[comp.org.fidonet] FidoNet Newsletter, Volume 8, # 4

pozar@hoptoad.uucp (Tim Pozar) (01/31/91)

     Volume 8, Number  4                               28 January 1991
     |                                                  _            |
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     |        - FidoNews -                           (_|  /_)        |
     |                                                _`@/_ \    _   |
     |         FidoNet (r)                           |     | \   \\  |
     |  International BBS Network                    | (*) |  \   )) |
     |         Newsletter               ______       |__U__| /  \//  |
     |                                 / FIDO \       _//|| _\   /   |
     |                                (________)     (_/(_|(____/    |
     |                                                     (jm)      |
     Editor in Chief:                                  Vince Perriello
     Editors Emeritii:                    Thom Henderson,  Dale Lovell
     Chief Procrastinator Emeritus:                       Tom Jennings
     Copyright 1991, Fido Software.  All rights reserved.  Duplication
     and/or distribution permitted  for  noncommercial  purposes only.
     For use in other circumstances, please  contact  Fido Software.
     FidoNews  is  published  weekly by and for  the  Members  of  the
     FidoNet (r) International Amateur Electronic Mail System.   It is
     a compilation of individual articles contributed by their authors
     or authorized agents of the authors. The contribution of articles
     to this compilation does not diminish the rights of the authors.
     You  are  encouraged   to  submit  articles  for  publication  in
     FidoNews.  Article submission standards are contained in the file
     ARTSPEC.DOC, available from node 1:1/1.    1:1/1  is a Continuous
     Mail system, available for network mail 24 hours a day.
     Fido and  FidoNet  are  registered  trademarks of Tom Jennings of
     Fido Software, Box  77731,  San  Francisco  CA 94107, USA and are
     used with permission.
     Opinions expressed in  FidoNews articles are those of the authors
     and are not necessarily  those of the Editor or of Fido Software.
     Most articles are unsolicited.   Our  policy  is to publish every
     responsible submission received.

                        Table of Contents
     1. ARTICLES  .................................................  1
        The Bulletin Board Times  .................................  1
        Zone 1 EchoMail Coordinator Election  .....................  3
        (Electronic) Gay Community Magazine  ......................  6
        Gay and Lesbian Resource Information  .....................  8
        MY VISION  ................................................ 10
     2. LATEST VERSIONS  .......................................... 12
        Latest Software Versions  ................................. 12
     3. NOTICES  .................................................. 17
        The Interrupt Stack  ...................................... 17
        Universal Mayhem Update  .................................. 18
     And more!
     FidoNews 8-04                Page 1                   28 Jan 1991


     James Hale

            "T H E   B U L L E T I N   B O A R D   T I M E S"

         "There's a whole world of information and entertainment
                       as close as your computer!"

     I'm pleased to announce the creation of a newsletter speci-
     fically designed for the bulletin board user.  "The Bulletin
     Board Times" has been awhile in creation and is now in

     As a sysop, you might recommend this newsletter to your users
     because we will be covering things like communications software,
     bulletin board software, modems, transfer protocals -- basically
     anything that has to deal with communications with bulletin
     boards.  The nice thing about your users receiving this
     newsletter is that they will no longer have to bother you and
     ask, "How do I download?", "What should I set my modem at to
     call ......", and many of the other questions that have plagued
     you as a sysop.

     A subscription to "The Bulletin Board Times" is $15.50 a year.
     If you're a sysop, you can recieve a subscription for only
     $11.50 a year.  If you have a fidonet number, this can be
     automatically sent to you each month, or you may elect to
     download the bbs version of the newsletter which currently only
     supports RemoteAccess and QuickBBS and any other bbs software
     that handles RemoteAccess-type menus and text files.  This is
     already set up and ready to install on your bbs, all you have to
     do is copy it to the right places.

     "The Bulletin Board Times" also caters to shareware authors by
     reviewing between five and ten new shareware programs a month
     and publishing reviews on them.  If you're a shareware author,
     you may upload your own personal copies of shareware and have
     them reviewed by our staff of competent programmers and users.

     Some of the items that "The Bulletin Board Times" will contain:

            * Shareware Reviews, covering the newest and best
              shareware available to you.

            * National BBS List (sysops may F'Req BBSLIST in order to
              be listing in our BBS list).

     FidoNews 8-04                Page 2                   28 Jan 1991

            * New Hardware Reviews, hardware specifically for tele-

            * A Classified section open to all (classified ads only
              run $2 for up to five lines and $.50 a line after

            * Display ads for bulletin board as low as $15 a month
              (can be as large as two inches wide by four inches

            * Bulletin board hints and tips for users (Covers all
              popular formats; RemoteAccess, QuickBBS, OPUS, PCBoard,
              and many others).

            * Communications software reviews and tips.

            * User of the month, find out what people are really like
              behind that big green eye!

            * Sysop of the month, find out what that person behind
              the board really thinks!

            * Bulletin Board of the month, we call and check out your
              board and then pass that along to our readers.

            * Editorials -- Will the baby bells really pull off a bbs


            * Letters from our readers.

            * Open question and answers about modeming and

            * (and anything else we come up with in the future!)

     If you're interested in posting a bulletin on your board about
     "The Bulletin Board Times", you can F'req the magic filename
     'BBSTIMES' from the above address 24 hours a day.  This file
     contains all the information that you need to know in order to
     subscribe and to pass on to your users to let them know.

     "The Bulletin Board Times" is a periodical that will increase
     your usage and help your users out and who knows, maybe you'll
     gain a thing or two from it also!

     FidoNews 8-04                Page 3                   28 Jan 1991

     Zone 1 EchoMail Coordinator (Z1EC) Election
     George Peace 1:1/0@fidonet

     Several weeks ago the Zone 1 Region EchoMail Coordinators (RECs)
     published a letter in FidoNews requesting a ZEC election.

     Lacking any formally adopted election mechanism, the RECs
     suggested I use the method outlined in the 10/22/90 proposed
     EchoPol draft for this election. Rather than select the
     candidates on my own I asked the RECs to be the nomination
     committee and round up 5 qualified candidates for our
     consideration as Z1EC.

     The RECs have completed that difficult task and I am now pleased
     to present candidates for your consideration as Zone 1 EchoMail

         Tony Davis    1:147/100
         Dean Lachan   1:124/4115
         Amnon Nissan  1:151/100
         John Roberts  1:385/49
         Butch Walker  1:157/3

     As indicated in the proposed EchoPol draft and the REC request;

         10 days after the nominees are selected, an election
         shall be held.  The ZEC will be elected by a simple
         majority of IC, ZC, RCs, NCs, RECs, and NECs in their
         Fidonet zone.  An individual holding more than one
         position can only cast one vote.  That is, if an
         individual is both a NC and a NEC, they may cast only
         one vote.

     Simple majority is defined for purposes of this election as more
     than 50% of votes cast.

     Voting will commence 10 days from issuance of the FidoNews issue
     first carrying this article. The voting period will extend for a
     period of 14 days. If this article is first published on 28
     January, voting will commence on 7 February and end on 21

     If no one candidate receives more than 50% of votes cast the two
     candidates with the most votes will enter into a runoff
     election. Z1EC will be the candidate with the most votes in the
     runoff election.

     Votes in each region will be collected REC or a designee
     announced by the REC. All votes will be tallied and forwarded by
     the REC to the Zone Coordinator (ZC) at the end of the voting
     period. Votes submitted directly to the ZC by any NC or NEC will
     not be counted.

     FidoNews 8-04                Page 4                   28 Jan 1991

     Vote tallies and either the name of the new Z1EC or runoff
     candidates will be published in the first FidoNews issue
     following receipt of all vote tallies from all Zone 1 RECs.

     I urge all RCs, RECs, NCs and NECs to cast their vote as
     representatives of their respective regions and nets. I urge
     them to consult with the SysOps in their regions and nets before
     casting a vote.

     Election Discussion Forum
     -------- ---------- -----

     A backbone EchoMail conference called Z1_ELECTION has been
     established for Zone 1 Election discussions. I hope all of the
     Z1EC candidates will find time to be "regulars" in that
     conference at least until the voting period ends.

     Candidate Questionnaire
     --------- -------------

     The Zone 1 RECs have provided a list of questions for each Z1EC
     candidate to consider. The RECs and I invite each of the 5 Z1EC
     candidates to respond to the questions publicly in the
     Z1_ELECTION backbone conference and to publish those responses,
     along with any other candidate position statements, in the next
     issue of FidoNews. The questions:

     1) What are your qualifications?  What FTN positions have you

     2) If elected ZEC, would you continue with other currently-held
        FTN positions?

     3) What changes, if any, would you make to the Backbone (Stars,
        Regional Hubs, feeds to other Zones, etc.)?

     4) How do you feel about Echo Policy?  What modifications, if
        any, would you like to see made to it?

     5) How do you feel about the Gateway Policy?  What modifications,
        if any, would you like to see made to it?

     6) How do you see the relationship between *ECs and *Cs?

     7) How do you see the relationship between *ECs and Moderators?

     8) How do you feel about new technology (groupmail, routed net
        mail, domains, EMSI, etc.)?

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     9) What goals would you set as ZEC?

     10) Any other comments?

         Peace to All,

     FidoNews 8-04                Page 6                   28 Jan 1991

     Rex Rivers
     Fido 1:291/9

     The (Electronic) Gay Community Magazine has been in operation
     since July of 1990 and has found a great deal of acceptance
     among gay and gay-supportive BBS systems.  (E)GCM contains news
     and information of interest to gay men and lesbian women from
     all across the country.

     If you wish to carry The (Electronic) Gay Community Magazine on
     your system it will cost you nothing other than the telephone
     charges to pick it up.  The magazine may used it as an incentive
     for new users or subscriptions to your system.

     This is what the magazine contains:

     |                                                 |+
     |       The (Electronic) Gay Community Magazine   ||
     |                                                 ||
     |       [F]=JUDICIAL    Our Legal System          ||
     |       [H]=HEALTH      Staying Healthy           ||
     |       [A]=AIDS/ARC    On the Frontline          ||
     |       [P]=POLITICS    The Legislature           ||
     |       [R]=REVIEWS     Books & Movies            ||
     |       [L]=LIFESTYLE   The Gay 90's              ||
     |       [U]=UNIVERSITY  Campus Update             ||
     |       [B]=BRIEFS      News Shorts               ||
     |       [C]=CAMPAIGNS   Camp & Satire             ||
     |       [E]=EDITORIALS  Informed Opinion          ||
     |       [D]=DOWNLOAD    Pictures & Stuff          ||
     |       [I]=INFORMATION About (E)GCM              ||
     |                                                 ||

     To make the magazine work on your system, create a menu where
     the display of each file is an option on that menu.  Each week,
     poll node 1:291/9 for the GCM.ARC file.  When you receive the
     magazine archive, simply extract the files from the archive with
     the replace option so that the "old" magazine files are overlaid
     with the "new" magazine files.  A simple weekly batch file can
     do the job automatically for you.

     The GCM.ARC file will be "freshened" as needed on a daily basis.
     On average one section of the magazine is updated every day.
     It is estimated that picking up the archive once a week (pick
     any day you wish) will be sufficient to keep up.

     The INFORMATION file which contains information about (E)GCM
     will be changed when new (E)GCM distributors are added to the
     list.  If your system carries the magazine please let us know so
     that you may be added to the list and benefit from this "free"

     FidoNews 8-04                Page 7                   28 Jan 1991

     The (Electronic) Gay Community Magazine will be available for
     polling 24 hours a day (except for maintenance time) from The
     Land of Awes computer in Wichita, Kansas.  If your computer
     system is not able to poll for the (E)GCM files you may download
     the file from The Land of Awes computer system at 316-269-4208.
     The file may be found in the News section of the computer.

     If you have questions or problems contact:

     Rex Rivers
     The Land of Awes
     Post Office Box 16782
     Wichita, KS  67216-0782

     316-269-3172 NETMAIL (Fido 1:291/9)
     316-269-4208 BBS/FAX
     316-269-0913 VOICE

     FidoNews 8-04                Page 8                   28 Jan 1991

     Dan Smith

                 The Gay Exchange BBS (604) 731-0538
                       Vancouver, B.C., Canada

     Tonight I sat down and read the most recent FidoNews editorial
     and decided it was about time I wrote something to do my share,
     as we are all encouraged to do, and I have something I would
     like to say for the sake of all of us.  The following article
     is a little bit about the BBS I run.  I hope you find it
     interesting and informative.

     I operate a BBS which provides information for gay and lesbian
     computer users.  Our bbs is a non-profit, public service for use
     not only by gays and lesbians, but heterosexuals, gender non-
     specific users, cross-dressers, people who don't know just
     exactly what their sexual orientation is, and anyone else who
     might find our service of some importance and interest to them.

     We provide an abundance of information, such as legal issues,
     AIDS and ARC related conferences, counselling and guidance (to
     the best of our ability), places to see and things to do
     pertaining to gays and lesbians, the latest public domain and
     shareware files, and user profiles.

     Our BBS began operation on April 29, 1989 and has run
     continuously to this day.  In this time, we have had over 10,500
     calls to the system and currently hold almost 275 users.  This is
     quite small compared to some of the larger US boards of the same
     nature, where the number of users sometimes exceeds 500 or more.
     I'd also like to say that I have been extremely pleased as to the
     amount of usage our board is presently getting, from 45-50
     percent on weekdays and 50-60 percent on weekends.

     We give callers a sense of security and anonymity, knowing that
     they don't have to disclose who they are.  We take these points
     into consideration, as there are people out there who don't feel
     comfortable calling a gay bulletin board for the very first
     time.  We also act as an outlet to help people release some of
     the feelings they might be experiencing and don't know who to

     By operating and moderating our board, there might be a slim
     chance that we can contribute to the understanding of people who
     don't (or choose not to) understand us.  Perhaps there might be
     a chance that we can make the anti-homosexual a 'friend of the
     family'.  I know that for some people, that's like trying to find
     a needle in a haystack, but if they will read what we have to say
     and find out for themselves that we are not all bad people and we
     shouldn't be classified as 'perverts' or another deroggatory word
     or words on the list of what-have-you's, one day, hopefully, we
     can call each other friends instead of enemies.
     FidoNews 8-04                Page 9                   28 Jan 1991

     Thank you for letting me take a little of your time to tell you
     about our service.  I hope that by this article, our BBS will
     attract more users interested in changing their attitudes about
     homosexuality.  We have ourselves a goldmine of information
     available for the taking.  Please utilize it at your leisure.
     I might also add that if you're just out for 'bashing' your
     thoughts and feelings are not welcome on our bbs.

     However, if you are open for some thought-provoking conversation
     and discussion, our doors are always open.

     FidoNews 8-04                Page 10                  28 Jan 1991

     Alan Jennings
     FidoNet 1:3800/6

                                 MY VISION

     We have indeed become a global community. Ideas, thoughts, and
     opinions from all around the world find their way to our personal
     computers. We read, we select, we ponder, and we choose those
     ideas and thoughts which become part of our being. We discard
     much, add much, and forever learn and grow.  Or so we can if we
     choose. Many of us involved to this level in this vast network
     are the thinkers and the doers. And while there is no small
     number of closed-minded folk who will assault you with their
     beliefs and condemn you for thinking otherwise, I think we can be
     thankful they, too, can find something of value if they stay long
     enough to hear some other ideas.

     We are all the pioneers of a new way of communicating. Soon,
     these terminals will be as common a fixture as the telephone is
     today. We will soon be able to leave our messages for anyone
     anywhere and anytime. It will not replace voice contact, nor will
     it replace our face to face gatherings, our newspapers, our
     books, our magazines, our televisions, radios, etc.  But it will
     supplement them considerably. As we can have personal dialogue
     with someone across the globe at a comfortable time when we can
     be receptive to the message. And, because of that personal
     contact, we can -- indeed MUST -- truly effect a lessening of
     global misunderstandings. If so, we may be able to achieve our
     global dialogue just in time.

     As this process unfolds, so does the spirit of man... the
     indomitable force that hurls us into the 21st century with these
     remarkable tools of communication. Yet no tool even yet to be
     imagined can begin to compare with our mind and our spirit. And
     each person is making a contribution to this global consciousness
     by the very act of living. We automatically fuel our intellect in
     this medium. And we will find food for our spirit here, too.

     There are many, many ministers in these electronic halls.
     Ministers who are traditionalists, and ministers who are not so
     traditional. There are ministers who are credentialed and
     ministers who are not. And there are as many religious beliefs as
     there are people. But the operative word here is "minister."  In
     my journey through these halls, I find more and more of us
     every day. And I see many (who had forgotten what they were) are
     beginning to be of service again.

     My vision is kind of hard to put into words. But I think the time
     is right for each of us to recognize our personal ministry.
     Distinct and apart from our "religious doctrines and dogmas," our
     personal ministries are a true extension of what we believe
     moreso than what we say we believe. I see continued heightened
     awareness. I see bigotry becoming enlightened. I see people
     willing to get deeper than the semantic dogfights we all see on
     the surface.
     FidoNews 8-04                Page 11                  28 Jan 1991

     I see people becoming ordained to be free in themselves to do
     that which is right according to their own conscience and beliefs
     as long as it does not impinge on the rights of others.  I
     believe this IS that day for every man to recognize his personal
     stake in the outcome and to take responsibility for it.  The
     opportunity is as great as we can imagine if we but have the
     courage to seize it.

     *-Rev. Alan Jennings, Pastor
       CompuChurch (tm)

     FidoNews 8-04                Page 12                  28 Jan 1991

                              LATEST VERSIONS

                         Latest Software Versions

                              MS-DOS Systems

                           Bulletin Board Software
     Name        Version    Name        Version    Name       Version

     DMG            2.93    Phoenix         1.3    TAG           2.5g
     Fido            12s+   QuickBBS       2.66    TBBS           2.1
     GSBBS          3.02    RBBS          17.3B    TComm/TCommNet 3.4
     Lynx           1.30    RBBSmail      17.3B    Telegard       2.5
     Kitten         2.16    RemoteAccess  0.04a    TPBoard        6.1
     Maximus        1.02    SLBBS          1.77A   Wildcat!      2.55
     Opus           1.14+   Socrates       1.10    WWIV          4.12
     PCBoard        14.5                           XBBS          1.15

     Network                Node List              Other
     Mailers     Version    Utilities   Version    Utilities  Version

     BinkleyTerm    2.40    EditNL         4.00    ARC            7.0
     D'Bridge       1.30    MakeNL         2.31    ARCAsim       2.30
     Dutchie       2.90C    ParseList      1.30    ARCmail       2.07
     FrontDoor     1.99c    Prune          1.40    ConfMail      4.00
     PRENM          1.47    SysNL          3.14    Crossnet      v1.5
     SEAdog        4.51b    XlatList       2.90    DOMAIN        1.42
     TIMS      1.0(Mod8)    XlaxDiff       2.35    EMM           2.02
                            XlaxNode       2.35    4Dog/4DMatrix 1.18
                                                   Gmail         2.05
                                                   GROUP         2.16
                                                   GUS           1.30
                                                   HeadEdit      1.15
                                                   InterPCB      1.31
                                                   LHARC         1.13
                                                   MSG            4.1
                                                   MSGED         2.06
                                                   MSGTOSS        1.3
                                                   Oliver        1.0a
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.10
                                                   QM             1.0
                                                   QSORT         4.03
                                                   Sirius        1.0x
                                                   SLMAIL        1.36
                                                   StarLink      1.01
                                                   TagMail       2.41
                                                   TCOMMail       2.2
                                                   Telemail      1.27
     FidoNews 8-04                Page 13                  28 Jan 1991

                                                   TMail         1.15
                                                   TPBNetEd       3.2
                                                   TosScan       1.00
                                                   UFGATE        1.03
                                                   XRS           4.00*
                                                   XST            2.2
                                                   ZmailH        1.14

                                OS/2 Systems

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Maximus-CBCS       1.02   BinkleyTerm  2.40   Parselst      1.32
                                                   ConfMail      4.00
                                                   EchoStat       6.0
                                                   oMMM          1.52
                                                   Omail          3.1
                                                   MsgEd         2.06
                                                   MsgLink       1.0C
                                                   MsgNum        4.14
                                                   LH2           0.50
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.02
                                                   ARC2          6.00
                                                   PolyXARC      2.00
                                                   Qsort          2.1
                                                   Raid           1.0
                                                   Remapper       1.2
                                                   Tick           2.0
                                                   VPurge        2.07


     BBS Software                  Mailers         Other Utilities
     Name             Version  Name      Version   Name       Version

                               BinkleyTerm 2.30b   Unzip         3.10
                                                   ARC           5.21
                                                   ParseLst     1.30b
                                                   ConfMail     3.31b
                                                   Ommm         1.40b
                                                   Msged        1.99b
                                                   Zoo           2.01
                                                   C-Lharc       1.00
                                                   Omail        1.00b

     FidoNews 8-04                Page 14                  28 Jan 1991

                                 Apple CP/M

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Daisy               v2j   Daisy Mailer 0.38   Nodecomp      0.37
                                                   MsgUtil        2.5
                                                   PackUser        v4
                                                   Filer         v2-D
                                                   UNARC.COM     1.20


     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Red Ryder Host     2.1    Tabby         2.2   MacArc         0.04
     Mansion            7.15   Copernicus    1.0   ArcMac          1.3
     WWIV (Mac)         3.0                        LHArc          0.33
     Hermes             1.01                       StuffIt Classic 1.6
     FBBS               0.91                       Compactor      1.21
                                                   TImport        1.92
                                                   TExport        1.92
                                                   Timestamp       1.6
                                                   Tset            1.3
                                                   Import          3.2
                                                   Export         3.21
                                                   Sundial         3.2
                                                   PreStamp        3.2
                                                   OriginatorII    2.0
                                                   AreaFix         1.6
                                                   Mantissa       3.21
                                                   Zenith          1.5
                                                   Eventmeister    1.0
                                                   TSort           1.0
                                                   Mehitable       2.0
                                                   UNZIP         1.02c


     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Paragon           2.082+  BinkleyTerm  1.00   AmigArc       0.23
     TransAmiga         1.05   TrapDoor     1.50   AReceipt       1.5
     FidoNews 8-04                Page 15                  28 Jan 1991

                               WelMat       0.42   booz          1.01
                                                   ConfMail      1.10
                                                   ChameleonEdit 0.10
                                                   Lharc         1.30
                                                   MessageFilter 1.52
                                                   oMMM         1.49b
                                                   ParseLst      1.30
                                                   PkAX          1.00
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.01
                                                   PolyxAmy      2.02
                                                   RMB           1.30
                                                   RoboWriter    1.02
                                                   Skyparse      2.30
                                                   TrapList      1.12
                                                   Yuck!         1.61
                                                   Zippy (Unzip) 1.25
                                                   Zoo           2.01

                                 Atari ST

     Bulletin Board         Network                Node List
     Software    Version    Mailer      Version    Utilities  Version

     FIDOdoor/ST    2.11*   BinkleyTerm  2.40jt    ParseList     1.30
     QuickBBS/ST    1.02    The BOX        1.20    Xlist         1.12
     Pandora BBS   2.41c                           EchoFix       1.20
     GS Point       0.61
     LED ST         1.00
     MSGED         1.96S

     Archiver               Msg Format             Other
     Utilities   Version    Converters  Version    Utilities  Version

     LHARC          0.60    TB2BINK        1.00    ConfMail      4.03*
     ARC            6.02    BINK2TB        1.00    ComScan       1.02
     PKUNZIP        1.10    FiFo           2.12*   Import        1.14
                                                   OMMM          1.40
                                                   Pack          1.00
                                                   FastPack      1.20
                                                   FDsysgen      2.16*
                                                   FDrenum       2.10
                                                   Trenum        0.10


     FidoNews 8-04                Page 16                  28 Jan 1991

     BBS Software           Mailers                Utilities
     Name        Version    Name        Version    Name       Version

     ARCbbs         1.44    BinkleyTerm    2.03    Unzip        2.1TH
                                                   ARC           1.03
                                                   !Spark       2.00d

                                                   ParseLst      1.30
                                                   BatchPacker   1.00

     + Netmail capable (does not require additional mailer software)
     * Recently changed

     Utility authors:  Please help  keep  this  list  up  to  date  by
     reporting  new  versions  to 1:1/1.  It is not our intent to list
     all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity.

     FidoNews 8-04                Page 17                  28 Jan 1991


                          The Interrupt Stack

     16 Feb 1991
        Fifth anniversary of the introduction of Echomail, by Jeff Rush.

     30 Mar 1991
        Jim Grubs (W8GRT) was issued his first ham radio license forty
        years ago today. His first station was made from an ARC-5
        "Command Set" removed from a B-17 bomber.

     12 May 1991
        Fourth anniversary of FidoNet operations in Latin America and
        second anniversary of the creation of Zone-4.

     15 Aug 1991
        5th annual Z1 Fido Convention - FidoCon '91 "A New Beginning"
        Sheraton Denver West August 15 through August 18 1991.

      8 Sep 1991
        25th anniversary of first airing of Star Trek on NBC!

      7 Oct 1991
        Area code  415  fragments.   Alameda and Contra Costa Counties
        will  begin  using  area  code  510.   This includes  Oakland,
        Concord, Berkeley  and  Hayward.    San  Francisco, San Mateo,
        Marin, parts of  Santa Clara County, and the San Francisco Bay
        Islands will retain area code 415.

      1 Feb 1992
        Area  code 213 fragments.    Western,  coastal,  southern  and
        eastern portions of Los Angeles  County  will begin using area
        code 310.  This includes Los  Angeles  International  Airport,
        West  Los  Angeles,  San  Pedro and Whittier.    Downtown  Los
        Angeles  and  surrounding  communities  (such as Hollywood and
        Montebello) will retain area code 213.

      1 Dec 1993
        Tenth anniversary of Fido Version 1 release.

      5 Jun 1997
        David Dodell's 40th Birthday

     If you have something which you would like to see on this
     calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1.

     FidoNews 8-04                Page 18                  28 Jan 1991


     Fredric L. Rice

     Yes, well... Ok. I failed to pay my phone bill and I got my
     ass  yanked  from  the dial-up  network.  I   have   mailed
     MAYHEM23.ZIP to some 25 sites and have another 100 or so to
     go but it _is_ being mailed; just hang tight, please.

     The phone line will be reconnected in a  week or so and all
     of the remaining sites that asked for it will get mailed!


     Michael Rapp
     FidoNet 1:106/12

     Notice To All Star Trek SysOps --

     I run a BBS list of Star Trek Related BBSes
     distribute it regularly around Houston (I also make
     it available for FREQ, "STBBS.LST").  If you would like
     to be added to this list, please send me netmail with
     the following information:

     1. BBS Name
     2. FidoNet Address and any other addresses you have (please
        specify net name)
     3. SysOp Name (Handle if desired)
     4. Board Phone (with area code!)
     5. Maximun Baud Rate
     6. BBS Software and Version Number
     7. Hours if part-time BBS



Remember Campers!!!

To send mail from an Internet site or smart UUCP Site TO a user 
            	  that calls a Fido-Net system.

  You need to know the name of the person and node number of the 
  Fido-Net system that the person uses.
  The address of a FidoNode looks like this: 1:105/302.0. Usually
  the 1: and .0 are left off, but they are there by default. (In
  Europe it is 2: and in the Pacific Basin it is 3:.) That
  address can be translated as "Zone 1, Net 105, FidoNode 302,
  Point 0." or p0.f302.n105.z1. Add the FidoNet domain of
  .fidonet.org to the end of that, chop off the p0 (it is again,
  a default) and you have f302.n105.z1.fidonet.org - the "Fully
  Qualified Domain Name" of a FidoNode. Another example is
  1:105/4.3 which would be written as p3.f4.n105.z1.fidonet.org
  (since there is a point number other than 0, we have to specify
  it). Note also that we are only using zone 1.  This will also
  work for zones 2 and 3, just use z2 or z3 as appropriate.

  FidoNet uses full names of the callers.  Multi-part name folks
  (eg. First Last, ie. "Dale Weber") will have a period '.'
  seperating their names.  So, lets say you wanted to send mail 
  to Dale Weber at 1:105/55.0, you would address your letter to:

	 Submissions to comp.org.fidonet should be addressed to 

Tim Pozar    Try also...
Internet: pozar@toad.com  Fido: 1:125/555  PaBell: (415) 788-3904
  USNail:  KKSF / 77 Maiden Lane /  San Francisco CA 94108