[comp.org.fidonet] FidoNET Newsletter, Volume 8, # 9

pozar@kumr.lns.com (Tim Pozar) (03/07/91)

     Volume 8, Number  9                                  4 March 1991
     |                                                  _            |
     |                                                 /  \          |
     |                                                /|oo \         |
     |        - FidoNews -                           (_|  /_)        |
     |                                                _`@/_ \    _   |
     |         FidoNet (r)                           |     | \   \\  |
     |  International BBS Network                    | (*) |  \   )) |
     |         Newsletter               ______       |__U__| /  \//  |
     |                                 / FIDO \       _//|| _\   /   |
     |                                (________)     (_/(_|(____/    |
     |                                                     (jm)      |
     Editor in Chief:                                  Vince Perriello
     Editors Emeritii:                    Thom Henderson,  Dale Lovell
     Chief Procrastinator Emeritus:                       Tom Jennings
     Copyright 1991, Fido Software.  All rights reserved.  Duplication
     and/or distribution permitted  for  noncommercial  purposes only.
     For use in other circumstances, please  contact  Fido Software.
     FidoNews  is  published  weekly by and for  the  Members  of  the
     FidoNet (r) International Amateur Electronic Mail System.   It is
     a compilation of individual articles contributed by their authors
     or authorized agents of the authors. The contribution of articles
     to this compilation does not diminish the rights of the authors.
     You  are  encouraged   to  submit  articles  for  publication  in
     FidoNews.  Article submission standards are contained in the file
     ARTSPEC.DOC, available from node 1:1/1.    1:1/1  is a Continuous
     Mail system, available for network mail 24 hours a day.
     Fido and  FidoNet  are  registered  trademarks of Tom Jennings of
     Fido Software, Box  77731,  San  Francisco  CA 94107, USA and are
     used with permission.
     Opinions expressed in  FidoNews articles are those of the authors
     and are not necessarily  those of the Editor or of Fido Software.
     Most articles are unsolicited.   Our  policy  is to publish every
     responsible submission received.

                        Table of Contents
     1. ARTICLES  .................................................  1
        Zone 1 Echomail Coordinator Election  .....................  1
        New Conference: COTSS  ....................................  3
     2. COLUMNS  .................................................. 18
        Getting it there, YAPPPIII  ............................... 18
     3. FOR SALE  ................................................. 22
        80387/41256x100's For Sale  ............................... 22
     4. LATEST VERSIONS  .......................................... 23
        Latest Software Versions  ................................. 23
     5. NOTICES  .................................................. 28
        The Interrupt Stack  ...................................... 28
     FidoNews 8-09                Page 1                    4 Mar 1991


     Zone 1 Echomail Coordinator Election Interim Results
     George Peace

     Well, we made it through the election. But that's only half of
     the story. We had so much fun that we're going to do it again.
     Before I go on, I'll present the votes by region:

                Davis   Nissan   Lachan   Walker   Roberts
     Region     -----    -----    -----    -----    -----

       10          5        -        3       10        1
       11          8        -       12        3        -
       12          1        -        2        1        -
       13          7        -        2        1        -
       14          2        1        1        7        1
       15          -        -        1        2        -
       16          9        -        7        4        -
       17          4        5        3        1        -
       18          1       43        -        -        2
       19         35        -        3        4        2

      total       72       49       34       33        6

     I extend my sincere Thanks to all five candidates for your
     continuing efforts on all our behalf.

     According to the parameters of the election, no one candidate
     received more than 50% of votes cast. As a result, Tony Davis and
     Amnon Nissan, the two candidates who received the most votes,
     will slug it out in a runoff election. Eligibility and vote
     collection rules for the runoff remain nearly the same as for the
     first election.

     A maximum of two votes -- NC and NEC -- will be accepted from
     each Zone 1 network. If the NC and NEC of any net are the same
     person only one vote will be accepted for that net. Votes will be
     accepted and tallied by the same good folks as in the first

     The voting period will begin 7 days after this article appears in
     FidoNews and will extend for 14 days. If this article appears in
     the 4 March issue the voting period will commence on 11 March and
     continue until 25 March. I hope the tallies will be forwarded to
     me in time to be published in the first FidoNews issue following
     my receipt of all votes from the 10 Zone 1 RECs.

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       Peace to All,

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     by John Passaniti, Fidonet 1:260/201

     Two years ago, I started the echo conference ICGAL (Issues
     Concerning Gays And Lesbians) by submitting an article to
     Fidonews.  ICGAL was intended to be the Fidonet equivalent of the
     Usenet soc.motss newsgroup, and has largely succeeded.

     ICGAL started with only a handful of systems across the United
     States which I polled.  Response was too large for my system to
     handle, so I put the conference on the Fidonet backbone.  Since
     then, ICGAL has grown larger than I ever expected, reaching into
     Fidonet zones two and three.

     ICGAL (which is now moderated by Robert Bayron) has served many
     purposes during the two years it has existed.  One great benefit
     (for me at least) was finding other gay and lesbian couples.  My
     husband and I had been together for two years at that point, and
     the various advice and insight given by others really helped us
     along (and I'm sure others too).  With that in mind, I'm starting
     a new echo conference.

     COTSS is a new echo conference that has a specific function in
     mind.  COTSS (Couples Of The Same Sex) is for committed gay and
     lesbian couples to talk about their relationships, with the
     problems and solutions they have discovered.

     My intention is to have the conference cover a range of issues,
     from emotional to financial to political to social.  For example,
     I'd like to see a discussion on how "domestic partnership" laws
     will change gay and lesbian relationships.  I'd like to see how
     wills, joint finances, and various other money issues should be
     handled.  I'd want to hear about problems homosexual couples who
     are also parents face.

     COTSS is open to anyone (regardless of sexuality or relationship
     status), but it is intended for committed gay and lesbian couples.
     It isn't a "dating" conference (there are other conferences in
     and out of Fidonet to fill that need).

     COTSS will initially be available through 1:260/228, where
     interested parties should send netmail.  Like ICGAL, I expect
     COTSS to grow, and eventually, if there is enough demand, I'll
     place it on the backbone.

     John Passaniti, 1:260/201

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                                                        /  \
                                                       /|oo \
                 - Worldcon '91 -                     (_|  /_)
              - Including Eurocon V -                  _`@/_ \    _
                                                      |     | \   \\
            At The Croydon Park Hotel                 | (*) |  \   ))
                                         ______       |__U__| /  \//
                 July 26/27/28          / FIDO \       _//|| _\   /
                                       (________)     (_/(_|(____/

        Organised By Xenon Management LTD                   (jm)
        in association with P & O European Ferries
        and The Croydon Park Hotel

                            * CONFERENCE INFORMATION *

      Worldcon '91 is to be held at the Croydon Park Hotel, Croydon,
      England. on July 26/27/28 1991.

      For your convenience the organisers have managed to negotiate
      some very good packages that include accommodation, all meals, &
      Conference fees. There is also a very special deal available for
      those who would like to bring their partner (See PLAN C for

      The Croydon Park Hotel is conveniently situated in the centre of
      Croydon, 10 miles south of Central London and just 5 min walk
      away from East Croydon Station, which provides a 24-hour service
      to Central London and Gatwick Airport, each approximately a 20
      minute journey.

      The Hotel has 214 bedrooms, each with private bath and shower,
      radio, colour TV with in-room movies, Individually controlled
      heating and air conditioning, mini-bar and direct dial

      The Hotel also has an extensive Leisure Complex which includes
      an indoor heated swimming pool, Whirlpool bath, squash courts,
      saunas, solarium beds and poolside gym equipment.

      To  reduce  the  cost  of  the  weekend  the organisers have
      managed to negotiate  a  special  deal  with  P&O  European
      Ferries  for European delegates who can get to either Calais,
      Ostend or Zeebrugge.  The  sav- ings represent about 11% off
      normal prices.  See below for details.

      The All Inclusive Deal covers the following:-
     FidoNews 8-09                Page 5                    4 Mar 1991

      Conference Fee.
      Morning coffee and shortbread
      Buffet Lunches
      Afternoon Tea & Cakes
      2 x Dinner (Reception Buffet & Banquet)
      2 Nights Accommodation
      2 x English Buffet Breakfast.

      **  Plan  C  includes  the  above  plus  room  only
      accommodation  for partner/spouse.  There will also be further
      charge  of  100.00  GBP  to cover the cost of meals and the
      widow/widower program.  **

                            * NON-DELEGATES' PROGRAM *

      This program has been specially designed for the ladies. This
      program includes a full day guided tour on Saturday.

      The tour includes :-
                     * A unique look around the Royal Albert Hall
                     * A Tour of Westminster Abbey
                     * See the Changing of the Guard
                     * Three course lunch on the river Thames
                     * Tour of the Tower of London
                     * See the Crown Jewels
                     * Visit to St Pauls Cathedral

      Also included in the program is a Reception Buffet, the Banquet,
      and a Traditional British Sunday Lunch.

            W O R L D C O N - '91 : C O N V E N T I O N  P R O G R A M

       Day One : Friday July 26th 1991

             14:00 Registration Desk Opens

             19:00 Reception Buffet

             23:00 Registration Desk Closes

       Day Two : Saturday July 27th 1991

             07:00 Restaurant Opens for Breakfast

             08:00 Registration Desk Opens

             09:15 Offical Opening in Room A

             09:30 Session 1 Starts in Rooms A & B
     FidoNews 8-09                Page 6                    4 Mar 1991

                   {See room programs below for details}

             09:45 Computer Widows Program Depart on Coach Trip

             10:30 Coffee Served Outside Rooms A & B

             11:00 Whistlers Bar Opens

             12:00 Buffet Lunch is Served in 'Oscars' Restaurant

             13:45 Session 2 Starts in Rooms A & B

             14:45 Afternoon Tea & Coffee served outside Rooms A & B

             18:00 Session 2 Closes in Rooms A & B

             17:00 - 18:30 Wait & See...........

             19:00 Banquet Starts in Centennial Suite

             22:00 Watch out Croydon here we come.........

       Day 3: Sunday 28th July 1991

             07:00 Oscars Restaurant Opens for Breakfast

             09:15 Session 3 Starts in Rooms A & B

             10:15 Coffee Served Outside Rooms A & B

             12:00 Traditional English Sunday Lunch Served in
             Oscars Restaurant

             13:00 Last Check Out Times

             13:30 Session 4 Starts in Rooms A & B

             16:00 Afternoon Tea is Served Outside Rooms A & B

             16:30 Final Session in Room A.

             18:00 Worldcon 91 Closes

             20:00 Organisers Office Closes

             20:01 You're on Your Own......

                             Room A Program

                           Politics & Policy
     FidoNews 8-09                Page 7                    4 Mar 1991

             09:30     Start session-1 : Introductions

                09:30-09:40 = Amendments to the agenda
                09:40-10:15 = The Conclusions of Eurocon IV
                10:15-10:30 = Matters Arising
                10:30-10:45 = Coffee-break
                10:45-11:15 = EFNA - What is it
                11:15-11:45 = EFNA - Do we need it
                11:45-12:00 = Matters Arising

             13:45     Start session-2 : Echomail & File Distribution

                13:45-14:00 = What is Echomail
                14:00-14:45 = Who is Responsible for it?
                14:45-15:00 = Coffee break
                15:00-15:30 = What are File Distribution Systems?
                15:30-16:30 = SDS/SDN/DVNET/PDN/WINNET/ADS etc.....
                16:30-17:00 = Matters Arising

          Day-3 : Sunday July 28th

               09:15   Start session-3 : Policy Matters

                  09:15-10:15 = WorldPol.
                  10:15-10:30 = Coffee Break
                  10:30-11:30 = Local Networks (For & Against)
                  11:30-12:00 = Matters Arising

               13:30 : Start session-4 : Any other Business

                 13:30-14:30 = Routing - Do we need OGATE/IGATEs?
                 14:30-15:30 = Nodelist Flags - Private or Point?
                 15:30-16:00 = Worldcon 93 & Eurocon 93 Tender
                 16:00-16:30 = Tea Break
                 16:30-17:00 = The Worldcon 93 & Eurocon 93 Debate
                 17:00-17:15 = The Worldcon 93 & Eurocon 93 VOTE
                 17:15-18:00 = Final Session

                              Room B Program

                            Presentation Theatre

             09:30     Start session-1 : Mailer Demo's

                10:30-10:45 = Coffee-break

             13:30     Start session-2 : Bulletin Board Software Demos

     FidoNews 8-09                Page 8                    4 Mar 1991

                14:45-15:00 = Tea Break

          Day-3 : Sunday July 15th

               09:15   Start session-3 : Communications Technology

               10:15-10:30 - Coffee Break

               13:30 : Start session-4 : Security Matters
                                         (Hackers & Virii)

                    16:00-16:30 = Tea Break

            16:30 - 18:00 Final Session in Room A


                              * BOOKING CONDITIONS *

      You  will  notice that those who book early will benefit from
      our Early booking discounts.

      Please note  --  the  closing date for bookings is JUNE 1st,
      1991.  Any hotel bookings received after the closing date will
      be  subject  to  a further  20%  surcharge, payable at the time
      of booking. It will not be possible to book a place  on  the
      ferries  after  that  date  via  the organisers  of the
      conference, so delegates who want to book after June 1st. will
      have to apply directly to the ferry companies.

      The specially discounted prices obtained from P &  O  European
      Ferries only  apply  to  the specified services and not to
      another others which may be made available at any time;  they
      apply  only  to  the  sailing times  and  routes specified, and
      not to another other sailing times or routes.

      These prices are only available at the time of booking  the
      conference and must be fully paid in advance.  All ferry
      bookings MUST be Received by MAY 31st, to qualify for the
      special discounts.

      Please note when  using  the  following  tables  of  charges
      that  the relevant  date  of the booking will be the actual date
      that the payment is made to the organisers' bank account, so
      please try  to  allow  time for the funds to be cleared by the

     FidoNews 8-09                Page 9                    4 Mar 1991

                             * Cancellations Policy *

      Cancellations prior to May 1st will receive a  full  refund
      minus  25% service charge.

      Cancellations  on May 1st or between May 1st and June 14th will
      receive a 50% refund, cancellations on or after June 14th will
      not be refunded.

      Our Standard Cancellation policy applies to all ferry bookings
      with one EXCEPTION; Cancellations after JUNE 1st will NOT be


                                  * How to pay *

      In  order  to process your booking correctly, we request that
      when make your booking, you indicate the mode of payment you
      will be using.

       * By Cheque (Euro-cheque or cheques drawn  on  a  UK  bank
         ONLY)  Non European registrations please send a  certified
         Bankers  Cheque  or Money Order .

       Please complete this form and send it with a cheque or money
       order for the total amount to:

             Worldcon '91
             C/O Xenon Management Ltd
             P.O Box 288,
             Surrey CR9 3XW

        All Cheques and Money Orders should be made payable to

                              XENON MANAGEMENT LTD.


        * Bank Transfers *

             Money Must be transferred to account number


             of XENON MANAGEMENT LTD

     FidoNews 8-09                Page 10                   4 Mar 1991

             and MUST include the reference "WORLDCON 91"

             At Lloyds Bank PLC
                1 Silver Street
                EN1 3EE

                UK SORTING CODE 30-93-07

             PLEASE NOTE: You are responsible for any bank charges
             that may be incurred please inform your bankers of this

      You  may register by Netmailing this completed form to 2:2/999
      as well, which is the official Worldcon  '91  for  processing.
      Rename  it  to ZNNNXXXX.PPP where : "Z" is your Zone number, "N"
      is your Net number, "X" is your  Node  number  and "P" your

      If you are a sysop, then PPP should be '000'.
      If you are a user, then PPP should be 'USR'.

      E-mailed registrations must be confirmed  by  regular  mail
      within  14 days,  after this period the registration becomes
      void unless full pay- ment is received in the meantime.

      All Bookings will be confirmed by e-mail as soon  payment  has
      cleared the bank.

                             * The Pricing Schedule *
                       All Prices in GBP ( pounds sterling)

                                |Before  |Before  |Before  |After   |
                                |April 1 |May 1   |June 1  |June 1  |
       | Plan A.                | 200.00 | 210.00 | 220.00 | 260.00 |
       | All inclusive Package  |        |        |        |        |
       | Single Room            |        |        |        |        |
       | 2 Nights               |        |        |        |        |
       | Per Person             |        |        |        |        |
       | Plan B                 | 180.00 | 190.00 | 200.00 | 240.00 |
       | All inclusive Package  |        |        |        |        |
     FidoNews 8-09                Page 11                   4 Mar 1991

       | Twin room Shared       |        |        |        |        |
       | 2 Nights               |        |        |        |        |
       | Per Person             |        |        |        |        |
       | Plan C                 | 180.00 | 190.00 | 200.00 | 240.00 |
       | All Inclusive Package  |        |        |        |        |
       | Double Room            |        |        |        |        |
       | 2 Nights               |        |        |        |        |
       | * Special Deal *       |        |        |        |        |
       | Delegate gets full     |        |        |        |        |
       | inclusive package      |        |        |        |        |
       | and partner gets       |        |        |        |        |
       | room only accom.       |        |        |        |        |
       | Plan D                 | 170.00 | 180.00 | 190.00 | 230.00 |
       | All inclusive Package  |        |        |        |        |
       | Single Room            |        |        |        |        |
       | 1 Night ( Saturday )   |        |        |        |        |
       | Per Person             |        |        |        |        |
       | Plan E                 | 150.00 | 160.00 | 170.00 | 210.00 |
       | All inclusive Package  |        |        |        |        |
       | Twin room Shared       |        |        |        |        |
       | 1 Night ( Saturday )   |        |        |        |        |
       | Per Person             |        |        |        |        |

                                         |Before  |Before  |After   |
                                         |May 1   |June 1  |June 1  |
       | Plan F                          |  80.00 |  90.00 | 108.00 |
       | Conference only                 |        |        |        |
       | (Includes Lunch/Tea/Coffee)     |        |        |        |
       | Plan G                          | 100.00 | 110.00 | 132.00 |
       | Non-delegate Program            |        |        |        |
       | (Includes Sunday lunch          |        |        |        |
       |  Banquet and Coach Trips)       |        |        |        |
       | Plan H                          |  35.00 |  40.00 |  48.00 |
       | Banquet                         |        |        |        |
       | (Saturday Night)                |        |        |        |
       | Plan I                          |  70.00 |  80.00 |  95.00 |
       | Bed & Breakfast ONLY            |        |        |        |
       | Single Room                     |        |        |        |
       | Per night                       |        |        |        |
     FidoNews 8-09                Page 12                   4 Mar 1991

       | Plan J                          |  55.00 |  65.00 |  75.00 |
       | Bed & Breakfast ONLY            |        |        |        |
       | Twin Room (Shared)              |        |        |        |
       | Per Person Per Night            |        |        |        |
       | Plan K                          | 100.00 | 110.00 | 130.00 |
       | Bed & Breakfast ONLY            |        |        |        |
       | Double Room                     |        |        |        |
       | 2 persons per night             |        |        |        |
       | Plan L                          |  40.00 |  45.00 |  55.00 |
       | Coach Trip Only                 |        |        |        |
       | (includes Lunch & all Admission |        |        |        |
       | Charges)                        |        |        |        |

                                * FERRY DETAILS *

      P  &  O European Ferries have agreed to the following discounted
      prices on the specified services.

      These prices are only available at the time of booking  the
      conference and must be fully paid in advance.

      On  all  sailing P & O offer a club class upgrade option which
      costs an extra 5 GBP per person each way.  The Club Class lounge
      is "a haven  of relaxation  and  rest  for  travellers", where
      you will be offered free tea, coffee and newpapers.

      All ferry bookings MUST be Received by MAY 31st,  to  qualify
      for  the special discounts.

      Crossings Times.

             Zeebrugge - Dover       4.5 Hours
             Ostend - Dover            4 Hours
             Calais - Dover           75 Mins

      From Belgium.
      (All times are quoted in Belgian TIme)

      The  12:30  saling  from  Zeebrugge to Dover and the 13:45
      sailing from Ostend to Dover are on the 26/7/91 returning to
      Belgium within 60 hours of arrival in the UK.

                      Car (up to 6.5m) and Driver - 86.50 - Return
                                 Additional Adult - 11.50 - Return
                         Children (4 to Under 14) -  7.50 - Return

     FidoNews 8-09                Page 13                   4 Mar 1991

                                            Adult - 18.50 - Return
                         Children (4 to Under 14) - 10.00 - Return

      From France
      (All times are quoted in French Time)

      The  15.15 or the 16.45 sailings are from Calais to Dover and
      returning to France within 60 Hours of arrival in the UK

                      Car (up to 6.5m) and Driver - 98.00 - Return
                                 Additional Adult - 11.50 - Return
                         Children (4 to Under 14) -  7.50 - Return

                                            Adult - 18.70 - Return
                         Children (4 to Under 14) - 10.00 - Return

              --------------------< CUT HERE >----------------------

                               * THE BOOKING FORMS *


                      * Conference & Hotel Booking Details *

       Name: _________________________________________________________

       Address: _____________________________  Apt. or Suite: ________

       City: _________________________  State or Province: ___________

       Postal Code: __________________  Country: _____________________

       Voice Phone: ______________________  Data: ____________________

       Zone:Net/Node.Point@Domain: ___________________________________

       Payment by Cheque/Euro-Cheque/Money Order/Bank Transfer

     | Option | Full  Name    |Qty|Day in|Day out|Pricing | Total |
     | PLAN A |               |   | 26/7 | 28/7  |        |       |
     | PLAN B |               |   | 26/7 | 28/7  |        |       |(1)
     FidoNews 8-09                Page 14                   4 Mar 1991

     | PLAN C |               |   | 26/7 | 28/7  |        |       |(2)
     | PLAN D |               |   | 26/7 |       |        |       |
     | PLAN E |               |   | 26/7 |       |        |       |
     | PLAN F |               |   |    N / A     |        |       |(3)
     | PLAN G |               |   | 26/7 | 28/7  |        |       |
     | PLAN H |               |   |    N / A     |        |       |(4)
     | PLAN I |               |   |      |       |        |       |
     | PLAN J |               |   |      |       |        |       |
     | PLAN K |               |   |      |       |        |       |
     | PLAN L |               |   |      |       |        |       |(5)
                                                 | Total  |       |

     * Special requirements: ________________________________________

     * Arrange a room under plan-B for me, I am : male / female
       My roommate should be : smoker / no-smoker / no preference

         I prefer to share my room with : ______________________

     * For my meals, I prefer : vegetarian / non-vegetarian

     * Plan G/L participants name is: __________________________

       (1) Plan B is based on two people sharing a Twin Room.

       (2) Plan C includes accomodation on a room-only basis for a
           NON delegate ie Wife/Partner. All meals for the
           Non-Delegate are their own responsibility. (however all
           meals except Breakfast are included in Plan G).

       (3) Plan F is for those delegates who wish to arrange their
           own accomodation and so just includes Tea & Coffee, Lunch
           and Conference Fees.

       (4) Plan H is for those who are on Plan F or Plans I/J/K that
           wish to attend the Banquet on Saturday Evening (This is
           included in Plans A/B/C).

       (5) Plan L is just the Coach tour element of Plan G including
     FidoNews 8-09                Page 15                   4 Mar 1991

           Lunch. This tour departs from the hotel at 10am.

                             * Ferry Booking Form *

            All ferry crossings covered by this form are on the
            Specified Sailing on FRIDAY 26th of July 1991 ONLY.

            Our Standard Cancellation policy applies to all ferry
            bookings with one EXCEPTION; Cancellations after JUNE 1st
            will NOT be refunded.

                            * Travelling with Car *

     Drivers Name:________________________________________________

     Drivers Address:_____________________________________________

     Drivers Telephone Number (Voice) ____________________________

     Car Make & Model:____________________________________________

     Car Registration Number:_____________________________________

     Car Length:_____________ (Max 6.5m)

     Number of Passengers:
                          Adults:____________ (excluding Driver)
                          Children:__________ (4 - 14yrs)

     Please Indicate which Crossing you require:

             Route             Sailing
           | Zeebrugge - Dover| 12:30 |  |
           | Ostend - Dover   | 13:45 |  |
           | Calais - Dover   | 15:15 |  |
           | Calais - Dover   | 16:45 |  |
           ( For cost please see the details above)

                                          Total Cost:______________

                                * Footpassengers *

     FidoNews 8-09                Page 16                   4 Mar 1991

     Passenger Names: (1)__________________________________________

     Number of Adults:_____ Children (4 - 14yrs):______

     Please Indicate which crossing you require:

            Route             Sailing
          | Zeebrugge - Dover| 12:30 |  |
          | Ostend - Dover   | 13:45 |  |
          | Calais - Dover   | 15:15 |  |
          | Calais - Dover   | 16:45 |  |
          (For cost please see the details above)

                                         Total Cost:______________

                            * Booking Confirmation *

     I  wish to confirm this as a FIRM BOOKING and that it is subject
     to the cancellation conditions as set out above, to which I
     agree to be bound. I understand that the booking will only be
     confirmed by the  organisers upon receipt of payment in full.

     Signed:_______________________              Date:________________

                                * Payment Form *

            Confernce and Hotel Total : _________________  GBP

                          Ferry Total : __________________ GBP

                          Grand Total : __________________ GBP

                     | Payment Method: |
                     | UK-Cheque       |  |
     FidoNews 8-09                Page 17                   4 Mar 1991

                     | Euro-Cheque     |  |
                     | Money Order     |  |
                     | Bank Transfer   |  | (1)

     Notes: (1) Please ask your bankers to use your Node Number,
            Surname and WORLDCON 91 as a reference when paying by
            Bank Transfer.

     FidoNews 8-09                Page 18                   4 Mar 1991


     Bruce Gingery
     FidoNet 1:310/5.1

            YAPPPIII (Yet another packet proposal - part 3)

     Last week, I introduced the 32 bit type-4 flags meanings.  Here
     is the rest of the proposed packet header, and how it relates
     to the type-2 packet currently in standard use, and the type-3
     which was proposed in FSC-0007.TXT.

     The FIRST sixteen bits of every packet or segregated message is
     the header id.  Only the first 8 bits are actually used.  This
     allows superficial compatibility with the FTS-0001, type-2 and
     FSC-0007, type-3 packets.  This is the limit of exact compat-
     ibility, however.   This may be treated in ANY of the following
                          C         Pascal        Modula-2
         ID byte    unsigned char   byte          SHORTCARD
     plus waste     unsigned char   byte          SHORTCARD

         ID word         int        integer       INTEGER
         ID word    unsigned int    word          CARDINAL

     with equal facility, as the second 8-bits are predefined as
     a zero, as in current type-2 use (note intel format LL HH)

     The primary difference between the type-4 and type-5 is the
     "Ultimate address" versus the "Echo information" covering
     the packet.

     CASE MsgID : MessageFormat OF
           (* Constant 0 or 2..5 -- Format 1 is obsolete *)
     | 0 :   (* End-of-File  -- no other fields *)

     | 2 :   (* FTS-0001 standard -- 32 bytes +
                    to, from, & subject *)
           OrigNode,                  (* 0..32767 *)
           DestNode,                  (* 0..32767 *)
           OrigNet,                   (* 0..32767 *)
           DestNet        : CARDINAL; (* 0..32767 *)
           MsgAttr        : Type2Flags;
           CostCharge     : CARDINAL;
           DateTimePkt    : ARRAY [0..20-1] OF CHAR;

               (* DayOfWk " " Day " " Month " "
     FidoNews 8-09                Page 19                   4 Mar 1991

                   two-digit-year " " Hour ":" Minute
                                    ^- SeaDog format or *)
               (* Day " " Month " " two-digit-year " "
                   Hour ":" Minute ":" Second  which is
                                    ^- Standard fmt *)
               (* "Day" may be one or two digit,
                                Hour should be 0 filled *)

            toUserName,      (* these fields VARIABLE LENGTH! *)
            fmUserName     :(ARRAY [0..36] OF CHAR);
            subject        :(ARRAY [0..72] OF CHAR);
                             (* and SHOULD be null terminated *)

     | 3 :   (* FSC-0007,  18-byte plus ascii header *)
            OrigZone,                       (* 0..65535 *)
            OrigNetNum,                     (* 0..65535 *)
            OrigNodeNum,                    (* 0..65535 *)
            OrigPoint       : CARDINAL;     (* 0..65535 *)
            DestPoint       : CARDINAL;     (* 0..65535 *)
            MsgAttrb        : Type2Flags;
            (* see ascii headder in FSC-0007 *)

     | 4 :    (* header = 74 bytes NetMail & `file attach' *)
         Flags           : Type4Attribute; (* see last week's FNews*)
         OrgZone         : CARDINAL;
         DateBin         : LONGCARD;
         ExtraHeaderType : CARDINAL; (* needed for ease
                                        in compatiblity *)
         TimeBin         : LONGCARD;
         IntrZone        : CARDINAL;
         Accounting      : LONGCARD; (* Defined by local system *)
         PackedBy        : CARDINAL; (* product code *)
         BackwardLink    : LONGCARD;
         UDestNode,       (* Ultimate (or Boss) destination *)
         UDestZone : CARDINAL;
         ExpansionFill4     : ARRAY [0..5] OF WORD; (* 0000H *)
         Content4Length     : LONGCARD;

     FidoNews 8-09                Page 20                   4 Mar 1991

     | 5 :  (* Group/Echo/Conference Mail and `Tick' files *)
         Flags           : Type4Attribute; (* flags as above *)
         OrgZone         : CARDINAL;
         DateBin         : LONGCARD;
         ExtraHeaderType : CARDINAL; (* needed for ease
                                        in compatiblity *)
         TimeBin         : LONGCARD;
         IntrZone        : CARDINAL;
         Accounting      : LONGCARD; (* Defined by local system *)
         PackedBy        : CARDINAL; (* product code *)
         BackwrdLink     : LONGCARD;
         ExpansionFill5     : ARRAY [0..5] OF WORD; (* 0000H *)
         PathSize           : LONGCARD;
         Content5Length     : LONGCARD;
         AreaNameSize       : SHORTCARD;
         Null5Filler        : SHORTCARD;
     END (* CASE of MsgID *);

     The "Extra Header Type" in each case, aligns with the Message-
     Type in an FTS-0001 .MSG format.  This allows for simplified
     processing, as a processing program dealing exclusively with
     packets will use the leading packet-type byte or word value to
     identify the packet, and the processing program dealing exclus-
     ively with unpacked messages may jump directly to the MESSAGE
     type identifier.

     All addresses are arranged with bytes in sequential order from
     least to most significant, for numeric longword or reverse byte
     by byte comparison, and the Origin and immediate destination
     addresses are ALSO aligned between the type 4 & 5 headers.

     Message timestamping is maintained in Microsoft format, as in
     MS-DOS directory timestamping, with bit shift compression and
     the 1980 base date offset for the year.  The point-of-origin
     timezone is also included.  In our global FidoNet, with inter-
     zone mailing and conferencing, the time-zone differential may
     be used by BBS or other mail processing software to give a
     display of both WHEN a message was written, and also how old it
     is.   Comparison to a specified time and date may be handled as
     a flag numeric compare in Intel longword format.  When the
     message is tossed, the LOCAL receipt time may be placed to re-
     use a portion of the interim routing address fields to allow
     accurate purging by display duration instead of merely by "how
     old is it?"  In any case, the ZONE of the Interxxxx address
     should be zeroed when a message is tossed.
     FidoNews 8-09                Page 21                   4 Mar 1991

     When the Type-4 or Type-5 header is used on a message, the link
     fields, forward and backward are pointers to related messages.
     In the message headers within a packet, they are relative offset
     values.  When used on a packet, however, they assume slightly
     different meanings.  The forward link is zeroed unless a packet
     has been deliberately split into smaller packets for transmission
     over noisy lines or unstable datalinks.  More on this later.  The
     NORMAL Type-4 or Type-5 packet has the forward link as a zero.
     The Backward link is a sequential "transaction" number which
     is assigned by each sender from a counter with the immediate
     receiver, allowing for easy detection of any missed trans-

     Note that there are 12 bytes of contiguous expansion area in
     each of the headers which do not fully overlap.  This allows
     for careful later implementation of any points which may have
     been missed here.

     More explanations next time.

     FidoNews 8-09                Page 22                   4 Mar 1991

                                 FOR SALE

     1  80387-16mhz Math Coprocessor: $200.00 or Best Offer
     48 41256x100ns Memory Chips:     $1.20/ea.

     Reply to Phil Buonomo, 107/582@fidonet 520/583@alternet

     FidoNews 8-09                Page 23                   4 Mar 1991

                              LATEST VERSIONS

                         Latest Software Versions

                              MS-DOS Systems

                           Bulletin Board Software
     Name        Version    Name        Version    Name       Version

     DMG            2.93    Phoenix         1.3    TAG           2.5g
     Fido            12s+   QuickBBS       2.66    TBBS           2.1
     GSBBS          3.02    RBBS          17.3B    TComm/TCommNet 3.4
     Lynx           1.30    RBBSmail      17.3B    Telegard       2.5
     Kitten         2.16    RemoteAccess  0.04a    TPBoard        6.1
     Maximus        1.02    SLBBS          1.77A   Wildcat!      2.55
     Opus           1.14+   Socrates       1.10    WWIV          4.12
     PCBoard        14.5                           XBBS          1.15

     Network                Node List              Other
     Mailers     Version    Utilities   Version    Utilities  Version

     BinkleyTerm    2.40    EditNL         4.00    ARC            7.0
     D'Bridge       1.30    MakeNL         2.31    ARCAsim       2.30
     Dutchie       2.90C    ParseList      1.30    ARCmail       2.07
     FrontDoor     1.99c    Prune          1.40    ConfMail      4.00
     PRENM          1.47    SysNL          3.14    Crossnet      v1.5
     SEAdog        4.51b    XlatList       2.90    DOMAIN        1.42
     TIMS      1.0(Mod8)    XlaxDiff       2.35    EMM           2.02
                            XlaxNode       2.35    4Dog/4DMatrix 1.18
                                                   Gmail         2.05
                                                   GROUP         2.16
                                                   GUS           1.30
                                                   HeadEdit      1.15
                                                   InterPCB      1.31
                                                   LHARC         1.13
                                                   MSG            4.1
                                                   MSGED         2.06
                                                   MSGTOSS        1.3
                                                   Oliver        1.0a
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.10
                                                   QM             1.0
                                                   QSORT         4.03
                                                   Sirius        1.0x
                                                   SLMAIL        1.36
                                                   StarLink      1.01
                                                   TagMail       2.41
                                                   TCOMMail       2.2
                                                   Telemail      1.27
     FidoNews 8-09                Page 24                   4 Mar 1991

                                                   TMail         1.15
                                                   TPBNetEd       3.2
                                                   TosScan       1.00
                                                   UFGATE        1.03
                                                   XRS           4.10*
                                                   XST            2.2
                                                   ZmailH        1.14

                                OS/2 Systems

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Maximus-CBCS       1.02   BinkleyTerm  2.40   Parselst      1.32
                                                   ConfMail      4.00
                                                   EchoStat       6.0
                                                   oMMM          1.52
                                                   Omail          3.1
                                                   MsgEd         2.06
                                                   MsgLink       1.0C
                                                   MsgNum        4.14
                                                   LH2           0.50
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.02
                                                   ARC2          6.00
                                                   PolyXARC      2.00
                                                   Qsort          2.1
                                                   Raid           1.0
                                                   Remapper       1.2
                                                   Tick           2.0
                                                   VPurge        2.07


     BBS Software                  Mailers         Other Utilities
     Name             Version  Name      Version   Name       Version

                               BinkleyTerm 2.30b   Unzip         3.10
                                                   ARC           5.21
                                                   ParseLst     1.30b
                                                   ConfMail     3.31b
                                                   Ommm         1.40b
                                                   Msged        1.99b
                                                   Zoo           2.01
                                                   C-Lharc       1.00
                                                   Omail        1.00b

     FidoNews 8-09                Page 25                   4 Mar 1991

                                 Apple CP/M

     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Daisy               v2j   Daisy Mailer 0.38   Nodecomp      0.37
                                                   MsgUtil        2.5
                                                   PackUser        v4
                                                   Filer         v2-D
                                                   UNARC.COM     1.20


     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Red Ryder Host     2.1    Tabby         2.2   MacArc         0.04
     Mansion            7.15   Copernicus    1.0   ArcMac          1.3
     WWIV (Mac)         3.0                        LHArc          0.33
     Hermes             1.01                       StuffIt Classic 1.6
     FBBS               0.91                       Compactor      1.21
                                                   TImport        1.92
                                                   TExport        1.92
                                                   Timestamp       1.6
                                                   Tset            1.3
                                                   Import          3.2
                                                   Export         3.21
                                                   Sundial         3.2
                                                   PreStamp        3.2
                                                   OriginatorII    2.0
                                                   AreaFix         1.6
                                                   Mantissa       3.21
                                                   Zenith          1.5
                                                   Eventmeister    1.0
                                                   TSort           1.0
                                                   Mehitable       2.0
                                                   UNZIP         1.02c


     Bulletin Board Software   Network Mailers     Other Utilities

     Name            Version   Name      Version   Name       Version

     Paragon           2.082+  BinkleyTerm  1.00   AmigArc       0.23
     TransAmiga         1.05   TrapDoor     1.50   AReceipt       1.5
     FidoNews 8-09                Page 26                   4 Mar 1991

                               WelMat       0.42   booz          1.01
                                                   ConfMail      1.10
                                                   ChameleonEdit 0.10
                                                   Lharc         1.30
                                                   MessageFilter 1.52
                                                   oMMM         1.49b
                                                   ParseLst      1.30
                                                   PkAX          1.00
                                                   PK[UN]ZIP     1.01
                                                   PolyxAmy      2.02
                                                   RMB           1.30
                                                   RoboWriter    1.02
                                                   Skyparse      2.30
                                                   TrapList      1.12
                                                   Yuck!         1.61
                                                   Zippy (Unzip) 1.25
                                                   Zoo           2.01

                                Atari ST/TT

     Bulletin Board         Network                Node List
     Software    Version    Mailer      Version    Utilities  Version

     FIDOdoor/ST    2.12*   BinkleyTerm   2.40l*   ParseList     1.30
     QuickBBS/ST    1.02    The BOX        1.20    Xlist         1.12
     Pandora BBS   2.41c                           EchoFix       1.20
     GS Point       0.61                           sTICk/Hatch   5.10*
     LED ST         1.00
     MSGED         1.96S

     Archiver               Msg Format             Other
     Utilities   Version    Converters  Version    Utilities  Version

     LHARC          0.60    TB2BINK        1.00    ConfMail      4.03
     ARC            6.02    BINK2TB        1.00    ComScan       1.02
     PKUNZIP        1.10    FiFo           2.1j*   Import        1.14
                                                   OMMM          1.40
                                                   Pack          1.00
                                                   FastPack      1.20
                                                   FDsysgen      2.16
                                                   FDrenum       2.10
                                                   Trenum        0.10


     FidoNews 8-09                Page 27                   4 Mar 1991

     BBS Software           Mailers                Utilities
     Name        Version    Name        Version    Name       Version

     ARCbbs         1.44    BinkleyTerm    2.03    Unzip        2.1TH
                                                   ARC           1.03
                                                   !Spark       2.00d

                                                   ParseLst      1.30
                                                   BatchPacker   1.00

     + Netmail capable (does not require additional mailer software)
     * Recently changed

     Utility authors:  Please help  keep  this  list  up  to  date  by
     reporting  new  versions  to 1:1/1.  It is not our intent to list
     all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity.

     FidoNews 8-09                Page 28                   4 Mar 1991


     Jeffrey Harrington
     1:281/782 Fidonet
     10:15/0   Brigadoon

          I am interested in Netmailing with person(s) who are
     interested in the following topics:

          Robert A. Heinlein                 Home Schooling
          Science Fiction in General         Mother Earth News Mag
          Religion (Old, New, Alternative)   CountrySide Small Stock
          Genealogy                          Homesteading
          Star Trek (old and new)
     If you have an interest in any of these topics please let me
     know. Or if you know of an Echo on these subjects I would like
     to hear about it.

     Thank You,
     Jeffrey Harrington


                          The Interrupt Stack

     30 Mar 1991
        Jim Grubs (W8GRT) was issued his first ham radio license forty
        years ago today. His first station was made from an ARC-5
        "Command Set" removed from a B-17 bomber.

     12 May 1991
        Fourth anniversary of FidoNet operations in Latin America and
        second anniversary of the creation of Zone-4.

     15 Aug 1991
        5th annual Z1 Fido Convention - FidoCon '91 "A New Beginning"
        Sheraton Denver West August 15 through August 18 1991.

      8 Sep 1991
        25th anniversary of first airing of Star Trek on NBC!

      7 Oct 1991
        Area code  415  fragments.   Alameda and Contra Costa Counties
        will  begin  using  area  code  510.   This includes  Oakland,
        Concord, Berkeley  and  Hayward.    San  Francisco, San Mateo,
        Marin, parts of  Santa Clara County, and the San Francisco Bay
        Islands will retain area code 415.

     FidoNews 8-09                Page 29                   4 Mar 1991

      1 Feb 1992
        Area  code 213 fragments.    Western,  coastal,  southern  and
        eastern portions of Los Angeles  County  will begin using area
        code 310.  This includes Los  Angeles  International  Airport,
        West  Los  Angeles,  San  Pedro and Whittier.    Downtown  Los
        Angeles  and  surrounding  communities  (such as Hollywood and
        Montebello) will retain area code 213.

      1 Dec 1993
        Tenth anniversary of Fido Version 1 release.

      5 Jun 1997
        David Dodell's 40th Birthday

     If you have something which you would like to see on this
     calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1.


Remember Campers!!!

To send mail from an Internet site or smart UUCP Site TO a user 
            	  that calls a Fido-Net system.

  You need to know the name of the person and node number of the 
  Fido-Net system that the person uses.
  The address of a FidoNode looks like this: 1:105/302.0. Usually
  the 1: and .0 are left off, but they are there by default. (In
  Europe it is 2: and in the Pacific Basin it is 3:.) That
  address can be translated as "Zone 1, Net 105, FidoNode 302,
  Point 0." or p0.f302.n105.z1. Add the FidoNet domain of
  .fidonet.org to the end of that, chop off the p0 (it is again,
  a default) and you have f302.n105.z1.fidonet.org - the "Fully
  Qualified Domain Name" of a FidoNode. Another example is
  1:105/4.3 which would be written as p3.f4.n105.z1.fidonet.org
  (since there is a point number other than 0, we have to specify
  it). Note also that we are only using zone 1.  This will also
  work for zones 2 and 3, just use z2 or z3 as appropriate.

  FidoNet uses full names of the callers.  Multi-part name folks
  (eg. First Last, ie. "Dale Weber") will have a period '.'
  seperating their names.  So, lets say you wanted to send mail 
  to Dale Weber at 1:105/55.0, you would address your letter to:

	 Submissions to comp.org.fidonet should be addressed to 
       pozar@lns.com  Fido: 1:125/555  PaBell: 415-788-3904
    USNail:  KKSF-FM / 77 Maiden Lane /  San Francisco CA 94108