[comp.sources.misc] Ispell Version 2.0 Beta Part 02/04

allbery@ncoast.UUCP (05/31/87)

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	good.c
#	hash.c
#	icombine.c
#	isexp1.sed
#	isexp2.sed
#	isexp3.sed
#	isexp4.sed
#	isexpand.X
#	ispell.1
#	ispell.4
# This archive created: Sat May 30 17:13:30 1987
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "'good.c'" '(14078 characters)'
if test -f 'good.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'good.c'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'good.c'
X /* -*- Mode:Text -*- */
X /*
X  * good.c - see if a word or its root word
X  * is in the dictionary.
X  *
X  * Pace Willisson, 1983
X  */
X #include <stdio.h>
X #include <ctype.h>
X #include "config.h"
X #include "ispell.h"
X extern struct dent *lookup();
X extern char *index();
X static int wordok;
X static char *orig_word;
X extern int cflag;
X good (w)
X char *w;
X {
X 	char nword[100];
X 	register char *p, *q;
X 	register n;
X 	/*
X 	** Make an uppercase copy of the word we are checking.
X 	*/
X 	for (p = w, q = nword; *p; p++, q++) {
X 		if (mylower (*p))
X 			*q = toupper (*p);
X 		else
X 			*q = *p;
X 	}
X 	*q = 0;
X 	rootword[0] = 0;
X 	if (cflag) {
X 		printf ("%s\n", w);
X 		orig_word = w;
X 	}
X 	else if (lookup (nword, q - nword, 1) != NULL) {
X 		return cap_ok (w, lastdent);
X #else
X 		return (1);
X #endif
X 	}
X 	/* try stripping off suffixes */
X 	n = strlen (w);
X 	if (n == 1)
X 		return (1);
X 	if (n < 4)
X 		return 0;
X 	wordok = 0;
X 	/* this part from 'check.mid' */
X 	switch (q[-1]) {
X 	case 'D': d_ending (nword,n); break;	/* FOR "CREATED", "IMPLIED", "CROSSED" */
X 	case 'T': t_ending (nword,n); break;	/* FOR "LATEST", "DIRTIEST", "BOLDEST" */
X 	case 'R': r_ending (nword,n); break;	/* FOR "LATER", "DIRTIER", "BOLDER" */
X 	case 'G': g_ending (nword,n); break;	/* FOR "CREATING", "FIXING" */
X 	case 'H': h_ending (nword,n); break;	/* FOR "HUNDREDTH", "TWENTIETH" */
X 	case 'S': s_ending (nword,n); break;	/* FOR ALL SORTS OF THINGS ENDING IN "S" */
X 	case 'N': n_ending (nword,n); break;	/* "TIGHTEN", "CREATION", "MULIPLICATION" */
X 	case 'E': e_ending (nword,n); break;	/* FOR "CREATIVE", "PREVENTIVE" */
X 	case 'Y': y_ending (nword,n); break;	/* FOR "QUICKLY" */
X 	default:
X 		break;
X 	}
X 	if (wordok) {
X 		strcpy (rootword, lastdent->word);
X 		return cap_ok (w, lastdent);
X #else
X 		return 1;
X #endif
X 	}
X 	return 0;
X }
X cap_ok (word, dent)
X register char *word;
X register struct dent *dent;
X {
X 	register char *dword;
X 	register char *w;
X 	int wcount;
X 	/*
X 	** All caps is always legal.
X 	*/
X 	for (dword = word;  *dword;  dword++) {
X 		if (mylower (*dword))
X 			break;
X 	}
X 	if (*dword == '\0')
X 		return 1;		/* It was all caps */
X 	if (dent->allcaps)
X 		return 0;		/* Not all caps and required to be */
X 	if (dent->followcase) {
X 		/*
X 		** It's a followcase word.  The correct capitalizations are
X 		** found following the main dent word.  When we find a
X 		** mismatch between letters, we assume we are in the suffix,
X 		** and begin insisting on the same case as the last letter
X 		** that matched.
X 		*/
X 		dword = dent->word + strlen (dent->word) + 1;
X 		wcount = *dword++ & 0xFF;
X 		while (--wcount >= 0) {
X 		    dword++;			/* Skip over keep flag */
X 		    for (w = word;  *w;  w++, dword++) {
X 			if (*dword != *w) {
X 			    /* Begin suffix processing.  */
X 			    if (myupper (dword[-1])) {
X 				while (*w  &&  !mylower (*w))
X 				    w++;
X 				if (*w == '\0')
X 				    return 1;
X 			    }
X 			    else {
X 				while (*w  &&  !myupper (*w))
X 				    w++;
X 				if (*w == '\0')
X 				    return 1;
X 			    }
X 			    break;
X 			}
X 		    }
X 		    if (*w == '\0')
X 			return 1;
X 		    while (*dword++)	/* Skip to next prototype */
X 			;
X 		}
X 	}
X 	/*
X 	** If it's a capitalize word, and the first letter is lowercase,
X 	** it's illegal.  Note that all-lowercase followcase words will
X 	** be found by the string scan above.
X 	*/
X 	if (dent->capitalize  &&  mylower (*word))
X 		return 0;
X 	/*
X 	** If it's not a followcase word, or if the capitalize flag is set,
X 	** capitalization (e.g. at the beginning of a sentence) is always
X 	** legal.  All-lowercase is also legal for non-followcase words.
X 	*/
X 	if (!dent->followcase  ||  dent->capitalize) {
X 		for (dword = word + 1;  *dword;  dword++) {
X 			if (myupper (*dword))
X 				break;
X 		}
X 		if (*dword == '\0')
X 			return 1;	/* It was all-lower or capitalized */
X 	}
X 	return 0;			/* Word has a bad mix of cases */
X }
X #endif
X flagpr (w, flag, modpoint)
X register char *w;
X int flag;
X register char *modpoint;	/* Must be in w and greater than w */
X {
X 	register char *orig;
X 	/*
X 	** We refuse to print if the case at and after modpoint isn't
X 	** consistent with the case just before there.  This prevents
X 	** things like "OEM's" from being turned into OEM/M, which in
X 	** turn will only accept "OEM'S".
X 	*/
X 	orig = orig_word + (modpoint - w);
X 	if (myupper(orig[-1])) {
X 		while (*orig) {
X 			if (mylower (*orig++))
X 				return;
X 		}
X 	}
X 	else {
X 		while (*orig) {
X 			if (myupper (*orig++))
X 				return;
X 		}
X 	}
X 	/* Case is ok.  Now print it. */
X 	for (orig = orig_word;  *w  &&  w < modpoint;  orig++, w++)
X 		putchar (*orig);
X 	if (myupper (orig[-1]))
X 		printf ("%s", w);
X 	else {
X 		for (  ;  *w;  w++) {
X 			if (myupper (*w))
X 				putchar (tolower (*w));
X 			else
X 				putchar (*w);
X 		}
X 	}
X 	printf ("/%c\n", flag);
X }
X g_ending (w,n)
X register char *w;
X register int n;
X {
X 	register char *p;
X 	register struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + n - 3;	/* if the word ends in 'ing', then *p == 'i' */
X 	if (strcmp (p, "ING") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	*p = 'E';	/* change I to E, like in CREATING */
X 	*(p+1) = 0;
X 	n -= 2;
X 	if (n < 2)
X 		return;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		flagpr (w, 'G', p);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 	  &&  dent->g_flag) {
X 		wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	*p = 0;
X 	n--;
X 	if (n < 2)
X 		return;
X 	if (p[-1] == 'E')
X 		return;	/* this stops CREATEING */
X 	if (cflag)
X 		flagpr (w, 'G', p);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL) {
X 		if (dent->g_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	return;
X }
X d_ending (w,n)
X register char *w;
X register n;
X {
X 	register char *p;
X 	register struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + n - 2;
X 	if (strcmp (p, "ED") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[1] = 0;	/* kill 'D' */
X 	n--;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		flagpr (w, 'D', p + 1);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL) { /* eg CREATED */
X 		if (dent->d_flag) {
X 			wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 	}
X 	if (n < 3)
X 		return;
X 	p[0] = 0;
X 	n--;
X 	p--;
X 	/* ED is now completely gone */
X 	if (p[0] == 'I' && !vowel (p[-1])) {
X 		p[0] = 'Y';
X 		if (cflag)
X 			flagpr (w, 'D', p);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->d_flag) {
X 			wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		p[0] = 'I';
X 	}
X 	if ((p[0] != 'E' && p[0] != 'Y') ||
X 	    (p[0] == 'Y' && vowel (p[-1]))) {
X 		if (cflag)
X 			flagpr (w, 'D', p + 1);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL) {
X 			if (dent->d_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 	}
X }
X t_ending (w,n)
X register char *w;
X register n;
X {
X 	register char *p;
X 	register struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + n - 3;
X 	if (strcmp (p, "EST") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[1] = 0;	/* kill "ST" */
X 	n -= 2;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		flagpr (w, 'T', p);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 	    &&  dent->t_flag) {
X 		wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	if (n < 3)
X 		return;
X 	p[0] = 0;	/* kill 'E' */
X 	n--;
X 	p--;
X 	/* EST is now completely gone */
X 	if (p[0] == 'I' && !vowel (p[-1])) {
X 		p[0] = 'Y';
X 		if (cflag)
X 			flagpr (w, 'T', p);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->t_flag) {
X 			wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		p[0] = 'I';
X 	}
X 	if ((p[0] != 'E' && p[0] != 'Y') ||
X 	    (p[0] == 'Y' && vowel (p[-1]))) {
X 		if (cflag)
X 			flagpr (w, 'T', p + 1);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL) {
X 			if (dent->t_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 	}
X }
X r_ending (w,n)
X register char *w;
X register n;
X {
X 	register char *p;
X 	register struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + n - 2;
X 	if (strcmp (p, "ER") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[1] = 0;	/* kill 'R' */
X 	n--;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		flagpr (w, 'R', p + 1);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 	    &&  dent->r_flag) {
X 		wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	if (n < 3)
X 		return;
X 	p[0] = 0;	/* kill 'E' */
X 	n--;
X 	p--;
X 	/* ER is now completely gone */
X 	if (p[0] == 'I' && !vowel (p[-1])) {
X 		p[0] = 'Y';
X 		if (cflag)
X 			flagpr (w, 'R', p);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->r_flag) {
X 			wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		p[0] = 'I';
X 	}
X 	if ((p[0] != 'E' && p[0] != 'Y') ||
X 	    (p[0] == 'Y' && vowel (p[-1]))) {
X 		if (cflag)
X 			flagpr (w, 'R', p + 1);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL) {
X 			if (dent->r_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 	}
X }
X h_ending (w,n)
X register char *w;
X register n;
X {
X 	register char *p;
X 	register struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + n - 2;
X 	if (strcmp (p, "TH") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	*p = 0;		/* kill "TH" */
X 	n -= 2;
X 	p -= 2;
X 	if (p[1] != 'Y') {
X 		if (cflag)
X 			flagpr (w, 'H', p + 2);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->h_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X 	}
X 	if (strcmp (p, "IE") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[0] = 'Y';	/* change "IE" to "Y" */
X 	p[1] = 0;
X 	n--;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		flagpr (w, 'H', p + 1);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL)
X 		if (dent->h_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X }
X /*
X  * check for flags: X, J, Z, S, P, M
X  *
X  * X	-ions or -ications or -ens
X  * J	-ings
X  * Z	-ers or -iers
X  * S	-ies or -es or -s
X  * P	-iness or -ness
X  * M	-'S
X  */
X s_ending (w,n)
X register char *w;
X register n;
X {
X 	register char *p;
X 	register struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + n;
X 	p[-1] = 0;	/* kill 'S' */
X 	n--;
X 	if (index ("SXZHY", p[-2]) == NULL || (p[-2] == 'Y' && vowel (p[-3]))) {
X 		if (cflag)
X 			flagpr (w, 'S', p - 1);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->s_flag) {
X 			wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 	}
X 	switch (p[-2]) {	/* letter before S */
X 	case 'N':	/* X */
X 		if (strcmp (p-4, "ION") == 0) {
X 			p[-4] = 'E';	/* change "ION" to "E" */
X 			p[-3] = 0;
X 			n -= 2;
X 			if (cflag)
X 				flagpr (w, 'X', p - 4);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 			  &&  dent->x_flag) {
X 				wordok = 1;
X 				return;
X 			}
X 		}
X 		if (strcmp (p-8, "ICATE") == 0) {
X 			p[-8] = 'Y';	/* change "ICATE" to "Y" */
X 			p[-7] = 0;
X 			n -= 4;
X 			if (cflag)
X 				flagpr (w, 'X', p - 8);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 			    && dent->x_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		if (strcmp (p-3, "EN") == 0 && p[-4] != 'E' && p[-4] != 'Y') {
X 			p[-3] = 0;	/* kill "EN" */
X 			n -= 2;
X 			if (cflag)
X 				flagpr (w, 'X', p - 3);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 			    && dent->x_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		return;
X 	case 'G':	/* J */
X 		if (strcmp (p-4, "ING") != 0)
X 			return;
X 		p[-4] = 'E';	/* change "ING" to "E" */
X 		p[-3] = 0;
X 		n -= 2;
X 		if (cflag)
X 			flagpr (w, 'J', p - 4);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->j_flag) {
X 			wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		if (p[-5] == 'E')
X 			return;		/* This stops CREATEING */
X 		p[-4] = 0;	/* kill 'E' */
X 		n--;
X 		if (cflag)
X 			flagpr (w, 'J', p - 4);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 		    && dent->j_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	case 'R':	/* Z */
X 		if (strcmp (p-3, "ER") != 0)
X 			return;
X 		p[-2] = 0;	/* kill 'R' */
X 		n--;
X 		if (cflag)
X 			flagpr (w, 'Z', p - 2);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->z_flag) {
X 			wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		if (p[-4] == 'I'  &&  !vowel (p[-5])) {
X 			p[-4] = 'Y';	/* change "IE" to "Y" */
X 			p[-3] = 0;
X 			n--;
X 			if (cflag)
X 				flagpr (w, 'Z', p - 4);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 			    && dent->z_flag) {
X 				wordok = 1;
X 				return;
X 			}
X 			p[-4] = 'I';	/* change 'Y' to 'I' */
X 		}
X 		if ((p[-4] != 'E' && p[-4] != 'Y') ||
X 		    (p[-4] == 'Y' && vowel (p[-5]))) {
X 			if(p[-3]) n--;
X 			p[-3] = 0;
X 			if (cflag)
X 				flagpr (w, 'Z', p - 3);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 			  && dent->z_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 		}
X 		return;
X 	case 'E': /* S (except simple adding of an S) */
X 		p[-2] = 0;	/* drop the E */
X 		n--;
X 		if (index ("SXZH", p[-3]) != NULL) {
X 			if (cflag)
X 				flagpr (w, 'S', p - 2);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL) {
X 				if (dent->s_flag)
X 					wordok = 1;;
X 				return;
X 			}
X 		}
X 		if (p[-3] == 'I') {
X 			p[-3] = 'Y';
X 			if (cflag)
X 				flagpr (w, 'S', p - 3);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 			    && dent->s_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 			return;
X 		}
X 		return;
X 	case 'S':	/* P */
X 		if (strcmp (p-4, "NES") != 0)
X 			return;
X 		p[-4] = 0;	/* kill "NES" */
X 		n -= 3;
X 		if (p[-5] != 'Y' || vowel (p[-6])) {
X 			if (cflag)
X 				flagpr (w, 'P', p - 4);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 			    &&  dent->p_flag) {
X 				wordok = 1;
X 				return;
X 			}
X 		}
X 		if (p[-5] == 'I') {
X 			p[-5] = 'Y';
X 			if (cflag)
X 				flagpr (w, 'P', p - 5);
X 			else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 			    && dent->p_flag)
X 				wordok = 1;
X 		}
X 		return;
X 	case '\'':	/* M */
X 		p[-2] = '\0';	/* kill "'" */
X 		n--;
X 		if (cflag)
X 			flagpr (w, 'M', p - 2);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 		    &&  dent->m_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X }
X /* only the N flag */
X n_ending (w,n)
X register char *w;
X register n;
X {
X 	register char *p;
X 	register struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + n;
X 	if (p[-2] == 'E') {
X 		if (p[-3] == 'E' || p[-3] == 'Y')
X 			return;
X 		p[-2] = 0;	/* kill "EN" */
X 		n -= 2;
X 		if (cflag)
X 			flagpr (w, 'N', p - 2);
X 		else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 		    && dent->n_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	if (strcmp (p-3, "ION") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[-3] = 'E';	/* change "ION" to "E" */
X 	p[-2] = 0;
X 	n -= 2;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		flagpr (w, 'N', p - 3);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL) {
X 		if (dent->n_flag)
X 			wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	if (strcmp (p-7, "ICATE") != 0)	/* check is really against "ICATION" */
X 		return;
X 	p[-7] = 'Y';	/* change "ICATE" to "Y" */
X 	p[-6] = 0;
X 	n -= 4;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		flagpr (w, 'N', p - 7);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL && dent->n_flag)
X 		wordok = 1;
X 	return;
X }
X /* flags: v */
X e_ending (w,n)
X register char *w;
X register n;
X {
X 	register char *p;
X 	register struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + n;
X 	if (strcmp (p-3, "IVE") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[-3] = 'E';	/* change "IVE" to "E" */
X 	p[-2] = 0;
X 	n -= 2;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		flagpr (w, 'V', p - 3);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL
X 	  &&  dent->v_flag) {
X 		wordok = 1;
X 		return;
X 	}
X 	if (p[-4] == 'E')
X 		return;
X 	p[-3] = 0;	/* kill 'E' */
X 	n--;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		flagpr (w, 'V', p - 3);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL && dent->v_flag)
X 		wordok = 1;
X 	return;
X }
X /* flags: y */
X y_ending (w,n)
X register char *w;
X register n;
X {
X 	register char *p;
X 	register struct dent *dent;
X 	p = w + n;
X 	if (strcmp (p-2, "LY") != 0)
X 		return;
X 	p[-2] = 0;	/* kill "LY" */
X 	n -= 2;
X 	if (cflag)
X 		flagpr (w, 'Y', p - 2);
X 	else if ((dent = lookup (w, n, 1)) != NULL && dent->y_flag)
X 		wordok = 1;
X 	return;
X }
X vowel (c)
X register c;
X {
X 	return (c == 'A' || c == 'E' || c == 'I' || c == 'O' || c == 'U');
X }
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'hash.c'" '(350 characters)'
if test -f 'hash.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'hash.c'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'hash.c'
X /* -*- Mode:Text -*- */
X /*
X  * hash.c - a simple hash function for ispell
X  *
X  * Pace Willisson, 1983
X  */
X hash (s, n, hashsize)
X register char *s;
X register n;
X register hashsize;
X {
X 	register short h = 0;
X 	while (n--) {
X 		h ^= *s++;
X 		if (h < 0) {
X 			h <<= 1;
X 			h++;
X 		} else {
X 			h <<= 1;
X 		}
X 	}
X 	h &= 077777;
X 	return (unsigned long) h % hashsize;
X }
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'icombine.c'" '(5857 characters)'
if test -f 'icombine.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'icombine.c'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'icombine.c'
X /* 
X    icombine:  combine multiple ispell dictionary entries into a single 
X               entry with the options of all entries
X    Author:  Gary Puckering
X             Cognos, Inc.
X    Written:  January 29, 1987
X    Notes:  Input lines consist of a word followed optionally by
X            by one or more flags.  e.g CREATE/V/N/S
X            Flags on lines with identical root words are combined.
X            No editing on flags is performed.
X            Flags are forced to uppercase, but roots are left alone.
X            Old-style flags, like /X/N will be output as /NX.
X            Flags are output in alphabetical order.
X            Non-letters appearing before the first "/" are retained,
X              those after are dropped.
X            Root words that differ only in capitalization are combined.
X */
X #include <stdio.h>
X #include <ctype.h>
X #include "config.h"
X #include "ispell.h"
X #define MAXFLAGS 26     /* letters A-Z */
X #define MAXLINE 255     /* maximum line size */
X #define TRUE 1
X #define FALSE 0
X typedef int bool;
X bool flagtbl[MAXFLAGS]; /* array of flag options */
X char line[MAXLINE];     /* current line */
X char lastword[MAXLINE]; /* previous word */
X char uclastword[MAXLINE]; /* uppercase version of lastword */
X char word[MAXLINE];     /* current word */
X char ucword[MAXLINE];	/* uppercase version of current word */
X char flags[MAXLINE];    /* current flags */
X int  expand = 0;	/* if NZ, expand instead of combining */
X extern char *strcpy ();
X main(argc,argv)
X int argc;
X char *argv[];
X {
X     if (argc > 1  &&  strcmp (argv[1], "-e") == 0)
X 	expand = 1;
X     if (gets(line)) 
X     {
X         parse(line,lastword,flags);
X         uccopy (uclastword, lastword);
X         getflags(flags);
X     }
X     else
X 	return 0;
X     while (gets(line))
X     {
X         parse(line,word,flags);
X         uccopy (ucword, word);
X         if (strcmp(word,lastword)!=0)   /* possibly different word */
X         {
X 	    if (strcmp (ucword, uclastword) != 0 /* truly different word */
X 	      ||  resolvecaps (word, ucword, lastword, uclastword))
X 	    {					/* or caps differ */
X 		putword();
X 		strcpy(lastword,word);
X 		strcpy(uclastword,ucword);
X 	    }
X         }
X         getflags(flags);
X     }
X     putword();
X     return 0;
X }
X putword()
X {
X     printf("%s",lastword);
X     putflags();
X }
X parse(ln,wrd,flgs)
X     char ln[];
X     char wrd[];
X     char flgs[];
X {
X     register char *p, *q;
X     /* copy line up to first "/" or to end */
X     for (p=ln,q=wrd; *p && *p != '/'; p++,q++) *q = *p;
X     *q = NULL;
X     strcpy(flgs,p);     /* copy from "/" to end */
X }
X getflags(flgs)
X     char *flgs;
X {
X     register char *p;
X     for (p=flgs; *p; p++) 
X         if (*p != '/')
X 	{
X 	    if (islower (*p))
X 		*p = toupper (*p);
X 	    if (isupper(*p))
X 		flagtbl[(*p)-'A'] = TRUE;
X 	}
X }
X putflags()
X {
X     register int i;
X     int slashout = 0;
X     if (expand)
X 	putchar ('\n');
X     for (i=0; i<MAXFLAGS; i++) 
X         if (flagtbl[i]) 
X         {
X 	    if (expand)
X 		printf("%s/%c\n", lastword, i + 'A');
X             else
X 	    {
X 		if (!slashout)
X 		    putchar('/');
X 		slashout = 1;
X 		putchar(i+'A');
X 	    }
X             flagtbl[i]=FALSE;
X         }
X     if (!expand)
X 	putchar('\n');
X }
X /*
X  * This routine resolves capitalization conflicts.  The idea is to combine
X  * only those cases that ispell can "uncombine".
X  *
X  * Entry: word and lastword differ, but only by case.
X  *
X  * Exit: Returns 1 if word and lastword both need to be in the dictionary,
X  *	 0 if they can be handled by a single entry.  If the return is zero,
X  *	 lastword may have been modified to reflect the union of the two
X  *	 entries.
X  *
X  * Rules:
X  *
X  * (1) If either word is entirely in upper case, it "loses" to the other
X  *     word.  The "winning" word is copied to lastword, and 0 is returned.
X  * (2) If either word is "followcase" (defined as being mixed case with a
X  *     capital letter appearing after the first character), the two
X  *     variants are considered to differ, and 1 is returned.  Furthermore,
X  *     a flag is set (by copying the word to "lastfollow") so that all
X  *     future variants fo the word will be considered to differ.
X  * (3) If one word is capitalized and the other is all-lowercase, the
X  *     lowercase word "wins".  It is copied to lastword, and 0 is returned.
X  *     HOWEVER, if a "followcase" variant of the word has been seen, this
X  *     rule does not apply, and rule (4) will cause the words to be
X  *     considered different.
X  * (4) If a "followcase" variant of the word has been seen, the words are
X  *     always considered to differ.  1 is returned.
X  *
X  * Note that the input must be sorted with "sort -t/ +0f -1 +0 -1" for this
X  * code to work.
X  */
X resolvecaps (word, ucword, lastword, uclastword)
X char *word;
X char *ucword;
X char *lastword;
X char *uclastword;
X {
X     register char *w;
X     register char *lw;
X     static char lastfollow[200] = "";
X     /* Rule (1): Upper case loses */
X     for (w = word;  *w  &&  !mylower (*w);  w++)
X 	;
X     if (*w == '\0')
X 	return 0;
X     for (lw = lastword;  *lw  &&  !mylower (*lw);  lw++)
X 	;
X     if (*lw == '\0')
X     {
X 	strcpy (lastword, word);
X 	strcpy (uclastword, ucword);
X 	return 0;
X     }
X     /* Rule (4):  followcase forces all subsequent variants to be different. */
X     if (strcmp (ucword, lastfollow) == 0)
X 	return 1;
X     /* Rule (2):  "followcase" is different. */
X     for (w = word + 1, lw = lastword + 1;
X       *w  &&  !myupper (*w)  &&  !myupper (*lw);
X       w++, lw++)
X 	;
X     if (*w)		/* We don't test *lw 'cause lengths are the same */
X 	{
X 	strcpy (lastfollow, ucword);
X 	return 1;
X 	}
X     /* Rule (3):  all-lowercase beats capitalized */
X     if (myupper (lastword[0]))
X     {
X 	strcpy (lastword, word);
X 	strcpy (uclastword, ucword);
X     }
X     return 0;
X }
X uccopy (dest, src)
X register char *dest;
X register char *src;
X {
X     while (*src)
X     {
X 	if (mylower (*src))
X 	    *dest++ = toupper (*src++);
X 	else
X 	    *dest++ = *src++;
X     }
X     *dest = '\0';
X }
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'isexp1.sed'" '(1451 characters)'
if test -f 'isexp1.sed'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'isexp1.sed'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'isexp1.sed'
X /^[^/]*$/n
X /\/.*[vV]/ {
X     /^[^/]*E\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)E/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[vV]@\1IVE\
X \1E/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[vV]@\1IVE\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[nN]/ {
X     /^[^/]*E\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)E/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[nN]@\1ION\
X \1E/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*Y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)Y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[nN]@\1ICATION\
X \1Y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[nN]@\1EN\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[xX]/ {
X     /^[^/]*E\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)E/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[xX]@\1IONS\
X \1E/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*Y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)Y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[xX]@\1ICATIONS\
X \1Y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[xX]@\1ENS\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[hH]/ {
X     /^[^/]*Y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)Y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[hH]@\1IETH\
X \1Y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[hH]@\1TH\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[yY]/ {
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[yY]@\1LY\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[gG]/ {
X     /^[^/]*E\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)E/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[gG]@\1ING\
X \1E/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[gG]@\1ING\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[jJ]/ {
X     /^[^/]*E\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)E/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[jJ]@\1INGS\
X \1E/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[jJ]@\1INGS\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[dD]/ {
X     /^[^/]*E\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[dD]@\1D\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*[^/aeiouAEIOU]Y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)Y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[dD]@\1IED\
X \1Y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[dD]@\1ED\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'isexp2.sed'" '(1281 characters)'
if test -f 'isexp2.sed'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'isexp2.sed'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'isexp2.sed'
X /^[^/]*$/n
X /\/.*[tT]/ {
X     /^[^/]*E\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[tT]@\1ST\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*[^/aeiouAEIOU]Y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)Y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[tT]@\1IEST\
X \1Y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[tT]@\1EST\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[rR]/ {
X     /^[^/]*E\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[rR]@\1R\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*[^/aeiouAEIOU]Y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)Y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[rR]@\1IER\
X \1Y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[rR]@\1ER\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[zZ]/ {
X     /^[^/]*E\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[zZ]@\1RS\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*[^/aeiouAEIOU]Y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)Y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[zZ]@\1IERS\
X \1Y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[zZ]@\1ERS\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[sS]/ {
X     /^[^/]*[^/aeiouAEIOU]Y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)Y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[sS]@\1IES\
X \1Y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*[SXZH]\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[sS]@\1ES\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[sS]@\1S\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[pP]/ {
X     /^[^/]*[^/aeiouAEIOU]Y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)Y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[pP]@\1INESS\
X \1Y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[pP]@\1NESS\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[mM]/ {
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/a-z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[mM]@\1'S\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'isexp3.sed'" '(1451 characters)'
if test -f 'isexp3.sed'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'isexp3.sed'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'isexp3.sed'
X /^[^/]*$/n
X /\/.*[vV]/ {
X     /^[^/]*e\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)e/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[vV]@\1ive\
X \1e/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[vV]@\1ive\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[nN]/ {
X     /^[^/]*e\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)e/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[nN]@\1ion\
X \1e/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[nN]@\1ication\
X \1y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[nN]@\1en\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[xX]/ {
X     /^[^/]*e\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)e/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[xX]@\1ions\
X \1e/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[xX]@\1ications\
X \1y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[xX]@\1ens\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[hH]/ {
X     /^[^/]*y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[hH]@\1ieth\
X \1y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[hH]@\1th\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[yY]/ {
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[yY]@\1ly\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[gG]/ {
X     /^[^/]*e\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)e/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[gG]@\1ing\
X \1e/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[gG]@\1ing\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[jJ]/ {
X     /^[^/]*e\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)e/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[jJ]@\1ings\
X \1e/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[jJ]@\1ings\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[dD]/ {
X     /^[^/]*e\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[dD]@\1d\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*[^/aeiouAEIOU]y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[dD]@\1ied\
X \1y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[dD]@\1ed\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'isexp4.sed'" '(1290 characters)'
if test -f 'isexp4.sed'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'isexp4.sed'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'isexp4.sed'
X /^[^/]*$/n
X /\/.*[tT]/ {
X     /^[^/]*e\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[tT]@\1st\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*[^/aeiouAEIOU]y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[tT]@\1iest\
X \1y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[tT]@\1est\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[rR]/ {
X     /^[^/]*e\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[rR]@\1r\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*[^/aeiouAEIOU]y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[rR]@\1ier\
X \1y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[rR]@\1er\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[zZ]/ {
X     /^[^/]*e\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[zZ]@\1rs\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*[^/aeiouAEIOU]y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[zZ]@\1iers\
X \1y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[zZ]@\1ers\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[sS]/ {
X     /^[^/]*[^/aeiouAEIOU]y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[sS]@\1ies\
X \1y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     /^[^/]*[sxzh]\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[sS]@\1es\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[sS]@\1s\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[pP]/ {
X     /^[^/]*[^/aeiouAEIOU]y\// {
X 	s@^\([^/]*\)y/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[pP]@\1iness\
X \1y/\2@; P; D
X     }
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[pP]@\1ness\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X /\/.*[mM]/ {
X     s@^\([^/]*[^/A-Z]\)/\([/A-Za-z]*\)[mM]@\1's\
X \1/\2@; P; D
X }
X s@/*$@@g
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'isexpand.X'" '(750 characters)'
if test -f 'isexpand.X'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'isexpand.X'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'isexpand.X'
X : Use /bin/sh
X #
X #	Expand the suffix flags in a list of ispell words.
X #
X #	Usage:
X #
X #	isexpand [ file ] ...
X #
X #	All suffixes in the given input files (standard input if none) are
X #	expanded.  The output is sorted with sort -u to remove possible
X #	duplications.
X #
X #		Geoff Kuenning
X #		5/17/87
X #
X EXPAND1=${LIBDIR}/isexp1.sed
X EXPAND2=${LIBDIR}/isexp2.sed
X EXPAND3=${LIBDIR}/isexp3.sed
X EXPAND4=${LIBDIR}/isexp4.sed
X #
X # We have to test $# because of a bug in the way /bin/sh expands "$@" when
X # there are no arguments.
X #
X if [ $# -eq 0 ]
X then
X     sed -f $EXPAND1 | sed -f $EXPAND2 \
X       | sed -f $EXPAND3 | sed -f $EXPAND4 | sort -u
X else
X     sed -f $EXPAND1 "$@" | sed -f $EXPAND2 \
X       | sed -f $EXPAND3 | sed -f $EXPAND4 | sort -u
X fi
chmod +x 'isexpand.X'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'ispell.1'" '(13095 characters)'
if test -f 'ispell.1'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'ispell.1'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'ispell.1'
X .\" -*- Mode:Text -*-
X ispell \- Correct spelling for a file
X .br
X munchlist \- Combine suffixes in a spelling list
X .br
X isexpand \- Expand suffixes in a spelling list
X .B ispell
X [
X .B \-t
X |
X .B \-x
X |
X .B \-S
X |
X .B \-d
X file |
X .B \-p
X file |
X .B \-w
X chars ] file .....
X .br
X .B ispell
X [
X .B \-t
X |
X .B \-d
X file |
X .B \-p
X file |
X .B \-w
X chars ]
X .B \-l
X .br
X .B ispell
X [
X .B \-t
X |
X .B \-d
X file |
X .B \-p
X file
X ] {
X .B \-a
X |
X .B \-A
X }
X .br
X .B ispell
X [
X .B \-w
X chars ]
X .B \-c
X .br
X .B ispell
X .B \-v
X .br
X .B munchlist
X [
X .B \-d
X file |
X .B \-e
X |
X .B \-w
X chars ]
X [ files ]
X .br
X .B isexpand
X [ files ]
X .I Ispell
X is fashioned after the
X .I spell
X program from ITS (called
X .I ispell
X on Twenex systems.)  The most common usage is "ispell filename".  In this
X case,
X .I ispell
X will display each word which does not appear in the dictionary, and
X allow you to change it.  If there are "near misses" in the dictionary
X (words which differ by only a single letter, a missing or extra letter,
X or a pair of transposed letters), then they are also displayed.  If you
X think the word is correct as it stands, you can type either "Space" to
X accept it this one time, or "I" to accept it and put it in your private
X dictionary.  If one of the near misses is the word you want, type the
X corresponding number.
X (If there are more than 10 choices,
X you may have to type a carriage return to complete a single-digit number).
X Finally, if none of these choices is right, you
X can type "R" and you will be prompted for a replacement word.
X If you want to see a list of words that might be close using wildcard
X characters, type "L" to lookup a word in the system dictionary.
X When a misspelled word is found, it is printed at the top of the screen.
X Any near misses will be printed on the following lines, and finally, two
X lines containing the word are printed at the bottom of the screen.  If
X your terminal can type in reverse video, the word itself is highlighted.
X The
X .B \-v
X option causes
X .I ispell
X to print its current version identification on the standard output
X and exit.
X The
X .B \-l
X or "list" option to
X .I ispell
X is used to produce a list of misspelled words from the standard input.
X The
X .B \-a
X option
X is intended to be used from other programs through a pipe.  In this
X mode,
X .I ispell
X expects the standard input to consist of lines containing single words.
X Each word is
X read, and a single line is written to the standard output.  If the word
X was found in the main dictionary, or your personal dictionary, then the
X line contains only a '*'.  If the word was found through suffix removal,
X then the line contains a '+', a space, and the root word.  If the word
X is not in the dictionary, but there are near misses, then the line
X contains an '&', a space, and a list of the near misses separated by
X spaces.
X Also, each near miss is capitalized the same as the input
X word if unless such capitalization is illegal;
X in the latter case each near miss is capitalized correctly
X according to the dictionary.
X Finally, if the word neither appears in the dictionary, and
X there are no near misses, then the line contains only a '#'.  This mode
X is also suitable for interactive use when you want to figure out the
X spelling of a single word.  (These characters are the same as the codes
X that the real spell program uses.)
X The
X .B \-A
X option works just like
X .BR \-a ,
X except that if a line begins with the string "&Include_File&", the rest
X of the line is taken as the name of a file to read for further words.
X Input returns to the original file when the include file is exhausted.
X Inclusion may be nested up to five deep.
X The key string may be changed with the environment variable
X (the ampersands, if any, must be included).
X When in the
X .B \-a
X mode,
X .I ispell
X will also accept lines of single words prefixed with either a '*' or a '@'.
X A line starting with '*' tells
X .I ispell
X to insert the word into the user's dictionary (similar to the I command).
X A line starting with '@' causes
X .I ispell
X to accept this word in the future (similar to the A command).
X The
X .B \-x
X option causes
X .I ispell
X to remove the .bak file that it normally leaves.  The .bak file contains
X the pre-corrected text.  If there are file opening / writing errors,
X the .bak file may be left for recovery purposes even with the -x option.
X The
X .B \-S
X option suppresses
X .IR ispell "'s"
X normal behavior of sorting the list of possible replacement words.
X Some people may prefer this, since it somewhat enhances the probability
X that the correct word will be low-numbered.
X The
X .B \-t
X option selects TeX/LaTeX input mode.
X TeX/LaTeX mode is also automatically selected if an input file has
X the extension ".tex".
X In this mode, whenever a backslash ("\e") is found,
X .I ispell
X will skip to the next whitespace.
X Thus, for example, given
X \echapter {This is a Ckapter}
X \ecite{SCH86}
X will find "Ckapter" but will not look for SCH.
X The
X .B \-t
X option does not recognize the TeX comment character "%".
X The
X .B \-d
X option is used to specify an alternate hashed dictionary file,
X other than the default.  If the filename does not begin with a "/",
X the library directory for the default dictionary file is prefixed.
X This is useful to allow dictionaries which prefer alternate British
X spellings ("centre", "tyre", etc), or add lists of special-purpose
X jargon and acronyms for subclasses of documents.  There are some shortcomings
X in attempting to provide foreign-language dictionaries, but something
X like "-dfrench" could be made to work somewhat.
X The
X .B \-d
X option may specify
X .IR /dev/null ,
X in which case the dictionary is limited to the personal one.
X This may be useful for certain private dictionaries.
X The
X .B \-p
X option is used to specify an alternate personal dictionary file.
X If the file name does not begin with "/", $HOME is prefixed.  Also, the
X shell variable WORDLIST may be set, which renames the personal dictionary
X in the same manner.  The command line overrides WORDLIST setting.  If
X neither is present "ispell.words" is used.
X The
X .B \-w
X option may be used to specify characters other than alphabetics
X which may also appear in words.  For instance,
X .B \-w
X "&" will allow "AT&T"
X to be picked up.  Underscores are useful in many technical documents.
X There is an admittedly crude provision in this option for 8-bit international
X characters.
X Non-printing characters may be specified in the usual way by inserting a
X backslash followed by the octal character code;
X e.g., "\e014" for a form feed.
X Alternatively, if "n" appears in the character string, the (up to)
X three characters
X following are a DECIMAL code 0 - 255, for the character.
X For example, to include bells and form feeds in your words (an admittedly
X silly thing to do, but aren't most pedagogical examples):
X n007n012
X Numeric digits other than the three following "n" are simply numeric
X characters.  Use of "n" does not conflict with anything because actual
X alphabetics have no meaning - alphabetics are already accepted.
X .I Ispell
X will typically be used with input from a file, meaning that preserving
X parity for possible 8 bit characters from the input text is OK.  If you
X specify the -l option, and actually type text from the terminal, this may
X create problems if your stty settings preserve parity.
X The
X .B \-c
X option is primarily intended for use by the
X .I munchlist
X shell script.
X In this mode, a list of words is read from the standard input.
X For each word, a list of possible root words and suffixes will be
X written to the standard output.
X Some of the root words will be illegal and must be filtered from the
X output by other means;
X the
X .I munchlist
X script does this.
X As an example, the command "echo BOTHER | ispell -c" produces:
X .nf
X .fi
X Unless it has been installed without the feature by your system administrator,
X .I ispell
X is aware of the correct capitalizations of words in the dictionary and
X in your personal dictionary.
X As well as recognizing words that must be capitalized (e.g., George) and
X words that must be all-capitals (e.g., NASA), it can also handle words
X with "unusual" capitalization (e.g., "ITCorp" or "TeX").
X If a word is capitalized incorrectly, the list of possibilities will
X include all acceptable capitalizations.
X (More than one capitalization may be acceptable;
X for example, my dictionary lists both "ITCorp" and "ITcorp".)
X Normally, this feature will not cause you surprises, but there is one
X circumstance you need to be aware of.
X If you add a word to your dictionary that is at the beginning of a sentence
X (e.g., the first word of this paragraph if "unless" were not in the
X dictionary), it will be marked as "capitalization required".
X A subsequent usage of this word without capitalization (e.g., the quoted word
X in the previous sentence),
X .I ispell
X will object and suggest the capitalized version.
X You must then compare the actual spellings by eye, and then type "I"
X to add the un-capitalized variant to your personal dictionary.
X The rules for capitalization are as follows:
X .IP (1)
X Any word may appear in all capitals, as in headings.
X .IP (2)
X Any word that is in the dictionary in all-lowercase form may appear
X either in lowercase or capitalized (as at the beginning of a sentence).
X .IP (3)
X Any word that has "funny" capitalization (i.e., it contains both cases
X and there is an uppercase character besides the first) must appear
X exactly as in the dictionary, except as permitted by rule (1).
X If the word is acceptable in all-lowercase, it must appear thus in a
X dictionary entry.
X The
X .I munchlist
X shell script is used to reduce the size of dictionary files,
X primarily personal dictionary files.
X It is also capable of combining dictionaries from various sources.
X The given
X .I files
X are read (standard input if no arguments are given),
X reduced to a minimal set of roots and suffixes that will match the
X same list of words, and written to standard output.
X Normally, words that are in the default dictionary are removed by
X .I munchlist
X during processing.
X If the list is to be used with a different dictionary, the
X .B \-d
X option can be used to specify an alternate (hashed) dictionary file
X containing words to be removed from the output list.
X If a dictionary file of
X .I /dev/null
X is specified, no words will be removed from the output;
X this is useful when munching the primary dictionary file.
X The
X .B \-w
X option is passed on to
X .IR ispell .
X The
X .B \-e
X ("efficient") option causes the script to use a slower algorithm that uses
X somewhat less space in TMPDIR (normally
X .IR /usr/tmp ")."
X The
X .I isexpand
X shell script is used to expand the various suffix flags in an
X .I ispell
X word list.
X This script can be used when looking words up in the dictionary, or
X to verify that a particular suffix flag actually produces the expected
X result.
X It is possible to install
X .I ispell
X in such a way as to only support ASCII range text if desired.
X WORDLIST	Personal dictionary file name
X .br
X INCLUDE_STRING	Code for file inclusion under the -A option
X .br
X TMPDIR	Directory used for some of munchlist's temporary files
X /usr/public/lib/ispell.hash
X .br
X /usr/dict/web2		for the Lookup function
X .br
X $HOME/.ispell_words	user's private dictionary
X .br
X /usr/public/lib/isexp[1-4].sed		sed scripts for expanding suffixes
X .br
X /usr/public/lib/icombine	program for combining suffix flags
X spell(1), egrep(1), look(1), ispell(4)
X It takes about five seconds for
X .I ispell
X to read in the hash table.
X .sp
X Perhaps more than ten choices should be allowed for near misses.
X .sp
X The hash table is stored as a quarter-megabyte array, so a PDP-11
X version does not seem likely.
X .sp
X .I Ispell
X should understand more
X .I troff
X syntax, and deal more intelligently with contractions.
X .sp
X While alternate dictionaries for foreign languages could be defined, and
X the international characters included in words, rules concerning
X word endings / pluralization accommodate English only.
X .sp
X When the
X .B \-x
X flag is specified,
X .I ispell
X will unlink any existing .bak file.
X .sp
X .I Munchlist
X requires tremendous amounts of temporary file space for
X large dictionaries.
X It does respect the TMPDIR environment variable, so this space can be
X redirected.
X However, a lot of the temporary space it needs is for sorting, so TMPDIR
X is only a partial help on systems with an uncooperative
X .IR sort (1).
X As a benchmark, the 15000-word
X .I dict.191
X takes about 1200 blocks in TMPDIR, and 2000 in
X .IR sort "'s"
X temporary directories.
X Munching
X .I dict.191
X with
X .I /usr/dict/words
X (28000 words output)
X took another 1500 blocks or so, and ran for the better part of an hour.
X Pace Willisson (pace@mit-vax)
X .br
X Collected, revised, and enhanced for the Usenet by Walt Buehring.
X .br
X Further enhanced and debugged by
X Isaac Balbin,
X Stewart Clamen,
X Mark Davies,
X Steve Dum,
X Don Kark,
X Steve Kelem,
X Jim Knutson,
X Geoff Kuenning,
X Evan Marcus,
X Dave Mason,
X Rob McMahon,
X Bob McQueer,
X David Neves,
X Joe Orost,
X Israel Pinkas,
X Gary Puckering,
X Bill Randle,
X Marc Ries,
X Rich Salz,
X Greg Schaffer,
X George Sipe,
X Perry Smith,
X Stefan Taxhet,
X Andrew Vignaux,
X James Woods,
X and Ken Yap.
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'ispell.4'" '(6562 characters)'
if test -f 'ispell.4'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'ispell.4'"
sed 's/^X //' << \SHAR_EOF > 'ispell.4'
X ispell \- format of ispell dictionaries
X Dictionaries for
X .IR ispell (1)
X come in two formats:
X raw, and unhashed.
X The hashed dictionary is generated by
X .I buildhash
X (see
X .IR ispell "(1))"
X from the raw dictionary, and is not described here.
X A raw
X .I ispell
X dictionary (either the main dictionary or your own personal
X dictionary) contains a list of words, one per line.
X Each word may optionally be followed by a slash ("/") and one or more
X flags, which modify the root word as explained below.
X Case is significant in the root word, but ignored in the flags.
X The dictionary does not need to be sorted.
X The case of the root word controls the case of words accepted by
X .IR ispell ,
X as follows:
X .IP (1)
X If the root word appears only in lower case (e.g., "bob"),
X it will be accepted in lower case, capitalized, or all capitals.
X .IP (2)
X If the root word appears capitalized (e.g., "Robert"), it will be not
X be accepted in
X all-lower case, but will be accepted capitalized or all in capitals.
X .IP (3)
X If the root word appears all in capitals (e.g., "UNIX"),
X it will only be accepted all in capitals.
X .IP (4)
X If the root word appears with a "funny" capitalization (e.g., "ITCorp"),
X a word will be accepted only if it follows that capitalization, or if
X it appears all in capitals.
X .IP (5)
X More than one capitalization of a root word may appear in the dictionary.
X Flags from different capitalizations are combined by OR-ing them together.
X Redundant capitalizations (e.g., "bob" and "Bob") will be combined
X by
X .I buildhash
X and by
X .I ispell
X (for personal dictionaries),
X and can be removed from a raw dictionary by
X .IR munchlist .
X For example, the dictionary:
X .nf
X bob
X Robert
X ITcorp
X ITCorp
X .fi
X will accept "bob," "Bob," "BOB," "Robert," "ROBERT," "UNIX," "ITcorp,"
X "ITCorp," and "ITCORP," and will reject all others.
X Some of the unacceptable forms are "bOb," "robert," "Unix," and "ItCorp."
X As mentioned above, root words in any dictionary may be extended by flags.
X Each flag is a single alphabetic character, which represents a suffix
X that may be added to the root to form a new word.
X For example, the "D" flag can be added to "bathe" to make "bathed".
X Since flags are represented as a single bit in the hashed dictionary, this
X results in significant space savings.
X The
X .I munchlist
X script will reduce an existing raw dictionary by adding flags when possible.
X When a word is extended with a suffix, the suffix will be accepted only
X if it appears in the same case
X as the final letter of the word.
X Thus, for example, the entry "UNIX/M" in the main dictionary ("M" means
X add an apostrophe and an "s" to make a possessive) would accept "UNIX'S"
X but would reject "UNIX's".
X If "UNIX's" is legal, it must appear as a separate dictionary entry,
X and it will not be combined by
X .IR munchlist .
X In the following discussion of the flags,
X let # and @ be "variables" that can stand for any letter.
X Upper case letters are constants.
X "..." stands for any string of zero or more
X letters, but note that no word may exist in the dictionary which is not at
X least 2 letters long, so, for example, "fly" may not be produced by placing
X the "Y" flag on "f".
X Also, no flag is effective unless the word that it
X creates is at least 4 letters long, so, for example, "wed" may not be
X produced by placing the "D" flag on "we".
X The meaning of the flags is as follows:
X .IP "V"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X \&...e --> ...ive  as in create --> creative
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if # .ne. e, ...# --> ...#ive  as in prevent --> preventive
X .in -5m
X .IP "N"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X \&...e --> ...ion  as in create --> creation
X .br
X .ti -5m
X \&...y --> ...ication  as in multiply --> multiplication
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if # .ne. e or y, ...# --> ...#en  as in fall --> fallen
X .in -5m
X .IP "X"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X \&...e --> ...ions  as in create --> creations
X .br
X .ti -5m
X \&...y --> ...ications  as in multiply --> multiplications
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if # .ne. e or y, ...# --> ...#ens  as in weak --> weakens
X .in -5m
X .IP "H"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X \&...y --> ...ieth  as in twenty --> twentieth
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if # .ne. y, ...# --> ...#th  as in hundred --> hundredth
X .in -5m
X .IP "Y"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X \&... --> ...ly  as in quick --> quickly
X .in -5m
X .IP "G"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X \&...e --> ...ing  as in file --> filing
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if # .ne. e, ...# --> ...#ing  as in cross --> crossing
X .in -5m
X .IP "J"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X \&...e --> ...ings  as in file --> filings
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if # .ne. e, ...# --> ...#ings  as in cross --> crossings
X .in -5m
X .IP "D"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X \&...e --> ...ed  as in create --> created
X .br
X .ti -5m
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if @ .ne. a, e, i, o, or u,
X \&...@y --> ...@ied  as in imply --> implied
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if # .ne. e or y, or (# = y and @ = a, e, i, o, or u)
X \&...@# --> ...@#ed  as in cross --> crossed
X or convey --> conveyed
X .in -5m
X .IP "T"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X \&...e --> ...est  as in late --> latest
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if @ .ne. a, e, i, o, or u,
X \&...@y --> ...@iest  as in dirty --> dirtiest
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if # .ne. e or y, or (# = y and @ = a, e, i, o, or u)
X \&...@# --> ...@#est  as in small --> smallest
X or gray --> grayest
X .in -5m
X .IP "R"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X \&...e --> ...er  as in skate --> skater
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if @ .ne. a, e, i, o, or u,
X \&...@y --> ...@ier  as in multiply --> multiplier
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if # .ne. e or y, or (# = y and @ = a, e, i, o, or u)
X \&...@# --> ...@#er  as in build --> builder
X or convey --> conveyer
X .in -5m
X .IP "Z"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X \&...e --> ...ers  as in skate --> skaters
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if @ .ne. a, e, i, o, or u,
X \&...@y --> ...@iers  as in multiply --> multipliers
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if # .ne. e or y, or (# = y and @ = a, e, i, o, or u)
X \&...@# --> ...@#ers  as in build --> builders
X or slay --> slayers
X .in -5m
X .IP "S"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X if @ .ne. a, e, i, o, or u,
X \&...@y --> ...@ies  as in imply --> implies
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if # .eq. s, x, z, or h,
X \&...# --> ...#es  as in fix --> fixes
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if # .ne. s, x, z, h, or y, or (# = y and @ = a, e, i, o, or u)
X \&...@# --> ...@#s  as in bat --> bats
X or convey --> conveys
X .in -5m
X .IP "P"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X if @ .ne. a, e, i, o, or u,
X \&...@y --> ...@iness  as in cloudy --> cloudiness
X .br
X .ti -5m
X if # .ne. y, or @ = a, e, i, o, or u,
X \&...@# --> ...@#ness  as in late --> lateness
X or gray --> grayness
X .in -5m
X .IP "M"
X .in +5m
X .ti -5m
X \&... --> ...'s  as in dog --> dog's
X .in -5m
X To summarize more briefly:
X .nf
X V \- ive
X N \- ion, tion, en
X X \- ions, ications, ens
X H \- th, ieth
X Y \- ly
X G \- ing
X J \- ings
X D \- ed
X T \- est
X R \- er
X Z \- ers
X S \- s, es, ies
X P \- ness, iness
X M \- 's
X .fi
X ispell(1)
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

Brandon S. Allbery	{decvax,cbatt,cbosgd}!cwruecmp!ncoast!allbery
Tridelta Industries	{ames,mit-eddie,talcott}!necntc!ncoast!allbery
7350 Corporate Blvd.	necntc!ncoast!allbery@harvard.HARVARD.EDU
Mentor, OH 44060	+01 216 255 1080	(also eddie.MIT.EDU)