[comp.sources.games] v12i061: larn2 - dungeon type adventure game

billr@saab.CNA.TEK.COM (Bill Randle) (04/24/91)

Submitted-by: routley@tle.ENET.DEC.COM (Kevin Routley)
Posting-number: Volume 12, Issue 61
Archive-name: larn2/Part08
Supersedes: larn: Volume 11, Issue 84-94
Environment: Unix, VMS, MS-DOS, OS/2, termcap

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 8 (of 12)."
# Contents:  bill.c create.c scores.c
# Wrapped by billr@saab on Tue Apr 23 13:50:33 1991
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'bill.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'bill.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'bill.c'\" \(8393 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'bill.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* bill.c */
X#include "header.h"
X#include "larndefs.h"
X# ifdef MAIL
X# include "player.h"
X# ifdef VMS
X# define MAILTMP    "sys$scratch:"
X# else
X# define MAILTMP    "/tmp/#"
X# endif
Xstatic int pid;
Xstatic char mail600[sizeof(MAILTMP)+sizeof("mail600")+20];
X# endif
X *  function to create the tax bill for the user
X */
X# ifdef MAIL
Xstatic letter1()
X# else
Xstatic letter1(gold)
Xlong gold;
X# endif
X  {
X# ifdef MAIL
X  sprintf(mail600,"%s%dmail600",MAILTMP,pid); /* prepare path */
X  if (lcreat(mail600) < 0) { write(1,"can't write 600 letter\n",23); return(0);}
X#ifndef RFCMAIL
X  lprcat("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
X#endif /*RFCMAIL*/
X# endif
X  lprcat("From: LRS (Larn Revenue Service)\n");
X  lprcat("Subject: Undeclared Income\n\n");
X#else /*RFCMAIL*/
X  standout("From:"); lprcat("  the LRS (Larn Revenue Service)\n");
X  standout("\nSubject:"); lprcat("  undeclared income\n");
X#endif /*RFCMAIL*/
X  lprcat("\n   We heard you survived the caverns of Larn.  Let me be the");
X  lprcat("\nfirst to congratulate you on your success.  It is quite a feat.");
X  lprcat("\nIt must also have been very profitable for you.");
X  lprcat("\n\n   The Dungeon Master has informed us that you brought");
X# ifdef MAIL
X  lprintf("\n%d gold pieces back with you from your journey.  As the",(long)c[GOLD]);
X# else
X  lprintf("\n%d gold pieces back with you from your journey.  As the", gold);
X# endif
X  lprcat("\ncounty of Larn is in dire need of funds, we have spared no time");
X  lprintf("\nin preparing your tax bill.  You owe %d gold pieces as",
X# ifdef MAIL
X    (long)c[GOLD]*TAXRATE);
X# else
X    gold * TAXRATE);
X# endif
X  lprcat("\nof this notice, and is due within 5 days.  Failure to pay will");
X  lprcat("\nmean penalties.  Once again, congratulations, We look forward");
X  lprcat("\nto your future successful expeditions.\n");
X# ifdef MAIL
X  lwclose();
X# endif
X  return(1);
X  }
Xstatic letter2()
X  {
X# ifdef MAIL
X  sprintf(mail600,"%s%dmail600",MAILTMP,pid); /* prepare path */
X  if (lcreat(mail600) < 0) { write(1,"can't write 601 letter\n",23); return(0);}
X#ifndef RFCMAIL
X  lprcat("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
X#endif /*RFCMAIL*/
X# endif
X  lprcat("From: King (His Majesty King Wilfred of Larndom)\n");
X  lprcat("Subject: A Noble Deed\n\n");
X#else /*RFCMAIL*/
X  standout("From:"); lprcat("  His Majesty King Wilfred of Larndom\n");
X  standout("\nSubject:"); lprcat("  a noble deed\n");
X#endif /*RFCMAIL*/
X  lprcat("\n   I have heard of your magnificent feat, and I, King Wilfred,");
X  lprcat("\nforthwith declare today to be a national holiday.  Furthermore,");
X  lprcat("\nhence three days, Ye be invited to the castle to receive the");
X  lprcat("\nhonour of Knight of the realm.  Upon thy name shall it be written. . .");
X  lprcat("\nBravery and courage be yours.");
X  lprcat("\nMay you live in happiness forevermore . . .\n");
X# ifdef MAIL
X  lwclose();
X# endif
X  return(1);
X  }
Xstatic letter3()
X  {
X# ifdef MAIL
X  sprintf(mail600,"%s%dmail600",MAILTMP,pid); /* prepare path */
X  if (lcreat(mail600) < 0) { write(1,"can't write 602 letter\n",23); return(0);}
X#ifndef RFCMAIL
X  lprcat("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
X#endif /*RFCMAIL*/
X# endif
X  lprcat("From: Endelford (Count Endelford)\n");
X  lprcat("Subject: You Bastard!\n\n");
X#else /*RFCMAIL*/
X  standout("From:"); lprcat("  Count Endelford\n");
X  standout("\nSubject:"); lprcat("  You Bastard!\n");
X#endif /*RFCMAIL*/
X  lprcat("\n   I heard (from sources) of your journey.  Congratulations!");
X  lprcat("\nYou Bastard!  With several attempts I have yet to endure the");
X  lprcat(" caves,\nand you, a nobody, makes the journey!  From this time");
X  lprcat(" onward, bewarned\nupon our meeting you shall pay the price!\n");
X# ifdef MAIL
X  lwclose();
X# endif
X  return(1);
X  }
Xstatic letter4()
X  {
X# ifdef MAIL
X  sprintf(mail600,"%s%dmail600", MAILTMP,pid); /* prepare path */
X  if (lcreat(mail600) < 0) { write(1,"can't write 603 letter\n",23); return(0);}
X#ifndef RFCMAIL
X  lprcat("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
X#endif /*RFCMAIL*/
X# endif
X  lprcat("From: Mainair (Mainair, Duke of Larnty)\n");
X  lprcat("Subject: High Praise\n\n");
X#else /*RFCMAIL*/
X  standout("From:"); lprcat("  Mainair, Duke of Larnty\n");
X  standout("\nSubject:"); lprcat("  High Praise\n");
X#endif /*RFCMAIL*/
X  lprcat("\n   With a certainty a hero I declare to be amongst us!  A nod of");
X  lprcat("\nfavour I send to thee.  Me thinks Count Endelford this day of");
X  lprcat("\nright breath'eth fire as of dragon of whom ye are slayer.  I");
X  lprcat("\nyearn to behold his anger and jealously.  Should ye choose to");
X  lprcat("\nunleash some of thy wealth upon those who be unfortunate, I,");
X  lprcat("\nDuke Mainair, Shall equal thy gift also.\n");
X# ifdef MAIL
X  lwclose();
X# endif
X  return(1);
X  }
Xstatic letter5()
X  {
X# ifdef MAIL
X  sprintf(mail600,"%s%dmail600", MAILTMP,pid); /* prepare path */
X  if (lcreat(mail600) < 0) { write(1,"can't write 604 letter\n",23); return(0);}
X#ifndef RFCMAIL
X  lprcat("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
X#endif /*RFCMAIL*/
X# endif
X  lprcat("From: StMary (St. Mary's Children's Home)\n");
X  lprcat("Subject: These Poor Children\n\n");
X#else /*RFCMAIL*/
X  standout("From:"); lprcat("  St. Mary's Children's Home\n");
X  standout("\nSubject:"); lprcat("  these poor children\n");
X#endif /*RFCMAIL*/
X  lprcat("\n   News of your great conquests has spread to all of Larndom.");
X  lprcat("\nMight I have a moment of a great man's time.  We here at St.");
X  lprcat("\nMary's Children's Home are very poor, and many children are");
X  lprcat("\nstarving.  Disease is widespread and very often fatal without");
X  lprcat("\ngood food.  Could you possibly find it in your heart to help us");
X  lprcat("\nin our plight?  Whatever you could give will help much.");
X  lprcat("\n(your gift is tax deductible)\n");
X# ifdef MAIL
X  lwclose();
X# endif
X  return(1);
X  }
Xstatic letter6()
X  {
X# ifdef MAIL
X  sprintf(mail600, "%s%dmail600", MAILTMP, pid); /* prepare path */
X  if (lcreat(mail600) < 0) { write(1,"can't write 605 letter\n",23); return(0);}
X#ifndef RFCMAIL
X  lprcat("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
X# endif
X  lprcat("From: CancerSociety (The National Cancer Society of Larn)\n");
X  lprcat("Subject: Hope\n\n");
X#else /*RFCMAIL*/
X  standout("From:"); lprcat("  The National Cancer Society of Larn\n");
X  standout("\nSubject:"); lprcat("  hope\n");
X#endif /*RFCMAIL*/
X  lprcat("\nCongratulations on your successful expedition.  We are sure much");
X  lprcat("\ncourage and determination were needed on your quest.  There are");
X  lprcat("\nmany though, that could never hope to undertake such a journey");
X  lprcat("\ndue to an enfeebling disease -- cancer.  We at the National");
X  lprcat("\nCancer Society of Larn wish to appeal to your philanthropy in");
X  lprcat("\norder to save many good people -- possibly even yourself a few");
X  lprcat("\nyears from now.  Much work needs to be done in researching this");
X  lprcat("\ndreaded disease, and you can help today.  Could you please see it");
X  lprcat("\nin your heart to give generously?  Your continued good health");
X  lprcat("\ncan be your everlasting reward.\n");
X# ifdef MAIL
X  lwclose();
X# endif
X  return(1);
X  }
Xstatic int (*pfn[])()= { letter1, letter2, letter3, letter4, letter5, letter6 };
X# ifdef MAIL
X *  function to mail the letters to the player if a winner
X */
X    {
X#ifdef VMS
X    register int i;
X    char buf[128];
X    pid = getpid();
X    for (i=0; i<sizeof(pfn)/sizeof(int (*)()); i++)
X        if ((*pfn[i])()) {
X            sprintf(buf, "mail %s %s\n", loginname, mail600);
X            oneliner(buf);
X            delete(mail600);
X        }
X    }
X    register int i;
X    char buf[128];
X    wait(0);  pid=getpid();
X    if (fork() == 0)
X        {
X        resetscroll();
X        for (i=0; i<sizeof(pfn)/sizeof(int (*)()); i++)
X            if ((*pfn[i])())
X                {
X                sleep(20);
X                sprintf(buf,"mail %s < %s",loginname,mail600);
X                system(buf);  unlink(mail600);
X                }
X        exit();
X        }
X    }
X# else
X/* Page the mail to the terminal    - dgk
X */
Xlong    gold;
X    register int i;
X    for (i = 0; i < (sizeof pfn) / (sizeof pfn[0]); i++) {
X        resetscroll();
X        clear();
X        (*pfn[i])(gold);    /* a bit dirty 'cause of args */
X        retcont();
X    }
X# endif
if test 8393 -ne `wc -c <'bill.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'bill.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'bill.c'
if test -f 'create.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'create.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'create.c'\" \(15884 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'create.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* create.c */
X#include "header.h"
X#include "larndefs.h"
X#include "monsters.h"
X#include "objects.h"
X#include "player.h"
X    makeplayer()
X    subroutine to create the player and the players attributes
X    this is called at the beginning of a game and at no other time
X */
X    {
X    register int i;
X    scbr();  clear();
X    c[HPMAX]=c[HP]=10;      /*  start player off with 15 hit points */
X    c[LEVEL]=1;             /*  player starts at level one          */
X    c[SPELLMAX]=c[SPELLS]=1;    /*  total # spells starts off as 3  */
X    c[REGENCOUNTER]=16;     c[ECOUNTER]=96; /*start regeneration correctly*/
X    c[SHIELD] = c[WEAR] = c[WIELD] = -1;
X    for (i=0; i<26; i++)  iven[i]=0;
X    spelknow[0]=spelknow[1]=1; /*he knows protection, magic missile*/
X    if (c[HARDGAME]<=0)
X        {
X        iven[0]=OLEATHER; iven[1]=ODAGGER; iven[2] = 0;
X        ivenarg[1]=ivenarg[0]=c[WEAR]=0;  c[WIELD]=1;
X        }
X    playerx=rnd(MAXX-2);    playery=rnd(MAXY-2);
X    regen_bottom = TRUE ;
X    for (i=0; i<6; i++)  c[i]=12; /* make the attributes, ie str, int, etc. */
X    recalc();
X    }
X    newcavelevel(level)
X    int level;
X    function to enter a new level.  This routine must be called anytime the
X    player changes levels.  If that level is unknown it will be created.
X    A new set of monsters will be created for a new level, and existing
X    levels will get a few more monsters.
X    Note that it is here we remove genocided monsters from the present level.
X */
X    register int x;
X    {
X    register int i,j;
X    if (beenhere[level]) savelevel();   /* put the level back into storage  */
X    level = x;              /* get the new level and put in working storage */
X    if (beenhere[x])
X        {
X        getlevel();
X        sethp(0);
X        positionplayer();
X        checkgen();
X        return;
X        }
X    /* fill in new level
X    */
X    for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++)
X        for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++)
X            know[j][i]=mitem[j][i]=0;
X    makemaze(x);
X    makeobject(x);
X    beenhere[x]=1;
X    sethp(1);
X    positionplayer();
X    checkgen();   /* wipe out any genocided monsters */
X    if (wizard || x==0)
X    if (x==0)
X        for (j=0; j<MAXY; j++)
X            for (i=0; i<MAXX; i++)
X                know[i][j] = KNOWALL;
X    }
X    makemaze(level)
X    int level;
X    subroutine to make the caverns for a given level.  only walls are made.
X */
Xstatic int mx,mxl,mxh,my,myl,myh,tmp2;
Xstatic makemaze(k)
X    int k;
X    {
X    register int i,j,tmp;
X    int z;
X    if (k > 1 && (rnd(17)<=4 || k==MAXLEVEL-1 || k==MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL-1))
X        {
X        if (cannedlevel(k));    return;     /* read maze from data file */
X        }
X    if (k==0)  tmp=0;  else tmp=OWALL;
X    for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++)  for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++)  item[j][i]=tmp;
X    if (k==0) return;       eat(1,1);
X    if (k==1) item[33][MAXY-1] = OENTRANCE;
X/*  now for open spaces -- not on level 10  */
X    if (k != MAXLEVEL-1)
X        {
X        tmp2 = rnd(3)+3;
X        for (tmp=0; tmp<tmp2; tmp++)
X            {
X            my = rnd(11)+2;   myl = my - rnd(2);  myh = my + rnd(2);
X            if (k < MAXLEVEL)
X                {
X                mx = rnd(44)+5;  mxl = mx - rnd(4);  mxh = mx + rnd(12)+3;
X                z=0;
X                }
X            else
X                {
X                mx = rnd(60)+3;  mxl = mx - rnd(2);  mxh = mx + rnd(2);
X                z = makemonst(k);
X                }
X            for (i=mxl; i<mxh; i++)     for (j=myl; j<myh; j++)
X                {  item[i][j]=0;
X                   if ((mitem[i][j]=z)) hitp[i][j]=monster[z].hitpoints;
X                }
X            }
X        }
X    if (k!=MAXLEVEL-1) { my=rnd(MAXY-2);  for (i=1; i<MAXX-1; i++)  item[i][my] = 0; }
X    if (k>1)  treasureroom(k);
X    }
X    function to eat away a filled in maze
X */
X    register int xx,yy;
X    {
X    register int dir,try;
X    dir = rnd(4);   try=2;
X    while (try)
X        {
X        switch(dir)
X            {
X            case 1: if (xx <= 2) break;     /*  west    */
X                    if ((item[xx-1][yy]!=OWALL) || (item[xx-2][yy]!=OWALL)) break;
X                    item[xx-1][yy] = item[xx-2][yy] = 0;
X                    eat(xx-2,yy);   break;
X            case 2: if (xx >= MAXX-3) break;    /*  east    */
X                    if ((item[xx+1][yy]!=OWALL) || (item[xx+2][yy]!=OWALL)) break;
X                    item[xx+1][yy] = item[xx+2][yy] = 0;
X                    eat(xx+2,yy);   break;
X            case 3: if (yy <= 2) break;     /*  south   */
X                    if ((item[xx][yy-1]!=OWALL) || (item[xx][yy-2]!=OWALL)) break;
X                    item[xx][yy-1] = item[xx][yy-2] = 0;
X                    eat(xx,yy-2);   break;
X            case 4: if (yy >= MAXY-3 ) break;   /*  north   */
X                    if ((item[xx][yy+1]!=OWALL) || (item[xx][yy+2]!=OWALL)) break;
X                    item[xx][yy+1] = item[xx][yy+2] = 0;
X                    eat(xx,yy+2);   break;
X            };
X        if (++dir > 4)  { dir=1;  --try; }
X        }
X    }
X *  function to read in a maze from a data file
X *
X *  Format of maze data file:  1st character = # of mazes in file (ascii digit)
X *              For each maze: 18 lines (1st 17 used) 67 characters per line
X *
X *  Special characters in maze data file:
X *
X *      #   wall            D   door            .   random monster
X *      ~   eye of larn     !   cure dianthroritis
X *      -   random object
X */
Xstatic cannedlevel(k)
X    int k;
X    {
X    char *row,*lgetl();
X    register int i,j;
X    int it,arg,mit,marg;
X    if (lopen(larnlevels)<0)
X        {
X        write(1,"Can't open the maze data file\n",30);   died(-282); return(0);
X        }
X    i=lgetc();  if (i<='0') { died(-282); return(0); }
X    for (i=18*rund(i-'0'); i>0; i--)    lgetl();   /* advance to desired maze */
X    for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++)
X        {
X        row = lgetl();
X        for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++)
X            {
X            it = mit = arg = marg = 0;
X            switch(*row++)
X                {
X                case '#': it = OWALL;                               break;
X                case 'D': it = OCLOSEDDOOR;     arg = rnd(30);      break;
X                case '~': if (k!=MAXLEVEL-1) break;
X                          it = OLARNEYE;
X                          mit = rund(8)+DEMONLORD;
X                          marg = monster[mit].hitpoints;            break;
X                case '!': if (k!=MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL-1)  break;
X                          it = OPOTION;         arg = 21;
X                          mit = DEMONLORD+7;
X                          marg = monster[mit].hitpoints;            break;
X                case '.': if (k<MAXLEVEL)  break;
X                          mit = makemonst(k+1);
X                          marg = monster[mit].hitpoints;            break;
X                case '-': it = newobject(k+1,&arg);                 break;
X                };
X            item[j][i] = it;        iarg[j][i] = arg;
X            mitem[j][i] = mit;      hitp[j][i] = marg;
X            know[j][i] = (wizard) ? KNOWALL : 0;
X            know[j][i] = 0;
X            }
X        }
X    lrclose();
X    return(1);
X    }
X    function to make a treasure room on a level
X    level 10's treasure room has the eye in it and demon lords
X    level V3 has potion of cure dianthroritis and demon prince
X */
Xstatic treasureroom(lv)
X    register int lv;
X    {
X    register int tx,ty,xsize,ysize;
X    for (tx=1+rnd(10);  tx<MAXX-10;  tx+=10)
X      if ( (lv==MAXLEVEL-1) || (lv==MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL-1) || rnd(13)==2)
X        {
X        xsize = rnd(6)+3;       ysize = rnd(3)+3;  
X        ty = rnd(MAXY-9)+1;  /* upper left corner of room */
X        if (lv==MAXLEVEL-1 || lv==MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL-1)
X            troom(lv,xsize,ysize,tx=tx+rnd(MAXX-24),ty,rnd(3)+6);
X            else troom(lv,xsize,ysize,tx,ty,rnd(9));
X        }
X    }
X *  subroutine to create a treasure room of any size at a given location 
X *  room is filled with objects and monsters 
X *  the coordinate given is that of the upper left corner of the room
X */
Xstatic troom(lv,xsize,ysize,tx,ty,glyph)
X    int lv,xsize,ysize,tx,ty,glyph;
X    {
X    register int i,j;
X    int tp1,tp2;
X    for (j=ty-1; j<=ty+ysize; j++)
X        for (i=tx-1; i<=tx+xsize; i++)          /* clear out space for room */
X            item[i][j]=0;
X    for (j=ty; j<ty+ysize; j++)
X        for (i=tx; i<tx+xsize; i++)             /* now put in the walls */
X            {
X            item[i][j]=OWALL; mitem[i][j]=0; 
X            }
X    for (j=ty+1; j<ty+ysize-1; j++)
X        for (i=tx+1; i<tx+xsize-1; i++)         /* now clear out interior */
X            item[i][j]=0;
X    switch(rnd(2))      /* locate the door on the treasure room */
X        {
X        case 1: item[i=tx+rund(xsize)][j=ty+(ysize-1)*rund(2)]=OCLOSEDDOOR;
X                iarg[i][j] = glyph;     /* on horizontal walls */
X                break;
X        case 2: item[i=tx+(xsize-1)*rund(2)][j=ty+rund(ysize)]=OCLOSEDDOOR;
X                iarg[i][j] = glyph;     /* on vertical walls */
X                break;
X        };
X    tp1=playerx;  tp2=playery;  playery=ty+(ysize>>1);
X    if (c[HARDGAME]<2)
X        for (playerx=tx+1; playerx<=tx+xsize-2; playerx+=2)
X            for (i=0, j=rnd(6); i<=j; i++)
X                { something(lv+2); createmonster(makemonst(lv+1)); }
X    else
X        for (playerx=tx+1; playerx<=tx+xsize-2; playerx+=2)
X            for (i=0, j=rnd(4); i<=j; i++)
X                { something(lv+2); createmonster(makemonst(lv+3)); }
X    playerx=tp1;  playery=tp2;
X    }
X    ***********
X    ***********
X    subroutine to create the objects in the maze for the given level
X */
Xstatic makeobject(j)
X    register int j;
X    {
X    register int i;
X    if (j==0)
X        {
X        fillroom(OENTRANCE,0);      /*  entrance to dungeon         */
X        fillroom(ODNDSTORE,0);      /*  the DND STORE               */
X        fillroom(OSCHOOL,0);        /*  college of Larn             */
X        fillroom(OBANK,0);          /*  1st national bank of larn   */
X        fillroom(OVOLDOWN,0);       /*  volcano shaft to temple     */
X        fillroom(OHOME,0);          /*  the players home & family   */
X        fillroom(OTRADEPOST,0);     /*  the trading post            */
X        fillroom(OLRS,0);           /*  the larn revenue service    */
X        return;
X        }
X    if (j==MAXLEVEL) fillroom(OVOLUP,0); /* volcano shaft up from the temple */
X/*  make the fixed objects in the maze STAIRS   */
X    if ((j>0) && (j != MAXLEVEL-1) && (j != MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL-1))
X        fillroom(OSTAIRSDOWN,0);
X    if ((j > 1) && (j != MAXLEVEL))
X        fillroom(OSTAIRSUP,0);
X/*  make the random objects in the maze     */
X    fillmroom(rund(3),OBOOK,j);             
X    fillmroom(rund(3),OALTAR,0);
X    fillmroom(rund(3),OSTATUE,0);           
X    fillmroom(rund(3),OPIT,0);
X    fillmroom(rund(3),OFOUNTAIN,0);         
X    fillmroom( rnd(3)-2,OIVTELETRAP,0);
X    fillmroom(rund(2),OTHRONE,0);           
X    fillmroom(rund(2),OMIRROR,0);
X    fillmroom(rund(2),OTRAPARROWIV,0);      
X    fillmroom( rnd(3)-2,OIVDARTRAP,0);
X    fillmroom(rund(3),OCOOKIE,0);
X    if (j==1) 
X        fillmroom(1,OCHEST,j);
X    else 
X        fillmroom(rund(2),OCHEST,j);
X    if ((j != MAXLEVEL-1) && (j != MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL-1))
X        fillmroom(rund(2),OIVTRAPDOOR,0);
X    if (j<=10)
X        {
X        fillmroom((rund(2)),ODIAMOND,rnd(10*j+1)+10);
X        fillmroom(rund(2),ORUBY,rnd(6*j+1)+6);
X        fillmroom(rund(2),OEMERALD,rnd(4*j+1)+4);
X        fillmroom(rund(2),OSAPPHIRE,rnd(3*j+1)+2);
X        }
X    for (i=0; i<rnd(4)+3; i++)
X        fillroom(OPOTION,newpotion());  /*  make a POTION   */
X    for (i=0; i<rnd(5)+3; i++)
X        fillroom(OSCROLL,newscroll());  /*  make a SCROLL   */
X    for (i=0; i<rnd(12)+11; i++)
X        fillroom(OGOLDPILE,12*rnd(j+1)+(j<<3)+10); /* make GOLD */
X    if (j==5)   
X        fillroom(OBANK2,0);         /* branch office of the bank */
X    froom(2,ORING,0);               /* a ring mail          */
X    froom(1,OSTUDLEATHER,0);        /* a studded leather    */
X    froom(3,OSPLINT,0);             /* a splint mail        */
X    froom(5,OSHIELD,rund(3));       /* a shield             */
X    froom(2,OBATTLEAXE,rund(3));    /* a battle axe         */
X    froom(5,OLONGSWORD,rund(3));    /* a long sword         */
X    froom(5,OFLAIL,rund(3));        /* a flail              */
X    froom(4,OREGENRING,rund(3));    /* ring of regeneration */
X    froom(1,OPROTRING,rund(3));     /* ring of protection   */
X    froom(2,OSTRRING,1+rnd(3));     /* ring of strength     */
X    froom(7,OSPEAR,rnd(5));         /* a spear              */
X    froom(3,OORBOFDRAGON,0);        /* orb of dragon slaying*/
X    froom(4,OSPIRITSCARAB,0);       /* scarab of negate spirit*/
X    froom(4,OCUBEofUNDEAD,0);       /* cube of undead control   */
X    froom(2,ORINGOFEXTRA,0);        /* ring of extra regen      */
X    froom(3,ONOTHEFT,0);            /* device of antitheft      */
X    froom(2,OSWORDofSLASHING,0);    /* sword of slashing */
X    if (c[BESSMANN]==0)
X        {
X        froom(4,OHAMMER,0);/*Bessman's flailing hammer*/
X        c[BESSMANN]=1;
X        }
X    if (c[HARDGAME]<3 || (rnd(4)==3))
X        {
X        if (j>3)
X            {
X            froom(3,OSWORD,3);        /* sunsword + 3         */
X            froom(5,O2SWORD,rnd(4));  /* a two handed sword */
X            froom(3,OBELT,4);         /* belt of striking     */
X            froom(3,OENERGYRING,3);   /* energy ring          */
X            froom(4,OPLATE,5);        /* platemail + 5        */
X            froom(3,OCLEVERRING,1+rnd(2));  /* ring of cleverness */
X            }
X        }
X    }
X    subroutine to fill in a number of objects of the same kind
X */
Xstatic fillmroom(n,what,arg)
X    int n,arg;
X    char what;
X    {
X    register int i;
X    for (i=0; i<n; i++)     fillroom(what,arg);
X    }
Xstatic froom(n,itm,arg)
X    int n,arg;
X    char itm;
X    {   if (rnd(151) < n) fillroom(itm,arg);    }
X    subroutine to put an object into an empty room
X *  uses a random walk
X */
Xstatic fillroom(what,arg)
X    int arg;
X    char what;
X    {
X    register int x,y;
X#ifdef EXTRA
X    c[FILLROOM]++;
X    x=rnd(MAXX-2);  y=rnd(MAXY-2);
X    while (item[x][y])
X        {
X#ifdef EXTRA
X        c[RANDOMWALK]++;    /* count up these random walks */
X        x += rnd(3)-2;      y += rnd(3)-2;
X        if (x > MAXX-2)  x=1;       if (x < 1)  x=MAXX-2;
X        if (y > MAXY-2)  y=1;       if (y < 1)  y=MAXY-2;
X        }
X    item[x][y]=what;        iarg[x][y]=arg;
X    }
X    subroutine to put monsters into an empty room without walls or other
X    monsters
X */
X    char what;
X    {
X    register int x,y,trys;
X    for (trys=5; trys>0; --trys) /* max # of creation attempts */
X      {
X      x=rnd(MAXX-2);  y=rnd(MAXY-2);
X      if ((item[x][y]==0) && (mitem[x][y]==0) && ((playerx!=x) || (playery!=y)))
X        {
X        mitem[x][y] = what;  know[x][y] &= ~KNOWHERE;
X        hitp[x][y] = monster[what].hitpoints;  return(0);
X        }
X      }
X    return(-1); /* creation failure */
X    }
X    creates an entire set of monsters for a level
X    must be done when entering a new level
X    if sethp(1) then wipe out old monsters else leave them there
X */
Xstatic sethp(flg)
X    int flg;
X    {
X    register int i,j;
X    if (flg) for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++) for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++) stealth[j][i]=0;
X    if (level==0) { c[TELEFLAG]=0; return; } /* if teleported and found level 1 then know level we are on */
X    if (flg)   j = rnd(12) + 2 + (level>>1);   else   j = (level>>1) + 1;
X    for (i=0; i<j; i++)  fillmonst(makemonst(level));
X    }
X *  Function to destroy all genocided monsters on the present level
X */
Xstatic checkgen()
X    {
X    register int x,y;
X    for (y=0; y<MAXY; y++)
X        for (x=0; x<MAXX; x++)
X            if (monster[mitem[x][y]].genocided)
X                mitem[x][y]=0; /* no more monster */
X    }
if test 15884 -ne `wc -c <'create.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'create.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'create.c'
if test -f 'scores.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'scores.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'scores.c'\" \(26064 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'scores.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* scores.c
X *
X *  readboard()     Function to read in the scoreboard into a static buffer
X *  writeboard()    Function to write the scoreboard from readboard()'s buffer
X *  makeboard()     Function to create a new scoreboard (wipe out old one)
X *  hashewon()   Function to return 1 if player has won a game before, else 0
X *  long paytaxes(x)     Function to pay taxes if any are due
X *  winshou()       Subroutine to print out the winning scoreboard
X *  shou(x)         Subroutine to print out the non-winners scoreboard
X *  showscores()        Function to show the scoreboard on the terminal
X *  showallscores() Function to show scores and the iven lists that go with them
X *  sortboard()     Function to sort the scoreboard
X *  newscore(score, whoo, whyded, winner)   Function to add entry to scoreboard
X *  new1sub(score,i,whoo,taxes)           Subroutine to put player into a
X *  new2sub(score,i,whoo,whyded)          Subroutine to put player into a
X *  died(x)     Subroutine to record who played larn, and what the score was
X *  diedsub(x) Subroutine to print out a line showing player when he is killed
X *  diedlog()   Subroutine to read a log file and print it out in ascii format
X *  getplid(name)       Function to get players id # from id file
X */
X#ifdef VMS
X# include <types.h>
X# include <stat.h>
X# include <sys/types.h>
X# ifndef MSDOS
X#  include <sys/times.h>
X# endif
X# include <sys/stat.h>
X#include "header.h"
X#include "larndefs.h"
X#include "monsters.h"
X#include "objects.h"
X#include "player.h"
Xstruct scofmt           /*  This is the structure for the scoreboard        */
X    {
X    long score;         /* the score of the player                          */
X    long suid;          /* the user id number of the player                 */
X    short what;         /* the number of the monster that killed player     */
X    short level;        /* the level player was on when he died             */
X    short hardlev;      /* the level of difficulty player played at         */
X    short order;        /* the relative ordering place of this entry        */
X    char who[40];       /* the name of the character                        */
X    char sciv[26][2];   /* this is the inventory list of the character      */
X    };
Xstruct wscofmt          /* This is the structure for the winning scoreboard */
X    {
X    long score;         /* the score of the player                          */
X    long timeused;      /* the time used in mobuls to win the game          */
X    long taxes;         /* taxes he owes to LRS                             */
X    long suid;          /* the user id number of the player                 */
X    short hardlev;      /* the level of difficulty player played at         */
X    short order;        /* the relative ordering place of this entry        */
X# ifndef MAIL           /* dgk */
X    char hasmail;       /* 1 if mail is to be read, 0 otherwise */
X# endif
X    char who[40];       /* the name of the character                        */
X    };
Xstruct log_fmt          /* 102 bytes struct for the log file                */
X    {
X    long score;         /* the players score                                */
X    long diedtime;      /* time when game was over                          */
X    short cavelev;      /* level in caves                                   */
X    short diff;         /* difficulty player played at                      */
X#ifdef EXTRA
X    long elapsedtime;   /* real time of game in seconds                     */
X    long bytout;        /* bytes input and output                           */
X    long bytin;
X    long moves;         /* number of moves made by player                   */
X    short ac;           /* armor class of player                            */
X    short hp,hpmax;     /* players hitpoints                                */
X    short cputime;      /* cpu time needed in seconds                       */
X    short killed,spused;/* monsters killed and spells cast                  */
X    short usage;        /* usage of the cpu in %                            */
X    short lev;          /* player level                                     */
X    char who[12];       /* player name                                      */
X    char what[46];      /* what happened to player                          */
X    };
Xstatic struct scofmt sco[SCORESIZE];    /* the structure for the scoreboard  */
Xstatic struct wscofmt winr[SCORESIZE];  /* struct for the winning scoreboard */
Xstatic struct log_fmt logg;             /* structure for the log file        */
Xstatic char *whydead[] = {
X    "quit", "suspended", "self - annihilated", "shot by an arrow",
X    "hit by a dart", "fell into a pit", "fell into a bottomless pit",
X    "a winner", "trapped in solid rock", "killed by a missing save file",
X    "killed by an old save file", "caught by the greedy cheater checker trap",
X    "killed by a protected save file","killed his family and committed suicide",
X    "erased by a wayward finger", "fell through a bottomless trap door",
X    "fell through a trap door", "drank some poisonous water",
X    "fried by an electric shock", "slipped on a volcano shaft",
X    "killed by a stupid act of frustration", "attacked by a revolting demon",
X    "hit by his own magic", "demolished by an unseen attacker",
X    "fell into the dreadful sleep", "killed by an exploding chest",
X/*26*/  "killed by a missing maze data file", "annihilated in a sphere",
X    "died a post mortem death","wasted by a malloc() failure"
X    };
X *  readboard()     Function to read in the scoreboard into a static buffer
X *
X *  returns -1 if unable to read in the scoreboard, returns 0 if all is OK
X */
Xstatic readboard()
X    {
X    if (lopen(scorefile)<0)
X      { lprcat("Can't read scoreboard\n"); lflush(); return(-1); }
X    lrfill((char*)sco,sizeof(sco));     lrfill((char*)winr,sizeof(winr));
X    lrclose();  lcreat((char*)0);  return(0);
X    }
X *  writeboard()    Function to write the scoreboard from readboard()'s buffer
X *
X *  returns -1 if unable to write the scoreboard, returns 0 if all is OK
X */
Xstatic writeboard()
X    {
X    set_score_output();
X    if (lcreat(scorefile)<0)
X      { lprcat("Can't write scoreboard\n"); lflush(); return(-1); }
X    lwrite((char*)sco,sizeof(sco));     lwrite((char*)winr,sizeof(winr));
X    lwclose();  lcreat((char*)0);  return(0);
X    }
X *  makeboard()         Function to create a new scoreboard (wipe out old one)
X *
X *  returns -1 if unable to write the scoreboard, returns 0 if all is OK
X */
X    {
X    register int i;
X    for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++)
X        {
X        winr[i].taxes = winr[i].score = sco[i].score = 0;
X        winr[i].order = sco[i].order = i;
X        }
X    if (writeboard()) return(-1);
X    chmod(scorefile,0666);
X    return(0);
X    }
X *  hashewon()   Function to return 1 if player has won a game before, else 0
X *
X *  This function also sets c[HARDGAME] to appropriate value -- 0 if not a
X *  winner, otherwise the next level of difficulty listed in the winners
X *  scoreboard.  This function also sets outstanding_taxes to the value in
X *  the winners scoreboard.
X */
X    {
X    register int i;
X    c[HARDGAME] = 0;
X    if (readboard() < 0) return(0); /* can't find scoreboard */
X    for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) /* search through winners scoreboard */
X       if (winr[i].suid == userid)
X          if (winr[i].score > 0)
X            {
X            c[HARDGAME]=winr[i].hardlev+1;  outstanding_taxes=winr[i].taxes;
X            return(1);
X            }
X    return(0);
X    }
X# ifndef MAIL           /* dgk */
X    register int    i;
X    long        gold, taxes;
X    if (readboard() < 0)
X        return;         /* can't find scoreboard */
X    for (i = 0; i < SCORESIZE; i++) /* search through winners scoreboard */
X        if (winr[i].suid == userid
X        &&  winr[i].score > 0
X        &&  winr[i].hasmail) {
X            winr[i].hasmail = 0;
X            gold = taxes = winr[i].taxes;
X            writeboard();
X            /* Intuit the amount of gold -- should have changed
X             * the score file, but ...  TAXRATE is an fraction.
X             */
X            while ((gold * TAXRATE) < taxes)
X                gold += taxes;
X            readmail(gold);
X        }
X# endif
X *  long paytaxes(x)         Function to pay taxes if any are due
X *
X *  Enter with the amount (in gp) to pay on the taxes.
X *  Returns amount actually paid.
X */
Xlong paytaxes(x)
X    long x;
X    {
X    register int i;
X    register long amt;
X    if (x<0) return(0L);
X    if (readboard()<0) return(0L);
X    for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++)
X        if (winr[i].suid == userid) /* look for players winning entry */
X            if (winr[i].score>0) /* search for a winning entry for the player */
X                {
X                amt = winr[i].taxes;
X                if (x < amt) amt=x;     /* don't overpay taxes (Ughhhhh) */
X                winr[i].taxes -= amt;
X                outstanding_taxes -= amt;
X                if (writeboard()<0) return(0);
X                return(amt);
X                }
X    return(0L); /* couldn't find user on winning scoreboard */
X    }
X *  winshou()       Subroutine to print out the winning scoreboard
X *
X *  Returns the number of players on scoreboard that were shown 
X */
Xstatic winshou()
X    {
X    register struct wscofmt *p;
X    register int i,j,count;
X    for (count=j=i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) /* is there anyone on the scoreboard? */
X        if (winr[i].score != 0)
X            { j++; break; }
X    if (j)
X        {
X        lprcat("\n  Score    Difficulty   Time Needed   Larn Winners List\n");
X        for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) /* this loop is needed to print out the */
X          for (j=0; j<SCORESIZE; j++) /* winners in order */
X            {
X            p = &winr[j];   /* pointer to the scoreboard entry */
X            if (p->order == i)
X                {
X                if (p->score)
X                    {
X                    count++;
X                    lprintf("%10d     %2d      %5d Mobuls   %s \n",
X                    (long)p->score,(long)p->hardlev,(long)p->timeused,p->who);
X                    }
X                break;
X                }
X            }
X        }
X    return(count);  /* return number of people on scoreboard */
X    }
X *  shou(x)         Subroutine to print out the non-winners scoreboard
X *      int x;
X *
X *  Enter with 0 to list the scores, enter with 1 to list inventories too
X *  Returns the number of players on scoreboard that were shown 
X */
Xstatic shou(x)
X    int x;
X    {
X    register int i,j,n,k;
X    int count;
X    for (count=j=i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) /* is the scoreboard empty? */
X        if (sco[i].score!= 0)
X            { j++; break; }
X    if (j)
X        {
X        lprcat("\n   Score   Difficulty   Larn Visitor Log\n");
X        for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) /* be sure to print them out in order */
X          for (j=0; j<SCORESIZE; j++)
X            if (sco[j].order == i)
X                {
X                if (sco[j].score)
X                    {
X                    count++;
X                    lprintf("%10d     %2d       %s ",
X                        (long)sco[j].score,(long)sco[j].hardlev,sco[j].who);
X                    if (sco[j].what < 256) lprintf("killed by a %s",monster[sco[j].what].name);
X                        else lprintf("%s",whydead[sco[j].what - 256]);
X                    if (x != 263) lprintf(" on %s",levelname[sco[j].level]);
X                    if (x)
X                        {
X                        for (n=0; n<26; n++) { iven[n]=sco[j].sciv[n][0]; ivenarg[n]=sco[j].sciv[n][1]; }
X                        for (k=1; k<99; k++)
X                          for (n=0; n<26; n++)
X                            if (k==iven[n]) show3(n);
X                        lprcat("\n\n");
X                        }
X                    else lprc('\n');
X                    }
X                j=SCORESIZE;
X                }
X        }
X    return(count);  /* return the number of players just shown */
X    }
X *  showscores()        Function to show the scoreboard on the terminal
X *
X *  Returns nothing of value
X */
Xstatic char esb[] = "The scoreboard is empty.\n";
X    {
X    register int i,j;
X    lflush();  lcreat((char*)0);  if (readboard()<0) return;
X    i=winshou();    j=shou(0);
X    if (i+j == 0) lprcat(esb); else lprc('\n');
X    lflush();
X    }
X *  showallscores() Function to show scores and the iven lists that go with them
X *
X *  Returns nothing of value
X */
X    {
X    register int i,j;
X    lflush();  lcreat((char*)0);  if (readboard()<0) return;
X    c[WEAR] = c[WIELD] = c[SHIELD] = -1;  /* not wielding or wearing anything */
X    for (i=0; i<MAXPOTION; i++) potionname[i][0]=' ';
X    for (i=0; i<MAXSCROLL; i++) scrollname[i][0]=' ';
X    i=winshou();  j=shou(1);
X    if (i+j==0) lprcat(esb); else lprc('\n');
X    lflush();
X    }
X *  sortboard()     Function to sort the scoreboard
X *
X *  Returns 0 if no sorting done, else returns 1
X */
Xstatic sortboard()
X    {
X    register int i,j,pos;
X    long jdat;
X    for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) sco[i].order = winr[i].order = -1;
X    pos=0;  while (pos < SCORESIZE)
X        {
X        jdat=0;
X        for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++)
X            if ((sco[i].order < 0) && (sco[i].score >= jdat))
X                { j=i;  jdat=sco[i].score; }
X        sco[j].order = pos++;
X        }
X    pos=0;  while (pos < SCORESIZE)
X        {
X        jdat=0;
X        for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++)
X            if ((winr[i].order < 0) && (winr[i].score >= jdat))
X                { j=i;  jdat=winr[i].score; }
X        winr[j].order = pos++;
X        }
X    return(1);
X    }
X *  newscore(score, whoo, whyded, winner)   Function to add entry to scoreboard
X *      int score, winner, whyded;
X *      char *whoo;
X *
X *  Enter with the total score in gp in score,  players name in whoo,
X *      died() reason # in whyded, and TRUE/FALSE in winner if a winner
X *  ex.     newscore(1000, "player 1", 32, 0);
X */
Xstatic newscore(score, whoo, whyded, winner)
X    long score;
X    int winner, whyded;
X    char *whoo;
X    {
X    register int i;
X    long taxes;
X    if (readboard() < 0) return;    /*  do the scoreboard   */
X    /* if a winner then delete all non-winning scores */
X    if (cheat) winner=0;    /* if he cheated, don't let him win */
X    if (winner)
X        {
X        for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) if (sco[i].suid == userid) sco[i].score=0;
X        taxes = score*TAXRATE;
X        score += 100000*c[HARDGAME];    /* bonus for winning */
X    /* if he has a slot on the winning scoreboard update it if greater score */
X        for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) if (winr[i].suid == userid)
X                { new1sub(score,i,whoo,taxes); return; }
X    /* he had no entry. look for last entry and see if he has a greater score */
X        for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) if (winr[i].order == SCORESIZE-1)
X                { new1sub(score,i,whoo,taxes); return; }
X        }
X    else if (!cheat) /* for not winning scoreboard */
X        {
X    /* if he has a slot on the scoreboard update it if greater score */
X        for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) if (sco[i].suid == userid)
X                { new2sub(score,i,whoo,whyded); return; }
X    /* he had no entry. look for last entry and see if he has a greater score */
X        for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) if (sco[i].order == SCORESIZE-1)
X                { new2sub(score,i,whoo,whyded); return; }
X        }
X    }
X *  new1sub(score,i,whoo,taxes)       Subroutine to put player into a 
X *      int score,i,whyded,taxes;         winning scoreboard entry if his score
X *      char *whoo;                       is high enough
X *
X *  Enter with the total score in gp in score,  players name in whoo,
X *      died() reason # in whyded, and TRUE/FALSE in winner if a winner
X *      slot in scoreboard in i, and the tax bill in taxes.
X *  Returns nothing of value
X */
Xstatic new1sub(score,i,whoo,taxes)
X    long score,taxes;
X    int i;
X    char *whoo;
X    {
X    register struct wscofmt *p;
X    p = &winr[i];
X    p->taxes += taxes;
X    if ((score >= p->score) || (c[HARDGAME] > p->hardlev))
X        {
X        strcpy(p->who,whoo);        p->score=score;
X        p->hardlev=c[HARDGAME];     p->suid=userid;
X        p->timeused=gtime/100;
X# ifndef MAIL           /* dgk */
X        p->hasmail = 1;
X# endif
X        }
X    }
X *  new2sub(score,i,whoo,whyded)          Subroutine to put player into a 
X *      int score,i,whyded,taxes;         non-winning scoreboard entry if his
X *      char *whoo;                       score is high enough
X *
X *  Enter with the total score in gp in score,  players name in whoo,
X *      died() reason # in whyded, and slot in scoreboard in i.
X *  Returns nothing of value
X */
Xstatic new2sub(score,i,whoo,whyded)
X    long score;
X    int i,whyded;
X    char *whoo;
X    {
X    register int j;
X    register struct scofmt *p;
X    p = &sco[i];
X    if ((score >= p->score) || (c[HARDGAME] > p->hardlev))
X        {
X        strcpy(p->who,whoo);  p->score=score;
X        p->what=whyded;       p->hardlev=c[HARDGAME];
X        p->suid=userid;       p->level=level;
X        for (j=0; j<26; j++)
X            { p->sciv[j][0]=iven[j]; p->sciv[j][1]=ivenarg[j]; }
X        }
X    }
X *  died(x)     Subroutine to record who played larn, and what the score was
X *      int x;
X *
X *  if x < 0 then don't show scores
X *  died() never returns! (unless c[LIFEPROT] and a reincarnatable death!)
X *
X *      < 256   killed by the monster number
X *      256     quit
X *      257     suspended
X *      258     self - annihilated
X *      259     shot by an arrow
X *      260     hit by a dart
X *      261     fell into a pit
X *      262     fell into a bottomless pit
X *      263     a winner
X *      264     trapped in solid rock
X *      265     killed by a missing save file
X *      266     killed by an old save file
X *      267     caught by the greedy cheater checker trap
X *      268     killed by a protected save file
X *      269     killed his family and killed himself
X *      270     erased by a wayward finger
X *      271     fell through a bottomless trap door
X *      272     fell through a trap door
X *      273     drank some poisonous water
X *      274     fried by an electric shock
X *      275     slipped on a volcano shaft
X *      276     killed by a stupid act of frustration
X *      277     attacked by a revolting demon
X *      278     hit by his own magic
X *      279     demolished by an unseen attacker
X *      280     fell into the dreadful sleep
X *      281     killed by an exploding chest
X *      282     killed by a missing maze data file
X *      283     killed by a sphere of annihilation
X *      284     died a post mortem death
X *      285     malloc() failure
X *      300     quick quit -- don't put on scoreboard
X */
Xstatic int scorerror;
X    int x;
X    {
X    register int f,win;
X    char ch,*mod;
X    long zzz,i;
X# ifdef EXTRA
X    struct tms cputime;
X# endif
X    if (c[LIFEPROT]>0) /* if life protection */
X        {
X        switch((x>0) ? x : -x)
X            {
X            case 256: case 257: case 262: case 263: case 265: case 266:
X            case 267: case 268: case 269: case 271: case 282: case 284:
X            case 285: case 300:  goto invalid; /* can't be saved */
X            };
X        --c[LIFEPROT]; c[HP]=1; --c[CONSTITUTION];
X        cursors(); lprcat("\nYou feel wiiieeeeerrrrrd all over! "); beep();
X        lflush();  sleep(4);
X        return; /* only case where died() returns */
X        }
X    clearvt100();  lflush();  f=0;
X    if (ckpflag) unlink(ckpfile);   /* remove checkpoint file if used */
X# ifdef MSDOS
X    if (swapfd) {
X        close(swapfd);
X        (void) unlink(swapfile);/* Remove swapfile */
X    }
X    unsetraw();
X# endif
X    if (x<0) { f++; x = -x; }   /* if we are not to display the scores */
X    if ((x == 300) || (x == 257))  exit();  /* for quick exit or saved game */
X    if (x == 263)  win = 1;  else  win = 0;
X        /*  now enter the player at the end of the scoreboard */
X    newscore(c[GOLD], logname, x, win);
X    diedsub(x); /* print out the score line */  lflush();
X    set_score_output();
X    if ((wizard == 0) && (c[GOLD] > 0))     /*  wizards can't score     */
X        {
X        if (lappend(logfile)<0)  /* append to file */
X            {
X            if (lcreat(logfile)<0) /* and can't create new log file */
X                {
X                lcreat((char*)0);
X                lprcat("\nCan't open record file:  I can't post your score.\n");
X                sncbr();  resetscroll();  lflush();  exit();
X                }
X            chmod(logfile,0666);
X            }
X        strcpy(logg.who,loginname);
X        logg.score = c[GOLD];       logg.diff = c[HARDGAME];
X        if (x < 256)
X            {
X            ch = *monster[x].name;
X            if (ch=='a' || ch=='e' || ch=='i' || ch=='o' || ch=='u')
X                mod="an";  else mod="a";
X            sprintf(logg.what,"killed by %s %s",mod,monster[x].name);
X            }
X        else sprintf(logg.what,"%s",whydead[x - 256]);
X        logg.cavelev=level;
X        time(&zzz);   /* get cpu time -- write out score info */
X        logg.diedtime=zzz;
X#ifdef EXTRA
X        times(&cputime);  /* get cpu time -- write out score info */
X        logg.cputime = i = (cputime.tms_utime + cputime.tms_stime)/60 + c[CPUTIME];
X        logg.lev=c[LEVEL];          logg.ac=c[AC];
X        logg.hpmax=c[HPMAX];        logg.hp=c[HP];
X        logg.elapsedtime=(zzz-initialtime+59)/60;
X        logg.usage=(10000*i)/(zzz-initialtime);
X        logg.bytin=c[BYTESIN];      logg.bytout=c[BYTESOUT];
X        logg.moves=c[MOVESMADE];    logg.spused=c[SPELLSCAST];
X        logg.killed=c[MONSTKILLED];
X        lwrite((char*)&logg,sizeof(struct log_fmt));     lwclose();
X/*  now for the scoreboard maintenance -- not for a suspended game  */
X        if (x != 257)
X            {
X            if (sortboard())  scorerror = writeboard();
X            }
X        }
X    if ((x==256) || (x==257) || (f != 0)) exit();
X    if (scorerror == 0) showscores();   /* if we updated the scoreboard */
X# ifdef MAIL
X    if (x == 263) mailbill();
X# endif
X    exit();
X    }
X *  diedsub(x) Subroutine to print out the line showing the player when he is killed
X *      int x;
X */
Xstatic diedsub(x)
Xint x;
X    {
X    register char ch,*mod;
X    lprintf("Score: %d, Diff: %d,  %s ",(long)c[GOLD],(long)c[HARDGAME],logname);
X    if (x < 256)
X        {
X        ch = *monster[x].name;
X        if (ch=='a' || ch=='e' || ch=='i' || ch=='o' || ch=='u')
X            mod="an";  else mod="a";
X        lprintf("killed by %s %s",mod,monster[x].name);
X        }
X    else lprintf("%s",whydead[x - 256]);
X    if (x != 263) lprintf(" on %s\n",levelname[level]);  else lprc('\n');
X    }
X *  diedlog()   Subroutine to read a log file and print it out in ascii format
X */
X    {
X    register int n;
X    register char *p;
X    struct stat stbuf;
X    lcreat((char*)0);
X    if (lopen(logfile)<0)
X        {
X        lprintf("Can't locate log file <%s>\n",logfile);
X        return;
X        }
X    if (fstat(fd,&stbuf) < 0)
X        {
X        lprintf("Can't  stat log file <%s>\n",logfile);
X        return;
X        }
X    for (n=stbuf.st_size/sizeof(struct log_fmt); n>0; --n)
X        {
X        lrfill((char*)&logg,sizeof(struct log_fmt));
X        p = ctime(&logg.diedtime); p[16]='\n'; p[17]=0;
X        lprintf("Score: %d, Diff: %d,  %s %s on %d at %s",(long)(logg.score),(long)(logg.diff),logg.who,logg.what,(long)(logg.cavelev),p+4);
X#ifdef EXTRA
X        if (logg.moves<=0) logg.moves=1;
X        lprintf("  Experience Level: %d,  AC: %d,  HP: %d/%d,  Elapsed Time: %d minutes\n",(long)(logg.lev),(long)(logg.ac),(long)(logg.hp),(long)(logg.hpmax),(long)(logg.elapsedtime));
X        lprintf("  CPU time used: %d seconds,  Machine usage: %d.%02d%%\n",(long)(logg.cputime),(long)(logg.usage/100),(long)(logg.usage%100));
X        lprintf("  BYTES in: %d, out: %d, moves: %d, deaths: %d, spells cast: %d\n",(long)(logg.bytin),(long)(logg.bytout),(long)(logg.moves),(long)(logg.killed),(long)(logg.spused));
X        lprintf("  out bytes per move: %d,  time per move: %d ms\n",(long)(logg.bytout/logg.moves),(long)((logg.cputime*1000)/logg.moves));
X        }
X        lflush();  lrclose();  return;
X    }
X *  getplid(name)       Function to get players id # from id file
X *
X *  Enter with the name of the players character in name.
X *  Returns the id # of the players character, or -1 if failure.
X *  This routine will try to find the name in the id file, if its not there,
X *  it will try to make a new entry in the file.  Only returns -1 if can't
X *  find him in the file, and can't make a new entry in the file.
X *  Format of playerids file:
X *          Id # in ascii     \n     character name     \n   
X */
Xstatic int havepid= -1; /* playerid # if previously done */
X    char *nam;
X    {
X    int fd7,high=999,no;
X    register char *p,*p2;
X    char name[80];
X    if (havepid != -1) return(havepid); /* already did it */
X    lflush();   /* flush any pending I/O */
X    sprintf(name,"%s\n",nam);   /* append a \n to name */
X    if (lopen(playerids) < 0)   /* no file, make it */
X        {
X        if ((fd7=creat(playerids,0666)) < 0)  return(-1); /* can't make it */
X        close(fd7);  goto addone;   /* now append new playerid record to file */
X        }
X    for (;;)    /* now search for the name in the player id file */
X        {
X        p = lgetl();  if (p==NULL) break;   /* EOF? */
X        no = atoi(p);   /* the id # */
X        p2= lgetl();  if (p2==NULL) break;  /* EOF? */
X        if (no>high) high=no;   /* accumulate highest id # */
X        if (strcmp(p2,name)==0) /* we found him */
X            {
X            return(no); /* his id number */
X            }
X        }
X    lrclose();
X    /* if we get here, we didn't find him in the file -- put him there */
X    if (lappend(playerids) < 0) return(-1); /* can't open file for append */
X    lprintf("%d\n%s",(long)++high,name);  /* new id # and name */
X    lwclose();
X    lcreat((char*)0);   /* re-open terminal channel */
X    return(high);
X    }
if test 26064 -ne `wc -c <'scores.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'scores.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'scores.c'
echo shar: End of archive 8 \(of 12\).
cp /dev/null ark8isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 12 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0