[comp.sources.games] v05i050: umoria2 - single player dungeon simulation

games@tekred.TEK.COM (07/29/88)

Submitted by: "James E. Wilson" <wilson@ji.berkeley.edu>
Comp.sources.games: Volume 5, Issue 50
Archive-name: umoria2/Part16

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 16 (of 18)."
# Contents:  constants.h death.c desc.c magic.c main.c wizard.c
# Wrapped by billr@saab on Wed Jul 13 11:16:36 1988
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'constants.h' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'constants.h'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'constants.h'\" \(8906 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'constants.h' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/*Note to the Wizard:                                            */
X/*       Tweaking these constants can *GREATLY* change the game. */
X/*       Two years of constant tuning have generated these       */
X/*       values.  Minor adjustments are encouraged, but you must */
X/*       be very careful not to unbalance the game.  Moria was   */
X/*       meant to be challenging, not a give away.  Many         */
X/*       adjustments can cause the game to act strangely, or even*/
X/*       cause errors.                                           */
X/* Current version number of Moria				*/
X#define CUR_VERSION 4.87
X#ifndef TRUE
X#define TRUE 1
X#ifndef FALSE
X#define FALSE 0
X/* Changing values below this line may be hazardous to your health! */
X/* key bindings option */
X#define ORIGINAL 0          /* uses keypad for directions */
X#define ROGUE_LIKE 1        /* uses 'rogue' style keys for directions */
X/* message line location */
X#define MSG_LINE  0
X/* number of messages to save in a buffer */
X#define SAVED_MSGS 20
X/* Dungeon size parameters					*/
X#define MAX_HEIGHT  66      /* Multiple of 11; >= 22 */
X#define MAX_WIDTH  198    /* Multiple of 33; >= 66 */
X#define SCREEN_HEIGHT  22
X#define SCREEN_WIDTH   66
X/* Output dungeon section sizes					*/
X#define OUTPAGE_HEIGHT 44     /* 44 lines of dungeon per section       */
X#define OUTPAGE_WIDTH  99     /* 100 columns of dungeon per section    */
X/* Dungeon generation values					*/
X/* Note: The entire design of dungeon can be changed by only     */
X/*       slight adjustments here.                                */
X#define DUN_TUN_RND      36   /* Random direction (4 is min)           */
X#define DUN_TUN_CHG      70   /* Chance of changing direction (99 max) */
X#define DUN_TUN_FND      12   /* Distance for auto find to kick in     */
X#define DUN_TUN_CON      15   /* Chance of extra tunneling             */
X#define DUN_ROO_MEA      32   /* Mean of # of rooms, standard dev2     */
X#define DUN_TUN_PEN      25   /* % chance of room doors                */
X#define DUN_TUN_JCT      15   /* % chance of doors at tunnel junctions */
X#define DUN_STR_DEN      5    /* Density of streamers                  */
X#define DUN_STR_RNG      2    /* Width of streamers                    */
X#define DUN_STR_MAG      3    /* Number of magma streamers             */
X#define DUN_STR_MC       95   /* 1/x chance of treasure per magma      */
X#define DUN_STR_QUA      2    /* Number of quartz streamers            */
X#define DUN_STR_QC       55   /* 1/x chance of treasure per quartz     */
X#define DUN_UNUSUAL      300  /* Level/x chance of unusual room        */
X/* Store constants						*/
X#define MAX_OWNERS       18   /* Number of owners to choose from       */
X#define MAX_STORES       6    /* Number of different stores            */
X#define STORE_INVEN_MAX  24   /* Max number of discrete objs in inven  */
X#define STORE_CHOICES    26   /* NUMBER of items to choice stock from  */
X#define STORE_MAX_INVEN  20   /* Max diff objs in stock before auto sell*/
X#define STORE_MIN_INVEN  14   /* Min diff objs in stock before auto buy*/
X#define STORE_TURN_AROUND 3   /* Amount of buying and selling normally */
X#define INVEN_INIT_MAX   105  /* Size of store init array              */
X#define COST_ADJ         1.00 /* Adjust prices for buying and selling  */
X/* Treasure constants						*/
X#define INVEN_ARRAY_SIZE 35   /* Size of inventory array(Do not change)*/
X#define INVEN_MAX      34     /* index of highest entry in inventory array */
X#define MAX_OBJ_LEVEL  50     /* Maximum level of magic in dungeon     */
X#define OBJ_GREAT      20     /* 1/n Chance of item being a Great Item */
X#define MAX_OBJECTS    344    /* Number of objects for universe        */
X#define MAX_GOLD       18     /* Number of different types of gold     */
X#define MAX_TALLOC     225    /* Max objects per level                 */
X#define TREAS_ROOM_ALLOC  7   /* Amount of objects for rooms           */
X#define TREAS_ANY_ALLOC   2   /* Amount of objects for corridors       */
X#define TREAS_GOLD_ALLOC  2   /* Amount of gold (and gems)             */
X/* Magic Treasure Generation constants				*/
X/* Note: Number of special objects, and degree of enchantments   */
X/*       can be adjusted here.                                   */
X#define OBJ_STD_ADJ      1.25 /* Adjust STD per level                  */
X#define OBJ_STD_MIN      7    /* Minimum STD                           */
X#define OBJ_TOWN_LEVEL   7    /* Town object generation level          */
X#define OBJ_BASE_MAGIC   15   /* Base amount of magic                  */
X#define OBJ_BASE_MAX     70   /* Max amount of magic                   */
X#define OBJ_DIV_SPECIAL  6    /* magic_chance/#  special magic        */
X#define OBJ_DIV_CURSED   1.3  /* magic_chance/#  cursed items         */
X/* Constants describing limits of certain objects		*/
X#define OBJ_LAMP_MAX    15000 /* Maximum amount that lamp can be filled*/
X#define OBJ_BOLT_RANGE   18   /* Maximum range of bolts and balls      */
X#define OBJ_RUNE_PROT    3000 /* Rune of protection resistance         */
X/* Creature constants						*/
X#define MAX_CREATURES     279 /* Number of creatures defined for univ  */
X#define MAX_MALLOC        100+1 /* Max that can be allocated          */
X#define MAX_MALLOC_CHANCE 160 /* 1/x chance of new monster each round  */
X#define MAX_MONS_LEVEL     40 /* Maximum level of creatures            */
X#define MAX_SIGHT          20 /* Maximum dis a creature can be seen    */
X#define MAX_SPELL_DIS      20 /* Maximum dis creat. spell can be cast  */
X#define MAX_MON_MULT       75 /* Maximum reproductions on a level      */
X#define MON_MULT_ADJ        7 /* High value slows multiplication       */
X#define MON_NASTY          50 /* Dun_level/x chance of high level creat*/
X#define MIN_MALLOC_LEVEL   14 /* Minimum number of monsters/level      */
X#define MIN_MALLOC_TD       4 /* Number of people on town level (day)  */
X#define MIN_MALLOC_TN       8 /* Number of people on town level (night)*/
X#define WIN_MON_TOT         2 /* Total number of "win" creatures       */
X#define WIN_MON_APPEAR     50 /* Level where winning creatures begin   */
X#define MON_SUMMON_ADJ      2 /* Adjust level of summoned creatures    */
X#define MON_DRAIN_LIFE      2 /* Percent of player exp drained per hit */
X/* Trap constants						*/
X#define MAX_TRAPA         18  /* Number of defined traps               */
X#define MAX_TRAPB         19  /* Includes secret doors                 */
X/* Descriptive constants 					*/
X#define MAX_COLORS     67     /* Used with potions     */
X#define MAX_MUSH       29     /* Used with mushrooms   */
X#define MAX_WOODS      41     /* Used with staffs      */
X#define MAX_METALS     31     /* Used with wands       */
X#define MAX_ROCKS      52     /* Used with rings       */
X#define MAX_AMULETS    39     /* Used with amulets     */
X#define MAX_SYLLABLES  153    /* Used with scrolls     */
X/* Player constants						*/
X#define MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL  40  /* Maximum possible character level      */
X#define MAX_RACES         8   /* Number of defined races               */
X#define MAX_CLASS         6   /* Number of defined classes             */
X#define USE_DEVICE        3   /* x> Harder devices x< Easier devices   */
X#define MAX_BACKGROUND    128 /* Number of types of histories for univ */
X#define PLAYER_FOOD_FULL 10000/* Getting full                          */
X#define PLAYER_FOOD_MAX  15000/* Maximum food value, beyond is wasted  */
X#define PLAYER_FOOD_FAINT  300/* Character begins fainting             */
X#define PLAYER_FOOD_WEAK  1000/* Warn player that he is getting very low*/
X#define PLAYER_FOOD_ALERT 2000/* Warn player that he is getting low    */
X#define PLAYER_REGEN_FAINT   0.0005   /* Regen factor when fainting    */
X#define PLAYER_REGEN_WEAK    0.0015   /* Regen factor when weak        */
X#define PLAYER_REGEN_NORMAL  0.0030   /* Regen factor when full        */
X#define PLAYER_REGEN_HPBASE  0.0220   /* Min amount hp regen           */
X#define PLAYER_REGEN_MNBASE  0.0080   /* Min amount mana regen         */
X#define PLAYER_WEIGHT_CAP 130 /* "#"*(1/10 pounds) per strength point  */
X#define PLAYER_EXIT_PAUSE 2   /* Pause time before player can re-roll  */
X/* Base to hit constants 					*/
X#define BTH_LEV_ADJ      3    /* Adjust BTH per level                  */
X#define BTH_PLUS_ADJ     3    /* Adjust BTH per plus-to-hit            */
X#define BTH_HIT          12   /* Automatic hit; 1/bth_hit              */
X/* table size for random() */
X#define STATE_SIZE 128
X/* magic numbers for players inventory array */
X#define INVEN_WIELD 22
X#define INVEN_HEAD  23
X#define INVEN_NECK  24
X#define INVEN_BODY  25
X#define INVEN_ARM   26
X#define INVEN_HANDS 27
X#define INVEN_RIGHT 28
X#define INVEN_LEFT  29
X#define INVEN_FEET  30
X#define INVEN_OUTER 31
X#define INVEN_LIGHT 32
X#define INVEN_AUX   33
if test 8906 -ne `wc -c <'constants.h'`; then
    echo shar: \"'constants.h'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'constants.h'
if test -f 'death.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'death.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'death.c'\" \(11299 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'death.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <pwd.h>
X#include <time.h>
X#include <ctype.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <sys/file.h>
X#include "constants.h"
X#include "config.h"
X#include "types.h"
X#include "externs.h"
X#ifdef USG
X#include <string.h>
X#include <fcntl.h>
X#include <strings.h>
X#define MIN(a, b)	((a < b) ? a : b)
X#ifdef sun   /* correct SUN stupidity in the stdio.h file */
Xchar *sprintf();
X#if defined(ultrix) || defined(sun) || defined(USG)
Xint getuid();
Xuid_t getuid();
X#if defined(sun) || defined(USG) || defined(ultrix)
Xlong lseek();
Xoff_t lseek();
X#ifdef USG
X#define L_SET 0
X#if defined(ultrix) || defined(USG)
Xvoid perror();
Xvoid exit();
X#ifdef USG
Xstruct passwd *getpwuid();
Xchar *getlogin();
Xlong time();
Xchar *day;
X  register char *tmp;
X  long clock;
X  clock = time((long *) 0);
X  tmp = ctime(&clock);
X  tmp[11] = '\0';
X  (void) strcpy(day, tmp);
X/* Centers a string within a 31 character string		-JWT-	 */
Xchar *fill_str(p1)
Xchar *p1;
X  vtype s1, s2;
X  int i;
X  s1[0] = '\0';
X  s2[0] = '\0';
X  i = (strlen(p1) / 2);
X  (void) strcpy(s1, pad(s2, " ", 15 - i));
X  (void) strcat(s1, pad(p1, " ", 31));
X  s1[31] = '\0';
X  return (s1);
X/* Prints a line to the screen efficiently		-RAK-	 */
Xdprint(str, row)
Xchar *str;
Xint row;
X  register int i, j, nblanks, xpos;
X  vtype prt_str;
X  char tmp_str[2];
X  tmp_str[1] = '\0';	/* yes, this is supposed to be a one */
X  prt_str[0] = '\0';
X  nblanks = 0;
X  xpos = 0;
X  for (i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
X    {
X      if (str[i] == ' ')
X	{
X	  if (xpos >= 0)
X	    {
X	      nblanks++;
X	      if (nblanks > 5)
X		{
X		  nblanks = 0;
X		  put_buffer(prt_str, row, xpos);
X		  prt_str[0] = '\0';
X		  xpos = -1;
X		}
X	    }
X	}
X      else
X	{
X	  if (xpos == -1)
X	    xpos = i;
X	  if (nblanks > 0)
X	    {
X	      for (j = 0; j < nblanks; j++)
X		(void) strcat(prt_str, " ");
X	      nblanks = 0;
X	    }
X	  tmp_str[0] = str[i];
X	  (void) strcat(prt_str, tmp_str);
X	}
X    }
X  if (xpos >= 0)
X    put_buffer(prt_str, row, xpos);
X  register int i = 0, j;
X  int fd;
X  high_scores score;
X  char list[20][256];
X  if (1 > (fd = open(MORIA_TOP, O_RDONLY, 0644)))
X    {
X      prt("Error opening top twenty file\n", 0, 0);
X      return ;
X    }
X  while (0 < read(fd, (char *)&score, sizeof(high_scores)))
X    {
X      (void) sprintf(list[i], "%-7d%-15.15s%-10.10s%-10.10s%-5d%-25.25s%5d",
X		    (int)score.points, score.name,
X		    race[score.prace].trace, class[score.pclass].title,
X		    (int)score.lev, score.died_from, score.dun_level);
X      i++;
X    }
X  controlz();
X  put_buffer("Points Name           Race      Class     Lv   Killed By                Dun Lv", 0, 0);
X  for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
X    put_buffer(list[j], j + 1, 0);
X  pause_line(23);
X/* Prints the gravestone of the character		-RAK-	 */
X  vtype str1, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8;
X  vtype dstr[20];
X  vtype fnam;
X  char command;
X  FILE *f1;
X  register int i;
X  char day[11];
X  int flag;
X  char tmp_str[80];
X  date(day);
X  (void) strcpy(str1, fill_str(py.misc.name));
X  (void) strcpy(str2, fill_str(py.misc.title));
X  (void) strcpy(str3, fill_str(py.misc.tclass));
X  (void) sprintf(str4, "Level : %d", (int)py.misc.lev);
X  (void) strcpy(str4, fill_str(str4));
X  (void) sprintf(str5, "%d Exp", py.misc.exp);
X  (void) strcpy(str5, fill_str(str5));
X  (void) sprintf(str6, "%d Au", py.misc.au);
X  (void) strcpy(str6, fill_str(str6));
X  (void) sprintf(str7, "Died on Level : %d", dun_level);
X  (void) strcpy(str7, fill_str(str7));
X  (void) strcpy(str8, fill_str(died_from));
X  dstr[0][0] = '\0';
X  (void) strcpy(dstr[1], "               _______________________");
X  (void) strcpy(dstr[2], "              /                       \\         ___");
X  (void) strcpy(dstr[3],
X	"             /                         \\ ___   /   \\      ___");
X  (void) strcpy(dstr[4],
X	"            /            RIP            \\   \\  :   :     /   \\");
X  (void) strcpy(dstr[5],
X	"           /                             \\  : _;,,,;_    :   :");
X  (void) sprintf(dstr[6], "          /%s\\,;_          _;,,,;_", str1);
X  (void) strcpy(dstr[7], "         |               the               |   ___");
X  (void) sprintf(dstr[8], "         | %s |  /   \\", str2);
X  (void) strcpy(dstr[9], "         |                                 |  :   :");
X  (void) sprintf(dstr[10], "         | %s | _;,,,;_   ____", str3);
X  (void) sprintf(dstr[11], "         | %s |          /    \\", str4);
X  (void) sprintf(dstr[12], "         | %s |          :    :", str5);
X  (void) sprintf(dstr[13], "         | %s |          :    :", str6);
X  (void) sprintf(dstr[14], "         | %s |         _;,,,,;_", str7);
X  (void) strcpy(dstr[15], "         |            killed by            |");
X  (void) sprintf(dstr[16], "         | %s |", str8);
X  (void) sprintf(dstr[17], "         |           %s           |", day);
X  (void) strcpy(dstr[18], "        *|   *     *     *    *   *     *  | *");
X  (void) strcpy(dstr[19],
X	      "________)/\\\\_)_/___(\\/___(//_\\)/_\\//__\\\\(/_|_)_______");
X  clear_screen(0, 0);
X  for (i = 0; i <= 19; i++)
X    dprint(dstr[i], i);
X  flush();
X  if (get_com("Print to file? (Y/N)", &command))
X    switch (command)
X      {
X      case 'y':
X      case 'Y':
X	prt("Enter Filename:", 0, 0);
X	flag = FALSE;
X	do
X	  {
X	    if (get_string(fnam, 0, 16, 60))
X	      {
X		if (strlen(fnam) == 0)
X		  (void) strcpy(fnam, "MORIACHR.DIE");
X		f1 = fopen(fnam, "w");
X		if (f1 == NULL)
X		  {
X		    (void) sprintf(tmp_str, "Error creating> %s", fnam);
X		    prt(tmp_str, 1, 0);
X		  }
X		else
X		  {
X		    flag = TRUE;
X		    for (i = 0; i <= 19; i++)
X		      (void) fprintf(f1, "%s\n", dstr[i]);
X		  }
X		(void) fclose(f1);
X	      }
X	    else
X	      flag = TRUE;
X	  }
X	while (!flag);
X	break;
X      default:
X	break;
X      }
X/* Calculates the total number of points earned		-JWT-	 */
Xint total_points()
X  return (py.misc.max_exp + (100 * py.misc.max_lev));
X/* Enters a players name on the top twenty list		-JWT-	 */
X  register int i, j, k;
X  high_scores scores[20], myscore;
X  char *tmp;
X  clear_screen(0, 0);
X  if (wizard1)
X    exit_game();
X  if (panic_save == 1)
X    {
X      msg_print("Sorry, scores for games restored from panic save files are not saved.");
X      /* make sure player sees message before display_scores erases it */
X      msg_print (" ");
X      display_scores ();
X      exit_game();
X    }
X  myscore.points = (long)total_points();
X  myscore.dun_level = dun_level;
X  myscore.lev = py.misc.lev;
X  myscore.max_lev = py.misc.max_lev;
X  myscore.mhp = py.misc.mhp;
X  myscore.chp = py.misc.chp;
X  myscore.uid = getuid();
X  /* First character of sex, lower case */
X  myscore.sex = tolower(py.misc.sex[0]);
X  myscore.prace = py.misc.prace;
X  myscore.pclass = py.misc.pclass;
X  (void) strcpy(myscore.name, py.misc.name);
X  tmp = died_from;
X  if ('a' == *tmp)
X    {
X      if ('n' == *(++tmp))
X	{
X	  tmp++;
X	}
X      while (isspace(*tmp))
X	{
X	  tmp++;
X	}
X    }
X  (void) strncpy(myscore.died_from, tmp, strlen(tmp) - 1);
X  myscore.died_from[strlen(tmp) - 1] = '\0';
X  /* Get rid of '.' at end of death description */
X  /*  First, get a lock on the high score file so no-one else tries */
X  /*  to write to it while we are using it */
X#ifdef USG
X  /* no flock sytem call, ignore the problem for now */
X  if (0 != flock(highscore_fd, LOCK_EX))
X    {
X      perror("Error gaining lock for score file");
X      exit(1);
X    }
X  /*  Check to see if this score is a high one and where it goes */
X  i = 0;
X#if defined(sun) || defined(ultrix) || defined(USG)
X  (void) lseek(highscore_fd, (long)0, L_SET);
X  (void) lseek(highscore_fd, (off_t)0, L_SET);
X  while ((i < 20)
X        && (0 != read(highscore_fd, (char *)&scores[i], sizeof(high_scores))))
X    {
X      i++;
X    }
X  j = 0;
X  while (j < i && (scores[j].points >= myscore.points))
X    {
X      j++;
X    }
X  /* i is now how many scores we have, and j is where we put this score */
X  /* If its the first score, or it gets appended to the file */
X  if (0 == i || (i == j && j < 20))
X    {
X#if defined(sun) || defined(ultrix) || defined(USG)
X      (void) lseek(highscore_fd, (long)(j * sizeof(high_scores)), L_SET);
X      (void) lseek(highscore_fd, (off_t)(j * sizeof(high_scores)), L_SET);
X      (void) write(highscore_fd, (char *)&myscore, sizeof(high_scores));
X    }
X  else if (j < i)
X    {
X      /* If it gets inserted in the middle */
X      /* Bump all the scores up one place */
X      for (k = MIN(i, 19); k > j ; k--)
X	{
X#if defined(sun) || defined(ultrix) || defined(USG)
X	  (void) lseek(highscore_fd, (long)(k * sizeof(high_scores)), L_SET);
X	  (void) lseek(highscore_fd, (off_t)(k * sizeof(high_scores)), L_SET);
X	  (void) write(highscore_fd, (char *)&scores[k - 1], sizeof(high_scores));
X	}
X      /* Write out your score */
X#if defined(sun) || defined(ultrix) || defined(USG)
X      (void) lseek(highscore_fd, (long)(j * sizeof(high_scores)), L_SET);
X      (void) lseek(highscore_fd, (off_t)(j * sizeof(high_scores)), L_SET);
X      (void) write(highscore_fd, (char *)&myscore, sizeof(high_scores));
X    }
X#ifdef USG
X  /* no flock sytem call, ignore the problem for now */
X  (void) flock(highscore_fd, LOCK_UN);
X  (void) close(highscore_fd);
X  display_scores();
X/* Change the player into a King!			-RAK-	 */
X  register struct misc *p_ptr;
X  /* Change the character attributes...		 */
X  dun_level = 0;
X  /* need dot on the end to be consistent with creature.c */
X  (void) strcpy(died_from, "Ripe Old Age.");
X  p_ptr = &py.misc;
X  p_ptr->lev += MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL;
X  if (p_ptr->sex[0] == 'M')
X    {
X      (void) strcpy(p_ptr->title, "Magnificent");
X      (void) strcpy(p_ptr->tclass, "*King*");
X    }
X  else
X    {
X      (void) strcpy(p_ptr->title, "Beautiful");
X      (void) strcpy(p_ptr->tclass, "*Queen*");
X    }
X  p_ptr->au += 250000;
X  p_ptr->max_exp += 5000000;
X  p_ptr->exp = p_ptr->max_exp;
X  /* Let the player know that he did good...	 */
X  clear_screen(0, 0);
X  dprint("                                  #", 1);
X  dprint("                                #####", 2);
X  dprint("                                  #", 3);
X  dprint("                            ,,,  $$$  ,,,", 4);
X  dprint("                        ,,==$   \"$$$$$\"   $==,,", 5);
X  dprint("                      ,$$        $$$        $$,", 6);
X  dprint("                      *>         <*>         <*", 7);
X  dprint("                      $$         $$$         $$", 8);
X  dprint("                      \"$$        $$$        $$\"", 9);
X  dprint("                       \"$$       $$$       $$\"", 10);
X  dprint("                        *#########*#########*", 11);
X  dprint("                        *#########*#########*", 12);
X  dprint("                          Veni, Vidi, Vici!", 15);
X  dprint("                     I came, I saw, I conquered!", 16);
X  if (p_ptr->sex[0] == 'M')
X    dprint("                      All Hail the Mighty King!", 17);
X  else
X    dprint("                      All Hail the Mighty Queen!", 17);
X  flush();
X  pause_line(23);
X/* Handles the gravestone end top-twenty routines	-RAK-	 */
X  /* What happens upon dying...				-RAK-	 */
X  if (total_winner)
X    kingly();
X  print_tomb();
X  top_twenty();
X  exit_game();
if test 11299 -ne `wc -c <'death.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'death.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'death.c'
if test -f 'desc.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'desc.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'desc.c'\" \(8357 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'desc.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include "constants.h"
X#include "config.h"
X#include "types.h"
X#include "externs.h"
X#ifdef USG
X#include <string.h>
X#include <strings.h>
X#ifdef sun   /* correct SUN stupidity in the stdio.h file */
Xchar *sprintf();
X/* Object descriptor routines					*/
Xint is_a_vowel(ch)
Xchar ch;
X  switch(ch)
X    {
X    case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u':
X    case 'A': case 'E': case 'I': case 'O': case 'U':
X      return(TRUE);
X    default:
X      return(FALSE);
X    }
X/* Randomize colors, woods, and metals				*/
X  register int i, j;
X  vtype tmp;
X  for (i = 0; i < MAX_COLORS; i++)
X    {
X      j = randint(MAX_COLORS) - 1;
X      (void) strcpy(tmp, colors[i]);
X      (void) strcpy(colors[i], colors[j]);
X      (void) strcpy(colors[j], tmp);
X    }
X  for (i = 0; i < MAX_WOODS; i++)
X    {
X      j = randint(MAX_WOODS) - 1;
X      (void) strcpy(tmp, woods[i]);
X      (void) strcpy(woods[i], woods[j]);
X      (void) strcpy(woods[j], tmp);
X    }
X  for (i = 0; i < MAX_METALS; i++)
X    {
X      j = randint(MAX_METALS) - 1;
X      (void) strcpy(tmp, metals[i]);
X      (void) strcpy(metals[i], metals[j]);
X      (void) strcpy(metals[j], tmp);
X    }
X  for (i = 0; i < MAX_ROCKS; i++)
X    {
X      j = randint(MAX_ROCKS) - 1;
X      (void) strcpy(tmp, rocks[i]);
X      (void) strcpy(rocks[i], rocks[j]);
X      (void) strcpy(rocks[j], tmp);
X    }
X  for (i = 0; i < MAX_AMULETS; i++)
X    {
X      j = randint(MAX_AMULETS) - 1;
X      (void) strcpy(tmp, amulets[i]);
X      (void) strcpy(amulets[i], amulets[j]);
X      (void) strcpy(amulets[j], tmp);
X    }
X  for (i = 0; i < MAX_MUSH; i++)
X    {
X      j = randint(MAX_MUSH) - 1;
X      (void) strcpy(tmp, mushrooms[i]);
X      (void) strcpy(mushrooms[i], mushrooms[j]);
X      (void) strcpy(mushrooms[j], tmp);
X    }
X/* Return random title						*/
Xchar *title;
X  register int i, j, k;
X  k = randint(2) + 1;
X  (void) strcpy(title, "Titled \"");
X  for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
X    {
X      for (j = 0; j < randint(2); j++)
X	(void) strcat(title, syllables[randint(MAX_SYLLABLES) - 1]);
X      if (i < k-1)
X	(void) strcat(title, " ");
X    }
X  (void) strcat(title, "\"");
X/* Initialize all Potions, wands, staves, scrolls, ect...	*/
X  register int i, tmpv;
X  vtype tmps;
X  set_seed(randes_state, randes_seed);
X  randes();
X  for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++)
X    {
X      tmpv = (0xFF & object_list[i].subval);
X      switch(object_list[i].tval)
X	{
X	case 75: case 76:
X	  if (tmpv < MAX_COLORS)
X	    insert_str(object_list[i].name, "%C", colors[tmpv]);
X	  break;
X	case 70: case 71:
X	  rantitle(tmps);
X	  insert_str(object_list[i].name, "%T", tmps);
X	  break;
X	case 45:
X	  if (tmpv < MAX_ROCKS)
X	    insert_str(object_list[i].name, "%R", rocks[tmpv]);
X	  break;
X	case 40: if (tmpv < MAX_AMULETS)
X	  insert_str(object_list[i].name, "%A", amulets[tmpv]);
X	  break;
X	case 65:
X	  if (tmpv < MAX_METALS)
X	    insert_str(object_list[i].name, "%M", metals[tmpv]);
X	  break;
X	case 55:
X	  if (tmpv < MAX_WOODS)
X	    insert_str(object_list[i].name, "%W", woods[tmpv]);
X	  break;
X	case 80:
X	  if (tmpv < MAX_MUSH)
X	    insert_str(object_list[i].name, "%M", mushrooms[tmpv]);
X	  break;
X	case 60:
X	  /*if (tmpv < MAX_RODS)
X	    insert_str(object_list[i].name, "%D", rods[tmpv])*/;
X	  break;
X	default:
X	  break;
X	}
X    }
X  reset_seed();
X/* Remove "Secret" symbol for identity of object			*/
Xchar *object_str;
X  register int pos;
X  vtype str1, str2;
X  register char *string;
X  string = index(object_str, '|');
X  if (string)
X    pos = strlen(object_str) - strlen(string);
X  else
X    pos = -1;
X  if (pos >= 0)
X    {
X      (void) strncpy(str1, object_str, pos);
X      str1[pos] = '\0';
X      (void) strcpy(str2, &object_str[pos+1]);
X      (void) strcpy(object_str, strcat(str1, str2));
X    }
X/* Remove "Secret" symbol for identity of plusses			*/
Xchar *object_str;
X  register int pos;
X  vtype str1, str2;
X  register char *string;
X  string = index(object_str, '^');
X  if (string)
X    pos = strlen(object_str) - strlen(string);
X  else
X    pos = -1;
X  if (pos >= 0)
X    {
X      (void) strncpy(str1, object_str, pos);
X      str1[pos] = '\0';
X      (void) strcpy(str2, &object_str[pos+1]);
X      (void) strcpy(object_str, strcat(str1, str2));
X    }
X/* Return string without quoted portion				*/
Xchar *object_str;
X  register int pos0, pos1, pos2;
X  vtype str1, str2;
X  register char *string;
X  string = index(object_str, '\"');
X  if (string)
X    pos0 = strlen(string) - strlen(object_str);
X  else
X    pos0 = -1;
X  if (pos0 >= 0)
X    {
X      string = index(object_str, '~');
X      if (string)
X	pos1 = strlen(string) - strlen(object_str);
X      else
X	pos1 = 0;
X      string = index(object_str, '|');
X      if (string)
X	pos2 = strlen(string) - strlen(object_str);
X      else
X	pos2 = 0;
X      (void) strncpy(str1, object_str, pos1);
X      str1[pos1] = '\0';
X      (void) strcpy(str2, &object_str[pos2+1]);
X      (void) strcpy(object_str, strcat(str1, str2));
X    }
X/* Somethings been identified					*/
Xtreasure_type item;
X  register int i, x1, x2;
X  register treasure_type *t_ptr;
X  char *string;
X  x1 = item.tval;
X  x2 = item.subval;
X  if (index(item.name, '|') != 0)
X    {
X      for (i = 0; i < MAX_TALLOC; i++)
X	{
X	  t_ptr = &t_list[i];
X	  if ((t_ptr->tval == x1) && (t_ptr->subval == x2))
X	    {
X	      unquote(t_ptr->name);
X	      known1(t_ptr->name);
X	    }
X	}
X      for (i = 0; i <= INVEN_MAX; i++)
X	{
X	  t_ptr = &inventory[i];
X	  if ((t_ptr->tval == x1) && (t_ptr->subval == x2))
X	    {
X	      unquote(t_ptr->name);
X	      known1(t_ptr->name);
X	    }
X	}
X      i = 0;
X      do
X	{
X	  t_ptr = &object_list[i];
X	  if ((t_ptr->tval == x1) && (t_ptr->subval == x2))
X	    if ((string = index(t_ptr->name, '%')) && (string[0] == 'T'))
X	      {
X		insert_str(t_ptr->name, " %T|", "");
X		object_ident[i] = TRUE;
X	      }
X	    else
X	      {
X		unquote(t_ptr->name);
X		known1(t_ptr->name);
X		object_ident[i] = TRUE;
X	      }
X	  i++;
X	}
X      while (i != MAX_OBJECTS);
X    }
X/* Returns a description of item for inventory			*/
X/* pref indicates that there should be an article added (prefix) */
Xobjdes(out_val, ptr, pref)
Xchar *out_val;
Xint ptr;
Xint pref;
X  register int pos;
X  vtype tmp_val;
X  register treasure_type *i_ptr;
X  register char *string;
X  i_ptr = &inventory[ptr];
X  (void) strcpy(tmp_val, i_ptr->name);
X  string = index(tmp_val, '|');
X  if (string)
X    pos = strlen(tmp_val) - strlen(string);
X  else
X    pos = -1;
X  if (pos >= 0)
X    {
X      tmp_val[pos] = '\0';
X    }
X  string = index(tmp_val, '^');
X  if (string)
X    pos = strlen(tmp_val) - strlen(string);
X  else
X    pos = -1;
X  if (pos >= 0)
X    {
X      tmp_val[pos] = '\0';
X    }
X  if (!pref)
X    {
X      string = index(tmp_val, '(');
X      if (string)
X	pos = strlen(tmp_val) - strlen(string);
X      else
X	pos = -1;
X      if (pos >= 0)
X	{
X	  tmp_val[pos] = '\0';
X	}
X    }
X  insert_num(tmp_val, "%P1", i_ptr->p1, TRUE);
X  insert_num(tmp_val, "%P2", i_ptr->tohit, TRUE);
X  insert_num(tmp_val, "%P3", i_ptr->todam, TRUE);
X  insert_num(tmp_val, "%P4", i_ptr->toac, TRUE);
X  insert_num(tmp_val, "%P5", i_ptr->p1, FALSE);
X  insert_num(tmp_val, "%P6", i_ptr->ac, FALSE);
X  if (i_ptr->number != 1)
X    {
X      insert_str(tmp_val, "ch~", "ches");
X      insert_str(tmp_val, "~", "s");
X    }
X  else
X    insert_str(tmp_val, "~", "");
X  if (pref)
X    {
X      if (index(tmp_val, '&') != 0)
X	{
X	  insert_str(tmp_val, "&", "");
X	  if (i_ptr->number > 1)
X	    (void) sprintf(out_val, "%d%s", (int)i_ptr->number, tmp_val);
X	  else if (i_ptr->number < 1)
X	    (void) sprintf(out_val, "%s%s", "no more", tmp_val);
X	  else if (is_a_vowel(tmp_val[1]))
X	    (void) sprintf(out_val, "an%s", tmp_val);
X	  else
X	    (void) sprintf(out_val, "a%s", tmp_val);
X	}
X      /* handle 'no more' case specially */
X      else if (i_ptr->number < 1)
X	{
X	  /* check for "some" at start */
X	  if (!strncmp("some", tmp_val, 4))
X	    (void) sprintf(out_val, "no more %s", &tmp_val[5]);
X	  /* here if no article */
X	  else
X	    (void) sprintf(out_val, "no more %s", tmp_val);
X	}
X      else
X	(void) strcpy(out_val, tmp_val);
X      (void) strcat(out_val, ".");
X    }
X  else
X    {
X      insert_str(tmp_val, "& ", "");
X      if (!strncmp("some", tmp_val, 4))
X	(void) strcpy(out_val, &tmp_val[5]);
X      else
X	(void) strcpy(out_val, tmp_val);
X    }
if test 8357 -ne `wc -c <'desc.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'desc.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'desc.c'
if test -f 'magic.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'magic.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'magic.c'\" \(5981 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'magic.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X#include "constants.h"
X#include "config.h"
X#include "types.h"
X#include "externs.h"
X/* Throw a magic spell					-RAK-	*/
X  int i, j, item_val, dir;
X  int choice, chance, result;
X  int dumy, y_dumy, x_dumy;
X  int redraw;
X  register struct flags *f_ptr;
X  register struct misc *p_ptr;
X  register treasure_type *i_ptr;
X  register spell_type *m_ptr;
X  reset_flag = TRUE;
X  if (py.flags.blind > 0)
X    msg_print("You can't see to read your spell book!");
X  else if (no_light())
X    msg_print("You have no light to read by.");
X  else if (py.flags.confused > 0)
X    msg_print("You are too confused...");
X  else if (class[py.misc.pclass].mspell)
X    if (inven_ctr > 0)
X      {
X 	if (find_range(90, -1, &i, &j))
X	  {
X	    redraw = FALSE;
X	    if (get_item(&item_val, "Use which spell-book?",
X			 &redraw, i, j))
X	      {
X		if ((result = cast_spell("Cast which spell?", item_val,
X			       &choice, &chance, &redraw)) == TRUE)
X		  {
X		    m_ptr = &magic_spell[py.misc.pclass][choice];
X		    reset_flag = FALSE;
X		    if (randint(100) < chance)
X		      msg_print("You failed to get the spell off!");
X		    else 		
X		      {
X 			y_dumy = char_row;
X 			x_dumy = char_col;
X 			/* Spells...  */
X			choice++;
X			switch(choice) 		
X			  {
X			  case 1:
X			    if (get_dir("Which direction?", &dir, 	
X					&dumy, &y_dumy, &x_dumy)) 	
X			      fire_bolt(0, dir, char_row, char_col,
X					damroll("2d6")+1, "Magic Missile");
X			    break;
X			  case 2:
X			    (void) detect_monsters();
X			    break;
X			  case 3:
X			    teleport(10);
X			    break;
X			  case 4:
X			    (void) light_area(char_row, char_col);
X			    break;
X			  case 5:
X			    (void) hp_player(damroll("4d4"), "a magic spell.");
X			    break;
X			  case 6:
X			    (void) detect_sdoor();
X			    (void) detect_trap();
X			    break;
X			  case 7:
X			    if (get_dir("Which direction?", &dir,
X					&dumy, &y_dumy, &x_dumy)) 	
X			      fire_ball(2, dir, char_row, char_col, 9,
X					"Stinking Cloud");
X			    break;
X			  case 8:
X			    if (get_dir("Which direction?", &dir,
X					&dumy, &y_dumy, &x_dumy))
X			      (void) confuse_monster(dir, char_row, char_col);
X			    break;
X			  case 9:
X			    if (get_dir("Which direction?", &dir,
X					&dumy, &y_dumy, &x_dumy))
X			      fire_bolt(1, dir, char_row, char_col,
X					damroll("3d8")+1, "Lightning Bolt");
X			    break;
X			  case 10:
X			    (void) td_destroy();
X			    break;
X			  case 11:
X			    if (get_dir("Which direction?", &dir,
X					&dumy, &y_dumy, &x_dumy))
X			      (void) sleep_monster(dir, char_row, char_col);
X			    break;
X			  case 12:
X			    (void) cure_poison();
X			    break;
X			  case 13:
X			    teleport((int)(py.misc.lev*5));
X			    break;
X			  case 14:
X			    for (i = 22; i < INVEN_MAX; i++)
X			      {
X 				i_ptr = &inventory[i];
X 				i_ptr->flags = (i_ptr->flags & 0x7FFFFFFF);
X			      }
X			    break;
X			  case 15:
X			    if (get_dir("Which direction?", &dir,
X					&dumy, &y_dumy, &x_dumy))
X 			      fire_bolt(4, dir, char_row, char_col,
X 					damroll("4d8")+1, "Frost Bolt");
X 			    break;
X 			  case 16:
X 			    if (get_dir("Which direction?", &dir,
X 					&dumy, &y_dumy, &x_dumy))  	
X			      (void) wall_to_mud(dir, char_row, char_col);
X 			    break;
X 			  case 17:
X 			    (void) create_food();
X 			    break;
X 			  case 18:
X 			    (void) recharge(20);
X 			    break;
X 			  case 19:
X 			    (void) sleep_monsters1(char_row, char_col);
X 			    break;
X 			  case 20:
X 			    if (get_dir("Which direction?", &dir,
X 					&dumy, &y_dumy, &x_dumy))  	
X			      (void) poly_monster(dir, char_row, char_col);
X 			    break;
X 			  case 21:
X 			    (void) ident_spell();
X 			    break;
X 			  case 22:
X  			    (void) sleep_monsters2();
X 			    break;
X 			  case 23:
X 			    if (get_dir("Which direction?", &dir,
X					&dumy, &y_dumy, &x_dumy))  	
X			      fire_bolt(5, dir, char_row, char_col,  	
X					damroll("6d8")+1, "Fire Bolt");
X 			    break;
X 			  case 24:
X 			    if (get_dir("Which direction?", &dir,  	
X					&dumy, &y_dumy, &x_dumy))
X			      (void)speed_monster(dir, char_row, char_col, -1);
X 			    break;
X			  case 25:
X 			    if (get_dir("Which direction?", &dir,
X					&dumy, &y_dumy, &x_dumy))  	
X			      fire_ball(4, dir, char_row, char_col, 33,
X					"Frost Ball");
X 			    break;
X 			  case 26:
X 			    (void) recharge(60);
X 			    break;
X 			  case 27:
X 			    if (get_dir("Which direction?", &dir,
X 					&dumy, &y_dumy, &x_dumy))
X			      (void) teleport_monster(dir, char_row, char_col);
X 			    break;
X 			  case 28:
X 			    f_ptr = &py.flags;
X 			    f_ptr->fast += randint(20) + py.misc.lev;
X 			    break;
X 			  case 29:
X 			    if (get_dir("Which direction?", &dir,
X 					&dumy, &y_dumy, &x_dumy))  	
X			      fire_ball(5, dir, char_row, char_col, 49,
X					"Fire Ball");
X 			    break;
X 			  case 30:
X 			    (void) destroy_area(char_row, char_col);
X 			    break;
X 			  case 31:
X 			    (void) genocide();
X 			  default:
X 			    break;
X 			  }
X 			/* End of spells...                              */
X			if (!reset_flag)  			
X			  {
X 			    p_ptr = &py.misc;
X 			    p_ptr->exp += m_ptr->sexp;
X 			    prt_experience();
X 			    m_ptr->sexp = 0;
X 			  }
X 		      }
X 		    p_ptr = &py.misc;
X 		    if (!reset_flag)
X		      {
X 			if (m_ptr->smana > p_ptr->cmana)
X			  {
X 			    msg_print("You faint from the effort!");
X 			    py.flags.paralysis =
X			      randint(5*(int)(m_ptr->smana-(int)p_ptr->cmana));
X 			    p_ptr->cmana = 0.0;
X 			    if (randint(3) == 1)
X			      {
X 				msg_print("You have damaged your health!");
X 				py.stats.ccon = de_statp(py.stats.ccon);
X 				prt_constitution();
X 			      }
X 			  }
X 			else
X			  p_ptr->cmana -= (double)m_ptr->smana;
X 			prt_cmana();
X 		      }
X 		  }
X		else if (result == -1)
X		  msg_print("You don't know any spells in that book.");
X 	      }
X 	    else
X	      if (redraw)  draw_cave();
X 	  }
X 	else
X	  msg_print("But you are not carrying any spell-books!");
X      }
X    else
X      msg_print("But you are not carrying any spell-books!");
X  else
X    msg_print("You can't cast spells!");
if test 5981 -ne `wc -c <'magic.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'magic.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'magic.c'
if test -f 'main.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'main.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'main.c'\" \(5549 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'main.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* Moria Version 4.8	COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke		*/
X/*                                                                       */
X/*       I lovingly dedicate this game to hackers and adventurers        */
X/*       everywhere...                                                   */
X/*                                                                       */
X/*                                                                       */
X/*       Designer and Programmer : Robert Alan Koeneke                   */
X/*                                 University of Oklahoma                */
X/*                                                                       */
X/*       Assistant Programmers   : Jimmey Wayne Todd                     */
X/*                                 University of Oklahoma                */
X/*                                                                       */
X/*                                 Gary D. McAdoo                        */
X/*                                 University of Oklahoma                */
X/*                                                                       */
X/*       UNIX Port               : James E. Wilson                       */
X/*                                 UC Berkeley                           */
X/*                                 wilson@ernie.Berkeley.EDU             */
X/*                                 ucbvax!ucbernie!wilson                */
X/*                                                                       */
X/*       Moria may be copied and modified freely as long as the above    */
X/*       credits are retained.  No one who-so-ever may sell or market    */
X/*       this software in any form without the expressed written consent */
X/*       of the author Robert Alan Koeneke.                              */
X/*                                                                       */
X#include <curses.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include "constants.h"
X#include "config.h"
X#include "types.h"
X#include "externs.h"
X#ifdef USG
X#include <string.h>
X#include <strings.h>
X#if defined(ultrix) || defined(sun) || defined(USG)
Xint getuid();
Xint getgid();
Xuid_t getuid();
Xuid_t getgid();
X#if defined(ultrix) || defined(USG)
Xvoid perror();
Xvoid exit();
Xextern int key_bindings;
X/* Initialize, restore, and get the ball rolling...	-RAK-	*/
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xint argc;
Xchar *argv[];
X  /* call this routine to grab a file pointer to the highscore file *
X  /* and prepare things to relinquish setuid privileges */
X  init_scorefile();
X  if (0 != setuid(getuid()))
X    {
X      perror("Gack!  Can't set permissions correctly!  Exiting!\n");
X      exit(0);
X    }
X  if (0 != setgid(getgid()))
X    {
X      perror("Gack!  Can't set group id correctly!  Exiting!\n");
X      exit(0);
X    }
X  /* use curses */
X  init_curses();
X  /* catch those nasty signals */
X  /* must come after init_curses as some of the signal handlers use curses */
X  init_signals();
X  /* Build the secret wizard and god passwords	*/
X  bpswd();
X  /* check for user interface option */
X  key_bindings = KEY_BINDINGS;
X  if (argc >= 2)
X    {
X      if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-r"))
X        {
X          key_bindings = ROGUE_LIKE;
X          argv[1][0] = '\0';
X        }
X      if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-o"))
X	{
X	  key_bindings = ORIGINAL;
X	  argv[1][0] = '\0';
X	}
X      if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-s"))
X	{
X	  display_scores();
X	  exit_game();
X	}
X    }
X  /* Check operating hours 			*/
X  /* If not wizard  No_Control_Y               */
X  /* Check or create hours.dat, print message	*/
X  /* if last arg is ^ then start as wizard, can not restore game also */
X  if (argc >= 2)
X    intro(argv[argc - 1]);
X  else
X    intro("");
X  /* Some necessary initializations		*/
X  /* all made into constants or initialized in variables.c */
X  /* Grab a random seed from the clock		*/
X  init_seeds();
X  /* Sort the objects by level			*/
X  sort_objects();
X  /* Init monster and treasure levels for allocate */
X  init_m_level();
X  init_t_level();
X  /* Init the store inventories			*/
X  store_init();
X  if (COST_ADJ != 1.00)  price_adjust();
X  /* Generate a character, or retrieve old one...	*/
X  if ((argc > 1) && strlen(argv[argc-1]))
X    {     /* Retrieve character    */
X      generate = get_char(argv[argc-1]);
X      change_name();
X      magic_init();
X    }
X  else
X    {     /* Create character      */
X      create_character();
X      char_inven_init();
X      if (class[py.misc.pclass].mspell)
X	{         /* Magic realm   */
X	  (void) learn_spell(&msg_flag);
X	  gain_mana(int_adj());
X	}
X      else if (class[py.misc.pclass].pspell)
X	{         /* Clerical realm*/
X	  (void) learn_prayer();
X	  gain_mana(wis_adj());
X	}
X      py.misc.cmana = (double)py.misc.mana;
X      magic_init();
X      generate = TRUE;
X    }
X  /* Begin the game				*/
X  /*    This determines the maximum player level    */
X  /* must be one less than real value so that prt_experience will work
X     correctly, otherwise it is possible to reach level 41 */
X  player_max_exp = player_exp[MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL-1] * py.misc.expfact - 1;
X  clear_screen(0, 0);
X  prt_stat_block();
X  /* prevent ^c quit from entering score into scoreboard until this point */
X  character_generated = 1;
X  /* Loop till dead, or exit			*/
X  while(!death) {
X    if (generate)  generate_cave();         /* New level     */
X    dungeon();                                  /* Dungeon logic */
X    generate = TRUE;
X  }
X  upon_death();                         /* Character gets buried */
X  /* should never reach here, but just in case */
X  return (0);
if test 5549 -ne `wc -c <'main.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'main.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'main.c'
if test -f 'wizard.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'wizard.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'wizard.c'\" \(11268 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'wizard.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include "constants.h"
X#include "config.h"
X#include "types.h"
X#include "externs.h"
X#ifdef USG
X#include <string.h>
X#include <strings.h>
X#ifdef sun   /* correct SUN stupidity in the stdio.h file */
Xchar *sprintf();
X/* Print Moria credits					-RAK-	*/
X  vtype tmp_str;
X  clear_screen(0, 0);
X  (void) sprintf(tmp_str, "               Moria Version %f", CUR_VERSION);
X  put_buffer(tmp_str, 0, 0);
X  put_buffer("Version 0.1  : 03/25/83", 1, 0);
X  put_buffer("Version 1.0  : 05/01/84", 2, 0);
X  put_buffer("Version 2.0  : 07/10/84", 3, 0);
X  put_buffer("Version 3.0  : 11/20/84", 4, 0);
X  put_buffer("Version 4.0  : 01/20/85", 5, 0);
X  put_buffer("Modules :", 7, 0);
X  put_buffer("     V1.0  Dungeon Generator      - RAK", 8, 0);
X  put_buffer("           Character Generator    - RAK & JWT", 9, 0);
X  put_buffer("           Moria Module           - RAK", 10, 0);
X  put_buffer("           Miscellaneous          - RAK & JWT", 11, 0);
X  put_buffer("     V2.0  Town Level & Misc      - RAK", 12, 0);
X  put_buffer("     V3.0  Internal Help & Misc   - RAK", 13, 0);
X  put_buffer("     V4.0  Source Release Version - RAK", 14, 0);
X  put_buffer("Robert Alan Koeneke               Jimmey Wayne Todd Jr.", 16, 0);
X put_buffer("Student/University of Oklahoma    Student/University of Oklahoma",
X	    17, 0);
X  put_buffer("119 Crystal Bend                  1912 Tiffany Dr.", 18, 0);
X  put_buffer("Norman, OK 73069                  Norman, OK  73071", 19, 0);
X  put_buffer("(405)-321-2925                    (405) 360-6792", 20, 0);
X  pause_line(23);
X  clear_screen(0, 0);
X  put_buffer("UNIX MORIA Port by James E. Wilson", 2, 0);
X  put_buffer("                   wilson@ernie.Berkeley.EDU", 3, 0);
X  put_buffer("                   ucbvax!ucbernie!wilson", 4, 0);
X  put_buffer("This version is based on the VMS version 4.8", 6, 0);
X  put_buffer("but is no longer identical to the original VMS program.", 7, 0);
X  put_buffer("Please use care when referring to this program.", 8, 0);
X  put_buffer("Please call it 'umoria' or 'UNIX MORIA' or something", 9, 0);
X  put_buffer("similar to avoid confusion.", 10, 0);
X  pause_line(23);
X  draw_cave();
X/* Light up the dungeon					-RAK-	*/
X  register cave_type *c_ptr;
X  register int k, l, i, j;
X  int flag;
X  if (cave[char_row][char_col].pl)
X    flag = FALSE;
X  else
X    flag = TRUE;
X  for (i = 0; i < cur_height; i++)
X    for (j = 0; j < cur_width; j++)
X      if (set_floor(cave[i][j].fval))
X	for (k = i-1; k <= i+1; k++)
X	  for (l = j-1; l <= j+1; l++)
X	    {
X	      c_ptr = &cave[k][l];
X	      c_ptr->pl = flag;
X	      if (!flag)
X		c_ptr->fm = FALSE;
X	    }
X  prt_map();
X/* Wizard routine for gaining on stats			-RAK-	*/
X  int tmp_val;
X  vtype tmp_str;
X  register struct stats *s_ptr;
X  register struct misc *m_ptr;
X  s_ptr = &py.stats;
X  prt("(3 - 118) Strength     == ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 25, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > 2) && (tmp_val < 119))
X    {
X      s_ptr->str  = tmp_val;
X      s_ptr->cstr = tmp_val;
X      prt_strength();
X    }
X  prt("(3 - 118) Intelligence == ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 25, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > 2) && (tmp_val < 119))
X    {
X      s_ptr->intel  = tmp_val;
X      s_ptr->cint = tmp_val;
X      prt_intelligence();
X    }
X  prt("(3 - 118) Wisdom       == ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 25, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > 2) && (tmp_val < 119))
X    {
X      s_ptr->wis  = tmp_val;
X      s_ptr->cwis = tmp_val;
X      prt_wisdom();
X    }
X  prt("(3 - 118) Dexterity    == ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 25, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > 2) && (tmp_val < 119))
X    {
X      s_ptr->dex  = tmp_val;
X      s_ptr->cdex = tmp_val;
X      prt_dexterity();
X    }
X  prt("(3 - 118) Constitution == ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 25, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > 2) && (tmp_val < 119))
X    {
X      s_ptr->con  = tmp_val;
X      s_ptr->ccon = tmp_val;
X      prt_constitution();
X    }
X  prt("(3 - 118) Charisma     == ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 25, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > 2) && (tmp_val < 119))
X    {
X      s_ptr->chr  = tmp_val;
X      s_ptr->cchr = tmp_val;
X      prt_charisma();
X    }
X  m_ptr = &py.misc;
X  prt("(1 - 32767) Hit points == ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 25, 10);
X  tmp_val = -1;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > 0) && (tmp_val < 32768))
X    {
X      m_ptr->mhp  = tmp_val;
X      m_ptr->chp  = (double)tmp_val;
X      prt_mhp();
X      prt_chp();
X    }
X  prt("(0 - 32767) Mana       == ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 25, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > -1) && (tmp_val < 32768))
X    {
X      m_ptr->mana  = tmp_val;
X      m_ptr->cmana = (double)tmp_val;
X      prt_cmana();
X    }
X  (void) sprintf(tmp_str, "Current==%d  (0-200) Searching == ", m_ptr->srh);
X  tmp_val = strlen(tmp_str);
X  prt(tmp_str, 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, tmp_val, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > -1) && (tmp_val < 201))
X    m_ptr->srh  = tmp_val;
X  (void) sprintf(tmp_str, "Current==%d  (0-10) Stealth == ", m_ptr->stl);
X  tmp_val = strlen(tmp_str);
X  prt(tmp_str, 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, tmp_val, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > -1) && (tmp_val < 11))
X    m_ptr->stl  = tmp_val;
X  (void) sprintf(tmp_str, "Current==%d  (0-200) Disarming == ", m_ptr->disarm);
X  tmp_val = strlen(tmp_str);
X  prt(tmp_str, 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, tmp_val, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > -1) && (tmp_val < 201))
X    m_ptr->disarm = tmp_val;
X  (void) sprintf(tmp_str, "Current==%d  (0-100) Save == ", m_ptr->save);
X  tmp_val = strlen(tmp_str);
X  prt(tmp_str, 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, tmp_val, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > -1) && (tmp_val < 201))
X    m_ptr->save = tmp_val;
X  (void) sprintf(tmp_str, "Current==%d  (0-200) Base to hit == ", m_ptr->bth);
X  tmp_val = strlen(tmp_str);
X  prt(tmp_str, 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, tmp_val, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > -1) && (tmp_val < 201))
X    m_ptr->bth  = tmp_val;
X  (void) sprintf(tmp_str, "Current==%d  (0-200) Bows/Throwing == ",
X		 m_ptr->bthb);
X  tmp_val = strlen(tmp_str);
X  prt(tmp_str, 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, tmp_val, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if ((tmp_val > -1) && (tmp_val < 201))
X    m_ptr->bthb = tmp_val;
X  (void) sprintf(tmp_str, "Current==%d  Gold == ", m_ptr->au);
X  tmp_val = strlen(tmp_str);
X  prt(tmp_str, 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, tmp_val, 10);
X  tmp_val = -999;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  if (tmp_val > -1)
X    {
X      m_ptr->au = tmp_val;
X      prt_gold();
X    }
X  erase_line(MSG_LINE, 0);
X  py_bonuses(blank_treasure, 0);
X/* Wizard routine for creating objects			-RAK-	*/
X  int tmp_val;
X  vtype tmp_str;
X  register int flag;
X  register treasure_type *i_ptr;
X  register cave_type *c_ptr;
X  char command;
X  msg_print("Warning: This routine can cause fatal error.");
X  /* make sure player sees the message */
X  msg_print(" ");
X  msg_flag = FALSE;
X  i_ptr = &inventory[INVEN_MAX];
X  prt("Name   : ", 0, 0);
X  if (get_string(tmp_str, 0, 9, 80))
X    (void) strcpy(i_ptr->name, tmp_str);
X  else
X    (void) strcpy(i_ptr->name, "& Wizard Object!");
X  do
X    {
X      prt("Tval   : ", 0, 0);
X      (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 9, 10);
X      tmp_val = 0;
X      (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X      flag = TRUE;
X      switch(tmp_val)
X	{
X	case 1: case 13: case 15 :	i_ptr->tchar = '~'; break;
X	case 2: 	i_ptr->tchar = '&'; break;
X	case 10:	i_ptr->tchar = '{'; break;
X	case 11:	i_ptr->tchar = '{'; break;
X	case 12:	i_ptr->tchar = '{'; break;
X	case 20:	i_ptr->tchar = '}'; break;
X	case 21:	i_ptr->tchar = '/'; break;
X	case 22:	i_ptr->tchar = '\\'; break;
X	case 23:	i_ptr->tchar = '|'; break;
X	case 25:	i_ptr->tchar = '\\'; break;
X	case 30:	i_ptr->tchar = ']'; break;
X	case 31:	i_ptr->tchar = ']'; break;
X	case 32:	i_ptr->tchar = '('; break;
X	case 33:	i_ptr->tchar = ']'; break;
X	case 34:	i_ptr->tchar = ')'; break;
X	case 35:	i_ptr->tchar = '['; break;
X	case 36:	i_ptr->tchar = '('; break;
X	case 40:	i_ptr->tchar = '\''; break;
X	case 45:	i_ptr->tchar = '='; break;
X	case 55:	i_ptr->tchar = '_'; break;
X	case 60:	i_ptr->tchar = '-'; break;
X	case 65:	i_ptr->tchar = '-'; break;
X	case 70: case 71:	i_ptr->tchar = '?'; break;
X	case 75: case 76: case 77:	i_ptr->tchar = '!'; break;
X	case 80:	i_ptr->tchar = ','; break;
X	case 90:	i_ptr->tchar = '?'; break;
X	case 91:	i_ptr->tchar = '?'; break;
X	default:	flag = FALSE; break;
X	}
X    }
X  while (!flag);
X  i_ptr->tval = tmp_val;
X  prt("Subval : ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 9, 10);
X  tmp_val = 1;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  i_ptr->subval = tmp_val;
X  prt("Weight : ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 9, 10);
X  tmp_val = 1;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  i_ptr->weight = tmp_val;
X  prt("Number : ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 9, 10);
X  tmp_val = 1;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  i_ptr->number = tmp_val;
X  prt("Damage : ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 9, 5);
X  (void) strcpy(i_ptr->damage, tmp_str);
X  prt("+To hit: ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 9, 10);
X  tmp_val = 0;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  i_ptr->tohit = tmp_val;
X  prt("+To dam: ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 9, 10);
X  tmp_val = 0;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  i_ptr->todam = tmp_val;
X  prt("AC     : ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 9, 10);
X  tmp_val = 0;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  i_ptr->ac = tmp_val;
X  prt("+To AC : ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 9, 10);
X  tmp_val = 0;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  i_ptr->toac = tmp_val;
X  prt("P1     : ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 9, 10);
X  tmp_val = 0;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  i_ptr->p1 = tmp_val;
X  prt("Flags (In HEX): ", 0, 0);
X  i_ptr->flags = get_hex_value(0, 16, 8);
X  prt("Cost : ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 9, 10);
X  tmp_val = 0;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  i_ptr->cost = tmp_val;
X  prt("Level : ", 0, 0);
X  (void) get_string(tmp_str, 0, 10, 10);
X  tmp_val = 0;
X  (void) sscanf(tmp_str, "%d", &tmp_val);
X  i_ptr->level = tmp_val;
X  if (get_com("Allocate? (Y/N)", &command))
X    switch(command)
X      {
X      case 'y': case 'Y':
X	popt(&tmp_val);
X	t_list[tmp_val] = inventory[INVEN_MAX];
X	c_ptr = &cave[char_row][char_col];
X	if (c_ptr->tptr != 0)
X	  (void) delete_object(char_row, char_col);
X	c_ptr->tptr = tmp_val;
X	msg_print("Allocated...");
X	break;
X      default:
X	msg_print("Aborted...");
X	break;
X      }
X  inventory[INVEN_MAX] = blank_treasure;
if test 11268 -ne `wc -c <'wizard.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'wizard.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'wizard.c'
echo shar: End of archive 16 \(of 18\).
cp /dev/null ark16isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 18 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0