[comp.org.fidonet] FidoNet Newsletter, Volume 7, # 50

pozar@kumr.UUCP (Tim Pozar) (12/16/90)

     Volume 7, Number 50                              10 December 1990
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     |        - FidoNews -                           (_|  /_)        |
     |                                                _`@/_ \    _   |
     |         FidoNet (r)                           |     | \   \\  |
     |  International BBS Network                    | (*) |  \   )) |
     |         Newsletter               ______       |__U__| /  \//  |
     |                                 / FIDO \       _//|| _\   /   |
     |                                (________)     (_/(_|(____/    |
     |                                                     (jm)      |
     Editor in Chief:                                  Vince Perriello
     Editors Emeritii:                    Thom Henderson,  Dale Lovell
     Chief Procrastinator Emeritus:                       Tom Jennings
     Copyright 1990, Fido Software.  All rights reserved.  Duplication
     and/or distribution permitted  for  noncommercial  purposes only.
     For use in other circumstances, please  contact  Fido Software.
     FidoNews  is  published  weekly by and for  the  Members  of  the
     FidoNet (r) International Amateur Electronic Mail System.   It is
     a compilation of individual articles contributed by their authors
     or authorized agents of the authors. The contribution of articles
     to this compilation does not diminish the rights of the authors.
     You  are  encouraged   to  submit  articles  for  publication  in
     FidoNews.  Article submission standards are contained in the file
     ARTSPEC.DOC, available from node 1:1/1.    1:1/1  is a Continuous
     Mail system, available for network mail 24 hours a day.
     Fido and  FidoNet  are  registered  trademarks of Tom Jennings of
     Fido Software, Box  77731,  San  Francisco  CA 94107, USA and are
     used with permission.
     Opinions expressed in  FidoNews articles are those of the authors
     and are not necessarily  those of the Editor or of Fido Software.
     Most articles are unsolicited.   Our  policy  is to publish every
     responsible submission received.

                        Table of Contents
     1. ARTICLES  .................................................  1
        Zones, Zones, Zones  ......................................  1
     2. COLUMNS  ..................................................  2
        Talk Me Through It, Honey  ................................  2
     3. LATEST VERSIONS  ..........................................  4
        Latest Software Versions  .................................  4
     4. NOTICES  ..................................................  9
        The Interrupt Stack  ......................................  9
     FidoNews 7-50                Page 1                   10 Dec 1990


     Nathan Moschkin

                          Zones, Zones, Zones...

     I was reading the article about Zone 3 defecting, and you know,
     he's right!  This fidonet shouldn't all be run by Zone 1, I
     don't think it's fair.  I think all Zone coordinators and
     echomail coordinators should have a say in the echopol and
     Policy5 (when it's finished)  Because you keep approving things
     with little consideration for other zones.  They're going to
     break away soon if we don't let them share.  Americans think "Oh,
     our country's the best there is, that means all of fidonet's
     rules have to be made here, we should never consider what other
     countries think!".  Heck, it's not even ZONE 1, it's only the
     U.S., because Canada has no say either, or little say at all.  I
     think we should have a hiearchy with some sense!  I think there
     should be something to the sort of International Coordinator -->
     Zone Coordinator --> COUNTRY coordinator --> regional coordinator
     --> Net coord.  I also think that the International Coordinator
     should act as president and the zone and country coordinators
     act like congress ( from a USA viewpoint, prime minister,
     parlement, what have you).  So Echopol and PolicyX can get voted
     on, but the catch is, the IC can rarely veto anything decided on
     by the two houses of congress.  That's the way my letter stands,
     and that's the way it will remain...

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     Henry Clark

     From the Horse's Mouth Dept., Addendum --

     As mentioned last time, there are a bunch of niceties I would
     like to see in the 2.50 release of Binkleyterm.  I just heard
     another couple :

        5. use MaxTime parm for incoming file requests,
        6. TAB key on ALT-S file name completes file name
           ( or not if the file doesn't exist )

     Binkley's configuration parameters include three sets of
     incomming file request 'limiters', for example :

        ProtReqList    c:\opus\okfile.lst
        ProtReqLim     10
        ProtMaxBytes   1000000

     These specify the available files, count of files and total size
     of files that will be sent to a node who connects with a
     password protected session.

     The problem with the setup I've shown is that an incomming 14.4k
     bps connection may use 15 minutes to get the byte limit, where
     as a 2400 bps connection might use AN HOUR.  As a local mail
     hub, ( and owner of a high speed modem ), I don't want the
     board tied up for an hour.

     A parameter for the maximum minutes, such as

         ProtMaxTime  20

     would enable me to set the MaxBytes parms high and not worry
     about tying up the board.  The transmit time value would be
     checked before each file is sent ( file size * 8 / bps rate )
     and compared to the MaxTime value remaining ( MaxTime - session
     time ).

     You know it's a fabulous thing to have the source code for a
     program you use everyday.

     Timing is Everything --

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     Have you ever looked at your BBS configuration and compared the
     download limit to the time allowed ?  Do you enforce a download
     limit per day ?  Do you enforce an upload/download ratio ?

     One sure way to receive junk uploads ( thereby creating extra
     sysop work ) is to enforce a up/down transfer ratio.  I suggest
     that using a time limit, and letting the user use the time
     anyway he/she wants is the cleanest way to insure that uploads
     you do receive are worthwhile.

     I think Socrates said "One DOS utility is worth a thousand
     echomail messages." He also might have said "Be excellent to
     one another." I think.

     Christmas in Daneland --

     Last Sunday, I got Honey and Kevin routed off to Daneland for
     the holidays.  I thought it was a bit early myself, but the
     official explanation was that Kevin was going to learn a lot of
     Danish.  They plan to stay for 6 weeks !

     So then, they hang out in Frankfurt for a few days waiting on
     some hot RENTAL CAR to zoom up to DK in.  Holy sphincter

     I'll be heading over in a couple of weeks.  We use "Daddy's"
     flight coupons to get from Dallas to Frankfurt. I think one of
     her girlfriends in Frankfurt is going up about the time I need
     a ride...  Otherwise, it's the train for me.

     So We Want a Baby --

     And it ain't happening, you know.  So I get this doctor's
     appointment and you know I hate clinics.  And they have to get
     this SPERM sample, so I'm given this jar and the nurse shows me
     to a small room and hands me a magazine.  Yeah, right, and I'm
     in there for HOURS...

     So, you know, I wear out my right arm, and I wear out my left
     arm, and I'm running warm water on it, and beating it against
     the sink...  and I just can't the lid off that jar !

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                              LATEST VERSIONS

                         Latest Software Versions

                              MS-DOS Systems

                           Bulletin Board Software
     Name        Version    Name        Version    Name       Version

     DMG            2.93    Phoenix         1.3    TAG           2.5g
     Fido            12s+   QuickBBS       2.66    TBBS           2.1
     GSBBS          3.01    RBBS          17.3A    TComm/TCommNet 3.4
     Lynx           1.30    RBBSmail      17.3B    Telegard       2.5
     Kitten         2.16    RemoteAccess  0.04a    TPBoard        6.1
     Maximus        1.02    SLBBS          1.77A   Wildcat!      2.50
     Opus           1.13+   Socrates       1.10    WWIV          4.12
     PCBoard        14.5                           XBBS          1.15

     Network                Node List              Other
     Mailers     Version    Utilities   Version    Utilities  Version

     BinkleyTerm    2.40    EditNL         4.00    ARC            7.0
     D'Bridge       1.30    MakeNL         2.31    ARCAsim       2.30
     Dutchie       2.90C    ParseList      1.30    ARCmail       2.07
     FrontDoor     1.99c    Prune          1.40    ConfMail      4.00
     PRENM          1.47    SysNL          3.14    Crossnet      v1.5
     SEAdog        4.51b    XlatList       2.90    DOMAIN        1.42
     TIMS      1.0(Mod8)    XlaxDiff       2.35    EMM           2.02
                            XlaxNode       2.35    Gmail         2.05
                                                   GROUP         2.16
                                                   GUS           1.30
                                                   HeadEdit      1.15
                                                   InterPCB      1.31
                                                   LHARC         1.13
                                                   MSG            4.1
                                                   MSGED         2.00
                                                   MSGTOSS        1.3
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.10
                                                   QM             1.0
                                                   QSORT         4.03
                                                   Sirius        1.0x
                                                   SLMAIL        1.36
                                                   StarLink      1.01
                                                   TagMail       2.41
                                                   TCOMMail       2.2
                                                   Telemail      1.27
                                                   TMail         1.15
                                                   TPBNetEd       3.2
     FidoNews 7-50                Page 5                   10 Dec 1990

                                                   TosScan       1.00
                                                   UFGATE        1.03
                                                   XRS           3.40
                                                   XST            2.2
                                                   ZmailQ        1.12

                                OS/2 Systems

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Maximus-CBCS       1.02   BinkleyTerm  2.40   Parselst      1.32
                                                   ConfMail      4.00
                                                   EchoStat       6.0
                                                   oMMM          1.52
                                                   Omail          3.1
                                                   MsgEd         2.00
                                                   MsgLink       1.0C
                                                   MsgNum        4.14
                                                   LH2           0.50
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.02
                                                   ARC2          6.00
                                                   PolyXARC      2.00
                                                   Qsort          2.1
                                                   Raid           1.0
                                                   Remapper       1.2
                                                   Tick           2.0
                                                   VPurge        2.07


     BBS Software                  Mailers         Other Utilities
     Name             Version  Name      Version   Name       Version

     MaximusCBCS 1.02.Unix.B0  BinkleyTerm 2.30b   Unzip         3.10
                                                   ARC           5.21
                                                   ParseLst     1.30b
                                                   ConfMail     3.31b
                                                   Ommm         1.40b
                                                   Msged        1.99b
                                                   Zoo           2.01
                                                   C-Lharc       1.00
                                                   Omail        1.00b

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                                 Apple CP/M

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Daisy               v2j   Daisy Mailer 0.38   Nodecomp      0.37
                                                   MsgUtil        2.5
                                                   PackUser        v4
                                                   Filer         v2-D
                                                   UNARC.COM     1.20


     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Red Ryder Host     2.1    Tabby         2.2   MacArc         0.04
     Mansion            7.15   Copernicus    1.0   ArcMac          1.3
     WWIV (Mac)         3.0                        LHArc          0.33
     Hermes             1.01                       StuffIt Classic 1.6
     FBBS               0.91                       Compactor      1.21
                                                   TImport        1.92
                                                   TExport        1.92
                                                   Timestamp       1.6
                                                   Tset            1.3
                                                   Import          3.2
                                                   Export         3.21
                                                   Sundial         3.2
                                                   PreStamp        3.2
                                                   OriginatorII    2.0
                                                   AreaFix         1.6
                                                   Mantissa       3.21
                                                   Zenith          1.5
                                                   Eventmeister    1.0
                                                   TSort           1.0
                                                   Mehitable       2.0
                                                   UNZIP         1.02c


     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Paragon            2.07+  BinkleyTerm  1.00   AmigArc       0.23
     FidoNews 7-50                Page 7                   10 Dec 1990

                               TrapDoor     1.50   AReceipt       1.5
                               WelMat       0.42   booz          1.01
                                                   ConfMail      1.10
                                                   ChameleonEdit 0.10
                                                   Lharc         1.21
                                                   MessageFilter 1.52
                                                   oMMM         1.49b
                                                   ParseLst      1.30
                                                   PkAX          1.00
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.01
                                                   PolyxAmy      2.02
                                                   RMB           1.30
                                                   Skyparse      2.30
                                                   TrapList      1.12
                                                   UNzip         0.86
                                                   Yuck!         1.61
                                                   Zoo           2.01

                                 Atari ST

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailer      Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     FIDOdoor/ST        2.00*  BinkleyTerm 2.40j*  ConfMail      4.02
     Pandora BBS       2.41c   The BOX     1.30    ParseList     1.30
     QuickBBS/ST        1.02                       ARC           6.02
     GS Point           0.61                       FiFo          2.1c
                                                   LHARC         0.60
                                                   LED ST        0.10
                                                   BYE           0.25
                                                   PKUNZIP       1.10
                                                   MSGED         2.01
                                                   SRENUM         6.2
                                                   Trenum        0.10
                                                   OMMM          1.40


     BBS Software           Mailers                Utilities
     Name        Version    Name        Version    Name       Version

     ARCbbs         1.44    BinkleyTerm    2.03    Unzip        2.1TH
                                                   ARC           1.03
     FidoNews 7-50                Page 8                   10 Dec 1990

                                                   !Spark       2.00d

                                                   ParseLst      1.30
                                                   BatchPacker   1.00

     + Netmail capable (does not require additional mailer software)
     * Recently changed

     Utility authors:  Please help  keep  this  list  up  to  date  by
     reporting  new  versions  to 1:1/1.  It is not our intent to list
     all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity.

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                          The Interrupt Stack

      1 Jan 1991
        Implementation of 7% Goods and Services Tax in Canada. Contact
        Joe Lindstrom at 1:134/55 for a more colorful description.

     16 Feb 1991
        Fifth anniversary of the introduction of Echomail, by Jeff Rush.

     31 Mar 1991
        Jim Grubs (W8GRT) was issued his first ham radio license forty
        years ago today. His first station was made from an ARC-5
        "Command Set" removed from a B-17 bomber.

     12 May 1991
        Fourth anniversary of FidoNet operations in Latin America and
        second anniversary of the creation of Zone-4.

      8 Sep 1991
        25th anniversary of first airing of Star Trek on NBC!

      7 Oct 1991
        Area code  415  fragments.   Alameda and Contra Costa Counties
        will  begin  using  area  code  510.   This includes  Oakland,
        Concord, Berkeley  and  Hayward.    San  Francisco, San Mateo,
        Marin, parts of  Santa Clara County, and the San Francisco Bay
        Islands will retain area code 415.

      1 Feb 1992
        Area  code 213 fragments.    Western,  coastal,  southern  and
        eastern portions of Los Angeles  County  will begin using area
        code 310.  This includes Los  Angeles  International  Airport,
        West  Los  Angeles,  San  Pedro and Whittier.    Downtown  Los
        Angeles  and  surrounding  communities  (such as Hollywood and
        Montebello) will retain area code 213.

      1 Dec 1993
        Tenth anniversary of Fido Version 1 release.

      5 Jun 1997
        David Dodell's 40th Birthday

     If you have something which you would like to see on this
     calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1.

     FidoNews 7-50                Page 10                  10 Dec 1990


Remember Campers!!!

To send mail from an Internet site or smart UUCP Site TO a user 
            	  that calls a Fido-Net system.

  You need to know the name of the person and node number of the 
  Fido-Net system that the person uses.
  The address of a FidoNode looks like this: 1:105/302.0. Usually
  the 1: and .0 are left off, but they are there by default. (In
  Europe it is 2: and in the Pacific Basin it is 3:.) That
  address can be translated as "Zone 1, Net 105, FidoNode 302,
  Point 0." or p0.f302.n105.z1. Add the FidoNet domain of
  .fidonet.org to the end of that, chop off the p0 (it is again,
  a default) and you have f302.n105.z1.fidonet.org - the "Fully
  Qualified Domain Name" of a FidoNode. Another example is
  1:105/4.3 which would be written as p3.f4.n105.z1.fidonet.org
  (since there is a point number other than 0, we have to specify
  it). Note also that we are only using zone 1.  This will also
  work for zones 2 and 3, just use z2 or z3 as appropriate.

  FidoNet uses full names of the callers.  Multi-part name folks
  (eg. First Last, ie. "Dale Weber") will have a period '.'
  seperating their names.  So, lets say you wanted to send mail 
  to Dale Weber at 1:105/55.0, you would address your letter to:

	 Submissions to comp.org.fidonet should be addressed to 

  uunet!hoptoad!kumr!pozar Fido: 1:125/555 PaBell: (415) 788-3904
    USNail:  KKSF-FM / 77 Maiden Lane /  San Francisco CA 94108