pozar@kumr.lns.com (Tim Pozar) (06/10/91)
F I D O N E W S -- | Vol. 8 No. 23 (10 June 1991) The newsletter of the | FidoNet BBS community | Published by: _ | / \ | "FidoNews" BBS /|oo \ | (415)-863-2739 (_| /_) | FidoNet 1:1/1 _`@/_ \ _ | Internet: | | \ \\ | fidonews@fidonews.fidonet.org | (*) | \ )) | |__U__| / \// | Editors: _//|| _\ / | Tom Jennings (_/(_|(____/ | Tim Pozar (jm) | ----------------------------+--------------------------------------- Published weekly by and for the Members of the FidoNet international amateur network. Copyright 1991, Fido Software. All rights reserved. Duplication and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in other circumstances, please contact FidoNews. Paper price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00US Electronic Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free! For more information about FidoNews refer to the end of this file. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. EDITORIAL ..................................................... 1 2. ARTICLES ...................................................... 3 Forbidden Fruit: Real privacy for electronic communications ... 3 A start towards reasonable privacy in FidoNet mail and echom .. 6 Practical privacy -- Public Key encryption .................... 9 Do we maybe need a "bill of rights" ........................... 14 CHILD ABUSE Echo .............................................. 16 Talk Me Through It, Honey ..................................... 17 Policies. Who Needs Them? ..................................... 17 The SKEPTIC Echo Conference ................................... 18 WorldPol 2 : Give it Up! ...................................... 19 A Word from the Bible - Real Christians speak in tongues ...... 20 3. CLASSIFIEDS ................................................... 23 4. NOTICES ....................................................... 24 The Interrupt Stack ........................................... 24 Exclude. *.MSG - type Killer Dog Utility ...................... 25 5. LATEST VERSIONS ............................................... 28 Latest Software Versions ...................................... 28 FidoNews 8-23 Page 1 10 Jun 1991 ====================================================================== EDITORIAL ====================================================================== EDITORIAL by Tom Jennings There's enough of my blather in this issue. This is not what I intended when I became editor. It will not become the norm in the future. * * * * * When putting together the articles on the PGP encryption system (else- where in this issue) I was given a length file which I excerpted, and a very interesting paper on the closely related issue of privacy and encryption on amateur radio. I hate to see these kind of things go to waste. I assume this may happen again in the future. So I've just started what I hope becomes a tradition -- a parallel, associated file called NOTEvnn.LZH, which contains the full texts of source files, unedited and unformatted. (vnn is the same volume/number format as FidoNews.) Text format (plain ASCII, tabs, CRs etc) not guarenteed. There may not be a corresponding NOTEvnn.LZH file for every FidoNews. If there is, the appropriate article(s) will indicate it. It would be great if readers could take these things and persue them further. * * * * * If you publish an electronic newsletter or some such, and are worried about ending up like PHRACK, where it was claimed that electronic publications do not have First Amendment protections, there's an easy short-term solution: turn it into a print publication, that just happens to have an electronic version. I have done this to FidoNews -- for $10 per copy you can have FidoNews delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. The electronic version is (and will always be) completely free of charge. Any money received will go towards phone bills here, and if by some miracle it exceeds my bill, all above that will go to the Electronic Frontier Foundation as a general donation from "The FidoNet". Speaking of which, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) now has 501(c)3 status, ie. is now tax deductable. EFF Inc, 112 Second St, Cambridge MA 02142. voice (617)\dash 864\dash 0665, or eff@well.sf.ca.us If you contact EFF, please tell them you read it in FidoNews. Anyone interested in receiving the EFF-TALK echo (gated to/from it's corresponding usenet newsgroup) please contact me at 1:125/111 and I'll toss it your way ... FidoNews 8-23 Page 2 10 Jun 1991 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 8-23 Page 3 10 Jun 1991 ====================================================================== ARTICLES ====================================================================== Forbidden Fruit: Real privacy for electronic communications by Tom Jennings See also: NOTE823 This is not a well-researched piece, I simply haven't had the time. It's 4:00pm on FidoNews publication day. I had planned on starting a few new "departments" for FidoNews (such as reviews of other publications) but this all happened in the last few days. I hope that it gives enough information to at least ask more questions. * * * * * This has been an exciting weekend. I got a job -- the first "real" job I've had since 1986. With Cygnus Support, moving GNU stuff to the IBM feces world. But not too real, I mean, the job interview was kinda fun, with cool people, and I got to bring all of the stuff I do, HOMOCORE `zine, propane car book, and not have to lie or leave out stuff. Not bad! More on this later. The other thing is the release of "PGP", or "Pretty Good Privacy", by Phil Zimmermann (two n's). A complete RSA public-key encryption / decryption software system. This implementation is legal, with restrictions. But some of the powers-that-be are gonna raise a stink, legally or not. Get it while you can! Encryption? Why would we need something so extreme? The issue is liberty -- privacy and the right to conduct your affairs as you see fit. Is having your mail remain unopened so extreme? I've said it before, between these very pages (sic) -- the government doesn't grant you rights. It recognizes that we have "certain inalienable rights" , ie. rights exist, and that it should not be allowed to take away. *That is what the U.S. Bill of Rights -- the first 10 Amendments are* -- limits on the power of government, not a laundry list of rights "granted" to you. However, bureaucrats, well meaning or not, seem to forget this in desire to make their ponderous wheels turn more efficiently -- frequently at the expense of our freedoms. Privacy is just that -- private. Certain forces in the universe don't believe you have a right to keep your affairs private, and have been at work to stifle, not always legally, tools and systems that would give us privacy in our communications. You have probably heard by now of "Operation Sundevil", the Steve Jackson Games illegal busts by the Secret Service (lawsuit against the SS/FBI now in place), the Craig Neidorf "911" fiasco (turned out to be a $14 brochure), and other similar events. And the Electronic Frontier Foundation's work at preserving our liberties and defending some of the people under attack. If not, SHAME ON YOU! it has a direct -- yeah you -- affect on your right and maybe soon ability to communicate FidoNews 8-23 Page 4 10 Jun 1991 electronically. I was planning on decent mention of the EFF and other groups this week, but this PGP thing took precedence. You preserve liberties by using them. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Etc. * * * * * Sen. Biden and his cohorts have recently proposed the following in the U.S. Congress: 'It is the sense of Congress that providers of electronic communications services and manufacturers of electronic communications service equipment shall insure that communications systems permit the Government to obtain the plain text contents of voice, data, and other communications when appro- priately authorized by law.' At least they're going through legal channels this time. (No remarks needed re: 'the sense of Congress'.) There is a long and unpleasant history of suppression of privacy (and other) technology. There are export controls on some encryption tools, the end result of which you'll as the "US. Version only" markings on PC-TOOLS and NORTON. (You should read the SNAKE OIL section in the PGP documentation on this sort of "encryption" -- but I'm getting ahead of myself.) I do not know the history or any details on these export controls (...and no time to look them up. Well, readers?) Computer manufacturers attempting to put encryption/privacy hardware in their machines were told they would not get export licenses for those machines, effectively quashing that technology. * * * * * The following is one example of an extra-legal attempt at directing or controlling access to technologies. Nothing illegal was being done, so they had to resort to other methods. Ralph Merkle, mathematician/programmer at Xerox, was about to publish a paper titled "A Software Encryption Function", a way to effeciently implement encryption/privacy without special hardware. (The complete paper and reply message is Wazoo filerequestable from 1:1/1 as filename "NOTE823.LZH".) The NSA (National Security Agency) put pressure on Xerox to suppress the paper. Xerox, with contracts ($$$) to lose, complied. Merkle, frustrated, didn't get to publish his paper. John Gilmore, incensed, did. Here's a page from his story: FidoNews 8-23 Page 5 10 Jun 1991 From postnews Thu Jul 13 03:10:10 1989 From: toad.com!gnu (John Gilmore) Subject: Merkle's "A Software Encryption Function" now published and available Newsgroups: sci.crypt Ralph Merkle called me today to let me know that Xerox was not going to let him submit his paper on a nice new set of encryption and hash functions to a journal for publication. The story is that a division of Xerox sells a lot of stuff to NSA and they threatened to pull their business if Xerox publishes it. There is no law that says NSA can stop Xerox from publishing it -- it's just a "business decision" on Xerox's part. Happily, however, I do not sell anything to the NSA. And I have a copy of the paper, which was distributed for several months by Xerox, without any conditions, before NSA even heard of it. The work was not government-sponsored or classified; there is no law that lets the government suppress it. As a courtesy to Xerox Corporation I could avoid publishing this paper. However, I prefer to extend the courtesy to the person who did the work, Ralph Merkle, who would like to see it released and used. I do thank Xerox for supporting his excellent work and hope that they will continue to do so. Mr. Merkle did not ask or suggest that I publish the paper, and should bear none of the blame (if any). I have published and distributed a number of copies of this paper, and I hereby offer to sell a copy of this paper to anyone who sends me $10 (cash preferred, checks accepted) and a return address. Send your requests to: Merkle Paper Publishing PO Box 170608 San Francisco, CA, USA 94117-0608 Since the paper is "published and is generally available to the public through subscriptions which are available without restriction to any individual who desires to obtain or purchase the published information", it is exempt from State Department export control under 22 CFR 120.18 and 22 CFR 125.1 (a), and is exportable to all destinations under Commerce Department General License GTDA under 15 CFR 379.3(a). It can therefore be sent to foreign as well as US domestic individuals. I believe that the availability of fast, secure crypto- graphy to the worldwide public will enable us to build FidoNews 8-23 Page 6 10 Jun 1991 much more secure computer systems and networks, increasing individual privacy as well as making viruses and worms much harder to write. For example, the Snefru one-way hash function described in the paper would be a good choice for validating copies of programs downloaded from BBS systems or the net, to detect virus contamination. If UUCP and TCP/IP links could be encrypted with Mr. Merkle's Khafre or Khufu ciphers, simple monitoring of phone wires or Ethernets would not yield login passwords, private mail, and other serious security violations. The technology exists; all that stands in our way is a bureacracy that has no *legal* power to restrict us, if we follow the published rules. -- John Gilmore * * * * * Phil Zimmermann wrote PGP for his own reasons, and wasn't even aware of what went down with the Merkle paper. Two years of work, because he saw the need for someone to do this. (He says he's now totally broke because he basically blew off a lot of consulting jobs to finish this thing. Donations would probably be appreciated.) More details on PGP elsewhere in this issue of FidoNews. * * * * * The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) now has 501(c)3 status, ie. is now tax deductable. EFF Inc, 112 Second St, Cambridge MA 02142. voice (617)\dash 864\dash 0665, or eff@well.sf.ca.us If you contact EFF, please tell them you read it in FidoNews. Anyone interested in receiving the EFF-TALK echo (gated to/from it's corresponding usenet newsgroup) please contact me at 1:125/111 and I'll toss it your way ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A start towards reasonable privacy in FidoNet mail and echomail Tom Jennings 1:125/111 I propose that we immediately split off private echo-mail and casual FidoNet mail into it's own category, and leave all other uses (important private mail between people, or other pre-arranged circumstances) out of it for the moment. My reasoning is three-fold: most "public" mail wants privacy rather than maximum security, and that until we have experience setting up key registries or "introducers" anything we do will be flawed by crypto standards. And not least, the fact that the high-security system requires manual intervention for every de-crypt operation, which is not workable for our automated systems. FidoNews 8-23 Page 7 10 Jun 1991 You can find out what PGP is capable of by reading the docs. Here are the limitations of my proposed low-tech system: Privacy is the goal, not military-level security. Messages are secure while in-transit; once received they become plaintext (see note below). Someone faking a node or sysop would get caught through the usual means, and in any case affect only that node/person. NOTE: My proposal includes not using a pass-phrase on casual mail, simply so that the decrypt process won't require manual intervention, and so can be automated (batched). This means that your computer installation is not secure, but I don't think many of us care about that. If you do, you can simply retain the pass-phrase on the decrypt process. If that's not adequate, you shouldn't be using the casual mail system! So if all you do is run-of-the-mill private echo mail, and maybe a few juicy messages to your neighbors, a very casual system -- or even sloppy, by crypto standards -- will suffice. PGP's smallest key size, 288 bits, is the least secure and fastest, performance-wise. If you have great need of tight security, make other arrangements until key registries/introducers are operating. Within the FidoNet, the registry of keys could simply consist of a list of the public keys of the participants, without the "introducer" system. Take for example the current echomail backbone distribution -- all the players know each other well enough to get the job done; most have session passwords implemented already. Anyone could simply look up a node or persons public key, and be reasonably sure that no one but the recipient could read it. Another real-life example: I was just involved in an embarrassing situation of sending messages to a person in a net, and discussing someone who turned out to be the net host. The host stumbled upon the disparaging message. OOPS! If the message had been encrypted, this would not have happened. HOW TO DO IT: The file KEYRING.PUB is your list of public keys, for everyone you want to send PGP'ed mail to. (I use the PGPPATH described in the docs.) I started with the distributed KEYRING.PUB, which contains Phil Zimmermann's key. Then I made two key pairs for myself; the 288-bit 'low-security' one for casual use, and a full 992-bit super secure one, that I'll probably never use, with my personal name. Consistency in naming conventions would be a big help in locating the public key for someone or some node. For FidoNet echo mail, the BBS/node name and address is a good start: FidoNews 8-23 Page 8 10 Jun 1991 Fido Software, 1:125/111 fidonet System name, a comma, FidoNet address and domain. This allows a simple text search, sorting, etc. MAKING YOUR KEYS: Run 'pgp -k' to set up your keys. The filename it asks for is for a local copy of the keys; the .PUB file is what you'll send to whoever for inclusion in the FidoNet registry. It will also ask if you want to put the keys you make in the keyring; say yes. When asked for a pass phrase, DON'T ENTER ONE -- just hit the ENTER key. This will allow you to embed PGP into batch files and not require any operator intervention. (It also means that anyone who gets a copy of your .SEC file will have your private key. Oh well.) BATCH FILE COMMAND LINES: It's now only a few hours away from the FidoNews deadline. I had hoped to be able to give some hard info on how to incorporate PGP into (for example) CONFMAIL and such, but I don't have enough time. Here is what I worked out so far. ** PGP's -u option generate UUENCODE output -- every 4 binary bytes become 3 ASCII ones, with CR/LFs to make 60 column lines. This fits in a standard FidoNet message. At decrypt time, PGP will automatically UUDECODE it. (With compression, the file is still significantly smaller.) ** PGP does LHARC type compression, but if it finds the input file has a ZIP type header, will skip the compression. However, if the file is already compressed, PGP will still attempt to, though once it gets all the way to the end it will eventually figure it out. The author says that next release will include a command line switch to disable all compression. (Source is available...) ** The following command line does the dirty deed: pgp -es <inputfile> TO_userid YOUR_userid <output file> PGP will not allow <input file> to be the same as <output file> so arrange otherwise, or do renaming as necessary. The following command line decrypts a file no matter how it was encrypted: pgp output.foo output.foo ** Encryption is fast; decryption is slow. FidoNews 8-23 Page 9 10 Jun 1991 ** It should be easy to use 'robot' mailers to send encrypted mail without any changes. It would be nice to have a program that runs similar to an echo-mail 'export' that scans messages for a keyword or other such mechanism, invokes PGP and puts the results back into the message appropriately marked, and lets the mailer mail the messages normally. Maybe another kludge line (sigh). ** I don't know what ERRORLEVEL returns PGP has. These need to be explored. They might be the key to automatic detection of an encrypted vs. plaintext packet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Practical privacy -- Public Key encryption by Tom Jennings "The best way to secure liberty is to exercise it." -- John Barlow TTTTT here are as many legal and ethical issues facing our computer T networks as there are technical ones, and they are changing just T as fast. We tend to focus on the techie ones, partly because they are more interesting, but also because they are under our immediate control. The other ones are soooo messy! Privacy, and our right to it, is one of these other issues. Also, liability of the system operator regarding stuff flowing through their system. A major component in our ability to control access to our private information is now available -- it's called PGP, or "Pretty Good Privacy", a complete RSA Public Key encryption/decryption software implementation, written by Philip Zimmerman. Jim Warren calls it guerrilla cryptography. You can Wazoo filerequest the software, with complete sources under the "copyleft" agreement, from FidoNet 1:125/111 as magicname "PGP". (270K in two ZIP files.) I'll start off with an excerpt from the rather excellent documentation: Why Do You Need PGP? (from p.25, PGPGUIDE.LST) ==================== "III t's personal. It's private. And it's no one's business but I yours. You may be planning a political campaign, discussing I your taxes, or having an illicit affair. Or you may be doing III something that shouldn't be illegal, but is. Whatever it is, you don't want your private electronic mail (E-mail) read by anyone else. There's nothing wrong with asserting your privacy. Privacy is as apple-pie as the Constitution. FidoNews 8-23 Page 10 10 Jun 1991 "Perhaps you think your E-mail is legitimate enough that encryption is unwarranted. If you really are a law-abiding citizen with nothing to hide, then why don't you always send your paper mail on postcards? Why not submit to drug testing on demand? Why require a warrant for police searches of your house? Are you trying to hide something? You must be a subversive or a drug dealer if you hide your mail inside envelopes. Or maybe a paranoid nut. Do law-abiding citizens have any need to encrypt their E-mail? "What if everyone believed that law-abiding citizens should use postcards for their mail? If some brave soul tried to assert his privacy by using an envelope for his mail, it would draw suspicion. Perhaps the authorities would open his mail to see what he's hiding. Fortunately, we don't live in that kind of world. Because everyone protects most of their mail with envelopes, no one draws suspicion by asserting their privacy with an envelope. There's safety in numbers. Analogously, it would be nice if everyone routinely used encryption for all their E-mail, innocent or not, so that no one drew suspicion by asserting their E-mail privacy with encryption. Think of it as a form of solidarity. "If the Government wants to violate the privacy of ordinary citizens, it has to expend a certain amount of expense and labor to intercept and steam open and read paper mail, and listen to and possibly transcribe spoken telephone conversation. This kind of labor- intensive monitoring is not practical on a large scale. This is only done in important cases when it seems worthwhile. "More and more of our private communications are going to be routed through electronic channels. Electronic mail will gradually replace conventional paper mail. E-mail messages are just too easy to intercept and scan for interesting keywords. This can be done easily, routinely, automatically, and undetectably on a grand scale. International cablegrams are already scanned this way on a large scale by the NSA. "We are moving toward a future when the nation will be crisscrossed with high capacity fiber optic data networks linking together all our increasingly ubiquitous personal computers. E-mail will be the norm for everyone, not the novelty it is today. Perhaps the Government will protect our E-mail with Government-designed encryption algorithms. Probably most people will trust that. But perhaps some people will prefer their own protective measures. "The 17 Apr 1991 New York Times reports on an unsettling US Senate proposal that is part of a counterterrorism bill. If this nonbinding resolution became real law, it would force manufacturers of secure communications equipment to insert special 'trap doors' in their products, so that the Government can read anyone's encrypted messages. It reads: 'It is the sense of Congress that providers of electronic communications services and manufacturers of electronic communications service equipment shall insure that communications systems permit the Government to obtain the plain text contents of voice, data, and other communications when appropriately authorized by law.' FidoNews 8-23 Page 11 10 Jun 1991 "If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy. Intelligence agencies have access to good cryptographic technology. So do the big arms and drug traffickers. So do defense contractors, oil companies, and other corporate giants. But ordinary people and grassroots political organizations mostly do not have access to affordable "military grade" public-key cryptographic technology. "PGP enables people to take their privacy into their own hands. There's a growing social need for it. That's why I wrote it." (Philip Zimmerman) TTTTT raditional cryptographic systems use a single key to both T encrypt and decrypt a message. In order to maintain security, T you need to have worked out some way beforehand to safely get a copy of the key to the sender and receiver. Obviously you can't use a communications network! And if you work out a secure method to transmit the key, (short of a face to face meeting), why do you need cryptography?! The RSA system completely avoids this problem by using two keys. One is broadcast to the world (and called the public key), the other is kept secret (the secret key). To send a secure message, all you need is one of the keys, the public one. Once encrypted, the ciphertext (encrypted text) can only be decrypted using the other key, the secret one. Not even the sender can decrypt the message so encrypted. This eliminates the need to distribute secret keys entirely. Each person generates their own keys, public and secret. The secret one is kept absolutely secret. Public keys are just that -- public. You might maintain a database of public keys: NAME/USER ID PUBLIC KEY Jennings, Tom; FidoNet 1:1/1 Tom_Jennings Moron, Oxie; East Overshoe AL Oxie_Moron ... ... The encrypted file is then transmitted to the recipient in the usual manner. (In the MSDOS implementation, you could fileattach it, or use the built-in UUENCODE which generates plain ASCII that can be put directly into a message.) When the receiver decrypts the file, the RSA software looks for the secret key using the NAME attached to the file, which is presumably the receivers'. There is a simple and powerful scheme to "authenticate" the sender as well -- to ensure that the "From:" person is who they say they are. This is called a signature (like on a letter), and is simply a file encrypted using the secret key. A file encrypted using the secret key can be decoded only by using the public key. Therefore, I could generate an encrypted signature file, that anyone could verify by using my published public key. If it decrypts, you can be assured that the signature is mine. FidoNews 8-23 Page 12 10 Jun 1991 The keys, public and private, are kept in compact disk files. A minimal installation will contain a public 'keyring' (as a list of keys is called) and a private keyring. The public 'ring will contain public keys for everyone you want to encrypt for. The secret keyring contains only your secret key, and no other. (The secret keyring file is pass-phrase detected; whenever the software needs to access your secret key, it asks for a pass phrase you specify when you initialize the pgp software. This is just an overview; please refer to the pgp docs for details.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- OOOOO K, I've written a hot, steamy letter to my friend Oxie Moron. O O Because it will be traveling over a public network, I want to OOOOO send it encrypted, with my signature so he'll know it's genuinely from me. First, find Oxie's public key in the key book; he's using his full name as his public key. (A nice simple idea.) I then encrypt the file (STEAMY.LTR) using Oxie's public key, and my secret key: pgp -esu STEAMY.LTR Oxie_Moron [-esu means E)ncrypt S)ign U)uencode] pgp prompts me for my pass phrase (since it needs to use my secret key to generate the signature), spins for a while, and produces a file STEAMY.CTX, which looks like complete gibberish if you peek at it. I file-attach this file to Oxie in the usual way. Since -u was used, STEAMY.CTX is an ASCII (gibberish) file that can be included into a normal e-mail message. ... Eventually Oxie gets the file STEAMY.CTX. Excited, he runs pgp to decrypt the file: pgp STEAMY (pgp assumed extention .CTX) pgp asks Oxie for the pass phrase needed to access his secret key. It then decrypts the file STEAMY.LTR, the signature, and uu-decodes it. I won't tell you what happens when he reads it. TTTTT he pgp documentation is pretty good; besides covering the techie T details of operation, it gives a fair description of crypto- T graphy for the novice. I assume my knowledge of cryptography is typical; I played with "substitution ciphers" and other trivial stuff when I was a kid, and got immediately bored with the elaborate math needed for anything else. After playing with the program and a sample text file, I was able to pretty thoroughly understand the overall process in an hour or so. The documentation covers "why", vulnerabilities of cryptography, and a section on "Snake Oil", or the incredible in-security of so-called encryption systems commercially available. FidoNews 8-23 Page 13 10 Jun 1991 Needless to say, it has far more features than I've laid out here, but the whole thing is very compact. pgp also compresses and decompresses the file using the same public-domain algorithm LHARC uses, and will detect the use of PKZIP. To end this mini-review of the pgp software, I'll simply include the tail end of the PGPGUIDE.LST document: "Recommended Readings ==================== 1) Dorothy Denning, "Cryptography and Data Security", Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 1982 2) Dorothy Denning, "Protecting Public Keys and Signature Keys", IEEE Computer, Feb 1983 3) Philip Zimmermann, "A Proposed Standard Format for RSA Cryptosystems", IEEE Computer, Sep 1986 4) Ronald Rivest, "The MD4 Message Digest Algorithm", MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, 1990 About the Author of PGP ======================= "Philip Zimmermann is a software engineer consultant with 17 years experience, specializing in embedded real-time systems, cryptography, authentication, and data communications. Experience includes design and implementation of authentication systems for financial information networks, network data security, key management protocols, embedded real-time multitasking executives, operating systems, and local area networks. "He can be reached at: Boulder Software Engineering 3021 Eleventh Street Boulder, Colorado 80304 USA Phone 303-444-4541 (10:00am - 7:00pm Mountain Time) FAX 303-444-4541 ext 10 Internet: prz@sage.cgd.ucar.edu" "Phil Zimmermann has made a real contribution to communcations privacy 'Pretty Good Privacy' is a damn good idea." -- Marc Rotenburg, CPSR Washington office Tell him you read about it in FidoNews. You can Wazoo filerequest the software, with complete sources under the "copyleft" agreement, from FidoNet 1:125/111 as magicname "PGP". 270K in two ZIP files. FidoNews 8-23 Page 14 10 Jun 1991 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Winter FidoNet 1:151/208 209 210 I had a real shock the other night. All of a sudden I was notified that my echomail feed had been cut due to complaints. I was not told who the complaints were from, nor what they were about other than "my behaviour on echos". I haven't been in FIDO very long, but I do know that the normal procedure in "echo problems" is that a moderator can cut anyones feed and doesn't even need to have a reason. I agree with that as I am the founder and moderator of HOLY_BIBLE. I was told that in FIDO if you don't like the way an echo is run, go start your own (which makes me wonder when I am told "we allready have a Bible conference" in response to my request to get my allready coast to coast echo on the backbone. eh?). When I was advised that ALL my feeds had been cut, I (over?)reacted by sending netmail all over the place (some of which resulted in some very kind support for me). As it turned out there were a series of bad things that led to my NEC's actions. I have chatted voice with him and he immediately turned my feeds back on, he had been lied to. Here are the main parts to the events that caused my feed to be cut so abruptly.: 1) Netmail didn't arrive that I had sent my NEC in answer to a crackpot that had entered an echo thread with "I rebuke you Satan" and, when he was unable to prevail in the ensuing debate, filed a policy complaint that I was "excessively annoying". He was annoyed that he couldn't prove his point and I was proving mine. 2) There was a complaint on file against me by a dishonest moderator. I realize that he certainly had the right as moderator to simply say "bye", and that would have been fine, but he sent a "list" of complaints. Among those complaints were: a) A complaint from a user that I had called him in the middle of the night and threatened his life. That person had ADMITTED in the echo that he had lied, he gets his echomail in the middle of the night and I had posted a Bible verse concerning his condemnation (it *was* supposted to be a Bible echo). The dishonest moderator had sent the "complaint" without telling my NEC that it had been proven false. b) Multiple copies from various users complaining of a BBS ad that I had posted in *response* to a REQUEST from a guy that was openly requesting BBS information for a religious BBS list. FidoNews 8-23 Page 15 10 Jun 1991 3) A moderator of a general echo who had never said a word to me about religion being "off topic", even when the "on topicness" had been openly discussed, sent a complaint to my NEC. As it turned out I had allready dropped the conference without even being asked to when it was announced that the conference was to be censored. I had, in fact, joined that particular conference to "take a break" from preaching, but found a lady being bashed for her religious beliefs. It would appear that "religion" is quite "on topic" in some echos as long as the "right" group is prevailing in the debate. eh? These and similar things had piled up a number of frivilous complaints on my NEC's doorstep. I was left feeling *very* "wronged" and feeling that I had no place within FIDO to turn and, without reflection, and excersizing poor judgment (anger etc), threatened to pursue civil action. I apologise to all for my rashness concerning threats of litigation! Now, at this point I sincerely hope that a suit never happens, and if it does I hope it is FAR away from me. I was however met with a feeling that there is a general concensus based upon some early on scenarios that the FIDO *C structure is immune to civil litigation. I do not believe that is a safe assumption. Let me say again "I'm on our side", but I believe that there are some points that I was forced to consider that remain valid even though my problem was resolved by the NEC (and others) being real decent people. I'm not so sure that the hobby "defense" would work in a case of religious discrimination. In addition, since joining FIDO I have spent several hundred dollars on software advertised and supported on FIDO.....then, all of a sudden, a handful of people who didn't like my opinions got my access to customer support cut. We could go on and on, and who knows who would have won or lost. With litigation and violence it is more often training rather than "rightness" that prevails. More often than not the only winner$ are lawyer$. What happened to me was simply some unethical people combined with a computer problem that had kept my NEC from receiving my netmail (and I never received some things cc.ed to me). This time a couple of voice conversations cleared things up and I believe I made a new friend or two. What about next time? People are joining FIDO. FIDO is BIG! Goods and services are being advertised and supported in it's echos. What can be done to prevent misunderstandings, or sometimes deliberate attempts by unscrupulous people who can't prevail in an open forum?? (once again, I support any moderator's right to access of "their" conference, I am talking about general access to echomail) FidoNews 8-23 Page 16 10 Jun 1991 I SUGGEST that FIDO would do well to adopt a "bill of rights" to prevent what happened to me from happening to anyone else, OR anything similar from happening to anyone else. I believe that FIDO is built upon a foundation that includes a desire to be fair and open. I like FIDO. It appeared to me to be a network where, unlike some others, a handful of dishonest people couldn't just build a case and "kick out" whoever they didn't agree with. How can a person "go start their own echo" if the powers that be can simply get all that person's echo feeds cut? A good "Bill of Rights" now could prevent lawsuits later. Steve Winter (moderator - HOLY_BIBLE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe Chamberlain 1:150/175 CHILD_ABUSE Echo CHILD_ABUSE was formed to discuss the entire realm of a national problem. It's main goal is to present a forum where methods of prevention, types of treatment, and available resources can be discussed. You would think that the laws concerning child abuse would be clear cut, but this is not always the case. In some states even the definition of child abuse is controversial. It is the intent of this echo to discuss these situations and to bring some understanding to the issues. CHILD_ABUSE can be a good companion echo for PARENTS, PLEASE, DADS and SIP_INCEST. It is not intended that this echo duplicate or replace the others, but rather to add a different dimension. It will offer the parent an opportunity to discuss what methods work best in avoiding abuse; it will offer the adult abused as a child a source of information on effective parenting techniques, and the abuser will find references on how to avoid and stop the terrible cycle. Currently the echo generates about thirty-five (35) each week and is carried by about 15 BBSs. Some of the individuals currently sharing their ideas on this subject are a nurse, psychologist, a former abuser, survivors, a former teacher, and a member of a parents group. CHILD_ABUSE presents a forum where it is understood that parents are not trained in child rearing, that children become victims, and the abusers want to stop thier destructive behavior. FidoNews 8-23 Page 17 10 Jun 1991 We would like to have you and your users join us in becoming more informed about a national problem. We look forward to receiving your response to this invitation and hope we can offer an important echo to your users. Al Jones 106/5433 24hrs Joe Chamberlain 150/175 8pm - 6am EDT co-moderators ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Henry Clark 1:124/6120 The 4th Annual Poor Man's Fidocon and Lake Party -- CANCELLED because an arsonist destroyed the host's home. This has so completely upset me that I hesitate to make further comment. Nets 124 and 130 have scheduled a Pizza Party, June 15th, at Mr. Gattis Pizza, Walnut Hill and Marsh Lane, Dallas Texas at 13:00 hours. Many will bring household items, cash and other necessities in an effort to ease the pain of this experience for John and his family. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris Farrar - FidoNet 1:246/20 IMEX 89:488/20 WorldPol: A Flawed Document A week or so ago I read the proposed WorldPol Version 2. Watchers of the BBC series "Yes, Minister" and "Yes, Prime Minister" would surely compliment Sir Humphry Appleby if he had presented this document to the minister for approval. Let us not forget several things, first and foremost, that FidoNet(reg tm) is a HOBBY! Not a country, not a way of life, but a hobby. Most of the people reading this electronic magazine are sysops who cannot live on the revenue that is generated by their board. Surely we can produce a simple document that can have everybody living in harmony, or at least tolerance of each other. There are serious flaws in Policy4 that need addressing, no doubt about it, but WorldPol is the wrong way to go about it. That is not to say that WorldPol didn't have it's good points. What we need, is a return to basics. The rules for being in FidoNet should be simply expressed: FidoNews 8-23 Page 18 10 Jun 1991 1) You shall not be excessively annoyed. 2) You shall not be excessively annoying. 3) Your system, unless marked with a PVT flag, shall be up during ZMH. 4) The mailer/BBS you run shall comply to at least the minimum standards, as defined by FTS-0001. . . . We do not need 10 pages of quasi-legal mumbo-jumbo! When writing the new policy documents, remember the old K.I.S.S. philosophy. I've said my two bits. Replies via NetMail or FN_SYSOP are welcome. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fredric L. Rice 1:102/901.0 Dozens of Skeptic organizations and skeptically-oriented nodes around the United States are being linked together to form the FidoNet SKEPTIC Echo Mail Conference. All systems which are interested in participating in the conference should request a link to either of the following nodes (The list will grow as systems report in. Check the EchoList for system additions): Southern California 1:102/901 1:102/851 Northern California 1:125/41 1:125/27 Washington DC 1:109/519 The skeptical examination of paranormal claims such as psychic powers, UFOs, astrology, Bigfoot, biorhythms, crystals, satanic cults, fire walking, tarot cards -- et al -- will be examined and discussed in an _intellectual_, though some times emotional, environment. It may surprise you to learn that there exists a great number of non-profit organizations which examine unusual claims; some even offer a substantial reward to anyone who is demonstrably psychic! The motivation is to have fun examining highly improbable claims and reviewing the claims of fringe science. Various skeptical organizations will have a better method of remaining in touch with each other. The mailing addresses of such organizations and what they're up to will be provided. The conference also provides a direct link to the FidoNet and UUCP public; SysOps and Users alike. FidoNews 8-23 Page 19 10 Jun 1991 It might be interesting to hear of unexplainable events in peoples lives and then make an intellectual attempt to explain them. We may even find that we have people trained in such matters attending! Certainly there will be no lack of opinion! Book reviews on fringe-science or paranormal topics will be requested and an over all discussion of all such books will be entertained. Biographies of modern-day as well as historic cult leaders will be reviewed. Along the same lines, if any participating individual finds an amusing advertisement making unusually outrageous claims, that, too, will be examined. It should be great fun for all. Who knows: Perhaps even some common myths will be critically examined and discarded... or verified. Fredric. 1:102/901.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- by Luke Kolin 1:250/714@fidonet.org former NC, Net 1:250 Congratulations, Tom and Tim, on your appointment! Best wishes. I read Chris Estep's article in FidoNews #822 with some concern, and I'd like to clarify a few things for the benefit of all of you who read this newsletter. I took great offense to the intimations of a lot of the WorldPol boosters when I was an NC. Seemed to me that the sole purpose of WorldPol was to protect FidoNet from the dictatorial whims of those tyrannical Zone 1 *C's like me. Chris Estep's article only seemed to perpetuate those falsehoods. I was an elected NC, the first in my Net. My successor was elected in a democratic vote two weeks ago. I firmly support all efforts to make the positions of NC and RC fully elected by *all* sysops that they serve. For Mr. Estep to claim that an appointed NC is the only way to go is to do a severe disservice to the dozens of elected NCs like up here in Region 12 who have done a superlative job. Our NC election was not a popularity contest. With apologies to my successor (although Tom will readily admit it), our new NC isn't the most popular sysop in Net 250. However, he was elected by a solid majority because he held respect. Chris, respect doesn't come from power. It comes from doing an effective job. NC elections allow for new blood in the *C structure, more participation by sysops, and it serves to bring everyone together. FidoNews 8-23 Page 20 10 Jun 1991 I wish to let everyone know that the Zone 1 *C structure is firmly in favor of democracy, and that elections for NC and RC positions must be made part of any new Policy document. To this end, I have enclosed an article, "Draft *C Election Policy", which outlines my proposals for an elections policy. Perhaps this can replace the "western demo- cratic standards" in WorldPol. However, Chris and I see face to face on the geographical limits issue. I believe that allowing nodes to join any net will only en- courage discriminatory actions by NCs. In addition, the WorldPol 2 proposal's anti-discrimination clause troubles me. According to WorldPol 2, an NC cannot discriminate on non-technical grounds. Does that mean that an NC must re-admit a node that he has recently expelled? Does that mean an NC must accept a node across the country? Refusal would be based on economic, and not technical reasons, and that isn't allowed. Remember, WorldPol doesn't specify that a node must belong to the same geographical area as the net he wishes to join. Let's face it, any proposed policy must include a clause limiting the geographical spread of nets. A node must be forced to join the local network, if there is one. If not, he must join the nearest net- work. This is the only way to end discrimination. Guys, let's forget WorldPol. It's dead. Let's make a clean start. I don't want to see a Policy that's written against Policy4. Why don't we take Policy3, adapt it to reflect the heriarchial changes in Fido- Net (ie. points, the *EC structure), democratic election of NCs and RCs, geographical limits for networks, the multilingual nature of FidoNet while preserving English as a common language, and a formal elections policy. It should eliminate paying for FidoNet membership, and ensure that each Zone follow that Policy. Anything else is left up to the individual Zones/Regions/Nets to decide. LK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Winter (moderator - HOLY_BIBLE) FidoNet 1:151/208 209 210 In this brief article I am pointing out some of the different cases when people were filled with the Holy Ghost. In each case speaking in tongues is implied, if not declared. Here is the account when Jews first received the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. FidoNews 8-23 Page 21 10 Jun 1991 Here is the account when Samaritans received the Holy Ghost. Acts 8:14 Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John: Acts 8:15 Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: Acts 8:16 (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) Acts 8:17 Then laid they [their] hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost. I wonder how the apostles knew they had received the Holy Ghost? There had to be a noticible sign for the apostles to know that the Samaritans had "received". Here is the account of when Gentiles first received the Holy Ghost. Notice that the sign of speaking in tongues was present. Acts 10:45 And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 10:46 For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter, Acts 10:47 Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? Acts 10:48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days. Here we have a case where John the Baptist's disciples were RE- baptised in Jesus name and and received the Holy Ghost. Notice that they spoke in tongues just like everyone else. Acts 19:2 He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. Acts 19:3 And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism. Acts 19:4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. Acts 19:5 When they heard [this], they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Acts 19:6 And when Paul had laid [his] hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied. Jews, gentiles, Samaritans; all baptised in JESUS name, all spoke in tongues when they received the Holy Ghost. FidoNews 8-23 Page 22 10 Jun 1991 Have YOU recieved the Holy Ghost since YOU believed? Have YOU been baptised in JESUS name? Notice that the elements of WATER and SPIRIT were both present in each salvation. Now, what would *ever* lead you to imagine that you could be saved without being born again of the Water and of the Spirit? (John 3:5) The verses that I have posted are the fullfilment of John 3:5. When people in the Bible became Christians, they always spoke in tongues. Steve Winter - [moderator HOLY_BIBLE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 8-23 Page 23 10 Jun 1991 ====================================================================== CLASSIFIEDS ====================================================================== ADVERTISEMENT POLICY: Submissions must be 20 lines or less each, maximum two ads per advertiser, 70 characters per line maximum. No control codes except CR and LF. (Refer to contact info at the end of this newsletter for details.) Please notify us if you have any trouble with an advertiser. FidoNews does not endorse any products or services advertised here. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 8-23 Page 24 10 Jun 1991 ====================================================================== NOTICES ====================================================================== Liz Hahn-Morin PeaceKauai 1:345/11 BAHAI ECHO BAHAI is an international echo, with English as the official conference language. Its aim is to discuss aspects of the Baha'i Faith, and to share the activities in the Baha'i community around the world. The Echo is open to Baha'is and people interested in the Baha'i Faith and its teachings and principles. I hope you will join us or ask your Sysop to request linking information via Netmail to 1:345/11. Aloha! Liz Hahn-Morin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Interrupt Stack 15 Aug 1991 8 Sep 1991 7 Oct 1991 Area code 415 fragments. Alameda and Contra Costa Counties will begin using area code 510. This includes Oakland, Concord, Berkeley and Hayward. San Francisco, San Mateo, Marin, parts of Santa Clara County, and the San Francisco Bay Islands will retain area code 415. 1 Nov 1991 Area code 301 will split. Area code 410 will consist of the northeastern part of Maryland, as well as the eastern shore. This will include Baltimore and the surrounding area. Area 301 will include southern and western parts of the state, including the areas around Washington DC. Area 410 phones will answer to calls to area 301 until November, 1992. 1 Feb 1992 Area code 213 fragments. Western, coastal, southern and eastern portions of Los Angeles County will begin using area code 310. This includes Los Angeles International Airport, West Los Angeles, San Pedro and Whittier. Downtown Los Angeles and surrounding communities (such as Hollywood and Montebello) will retain area code 213. 1 Dec 1993 Tenth anniversary of Fido Version 1 release. FidoNews 8-23 Page 25 10 Jun 1991 5 Jun 1997 David Dodell's 40th Birthday If you have something which you would like to see on this calendar, please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fredric L. Rice, 1:102/901.0 o What is Exclude The Exclude program is used to erase inbound messages received from systems you don't want to receive mail from. The exclusion process is based upon keywords contained within the systems name, as defined in the Nodelist, and by the Nodelist Flags for that system. Known systems are usually entered into the exclusion list immediately when you receive an undesirable message or when a twit is discovered and then discussed in your local Network Echo Conference. o Why is Exclude As FidoNet standardizes and grows in both complexity and in scope, the need to exclude inbound mail from undesirable systems will also grow. The standardization of the Nodelist Flags makes this exclusion possible as an automated process. By invoking Exclude automatically when your system receives mail, your system can erase the undesired messages before you have to look at them. o How does it work You maintain a configuration file which contains keywords to look for and known system addresses to exclude. The configuration file also contains the directory names of message areas you want Exclude to look through. As an option in the configuration file, your system can generate an immediate reply to the excluded system offering a short note that the message was intercepted and erased. A log is kept of erased message files detailing who the message was from, why it was excluded, and the subject of the message. o The Distribution File EXCLUDE.ZIP (10K file) contains the following files: o EXCLUDE.EXE - The executable file o EXCLUDE.C - Turbo C 2.0 source code FidoNews 8-23 Page 26 10 Jun 1991 o EXCLUDE.CFG - Sample configuration file o EXCLUDE.DOC - This document file For the latest version of the program, the magic name 'EXCLUDE' can be requested from the authors system at address 1:102/901.0, in California. It is distributed freely, is not to be sold, and the author assumes no liability for its use or misuse. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ICDM HQ 1:352/777 77:1/0 INVITATION TO CARRY ICDM NETWORK There has begun a new, auxiliary network, which has as a purpose the linking of persons interested in religion. This is a specialized Network, aimed at bridging cultures, and enlightening participants on the faiths of others. It is "Christian" in the sense that it adheres to the Bible. But, it deviates from some of the stereo-type religious expectations and traditions. It is open to any board that is FidoNet compatible. It is compiled as a separate Zone (77), so your software must be Zone aware. It is open to any faith, any person, regardless of sex, creed, color, etc. etc. The HOST is Tomas Hood, 1:352/777, the Zone 77 Co-ordinator. There may be connections close to you, and as we grow, there will surely be! For more information, netmail via 1:352/777, and request ICDM, which will forward an information packet to you. Thanks for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Liz Hahn-Morin PeaceKauai 1:345/11 PEACE FORUM INTERNATIONAL ECHO PEACE_FO.RUM is an echo allowing the exchange of opinions among the peoples of the world in order to find ways and means of promoting Harmony and World Peace. It is international in scope and in distribution. FidoNews 8-23 Page 27 10 Jun 1991 Moderated by J.K.A. Singh, Antwerp (Belgium), information is available from 1:345/11. I hope you will join us or ask your Sysop to request linking information via Netmail to 1:345/11. Aloha! Liz Hahn-Morin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tomas Hood FidoNet 1:352/777 ICDM Network 77:77/1 HERBAL ECHO NOW AVAILABLE! HERBS-N-SUCH is a conference for anyone who enjoys growing, buying, and using herbs. Covering any legal herb, this conference allows the discussion of medicinal, culinary, aromatic, and aesthetic usage of herbs. If you are a user only, or a gardener, you are welcome. Do you make your own tea blends, hair rinses, or salads? Join in! It is, at present, a non-backbone Echo Hosted and Moderated by Tomas Hood [1:352/777]. Initial links will be provided from this system to any and all who request same. However, it is about to become part of Region 17's available echoes. If there is enough of a demand, it can possibly be negotiated onto the backbone. The Echo is open to anyone who desires to discuss the topic of herbs. A sample of the first few messages and the statement of purpose of the Echo is available as HERBS (majyk name for HERBS.ARJ) from this system anytime. The ARJ archive utility is also available as "ARJ," if you wish to get an idea of whether to commit disk space to the Echo. I hope you will join us or ask your Sysop to request a link via Netmail to 1:352/777. Cheers! Tomas Hood ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 8-23 Page 28 10 Jun 1991 ====================================================================== LATEST VERSIONS ====================================================================== Latest Software Versions MS-DOS Systems -------------- Bulletin Board Software Name Version Name Version Name Version DMG 2.93 Phoenix 1.3 TAG 2.5g Fido 12t+ QuickBBS 2.66 TBBS 2.1 GSBBS 3.02 RBBS 17.3B TComm/TCommNet 3.4 Lynx 1.30 RBBSmail 17.3B Telegard 2.5 Kitten 2.16 RemoteAccess 1.01* TPBoard 6.1 Maximus 1.02 SLBBS 1.77A Wildcat! 2.55 Opus 1.14+ Socrates 1.10 WWIV 4.12 PCBoard 14.5a SuperBBS 1.10 XBBS 1.17 Network Node List Other Mailers Version Utilities Version Utilities Version BinkleyTerm 2.40 EditNL 4.00 ARC 7.0 D'Bridge 1.30 MakeNL 2.31 ARCAsim 2.30 Dutchie 2.90C ParseList 1.30 ARCmail 2.07 FrontDoor 2.00 Prune 1.40 ConfMail 4.00 InterMail 2.01* SysNL 3.14 Crossnet v1.5 PRENM 1.47 XlatList 2.90 DOMAIN 1.42 SEAdog 4.60* XlaxDiff 2.40* EMM 2.02 TIMS 1.0(Mod8) XlaxNode 2.40* 4Dog/4DMatrix 1.18 Gmail 2.05 GROUP 2.16 GUS 1.30 HeadEdit 1.18 IMAIL 1.10 InterPCB 1.31 LHARC 1.13 MSG 4.1 MSGED 2.06 MSGTOSS 1.3 Oliver 1.0a PK[UN]ZIP 1.10 PolyXarc 2.1a* QM 1.0 QSORT 4.03 ScanToss 1.28 Sirius 1.0x SLMAIL 1.36 StarLink 1.01 FidoNews 8-23 Page 29 10 Jun 1991 TagMail 2.41 TCOMMail 2.2 Telemail 1.27 TMail 1.21 TPBNetEd 3.2 TosScan 1.00 UFGATE 1.03 XRS 4.50* XST 2.3e ZmailH 1.14 OS/2 Systems ------------ Bulletin Board Software Network Mailers Other Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version Maximus-CBCS 1.02 BinkleyTerm 2.40 Parselst 1.32 ConfMail 4.00 EchoStat 6.0 oMMM 1.52 Omail 3.1 MsgEd 2.06 MsgLink 1.0C MsgNum 4.14 LH2 0.50 PK[UN]ZIP 1.02 ARC2 6.00 PolyXarc 2.1a* Qsort 2.1 Raid 1.0 Remapper 1.2 Tick 2.0 VPurge 2.07 Xenix/Unix 386 -------------- BBS Software Mailers Other Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version BinkleyTerm 2.32B Unzip 3.10 ARC 5.21 ParseLst 1.32 Vpurge 4.08 [Contact: Jon Hogan-Duran 3:711/909, Ommm 1.42 Willy Paine 1:343/15, Eddy van Loo Msged 2.06 2:285/406] Zoo 2.01 FidoNews 8-23 Page 30 10 Jun 1991 C-Lharc 1.00 Omail 1.00 MSGREN MSGLNK 1.01 Apple II ---------- Bulletin Board Software Network Mailers Other Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version GBBS Pro 2.1 Fruity Dog 2.0* ShrinkIt 3.23 DDBBS + 7.4* ShrinkIt GS 1.04 deARC2e 2.1 ProSel 8.69* Apple CP/M ---------- Bulletin Board Software Network Mailers Other Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version Daisy v2j Daisy Mailer 0.38 Nodecomp 0.37 MsgUtil 2.5 PackUser v4 Filer v2-D UNARC.COM 1.20 Macintosh --------- Bulletin Board Software Network Mailers Other Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version Red Ryder Host 2.1 Tabby 2.2 MacArc 0.04 Mansion 7.15 Copernicus 1.0 ArcMac 1.3 WWIV (Mac) 3.0 LHArc 0.41 Hermes 1.5 StuffIt Classic 1.6 FBBS 0.91 Compact Pro 1.30 Precision Systems 0.95b* TImport 1.92 TeleFinder Host 2.12T10 TExport 1.92 Timestamp 1.6 Tset 1.3 Import 3.2 Export 3.21 Point System Software Sundial 3.2 FidoNews 8-23 Page 31 10 Jun 1991 PreStamp 3.2 Name Version OriginatorII 2.0 AreaFix 1.6 Copernicus 1.0 Mantissa 3.21 CounterPoint 1.09 Zenith 1.5 Eventmeister 1.0 TSort 1.0 Mehitable 2.0 UNZIP 1.02c Zip Extract 0.10 Amiga ----- Bulletin Board Software Network Mailers Other Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version Falcon CBBS 0.45 BinkleyTerm 1.00 AmigArc 0.23 Paragon 2.082+ TrapDoor 1.50 AReceipt 1.5 TransAmiga 1.07 WelMat 0.44 booz 1.01 ConfMail 1.12 ChameleonEdit 0.10 ElectricHerald1.66 Lharc 1.30 Login 0.18 MessageFilter 1.52 oMMM 1.49b ParseLst 1.64 PkAX 1.00 PolyxAmy 2.02 RMB 1.30 Roof 44.03 RoboWriter 1.02 Rsh 4.06 Skyparse 2.30 Tick 0.75 TrapList 1.12 UNZIP 1.31 Yuck! 1.61 Zippy (Unzip) 1.25 Zoo 2.01 Atari ST/TT ----------- Bulletin Board Network Node List Software Version Mailer Version Utilities Version FIDOdoor/ST 2.2.3* BinkleyTerm 2.40l ParseList 1.30 QuickBBS/ST 1.02 The BOX 1.20 Xlist 1.12 Pandora BBS 2.41c EchoFix 1.20 GS Point 0.61 sTICK/Hatch 5.50* LED ST 1.00 MSGED 1.96S FidoNews 8-23 Page 32 10 Jun 1991 Archiver Msg Format Other Utilities Version Converters Version Utilities Version LHARC 0.60 TB2BINK 1.00 ConfMail 4.03 LHARC2 3.18* BINK2TB 1.00 ComScan 1.02 ARC 6.02 FiFo 2.1m* Import 1.14 PKUNZIP 1.10 OMMM 1.40 Pack 1.00 FastPack 1.20 FDrenum 2.2.7* Trenum 0.10 Archimedes ---------- BBS Software Mailers Utilities Name Version Name Version Name Version ARCbbs 1.44 BinkleyTerm 2.03 Unzip 2.1TH ARC 1.03 !Spark 2.00d ParseLst 1.30 BatchPacker 1.00 + Netmail capable (does not require additional mailer software) * Recently changed Utility authors: Please help keep this list up to date by reporting new versions to 1:1/1. It is not our intent to list all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FidoNews 8-23 Page 33 10 Jun 1991 ------- FIDONEWS MASTHEAD AND CONTACT INFORMATION ---------------- Editors: Tom Jennings, Tim Pozar Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell, Vince Periello Special thanks to Ken Kaplan, 1:100/22, aka Fido #22 "FidoNews" BBS FidoNet 1:1/1 Internet fidonews@fidonews.fidonet.org BBS (415)-863-2739 (9600 HST/V32) (Postal Service mailing address) FidoNews Box 77731 San Francisco CA 94107 USA Published weekly by and for the Members of the FidoNet international amateur electronic mail system. It is a compilation of individual articles contributed by their authors or their authorized agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation does not diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of FidoNews. FidoNews is copyright 1991 Fido Software. All rights reserved. Duplication and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in other circumstances, please contact FidoNews (we're easy). OBTAINING COPIES: FidoNews in electronic form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and via uucp. PRINTED COPIES mailed may be obtained from Fido Software for $5.00US each PostPaid First Class within North America, or $7.00US elsewhere, mailed Air Mail. (US funds drawn upon a US bank only.) Periodic subscriptions are not available at this time; if enough people request it I will implement it. SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable from 1:1/1 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". FidoNews 8-23 Page 34 10 Jun 1991 "Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered trademarks of Tom Jennings of Fido Software, Box 77731, San Francisco CA 94107, USA and are used with permission. -- END ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Remember Campers!!! To send mail from an Internet site or smart UUCP Site TO a user that calls a Fido-Net system. You need to know the name of the person and node number of the Fido-Net system that the person uses. The address of a FidoNode looks like this: 1:105/302.0. Usually the 1: and .0 are left off, but they are there by default. (In Europe it is 2: and in the Pacific Basin it is 3:.) That address can be translated as "Zone 1, Net 105, FidoNode 302, Point 0." or p0.f302.n105.z1. Add the FidoNet domain of .fidonet.org to the end of that, chop off the p0 (it is again, a default) and you have f302.n105.z1.fidonet.org - the "Fully Qualified Domain Name" of a FidoNode. Another example is 1:105/4.3 which would be written as p3.f4.n105.z1.fidonet.org (since there is a point number other than 0, we have to specify it). Note also that we are only using zone 1. This will also work for zones 2 and 3, just use z2 or z3 as appropriate. FidoNet uses full names of the callers. Multi-part name folks (eg. First Last, ie. "Dale Weber") will have a period '.' seperating their names. So, lets say you wanted to send mail to Dale Weber at 1:105/55.0, you would address your letter to: Dale.Weber@f55.n105.z1.fidonet.org. ********************************************************************** Submissions to comp.org.fidonet should be addressed to pozar@toad.com ********************************************************************** -- pozar@lns.com Fido: 1:125/555 PaBell: 415-788-3904 USNail: KKSF-FM / 77 Maiden Lane / San Francisco CA 94108