[comp.sources.games] v01i047: warp7 - space war game, Part03/07

games-request@tekred.UUCP (06/10/87)

Submitted by: Larry Wall <lwall%sdcrdcf.UUCP@jove.cam.unisys.com>
Comp.sources.games: Volume 1, Issue 47
Archive-name: warp7/Part03

#! /bin/sh

# Make a new directory for the warp sources, cd to it, and run kits 1
# thru 7 through sh.  When all 7 kits have been run, read README.

echo "This is warp 7.0 kit 3 (of 7).  If kit 3 is complete, the line"
echo '"'"End of kit 3 (of 7)"'" will echo at the end.'
echo ""
export PATH || (echo "You didn't use sh, you clunch." ; kill $$)
echo Extracting move.c
sed >move.c <<'!STUFFY!FUNK!' -e 's/X//'
X/* $Header: move.c,v 86/10/20 14:37:06 lwall Exp $ */
X/* $Log:	move.c,v $
X * Revision  86/10/20  14:37:06  lwall
X * Picked some lint.
X * 
X * Revision  86/10/16  10:52:09  lwall
X * Added Damage.  Fixed random bugs.
X * 
X * Revision 7.0  86/10/08  15:12:40  lwall
X * Split into separate files.  Added amoebas and pirates.
X * 
X */
X#include "EXTERN.h"
X#include "warp.h"
X#include "bang.h"
X#include "object.h"
X#include "move.h"
X#include "play.h"
X#include "score.h"
X#include "term.h"
X#include "them.h"
X#include "us.h"
X#include "util.h"
X#include "weapon.h"
X#include "INTERN.h"
X#include "move.h"
X    ;
XReg4 OBJECT *obj;
X    Reg1 int x;
X    Reg2 int y;
X    Reg3 int count=0;
X    y = (obj->posy - sgn(obj->vely) + YSIZE00) % YSIZE;
X    x = (obj->posx - sgn(obj->velx) + XSIZE00) % XSIZE;
X    while (occupant[y][x]) {
X	y = (y + rand_mod(3) - 1 + YSIZE00) % YSIZE;
X	x = (x + rand_mod(3) - 1 + XSIZE00) % XSIZE;
X	if (++count > 10000) {     /* if universe full, get out of it fast */
X	    unmake_object(obj);
X	    if (ent) unmake_object(ent);
X	    if (base) unmake_object(base);
X	    finish = 1;
X	    return;
X	}
X    }
X    obj->posy = y;
X    obj->posx = x;
X    obj->vely = 0;
X    obj->velx = 0;
X    occupant[y][x] = obj;
X    if (numamoebas && obj->image == ' ')
X	mvaddc(y+1, x*2, amb[y][x]);
X    else
X	mvaddc(y+1, x*2, obj->image);
X    Reg1 OBJECT *curobj;
X    Reg2 int x;
X    Reg3 int y;
X    Reg4 OBJECT *temp;
X    OBJECT *thenext;
X    for (curobj = movers; curobj != &root; curobj = curobj->next) {
X	x = curobj->posx;
X	y = curobj->posy;
X	if (curobj == occupant[y][x]) {
X	    occupant[y][x] = 0;
X	}
X	else if (curobj->type != Torp && curobj->type != Web) {
X	    resetty();
X	    abort();
X	}
X    }
X    for (curobj = movers; curobj != &root; curobj = thenext) {
X	thenext = curobj->next;
X	if (curobj->vely || curobj->velx) {
X	    y = curobj->posy;
X	    x = curobj->posx;
X	    if (curobj->image != ' ' &&
X	      (!(temp=occupant[y][x]) || temp->image==' ') ) {
X		move(y+1, x*2, numamoebas ? amb[y][x] : ' ');
X	    }
X	    y = (y + curobj->vely + YSIZE00) % YSIZE;
X	    x = (x + curobj->velx + XSIZE00) % XSIZE;
X	    if (!(temp=occupant[y][x]) || temp->type != Star ||
X	      curobj->type != Torp || curobj->image == '+' ||
X	      curobj->image == 'x') {
X		curobj->posy = y;
X		curobj->posx = x;
X	    }
X	    else {
X		if (curobj->image == '0') {
X		    curobj->vely = rand_mod(3)-1;
X		    curobj->velx = rand_mod(3)-1;
X		}
X		else
X		    curobj->vely = curobj->velx = 0;
X		y = curobj->posy;
X		x = curobj->posx;
X	    }
X	}
X	else {			/* not moving */
X	    y = curobj->posy;
X	    x = curobj->posx;
X	    if (curobj->type == Torp ||
X		curobj->type == Star ||
X		curobj->type == Web) {
X		curobj->flags |= STATIC;
X		curobj->next->prev = curobj->prev;
X		curobj->prev->next = curobj->next;
X		curobj->prev = movers->prev;
X		curobj->next = movers;
X		movers->prev->next = curobj;
X		movers->prev = curobj;
X	    }
X	}
X	if (temp = occupant[y][x]) {		/* already occupied? */
X	    if (!temp->contend) {
X		if (temp->type == Torp) {
X		    if (temp->image == '+')
X			blast[y][x] += 1250;
X		    else if (temp->image == 'o' && (base||ent))
X			blast[y][x] += 500+super*20;
X		    else if (temp->image == 'O' && (base||ent))
X			blast[y][x] += 5000+super*100;
X		}
X	    }
X	    yblasted[y] |= 1;
X	    xblasted[x] |= 1;
X	    blasted = TRUE;
X	    curobj->contend = temp;
X	    occupant[y][x] = curobj;
X	    switch (curobj->type) {
X	    case Enemy:
X		if (numamoebas && curobj == nuke && temp->image == '+')
X		    blast[y][x] += 80000;
X		else if (temp->type == Enemy)
X		    blast[y][x] += 10;
X		else
X		    goto defblast;
X		break;
X	    case Crusher:
X		if (curobj->velx)
X		    blast[y][x] += 100000;
X		else
X		    goto defblast;
X		break;
X	    case Torp:
X		if (curobj->image == '+')
X		    blast[y][x] += (temp==nuke ? 80000 : 1250);
X		else if (curobj->image == 'o')
X		    blast[y][x] += 500+super*20;
X		else if (curobj->image == 'O')
X		    blast[y][x] += 5000+super*100;
X		goto defblast;
X	    case Star:
X		if (temp == ent)
X		    goto damshield;
X		goto defblast;
X	    case Enterprise:
X		if (temp->type == Star) {
X	      damshield:
X		    if (!rand_mod(10)) {
X			if (!damflag[NOSHIELDS])
X			    damage++;
X			if (damflag[NOSHIELDS] < 100)
X			    damflag[NOSHIELDS] += rand_mod(smarts)/5+2;
X		    }
X		}
X		goto defblast;
X	    default:
X	      defblast:
X		blast[y][x] += rand_mod(751)+1;
X		break;
X	    }
X	}
X	else {
X	    occupant[y][x] = curobj;
X	    if (curobj->image != ' ' &&
X	        (curobj->velx || curobj->vely ||
X		 curobj->type == Torp || curobj->type == Web) ) {
X		mvaddc(y+1, x*2, curobj->image);
X	    }
X	    if (curobj->type == Crusher && curobj->velx) {
X		blast[y][x] += 100000;
X		yblasted[y] |= 1;
X		xblasted[x] |= 1;
X		blasted = TRUE;
X	    }
X	}
X    }
X    if (blasted) {
X	Reg7 int minxblast = -1;
X	Reg8 int maxxblast = -2;
X	Reg5 long tmpblast;
X	blasted = numamoebas;
X	for (x=0; x<XSIZE; x++) {
X	    if (xblasted[x]) {
X		xblasted[x] = 0;
X		maxxblast = x;
X		if (minxblast < 0)
X		    minxblast = x;
X	    }
X	}
X	for (y=0; y<YSIZE; y++) {
X	    if (yblasted[y]) {
X		yblasted[y] = 0;
X		for (x=minxblast; x<=maxxblast; x++) {
X		    tmpblast = blast[y][x];
X		    if (numamoebas && amb[y][x] == '~') {
X			if (temp = occupant[y][x]) {
X			    if (temp->image == '&')
X				tmpblast >>= 1;
X			    else if (temp->type == Web)
X				tmpblast = 100000;
X			    else
X				tmpblast += 50 + temp->energy/100;
X			    if (tmpblast > 250 && !rand_mod(5+(inumstars>>4)))
X				modify_amoeba(y,x,1,'~',5);
X			}
X			xblasted[x] = 2;
X			yblasted[y] = 2;
X		    }
X		    if (tmpblast) {
X			Reg6 OBJECT *biggie = 0;
X			blast[y][x] = 0;
X			temp = occupant[y][x];
X			if (tmpblast < 0) {
X			    if (numamoebas && tmpblast < -1000000 &&
X				amb[y][x] == '~' && temp != nuke) {
X				amb[y][x] = ' ';
X				if (!temp)
X				    make_plink(y,x);
X				ambsize--;
X			    }
X			    tmpblast = 0;
X			}
X			if (temp) {
X			    if ((!numamoebas || amb[y][x]==' ') &&
X			      tmpblast < 100000)
X				make_plink(y,x);
X			    for ( ;temp;
X			      temp = curobj->contend,curobj->contend = 0){
X				curobj = temp;
X				switch (curobj->type) {
X				case Enterprise: {
X				    long tmp = curobj->energy;
X				    if (ent->energy>500 || apolloflag & 1)
X					curobj->energy -= tmpblast /
X					   ((apolloflag & 1)
X					    ? 20
X					    : (5+abs(ent->velx)+abs(ent->vely))
X					       / ((damflag[NOSHIELDS]>>3)+1)+1);
X				    else
X					curobj->energy -= tmpblast;
X				    if (rand_mod(1 + tmp - curobj->energy) > 100
X					|| ent->energy < (entmax>>1)) {
X					if (debug & 128 ||
X					  (damage <= smarts/10 &&
X					   !rand_mod(6-smarts/20-massacre) )) {
X					    tmp = rand_mod(MAXDAMAGE);
X					    if (damflag[tmp]) {
X						if (damflag[tmp] < 60)
X						  damflag[tmp] += rand_mod(60);
X					    }
X					    else {
X						damflag[tmp] =
X						  rand_mod(smarts+10)+2;
X						damage++;
X					    }
X					}
X				    }
X				    break;
X				}
X				case Base:
X				    if (base->energy > 1000 || apolloflag & 2)
X					curobj->energy -= tmpblast /
X					   ((apolloflag & 2)?20:5);
X				    else
X					curobj->energy -= tmpblast;
X				    break;
X				case Crusher:
X				    if (tmpblast > 132767)
X					curobj->energy -= (tmpblast - 100000);
X				    else if (tmpblast >= 100000) {
X					curobj->energy += (tmpblast - 100000);
X					if (curobj->energy > 32767)
X					    curobj->energy = 32767;
X				    }
X				    else	/* vulnerable while feeding */
X					curobj->energy -= tmpblast;
X				    break;
X				case Enemy:
X				    curobj->energy -= tmpblast*10/enemshields;
X				    break;
X				default:
X				    curobj->energy -= tmpblast;
X				    break;
X				}
X				if (curobj->energy < 0) {	/* killed it? */
X				    switch (curobj->image) {
X				    case 'A':
X					tmpblast = 100000;
X					make_blast(y,x,8192L,1);
X					numapollos = apolloflag = 0;
X					numstars--;
X					numenemies--;
X					curscore += 5000;
X					deados = 0;
X					break;
X				    case 'E': case 'e': case 'C': case 'c':
X					ent = 0;
X					numents--;
X					if (base)
X					    status = 2;
X					else
X					    status = 3;
X					deados = 0;
X					break;
X				    case 'B': case 'b':
X					base = 0;
X					numbases--;
X					if (ent)
X					    status = entmode;
X					else
X					    status = 3;
X					deados = 0;
X					break;
X				    case '&': {
X					int i, xxx, yyy;
X					for (i = 0; i < YSIZE; i++)
X					    yblasted[i] &= 1;
X					for (i = 0; i < XSIZE; i++)
X					    xblasted[i] &= 1;
X					numamoebas = 0;	/* ignore amb[][] now */
X					for (yyy = 0; yyy < YSIZE; yyy++) {
X					    for (xxx = 0; xxx < XSIZE; xxx++) {
X						if (amb[yyy][xxx] == '~' &&
X						    !occupant[yyy][xxx]) {
X						    mvaddch(yyy+1,xxx*2,' ');
X						}
X					    }
X					}
X					numenemies--;
X					curscore += 10000;
X					if (curobj == enemies)
X					    enemies = curobj->next;
X					deados = 0;
X					break;
X				    }
X				    case '<': case '>': {
X					int i;
X					numenemies--;
X					numcrushes = 0;
X					curscore += 10000;
X					if (curobj == movers)
X					    movers = curobj->next;
X					if (curobj == enemies)
X					    enemies = curobj->next;
X					deados = 0;
X					tmpblast = 100000;
X					make_blast(y,(x+XSIZE00)%XSIZE,10000L,0);
X					if (curobj->image == '<') {
X					    for (i=XSIZE00; i<=XSIZE01; i++)
X						make_blast(y,(x+i)%XSIZE,
X						    10000L,0);
X					    for (i=XSIZE00; i<=XSIZE02; i++)
X						make_blast(y,(x+i)%XSIZE,
X						    10000L,0);
X					    make_blast(y,(x+XSIZE03)%XSIZE,
X						10000L,1);
X					    for (i=XSIZE00; i<=XSIZE08; i++)
X						make_blast(y,(x+i)%XSIZE,
X						    10000L,0);
X					}
X					else {
X					    for (i=XSIZE00; i>=XSIZE99; i--)
X						make_blast(y,(x+i)%XSIZE,
X						    10000L,0);
X					    for (i=XSIZE00; i>=XSIZE98; i--)
X						make_blast(y,(x+i)%XSIZE,
X						    10000L,0);
X					    make_blast(y,(x+XSIZE97)%XSIZE,
X						10000L,1);
X					    for (i=XSIZE00; i>=XSIZE92; i--)
X						make_blast(y,(x+i)%XSIZE,
X						    10000L,0);
X					}
X				    }
X				    break;
X				    case 'K':
X					numenemies--;
X					curscore += curobj->mass;
X					if (curobj == enemies)
X					    enemies = curobj->next;
X					deados = 0;
X					break;
X				    case 'T':
X					numenemies--;
X					curscore += curobj->mass*3/2;
X					if (curobj == enemies)
X					    enemies = curobj->next;
X					deados = 0;
X					break;
X				    case 'R': case ' ': case 'P':
X					numenemies--;
X					if (curobj->flags & PIRATE)
X					    curscore += curobj->mass;
X					else
X					    curscore += curobj->mass*3;
X					if (curobj == enemies)
X					    enemies = curobj->next;
X					deados = 0;
X					break;
X				    case 'G':
X					numenemies--;
X					numgorns--;
X					tmpblast = 100000;
X					if (madgorns)
X					    curscore += curobj->mass/2;
X					else
X					    curscore += curobj->mass*2;
X					if (curobj == enemies)
X					    enemies = curobj->next;
X					{
X					    int xxx,yyy;
X					    for (xxx = -1; xxx<=1; xxx++)
X						for (yyy = -1; yyy<=1; yyy++)
X						    if (rand_mod(2+massacre))
X							fire_torp(curobj,
X							    yyy,xxx);
X					}
X					deados = 0;
X					break;
X				    case '@':
X					numinhab--;
X					/* FALL THROUGH */
X				    case '*':
X					banging = TRUE;
X					numstars--;
X					break;
X				    case '|': case '-': case '/': case '\\':
X					tmpblast = 100000;
X					make_blast(y,x,curobj->mass,1);
X					banging = TRUE;
X					deados = 0;
X					break;
X				    case 'x':
X					curscore += 10;
X					deados = 0;
X					break;
X				    case 'X':
X					curscore += 100;
X					numxes--;
X					deados = 0;
X					break;
X				    case '0':
X					curscore += 35;
X					numos--;
X					deados += 3;
X					break;
X				    case 'o':
X					curscore += 100;
X					numos--;
X					deados++;
X					break;
X				    case 'O':
X					curscore += 200;
X					numos--;
X					deados += 2;
X					break;
X				    case 'M':
X					deadmudds++;
X					inumfriends--;
X					numfriends--;
X					if (curobj == enemies)
X					    enemies = curobj->next;
X					break;
X				    case 'Q': case 'W': case 'Y': case 'U':
X				    case 'I': case 'S': case 'D': case 'H':
X				    case 'J': case 'L': case 'Z': case 'V':
X				    case 'F':
X					numfriends--;
X					if (curobj == enemies)
X					    enemies = curobj->next;
X					if (inumfriends < 10)
X					    madfriends += 500;
X					else
X					    madfriends += 10000/inumfriends;
X					break;
X				    }
X				    if (tmpblast < 100000)
X					make_blast(y,x,curobj->mass,1);
X				    unmake_object(curobj);
X				}
X				else {		/* didn't kill anything */
X				    if (!biggie)
X					biggie = curobj;
X				    else {
X					if (biggie->mass > curobj->mass)
X					    bounce(curobj);
X					else {
X					    bounce(biggie);
X					    biggie = curobj;
X					}
X				    }
X				}
X			    }
X			    if (biggie) {
X				occupant[y][x] = biggie;
X				if (numamoebas && biggie->image == ' ')
X				    mvaddch(y+1,x*2, amb[y][x]);
X				else
X				    mvaddch(y+1,x*2, biggie->image);
X			    }
X			    else {
X				occupant[y][x] = 0;
X				mvaddch(y+1, x*2, numamoebas ? amb[y][x] : ' ');
X			    }
X			}
X		    }
X		}
X	    }
X	}
X    }
X    do_bangs();
X    if (numcrushes && movers->type == Crusher)
X	movers->vely = 0;
X    if (curobj = base) {
X	char ch;
X	curobj->velx = 0;
X	curobj->vely = 0;
X	curobj->energy += 25*lookaround(curobj->posy,curobj->posx,Star);
X	if (curobj->energy > basemax)
X	    curobj->energy = basemax;
X	if (curobj->energy >= 1000)
X	    ch = 'B';
X	else
X	    ch = 'b';
X	if (ch != curobj->image) {
X	    setimage(curobj, ch);
X	}
X    }
X    if (curobj = ent) {
X	char ch;
X	if (entmode == 0) {
X	    curobj->velx = 0;
X	    curobj->vely = 0;
X	}
X	if (base && !cloaking && !curobj->velx && !curobj->vely &&
X	  lookfor(curobj->posy,curobj->posx,Base)) {
X	    int tmp;
X#ifdef lint
X	    tmp = 0;
X	    tmp = (int) (base->energy - 1000 < entmax - curobj->energy ?
X		         base->energy - 1000 : entmax - curobj->energy);
X	    if (tmp < 0)
X		tmp = 0;
X	    curobj->energy += tmp;
X	    base->energy -= tmp;
X	    tmp = (btorp < 50 - etorp ?
X		   btorp : 50 - etorp);
X	    etorp += tmp;
X	    btorp -= tmp;
X	    if (damage) {
X		tmp = rand_mod(MAXDAMAGE);
X		if (damflag[tmp] > 5) {
X		    damflag[tmp] = rand_mod(5)+1;
X		}
X	    }
X	}
X	if (curobj->energy >= 500 && (!damage || !damflag[NOSHIELDS]))
X	    ch = cloaked?'C':'E';
X	else
X	    ch = cloaked?'c':'e';
X	if (ch != curobj->image) {
X	    setimage(curobj, ch);
X	}
X    }
Xlookaround(y, x, what)
XReg1 int y;
XReg2 int x;
XReg4 char what;
X    Reg3 OBJECT *obj;
X    Reg5 int count=0;
X    Reg6 int xp;
X    Reg7 int xm;
X    if ((obj=occupant[y][xp=(x+XSIZE01)%XSIZE])&&obj->type == what) /* 0, 1 */
X	count++;
X    if ((obj=occupant[y][xm=(x+XSIZE99)%XSIZE])&&obj->type == what) /* 0, -1 */
X	count++;
X    if ((obj=occupant[y=(y+YSIZE99)%YSIZE][xp])&&obj->type == what) /* -1, 1 */
X	count++;
X    if ((obj=occupant[y][x])&&obj->type == what)                    /* -1, 0 */
X	count++;
X    if ((obj=occupant[y][xm])&&obj->type == what)                   /* -1, -1 */
X	count++;
X    if ((obj=occupant[y=(y+2)%YSIZE][xp])&&obj->type == what)       /* 1, 1 */
X	count++;
X    if ((obj=occupant[y][x])&&obj->type == what)                    /* 1, 0 */
X	count++;
X    if ((obj=occupant[y][xm])&&obj->type == what)                   /* 1, -1 */
X	count++;
X    return (count);
Xlookfor(y, x, what)
XReg1 int y;
XReg2 int x;
XReg4 char what;
X    Reg3 OBJECT *obj;
X    Reg5 int xp;
X    Reg6 int xm;
X    if ((obj=occupant[y][xp=(x+XSIZE01)%XSIZE])&&obj->type == what ||/* 0, 1 */
X        (obj=occupant[y][xm=(x+XSIZE99)%XSIZE])&&obj->type == what ||/* 0, -1 */
X        (obj=occupant[y=(y+YSIZE99)%YSIZE][xp])&&obj->type == what ||/* -1, 1 */
X        (obj=occupant[y][x])&&obj->type == what                    ||/* -1, 0 */
X        (obj=occupant[y][xm])&&obj->type == what                   ||/* -1,-1 */
X        (obj=occupant[y=(y+2)%YSIZE][xp])&&obj->type == what       ||/* 1, 1 */
X        (obj=occupant[y][x])&&obj->type == what                    ||/* 1, 0 */
X        (obj=occupant[y][xm])&&obj->type == what)                    /* 1, -1 */
X	return(1);
X    return (0);
Xlookimg(y, x, what)
XReg1 int y;
XReg2 int x;
XReg4 char what;
X    Reg3 OBJECT *obj;
X    Reg5 int xp;
X    Reg6 int xm;
X    if ((obj=occupant[y][xp=(x+XSIZE01)%XSIZE])&&obj->image==what ||/* 0, 1 */
X        (obj=occupant[y][xm=(x+XSIZE99)%XSIZE])&&obj->image==what ||/* 0, -1 */
X        (obj=occupant[y=(y+YSIZE99)%YSIZE][xp])&&obj->image==what ||/* -1, 1 */
X        (obj=occupant[y][x])&&obj->image==what                    ||/* -1, 0 */
X        (obj=occupant[y][xm])&&obj->image==what                   ||/* -1,-1 */
X        (obj=occupant[y=(y+2)%YSIZE][xp])&&obj->image==what       ||/* 1, 1 */
X        (obj=occupant[y][x])&&obj->image==what                    ||/* 1, 0 */
X        (obj=occupant[y][xm])&&obj->image==what)                    /* 1, -1 */
X	return obj;
X    return Null(OBJECT*);
echo Extracting weapon.c
sed >weapon.c <<'!STUFFY!FUNK!' -e 's/X//'
X/* $Header: weapon.c,v 86/10/20 14:36:33 lwall Exp $ */
X/* $Log:	weapon.c,v $
X * Revision  86/10/20  14:36:33  lwall
X * Picked some lint.
X * 
X * Revision  86/10/16  10:54:42  lwall
X * Added Damage.  Fixed random bugs.
X * 
X * Revision 7.0  86/10/08  15:18:08  lwall
X * Split into separate files.  Added amoebas and pirates.
X * 
X */
X#include "EXTERN.h"
X#include "warp.h"
X#include "bang.h"
X#include "object.h"
X#include "move.h"
X#include "score.h"
X#include "sig.h"
X#include "term.h"
X#include "them.h"
X#include "us.h"
X#include "util.h"
X#include "INTERN.h"
X#include "weapon.h"
X    ;
Xfire_torp(from, ydir, xdir)
XReg1 OBJECT *from;
XReg3 int ydir;
XReg4 int xdir;
X    Reg2 OBJECT *to;
X    if (from->type == Enemy ||
X       (from == ent && etorp > 0) ||
X       (from == base && btorp > 0)) {
X	to = occupant[(from->posy+from->vely+ydir+YSIZE00)%YSIZE]
X		     [(from->posx+from->velx+xdir+XSIZE00)%XSIZE];
X	if (from->type != Enemy || !to || to->vely || to->velx) {
X	    if (from->type != Enemy &&
X		 (to = isatorp[from==base][ydir+1][xdir+1])) {
X		to->vely += ydir;
X		to->velx += xdir;
X	    }
X	    else {
X		if (from == ent) {
X		    to = make_object(Torp, '+', from->posy,from->posx,
X			from->vely+ydir,from->velx+xdir, 0L, 1L,&root);
X		    aretorps++;
X		    isatorp[0][ydir+1][xdir+1] = to;
X		    etorp--;
X		}
X		else if (from == base) {
X		    to = make_object(Torp, '+', from->posy,from->posx,
X			from->vely+ydir,from->velx+xdir, 0L, 1L,&root);
X		    aretorps++;
X		    isatorp[1][ydir+1][xdir+1] = to;
X		    btorp--;
X		}
X		else if (from->image == 'G') {
X		    numos++;
X		    to = make_object(Torp, 'o', from->posy,from->posx,
X			from->vely+ydir,from->velx+xdir, 100L, 1L,&root);
X		    if (madgorns) {
X			possiblescore += 35;
X			to->image = '0';
X			to->mass = 2000;
X			to->energy = 2000;
X		    }
X		    else if (rand_mod(120)+10 > smarts)
X			possiblescore += 100;
X		    else {
X			possiblescore += 200;
X			to->image = 'O';
X		    }
X		}
X		else {
X		    to = make_object(Torp, 'x', from->posy,from->posx,
X			from->vely+ydir,from->velx+xdir, 0L, 1L,&root);
X		    if (rand_mod(160)+10 > smarts)
X			possiblescore += 10;
X		    else {
X			possiblescore += 100;
X			to->image = 'X';
X			to->mass = 1000+super*20;
X			numxes++;
X		    }
X		}
X	    }
X	}
X    }
XReg7 OBJECT *attackee;
X    Reg1 int dx;
X    Reg2 int dy;
X    Reg3 int curx;
X    Reg4 int cury;
X    Reg5 int prob;
X    Reg6 OBJECT *obj;
X    Reg8 bool torps;
X    Reg9 bool webnear = FALSE;
X    Reg10 bool thru_stars;
X    int nukey;
X    int nukex;
X    int nukedist;
X    if (attackee) {
X	if (attackee == nuke) {
X	    if (amb[attackee->posy][attackee->posx] != '~')
X		return;
X	    nukey = nukex = 0;
X	    nukedist = 100;
X	}
X	for (dx= -1; dx<=1 ; dx++) {
X	    for (dy= -1; dy<=1; dy++) {
X		if (dx||dy) {
X		    cury = attackee->posy;
X		    curx = attackee->posx;
X		    torps = thru_stars = FALSE;
X		    if (massacre || madgorns || !rand_mod(53-super) )
X			webnear += rand_mod(2);
X		    else
X			webnear = FALSE;
X		    for (prob = scandist;prob;prob--) {
X			cury = (cury + dy + YSIZE00) % YSIZE;
X			curx = (curx + dx + XSIZE00) % XSIZE;
X			if (obj = occupant[cury][curx]) {
X			    switch (obj->image) {
X			    case 'P': case 'K': case 'R': case ' ':
X		pot_shot:
X				if (attackee == nuke) {
X				    if (rand_mod(2+scandist-prob) <
X				      rand_mod(smarts/40+1))
X					Tract(nuke,dy,dx,rand_mod(3)?1:-1);
X				}
X				if (rand_mod(51 - sm50) <= prob) {
X				    switch (obj->strategy||thru_stars?0:
X					  rand_mod(ent?4:2)) {
X				    case 1: case 2:
X					if (-dy + attackee->vely == obj->vely
X					 && -dx + attackee->velx == obj->velx)
X					    fire_torp(obj,
X					     -dy + attackee->vely,
X					     -dx + attackee->velx);
X					else
X					    fire_torp(obj,
X					     -dy + attackee->vely - obj->vely,
X					     -dx + attackee->velx - obj->velx);
X					if (obj->image == ' ')
X					    setimage(obj,
X					      obj->flags & PIRATE ? 'P' : 'R');
X					break;
X				    case 3: {
X					int newspeed =
X					    rand_mod(prob<5&&smarts>70?4:3)-1;
X					obj->vely = -dy * newspeed;
X					obj->velx = -dx * newspeed;
X					if (newspeed >= 0 &&
X					    !rand_mod(82-sm80)) {
X					    obj->vely += attackee->vely;
X					    obj->velx += attackee->velx;
X					}
X					break;
X				    }
X				    case 0:
X					if (!torps && obj->energy > 1000) {
X					    fire_phaser(obj, -dy, -dx);
X					    if (smarts > 40 &&
X					       (scandist-prob > 5
X						|| attackee==base) &&
X					       (massacre || obj->strategy ||
X					        rand_mod(2)))
X						while (rand_mod(2))
X						    fire_phaser(obj, -dy, -dx);
X					    if (obj->image == ' ')
X						setimage(obj,
X						  obj->flags&PIRATE ? 'P':'R');
X					}
X					if (obj->strategy) {
X					    obj->velx = obj->vely = 0;
X					    if (obj->energy < 1000 ||
X						  bvely || bvelx)
X						obj->strategy = 0;
X					}
X					else if ((attackee==base ||
X						  (cloaking && attackee==ent)
X						 ) &&
X						 scandist-prob > 5 &&
X					         !(rand_mod(
X						   ent?antibase*2:antibase)) )
X					    obj->strategy = 1;
X					break;
X				    }
X				}
X				goto bombout;
X			    case 'G':
X				if (thru_stars && obj->strategy < 7)
X				    goto bombout;
X				if (attackee == nuke) {
X				    if (rand_mod(2+scandist-prob) <
X				      rand_mod(smarts/40+1))
X					Tract(nuke,dy,dx,rand_mod(3)?1:-1);
X				    goto bombout;
X				}
X				if (obj->strategy) {
X				    if (madgorns || !rand_mod(4)) {
X					obj->vely = attackee->vely;
X					obj->velx = attackee->velx;
X				    }
X				    obj->strategy += (!torps && deados > 10);
X				    if (obj->strategy > 4)
X					madgorns = TRUE;
X				    if (!torps && obj->strategy > 5) {
X					do {
X					    fire_phaser(obj, -dy, -dx);
X					} while (rand_mod(2));
X				    }
X				}
X				else if (numgorns >= numenemies-1 &&
X				    deados > 15+numgorns*5)
X				    obj->strategy = 1;
X				if (madgorns || rand_mod(51 - sm50) <= prob) {
X				    if (-dy + attackee->vely == obj->vely
X				     && -dx + attackee->velx == obj->velx)
X					fire_torp(obj,
X					 -dy + attackee->vely,
X					 -dx + attackee->velx);
X				    else
X					fire_torp(obj,
X					 -dy + attackee->vely - obj->vely,
X					 -dx + attackee->velx - obj->velx);
X				}
X				goto bombout;
X			    case 'T':
X				if (attackee == nuke) {
X				    if (rand_mod(2+scandist-prob) <
X				      rand_mod(smarts/40+1))
X					Tract(nuke,dy,dx,rand_mod(3)?1:-1);
X				}
X				if (thru_stars)
X				    goto bombout;
X				if (webnear && scandist-prob > 5) {
X				    if (massacre || rand_mod(50) < super) {
X					if (!torps && obj->energy > 1000) {
X					    fire_phaser(obj, -dy, -dx);
X					    while (!rand_mod(57-sm55))
X						fire_phaser(obj, -dy, -dx);
X					}
X				    }
X				}
X				goto bombout;
X			    case 'C': case 'c':
X				if (thru_stars)
X				    goto bombout;
X				break;
X			    case 'Q': case 'W': case 'Y': case 'U':
X			    case 'I': case 'S': case 'D': case 'H': case 'J':
X			    case 'L': case 'Z': case 'V': case 'M': case 'F':
X				if (attackee == nuke) {
X				    if (rand_mod(2+scandist-prob) <
X				      rand_mod(smarts/40+1))
X					Tract(nuke,dy,dx,rand_mod(3)?1:-1);
X				    if (rand_mod(2))
X					goto pot_shot;
X				}
X				if (madfriends > 1000) {
X				    madfriends -= 200;
X				    goto pot_shot;
X				}
X			    case '+':
X				if (attackee == nuke) {
X				    if (smarts > 70) {
X					if (
X					 (obj->posx + obj->velx + XSIZE00)%XSIZE
X					    == attackee->posx &&
X					 (obj->posy + obj->vely + YSIZE00)%YSIZE
X					    == attackee->posy ) {
X					    Tract(nuke,dy,dx,-1);
X					}
X					else
X					    while (!rand_mod(82-sm80))
X						Tract(nuke,dy,dx,-1);
X				    }
X				    else if (smarts > 60 ||
X				      rand_mod(2+scandist-prob) <
X				      rand_mod(smarts/20+1))
X					Tract(nuke,dy,dx,rand_mod(3)?1:-1);
X				}
X				torps = FALSE;
X				thru_stars = FALSE;
X				break;
X			    case '|': case '-': case '/': case '\\':
X				if (thru_stars)
X				    goto bombout;
X				webnear = (scandist-prob < 3);
X				torps = FALSE;
X				break;
X			    case 'x':
X				if (attackee == nuke) {
X				    if (rand_mod(2+scandist-prob) <
X				      rand_mod(smarts/20+1))
X					Tract(nuke,dy,dx,rand_mod(3)?1:-1);
X				}
X				if (thru_stars)
X				    goto bombout;
X				torps = TRUE;
X				break;
X			    case 'o': case 'O': case '0':
X				if (attackee == nuke) {
X				    if (rand_mod(2+scandist-prob) <
X				      rand_mod(smarts/20+1))
X					Tract(nuke,dy,dx,rand_mod(3)?1:-1);
X				}
X				if (thru_stars)
X				    goto bombout;
X				torps = TRUE;
X				if (rand_mod(99+3*scandist) < smarts+3*prob) {
X				    obj->vely = -dy + attackee->vely;
X				    obj->velx = -dx + attackee->velx;
X				    if (obj->flags & STATIC) {/* not a mover? */
X					obj->flags &= ~STATIC;
X					obj->prev->next = obj->next;
X					obj->next->prev = obj->prev;
X					root.prev->next = obj;
X					obj->prev = root.prev;
X					root.prev = obj;
X					obj->next = &root;
X				    }
X				}
X				if (obj->image != '0')
X				    break;
X			    /* DROP THROUGH! */
X			    case 'X':
X				if (attackee == nuke) {
X				    if (rand_mod(2+scandist-prob) <
X				      rand_mod(smarts/20+1))
X					Tract(nuke,dy,dx,rand_mod(3)?1:-1);
X				}
X				torps = TRUE;
X				if (thru_stars)
X				    goto bombout;
X				if (prob == scandist) {
X				    int y, x;
X				    blast[y=(obj->posy+obj->vely+YSIZE00)%YSIZE]
X					 [x=(obj->posx+obj->velx+XSIZE00)%XSIZE]
X				      += (obj->image == '0' ? 2000 : 200);
X				    yblasted[y] |= 1;
X				    xblasted[x] |= 1;
X				    blasted = TRUE;
X				}
X				break;
X			    case 'A':
X				if (attackee != nuke) {
X				    if (scandist-prob>1 && !rand_mod(51-super))
X					Tract(obj,-dy,-dx,1);
X				}
X			    case '*': case '@':
X				if (attackee == nuke) {
X				    if (amb[cury][curx] != '~') {
X					if (scandist-prob < nukedist) {
X					    nukedist = scandist-prob;
X					    nukey = dy;	/* nearest food in */
X					    nukex = dx;	/*   this direction */
X					}
X					if (smarts > 55 && scandist-prob > 8) {
X					    if (rand_mod(30+scandist-prob) <
X					      rand_mod(smarts/20+1))
X						Tract(nuke,dy,dx,1);
X					}
X				    }
X				    else if (obj->vely || obj->velx) {
X					Tract(nuke,dy,dx,1); /* for looks */
X					obj->vely = obj->velx = 0;
X				    }
X				}
X				if (!thru_stars)
X				    if (rand_mod(97-sm95))
X					goto bombout;
X				    else
X					thru_stars = TRUE;
X				break;
X			    case '<': case '>':
X				if (attackee == nuke) {
X				    if ((!dy && scandist-prob < 8) ||
X				      rand_mod(2+scandist-prob) <
X				      rand_mod(smarts/20+1) ) {
X					nuke->mass += 10000;
X					Tract(nuke,dy,dx,-1);
X					nuke->mass -= 10000;
X				    }
X				}
X				goto bombout;
X			    case 'E': case 'B':
X				if (attackee == nuke) {
X				    if (rand_mod(2+scandist-prob) <
X				      rand_mod(smarts/40+1))
X					Tract(nuke,dy,dx,rand_mod(3)?1:-1);
X				}
X				goto bombout;
X			    default:
X				goto bombout;
X			    }
X			}
X			else {
X			    if (thru_stars)
X				goto bombout;
X			}	
X		    }
Xbombout:            ; /* end of loop */
X		}
X	    }
X	}
X	if (attackee == nuke && nukedist < 100) {/* aim amoeba at nearest */
X	    if (nukey < 0)			/*   free star */
X		nukey = 2;
X	    if (nukex < 0)
X		nukex = 2;
X	    nuke->strategy = nukey + (nukex << 2);
X	}
X    }
Xfire_phaser(obj, dy, dx)
XReg7 OBJECT *obj;
XReg5 int dy;
XReg6 int dx;
X    Reg1 int y;
X    Reg2 int x;
X    Reg3 int skipping;
X    Reg4 int size=5000;
X    int decr = 50, oldy, oldx;
X    static char curchar[] = "@* ";
X    if (obj == ent)
X	decr = 100;
X    else if (obj == base) {
X	decr = 1000;
X	size = 200;
X    }
X    if (!dy)
X	curchar[2] = '-';
X    else if (!dx)
X	curchar[2] = '!';
X    else if (dy == dx)
X	curchar[2] = '\\';
X    else
X	curchar[2] = '/';
X    if (obj->energy >= decr) {
X	obj->energy -= decr;
X	for (
X	  /* initialize */
X	  skipping = (obj != base),
X	  y = (obj->posy+(obj==base?dy*2:dy)+YSIZE00)%YSIZE,
X	  x = (obj->posx+(obj==base?dx*2:dx)+XSIZE00)%XSIZE;
X	  /* while */
X	  size && (!occupant[y][x]||(skipping && occupant[y][x]->type==Star));
X	  /* at end of loop */
X	  y = (y+dy+YSIZE00) % YSIZE,
X	  x = (x+dx+XSIZE00) % XSIZE,
X	  size = size * 3 / 4 ) {
X	    move(y+1,x*2,0);
X	    beg_qwrite();
X	    if (obj == base || obj->image == 'T') {
X		*filler = '@';
X		qwrite();
X		*filler = '#';
X		qwrite();
X		*filler = '~';
X		qwrite();
X		*filler = '%';
X		qwrite();
X		*filler = ':';
X		qwrite();
X		*filler = '@';
X	    }
X	    else {
X		*filler = size >= 500 ?
X			  *curchar : (size >= 50 ?
X				     curchar[1] :
X				     curchar[2]);
X	    }
X	    qwrite();
X	    if (occupant[y][x])
X		qaddc(occupant[y][x]->image);
X	    else {
X		if (numamoebas)
X		    qaddc(amb[y][x]);
X		else
X		    qaddspace();
X		if (skipping)
X		    skipping = 0;
X	    }
X	    end_qwrite();
X	}
X	if (size) {
X	    char img;
X	    assert(occupant[y][x]);
X	    img = occupant[y][x]->image;
X	    if (occupant[y][x]->type == Crusher) {
X		if (dy)
X		    return;
X	        if (dx==(img == '<' ? 1 : -1) ) {
X		    occupant[y][x]->image =
X			(occupant[y][x]->velx *= -1) < 0 ? '>' : '<';
X		    return;
X		}
X	    }
X	    else if (occupant[y][x]->flags & FRIENDLY)
X		madfriends += 200;
X	    if (numamoebas && amb[y][x] == '~' && smarts % 3 &&
X		(smarts > 70 || rand_mod(smarts) > rand_mod(20)) ) {
X		if (size > 10000)
X		    modify_amoeba(y,x,1,'~',10);
X		else if (size > 1000)
X		    modify_amoeba(y,x,1,'~',7);
X		else if (size > 50)
X		    modify_amoeba(y,x,1,'~',5);
X		else
X		    modify_amoeba(y,x,1,'~',2);
X		if (occupant[y][x] == nuke) {
X		    nuke->strategy = rand_mod(30);
X		    nuke->flags |= COUNTDOWN;
X		}
X		return;
X	    }
X	    else {
X		move(y+1,x*2,0);
X		beg_qwrite();
X		if (img == ' ') {
X		    *filler = occupant[y][x]->flags & PIRATE ? 'P' : 'R';
X		    occupant[y][x]->image = *filler;
X		    occupant[y][x]->strategy = 0;
X		    qwrite();
X		    qwrite();
X		}
X		else if (img == 'C' || img == 'c') {
X		    cloaked = 0;
X		    img += 2;
X		    occupant[y][x]->image = img;
X		    *filler = img;
X		    qwrite();
X		    qwrite();
X		}
X		else if (img == 'K' && size > 50)
X		    occupant[y][x]->strategy = 0;
X		*filler = '@';
X		qwrite();
X		*filler = '#';
X		qwrite();
X		*filler = '@';
X		qwrite();
X		*filler = '#';
X		qwrite();
X		*filler = '@';
X		qwrite();
X		qaddc(img);
X		end_qwrite();
X		oldy = y;
X		oldx = x;
X		y = (occupant[oldy][oldx]->posy + occupant[oldy][oldx]->vely +
X		x = (occupant[oldy][oldx]->posx + occupant[oldy][oldx]->velx +
X		if (occupant[y][x] && occupant[y][x]->type == Star) {
X		    y = occupant[oldy][oldx]->posy;
X		    x = occupant[oldy][oldx]->posx;
X		}
X		if (obj==base)
X		    blast[y][x] += size>50 ? 15000 : (size>15 ? 1500 : 150);
X		else if (obj==ent)
X		    blast[y][x] += size*4;
X		else if (obj->image=='T')
X		    blast[y][x] += 15000;
X		else
X		    blast[y][x] += size*smarts/25;
X		yblasted[y] |= 1;
X		xblasted[x] |= 1;
X		blasted = TRUE;
X	    }
X	}
X    }
Xtract(obj, dy, dx, to_or_fro)
XReg7 OBJECT *obj;
XReg4 int dy;
XReg5 int dx;
Xint to_or_fro;
X    Reg1 int y;
X    Reg2 int x;
X    Reg3 int size=10;
X    static char ch;
X    Reg6 OBJECT *tractee;
X    if (!dy)
X	ch = '|';
X    else if (!dx)
X	ch = '-';
X    else if (dy == dx)
X	ch = '/';
X    else
X	ch = '\\';
X    {
X	for (
X	  y = (obj->posy+dy+YSIZE00)%YSIZE,
X	  x = (obj->posx+dx+XSIZE00)%XSIZE;
X	  size && (!occupant[y][x]);
X	  y = (y+dy+YSIZE00) % YSIZE, x = (x+dx+XSIZE00) % XSIZE, size--) {
X	    move(y+1,x*2,0);
X	    beg_qwrite();
X	    *filler = ch;
X	    qwrite();
X	    qwrite();
X	    if (numamoebas)
X		qaddch(amb[y][x]);
X	    else
X		qaddspace();
X	    end_qwrite();
X	}
X	tractee = occupant[y][x];
X	if (size) {
X	    assert(tractee);
X	    if (numamoebas && obj != nuke && amb[y][x] == '~') {
X		if (to_or_fro > 0)
X		    modify_amoeba(y,x,2,'~',size);
X		else
X		    modify_amoeba(y,x,1,' ',size);
X	    }
X	    if (tractee->type != Web &&
X		(tractee->mass < obj->mass * 5 ||
X		 (tractee->type == Crusher && !dx) ) ) {
X		if (tractee == ent) {
X		    evely -= dy * to_or_fro;
X		    evelx -= dx * to_or_fro;
X		}
X		else if (tractee == base) {
X		    bvely -= dy * to_or_fro;
X		    bvelx -= dx * to_or_fro;
X		}
X		else {
X		    tractee->vely -= dy * to_or_fro;
X		    tractee->velx -= dx * to_or_fro;
X		}
X		if (tractee->type == Torp ||
X		    tractee->type == Star) {
X		    if (tractee->flags & STATIC) {  /* not a mover? */
X			tractee->flags &= ~STATIC;
X			tractee->prev->next = tractee->next;
X			tractee->next->prev = tractee->prev;
X			root.prev->next = tractee;
X			tractee->prev = root.prev;
X			root.prev = tractee;
X			tractee->next = &root;
X		    }
X		}
X	    }
X	    else if (tractee->type == Crusher && !dy &&
X	      dx==(tractee->image == '<' ? 1 : -1) ) {
X		setimage(tractee, (tractee->velx *= -1) < 0 ? '>' : '<');
X	    }
X	    if (tractee->mass * 5 > obj->mass)
X		return(1);
X	}
X    }
X    return(0);
echo Extracting init.c
sed >init.c <<'!STUFFY!FUNK!' -e 's/X//'
X/* $Header: init.c,v 86/12/12 16:58:03 lwall Exp $ */
X/* $Log:	init.c,v $
X * Revision  86/12/12  16:58:03  lwall
X * Baseline for net release.
X * 
X * Revision  86/10/20  14:35:31  lwall
X * Picked some lint.
X * 
X * Revision  86/10/17  15:53:30  lwall
X * Added random walk star fields.
X * 
X * Revision  86/10/16  10:51:19  lwall
X * Added Damage.  Fixed random bugs.
X * 
X * Revision 7.0  86/10/08  15:12:10  lwall
X * Split into separate files.  Added amoebas and pirates.
X * 
X */
X#include "EXTERN.h"
X#include "warp.h"
X#include "bang.h"
X#include "object.h"
X#include "move.h"
X#include "play.h"
X#include "score.h"
X#include "term.h"
X#include "them.h"
X#include "us.h"
X#include "util.h"
X#include "weapon.h"
X#include "INTERN.h"
X#include "init.h"
X    Reg1 int i;
X    Reg2 int x;
X    Reg3 int y;
X    Reg4 int dist;
X    Reg5 int ydist;
X    Reg6 int xdist;
X    long e;
X    int yoff, xoff, ypred, xpred;
X    Reg7 OBJECT *obj;
X    char ch;
X    FILE *mapfp = NULL;
X    bool tmptholspec;
X    int inhabjackpot;
X    long inhenergy;
X    int walksplit = 200;
X    static char *distname[] =
X	{" #"," -"," \\"," /",
X	 " |"," *"," `"," '"};
X    cloaking = madgorns = FALSE;
X    deados = madfriends = 0;
X    curscore = possiblescore = 0L;
X    yamblast = xamblast = ambsize = 0;
X    if (smarts > 90)
X	massacre = TRUE;
X    scandist = (massacre?20:15);
X    antibase = (smarts>60?1:(smarts>40?2:(smarts>25?4:100)));
X    sm35 = (smarts>35?35:smarts);
X    sm45 = (smarts>45?45:smarts);
X    sm50 = (smarts>50?50:smarts);
X    sm55 = (smarts>55?55:smarts);
X    sm80 = (smarts>80?80:smarts);
X    sm95 = (smarts>95?95:smarts);
X    super = (smarts>50?smarts-50:0);
X    enemshields = 10 + super/2;		/* (scaled by 10) 1 @ 50 .. 3 @ 90 */
X    if (smarts>90)
X	enemshields += (smarts-90)*10;	/* lay it on thick: ~13 @ 99 */
X    entmax = (smarts>=75?5000:(smarts>=50?4000:(smarts>=40?3000:2000)));
X    basemax = (smarts>=75?20000:(smarts>=50?15000:(smarts>=40?12500:10000)));
X    clear();
X    while (root.next != &root) {
X	root.next = root.next->next;
X	free_object(root.next->prev);
X    }
X    root.prev = &root;
X    enemies = movers = NULL;
X    numos = numxes = 0;
X#if defined(vax) && XYSIZEx4 == 3680
X    asm("movc5 $0,_occupant,$0,$3680,_occupant");
X    asm("movc5 $0,_blast,$0,$3680,_blast");	/* 3680 = XYSIZEx4 */
X    asm("movc5 $0,_amb,$32,$920,_amb");
X    for (y=0;y<YSIZE;y++)
X	for (x=0;x<XSIZE;x++) {
X	    occupant[y][x] = 0;
X	    blast[y][x] = 0;
X	    amb[y][x] = ' ';
X	}
X    for (y=0; y<YSIZE; y++)
X	yblasted[y] = 0;
X    for (x=0; x<XSIZE; x++)
X	xblasted[x] = 0;
X    blasted = FALSE;
X    if (!starspec)
X	if (smarts < 15)
X	    inumstars = 50 + rand_mod(50);
X	else if (smarts < 50 || smarts > 85)
X	    inumstars = exdis(800) + rand_mod(100) + 1;
X	else /* too few stars makes 50..85 too hard */
X	    inumstars = exdis(700) + rand_mod(150-super*2) + 50+super*2;
X    tmptholspec = (smarts > 15 && inumstars < 450 && ! rand_mod(90-sm80));
X    if (!klingspec) {
X	inumenemies = rand_mod((smarts+1)/2) + 1;
X	if (massacre || tmptholspec)
X	    inumenemies += 10;
X    }
X    if (!friendspec)
X	inumfriends = rand_mod(smarts/8+1);
X    if (!piratespec)
X	inumpirates = rand_mod(inumfriends/2+1);
X    if (inumfriends+inumenemies+inumstars > YSIZE*XSIZE-20)
X	inumstars = YSIZE*XSIZE-20 - inumenemies - inumfriends;
X    if (inumstars < 0) {
X	inumfriends += inumstars;
X	inumstars = 0;
X    }
X    if (inumfriends < 0) {
X	inumenemies += inumfriends;
X	inumfriends = 0;
X    }
X    if (inumenemies < 0)
X	inumenemies = 0;
X    numstars = inumstars;
X    inuminhab = numinhab = 0;
X    inumroms = inumthols = inumgorns = 0;
X    numapollos = apolspec || massacre ? 1 :
X       ((!numstars || rand_mod(2) || smarts < 10) ? 0 : 1);
X    inumapollos = apolloflag = 0;
X    realapollo = NULL;
X    inumcrushes = numcrushes =
X	crushspec||massacre?1:(rand_mod(2000) < inumstars);
X    inumenemies += inumcrushes;
X    inumamoebas = numamoebas = (amoebaspec ? 1 :
X	!rand_mod(inumcrushes?3-massacre:8) );	/* < and & are fun together */
X    inumenemies += inumamoebas;
X    if (!rand_mod(40)) {
X	inhabjackpot = 32767;
X	inumfriends += rand_mod(10);
X	inumpirates += rand_mod(10);
X    }
X    else
X	inhabjackpot = inumpirates;
X    inhenergy = 30000-super*150;
X    if (!rand_mod(10))
X	inhenergy = 50000;
X    if (!rand_mod(4))
X	inhenergy += rand_mod(3500+super*150);
X    numfriends = inumfriends;
X    numpirates = inumpirates;
X    numenemies = inumenemies;
X    deadmudds = 0;
X    /* do stars */
X    if (prespec)
X	dist = 4;
X    else if (numstars > 750)
X	dist = 0;
X    else
X	dist = rand_mod(starspec||smarts<=5?3:5);
X    if (debugging) {
X	real_y = real_x = -100;
X	printf("\r\n");
X    }
X    switch (dist) {
X    case 0:				/* uniform random */
X	ydist = xdist = 0;
X	if (inumstars < 700 && !rand_mod(3-(inumstars<50))) {
X	    ydist = xdist = 6;		/* well, maybe not so random */
X	    y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
X	    x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
X	    if (rand_mod(2))
X		walksplit = inumstars/(exdis(40)+1);
X	}
X	if (debugging)
X	    printf(" R\r\n");
X	break;
X    case 1: case 2:	/* clumped, maybe skewed, maybe superposed */
X	ydist = rand_mod(4);
X	xdist = rand_mod(2);
X	if (debugging)
X	    printf("%s\r\n",distname[ydist+4*xdist]);
X	yoff = rand_mod(YSIZE);
X	xoff = rand_mod(XSIZE);
X	if (dist == 2)
X	    dist = numstars/2 + exdis(numstars/2) - exdis(numstars/2);
X	else
X	    dist = 0;
X	break;
X    case 3: case 4:			/* predefined or residual */
X      scenario_again:
X	if (debugging)
X	    printf(" P\r\n");
X	dist = 0;
X	Sprintf(spbuf,"smap.%d",
X	    (prescene>=0?prescene:rand_mod(MAPS)) );
X	if ((mapfp = fopen(spbuf,"r")) != NULL &&
X	    fgets(spbuf,10,mapfp) != NULL ) {
X	    inumstars = numstars = atoi(spbuf);
X	    if (inumenemies+inumstars > YSIZE*XSIZE-20)
X		inumstars = numstars = YSIZE*XSIZE-20 - inumenemies;
X	    ydist = rand_mod(2) + 4;	/* flip y axis? */
X	    xdist = rand_mod(2) + 4;	/* flip x axis? */
X	    yoff = rand_mod(YSIZE);	/* how much to shift y */
X	    xoff = rand_mod(XSIZE);	/* how much to shift x */
X	}
X	else {
X	    prespec = FALSE;
X	    prescene = -1;
X	    if (rand_mod(2))
X		goto scenario_again;
X	    goto stars_again;
X	}
X	break;
X    }
X    for (i = 1; i <= numstars; i++) {
X	if (dist && i == dist) {	/* flip to another skewing? */
X	    ydist = rand_mod(4);
X	    xdist = rand_mod(2);
X	    if (!rand_mod(4)) {
X		ydist = xdist = 6;
X		if (debugging)
X		    printf("&\r\n");
X	    }
X	    else if (debugging)
X		printf("%s\r\n",distname[ydist+4*xdist]);
X	    yoff = rand_mod(YSIZE);
X	    xoff = rand_mod(XSIZE);
X	    dist = 0;
X	}
X	do {				/* until an open spot found */
X	    switch (xdist) {
X	    case 0:
X		x = rand_mod(XSIZE);	/* pick from 0..39, uniform */
X		break;
X	    case 1: case 2: case 3:
X#ifndef lint
X		x = (int)((((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND)) *
X		           ((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND))/RANDRAND)
X			  * 20.0) + xoff;	/* pick from -20..20, clumped */
X		break;
X	    case 4:
X		if (fscanf(mapfp,"%d %d\n",&ypred,&xpred) == EOF)
X		    ydist = xdist = 0;
X		x = xpred + xoff;
X		break;
X	    case 5:
X		if (fscanf(mapfp,"%d %d\n",&ypred,&xpred) == EOF)
X		    ydist = xdist = 0;
X		x = -xpred + xoff;
X		break;
X	    case 6:
X		x += rand_mod(3) - 1;
X		break;
X	    }
X	    switch (ydist) {
X	    case 0:
X		y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
X		break;
X	    case 1:
X#ifndef lint
X		y = (int)((((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND)) *
X		           ((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND))/RANDRAND)
X			  * 12.0) + yoff;	/* pick from -12..12, clumped */
X		break;
X	    case 2:
X#ifndef lint
X		y = (int)((((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND)) *
X		           ((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND))/RANDRAND)
X			  * 12.0) + yoff + x*YSIZE/XSIZE;
X				 		/* clumped & skewed */
X		break;
X	    case 3:
X#ifndef lint
X		y = (int)((((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND)) *
X		           ((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND))/RANDRAND)
X			  * 12.0) + yoff - x*YSIZE/XSIZE;
X						/* clumped & skewed */
X		break;
X	    case 4:
X		y = ypred + yoff;
X		break;
X	    case 5:
X		y = -ypred + yoff;
X		break;
X	    case 6:
X		y += rand_mod(3) - 1;
X#ifdef lint
X		walksplit = walksplit;
X		if (!rand_mod(walksplit)) {
X		    y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
X		    x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
X		}
X		break;
X	    }
X	    while (x<0) x += XSIZE00;
X	    while (y<0) y += YSIZE00;
X	    x %= XSIZE;
X	    y %= YSIZE;
X	} while (occupant[y][x]);
X	e = rand_mod(32768);
X	if (--inhabjackpot > 0 || e >= inhenergy) {
X	    ch = '@';
X	    if (inhabjackpot && e < 10000)
X		e += 10000;
X	    inuminhab = ++numinhab;
X	}
X	else {
X	    ch = '*';
X	}
X	obj = make_object(Star,ch,y,x,0,0,e+rand_mod(super*100+1),e/4,&root);
X	obj->flags |= STATIC;
X    }
X    if (inumstars > 30 && inhabjackpot <= 0 &&
X	 !rand_mod(3 - (inumstars > 400) - (inhenergy > 32768)) ) {
X	int initx;
X	int inity;
X	x = initx = obj->posx;
X	y = inity = obj->posy;
X	while (rand_mod(2) && inuminhab < inumstars/2) {
X	    for (i=rand_mod(smarts)*2+20; i; i--) {
X		if ((obj = occupant[y][x]) && obj->image == '*') {
X		    setimage(obj,'@');
X		    if (obj->energy < 10000)
X			obj->energy += 20000; /* the benefits of civilization */
X		    inuminhab = ++numinhab;
X		}
X		if (i&15) {
X		    y = (y + rand_mod(3) + YSIZE99) % YSIZE;
X		    x = (x + rand_mod(3) + XSIZE99) % XSIZE;
X		}
X		else {			/* don't wander too far */
X		    y = inity;
X		    x = initx;
X		}
X	    }
X	    x = initx = rand_mod(XSIZE);
X	    y = inity = rand_mod(YSIZE);
X	}
X    }
X    if (mapfp != NULL)
X	Fclose(mapfp);
X    if (numcrushes) {
X	do {
X	    x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
X	    y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
X	} while (occupant[y][x]);
X	movers = make_object(Crusher,'<',y,x,0,1,32767L,32768L,&root);
X	possiblescore += 10000;
X    }
X    ient = (numents != 0);
X    if (ient) {
X	do {
X	    x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
X	    y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
X	} while (occupant[y][x]);
X	e = entmax;
X	ent = make_object(Enterprise,'E',y,x,0,0,e,e/2,&root);
X	if (!movers)
X	    movers = ent;
X    }
X    ibase = (numbases != 0);
X    if (ibase) {
X	e = 52-super;
X	do {
X	    x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
X	    y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
X	} while (occupant[y][x] || lookaround(y,x,Star) * 7 < e--);
X	e = basemax;
X	base = make_object(Base, 'B',y,x,0,0,e,e/4,&root);
X	if (!movers)
X	    movers = base;
X    }
X    if (numamoebas) {
X	do {
X	    x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
X	    y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
X	} while (occupant[y][x]);
X	nuke = make_object(Enemy,'&',y,x,0,0,32767L,
X	  (long)entmax+entmax+rand_mod(entmax),&root);
X	possiblescore += 10000;
X	amb[y][x] = '~';
X	if (rand_mod(2))
X	    modify_amoeba(y,x,2,'~',(int)rand_mod(smarts<<1));/* just make blob */
X	else {
X	    for (i=smarts/10+1; i; i--) {
X		nuke->strategy = rand_mod(256);		/* random direction */
X		modify_amoeba(y,x,2,'~',(int)rand_mod(5));
X		modify_amoeba(y,x,2,'~',(int)rand_mod(5));
X		modify_amoeba(y,x,2,'~',(int)rand_mod(5));
X		modify_amoeba(y,x,2,'~',(int)rand_mod(5));	/* extend pseudopod */
X	    }
X	}
X	if (!enemies)
X	    enemies = nuke;
X	if (!movers)
X	    movers = nuke;
X    }
X    if (rand_mod(27-sm50/2) && !romspec && !gornspec)
X	dist = 27-sm50/2;
X    else
X	dist = rand_mod(4) + 1;
X    for (i = 1+inumcrushes+inumamoebas; i <= numenemies; i++) {
X	do {
X	    x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
X	    y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
X	} while (occupant[y][x]);
X	if (rand_mod(dist)) {
X	    if (!tholspec && !tmptholspec && rand_mod((inumstars*3)/sm50+2))
X		ch = 'K';
X	    else {
X		ch = 'T';
X		inumthols++;
X	    }
X	}
X	else {
X	    if (romspec == gornspec)
X		e = 50;
X	    else if (gornspec)
X		e = 10;
X	    else
X		e = 90;
X	    if (rand_mod(100) < e) {
X		ch = 'R';
X		inumroms++;
X	    }
X	    else {
X		ch = 'G';
X		inumgorns++;
X	    }
X	}
X	if (possiblescore > ENTBOUNDARY - 10000)
X	    e = (ENTBOUNDARY - possiblescore) / 5;
X	else
X	    e = 250 + (sm50-1) * 30 * 20 / numenemies+1;
X#ifndef lint
X	e = exdis((int)e) + e - exdis((int)e);
X	obj = make_object(Enemy,ch,y,x,0,0,
X	    e + rand_mod(super*200+2) + 10000*massacre,e/4,&root);
X	e /= 4;
X	switch (ch) {
X	case 'K':
X	    possiblescore += e;
X	    break;
X	case 'T':
X	    possiblescore += e*3/2;
X	    break;
X	case 'G':
X	    possiblescore += e*2;
X	    break;
X	case 'R':
X	    possiblescore += e*3;
X	    obj->flags |= CLOAKS;
X	    break;
X	}
X	if (!enemies)
X	    enemies = obj;
X	if (!movers)
X	    movers = obj;
X    }
X    numgorns = inumgorns;
X    for (i=0; i<numfriends; i++) {
X	do {
X	    x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
X	    y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
X	} while (occupant[y][x]);
X	e = 250 + (sm50-1) * 30 * 20 / numenemies+1;
X#ifndef lint
X	e = exdis((int)e) + e - exdis((int)e);
X	{
X	    static char let[] = "QWYUISDHJLZVMFFFFFFFFF";
X	    dist = rand_mod(20);
X	    ch = let[dist];
X	}		/* grr, venix doesn't like indexing into string */
X	obj = make_object(Enemy,ch,y,x,0,0,
X	    e + rand_mod(super*200+2),e/4,&root);
X	if (numpirates-- > 0) {
X	    obj->flags |= PIRATE;
X	    if (smarts >= 20 && !rand_mod(10-smarts/10))
X		obj->flags |= CLOAKS;
X	}
X	obj->flags |= FRIENDLY;
X	if (!enemies)
X	    enemies = obj;
X	if (!movers)
X	    movers = obj;
X    }
X    if (!movers)
X	movers = &root;
X    if (!enemies)
X	enemies = &root;
X    if (ent)
X	mvaddch(ent->posy+1, ent->posx*2, ent->image);
X    if (base)
X	mvaddch(base->posy+1, base->posx*2, base->image);
X    sleep(2);
X    {
X	Reg7 OBJECT *curobj;
X	for (curobj = root.next; curobj != &root; curobj = curobj->next) {
X	    mvaddch(curobj->posy+1, curobj->posx*2, curobj->image);
X	}
X    }
X    for (i=0;i<2;i++) for (y=0;y<3;y++) for (x=0;x<3;x++) 
X    isatorp[i][y][x]=0;
X    whenok = 0;
X    timer = 0;
X    finish = 0;
X    bombed_out = FALSE;
X    if (ent)
X	entmode = status = 0;
X    else
X	if (base)
X	    status = 2;
X	else
X	    status = 3;
X    Sprintf(spbuf,
X    "%-4s E: %4d %2d B: %5d %3d Enemies: %-3d Stars: %-3d Stardate%5d.%1d %9ld",
X	"   ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, smarts * 100, 0, 0L);
X    mvaddstr(0,0,spbuf);
X    oldeenergy = oldbenergy = oldcurscore =
X    oldstatus = oldetorp = oldbtorp = oldstrs = oldenemies = -1;
X					/* force everything to fill in */
X    damage = olddamage = 0;
X    for (i=0; i<MAXDAMAGE; i++)
X	damflag[i] = 0;
X    btorp = 500;
X    etorp = 50;
echo ""
echo "End of kit 3 (of 7)"
cat /dev/null >kit3isdone
for iskit in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do
    if test -f kit${iskit}isdone; then
	echo "You have run kit ${iskit}."
	echo "You still need to run kit ${iskit}."
case $config in
	echo "You have run all your kits.  Please read README and then type Configure."
	chmod 755 Configure
: Someone might mail this, so...