[comp.org.fidonet] FidoNet Newsletter, Volume 7, # 44

pozar@kumr.UUCP (Tim Pozar) (10/31/90)

     Volume 7, Number 44                               29 October 1990
     |                                                  _            |
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     |        - FidoNews -                           (_|  /_)        |
     |                                                _`@/_ \    _   |
     |         FidoNet (r)                           |     | \   \\  |
     |  International BBS Network                    | (*) |  \   )) |
     |         Newsletter               ______       |__U__| /  \//  |
     |                                 / FIDO \       _//|| _\   /   |
     |                                (________)     (_/(_|(____/    |
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     Editor in Chief:                                  Vince Perriello
     Editors Emeritii:                    Thom Henderson,  Dale Lovell
     Chief Procrastinator Emeritus:                       Tom Jennings
     Copyright 1990, Fido Software.  All rights reserved.  Duplication
     and/or distribution permitted  for  noncommercial  purposes only.
     For use in other circumstances, please  contact  Fido Software.
     FidoNews  is  published  weekly  by  the  System Operators of the
     FidoNet  (r)  International  BBS Network.  It is a compilation of
     individual articles  contributed  by  their authors or authorized
     agents of the  authors.    The  contribution  of articles to this
     compilation does not diminish the rights of the authors. 
     You  are  encouraged   to  submit  articles  for  publication  in
     FidoNews.  Article submission standards are contained in the file
     ARTSPEC.DOC, available from node 1:1/1.    1:1/1  is a Continuous
     Mail system, available for network mail 24 hours a day.
     Fido and  FidoNet  are  registered  trademarks of Tom Jennings of
     Fido Software, Box  77731,  San  Francisco  CA 94107, USA and are
     used with permission.
     Opinions expressed in  FidoNews articles are those of the authors
     and are not necessarily  those of the Editor or of Fido Software.
     Most articles are unsolicited.   Our  policy  is to publish every
     responsible submission received.

                        Table of Contents
     1. EDITORIAL  ................................................  1
        From underneath the Editor's Desk  ........................  1
     2. ARTICLES  .................................................  3
        Freedom and Elections  ....................................  3
        The ANSI Club  ............................................  5
        ECHOPOL AGAIN?? -- And Sysops Still don't get a vote!  ....  8
        Response to comments in FidoNews 7-43  ....................  9
        A Word From Two Guys  ..................................... 11
        Universal Mayhem Version 2.0 is ready  .................... 13
        All Quiet on the BBS Front  ............................... 17
        RPGA Conference  .......................................... 19
     And more!
     FidoNews 7-44                Page 1                   29 Oct 1990


     What a great time we're having here.

     I am really sorry. Because I made one of the all-time stupid
     mistakes a few weeks back. I said I wanted people to talk about
     what was in FidoNews instead of what it was (archived) in. Big
     boo-boo. Is it too late to get back to the topic of archivers?

     We published an article a few weeks back about (fill in
     controversial topic here -- FICTH for short) and the merry
     mixups that occur when FICTH and politics collide in the good
     ole U S of A.  Too bad people always see FICTH when there's a
     REAL lesson to be learned. Almost nobody got the message. So now
     we've got people sending us articles about how wrong we were to
     allow an article about FICTH and how Hitler was a nice guy
     compared to those FICTH types, and others who want to talk about
     other FICTH's.

     I'm even getting submissions from people who seem intent on
     proving I'll even publish output from their random gibberish
     generator (take impaired minds, add gin and shake liberally).
     Wow. Impressive. I bet that one will go down in the history
     books. Freud overlooked it entirely. I'm so honored to have been
     part of such an experiment. (BTW, the article makes more sense
     after you run it through JIVE. Try it and see)

     Give me a break, folks. Has the average IQ of FidoNet become the
     reciprocal (Duh, Gee, Tennessee. What's a reciprocal?) of the
     number of nodes in the net?

     I sure hope not. Because while you were playing your collective
     fiddles, George Peace happened to notice that we in FidoNet
     already had our very own FICTH. He even tried to bring it to your
     attention by inflicting it on you.

     Yes, I mean EchoPol. For those of you who were there at the time
     it was either conceived or misconceived, flame-hardened, voted
     on, approved by some metric and disqualified by some other
     metric -- how could you miss the obvious parallels with the
     FICTH article?

     I think George implemented it to force a long overdue revisit to
     the issues the original EchoPol addressed, failed to address, or
     created on its own. He appears to be genuinely interested in
     seeing it fixed -- if only people would start talking about
     EchoPol, instead of either not noticing it, or spending all
     their time talking about what a fascist he was for implementing
     it. Funny. The original EchoPol situation was so much like that
     other FICTH article. The current one is even better.

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 2                   29 Oct 1990

     By way of illustration, consider an email equivalent of the
     (unnecessarily) graphic FICTH description which Jack Decker will
     bestow on you later in this issue. Simple scenario. Day 1:
     Moderator forms echo. Day N:  Echo is really popular.  Moderator
     arranges to have it placed on the backbone.  Day N+1: New
     moderator. Old one wasn't well liked by *EC's.  Yeah, sure the
     *EC's aren't bad guys (to coin a phrase, some of my best friends
     are *EC's). But what if they WERE bad guys? Is there anything in
     EchoPol that says in the event the *EC's happen to BE bad guys,
     they can't do that?

     George says that's one of the areas he wants to see fixed. Good.
     It's one of the areas that most concerns me. But who is handling
     this fixing (or is it FICTHing)?  Where are the "we need to look
     at this problem with EchoPol" postings? This discussion has thus
     far consisted of a soliloquy by George. And random noise from a
     few people who prefer to bash George's brownshirt tactics rather
     than devoting time to trying to set things straight. Another
     FICTH is brewing. I can detect the stench from here.

     In the meantime, so many of you guys seem to keep missing the
     forest for the FICTH trees. Too bad. I bet you even think that
     the FICTH that just ended in Washington was some kind of victory
     for whoever you happen to think is cool down there.

     Wake up and smell the coffee. And stop looking at the world
     through sh*t-colored glasses.

     That's why what you see is an abortion.

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 3                   29 Oct 1990


     Richard Bash
     FidoNet 1:161/357

                  Your Freedom and the November Elections

     This nation is again turning toward its election period and that
     should cause us to turn back the dusty pages of our history books
     and see from whence we came.

     As a former international airline pilot, I have had the privilege
     of visiting over 108 countries and this great nation is
     unsurpassed in the overall freedom available to its citizens.
     Today you and I demonstrate those freedoms in such mundane ways
     as our BBSing, enjoying the free exchange of information across
     the breadth of this wonderful country. Ironically, this comes at
     a time with the Soviet bloc is crumbling, crumbling because it
     was too totalitarian and its economy was collapsing.

     But we sometimes need to be reminded that the United States of
     America was founded with a revolution, a revolution precipitated
     by a tyrannical government who was callous towards its colony's
     citizens. That revolution was bathed in blood and sparked at
     Concord Bridge in Massachusetts over 200 years ago. The issue
     that set it off was firearms, a topic that today is again drawing
     its attention to the citizens of America.

     Over the past 20 years, more than any other period in this
     country's history, there have been many blatant and often
     successful attempts to ban classes of firearms or specific
     firearms from the hands of the American public. Witness the
     insanity of the bans recently passed in California, New Jersey
     and Denver, Colorado.

     The sad truth is that the Founding Fathers of the nation realized
     that without firearms there can be no freedom. The early
     documents relating to the formation of this nation are replete
     with such references.

     There have even been moves afoot, reported in FidoNews and
     elsewhere, of attempts to curb the free exchange of information
     typified by BBS use and networks such as Fido.

     The past 20 years have seen the Democratic Party, a Party to
     which I belong, turn its back on the privileges of firearm
     ownership in this United States. This is the same Democratic
     Party that is involved, if not wholly then in magnificent part,
     in the S&L multibillion dollar scandal. This is the same
     Democratic Party that cannot reach a national budget. This is the
     same Democratic Party that tried unsuccessfully to infringe upon
     the bulletin boards.

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 4                   29 Oct 1990

     Sadly, my life has let me see things that would make most people
     shudder and become sick, both physically and mentally. I have
     lived under socialist and dictatorial governments in foreign
     countries and those governments excelled at doing two things:
     restricting firearms and information.

     I ask that this November you be sure to go to the polls and vote
     for the candidate of your choice. But consider the previous
     paragraph and consider why this November we need Operation
     D.R.E.D.: Don't Re-Elect Democrats. The "Party of the People," as
     the Democratic Party likes to be called, has become ripe with
     corruption, far exceeding the aspirations of even the Republican
     Administration under Richard Nixon! Thus, I beg you to vote
     against the candidates of the Democratic Party to send them a
     message, a message that only you, the voter. can send: the
     fundamental firearm privileges, the tax dollars of the citizens
     of America and our BBS informational exchange medium are not to
     be dallied with. Your vote against all Democratic candidates will
     send that message, a message they will feel and one they will

     Remember, this really is your country and, in the final analysis,
     you do get the government you deserve. The Democratic Party has
     been in charge of Congress for decades and is bankrupting this
     nation, supporting every move to eliminate arms from its populace
     and costing thousands of jobs to be lost to foreign controlled
     corporations. Perceived freedom without firearms in the
     possession of the American citizenry to enforce that freedom is
     hollow indeed and will blow away as readily as a dried Fall leaf.

     Vote. Vote wrong if you must, but at least vote this November!
     Across the borders of Americas and the oceans that surround us,
     people are literally dying because they cannot vote. Thank you
     for your attention.

     Richard Bash
     Combat Arms BBS SysOp

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 5                   29 Oct 1990

     ANSI File Distribution Network (*.ANS, *.GBS, *.ASC, etc.)

     Open to all Ansi.Sys Users and lovers of those creative and
                imaginative Ansi Pictures and Screens

     The earliest ANSI screen I remember owning a copy of was the
     Christmas scene with the train that went around the tree and
     tooted. I recently learned (years later) that a close friend
     of mine drew that and other ANSI screens long before the
     local FidoNet Chapter was ever present here in Nashville, TN.
     Other early fond memories are the ANSI screens of my favorite
     BBSs (gee I wish I had screen captured some of them).

     Here in Nashville when we learned about TICK by Barry Geller it
     was well received. We have had a local "Screens" File echo for
     well over a year and a half now. About 600 ANSI screens and well
     over 3 Megs of *good* screens have passed through here.
     Including, at one point, Violet Stymacks entire screen
     collection (well over a Meg Unzipped) which a friend file
     requested direct from the Rhinoceros Kitchen.

     As member of 7 other File Distribution Networks SDS/SDN/DDS/PDN/
     DVNet/WIN*Net/*CADNet*, It Dawned on me that one of my favorite
     topics wasn't covered anywhere, So about 6 months ago an idea
     started forming. Time has been a bit of a constraint and I'd be
     willing to bet quite a few other SysOps run into that one also.
     I originally undertook co-coordinator and Tech help for
     *CADNet*, which now has come unto its own. Links are in place
     and I have some time to devote. I choose to Coordinate the
     forming and start up of the ANSI Club, but hopefully the artists
     will actually run the Network.

     How big do I hope it becomes? I would like to see as many links
     established before actual startup (Approx Nov 1st). As many
     local Nets, Regions, Zones, and Networks to be included as we
     can stand. And *I* can use all the friends I can get <smile>
     ...know what I mean <Grin>. InFact, courtesy of the GT<>Fido
     Bridge Ed Cavender runs @ FidoNet 1:116/36 and GT Net 071/001,
     I am inviting the entire GT Network to join in the fun. Ed has
     been working on a version of File Echo utility for GT Net for
     about a year now. In a voice conversation I was assured it is
     in it's early "working" stages. Ed does say he will need to do
     a minimum of manual intervention (darn Moths).

     GT Net has at least 3 well established ANSI Forums of which are
     all InterNational. Their excellent ANSI Screens and Network wide
     participation well establish fun as an endeavor. In all
     instances I have found GT Network SysOps to be Courteous and
     very welcoming. And really these folks Know how to have fun. And
     we are talking fun! Though our technologies are slightly
     different I believe we can have and outstanding relationship
     and have everything to gain in both Networks.

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 6                   29 Oct 1990

     I am already intending to "Break some Rules" with the Echo
     conferences available through the ANSI Club. The conferences
     will allow posts with "Any" of the ASCII character set of the
     IBM and compatibles "including" the extended character set. We
     of course may Break something ...and will find out what we have
     to exclude if we do <grin>. I have been recieving GT Conferences
     in FidoNet format for about two years now and they use these
     characters and haven't broke nuffin' over here yet. And more so,
     QEDIT which I have noticed IS avaliable on most of the FidoNet
     Backbone and widely participated in - IS a GT Echo conference.
     Our ANSI Club Conferences will include the *Best* of ANSI
     Graphics, which of course will be allowed in the Echo.

     Whether you run an ANSI door, have an online Art gallery,
     Collect ANSI Screens, are just plain fascinated by the
     creativity of the pallet, maybe like to create and share
     them yourself, or just wanna play. Online or off, I'd bet
     our File Distribution Network is made for you.

                                 The ANSI Club

                     ANSI Art Files Distribution Network

     Echo Conferences:

       purpose: to allow ANSI art work displayed as messages
                (optional) may be carried & read with offline editor
                or *if* you are lucky enough that your Msg base
                will display Ansi carried online.
       priviledge level: All

       purpose: talk about using ANSI Drawing and Display Programs
       priviledge level: All

       purpose: ChitChat and keeping abreast of Distribution Network
       priviledge level: Ansi Club SysOp only

      Distribution File Echoes:

      If you are new to file distribution Networks you will need the
      File Echo Program Tick (latest version Tick200.Lzh). Many
      FidoNet Systems now run Raid, Think of it as an Areafix for
      File Echoes. Go ahead and link in and first set up the Echo
      Conferences and if you run into any confusion or trouble with
     FidoNews 7-44                Page 7                   29 Oct 1990

      any new software additions we can work it out in the ANSI_SYSOP
      echo conference.

      On the GT Net side Ed can help you with his version of File
      Echo Utility ..He claims there are a few mites yet, but his
      vigilance and determination shall soon overcome. In the mean-
      time Think of this as new Beta Software.

       ANSI_ART  - ANSI display files (naming Convention *.ans *.gbs)
                   Please No .Exe or .Com Files.
       ANSI_SYS  - ANSI drawing, animation, view, & display Programs
       ANSI_NEW  - Newsletters, Tutorial, Textfiles, Etc

      Interested folks by Zone & Region and Network:

     Zone 1
      Region 11 Stan Waldrup      2200/141  Builders Workshop
      Region 13 Tom Hendricks     266/61    Avi-Technic
      Region 17 Larry James       105/72    Big Larry's RBBS-PC (V32)
                Sue Coleman       343/105   Crystal Cavern
      Region 18 Patrick Curry     3621/425  Shoes CPU
                Ed Cavender       116/36    Control Systems GT<>Fido
                Michele Hamilton  369/21    Sunshine PCBoard
                Kevin             116/29    the Dawg Byte
      Region 19 Dean Lachan       124/4115  Southern Crossroads
     Zone 2
      Region 25 Andrew Sporton    251/29    Doughnut City BBS

     GT Network
      Hubs please contact Ed Cavender, Control Systems 071/001 for

     If you would like to participate and join in the Fun, Please let
     me know, we shall try our best to get you linked in. Also if you
     would like to Hub for the Network ..let me know. Send in enough
     info about yourself and your system to give us a good idea of
     who our new friends are.

                                        KevFun 1:116/29 14.4 HST

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 8                   29 Oct 1990

     Jim Deputy
                            ECHO POLICY AGAIN??

     Today, just by accident I have  found  that  there  is  a move to
     resurect ECHOPOL 1, and make it effective  as of Oct.  22.  Today
     is Oct.  24.  It was just  by  a chance comment that I saw in one
     of the regional sysop echos that I found out about it.  Had I not
     seen it, I would not have even been aware of it.

     Granted, I may be a little out of touch with FidoNet, FidoNews is
     not  readily  available  in  our  network (My NC only had  up  to
     Fnews73  something).  For well over two years we have been  given
     to understand  that  any elections, or policy changes, and things
     of that nature  would  always  be  announced in the PROLOG of the
     NODELIST!  And in  fact have been hassled by some of the *C's for
     not keeping up with the info in the Nodelist.  Yet, for well over
     two months the Prolog has only  said  "No  news is good news." At
     least  two  NC's  that  I  contacted  also  said..."there  wasn't
     anything in the Nodelist on it." And the  comments  went downhill
     from there.

     I contacted 161/7 and picked up 740-743, and low  and behold, not
     only does it look like we are going to be coming up with a repeat
     of  EchoPol,  but also some stuff is being discussed about a  new
     FidoNet Policy.

     I've  noticed that the *EC and *C structure has again stacked the
     deck  in   their  favor  on  voting  for  the  New  Echo  Policy.
     Especially since no  grunt  sysop  has  a  right to vote.  I also
     note, that no moderator  has  any  rights  to  vote.    In  fact,
     basically the moderators rights are  stripped from them.  And the
     Echo can be stolen from them by a vote of the *EC's.

     There is also no provision in  this policy for those of us who do
     moderate backbone echos to remove them from  the  backbone  if we
     choose not to go along with this dictatorial  edict.  We can only
     leave them there, and hope that the *EC Network doesn't decide to
     steal our work.

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 9                   29 Oct 1990

     Jack Decker


     I've just finished reading the articles by David Rice and Randy
     Edwards in FidoNews 7-43.  Because I am unabashedly pro-life,
     my first inclination is to write a scathing article denouncing
     the pro-murder-of-the-unborn side (I refuse to call it
     pro-choice because the unborn baby really has NO choice in the
     matter).  However, by doing so, I'd be just as guilty of
     placing irrelevant material in FidoNews as the others have

     I happen to disagree with our esteemed editor AND both of the
     above-named respondents for one reason and one reason only:
     Those in the *C structure are REQUIRED by Policy4 to obtain
     FidoNews, and to make it available to those under them.  If
     FidoNews is going to promote a leftist political agenda, then I
     feel that coordinators who don't wish to further that agenda
     should not be forced to carry FidoNews.

     I have no problem with folks publishing articles that promote
     their particular political viewpoints.  Randy Edwards, bless
     his misguided heart, frequently publishes a collection of
     left-leaning articles in his Progressive News, which is
     distributed via the Software Distribution System.  But no one,
     by virtue of being a Fidonet coordinator, is forced to carry
     that publication or to make it available to every node in their
     Zone/Region/Net.  I could start an ultra-conservative
     electronic publication and (hopefully) distribute it the same
     way, but I would not expect or even desire that anyone who
     strongly disagrees with my views be forced to carry it.  Can
     the liberals say the same?  It seems to me that it is usually
     those on the left who insist on promoting their viewpoints in
     inappropriate forums, and on forcing others to hear their views
     whether they want to or not.

     FidoNews (along with Policy and the Nodelist) is referred to in
     Policy as "the glue that holds us together."  However, if it
     becomes a forum where the left-wing and right-wing forces slug
     it out each week, it will be the knife that cuts us apart
     instead - particular if some coordinators feel compelled to
     resign rather than help promote viewpoints that they strongly
     disagree with.  I'm still waiting to see what happens when some
     supporter of the Ku Klux Klan, or some neo-Nazi starts
     submitting articles to Fidonews on a regular basis.  We'll see
     how "open-minded" folks are then.

     Yes, I could post articles telling you all about what REALLY
     happens in the abortionist's office, or about those women who
     feel so victimized by a "legal" abortion experience that they
     have committed suicide, or required extensive counseling, or
     have sued their abortionists.  I could post articles about the
     development of the unborn and what really happens to an unborn
     baby during an abortion.  The data is out there and there's no
     FidoNews 7-44                Page 10                  29 Oct 1990

     shortage of it.  Why do I have the feeling that if I had done
     that in the past, some of the very people who are
     congratulating the editor now would instead be screaming about
     the inclusion of those types of articles?

     (It's worth noting, by the way, that I have written netmail
     messages to Randy Edwards rebutting some of the articles in his
     Progressive News.  So far, he's not seen fit to publish even so
     much as one word from any of them.  I guess that he doesn't
     feel the need to live up to the same standards that he'd impose
     on the FidoNews editor).

     The bottom line is, if FidoNews is going to print anything that
     comes in (strictly speaking, that isn't true either - I have
     sent in articles in the past that haven't been printed, though
     I think I know why in each case), and if they are not going to
     try to restrict the content to that which has at least
     SOMETHING to do with communications or computers, then I feel
     that carriage by the coordinator structure should be made
     optional.  It is not fair to require any sysop to help promote
     a viewpoint that he or she strongly disagrees with.  Distribute
     FidoNews via the SDS, along with all the other special-interest
     electronic newsletters currently carried there.

     By the way, are there any other conservatives on this network?
     I was only half-joking about the need for a conservative
     electronic newsletter (the "ultra-" was the half I was joking
     about).  Send me netmail if you're interested.

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 11                  29 Oct 1990

     Somewhere in Net 269


           Excerpted from a chat on 10-28-90 the participants
           of which were not all there.  Note that all carriage
           returns have been removed so you can not tell who
           is typing.  This is for our own good and also adds
           to the pieces aesthetic value.  (Heh.)

     Mhm.  Boy has FNews been getting ridiculous.  741 in particular.
     There have been like 0 fido related articles in the past 4 issues
     I KNOW..  half of one of them was taken, no more than half, 3/4
     of one was taken up by some insane guy from a magazine.  Damn
     enviro articles too! Arhghh.  But that one was the pinnacle of
     ridiculousness.  I can understand an eco article once in a while
     but the FNews was 80,000 bytes!!! How much is that doggie in the
     window? haha You know, if we wrote an article, Vince would most
     likely publish it.  He publishes anything.  No matter what.
     Seriously, let's do something moronic and totally sarcastic...
     "Why Fidonews Has 'Gone to the Dogs'" HAHAHAHAHAH.  "We love to
     wake up each monday morning to read the latest fidonews, which,
     by this week, has grown to nearly the size of the New York
     Times"...  hea! yeah..  Let's rename it.  "The Forum for Voluble
     Eco-Expounders, Personal- attack Cravers, and Pro-Abortion
     Maniacs." Would you help me write something? sure..  Woudl you
     write something? hm..  ok.  Tap out some ideas lazily in chat. I
     have capture on and can easily piece something coherent together
     from it like I did with your stupid joke.  Harhar..  Well to
     start off the tone should be 100% Barry.  Much satire, sarcasm,
     and tongue in cheek style.  Mhm, make some statements about the
     state of FNews I like that first one we love...  new york times,
     except it should be a dave-barry sounding newspaper like which by
     this week will probably have grown to nearly the size of the new
     testament...  hehe ha.  OK, how about the ridiculous article in
     FNews741 which took up 75% of the newsletter? Yes we should do
     something about that...  something like "We would also like to
     thank the author of that excellent, patriotic article, that has
     swayed our opinions so much.." Ha- maybe do a parody of part of
     it.  This is kinda funny as it is..  Just a jumbled mess of
     thoughts...  I wonder if he would publish that as is? "The
     following was excerpted from a chat on 10-28-90 of which the
     participants were not all there." Hahaehea yeah..  and compact!
     won't use up too much space in FNews! Could save people loads of
     cash.  Duherr.  But seriously...  Can you make up an article in
     time for next week's FNews? why not use this? Unrestrained
     weirdness! I just made a capture file of that..  How about put a
     title like "Uncensored, from a chat with the sysop" or "A chat
     with the sysop" or somthing? on it then just UL it as is, but
     people are gonna think we are morons for doing this....  fix the
     typos too haehe, ok..  I'll fix everything.  We've gotta get a
     copy of ARTSPEC.  What is that? Specifications for article
     submissions.. format and stuff.  Now we're gonna submit this
     anonymously? or do we want to be embarrassed?  It doesn't matter
     it's better than all this 80,000 bytes of environment crap.. I
     FidoNews 7-44                Page 12                  29 Oct 1990

     thought the purpose of fidonews was to talk about fido.. haha!
     haha! well if "Kwityer Bychin" can do it, we can have a
     nom-de-plume too! Naw, I think we'll have to sign it:

                                         Anonymous Sysop & Cosysop,
                                         Net 269

     We will also have to say Erik and Peter in there somehwere,
     mention our names so people in 269 recognize who it is from, heheh

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 13                  29 Oct 1990

                   Universal Mayhem Version 2.0 is ready
                               Fredric Rice

     It's been over two years  since the first  release of Universal
     Mayhem yet we are just  entering the second general release. In
     these past two years, the project has been shaped and re-worked
     according to requests (demands also) by SysOps and users alike.
     The SysOps  demanded tighter disk file information compressions
     and the users demanded fun features and greater speed.

     At the risk of  sounding my own horn, I think I have come close
     to what the  Mayhem sites have requested.  There are still bugs
     in the code; compatibility problems within the FidoNet software
     still need to be ironed out  --  but these problems  are quirks
     that can be ignored.

     The vast majority of FidoNet SysOps  have never encountered the
     Universal Mayhem project so a little background on the game may
     be needed:

     Universal Mayhem is a doors game that is basically economically
     oriented  in  the  domain of  a universe.  There are,  in fact,
     several universes in the game, each accessible through gateways
     at various points.

     Space ships are commanded to perform commerce loops between the
     planets  to buy  and sell  goods to raise  enough  credits with
     which to purchase planets. Alliances  may be forged between the
     captains of  the ships  or bitter enemies may  decide to wage a
     horrible war; perhaps a war where the ships alliances  are duty
     bound to assist in.

     There are many features:  Sector scanning for pirates, planets,
     stars, black  holes, mines, slaver death weapons, attack sleds,
     and a variety of other objects. Short leave for the crew. Taxes
     to be  paid to the  Galactic Police  or to  your ship  if other
     captains trade  at your planets.  Automation script files which
     are  used to  automate ships  according to the  captains wishes
     when ships  are  not currently  active.  Remote  robot  sensors
     which can be attaches to  enemy ships,  or friends if you don't
     trust them. Buy plague from the pirates and seed an enemy ships
     planets with it. Board an enemy ship and take everything. Leave
     an enemy  ship drifting  or destroy  it as  you wish.  Board an
     allied ships star base to  take on  supplies. Name the  various
     comets in the  universe.  Distribute attack  sleds  around your
     sector of space to fight off invaders. Bit on ships that are up
     for auction  because they haven't paid taxes after being warned
     on many  occasions.  Navigate to known star coordinates through
     the  on-board  nav computer.  Send  subspace  mail to all other
     players (Echo Mail, AREA:MAYHEM).  System Operator  Maintenance
     menu.  Full  color.  Ships  standings,  names, and  statistics.
     Collect a bounty for ships that have destroyed planets. Look at
     a map of the multiple  universes to see where your hardware is.
     Long range sensor scans. Send scout ships to the far corners of
     the universe and have them  either stay where they  are sent or
     FidoNews 7-44                Page 14                  29 Oct 1990

     return  to  where ever  your ship is. The scout ships report on
     the  location  of anything  interesting  they may  find such as
     other space ships and planets. Chat with the SysOp.

     There is much more this game offers.

     If you kill the  Galactic Police star ship,  they remember when
     they are replaced. They will  hound you and  you will always be
     on the run until  some other ship takes them on. Leave the cops
     along,  however,  and they'll leave you alone.  Pay your taxes,
     and they won't impound your ship.

     The most  interesting  aspect  of  this  game  is  the  way  it
     considers the fact that there are many Mayhem sites.  Universal
     Mayhem will create what I called a 'statistics feature' message
     addressed  to  me with  a File  Attach. An  entry in  the games
     configuration  file tells  your mailer if  you want to  have my
     system poll for  it as Mayhem  can put the message  on hold for
     pick up, or  if you want the  message to be  mailed directly to
     my system.

     The File Attach file contains exports of  space ships from your
     system of  all ships that have  'command' files.  These are the
     files that automate the ships when the player  isn't active but
     some other ship is.

     These files reach  my system where they  are then mailed to all
     other Mayhem  sites. Each Friday,  Universal Mayhem will create
     an export file  addressed  to me  (or any entry you wish that's
     put in the configuration file). You can force the creation of a
     statistics file as well.

     When the other Mayhem sites receive the export file, it imports
     the  remote  ships into  its own data  files and the  ships are
     marked by Mayhem as remote players.  They can be fought against
     as though  they were local  players space ships. When a  remote
     players ship or star  base is destroyed,  Mayhem will create an
     AREA:MAYHEM  Echo Conference message  letting the remote player
     know  that  his or  her ship  had been destroyed.  The  network
     address of the system  and the name of  the ship that killed it
     is offered so that revenge can be focused.

     The future of Mayhem is clear:

     o Shore leave can  be peaceful or you can send down an invasion
     force to take the planet away  from another ship  that owns it.
     The battle will be  fought on the planet and the star ship will
     be out of reach but usable on a limited basis to re-supply. The
     focus of the game will change when you are in an invasion mode.

     o Boarding an enemy ship is  easy because of  the holes you had
     to  hammer through  the enemy  ships hull  to attach  a shuttle
     craft. In future versions,  your boarding  crew will  meet with
     resistance. Your  boarding crew will  have to  fight its way to
     what's left of the bridge and seize control. Your crew can then
     be told about what to do with the prisoners if any survive. The
     FidoNews 7-44                Page 15                  29 Oct 1990

     focus of  the game will  change as it  does during an invasion:
     your  ship  will be out of  reach as you  command the  boarding
     crew. If need be, you  can call in  a strike from  your ship if
     the boarding battle goes against you.

     o Boarding an enemy  base will  be much like  boarding an enemy
     ship. The context of the game shifts to finding your way around
     the star  base and  locating  key positions for  control. Don't
     take  too  long as the  bases star  ship  may be on  its way to
     assist repel you. Usually, however, people destroy the captains
     ship  and  then goes  after its base.  Of  course you  have the
     alliances the enemy captain made to worry about.

     o Board a friends base to take on supplies and then turn on its
     crew for a  sneaky twist.  If the enemy  ships captain suspects
     something is  up, his ship may be  on the way  before  you turn
     tails so be careful.

     The MAYHEM  Echo Conference  discusses what  changes should  be
     made to the game and bugs are reported.  Ideas are never thrown
     away  and I  think I  can say  that  support  for  the  game is
     absolute. Many of the features found in todays Mayhem have been
     suggestions made  in the past year and this method of enhancing
     the game continues.

     If you are interested in being a part of Universal Mayhem, here
     are some File Request file names you might be interested in:

     MAYHEM20.ZIP - The entire Version 2.0 Mayhem Game. At 2400 baud
     the package requires 20 minutes to download.

     MAYDOC.ZIP - Just the  documentation for  the game.  If you are
     not sure you are interested in running such a complex game, you
     could download just  the documentation  to see what the game is

     You can File Request at any time. If you  would like, send me a
     request for the file and I would  be glad to send  it to you on
     my dime.  Also,  please  let me know if  you  would like  to be
     included in the Mayhem echo.  I POLL every  Sunday,  Wednesday,
     and Saturday all Mayhem sites.

     - - -

     Universal  Mayhem  has  never  been  a  product  that  must  be
     registered or paid for in any way.  I have distributed the game
     freely  with  the  notice  that  it  must  be  likewise  freely
     distributed.  In the past, some systems have been unsure if the
     project needed support and I have returned  what was sent to me
     with  the  notice  that,  though  I  don't  consider  my   work
     valueless,  I recognize the fact that all SysOps put in a great
     deal of effort, time, and money to keep the Fido Network fun.

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     Because of this, I offer full support and my  life to Mayhem. I
     do ask that the Mayhem sites keep  in touch and report any bugs
     they might  notice. In the next couple of years, I suspect that
     the project will continue  to grow is  dimensions that have not
     been envisioned yet.

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 17                  29 Oct 1990

     John Kelly
     J & M Systems BBS

                        ALL QUIET ON THE BBS FRONT

     (Vince's article on Fidonews and submissions, especially his
     reference to the fact that not everyone in the world has an
     IBM-PC prompted the writing of this).

     I, like the majority of other SysOps who run BBS's, did not
     start out with a "Super-Charged, All-Singing, All-Dancing
     IBM-PC". Rather, my entry to the world of computers was
     via a Tandy Colour Computer, with a gigantic 16k of memory.
     It was indeed fun, with its cassette storage system, and
     program paks. Graduating initially to 64K seemed like going
     from an abacus to an 80386, and the advent of disk drives for
     it seemed even greater. A bit of hardware here, with the latest
     mods seemed to establish the system as something that you could
     really get your teeth into.. The ultimate in additions to the
     system back then was a modem.

     Modem communications opened a whole new world for a lot of us.
     Previous views of computer and modems were that they were a
     mischievous device - as outlined in films and books - that
     could get the user into a lot of trouble.

     I think of myself as the average SysOp, who was initially
     tempted to run a BBS from the moment I logged onto my first
     Bulletin Board. To do so, one needed even greater hardware on
     the computer - especially if you started with a small computer
     like I had. Many months were spent looking for software to run
     on it, thru support magazines and other computer users. I
     purchased a few packages, but they never seemed to be what I
     was looking for. Then came the ultimate decision. Buy a PC and
     run PC BBS software on it. The cycle started again - trying to
     find the best PC based BBS software to run. We then all started
     what has become known nowadays as BBS WARS.

     "My BBS is a lot better than yours because it runs Doors !!"

     to which the reply was

     "No !!, It couldn't be. Mine talks to Fidonet !!!"

     We have to all admit, we all have participated in BBS WARS to
     one extent or another. Unfortunately, I think we all forgot
     the little people with the little machines plodding along with
     what they had, rather than taking the easy way out and going
     the way of a PC. They seem blocks behind us all now. Too much
     time is spent on bickering about whether one PC based BBS
     software package is better than another, or whether one mailer
     package is greater than another. Unnecessary flames occur even
     when it comes down to what particular format our Fidonews is
     compressed in. We have all lost sight of ourselves, and the
     FidoNews 7-44                Page 18                  29 Oct 1990

     cooperation that we had in the start when we all set out on the
     long road to computer telecommunications.

     Our participation in BBS WARS, whether it be large or small,
     does nothing for the BBS community at large. If we are crazy
     enough to run a system, and like the majority run it out of
     our own pockets, we should be sensible enough to respect the
     decision made by another SysOp to what package they decide to
     run on their system, and live with their decision, rather than
     abuse it.

     I am please to see that the Colour Computer (aka the CoCo) is
     now up with the rest of us with the RiBBS software package
     from Ron Bihler. Nice to see my sentimental favourite get
     there. I am sure there are other sysops who have over the last
     couple of years seen their sentimental favourites join the
     ranks of Fidonet. If you are such a SysOp, write and tell us
     all of the advancements into Fidonet that your particular
     non MS-DOS machine has done. Might even put a few of us back
     on the cooperative track.

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 19                  29 Oct 1990

     Ronald Garcia
     FidoNet 1:141/775

                Role-Playing Game Association Conference

          The RPGA echo is a discussion of the Role Playing Game
     Association, role playing games in general, gaming convention
     announcements, and gaming convention reviews.  Questions about the
     RPGA can be asked and answered.  Discussion about game systems,
     game mastering, playing, and new products will take place.
     Convention announcements will be made for conventions running RPGA
     events as well as any other conventions having gaming.  Whenever
     posssible a reveiw of the previous year's convention will
     accompany the announcement.  Reviews will be done for all
     conventions that the moderator attends and other reviews will be
     encouraged.  Help is also availible for those who would like to
     start a convention as well as those who would like to add RPGA
     events to an existing convention.

          The RPGA echo originates from the Twilight Zone, node
     141/775, Sysop Ron Garcia.  Inquires about carrying the echo can
     be addressed to Ron there.  Twilight Zone can be reached directly
     at (203) 775-9774.  Inquires can also be addressed to Sysop Dave
     Yale at A Place in the Sun, node 141/535.  Right now one of the
     nodes carrying the echo will have to be polled to pick it up.  We
     hope to be on the backbone as soon as we can show sufficient

          The Moderator is Willi Burger.  He has been playing role
     playing games for over 12 years.  He is the RPGA Regional Director
     for CT, NY, NJ and is ranked as Masters level Player and
     Grandmasters level Judge by the RPGA.  He is also the moderator
     for the NorthEast Convention Coordinators Committee and is the
     Convention Coordinator for ConnCon and Falcon.

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 20                  29 Oct 1990

           Democracy in Fidonet Gets Another Kick in the Ass.
                           By Kwityer Bychin

     Hi Ho, folks! Miss me? No? Well, much to  your  chagrin,  HERE
     I BE. Back to blast! Yessiree, looks like  we  have  something
     NEW AND EXCITING to BITCH about  here  in  Fight  O'Net  these

     Ya know, lotsa you guys and  gals  run  around  like  chickens
     with your butts on fire screaming about  how  BADLY  you  want
     DEMOCRACY in our little totalitarian empire here. But WHAT  do
     you do about it?  SKWATT!!  (our  sincere  thanks  to  Mahatma
     Ravsik for the spelling).

     Ever hear the old line about  "WRITE  YOUR  CONGRESSMAN"  when
     stuff happens you don't like? Did you ever DO it? No? Oh!  you
     didn't think it would do any good eh? Well, OF COURSE it WON'T
     DO ANY GOOD, you BONEHEAD! But,  should  that  stop  you  from
     doing it ANYWAY? OF *COURSE* NOT!

     So, what's this rambling preamble leading to? Ha!  Not  paying
     much attention to the Snooze these days are ya!?  Well  listen
     up Homer, because THIS week, we're going to BEAT UP ON ...

                           E C H O P O L !!!

     Hey, have a look at the Snooze a couple or three  issues  ago.
     In it, you'll find this "document" that according to the  ZONE
     1 COORDINATOR, went into effect on October  22,  1990  .  This
     document supposedly  establishes  rules  and  regulations  for
     BACKBONE ECHOMAIL TRAFFIC. This document is called  the  Magna
     Ca... er... ECHOPOL. Yeah. And it does some neat stuff too.

     You know what? It  creates  ANOTHER  (that's  right,  ANOTHER)
     administrative layer in  Fight  O'Net.  The  "*EC"  structure.
     Obviously, the current adminstrative structure can't even  tie
     its shoes properly, so  SOMEONE  decided  that  we  need  MORE
     chiefs in the indian camp. I find  the  term  "*EC  Structure"
     rather cumbersome, so I'll just  refer  to  it  as  the  "Echo
     Gestapo", cuz it kinda has a ring to it you see...

     See, the Echo Gestapo has some  really  cool  powers.  Network
     Coordinators (you know, NCs) are guys  that  are  supposed  to
     move the netmail around Fight O'Net. They  ain't  supposed  to
     read other people's mail, and  they  ain't  supposed  to  care
     about what's in it. Now, you'd figure that  the  Echo  Gestapo
     would be kinda like the same thing, only with echomail, right?
     NICE TRY. See, the Echo Gestapo can REMOVE a  moderator.  They
     can FORCE a conference to HAVE moderator. Not  only  do  these
     guys pass the echomail around, they get to have  some  CONTROL
     over what goes ON IN the echos!

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 21                  29 Oct 1990

     Pretty neat!

     But wait, that's not even the best  part.  Guess  what  people
     voted on this policy? Give up? Ok,  I'll  tell  you...  NOBODY
     voted on it. Not one soul approved this thing.  Oh  wait,  I'm
     lying. One person DID approve it. GEORGE  PEACE  approved  it.
     Yep. GEORGE PEACE  is  the  guy  that  decided  to  take  this
     document and make it LAW, whether YOU like it or not! He  just
     went and DID it.

     Well, there WAS a vote on "AN  ECHOPOL  DOCUMENT"  almost  two
     years ago. And rumor has it that it  was  approved.  But  THIS
     ain't THAT document. But WAIT! There WILL be a  vote  on  this
     thing. Sometime in January. But are we gonna  wait  until  its
     APPROVED before it goes into  effect?  Nooooo!!!  We're  gonna
     make it THE LAW OF THE LAND NOW, and vote on it *LATER*.

     REAL Democratic.

     Oh but there's MORE! Are you a conference moderator?  Are  you
     a grunt sysop like the rest of us that  make  up  99%  of  the
     ENTIRE network? You ARE??? Oh BOY that's TOO BAD! Because  YOU
     DON'T *GET* to vote on it! Nooo!! Only people with TITLES  get
     to vote on it! Yeah! Now we can't have the  Fight  O'Net  rank
     and file approve the rules we have to live by, now CAN WE?  Of
     COURSE NOT, HOMER! Because if that's the way  we  did  things,
     the Great Almightly Zone Coordinator wouldn't be able to SHOVE
     stuff like this down our throats now WOULD  he??  He  wouldn't
     have CARTE BLANCHE anymore, now WOULD he? OF *COURSE* NOT! And
     we CAN'T LET *THAT* happen!!

     So what to do about it? Hmmm... Good question! Hey,  we  gotta
     do SOMETHING about it! If all you're gonna  do  is  sit  back,
     whine and moan, and  not  get  off  your  butt,  then  KWITYER
     BYCHIN!! We don't need BYCHIN, we need ACTION! So,  next  time
     you have your message editor fired up, drop 'ol Georgie boy  a
     netmail and tell him to PACK his ECHOPOL,  and  GET  THE  HELL
     OUT. Send your netmail as often as you feel necessary  to  get
     the point across. 1:1/0 is the place to send it.

     In the meantime, do what the REST of  Fight  O'Net  is  doing.
     IGNORE THE THING. Pay  NO  attention  to  it  until  YOU,  the
     *SYSOP* get to vote on the rules YOU have to  live  by.  Maybe
     the next ZC we wind up with will GIVE A SH*T about the  PEOPLE
     in the network, and not get all wrapped up in his TITLE.

     K.B. '90

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 22                  29 Oct 1990

     Bob Moravsik
     Fidonet 1:269/107 aka /100

            Comments, on Article, The State of the Universe
                                            by Al Saveriano

     In the 7-43 issue of Fidonews Mr. Al Saveriano commented on the
     State of the universe as he preceived it.  Although we "network"
     together, we strongly disagree on many of the issues brought to
     the surface. On the matter of Wonton soup it has been my
     experience that if you reverse the order, the waiter will
     understand and bring the soup first.  It is a known mathematical
     certainty that if you reverse any sequence twice it will revert
     back to the original sequence.  This well know property was
     totally and obviously ommitted.  Personally the rule clearly does
     not apply if you change the order to Egg Drop.  Dropping eggs is
     just not the correct way to prepare such an gourmet dish.

     I seriously question the rational and wisdom of using arbitrary
     rhymes to force an i to appear before an e except after c.  The
     better method is to use the Wonton rule quoted above and that is
     to REVERSE the order of these three letters so instead of cei one
     has iec.  Then add the first two but reverse the order to iecei.
     This states the rule in but five letters and the interesting part
     is that even if one applies the Wonton rule to the 5 letters the
     rule remains the same. Iecei reversed is iecei.  Maybe daughters
     are similiar to sons but they must be lacking something.

     To relate the Game_Boy scandal of '88 to an additive set of
     numbers which increase by a power of two ignores a very important
     property in that the first number quoted is simply the square
     root of the number that was not quoted and conviently left out.
     If one extends any theory one cannot simply take it to an
     artificially created limit and then drop it assuming the human
     mind will extrapolate the series.  Unlike the rule above that
     appears to remain static even if reversed this rule explaining
     additive sets changes drastically.  Thus a better and more exact
     approach is to take the two digits of the year 88, divide
     sequentially by 11 11/2 11/4 and 11/8 to obtain the series that
     Mr. Saveriano derived by a much more elaborate process.

     I would like to get some idea if there is a substantial set of
     individuals who can comment on these developing areas.  Only then
     will the true topology of these issues be understood.

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 23                  29 Oct 1990


     Henry Clark

     Preparation Comdex --

     In two weeks I get my first trip to Comdex.  Really it's an
     excuse to play golf and gamble, veiled in 'business convention'
     expense reporting.  It's like doctors going to a live-nude
     dancing bar and calling it "work related". I'm going to try and
     select a suitably hot new personal computer while I'm there.
     I'm also looking for a board manufacturer for my co-processor

     Exhibitor Guest Pass Honors go to Compaq, with their timely
     insert in their quarterly magazine.  I should win a dual 486-33
     Systempro for that plug !  Well, maybe I'll just save 75 bucks.

     Everyone is invited to 'Talk me through it'.  Send your "Don't
     forget to..." hints for this first time Comdex attendee.

     Par for the Course --

     Honey's going to work, and I'm going to retire for the New
     Year.  This assumes I get those new golf clubs for Christmas.
     Well, that's the PLAN.  Well, actually it may be both Birthday
     and Christmas.  I've had my current clubs for 17 years.  This
     time around I'm getting them built for my height and swing.  My
     sister, brother-in-law and I will play golf in Las Vegas at
     Comdex.  We need a fourth.

     Wouldn't you know it.  As soon as I badmouth US Robotics in the
     Snooze, they up and send me those V.42 ROMs.  And then, they
     sent them to me again.  And then, they don't make a difference
     in ZIP file transfer speed.  And to top it all off, Kevin saw
     how I opened up the modem !

     The TAB Key --

     A new standard in keystroke conventions is emerging, it's the
     Filename Completion command, and it's on your TAB key.  Suppose
     I want to delete a file called CONFIG.OLD in the current
     directory.  From DOS I enter

       del co<tab>   ==> is expanded to  ==>  del config.old

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 24                  29 Oct 1990

     The complete filename is found from a quick scan of the current
     directory.  Professional CED ( Cove Software ) gives me that.
     4DOS ( J.P. Software ) uses the F9 key, unfortunate but useful.
     Suppose I'm editing a file, and I want to read in another file.
     I enter the alt-r and get the filename prompt, to which I enter
     xyz<tab> and the filename is found.  Brief ( Solution Systems )
     gives me that.

     If more than one file is found to match the given criteria, CED
     will rotate through them with more presses of the TAB key.
     Brief will put up a little window where you can select the
     specific file.  The sequence *.TXT<TAB> works as expected.

     I hope this standard catches on.  It's extremely useful and it
     didn't take long to make it a habit.  You can reach for the TAB
     as you reach for the ENTER key.  I would like it in Binkley's
     alt-s Send command.  Or online, in Opus' C)ontents command.
     Another round of upgrades.

     Tex Macs Cooking --

     As I have often thought, and recently spoke aloud to a friend
     of mine, "It's not what you use, it's what you know how to
     use."  I was happy to barter a free round of golf for a touch
     of "what, how, why" on business accounting software.  He had
     a nice business, and a computer, but wasn't happy with it.

     Much to my surprise, his offices revealed a MAC IIfx with laser
     printer and hard disk full of goodies.  Not that I keep up with
     Mac stuff, but I was looking at a pretty fine setup, that was
     supposed to do brochure publishing, mailing lists/labels and
     business accounting.  The first two functions were just dandy,
     but his recently fired consultant had opted for a database
     package, and the attempt at CUSTOM accounting application
     writing.  It never flew.

     Anyway, I was being paid to break in and snoop around on
     somebody else's computer.  I fired the machine up and showed my
     buddy how to change the passwords, and remove some of the
     inits.  Do all Macs boot up with necked women pictures and
     famous comedian quips ?  I think so, yes. Actually, the best I
     ever heard was the voice of Curly saying "I'm tryin' to think,
     but nothin's happening" when you clicked somewhere that wasn't

     A quick four bucks on MacWorld ( PCWorld ) later, I was reading
     about 31 accounting packages, and had a pretty good idea what
     was needed.  Remembering that chock full 80 meg drive, I took a
     look at the review of tape drives, as well.  Of course, the
     main feature on HUGE hard disks got read.  The Mac Connection (
     yes, PC Connection ) was there in full 8 page ad glory, so I
     figured even for a PC bigot like myself, this was not going to
     be a problem.  I asked him what his accountant recommended, he
     said "Buy a PC."

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                           LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

     Rex Rivers
     FidoNet 1:291/9

     About the content of FidoNews:

     Freedom of speech does not necessarily imply freedom of
     publication.  If you ever decide to restrict the topics in
     FidoNews, fine.  If you decide to always publish everything,
     that's even finer.

     There IS one thing that I wish FidoNews didn't have, and it's
     not anything that anyone ever submitted in an article.  It's
     those form-feed characters at the beginning of each page.

     I realize that the MAKENEWS program probably inserts these
     automatically for you but for me they are a real pain in the
     backside.  You see, I rarely print out FidoNews.  I generally
     view it on the computer screen and only print it out if I come
     across something that I really, really want to keep.

     The problem results because my system interprets a form-feed
     character as a clear-screen function.  This generally means that
     I get to see the first two screenfuls of a page okay, but
     somewhere along the third screenful everything disappears.  I
     imagine that I have missed quite a lot of interesting stuff
     because of this.

     If the MAKENEWS program could be modified to simulate form-feed
     characters with an appropriate number of line-feed characters I
     would be most grateful.

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 27                  29 Oct 1990

                              LATEST VERSIONS

                         Latest Software Versions

                              MS-DOS Systems

                           Bulletin Board Software
     Name        Version    Name        Version    Name       Version

     DMG            2.93    Phoenix         1.3    TAG           2.5g*
     Fido            12s+   QuickBBS       2.64    TBBS           2.1
     Lynx           1.30    RBBS          17.3A    TComm/TCommNet 3.4
     Kitten         2.16    RBBSmail      17.3B*   Telegard       2.5
     Maximus        1.02*   RemoteAccess  0.04a*   TPBoard        6.1
     Opus           1.13+   SLBBS          1.77*   Wildcat!      2.15
     PCBoard        14.5*   Socrates       1.00    XBBS          1.15

     Network                Node List              Other
     Mailers     Version    Utilities   Version    Utilities  Version

     BinkleyTerm    2.40*   EditNL         4.00    ARC            7.0*
     D'Bridge       1.30    MakeNL         2.31    ARCAsim       2.30
     Dutchie       2.90C    ParseList      1.30    ARCmail       2.07
     FrontDoor     1.99c*   Prune          1.40    ConfMail      4.00
     PRENM          1.47    SysNL          3.14*   Crossnet      v1.5
     SEAdog        4.51b    XlatList       2.90    EMM           2.02
     TIMS      1.0(Mod8)*   XlaxDiff       2.35    Gmail         2.05
                            XlaxNode       2.35    GROUP         2.16
                                                   GUS           1.30
                                                   HeadEdit      1.15
                                                   InterPCB      1.31*
                                                   LHARC         1.13
                                                   MSG            4.1
                                                   MSGED         2.00*
                                                   MSGTOSS        1.3*
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.10
                                                   QM             1.0
                                                   QSORT         4.03
                                                   Sirius        1.0x
                                                   SLMAIL        1.36*
                                                   StarLink      1.01
                                                   TagMail       2.40
                                                   TCOMMail       2.2
                                                   Telemail      1.27*
                                                   TMail         1.15
                                                   TPBNetEd       3.2
                                                   TosScan       1.00
                                                   UFGATE        1.03
     FidoNews 7-44                Page 28                  29 Oct 1990

                                                   XRS           3.40
                                                   XST            2.2
                                                   ZmailQ        1.12*

                                OS/2 Systems

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Maximus-CBCS       1.02*  BinkleyTerm  2.40*  Parselst      1.31
                                                   ConfMail      4.00
                                                   VP2           4.07*
                                                   oMMM          1.52
                                                   MsgEd         2.00*
                                                   LH2           0.50
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.02
                                                   ARC2          6.00


     BBS Software                  Mailers         Other Utilities
     Name             Version  Name      Version   Name       Version

     MaximusCBCS 1.02.Unix.B0  BinkleyTerm 2.30b*  Unzip         3.10
                                                   ARC           5.21
                                                   ParseLst     1.30b
                                                   ConfMail     3.31b
                                                   Ommm         1.40b
                                                   Msged        1.99b
                                                   Zoo           2.01
                                                   C-Lharc       1.00
                                                   Omail        1.00b

                                 Apple CP/M

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Daisy               v2j   Daisy Mailer 0.38   Nodecomp      0.37
                                                   MsgUtil        2.5
                                                   PackUser        v4
                                                   Filer         v2-D
     FidoNews 7-44                Page 29                  29 Oct 1990

                                                   UNARC.COM     1.20


     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Red Ryder Host  v2.1b10   Tabby         2.2   MacArc        0.04
     Mansion            7.15   Copernicus   1.0d*  ArcMac         1.3
     WWIV (Mac)          3.0                       StuffIt      1.6b1*
     FBBS               0.91*                      TImport      1.331
     Hermes             0.88*                      TExport       1.32
                                                   Timestamp      1.6
                                                   Tset           1.3
                                                   Import         3.2
                                                   Export        3.21
                                                   Sundial        3.2
                                                   PreStamp       3.2
                                                   OriginatorII   2.0
                                                   AreaFix        1.6
                                                   Mantissa       3.21
                                                   Zenith         1.5
                                                   UNZIP        1.02b


     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Paragon            2.07+  BinkleyTerm  1.00   AmigArc       0.23
                               TrapDoor     1.50*  AReceipt       1.5*
                               WelMat       0.42   booz          1.01
                                                   ConfMail      1.10
                                                   ChameleonEdit 0.10
                                                   Lharc         1.21
                                                   MessageFilter 1.52*
                                                   oMMM         1.49b
                                                   ParseLst      1.30
                                                   PkAX          1.00
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.01
                                                   PolyxAmy      2.02*
                                                   RMB           1.30
                                                   TrapList      1.12*
                                                   UNzip         0.86
                                                   Yuck!         1.61*
     FidoNews 7-44                Page 30                  29 Oct 1990

                                                   Zoo           2.01

                                 Atari ST

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailer      Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     FIDOdoor/ST        1.5c*  BinkleyTerm 2.40*   ConfMail      1.00
     Pandora BBS       2.41c   The BOX     1.20    ParseList     1.30
     QuickBBS/ST        0.40                       ARC           6.02
     GS Point           0.61                       FiFo          2.0b*
                                                   LHARC         0.60
                                                   Lharc         1.13
                                                   LED ST        0.10*
                                                   BYE           0.25*
                                                   PKUNZIP       1.10
                                                   MSGED        1.96S
                                                   SRENUM         6.2
                                                   Trenum        0.10
                                                   OMMM          1.40


     BBS Software           Mailers                Utilities
     Name        Version    Name        Version    Name       Version

     ARCbbs         1.44*   BinkleyTerm    2.03*   Unzip        2.1TH
                                                   ARC           1.03
                                                   !Spark       2.00d*

                                                   ParseLst      1.30
                                                   BatchPacker   1.00*

     + Netmail capable (does not require additional mailer software)
     * Recently changed

     Utility authors:  Please help  keep  this  list  up  to  date  by
     reporting  new  versions  to 1:1/1.  It is not our intent to list
     all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity.

     FidoNews 7-44                Page 31                  29 Oct 1990


                          The Interrupt Stack

      4 Nov 1990
        Area Code 214 fragments. Part will become area code 903.

      6 Nov 1990
        First anniversary of Van Diepen Automatiseert, 2:500/28

     13 Nov 1990
        Third anniversary of Fidonet in Austria (zone 2, region 31).

     14 Nov 1990
        Marco Maccaferri's 21rd Birthday. Send greetings to him at

     16 Nov 1990
        100% Democratically elected administration takes over the
        coordination structure in Zone-4 Latin America

      1 Jan 1991
        Implementation of 7% Goods and Services Tax in Canada. Contact
        Joe Lindstrom at 1:134/55 for a more colorful description.

     16 Feb 1991
        Fifth anniversary of the introduction of Echomail, by Jeff Rush.

     31 Mar 1991
        Jim Grubs (W8GRT) was issued his first ham radio license forty
        years ago today. His first station was made from an ARC-5
        "Command Set" removed from a B-17 bomber.

     12 May 1991
        Fourth anniversary of FidoNet operations in Latin America and
        second anniversary of the creation of Zone-4.

      8 Sep 1991
        25th anniversary of first airing of Star Trek on NBC!

      7 Oct 1991
        Area code  415  fragments.   Alameda and Contra Costa Counties
        will  begin  using  area  code  510.   This includes  Oakland,
        Concord, Berkeley  and  Hayward.    San  Francisco, San Mateo,
        Marin, parts of  Santa Clara County, and the San Francisco Bay
        Islands will retain area code 415.

      1 Feb 1992
     FidoNews 7-44                Page 32                  29 Oct 1990

        Area  code 213 fragments.    Western,  coastal,  southern  and
        eastern portions of Los Angeles  County  will begin using area
        code 310.  This includes Los  Angeles  International  Airport,
        West  Los  Angeles,  San  Pedro and Whittier.    Downtown  Los
        Angeles  and  surrounding  communities  (such as Hollywood and
        Montebello) will retain area code 213.

      1 Dec 1993
        Tenth anniversary of Fido Version 1 release.

      5 Jun 1997
        David Dodell's 40th Birthday

     If you have something which you would like to see on this
     calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1.


Remember Campers!!!

To send mail from an Internet site or smart UUCP Site TO a user 
            	  that calls a Fido-Net system.

  You need to know the name of the person and node number of the 
  Fido-Net system that the person uses.
  The address of a FidoNode looks like this: 1:105/302.0. Usually
  the 1: and .0 are left off, but they are there by default. (In
  Europe it is 2: and in the Pacific Basin it is 3:.) That
  address can be translated as "Zone 1, Net 105, FidoNode 302,
  Point 0." or p0.f302.n105.z1. Add the FidoNet domain of
  .fidonet.org to the end of that, chop off the p0 (it is again,
  a default) and you have f302.n105.z1.fidonet.org - the "Fully
  Qualified Domain Name" of a FidoNode. Another example is
  1:105/4.3 which would be written as p3.f4.n105.z1.fidonet.org
  (since there is a point number other than 0, we have to specify
  it). Note also that we are only using zone 1.  This will also
  work for zones 2 and 3, just use z2 or z3 as appropriate.

  FidoNet uses full names of the callers.  Multi-part name folks
  (eg. First Last, ie. "Dale Weber") will have a period '.'
  seperating their names.  So, lets say you wanted to send mail 
  to Dale Weber at 1:105/55.0, you would address your letter to:

	 Submissions to comp.org.fidonet should be addressed to 

  uunet!hoptoad!kumr!pozar Fido: 1:125/555 PaBell: (415) 788-3904
    USNail:  KKSF-FM / 77 Maiden Lane /  San Francisco CA 94108