 hours, 300/1200/2400 baud, #CM

     Please contact us before January 3, 1990.  You time and effort is
     much appreciated.  Call collect at 503/692-9660 if you need to.

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 22                   1 Jan 1990

     Wanted: Users and sysops to participate in a skydiving echo.
     This echo might also include slope-soaring, para-sailing, and
     hang-gliding in order to obtain a large enough group of
     participants.  Please send netmail to Dave Appel @ 1:231/30.

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 23                   1 Jan 1990

                              LATEST VERSIONS

                          Latest Software Versions

                               MS-DOS Systems

                           Bulletin Board Software
     Name        Version    Name        Version    Name       Version

     Fido            12q+   Phoenix         1.3    TBBS           2.1
     Lynx           1.30    QuickBBS       2.61*   TComm/TCommNet 3.4
     Kitten         2.16    RBBS          17.2B    TPBoard        6.0
     Opus          1.03b+   RBBSmail       17.2    Wildcat!      2.10*

     Network                Node List              Other
     Mailers     Version    Utilities   Version    Utilities  Version

     BinkleyTerm    2.30    EditNL         4.00    ARC           6.02
     D'Bridge       1.30*   MakeNL         2.20    ARCA06        2.20*
     Dutchie       2.90C    ParseList      1.30    ARCmail        2.0
     FrontDoor     1.99b*   Prune          1.40    ConfMail      4.00
     PRENM          1.47    SysNL          3.01*   EMM           2.02
     SEAdog        4.51b    XlatList       2.90    Gmail         2.01
                            XlaxDiff       2.32    GROUP         2.16
                            XlaxNode       2.32    GUS           1.30*
                                                   LHARC         1.13
                                                   MSG            4.0
                                                   MSGED         1.99
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.02*
                                                   QM             1.0
                                                   QSORT         4.03
                                                   StarLink      1.01
                                                   TCOMMail       2.2
                                                   TMail         1.12
                                                   TPBNetEd       3.2
                                                   UFGATE        1.03
                                                   XRS           3.10
                                                   ZmailQ        1.10*


     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Red Ryder Host   v2.1b3   Macpoint     0.91*  MacArc        0.04
     Mansion            7.12   Tabby         2.1   ArcMac         1.3
     WWIV (Mac)          3.0                       StuffIt       1.51
     FidoNews 7-01                Page 24                   1 Jan 1990

                                                   TImport      1.331
                                                   TExport       1.32
                                                   Timestamp      1.6
                                                   Tset           1.3
                                                   Timestart      1.1
                                                   Tally          1.1
                                                   Mehitabel      1.2
                                                   Archie        1.60
                                                   Jennifer   0.25b2g
                                                   Numberizer    1.5c
                                                   MessageEdit    1.0
                                                   Mantissa       1.0
                                                   PreStamp      2.01
                                                   R.PreStamp    2.01
                                                   Saphire       2.1t
                                                   Epistle II    1.01
                                                   Import        2.52
                                                   Export        2.54
                                                   Sundial        2.1
                                                   AreaFix        1.1
                                                   Probe        0.052
                                                   Terminator     1.1
                                                   TMM           4.0b
                                                   UNZIP         1.01*

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Paragon            2.00+* BinkleyTerm  1.00   AmigArc       0.23
                               TrapDoor     1.11   booz          1.01
                               WelMat       0.35*  ConfMail      1.10
                                                   ChameleonEdit 0.10
                                                   Lharc         1.00*
                                                   ParseLst      1.30
                                                   PkAX          1.00
                                                   RMB           1.30
                                                   UNzip         0.86
                                                   Zoo           2.00

                                    Atari ST

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailer      Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     FIDOdoor/ST        1.5c*  BinkleyTerm 1.03g3  ConfMail      1.00
     Pandora BBS       2.41c   The BOX     1.20    ParseList     1.30
     QuickBBS/ST        0.40                       ARC           6.02*
     GS Point           0.61                       LHARC         0.51
     FidoNews 7-01                Page 25                   1 Jan 1990

                                                   PKUNZIP       1.10
                                                   MSGED        1.96S
                                                   SRENUM         6.2
                                                   Trenum        0.10
                                                   OMMM          1.40

     + Netmail capable (does not require additional mailer software)
     * Recently changed

     Utility authors:  Please help  keep  this  list  up  to  date  by
     reporting  new  versions  to 1:1/1.  It is not our intent to list
     all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity.

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 26                   1 Jan 1990


     Mario Diaz,M.D.

                          New Anesthesia Echo

       A new echomail conference for the discussion of Anesthesia
     related subjects has been created. The purpose of this echo
     is to discuss different aspects of Anesthesiology, not only
     between Anesthesia personnel, but also to answer any questions
     and clear up any doubts about anesthesia to anyone in general.

      Most people that are going to have surgery openly state that
     they are not afraid of the surgery, but they are terrified of
     the Anesthesia. Maybe this echo will help to allay some of
     these fears. The echo is currently on the backbone for general
     distribution. For any further information regarding this echo
     please contact Mario Diaz, M.D.,moderator, at 135/8.

           Area Tag:   ANESTHESIA
           Area Name:  Anesthesiology Discussion Forum


                          The Interrupt Stack

      1 Feb 1990
        Deadline for IFNA Policy and Bylaws election

      5 Jun 1990
        David Dodell's 33rd Birthday

      5 Oct 1990
        21st Anniversary of "Monty Python's Flying Circus"

     If you have something which you would like to see on this
     calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1.


     FidoNews 7-01                Page 27                   1 Jan 1990


     Thom Henderson 1:107/528  Chairman of the Board
     Les Kooyman    1:204/501  President
     Fabian Gordon  1:107/323  Vice President
     Bill Bolton    3:3/0      Vice President-Technical Coordinator
     Kris Veitch    1:147/30   Secretary
     Kris Veitch    1:147/30   Treasurer


     Administration and Finance   *
     By-laws and Rules            John Roberts     1:385/49
     Executive Committee (Pres)   Les Kooyman      1:204/501
     International Affairs        *
     Membership Services          Jim Vaughan      1:226/300
     Nominations and Elections    Steve Bonine     1:1/0
     Public Affairs               David Drexler    1:147/30.20
     Publications                 Irene Henderson  1:107/9
     Technical Standards          Rick Moore       1:115/333
     Ethics                       *
     Security and Privacy         *
     Grievances                   *

         * Position in abeyance pending reorganization

                          IFNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS

        DIVISION                               AT-LARGE
     10 Courtney Harris  1:102/732   Don Daniels      1:107/210
     11 John Rafuse      1:12/900    Phil Buonomo     1:107/583
     12 Bill Bolton      3:711/403   Mark Hawthorne   1:107/238
     13 Fabian Gordon    1:107/323   Tom Jennings     1:125/111
     14 Ken Kaplan       1:100/22    Irene Henderson  1:107/509
     15 Kevin McNeil     1:128/45    Steve Jordan     1:206/2871
     16 Ivan Schaffel    1:141/390   Robert Rudolph   1:261/628
     17 Kathi Crockett   1:134/30    Dave Melnik      1:107/233
     18 Andrew Adler     1:135/47    Jim Hruby        1:107/536
     19 Kris Veitch      1:147/30    Burt Juda        1:107/528
      2 Henk Wevers      2:500/1     Karl Schinke     1:107/516
      3 Matt Whelan      3:54/99     John Roberts     1:147/14

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 28                   1 Jan 1990

                 The World's First   /  \
                    BBS Network     /|oo \
                    * FidoNet *    (_|  /_)
                                    _`@/_ \    _
                                   |     | \   \\
                                   | (*) |  \   ))
                      ______       |__U__| /  \//
                     / Fido \       _//|| _\   /
                    (________)     (_/(_|(____/ (tm)

            Membership for the International FidoNet Association

     Membership in IFNA is open to any individual or organization that
     pays  a  specified  annual   membership  fee.   IFNA  serves  the
     international  FidoNet-compatible  electronic  mail  community to
     increase worldwide communications.

     Member Name _______________________________  Date _______________
     Address _________________________________________________________
     City ____________________________________________________________
     State ________________________________  Zip _____________________
     Country _________________________________________________________
     Home Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________
     Work Phone (Voice) ______________________________________________

     Zone:Net/Node Number ____________________________________________
     BBS Name ________________________________________________________
     BBS Phone Number ________________________________________________
     Baud Rates Supported ____________________________________________
     Board Restrictions ______________________________________________

     Your Special Interests __________________________________________
     In what areas would you be willing to help in FidoNet? __________
     Send this membership form and a check or money order for $25 in
     US Funds to:
                   International FidoNet Association
                   PO Box 41143
                   St Louis, Missouri 63141

     Thank you for your membership!  Your participation will help to
     insure the future of FidoNet.

     Please NOTE that IFNA is a general not-for-profit organization
     and Articles of Association and By-Laws were adopted by the
     membership in January 1987.  The second elected Board of Directors
     was filled in August 1988.  The IFNA Echomail Conference has been
     established on FidoNet to assist the Board.  We welcome your
     input to this Conference.

     FidoNews 7-01                Page 29                   1 Jan 1990

Tim Pozar    Try also...
Internet: pozar@toad.com   
    Fido:  1:125/555
  PaBell:  (415) 788-3904
  USNail:  KKSF / 77 Maiden Lane /  San Francisco CA 94108