[comp.sources.games] v05i025: omega2 - rogue like dungeon exploration

games@tekred.TEK.COM (07/26/88)

Submitted by: "Laurence R. Brothers" <brothers@paul.rutgers.edu>
Comp.sources.games: Volume 5, Issue 25
Archive-name: omega2/Part15

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 15 (of 19)."
# Contents:  ochar.c ocom1.c oetc.c ohelp11.txt opriest.c
# Wrapped by billr@saab on Wed Jul 13 10:46:57 1988
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'ochar.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'ochar.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'ochar.c'\" \(13387 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'ochar.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* omega copyright (C) by Laurence Raphael Brothers, 1987,1988 */
X/* ochar.c */
X/* Player generation */
X#include "oglob.h"
X/* set player to begin with */
Xvoid initplayer()
X   int i;
X   int oldchar=FALSE;
X   FILE *fd;
X   strcpy(Player.name,getlogin());
X   Player.itemweight = 0;
X   Player.food = 36; 
X   Player.packptr = 0;
X   Player.options = 0;
X   for (i=0;i<MAXITEMS;i++)
X     Player.possessions[i] = NULL;
X   for (i=0;i<MAXPACK;i++)
X     Player.pack[i] = NULL;
X   for (i=0;i<NUMIMMUNITIES;i++) Player.immunity[i] = 0;
X   for (i=0;i<NUMSTATI;i++) Player.status[i] = 0;
X   for (i=0;i<NUMRANKS;i++) {
X     Player.rank[i] = 0;
X     Player.guildxp[i] = 0;
X   }
X   Player.alignment = 0;
X   Player.cash = 250;
X   if ((fd=omegarc_check())!=NULL) {
X     fread((char *)&i,sizeof(int),1,fd);
X     if (i != VERSION) {
X       print1("Out of date .omegarc! Make another!");
X       morewait();
X     }
X     else {
X       oldchar = TRUE;
X       fread((char *)&Player,sizeof(Player),1,fd);
X       fread((char *)&Searchnum,sizeof(int),1,fd);
X       fread((char *)&Verbosity,sizeof(char),1,fd);
X       strcpy(Player.name,getlogin());
X     }
X     fclose(fd);
X   }
X   if (! oldchar) {
X     initstats();
X     optionset(RUNSTOP);
X     optionset(CONFIRM);
X   }
X   Searchnum = max(1,min(9,Searchnum));
X   Player.hp = Player.maxhp = Player.maxcon;
X   calc_melee();
X   Player.mana = Player.maxmana = calcmana();
X   Player.click = 1;
X   strcpy(Player.meleestr,"CCBC");
X   dataprint();
X }
XFILE *omegarc_check()
X  FILE *fd;
X  strcpy(Str3,".omegarc");
X  if ((fd = fopen(Str3,"r")) != NULL) {
X    print2("Use .omegarc in wd? [yn] ");
X    if (ynq2()!='y') fd = NULL;
X  }
X  clearmsg();
X  return(fd);
Xvoid initstats()
X  char response;
X  print1("Do you want to run a character [c] or play yourself [p]?");
X  do response = mcigetc(); while ((response!='c')&&(response != 'p'));
X  if (response == 'c') omegan_character_stats();
X  else {
X    user_character_stats();
X    user_intro();
X    print1("Do you want to save this set-up to .omegarc in this wd? [yn] ");
X    if (ynq1()=='y')
X      save_omegarc();
X  }
X  xredraw();
Xvoid save_omegarc()
X  FILE *fd = fopen(".omegarc","w");
X  int i=VERSION;
X  if (fd == NULL)
X    print1("Sorry, couldn't save .omegarc for some reason.");
X  else {
X    fwrite((char *)&i,sizeof(int),1,fd);
X    print1("First, set options.");
X    setoptions();
X    fwrite((char *)&Player,sizeof(Player),1,fd);
X    fwrite((char *)&Searchnum,sizeof(int),1,fd);
X    fwrite((char *)&Verbosity,sizeof(char),1,fd);
X    fclose(fd);
X  }
Xint calcmana()
X  return(Player.pow * (Player.level+1));
X/*  npcbehavior digits 1234
X4 : alignment (LAWFUL,CHAOTIC, or NEUTRAL)
X3 : primary combat action (melee,missile,spell,thief,flight,1..5)
X2 : competence at 4 (0..9, 0 = incompetent, 9 = masterful)
X1 : conversation mode
Xstatus : 1 = dead, 2 = saved, 3 = retired
Xint fixnpc(status)
Xint status;
X  int npcbehavior=0;
X  char response;
X  if (status == 1) { /* player is dead, all undead are chaotic */
X    npcbehavior+=CHAOTIC;
X    npcbehavior+=10; /* melee */
X    npcbehavior+=100*min(9,((int) (Player.level/3)));
X    npcbehavior+=3000; /* evil */
X  }
X  else {
X    clearmsg();
X    print1("NPC Behavior Determination Module");
X    menuclear();
X    menuprint("Your overall NPC behavior is:");
X    if (Player.alignment < -10) {
X      npcbehavior += CHAOTIC;
X      menuprint("\n\n CHAOTIC");
X    }
X    else if (Player.alignment > 10) {
X      npcbehavior += LAWFUL;
X      menuprint("\n\n LAWFUL");
X    }
X    else {
X      npcbehavior += NEUTRAL;
X      menuprint("\n\n NEUTRAL");
X    }
X    menuprint("\n\n1: hand-to-hand combat");
X    menuprint("\n2: missile combat");
X    menuprint("\n3: spellcasting");
X    menuprint("\n4: thieving");
X    menuprint("\n5: escape");
X    menuprint("\n\nEnter NPC response to combat: ");
X    response = '0';
X    while ((response != '1') && 
X	   (response != '2') &&
X	   (response != '3') &&
X	   (response != '4') &&
X	   (response != '5'))
X      response = menugetc();
X    menuaddch(response);
X    npcbehavior+=10*(response - '0');
X    npcbehavior+=100*competence_check(response-'0');
X    response = '0';
X    menuclear();
X    menuprint("1: threaten");
X    menuprint("\n2: greet");
X    menuprint("\n3: aid");
X    menuprint("\n4: beg");
X    menuprint("\n5: silence");
X    menuprint("\n\nEnter NPC response to conversation: ");
X    while ((response != '1') && 
X	   (response != '2') &&
X	   (response != '3') &&
X	   (response != '4') &&
X	   (response != '5'))
X      response = menugetc();
X    menuaddch(response);
X    npcbehavior+=1000*(response - '0');
X    xredraw();
X  }
X    return(npcbehavior);
X/* estimates on a 0..9 scale how good a player is at something */
Xint competence_check(attack)
Xint attack;  
X  int ability = 0;
X  switch(attack) {
X  case 1: /* melee */
X    ability += statmod(Player.str);
X  case 2: /* missle */
X    ability += statmod(Player.dex);
X    ability += Player.rank[LEGION];
X    ability += ((int) (Player.dmg / 10) - 1);
X    break;
X  case 3: /* spellcasting */
X    ability += statmod(Player.iq);
X    ability += statmod(Player.pow);
X    ability += Player.rank[CIRCLE];
X    ability += Player.rank[COLLEGE];
X    ability += Player.rank[PRIEST];
X    break;
X  case 4: /* thieving */
X    ability += statmod(Player.dex);
X    ability += statmod(Player.agi);
X    ability += Player.rank[THIEVES];
X    break;
X  case 5: /* escape */
X    ability += 2 * statmod(Player.agi);
X    break;
X  }
X  ability += ((int) (Player.level / 5));
X  if (ability < 0) ability = 0;
X  if (ability > 9) ability = 9;
X  return(ability);
Xvoid user_character_stats()
X  int num,iqpts=0,numints=0,ok,agipts=0,dexpts=0,powpts=0,conpts=0;
X  print1("OK, now try to answer honestly the following questions:");
X  morewait();
X  print1("How many pounds can you bench press? ");
X  num = parsenum();
X  if (num < 30) Player.str = Player.maxstr = 3;
X  else if (num < 90) Player.str = Player.maxstr = num/10;
X  else Player.str = Player.maxstr = 9+((num-120)/30);
X  if (Player.str > 18) {
X    print2("Even if it's true, I don't believe it.");
X    morewait();
X    clearmsg();
X    Player.str = Player.maxstr = 18;
X  }
X  print1("Took an official IQ test? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    print1("So, whadja get? ");
X    num = parsenum()/10;
X    if (num > 18) {
X      print2("Even if it's true, I don't believe it.");
X      morewait();
X      clearmsg();
X      num = 18;
X    }
X    iqpts+=num;
X    numints++;
X  }
X  print1("Took Undergraduate entrance exams? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    do {
X      print1("So, what percentile? ");
X      num = parsenum();
X      ok = (num < 100);
X      if (! ok) {
X	print2("That's impossible!");
X	morewait();
X	clearmsg();
X      }
X    } while (! ok);
X    iqpts += (int) ((((num - 49)/50.0)*9)+9);
X    numints++;
X  }
X  print1("Took Graduate entrance exams? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    do {
X      print1("So, what percentile? ");
X      num = parsenum();
X      ok = (num < 100);
X      if (! ok) {
X	print2("That's impossible!");
X	morewait();
X	clearmsg();
X      }
X    } while (! ok);
X    iqpts += (int) ((((num - 49)/50.0)*9)+9);
X    numints++;
X  }
X  if (numints == 0) {
X    print1("Pretty dumb, aren't you? [yn] ");
X    if (ynq1()=='y') {
X      Player.iq = random_range(3)+3;      
X      print2("I thought so....");
X    }
X    else {
X      Player.iq = random_range(6)+8;
X      print2("Well, not *that* dumb.");
X    }
X    morewait();
X    clearmsg();
X  }
X  else Player.iq = iqpts/numints;
X  Player.maxiq = Player.iq;
X  agipts = 0;
X  print1("Can you dance? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    agipts++;
X    nprint1(" Well? [yn] ");
X    if (ynq1()=='y') agipts+=2;
X  }
X  print1("Do you have training in a martial art or gymnastics? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    agipts+=2;
X    print2("Do you have dan rank or equivalent? [yn] ");
X    if (ynq2()=='y') agipts+=4;
X  }
X  clearmsg();
X  print1("Do you play some field sport? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    agipts++;
X    nprint1(" Are you good? [yn] ");
X    if (ynq1()=='y') agipts++;
X  }
X  print1("Do you cave, mountaineer, etc.? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y')
X    agipts+=3;
X  print1("Do you skate or ski? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    agipts+=2;
X    nprint1(" Well? [yn] ");
X    if (ynq1()=='y') agipts+=2;
X  }
X  print1("Are you physically handicapped? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y')
X    agipts-=4;
X  print1("Are you accident prone? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y')
X    agipts-=4;
X  print1("Can you use a bicycle? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()!='y')
X    agipts-=4;
X  Player.agi = Player.maxagi = 9 + agipts/2;
X  print1("Do you play video games? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    dexpts+=2;
X    print2("Do you get high scores? [yn] ");
X    if (ynq2()=='y') dexpts+=4;
X  }
X  clearmsg();
X  print1("Are you an archer, fencer, or marksman? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    dexpts+=2;
X    print2("A good one? [yn] ");
X    if (ynq2()=='y') dexpts+=4;
X  }
X  clearmsg();
X  print1("Have you ever picked a lock? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    dexpts+=2;
X    print2("Really. Well, the police are being notified.");
X  }
X  morewait();
X  clearmsg();
X  print1("What's your typing speed (words per minute) ");
X  num = parsenum();
X  if (num > 125) {
X    print2("Tell me another one....");
X    morewait();
X    clearmsg();
X    num = 125;
X  }
X  dexpts += num/25;
X  print1("Hold your arm out. Tense your fist. Hand shaking? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y')
X    dexpts-=3;
X  print1("Ambidextrous, are you? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y')
X    dexpts+=4;
X  print1("Can you cut a deck of cards with one hand? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y')
X    dexpts+=2;
X  print1("Can you tie your shoes blindfolded? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()!='y')
X    dexpts-=3;
X  Player.dex = Player.maxdex = 6 + dexpts/2;
X  print1("Do you ever get colds? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()!='y') 
X    conpts+=4;
X  else {
X    nprint1(" Frequently? [yn] ");
X    if (ynq1() == 'y') conpts -=4;
X  }
X  print1("Had any serious accident or illness this year? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') conpts -=4;
X  else conpts +=4;
X  print1("Have a chronic disease? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1() =='y') conpts -=4;
X  print1("Overweight or underweight by more than 20 percent? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1() =='y') conpts -=2;
X  print1("High Blood Pressure? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1() =='y') conpts -=2;
X  print1("Smoke? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1() =='y') conpts -=3;
X  print1("Take aerobics classes? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1() =='y') conpts +=2;
X  print1("How many miles can you run? ");
X  num = parsenum();
X  if (num > 25) {
X    print2("Right. Sure. Give me a break.");
X    morewait();
X    clearmsg();
X    conpts += 8;
X  }
X  else if (num < 1) conpts -= 3;
X  else if (num < 5) conpts += 2;
X  else if (num < 10) conpts += 4;
X  else conpts += 8;
X  Player.con = Player.maxcon = 12 + conpts/3;
X  print1("Do animals react oddly to your presence? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    print2("How curious that must be.");
X    morewait();
X    clearmsg();
X    powpts += 2;
X  }
X  print1("Can you see auras? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    nprint1(" How strange.");
X    morewait();
X    powpts += 3;
X  }
X  print1("Ever have an out-of-body experience? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    print2("Wow, man. Fly the friendly skies....");
X    morewait();
X    clearmsg();
X    powpts += 3;
X  }
X  print1("Did you ever cast a spell? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    powpts += 3;
X    nprint1(" Did it work? [yn] ");
X    if (ynq1()=='y') {
X      powpts+=7;
X      print2("Sure it did.");
X      morewait();
X      clearmsg();
X    }
X  }
X  print1("Do you have ESP? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    powpts += 3;
X    print2("Yeah, tell me more.");
X    morewait();
X    clearmsg();
X  }
X  print1("Do you have PK? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    powpts+= 6;
X    print2("I can't tell you how much that moves me.");
X    morewait();
X    clearmsg();
X  }
X  print1("Do you believe in ghosts? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    powpts+=2;
X    print2("I do! I do! I do believe in ghosts!");
X    morewait();
X    clearmsg();
X  }
X  print1("Are you Irish? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq1()=='y') {
X    powpts+=2;
X    nprint1(" Is that blarney or what?");
X    morewait();
X  }
X  Player.pow = Player.maxpow = 3 + powpts/2;
X  print1("What is your sexual preference? [mf] ");
X  do Player.preference = mcigetc();
X  while ((Player.preference != 'm') && (Player.preference != 'f'));
Xvoid omegan_character_stats()
X  int share1,share2,i=0;
X  print1("To reroll hit ESCAPE; hit any other key to accept these stats.");
X  print2("You have only 10 chances to reroll....");
X  do {
X    i++;
X    Player.iq = Player.maxiq = 4 + random_range(5)+
X      (share1 = random_range(6)) + (share2 = random_range(6));
X    Player.pow = Player.maxpow = 4 + random_range(5) + share1 +share2;
X    Player.dex = Player.maxdex = 4 + random_range(5)+
X      (share1 = random_range(6)) + (share2 = random_range(6));
X    Player.agi = Player.maxagi = 4 + random_range(5) + share1 +share2;
X    Player.str = Player.maxstr = 4 + random_range(5)+
X      (share1 = random_range(6)) + (share2 = random_range(6));
X    Player.con = Player.maxcon = 4 + random_range(5) + share1 +share2;
X    Player.cash = random_range(100)+random_range(100)+
X      random_range(100)+random_range(100)+random_range(100);
X    calc_melee();
X    dataprint();
X  } while ((i < 11) && (mgetc() == ESCAPE));
X  clearmsg();
X  print1("Please enter your character's name: ");
X  strcpy(Player.name,msgscanstring());
X  print1("What is your character's sexual preference? [mf] ");
X  do Player.preference = mcigetc();
X  while ((Player.preference != 'm') && (Player.preference != 'f'));
if test 13387 -ne `wc -c <'ochar.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'ochar.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'ochar.c'
if test -f 'ocom1.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'ocom1.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'ocom1.c'\" \(9308 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'ocom1.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* omega copyright (C) by Laurence Raphael Brothers, 1987,1988 */
X/* ocom1.c */
X/* This file has the two toplevel command scanners, p_process,
Xwhich works everywhere but the countryside, and p_couyntry_process,
Xwhich works.... */
X#include "oglob.h"
X/* deal with a new player command in dungeon or city mode*/
Xvoid p_process()
X  static int searchval=0;
X  if (Player.status[BERSERK]) 
X    if (goberserk()) {
X    setgamestatus(SKIP_PLAYER);
X    drawvision();
X  }
X  if (! gamestatusp(SKIP_PLAYER)) {
X    if (searchval > 0) {
X      searchval--;
X      if (searchval == 0) resetgamestatus(FAST_MOVE);
X    }
X    drawvision(Player.x,Player.y);
X    if (! gamestatusp(FAST_MOVE)) {
X      searchval = 0;
X      Cmd = mgetc();
X      clear_if_necessary();
X    }
X    Command_Duration = 0;
X    switch (Cmd) {
X    case ' ': 
X    case 13: setgamestatus(SKIP_MONSTERS); break; /*no op on space or return*/
X    case 6: abortshadowform(); break; /* ^f */
X    case 7: wizard(); break; /* ^g */
X    case 9: display_pack(); morewait(); xredraw(); break; /* ^i */
X    case 11: if (gamestatusp(CHEATED)) frobgamestatus();
X    case 12: xredraw(); setgamestatus(SKIP_MONSTERS); break; /* ^l */
X    case 16: bufferprint(); setgamestatus(SKIP_MONSTERS); break; /* ^p */ 
X    case 18: redraw();  setgamestatus(SKIP_MONSTERS); break; /* ^r */
X    case 23: if (gamestatusp(CHEATED)) drawscreen();  break; /* ^w */
X    case 24: /* ^x */ 
X      if (gamestatusp(CHEATED) || 
X	  Player.rank[ADEPT]) 
X	wish(1);
X      Command_Duration = 5;
X      break;
X    case 'a': zapwand();
X      Command_Duration =((int) 8.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case 'c': closedoor();  
X      Command_Duration =((int) 2.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case 'd': drop();
X      Command_Duration =((int) 5.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case 'e': eat();
X      Command_Duration = 30;
X      break;
X    case 'f': fire();
X      Command_Duration =((int) 5.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case 'g': pickup();
X      Command_Duration =((int) 10.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case 'i': 
X      if (optionp(TOPINV)) top_inventory_control();
X      else {
X	menuclear();
X	display_possessions();
X	inventory_control();
X      }
X      break;
X    case 'm': magic();
X      Command_Duration = 12;
X      break;
X    case 'o': opendoor();
X      Command_Duration =((int) 5.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case 'p': pickpocket();
X      Command_Duration =((int) 20.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case 'q': quaff();
X      Command_Duration = 10;
X      break;
X    case 'r': peruse();
X      Command_Duration = 20;
X      break;
X    case 's': search(&searchval);
X      Command_Duration = 20;
X      break;
X    case 't': talk();
X      Command_Duration = 10;
X      break;
X    case 'v': vault();
X      Command_Duration =((int) 10.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case 'x': examine();
X      Command_Duration = 1;
X      break;
X    case 'z': bash_location();
X      Command_Duration =((int) 10.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case 'A': activate();
X      Command_Duration = 10;
X      break;
X    case 'C': callitem();
X      break;
X    case 'D': disarm();
X      Command_Duration = 30;
X      break;
X    case 'E': dismount_steed();
X      Command_Duration =((int) 10.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case 'F': tacoptions();
X      break;
X    case 'G': give();
X      Command_Duration = 10;
X      break;
X    case 'I':
X      if (! optionp(TOPINV)) top_inventory_control();
X      else {
X	menuclear();
X	display_possessions();
X	inventory_control();
X      }
X      break;
X    case 'M': city_move();
X      Command_Duration = 10;
X      break;
X    case 'O': setoptions();
X      break;
X    case 'P': show_license();
X      break; /* actually show_license is in ofile */
X    case 'Q': quit(); 
X      break;
X    case 'R': rename_player();
X      break;
X    case 'S': save(TRUE); 
X      break;
X    case 'T': tunnel(); 
X      Command_Duration = ((int) 30.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case 'V': version(); 
X      break;
X    case 'Z': bash_item();
X      Command_Duration =((int) 10.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case '.': rest();
X      Command_Duration = 10;
X      break;
X    case ',': 
X      Command_Duration = 10;
X      nap();
X      break;
X    case '>': 
X      downstairs();
X      break;
X    case '<':
X      upstairs();
X      break;
X    case '@': 
X      p_movefunction(Level->site[Player.x][Player.y].p_locf);
X      Command_Duration = 5; 
X      break;
X    case '/': charid(); setgamestatus(SKIP_MONSTERS);
X      break;
X    case '?': help(); setgamestatus(SKIP_MONSTERS);
X      break;
X    case '4':	       
X    case 'h': moveplayer(-1,0);
X      Command_Duration =((int) 5.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case '2':
X    case 'j': moveplayer(0,1);  
X      Command_Duration =((int) 5.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case '8':
X    case 'k': moveplayer(0,-1);
X      Command_Duration =((int) 5.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case '6':
X    case 'l': moveplayer(1,0);
X      Command_Duration =((int) 5.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case '1':
X    case 'b': moveplayer(-1,1);
X      Command_Duration =((int) 5.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case '3':	      
X    case 'n': moveplayer(1,1); 
X      Command_Duration =((int) 5.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case '7':
X    case 'y': moveplayer(-1,-1);  
X      Command_Duration =((int) 5.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case '9':
X    case 'u': moveplayer(1,-1);  
X      Command_Duration =((int) 5.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case '5': 
X      setgamestatus(SKIP_MONSTERS); /* don't do anything; a dummy turn */
X      Cmd = mgetc();
X      while ((Cmd != ESCAPE) &&
X	     ((Cmd < '1') || (Cmd > '9') || (Cmd=='5'))) {
X	print3("Run in keypad direction [ESCAPE to abort]: ");
X	Cmd = mgetc();
X      }
X      if (Cmd != ESCAPE) setgamestatus(FAST_MOVE);
X      break;
X    case 'H': setgamestatus(FAST_MOVE); Cmd = 'h'; moveplayer(-1,0);
X      Command_Duration =((int) 4.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break; 
X    case 'J': setgamestatus(FAST_MOVE); Cmd = 'j'; moveplayer(0,1);
X      Command_Duration =((int) 4.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;  
X    case 'K': setgamestatus(FAST_MOVE); Cmd = 'k'; moveplayer(0,-1);
X      Command_Duration =((int) 4.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break; 
X    case 'L': setgamestatus(FAST_MOVE); Cmd = 'l'; moveplayer(1,0);
X      Command_Duration =((int) 4.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;  
X    case 'B': setgamestatus(FAST_MOVE); Cmd = 'b'; moveplayer(-1,1);
X      Command_Duration =((int) 4.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break; 
X    case 'N': setgamestatus(FAST_MOVE); Cmd = 'n'; moveplayer(1,1);
X      Command_Duration =((int) 4.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;  
X    case 'Y': setgamestatus(FAST_MOVE); Cmd = 'y'; moveplayer(-1,-1);  
X      Command_Duration =((int) 4.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    case 'U': setgamestatus(FAST_MOVE); Cmd = 'u'; moveplayer(1,-1);
X      Command_Duration =((int) 4.0*Player.speed/5.0); 
X      break;
X    default: commanderror();  setgamestatus(SKIP_MONSTERS); break;
X    }
X  }
X  if (Current_Environment != E_COUNTRYSIDE) roomcheck();
X  screencheck(Player.y);
X/* deal with a new player command in countryside mode */
Xvoid p_country_process()
X  int no_op;
X  drawvision(Player.x,Player.y);
X  do {
X    no_op = FALSE;
X    Cmd = mgetc();
X    clear_if_necessary();
X    switch (Cmd) {
X    case ' ': 
X    case 13: no_op = TRUE; break;
X    case 7: wizard(); break; /* ^g */
X    case 14: xredraw(); no_op = TRUE; break; /* ^l */
X    case 16: bufferprint(); no_op = TRUE; break; /* ^p */ 
X    case 18: redraw(); no_op = TRUE; break; /* ^r */
X    case 23: if (gamestatusp(CHEATED)) drawscreen();  break; /* ^w */
X    case 24: if (gamestatusp(CHEATED) || 
X		 Player.rank[ADEPT]) wish(1);  break; /* ^x */
X    case 'd': drop();  break;
X    case 'e': eat();  break;
X    case 'i': 
X      if (optionp(TOPINV)) top_inventory_control();
X      else {
X	menuclear();
X	display_possessions();
X	inventory_control();
X      }
X      break;
X    case 's': countrysearch(); break;
X    case 'x': examine(); break;
X    case 'E': dismount_steed(); break;
X    case 'H': hunt(Country[Player.x][Player.y].current_terrain_type); break;
X    case 'I': 
X      if (! optionp(TOPINV)) top_inventory_control();
X      else {
X	menuclear();
X	display_possessions();
X	inventory_control();
X      }
X      break;
X    case 'O': setoptions(); break;
X    case 'P': show_license(); break; /* actually show_license is in ofile */
X    case 'Q': quit(); break;
X    case 'R': rename_player(); break;
X    case 'S': save(TRUE); break;
X    case 'V': version(); break;
X    case '>': 
X      enter_site(Country[Player.x][Player.y].base_terrain_type);
X      break;
X    case '/': charid(); no_op = TRUE; break;
X    case '?': help(); no_op = TRUE; break;
X    case '4':	       
X    case 'h': movepincountry(-1,0);  break;
X    case '2':
X    case 'j': movepincountry(0,1);  break;
X    case '8':
X    case 'k': movepincountry(0,-1);  break;
X    case '6':
X    case 'l': movepincountry(1,0);  break;
X    case '1':
X    case 'b': movepincountry(-1,1);  break;
X    case '3':	      
X    case 'n': movepincountry(1,1);  break;
X    case '7':
X    case 'y': movepincountry(-1,-1);  break;
X    case '9':
X    case 'u': movepincountry(1,-1);  break;
X    default: commanderror();  no_op = TRUE; break;
X    }
X  } while (no_op);
X  screencheck(Player.y);
if test 9308 -ne `wc -c <'ocom1.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'ocom1.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'ocom1.c'
if test -f 'oetc.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'oetc.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'oetc.c'\" \(12947 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'oetc.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* omega copyright (C) by Laurence Raphael Brothers, 1987,1988 */
X/* oetc.c */
X/* grab bag of random functions used in random places */
X#include "oglob.h"
X/* there are various ways for the player to receive one of these hints */
Xvoid hint()
X  switch(random_range(95)) {
X  case 0:mprint("There is an entrance to the sewers in the Garden.");break;
X  case 1:mprint("Statues can be dangerous.");break;
X  case 2:mprint("Unidentified Artifacts can be dangerous.");break;
X  case 3:mprint("The higher form of mercury is desirable.");break;
X  case 4:mprint("A sense of unease is a good thing to have.");break;
X  case 5:mprint("If you dig too much, you might cause a cave in!.");break;
X  case 6:mprint("Be Lawful: Live and Let Live.");break;
X  case 7:mprint("Be Chaotic: Live and Let Die."); break;
X  case 8:mprint("The world doesn't slow down; you speed up.");break;
X  case 9:mprint("Security is a sense of dislocation.");break;
X  case 10:mprint("Tullimore Dew is a panacea.");break;
X  case 11:mprint("Thieves hide behind closed doors.");break;
X  case 12:mprint("`No jail is escapeproof' -- John Dillinger.");break;
X  case 13:mprint("Oh, to have an apartment of your own!");break;
X  case 14:mprint("Some homes have money and treasure.");break;
X  case 15:mprint("Some homes are defended.");break;
X  case 16:mprint("Sometimes you could just wish for Death."); break;
X  case 17:mprint("A cursed wish can be fatal.");break;
X  case 18:mprint("The way you play, you should wish for Skill."); break;
X  case 19:mprint("A druid might wish for Balance."); break;
X  case 20:mprint("Mages always wish for Knowledge.");break;
X  case 21:mprint("Some fairies are good.");break;
X  case 22:mprint("An affair with a demon can be heartbreaking."); break;
X  case 23:mprint("The Explorer's Club knows a useful spell."); break;
X  case 24:mprint("They say some famous people live in mansions."); break;
X  case 25:mprint("Magic pools are totally random."); break;
X  case 26:mprint("There are five elements, including Void."); break;
X  case 27:mprint("Humans can be good or evil, lawful or chaotic."); break;
X  case 28:mprint("There are many kinds of wishes. Case counts, you know.");
X    break;
X  case 29:mprint("There are caves due south of Rampart"); break;
X  case 30:mprint("Donaldson's Giants can withstand lava.");break;
X  case 31:mprint("Ritual magic can have many different effects.");break;
X  case 32:mprint("The Mercenaries are the best equipped fighters."); break;
X  case 33:mprint("The Gladiators are the most skilled fighters."); break;
X  case 34:mprint("Rent a flat and lose any bad stati you may have."); break;
X  case 35:mprint("Some junk may be worth a fortune if identified."); break;
X  case 36:mprint("Identify humans by talking to them."); break;
X  case 37:mprint("They say the Duke has a treasure trove."); break;
X  case 38:mprint("If you yield, your opponent will gain experience."); break;
X  case 39:mprint("The Dragon Lord lives in the Waste of Time."); break;
X  case 40:mprint("A full moon bodes well for the followers of Law."); break;
X  case 41:mprint("A new moon omens evil for the Law-abiding."); break;
X  case 42:mprint("Druids revere the half-moon."); break;
X  case 43:mprint("Most grot is useless."); break;
X  case 44:mprint("Cash can sometimes be found in the walls."); break;
X  case 45:mprint("Pointy weapons break often but dig better."); break;
X  case 46:mprint("The DREADED AQUAE MORTIS is invulnerable."); break;
X  case 47:mprint("There must be *some* reason to worship Destiny!"); break;
X  case 48:mprint("Kill a trifid? A puzzle! Try a saline solution!"); break;
X  case 49:mprint("Beware! The Eater of Souls inhabits the abyss!"); break;
X  case 50:mprint("They say there's a red-light district in town."); break;
X  case 51:mprint("The House of the Eclipse is behind a closed door."); break;
X  case 52:mprint("The Orbs may be encountered on the Astral Plane."); break;
X  case 53:mprint("The Champion should never refuse a challenge."); break;
X  case 54:mprint("They say that the autoteller program is buggy."); break;
X  case 55:mprint("It's better not to sleep on the ground."); break;
X  case 56:mprint("Try ritual magic in different kinds of rooms."); break;
X  case 57:mprint("Breaking down a wall by bashing it is a bad idea!"); break;
X  case 58:mprint("Follow the Oracle's advice; she is all-wise."); break;
X  case 59:mprint("The ArchDruid lives in the northern forest.");break;
X  case 60:mprint("A search of the mountains may reveal a secret pass.");break;
X  case 61:mprint("Star Peak is to the far North-East."); break;
X  case 62:mprint("The Archmage lives in the far North-West beyond a pass.");
X    break;
X  case 63:mprint("There is a volcano in the southern marshes."); break;
X  case 64:mprint("The Demon Emperor resides in the Volcano."); break;
X  case 65:mprint("The Lawgiver can be found at Star Peak."); break;
X  case 66:mprint("The Temple of Athena is to the North-East."); break;
X  case 67:mprint("The Temple of Set can be found in a desert.");break;
X  case 68:mprint("The Temple of Hecate is in the swamp."); break;
X  case 69:mprint("The Temple of Odin is to the South in some mountains.");
X    break;
X  case 70:mprint("There is a curious island off a promontory of the swamp.");
X    break;
X  case 71:mprint("The Eater of Magic can be found on an island.");break;
X  case 72:mprint("The Temple of Destiny is practically inaccessible.");break;
X  case 73:mprint("Each sect has its own main temple outside the city.");break;
X  case 74:mprint("The aligned temples are dangerous to unbelievers.");break;
X  case 75:mprint("If you are poor, maybe you should wish for Wealth.");break;
X  case 76:mprint("Need mana? Wish for Power.");break;
X  case 77:mprint("Wishing for Law, Balance, or Chaos alters alignment.");break;
X  case 78:mprint("Feeling out of sorts? Wish for Health.");break;
X  case 79:mprint("Challenge the abyss at the Temple of Destiny.");break;
X  case 80:mprint("The Circle of Sorcerors has an Astral HQ");break;
X  case 81:mprint("The Star Gem is the only way back from the Astral Plane.");
X    break;
X  case 82:mprint("The Star Gem is guarded by the Circle of Sorcerors.");break;
X  case 83:mprint("The Star Gem is rightfully the property of the LawBringer.");
X    break;
X  case 84:mprint("They say the Demon Emperor owns the Amulet of the Planes.");
X    break;
X  case 85:mprint("An Amulet might get you to the Temple of Destiny.");break;
X  case 86:mprint("A wish for Location might help you become Adept.");break;
X  case 87:mprint("Some Artifacts may be used only once per day.");break;
X  case 88:mprint("Overusing Artifacts can be a bad move."); break;
X  case 89:mprint("You might starve in the Swamp or the Mountains!");break;
X  case 90:mprint("You would have to be very chaotic to attack a guard!");break;
X  case 91:mprint("You would have to be very foolhardy to attack a guard!");
X    break;
X  case 92:mprint("Only a master of chaos would kill all the city guards!");
X    break;
X  case 93:mprint("The Order depends on the force of the LawGiver");break;
X  case 94:mprint("City Guards are employees of the Order");break;
X  }
X/* for when a deity teaches spells to a devotee */
Xvoid learnclericalspells(deity,level)
Xint deity,level;
X  mprint("With your new clerical rank comes knowledge of magic...");
X  Player.pow+=level;
X  Player.maxpow+=level;
X  switch(level) {
X    case LAY: 
X      if (deity==ODIN) 
X	Spells[S_MISSILE].known = TRUE;
X      else if (deity==SET)
X	Spells[S_INVISIBLE].known = TRUE;
X      else if (deity==ATHENA)
X	Spells[S_IDENTIFY].known = TRUE;
X      else if (deity==HECATE)
X	Spells[S_DRAIN].known = TRUE;
X      else if (deity==DRUID) {
X	Spells[S_KNOWLEDGE].known = TRUE;
X	Spells[S_MON_DET].known = TRUE;
X      }
X      break;
X    case ACOLYTE: 
X      if (deity==ODIN) {
X	Spells[S_LBALL].known = TRUE;
X	Spells[S_TRUESIGHT].known = TRUE;
X      }
X      else if (deity==SET) {
X	Spells[S_SUMMON].known = TRUE;
X	Spells[S_FIREBOLT].known = TRUE;
X      }
X      else if (deity==ATHENA) {
X	Spells[S_HEAL].known = TRUE;
X	Spells[S_SANCTUARY].known = TRUE;
X      }
X      else if (deity==HECATE) {
X	Spells[S_SLEEP].known = TRUE;
X	Spells[S_DISPEL].known = TRUE;
X      }
X      else if (deity==DRUID) {
X	Spells[S_HEAL].known = TRUE;
X	Spells[S_CURE].known = TRUE;
X      }
X      else if (deity==DESTINY)
X	mprint("An acolyte of the Lords of Destiny. Gee whiz.");
X      break;
X    case PRIEST: 
X      Spells[S_SANCTIFY].known = TRUE;
X      if (deity==ODIN) {
X	Spells[S_HERO].known = TRUE;
X	Spells[S_HEAL].known = TRUE;
X      }
X      else if (deity==SET) {
X	Spells[S_INVISIBLE].known = TRUE;
X	Spells[S_DISPEL].known = TRUE;
X      }
X      else if (deity==ATHENA) {
X	Spells[S_REGENERATE].known = TRUE;
X	Spells[S_ACCURACY].known = TRUE;
X      }
X      else if (deity==HECATE) {
X	Spells[S_SHADOWFORM].known = TRUE;
X	Spells[S_CURE].known = TRUE;
X      }
X      else if (deity==DRUID) {
X	Spells[S_DISRUPT].known = TRUE;
X	Spells[S_ALERT].known = TRUE;
X	Spells[S_CLAIRVOYANCE].known = TRUE;
X      }
X      else if (deity==DESTINY)
X	mprint("How useless, a new priest of the Lords of Destiny.");
X      break;
X    case SPRIEST:
X      Spells[S_BLESS].known = TRUE;
X      if (deity == ODIN) 
X	Spells[S_ACCURACY].known = TRUE;
X      else if (deity == SET)
X	Spells[S_SHADOWFORM].known = TRUE;
X      else if (deity == ATHENA)
X	Spells[S_HERO].known = TRUE;
X      else if (deity == HECATE)
X	Spells[S_POLYMORPH].known = TRUE;
X      else if (deity == DRUID) {
X	Spells[S_POLYMORPH].known = TRUE;	
X	Spells[S_LEVITATE].known = TRUE;
X      }
X      else if (deity == DESTINY)
X	mprint("Wow, a new senior priest of the Lords of Destiny.");
X      break;
X      if (deity == ODIN)
X	Spells[S_RESTORE].known = TRUE;
X      else if (deity == SET)
X	Spells[S_HELLFIRE].known = TRUE;
X      else if (deity == ATHENA)
X	Spells[S_HELLFIRE].known = TRUE;
X      else if (deity == HECATE)
X	Spells[S_DESECRATE].known = TRUE;
X      else if (deity == DRUID) {
X	Spells[S_DISINTEGRATE].known = TRUE;
X	Spells[S_HERO].known = TRUE;
X      }
X      else if (deity == DESTINY) {
X	mprint("So you're now the high priest of the Lords of Destiny.");
X	mprint("You didn't think you were going to get anything, did you?");
X      }
X    }
X/* for the use of the casino slot machine */
Xchar *slotstr(num)
Xint num;
X  switch(num) {
X  case 0:
X    return("<Slime Mold>");
X    break;
X  case 1:
X    return("<Lemon>");
X    break;
X  case 2:
X    return("<Copper>");
X    break;
X  case 3:
X    return("<Nymph>");
X    break;
X  case 4:
X    return("<Sword>");
X    break;
X  case 5:
X    return("<Shield>");
X    break;
X  case 6:
X    return("<Chest>");
X    break;
X  case 7:
X    return("<Bar>");
X    break;
X  case 8:
X    return("<Orb>");
X    break;
X  case 9:
X    return("<Mithril Nugget>");
X    break;
X  }
X/* random names for various uses */
Xchar *nameprint()
X  switch(random_range(40)) {
X  case 0:strcpy(Str3,"Orion Splash");break;
X  case 1:strcpy(Str3,"Gorgar");break;
X  case 2:strcpy(Str3,"Hieronymous");break;
X  case 3:strcpy(Str3,"Quantifor Quotron");break;
X  case 4:strcpy(Str3,"Leon");break;
X  case 5:strcpy(Str3,"Joyce");break;
X  case 6:strcpy(Str3,"Leticia Smiley");break;
X  case 7:strcpy(Str3,"Ogilvy the Grim");break;
X  case 8:strcpy(Str3,"Salara Storn");break;
X  case 9:strcpy(Str3,"Murgo");break;
X  case 10:strcpy(Str3,"Jonathan Atwilder");break;
X  case 11:strcpy(Str3,"Xylos the Tan");break;
X  case 12:strcpy(Str3,"Terence");break;
X  case 13:strcpy(Str3,"Toronado");break;
X  case 14:strcpy(Str3,"Kelly");break;
X  case 15:strcpy(Str3,"Cantinflas");break;
X  case 16:strcpy(Str3,"Ixel");break;
X  case 17:strcpy(Str3,"Toto");break;
X  case 18:strcpy(Str3,"Frost");break;
X  case 19:strcpy(Str3,"Aliera Erinyes");break;
X  case 20:strcpy(Str3,"Godel");break;
X  case 21:strcpy(Str3,"Kerst Blackblade");break;
X  case 22:strcpy(Str3,"Ebenezer");break;
X  case 23:strcpy(Str3,"Jeremiah");break;
X  case 24:strcpy(Str3,"Triskelion Shadow");break;
X  case 25:strcpy(Str3,"Eleskir Eremar");break;
X  case 26:strcpy(Str3,"Tyron");break;
X  case 27:strcpy(Str3,"Morgon");break;
X  case 28:strcpy(Str3,"Achmed");break;
X  case 29:strcpy(Str3,"Chin");break;
X  case 30:strcpy(Str3,"Fujimoto");break;
X  case 31:strcpy(Str3,"Dos Santos");break;
X  case 32:strcpy(Str3,"Federico");break;
X  case 33:strcpy(Str3,"Jaime");break;
X  case 34:strcpy(Str3,"Siobhan");break;
X  case 35:strcpy(Str3,"Hans");break;
X  case 36:strcpy(Str3,"Gurkov");break;
X  case 37:strcpy(Str3,"Krilos the Slayer");break;
X  case 38:strcpy(Str3,"Oxxblud");break;
X  case 39:strcpy(Str3,"Dorian");break;
X  }
X  return(Str3);
X/* returns english string equivalent of number */
Xchar *wordnum(num)
X  switch(num) {
X  case 0: return("zero "); break;
X  case 1: return("one "); break;
X  case 2: return("two "); break;
X  case 3: return("three "); break;
X  case 4: return("four "); break;
X  case 5: return("five "); break;
X  case 6: return("six "); break;
X  case 7: return("seven "); break;
X  case 8: return("eight "); break;
X  case 9: return("nine "); break;
X  case 10: return("ten "); break;
X  default: return(""); break;
X  }
if test 12947 -ne `wc -c <'oetc.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'oetc.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'oetc.c'
if test -f 'ohelp11.txt' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'ohelp11.txt'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'ohelp11.txt'\" \(803 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'ohelp11.txt' <<'END_OF_FILE'
XOptions may be set with the 'O' command. The options are:
X(F) BELLICOSE: Attack friendly monsters without confirmation.
X(F) JUMPMOVE: Don't display things until the end of a run.
X(T) PICKUP: Automatically pick things up when you move over them.
X(T) RUNSTOP: Stop a run when something like a door is passed.
X(T) CONFIRM: Ask confirmation before you do some dangerous things.
X(F) TOPINV: Display inventory to message line, not to full screen.
X(F) PACKADD: Add new items to pack, instead of going into inventory mode
X(V) VERBOSITY: TERSE, MEDIUM, or VERBOSE, the level of detail in combat.
X(1) SEARCHNUM: the number of turns spent searching when you hit the 's' key.
XThe default values are parenthesized. These options will be recovered from
Xyour .omegarc if you use one.
if test 803 -ne `wc -c <'ohelp11.txt'`; then
    echo shar: \"'ohelp11.txt'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'ohelp11.txt'
if test -f 'opriest.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'opriest.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'opriest.c'\" \(14332 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'opriest.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* omega copyright (C) by Laurence Raphael Brothers, 1987,1988 */
X/* opriest.c */
X/* functions for clerics. */
X#include "oglob.h"
X/* prayer occurs at altars, hence name of function */
Xvoid l_altar()
X  int i,deity;
X  char response;
X  if (Current_Environment == E_COUNTRYSIDE) deity = DRUID;
X  else deity = Level->site[Player.x][Player.y].aux;
X  switch(deity) {
X    default:
X      print1("This rude altar has no markings.");
X      break;
X    case ODIN:
X      print1("This granite altar is graven with a gallows.");
X      break;
X    case SET:
X      print1("This sandstone altar has a black hand drawn on it.");
X      break;
X    case HECATE:
X      print1("This silver altar is inlaid with a black crescent moon.");
X      break;
X    case ATHENA:
X      print1("This golden altar is inscribed with an owl.");
X      break;
X    case DESTINY:
X      print1("This crystal altar is in the form of an omega.");
X      break;
X    case DRUID:
X      print1("This oaken altar is ornately engraved with leaves.");
X      break;
X  }
X  print2("Worship at this altar? [yn] ");
X  if (ynq2() == 'y') {
X    if (Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] == 0) increase_priest_rank(deity);
X    else if (! check_sacrilege(deity)) {
X      if (Blessing) print1("You have a sense of immanence.");
X      print2("Request a Blessing, Sacrifice an item, or just Pray [b,s,p] ");
X      do response = mcigetc();
X      while ((response != 'b') && 
X	     (response != 's') && 
X	     (response != 'p') && 
X	     (response != ESCAPE));
X      if (response == 'b') {
X	print1("You beg a heavenly benefice.");
X	print2("You hear a gong resonating throughout eternity....");
X	morewait();
X	if (Blessing) {
X	  print1("A shaft of lucent radiance lances down from the heavens!");
X	  print2("You feel uplifted....");
X	  morewait();
X	  gain_experience(Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD]*Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD]*50);
X	  cleanse(1);
X	  heal(10);
X	  bless(1);
X	  Blessing = FALSE;
X	  increase_priest_rank(deity);
X	}
X	else {
X	  print1("Your ardent plea is ignored.");
X	  print2("You feel ashamed.");
X	  Player.xp -= (Player.xp/4);
X	}
X	calc_melee();
X      }
X      else if (response == 's') {
X	print1("Which item to Sacrifice?");
X	i = getitem(NULL);
X	if (i==ABORT) i = 0;
X	if (Player.possessions[i] == NULL) {
X	  print1("You have insulted your deity!");
X	  print2("Not a good idea, as it turns out...");
X	  dispel(-1);
X	  p_damage(Player.hp-1,UNSTOPPABLE,"a god's pique");
X	}
X	else if (true_item_value(Player.possessions[i]) >
X		 (Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] *
X		  Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] *
X		  Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] * 50)) {
X	  print1("With a burst of blue flame, your offering vanishes!");
X	  dispose_lost_objects(1,Player.possessions[i]);
X	  print2("A violet nimbus settles around your head and slowly fades.");
X	  morewait();
X	  Blessing = TRUE;
X	}
X	else {
X	  print1("A darkling glow envelopes your offering!");
X	  print2("The glow slowly fades....");
X	  morewait();
X	  setgamestatus(SUPPRESS_PRINTING);
X	  if (Player.possessions[i]->used) {
X	    Player.possessions[i]->used = FALSE;
X	    item_use(Player.possessions[i]);
X	    Player.possessions[i]->blessing =
X	      -1 - abs(Player.possessions[i]->blessing);
X	    Player.possessions[i]->used = TRUE;
X	    item_use(Player.possessions[i]);
X	  }
X	  else Player.possessions[i]->blessing =
X	    -1 - abs(Player.possessions[i]->blessing);
X	  resetgamestatus(SUPPRESS_PRINTING);
X	}
X      }
X      else if (response == 'p') {
X	if (deity != Player.patron) 
X	  print1("Nothing seems to happen.");
X	else increase_priest_rank(deity);
X      }
X    }
X  }
Xint check_sacrilege(deity)
Xint deity;
X  int i,sacrilege=FALSE;
X  if ((Player.patron != deity) && (Player.patron > 0)) {
X    sacrilege=TRUE;
X    Player.pow--;
X    Player.maxpow--;
X    switch(Player.patron) {
X    case ODIN:
X      print1("Odin notices your lack of faith! ");
X      morewait();
X      if (deity == ATHENA) {
X	print2("However, Athena intercedes on your behalf.");
X	sacrilege = FALSE;
X      }
X      else {
X	print2("You are struck by a thunderbolt!");
X	p_damage(Player.level*5,UNSTOPPABLE,"Odin's wrath");
X	if (Player.hp > 0) {
X	  morewait();
X	  print2("The bolt warps your feeble frame....");
X	  Player.maxcon = Player.maxcon/2;
X	  Player.con = min(Player.con,Player.maxcon);
X	  Player.maxstr = Player.maxstr/2;
X	  Player.con = min(Player.str,Player.maxstr);
X	}
X      }
X      morewait();
X      break;
X    case SET:
X      print1("Set notices your lack of faith! ");
X      morewait();
X      if (deity == HECATE) {
X	print1("But since you pray to a friendly deity,");
X	print2("Set decides not to punish you.");
X	sacrilege = FALSE;
X      }
X      else {
X	print2("You are blasted by a shaft of black fire!");
X	p_damage(Player.level*5,UNSTOPPABLE,"Set's anger");
X	if (Player.hp > 0) {
X	  morewait();
X	  print1("You are wreathed in clouds of smoke.");
X	  for(i=0;i<MAXITEMS;i++) 
X	    if ((Player.possessions[i] != NULL) &&
X		(Player.possessions[i]->blessing > -1))
X	      conform_lost_object(Player.possessions[i]);
X	  morewait();
X	  print2("You feel Set's Black Hand on your heart....");
X	  Player.con = Player.maxcon = Player.maxcon / 4;
X	}
X      }
X      morewait();
X      break;
X    case HECATE:
X      print1("Hecate notices your lack of faith! ");
X      morewait();
X      if (deity == SET) {
X	print1("But ignores the affront since she likes Set.");
X	sacrilege = FALSE;
X      }
X      else {
X	print1("You are zapped by dark moonbeams!");
X	p_damage(Player.level*5,UNSTOPPABLE,"Hecate's malice");
X	if (Player.hp > 0) {
X	  print2("The beams leach you of magical power!");
X	  Player.maxpow = Player.maxpow/5;
X	  Player.pow = min(Player.pow,Player.maxpow);
X	  for(i=0;i<NUMSPELLS;i++) 
X	    Spells[i].known = FALSE;
X	}
X      }
X      morewait();
X      break;
X    case ATHENA:
X      print1("Athena notices your lack of faith! ");
X      morewait();
X      if (deity == ODIN) {
X	print2("But lets you off this time since Odin is also Lawful.");
X	sacrilege = FALSE;
X      }
X      else {
X	print2("You are zorched by godsfire!");
X	if (Player.hp > 0) {
X	  morewait();
X	  print1("The fire burns away your worldly experience!");
X		Player.level = 0;
X	  Player.xp = 0;
X	  Player.maxhp = Player.hp = Player.con;
X	  print2("Your power is reduced by the blast!!!");
X	  Player.pow = Player.maxpow = Player.maxpow/3;
X	  Player.mana = min(Player.mana,calcmana());
X	}
X      }
X      morewait();
X      break;
X    case DESTINY:
X      print2("The Lords of Destiny ignore your lack of faith.");
X      sacrilege = FALSE;
X      morewait();
X      break;
X    case DRUID:
X      print2("Your treachery to the ArchDruid has been noted.");
X      if (random_range(2) == 1)
X	Player.alignment += 40;
X      else Player.alignment -= 40;
X      morewait();
X      break;
X    }
X    if (sacrilege) {
X      Player.patron = 0;
X      Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] = 0;
X    }
X  }
X  return(sacrilege);
Xvoid increase_priest_rank(deity)
Xint deity;
X  if (Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] == 0) switch(deity) {
X  default:
X    print2("Some nameless god blesses you....");
X    Player.hp = Player.maxhp;
X    morewait();
X    print2("The altar crumbles to dust and blows away.");
X    Level->site[Player.x][Player.y].locchar = FLOOR;
X    Level->site[Player.x][Player.y].p_locf = L_NO_OP;
X    break;
X  case ODIN:
X    if (Player.alignment > 0) {
X      print1("Odin hears your prayer!");
X      print2(Priest[ODIN]);
X      nprint2(" personally blesses you.");
X      nprint2(" You are now a lay devotee of Odin.");
X      Player.patron = ODIN;
X      Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] = LAY;
X      Player.guildxp[PRIESTHOOD] = 1;
X      morewait();
X      learnclericalspells(ODIN,LAY);
X    }
X    else print1("Odin ignores you.");
X    break;
X  case SET:
X    if (Player.alignment < 0) {
X      print1("Set hears your prayer!");
X      print2(Priest[SET]);
X      nprint2(" personally blesses you. ");
X      nprint2(" You are now a lay devotee of Set.");
X      Player.patron = SET;
X      Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] = LAY;
X      Player.guildxp[PRIESTHOOD] = 1;
X      morewait();
X      learnclericalspells(SET,LAY);
X    }
X    else print1("Set ignores you.");
X    break;
X  case ATHENA:
X    if (Player.alignment > 0) {
X      print1("Athena hears your prayer!");
X      print2(Priest[ATHENA]);
X      nprint2(" personally blesses you.");
X      nprint2(" You are now a lay devotee of Athena.");
X      Player.patron = ATHENA;
X      Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] = LAY;
X      Player.guildxp[PRIESTHOOD] = 1;
X      morewait();
X      learnclericalspells(ATHENA,LAY);
X    }
X    else print1("Athena ignores you.");
X    break;
X  case HECATE:
X    if (Player.alignment < 0) {
X      print1("Hecate hears your prayer!");
X      print2(Priest[HECATE]);
X      nprint2(" personally blesses you.");
X      nprint2(" You are now a lay devotee of Hecate.");
X      Player.patron = HECATE;
X      Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] = LAY;
X      Player.guildxp[PRIESTHOOD] = 1;
X      morewait();
X      learnclericalspells(HECATE,LAY);
X    }
X    else print1("Hecate ignores you.");
X    break;
X  case DRUID:
X    if (abs(Player.alignment) < 10) {
X      print1(Priest[DRUID]);
X      nprint1(" personally blesses you.");
X      print2("You are now a lay devotee of the Druids.");
X      Player.patron = DRUID;
X      Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] = LAY;
X      Player.guildxp[PRIESTHOOD] = 1;
X      morewait();
X      learnclericalspells(DRUID,LAY);
X    }
X    else {
X      print1("You hear a voice....");
X      morewait();
X      print2("'Only those who embody the Balance may become Druids.'");
X    }
X    break;
X  case DESTINY:
X    print1("The Lords of Destiny could hardly care less.");
X    print2("But you can consider yourself now to be a lay devotee.");
X    Player.patron = DESTINY;
X    Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD] = LAY;
X      Player.guildxp[PRIESTHOOD] = 1;
X    break;
X  }
X  else if (deity == Player.patron) {
X    if ((((deity == ODIN) || (deity == ATHENA)) && 
X	 (Player.alignment < 1)) ||
X	(((deity == SET) || (deity == HECATE)) && 
X	 (Player.alignment > 1)) ||
X	((deity == DRUID) && (abs(Player.alignment) > 10))) {
X      print1("You have swerved from the One True Path!");
X      print2("Your deity is greatly displeased...");
X      Player.xp -= Player.level*Player.level;
X      Player.xp = max(0,Player.xp);
X    }
X    else if (Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD]== HIGHPRIEST) answer_prayer();
X    else if (Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD]== SPRIEST) {
X      if (Player.level > Priestlevel[deity])
X	hp_req_test();
X      else answer_prayer();
X    }
X    else if (Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD]==PRIEST) {
X      if (Player.guildxp[PRIESTHOOD] >= 4000) {
X	print1("An heavenly fanfare surrounds you!");
X	print2("Your deity raises you to the post of Senior Priest.");
X	hp_req_print();
X      }
X      else answer_prayer();
X    }
X    else if (Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD]==ACOLYTE) {
X      if (Player.guildxp[PRIESTHOOD] >= 1500) {
X	print1("A trumpet sounds in the distance.");
X	print2("Your deity raises you to the post of Priest.");
X	morewait();
X	learnclericalspells(deity,PRIEST);
X      }
X      else answer_prayer();
X    }
X    else if (Player.rank[PRIESTHOOD]==LAY) {
X      if (Player.guildxp[PRIESTHOOD] >= 400) {
X	print1("A mellifluous chime sounds from above the altar.");
X	print2("Your deity raises you to the post of Acolyte.");
X	morewait();
X	learnclericalspells(deity,ACOLYTE);
X      }
X      else answer_prayer();
X    }
X  }
Xvoid answer_prayer()
X  clearmsg();
X  switch(random_range(12)) {
X  case 0: print1("You have a revelation!"); break;
X  case 1: print1("You feel pious."); break;
X  case 2: print1("A feeling of sanctity comes over you."); break;
X  default: print1("Nothing unusual seems to happen."); break;
X  }
Xvoid hp_req_test()
X  pob o;
X  switch  (Player.patron) {
X  case ODIN:
X    if (find_item(&o,ARTIFACTID+17,-1))
X      make_hp(o);
X    else hp_req_print();
X    break;
X  case SET:
X    if (find_item(&o,ARTIFACTID+14,-1))
X      make_hp(o);
X    else hp_req_print();
X    break;
X  case ATHENA:
X    if (find_item(&o,ARTIFACTID+15,-1))
X      make_hp(o);
X    else hp_req_print();
X    break;
X  case HECATE:
X    if (find_item(&o,ARTIFACTID+16,-1))
X      make_hp(o);
X    else hp_req_print();
X    break;
X  case DRUID:
X    if (find_item(&o,ARTIFACTID+14,-1))
X      make_hp(o);
X    else if (find_item(&o,ARTIFACTID+15,-1))
X      make_hp(o);
X    else if (find_item(&o,ARTIFACTID+16,-1))
X      make_hp(o);
X    else if (find_item(&o,ARTIFACTID+17,-1))
X      make_hp(o);
X    else hp_req_print();
X    break;
X  case DESTINY:
X    if (find_item(&o,ARTIFACTID+19,-1))
X      make_hp(o);
X    else hp_req_print();
X    break;
X  }
Xvoid hp_req_print()
X  morewait();
X  print1("To advance further, you must obtain the Holy Symbol of ");
X  switch(Player.patron) {
X  case ODIN:
X    nprint1(Priest[SET]);
X    print2("who may be found in the main Temple of Set.");
X    break;
X  case SET:
X    nprint1(Priest[ODIN]);
X    print2("who may be found in the main Temple of Odin.");
X    break;
X  case ATHENA:
X    nprint1(Priest[HECATE]);
X    print2("who may be found in the main Temple of Hecate.");
X    break;
X  case HECATE:
X    nprint1(Priest[ATHENA]);
X    print2("who may be found in the main Temple of Athena.");
X    break;
X  case DRUID:
X    print2("any of the aligned priests");
X    nprint2(" who may be found in their main temples.");
X    break;
X  case DESTINY:
X    nprint1(Priest[DESTINY]);
X    print2("who may be found in the main Temple of Destiny.");
X    break;
X  }
Xvoid make_hp(o)
Xpob o;
X  print1("A full-scale heavenly choir chants 'Hallelujah' all around you!");
X  print2("You notice a change in the symbol you carry....");
X  switch(Player.patron) {
X  case ODIN:
X    *o = Objects[ARTIFACTID+14];
X    break;
X  case SET:
X    *o = Objects[ARTIFACTID+17];
X    break;
X  case ATHENA:
X    *o = Objects[ARTIFACTID+16];
X    break;
X  case HECATE:
X    *o = Objects[ARTIFACTID+15];
X    break;
X  case DRUID:
X    *o = Objects[ARTIFACTID+18];
X    break;
X  case DESTINY:
X    *o = Objects[ARTIFACTID+19];
X    break;
X  }
X  o->known = 2;
X  o->charge = 17; /* random hack to convey bit that symbol is functional */
X  morewait();
X  if (Player.patron == DRUID)
X    print1("Your deity raises you to the post of ArchDruid!");
X  else print1("Your deity raises you to the post of High Priest!");
X  print2("You feel holy.");
X  strcpy(Priest[Player.patron],Player.name);
X  Priestlevel[Player.patron] = Player.level;
X  morewait();
X  learnclericalspells(Player.patron,HIGHPRIEST);
if test 14332 -ne `wc -c <'opriest.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'opriest.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'opriest.c'
echo shar: End of archive 15 \(of 19\).
cp /dev/null ark15isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 19 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0