allbery@ncoast.UUCP (06/15/87)
: #!/bin/sh # shar+ created from directory /usr2/davidsen/emacs38i # 13:42 on Thu Jun 11, 1987 by davidsen echo 'x - efunc.h (text)' sed << 'E!O!F' 's/^X//' > efunc.h X/* EFUNC.H: MicroEMACS function declarations and names X X This file list all the C code functions used by MicroEMACS X and the names to use to bind keys to them. To add functions, X declare it here in both the extern function list and the name X binding table. X X*/ X X/* External function declarations */ X Xextern int ctrlg(); /* Abort out of things */ Xextern int quit(); /* Quit */ Xextern int ctlxlp(); /* Begin macro */ Xextern int ctlxrp(); /* End macro */ Xextern int ctlxe(); /* Execute macro */ Xextern int fileread(); /* Get a file, read only */ Xextern int filefind(); /* Get a file, read write */ Xextern int filewrite(); /* Write a file */ Xextern int filesave(); /* Save current file */ Xextern int filename(); /* Adjust file name */ Xextern int getccol(); /* Get current column */ Xextern int gotobol(); /* Move to start of line */ Xextern int forwchar(); /* Move forward by characters */ Xextern int gotoeol(); /* Move to end of line */ Xextern int backchar(); /* Move backward by characters */ Xextern int forwline(); /* Move forward by lines */ Xextern int backline(); /* Move backward by lines */ Xextern int forwpage(); /* Move forward by pages */ Xextern int backpage(); /* Move backward by pages */ Xextern int gotobob(); /* Move to start of buffer */ Xextern int gotoeob(); /* Move to end of buffer */ Xextern int setfillcol(); /* Set fill column. */ Xextern int setmark(); /* Set mark */ Xextern int swapmark(); /* Swap "." and mark */ Xextern int forwsearch(); /* Search forward */ Xextern int backsearch(); /* Search backwards */ Xextern int sreplace(); /* search and replace */ Xextern int qreplace(); /* search and replace w/query */ Xextern int showcpos(); /* Show the cursor position */ Xextern int nextwind(); /* Move to the next window */ Xextern int prevwind(); /* Move to the previous window */ Xextern int onlywind(); /* Make current window only one */ Xextern int splitwind(); /* Split current window */ Xextern int mvdnwind(); /* Move window down */ Xextern int mvupwind(); /* Move window up */ Xextern int enlargewind(); /* Enlarge display window. */ Xextern int shrinkwind(); /* Shrink window. */ Xextern int listbuffers(); /* Display list of buffers */ Xextern int usebuffer(); /* Switch a window to a buffer */ Xextern int killbuffer(); /* Make a buffer go away. */ Xextern int reposition(); /* Reposition window */ Xextern int refresh(); /* Refresh the screen */ Xextern int twiddle(); /* Twiddle characters */ Xextern int tab(); /* Insert tab */ Xextern int newline(); /* Insert CR-LF */ Xextern int indent(); /* Insert CR-LF, then indent */ Xextern int openline(); /* Open up a blank line */ Xextern int deblank(); /* Delete blank lines */ Xextern int quote(); /* Insert literal */ Xextern int backword(); /* Backup by words */ Xextern int forwword(); /* Advance by words */ Xextern int forwdel(); /* Forward delete */ Xextern int backdel(); /* Backward delete */ Xextern int killtext(); /* Kill forward */ Xextern int yank(); /* Yank back from killbuffer. */ Xextern int upperword(); /* Upper case word. */ Xextern int lowerword(); /* Lower case word. */ Xextern int upperregion(); /* Upper case region. */ Xextern int lowerregion(); /* Lower case region. */ Xextern int capword(); /* Initial capitalize word. */ Xextern int delfword(); /* Delete forward word. */ Xextern int delbword(); /* Delete backward word. */ Xextern int killregion(); /* Kill region. */ Xextern int copyregion(); /* Copy region to kill buffer. */ Xextern int spawncli(); /* Run CLI in a subjob. */ Xextern int spawn(); /* Run a command in a subjob. */ X#if BSD Xextern int bktoshell(); /* suspend emacs to parent shell*/ Xextern int rtfrmshell(); /* return from a suspended state*/ X#endif Xextern int quickexit(); /* low keystroke style exit. */ Xextern int setmode(); /* set an editor mode */ Xextern int delmode(); /* delete a mode */ Xextern int gotoline(); /* go to a numbered line */ Xextern int namebuffer(); /* rename the current buffer */ X#if WORDPRO Xextern int gotobop(); /* go to beginning/paragraph */ Xextern int gotoeop(); /* go to end/paragraph */ Xextern int fillpara(); /* fill current paragraph */ X#endif Xextern int help(); /* get the help file here */ Xextern int deskey(); /* describe a key's binding */ Xextern int viewfile(); /* find a file in view mode */ Xextern int insfile(); /* insert a file */ Xextern int scrnextup(); /* scroll next window back */ Xextern int scrnextdw(); /* scroll next window down */ Xextern int bindtokey(); /* bind a function to a key */ Xextern int unbindkey(); /* unbind a key's function */ Xextern int namedcmd(); /* execute named command */ Xextern int desbind(); /* describe bindings */ Xextern int execcmd(); /* execute a command line */ Xextern int execbuf(); /* exec commands from a buffer */ Xextern int execfile(); /* exec commands from a file */ Xextern int nextbuffer(); /* switch to the next buffer */ X#if WORDPRO Xextern int killpara(); /* kill the current paragraph */ X#endif Xextern int setgmode(); /* set a global mode */ Xextern int delgmode(); /* delete a global mode */ Xextern int insspace(); /* insert a space forword */ Xextern int forwhunt(); /* hunt forward for next match */ Xextern int backhunt(); /* hunt backwards for next match*/ Xextern int pipecmd(); /* pipe command into buffer */ Xextern int filter(); /* filter buffer through dos */ Xextern int delwind(); /* delete the current window */ Xextern int cbuf1(); /* execute numbered comd buffer */ Xextern int cbuf2(); Xextern int cbuf3(); Xextern int cbuf4(); Xextern int cbuf5(); Xextern int cbuf6(); Xextern int cbuf7(); Xextern int cbuf8(); Xextern int cbuf9(); Xextern int cbuf10(); Xextern int cbuf11(); Xextern int cbuf12(); Xextern int cbuf13(); Xextern int cbuf14(); Xextern int cbuf15(); Xextern int cbuf16(); Xextern int cbuf17(); Xextern int cbuf18(); Xextern int cbuf19(); Xextern int cbuf20(); Xextern int cbuf21(); Xextern int cbuf22(); Xextern int cbuf23(); Xextern int cbuf24(); Xextern int cbuf25(); Xextern int cbuf26(); Xextern int cbuf27(); Xextern int cbuf28(); Xextern int cbuf29(); Xextern int cbuf30(); Xextern int cbuf31(); Xextern int cbuf32(); Xextern int cbuf33(); Xextern int cbuf34(); Xextern int cbuf35(); Xextern int cbuf36(); Xextern int cbuf37(); Xextern int cbuf38(); Xextern int cbuf39(); Xextern int cbuf40(); Xextern int storemac(); /* store text for macro */ Xextern int resize(); /* resize current window */ Xextern int clrmes(); /* clear the message line */ Xextern int meta(); /* meta prefix dummy function */ Xextern int cex(); /* ^X prefix dummy function */ Xextern int unarg(); /* ^U repeat arg dummy function */ Xextern int istring(); /* insert string in text */ Xextern int unmark(); /* unmark current buffer */ X#if ISRCH Xextern int fisearch(); /* forward incremental search */ Xextern int risearch(); /* reverse incremental search */ X#endif X#if WORDPRO Xextern int wordcount(); /* count words in region */ X#endif Xextern int savewnd(); /* save current window */ Xextern int restwnd(); /* restore current window */ Xextern int upscreen(); /* force screen update */ Xextern int writemsg(); /* write text on message line */ X#if FLABEL Xextern int fnclabel(); /* set function key label */ X#endif X#if APROP Xextern int apro(); /* apropos fuction */ X#endif X#if CRYPT Xextern int setkey(); /* set encryption key */ X#endif Xextern int wrapword(); /* wordwrap function */ X#if CFENCE Xextern int getfence(); /* move cursor to a matching fence */ X#endif Xextern int newsize(); /* change the current screen size */ Xextern int setvar(); /* set a variables value */ Xextern int newwidth(); /* change the current screen width */ X#if AEDIT Xextern int trim(); /* trim whitespace from end of line */ Xextern int detab(); /* detab rest of line */ Xextern int entab(); /* entab rest of line */ X#endif X#if PROC Xextern int storeproc(); /* store names procedure */ Xextern int execproc(); /* execute procedure */ X#endif X X/* Name to function binding table X X This table gives the names of all the bindable functions X end their C function address. These are used for the bind-to-key X function. X*/ X XNBIND names[] = { X {"abort-command", ctrlg}, X {"add-mode", setmode}, X {"add-global-mode", setgmode}, X#if APROP X {"apropos", apro}, X#endif X {"backward-character", backchar}, X {"begin-macro", ctlxlp}, X {"beginning-of-file", gotobob}, X {"beginning-of-line", gotobol}, X {"bind-to-key", bindtokey}, X {"buffer-position", showcpos}, X {"case-region-lower", lowerregion}, X {"case-region-upper", upperregion}, X {"case-word-capitalize", capword}, X {"case-word-lower", lowerword}, X {"case-word-upper", upperword}, X {"change-file-name", filename}, X {"change-screen-size", newsize}, X {"change-screen-width", newwidth}, X {"clear-and-redraw", refresh}, X {"clear-message-line", clrmes}, X {"copy-region", copyregion}, X#if WORDPRO X {"count-words", wordcount}, X#endif X {"ctlx-prefix", cex}, X {"delete-blank-lines", deblank}, X {"delete-buffer", killbuffer}, X {"delete-mode", delmode}, X {"delete-global-mode", delgmode}, X {"delete-next-character", forwdel}, X {"delete-next-word", delfword}, X {"delete-other-windows", onlywind}, X {"delete-previous-character", backdel}, X {"delete-previous-word", delbword}, X {"delete-window", delwind}, X {"describe-bindings", desbind}, X {"describe-key", deskey}, X#if AEDIT X {"detab-line", detab}, X#endif X {"end-macro", ctlxrp}, X {"end-of-file", gotoeob}, X {"end-of-line", gotoeol}, X#if AEDIT X {"entab-line", entab}, X#endif X {"exchange-point-and-mark", swapmark}, X {"execute-buffer", execbuf}, X {"execute-command-line", execcmd}, X {"execute-file", execfile}, X {"execute-macro", ctlxe}, X {"execute-macro-1", cbuf1}, X {"execute-macro-2", cbuf2}, X {"execute-macro-3", cbuf3}, X {"execute-macro-4", cbuf4}, X {"execute-macro-5", cbuf5}, X {"execute-macro-6", cbuf6}, X {"execute-macro-7", cbuf7}, X {"execute-macro-8", cbuf8}, X {"execute-macro-9", cbuf9}, X {"execute-macro-10", cbuf10}, X {"execute-macro-11", cbuf11}, X {"execute-macro-12", cbuf12}, X {"execute-macro-13", cbuf13}, X {"execute-macro-14", cbuf14}, X {"execute-macro-15", cbuf15}, X {"execute-macro-16", cbuf16}, X {"execute-macro-17", cbuf17}, X {"execute-macro-18", cbuf18}, X {"execute-macro-19", cbuf19}, X {"execute-macro-20", cbuf20}, X {"execute-macro-21", cbuf21}, X {"execute-macro-22", cbuf22}, X {"execute-macro-23", cbuf23}, X {"execute-macro-24", cbuf24}, X {"execute-macro-25", cbuf25}, X {"execute-macro-26", cbuf26}, X {"execute-macro-27", cbuf27}, X {"execute-macro-28", cbuf28}, X {"execute-macro-29", cbuf29}, X {"execute-macro-30", cbuf30}, X {"execute-macro-31", cbuf31}, X {"execute-macro-32", cbuf32}, X {"execute-macro-33", cbuf33}, X {"execute-macro-34", cbuf34}, X {"execute-macro-35", cbuf35}, X {"execute-macro-36", cbuf36}, X {"execute-macro-37", cbuf37}, X {"execute-macro-38", cbuf38}, X {"execute-macro-39", cbuf39}, X {"execute-macro-40", cbuf40}, X {"execute-named-command", namedcmd}, X#if PROC X {"execute-procedure", execproc}, X#endif X {"exit-emacs", quit}, X#if WORDPRO X {"fill-paragraph", fillpara}, X#endif X {"filter-buffer", filter}, X {"find-file", filefind}, X {"forward-character", forwchar}, X {"goto-line", gotoline}, X#if CFENCE X {"goto-matching-fence", getfence}, X#endif X {"grow-window", enlargewind}, X {"handle-tab", tab}, X {"hunt-forward", forwhunt}, X {"hunt-backward", backhunt}, X {"help", help}, X {"i-shell", spawncli}, X#if ISRCH X {"incremental-search", fisearch}, X#endif X {"insert-file", insfile}, X {"insert-space", insspace}, X {"insert-string", istring}, X#if WORDPRO X {"kill-paragraph", killpara}, X#endif X {"kill-region", killregion}, X {"kill-to-end-of-line", killtext}, X#if FLABEL X {"label-function-key", fnclabel}, X#endif X {"list-buffers", listbuffers}, X {"meta-prefix", meta}, X {"move-window-down", mvdnwind}, X {"move-window-up", mvupwind}, X {"name-buffer", namebuffer}, X {"newline", newline}, X {"newline-and-indent", indent}, X {"next-buffer", nextbuffer}, X {"next-line", forwline}, X {"next-page", forwpage}, X#if WORDPRO X {"next-paragraph", gotoeop}, X#endif X {"next-window", nextwind}, X {"next-word", forwword}, X {"open-line", openline}, X {"pipe-command", pipecmd}, X {"previous-line", backline}, X {"previous-page", backpage}, X#if WORDPRO X {"previous-paragraph", gotobop}, X#endif X {"previous-window", prevwind}, X {"previous-word", backword}, X {"query-replace-string", qreplace}, X {"quick-exit", quickexit}, X {"quote-character", quote}, X {"read-file", fileread}, X {"redraw-display", reposition}, X {"resize-window", resize}, X {"restore-window", restwnd}, X {"replace-string", sreplace}, X#if ISRCH X {"reverse-incremental-search", risearch}, X#endif X#if PROC X {"run", execproc}, X#endif X {"save-file", filesave}, X {"save-window", savewnd}, X {"scroll-next-up", scrnextup}, X {"scroll-next-down", scrnextdw}, X {"search-forward", forwsearch}, X {"search-reverse", backsearch}, X {"select-buffer", usebuffer}, X {"set", setvar}, X#if CRYPT X {"set-encryption-key", setkey}, X#endif X {"set-fill-column", setfillcol}, X {"set-mark", setmark}, X {"shell-command", spawn}, X {"shrink-window", shrinkwind}, X {"split-current-window", splitwind}, X {"store-macro", storemac}, X#if PROC X {"store-procedure", storeproc}, X#endif X#if BSD X {"suspend-emacs", bktoshell}, X#endif X {"transpose-characters", twiddle}, X#if AEDIT X {"trim-line", trim}, X#endif X {"unbind-key", unbindkey}, X {"universal-argument", unarg}, X {"unmark-buffer", unmark}, X {"update-screen", upscreen}, X {"view-file", viewfile}, X {"wrap-word", wrapword}, X {"write-file", filewrite}, X {"write-message", writemsg}, X {"yank", yank}, X X {"", NULL} X}; E!O!F newsize=`wc -c < efunc.h` if [ $newsize -ne 15264 ] then echo "File efunc.h was $newsize bytes, 15264 expected" fi echo 'x - emacs.hlp (text)' sed << 'E!O!F' 's/^X//' > emacs.hlp X=> MicroEMACS 3.8 Help screens (01/18/87) X X M- means to use the <ESC> key prior to using another key X ^A means to use the control key at the same time as the A key X X^V or [Pg Dn] Scroll down M-< or <HOME> Begining of file X^Z or [Pg Up] Scroll up M-> or <END> End of file X X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (1) MOVING THE CURSOR X X^F Forward character M-F Forward word Keypad arrows X^B Backward character M-B Backward word are active! X^A Front of line M-G Goto a line X^E End of line X^N Next line M-N Front of paragraph X^P Previous line M-P End of paragraph X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (2) DELETING & INSERTING X X<-- Delete previous character X^D or <DELETE> Delete next character X^C or <INSERT> Insert a space XM-<-- Delete previous word XM-D Delete next word X^K Close (delete) to end of line X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (2a) MORE DELETING & INSERTING X X<RETURN> Insert a newline <TAB> Advance to next tab stop X^J Insert a newline and indent M-^W Delete paragraph X^O Open (insert) line X^W Delete region between mark (set using M-<spacebar>) and cursor XM-W Copy region to kill buffer X^X ^O Delete blank lines around cursor X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (3) SEARCHING X X^S Search forward from cursor position. X^R Reverse search from cursor position. X^X S Forward incremental search X^X R Reverse incremental search X<ALT> S Search for the next occurence of the last string (IBM-PC only) X<ALT> R Search for the last occurence of the last string (IBM-PC only) X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (4) REPLACING X XM-R Replace all instances of first typed-in string with second X typed-in string. End each string with ESC. XM-^R Replace with query. Answer with: X ^G cancel . exit to entry point X ! replace the rest Y replace & continue X ? Get a list of options N no replacement & continue X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (5) CAPITALIZING & TRANSPOSING X XM-U UPPERCASE word XM-C Capitalize word ^T Transpose characters XM-L lowercase word X^X ^L lowercase region X^X ^U uppercase region X^Q Quote next entry, so that control codes may be entered into text X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (6) REGIONS & THE KILL BUFFER X XM-<spacebar> set MARK at current position X^X ^X eXchange mark and cursor X XA REGION will then be continuously-defined as the area between the mark and Xthe current cursor position. The KILL BUFFER is the text which has been Xmost recently saved or deleted. X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (7) COPYING AND MOVING X X^W Delete (Wipe) region M-W copy region to KILL buffer X^Y Yankback save buffer at cursor XGenerally, the procedure for copying or moving text is: X 1) Mark a REGION using M-<spacebar> at beginning and cursor at end. X 2) Delete it (with ^W) or copy it (with M-W) into the KILL buffer. X 3) Move the cursor to the desired location and yank it back (with ^Y). X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (8) MODES OF OPERATION X^X M Add mode in buffer M-M Add global mode X^X ^M Delete mode in buffer M-^M Delete global mode XOVER Replaces (overwrites) rather than inserts characters XWRAP Turns on word wrap (automatic carraige return). XVIEW Allows viewing file without insertion and deletion. XCMODE Automatic indenting for C program entry XEXACT/MAGIC Changes how search and replace commands work (see next page) X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (9) SEARCH AND REPLACE MODES X XEXACT Uppper/lower case is not ignored in searches XMAGIC Regular pattern matching characters are active X . Matches any one character X * Matches any any number of the preceding character X ^ Beginning of line [ ] Character class enclosure X $ End of line \ Quote next character X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (10) ON-SCREEN FORMATTING X X^X F Set fill column XMn-<tab> Set tab spacing to n charecters between tabs stops XM-Q Format paragraph so that text lies between margins X^X = Position report -- displays line number, char count, X file size and character under cursor XM-^C Count words/lines/chars in marked region X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (11) MULTIPLE WINDOWS X XMany WINDOWS may be active at once on the screen. All windows may show Xdifferent parts of the same buffer, or each may display a different one. X^X 2 Split the current window in two ^X O Change to next window X^X 0 delete current window ^X P Change to previous window X^X 1 delete all other windows M-^V Page down next window X M-^Z Page up other window X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (12) CONTROLLING WINDOWS AND THE SCREEN X X^X ^ Enlarge current window M-<n> ^X W Resize window to <n> lines X^X ^Z Shrink current window M-<n> M-S Change screen to <n> lines X^X ^N Move window down M-<n> M-T Change screen to <n> columns X^X ^P Move window up XM-^L Reposition window X^L Refresh the screen X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (13) MULTIPLE BUFFERS XA BUFFER is a named area containing a document being edited. Many buffers Xmay be activated at once. X^X B Switch to another buffer. <CR> = use just-previous buffer X^X X Switch to next buffer in buffer list XM-^N Change name of current buffer X^X K Delete a non-displayed buffer. X^X ^B Display buffer directory in a window X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (14) READING FROM DISK X X^X ^F Find file; read into a new buffer created from filename. X (This is the usual way to begin editing a new file.) X^X ^R Read file into current buffer, erasing its previous contents. X No new buffer will be created. X^X ^I Insert file into current buffer at cursor's location. X^X ^V Find a file to make current in VIEW mode X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (15) SAVING TO DISK X X^X ^S Save current buffer to disk X^X ^W Write current buffer to disk X^X N Change file name of current buffer XM-Z Write out all changed buffers and exit MicroEMACS X X X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (16) ACCESSING THE OPERATING SYSTEM X X^X ! Send one command to the operating system and return X^X @ Pipe DOS command results to buffer X^X # Filter buffer through DOS filter program X^X C Start a new command processor under MicroEMACS X^X D Suspend MicroEMACS into the background (UNIX BSD4.2 only) X^X ^C Exit MicroEMACS X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (17) KEY BINDINGS AND COMMANDS X XM-K Bind a key to a command M-A Describe a class of commands XM-^K Unbind a key from a command X^X ? Describe command bound to a key XM-X Execute a named (and possibly unbound) command X{Describe-bindings} X Display a list of all commands and key bindings to a buffer X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (18) COMMAND EXECUTION XCommands can be specified as command lines in the form: X <optional repeat count> {command-name} <optional arguments> X{Execute-command-line} execute a typed in command line X{Execute-buffer} executes commands lines in a buffer X{Execute-file} executes command lines from a file X{clear-message-line} clears the message line during execution X M-~ clears the change flag for a buffer X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (19) MACRO EXECUTION X X^X ( Start recording keyboard macro X^X ) Stop recording keyboard macro X^X E Execute keyboard macro XM-<n> {store-macro} Start recording named macro X !endm Stop recording named macro X{execute-macro-n} Execute macro n (where n is from 1 to 20) X----------------------------------------------------------------------- X=> (20) SPECIAL KEYS X X^G Cancel current command and return to top level of processing. X^U or Universal repeat. May be followed by an integer (default = 4) XM-<digit> and repeats the next command that many times. XM-X Execute a named (and possibly unbound) command X X E!O!F newsize=`wc -c < emacs.hlp` if [ $newsize -ne 8644 ] then echo "File emacs.hlp was $newsize bytes, 8644 expected" fi echo 'x - emacs.rc (text)' sed << 'E!O!F' 's/^X//' > emacs.rc X; EMACS.RC: Startup file for MicroEMACS 3.8 X; X; This file is executed everytime the X; editor is entered X Xset $discmd "FALSE" Xwrite-message "[Setting up....]" X X; If you screen "SNOWS", uncomment this line X; set $flicker "TRUE" X X; If you are on an IBM-PC EGA card and want to force the X; screen to EGA mode, uncomment the following line X; set $sres "EGA" X X; ***** Rebind the Function key group X Xbind-to-key search-forward FN; Xbind-to-key search-reverse FN< Xbind-to-key hunt-forward FN= Xbind-to-key hunt-backward FN> Xbind-to-key next-window FN? Xbind-to-key execute-macro FN@ Xbind-to-key find-file FNA Xbind-to-key execute-file FNB Xbind-to-key save-file FNC Xbind-to-key exit-emacs FND X Xbind-to-key apropos FNV Xbind-to-key describe-key FNW Xbind-to-key fill-paragraph FNX Xbind-to-key shell-command FN\ Xbind-to-key i-shell FN] X X; set screen colors Xadd-global-mode "blue" X X; toggle function key window off X1 store-macro X save-window X 1 next-window X !if &sequal "Function Keys" $cbufname X delete-window X !endif X bind-to-key execute-macro-14 FNT X!force restore-window X write-message "[Function key window OFF]" X!endm X X; toggle function key window back on X14 store-macro X 1 next-window X !if &sequal $cbufname "emacs.hlp" X execute-macro-11 X !endif X !if ¬ &sequal $cbufname "Function Keys" X 1 split-current-window X select-buffer "Function Keys" X add-mode "red" X!force 5 resize-window X beginning-of-file X !endif X bind-to-key execute-macro-1 FNT X 2 next-window X write-message "[Function key window ON]" X!endm X X; Enter Help X2 store-macro X 1 next-window ;Make sure the function key window isn't up! X !if &sequal $cbufname "Function Keys" X delete-window X bind-to-key execute-macro-14 FNT X !endif X help X 8 resize-window X bind-to-key execute-macro-12 FNI X bind-to-key execute-macro-13 FNQ X bind-to-key execute-macro-11 FNU X bind-to-key execute-macro-15 ^XO X bind-to-key execute-macro-15 ^XP X bind-to-key execute-macro-15 FN? X add-mode "red" X beginning-of-file X 2 forward-character X clear-message-line X!endm X X; Exit Help X11 store-macro X bind-to-key previous-page FNI X bind-to-key next-page FNQ X bind-to-key execute-macro-2 FNU X bind-to-key next-window ^XO X bind-to-key previous-window ^XP X bind-to-key next-window FN? X delete-window X clear-message-line X!endm X X; don't allow these commands from within the HELP screen X15 store-macro X write-message "[Use F2 to exit HELP]" X!endm X X; last help page X12 store-macro X beginning-of-line X search-reverse "=>" X 1 redraw-display X!endm X X; next help page X13 store-macro X beginning-of-line X 2 forward-character X search-forward "=>" X 1 redraw-display X!endm X X; reformat indented paragraph X X6 store-macro X write-message " [Fixing paragraph]" X set $discmd "FALSE" X kill-region X 2 split-current-window X select-buffer "[temp]" X yank X beginning-of-file X replace-string "~n " "~n" X 66 set-fill-column X fill-paragraph X 77 set-fill-column X beginning-of-file X handle-tab X replace-string ~n "~n " X end-of-file X 2 delete-previous-character X beginning-of-file X set-mark X end-of-file X kill-region X unmark-buffer X delete-window X yank X delete-buffer "[temp]" X set $discmd "TRUE" X write-message " [Fixed paragraph]" X!endm X X; indent region X X7 store-macro X write-message " [Indenting region]" X kill-region X 2 split-current-window X select-buffer "[temp]" X yank X beginning-of-file X handle-tab X replace-string "~n" "~n " X end-of-file X 4 delete-previous-character X beginning-of-file X set-mark X write-message " [Indenting region]" X end-of-file X kill-region X unmark-buffer X delete-window X yank X delete-buffer "[temp]" X write-message " [Region Indented]" X!endm X X; undent region X X8 store-macro X write-message " [Undenting region]" X kill-region X 2 split-current-window X select-buffer "[temp]" X yank X beginning-of-file X delete-next-character X replace-string "~n " "~n" X end-of-file X 2 delete-previous-character X beginning-of-file X set-mark X write-message " [Undenting region]" X end-of-file X kill-region X unmark-buffer X delete-window X yank X delete-buffer "[temp]" X write-message " [Region undented]" X!endm X X; bring up the function key window X X 1 split-current-window X select-buffer "Function Keys" X add-mode "red" X 5 resize-window X insert-string "f1 search f2 search back | F1 toggle function list F2 toggle help file~n" X insert-string "f3 hunt f4 hunt back | F3 find command/apropos F4 describe key~n" X insert-string "f5 next window f6 exec macro | F5 reformat paragraph F6 ref undented region~n" X insert-string "f7 find file f8 exec file | F7 indent region F8 undent region~n" X insert-string "f9 save file f10 exit emacs | F9 execute DOS command F10 shell up~n" X beginning-of-file X unmark-buffer X next-window X set $discmd "TRUE" X write-message "[Emacs is READY]" E!O!F newsize=`wc -c < emacs.rc` if [ $newsize -ne 4869 ] then echo "File emacs.rc was $newsize bytes, 4869 expected" fi echo 'x - epath.h (text)' sed << 'E!O!F' 's/^X//' > epath.h X/* PATH: This file contains certain info needed to locate the X MicroEMACS files on a system dependant basis. X X */ X X/* possible names and paths of help files under different OSs */ X Xchar *pathname[] = X X#if AMIGA X{ X ".emacsrc", X "emacs.hlp", X "", X ":c/", X ":t/" X}; X#endif X X#if ST520 X{ X "emacs.rc", X "emacs.hlp", X "\\", X "\\bin\\", X "\\util\\", X "" X}; X#endif X X#if FINDER X{ X "emacs.rc", X "emacs.hlp", X "/bin", X "/sys/public", X "" X}; X#endif X X#if MSDOS X{ X "emacs.rc", X "emacs.hlp", X "\\sys\\public\\", X "\\usr\\bin\\", X "\\bin\\", X "\\", X "" X}; X#endif X X#if V7 | BSD | USG X{ X ".emacsrc", X "emacs.hlp", X "/usr/local/", X "/usr/lib/", X "" X}; X#endif X X#if VMS X{ X "emacs.rc", X "emacs.hlp", X "", X "sys$sysdevice:[vmstools]" X}; X#endif X X#define NPNAMES (sizeof(pathname)/sizeof(char *)) E!O!F newsize=`wc -c < epath.h` if [ $newsize -ne 780 ] then echo "File epath.h was $newsize bytes, 780 expected" fi echo 'x - estruct.h (text)' sed << 'E!O!F' 's/^X//' > estruct.h X/* ESTRUCT: Structure and preprocesser defined for X MicroEMACS 3.8 X X written by Dave G. Conroy X modified by Steve Wilhite, George Jones X greatly modified by Daniel Lawrence X*/ X X#ifdef LATTICE X#undef LATTICE /* don't use their definitions...use ours */ X#endif X#ifdef MSDOS X#undef MSDOS X#endif X#ifdef CPM X#undef CPM X#endif X#ifdef AMIGA X#undef AMIGA X#endif X#ifdef EGA X#undef EGA X#endif X X/* Program Identification..... X X PROGNAME should always be MicroEMACS for a distibrution X unmodified version. People using MicroEMACS as a shell X for other products should change this to reflect their X product. Macros can query this via the $progname variable X*/ X X#define PROGNAME "MicroEMACS" X#define VERSION "3.8i" X X/* Machine/OS definitions */ X X#define AMIGA 0 /* AmigaDOS */ X#define ST520 0 /* ST520, TOS */ X#define MSDOS 0 /* MS-DOS */ X#define V7 0 /* V7 UNIX or Coherent or BSD4.2*/ X#define BSD 0 /* UNIX BSD 4.2 and ULTRIX */ X#define USG 1 /* UNIX system V */ X#define VMS 0 /* VAX/VMS */ X#define CPM 0 /* CP/M-86 */ X#define FINDER 0 /* Macintosh OS */ X X/* Compiler definitions */ X#define MWC86 0 /* marc williams compiler */ X#define LATTICE 0 /* Lattice 2.14 thruough 3.0 compilers */ X#define AZTEC 0 /* Aztec C 3.20e */ X#define MSC 0 /* MicroSoft C compile version 3 & 4 */ X X/* Debugging options */ X#define RAMSIZE 0 /* dynamic RAM memory usage tracking */ X#define RAMSHOW 0 /* auto dynamic RAM reporting */ X X/* Special keyboard definitions */ X X#define WANGPC 0 /* WangPC - mostly escape sequences */ X X/* Terminal Output definitions */ X X#define ANSI 0 /* ANSI escape sequences */ X#define HP150 0 /* HP150 screen driver */ X#define HP110 0 /* HP110 screen driver */ X#define VMSVT 0 /* various VMS terminal entries */ X#define VT52 0 /* VT52 terminal (Zenith). */ X#define VT100 0 /* Handle VT100 style keypad. */ X#define RAINBOW 0 /* Use Rainbow fast video. */ X#define TERMCAP 1 /* Use TERMCAP */ X#define IBMPC 0 /* IBM-PC CGA/MONO/EGA driver */ X#define DG10 0 /* Data General system/10 */ X#define TIPC 0 /* TI Profesional PC driver */ X#define Z309 0 /* Zenith 100 PC family driver */ X#define MAC 0 /* Macintosh */ X#define ATARI 0 /* Atari 520/1040ST screen */ X X/* Configuration options */ X X#define CVMVAS 1 /* arguments to page forward/back in pages */ X#define NFWORD 1 /* forward word jumps to beginning of word */ X#define CLRMSG 0 /* space clears the message line with no insert */ X#define ACMODE 0 /* auto CMODE on .C and .H files */ X#define CFENCE 1 /* fench matching in CMODE */ X#define TYPEAH 1 /* type ahead causes update to be skipped */ X#define DEBUGM 1 /* $debug triggers macro debugging */ X#define VISMAC 0 /* update display during keyboard macros */ X#define CTRLZ 0 /* add a ^Z at end of files under MSDOS only */ X X#define REVSTA 1 /* Status line appears in reverse video */ X#define COLOR 1 /* color commands and windows */ X X#define FILOCK 0 /* file locking under unix BSD 4.2 */ X#define ISRCH 1 /* Incremental searches like ITS EMACS */ X#define WORDPRO 1 /* Advanced word processing features */ X#define FLABEL 0 /* function key label code [HP150] */ X#define APROP 1 /* Add code for Apropos command */ X#define CRYPT 1 /* file encryption enabled? */ X#define MAGIC 1 /* include regular expression matching? */ X#define AEDIT 1 /* advanced editing options: X en/detabbing, rectangular regions [later] */ X#define PROC 1 /* named procedures */ X X#define ASCII 1 /* always using ASCII char sequences for now */ X#define EBCDIC 0 /* later IBM mainfraim versions will use EBCDIC */ X X/* System dependant library redefinitions, structures and includes */ X X#if AZTEC X#undef fputc X#undef fgetc X#if MSDOS X#define fgetc a1getc X#else X#define fgetc agetc X#endif X#define fputc aputc X#define int86 sysint X#define intdos(a, b) sysint(33, a, b) X#define inp inportb X#define outp outportb X Xstruct XREG { X int ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di; X}; X Xstruct HREG { X char al,ah,bl,bh,cl,ch,dl,dh; X}; X Xunion REGS { X struct XREG x; X struct HREG h; X}; X#endif X X#if MSDOS & MWC86 X#include <dos.h> X#define int86(a, b, c) intcall(b, c, a) X#define inp in X Xstruct XREG { X int ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es,flags; X}; X Xstruct HREG { X char al,ah,bl,bh,cl,ch,dl,dh; X int ds,es,flags; X}; X Xunion REGS { X struct XREG x; X struct HREG h; X}; X#endif X X#if MSDOS & MSC X#include <dos.h> X#include <memory.h> X#define peek(a,b,c,d) movedata(a,b,FP_SEG(c),FP_OFF(c),d) X#define poke(a,b,c,d) movedata(FP_SEG(c),FP_OFF(c),a,b,d) X#define movmem(a, b, c) memcpy(b, a, c) X#endif X X#if MSDOS & LATTICE X#undef CPM X#undef LATTICE X#include <dos.h> X#undef CPM X#endif X X#if VMS X#define unlink(a) delete(a) X#endif X X/* define memory mapped flag */ X X#define MEMMAP 0 X X#if IBMPC X#undef MEMMAP X#define MEMMAP 1 X#endif X X#if Z309 X#undef MEMMAP X#define MEMMAP 1 X#endif X X/* internal constants */ X X#define NBINDS 256 /* max # of bound keys */ X#define NFILEN 80 /* # of bytes, file name */ X#define NBUFN 16 /* # of bytes, buffer name */ X#define NLINE 256 /* # of bytes, input line */ X#define NSTRING 128 /* # of bytes, string buffers */ X#define NKBDM 256 /* # of strokes, keyboard macro */ X#define NPAT 128 /* # of bytes, pattern */ X#define HUGE 1000 /* Huge number */ X#define NLOCKS 100 /* max # of file locks active */ X#define NCOLORS 8 /* number of supported colors */ X#define KBLOCK 250 /* sizeof kill buffer chunks */ X#define NBLOCK 16 /* line block chunk size */ X#define NVSIZE 10 /* max #chars in a var name */ X X#define CTRL 0x0100 /* Control flag, or'ed in */ X#define META 0x0200 /* Meta flag, or'ed in */ X#define CTLX 0x0400 /* ^X flag, or'ed in */ X#define SPEC 0x0800 /* special key (function keys) */ X X#define FALSE 0 /* False, no, bad, etc. */ X#define TRUE 1 /* True, yes, good, etc. */ X#define ABORT 2 /* Death, ^G, abort, etc. */ X#define FAILED 3 /* not-quite fatal false return */ X#define RET 4 /* a return from buffer */ X#define GOLINE 5 /* exit flagging a GOTO */ X X#define STOP 0 /* keyboard macro not in use */ X#define PLAY 1 /* playing */ X#define RECORD 2 /* recording */ X X/* X * PTBEG, PTEND, FORWARD, and REVERSE are all toggle-able values for X * the scan routines. X */ X#define PTBEG 0 /* Leave the point at the beginning on search */ X#define PTEND 1 /* Leave the point at the end on search */ X#define FORWARD 0 /* forward direction */ X#define REVERSE 1 /* backwards direction */ X X#define FIOSUC 0 /* File I/O, success. */ X#define FIOFNF 1 /* File I/O, file not found. */ X#define FIOEOF 2 /* File I/O, end of file. */ X#define FIOERR 3 /* File I/O, error. */ X#define FIOLNG 4 /* line longer than allowed len */ X#define FIOFUN 5 /* File I/O, eod of file/bad line*/ X X#define CFCPCN 0x0001 /* Last command was C-P, C-N */ X#define CFKILL 0x0002 /* Last command was a kill */ X X#define BELL 0x07 /* a bell character */ X#define TAB 0x09 /* a tab character */ X X#if V7 | USG | BSD X#define PATHCHR ':' X#else X#define PATHCHR ';' X#endif X X#define INTWIDTH sizeof(int) * 3 X X/* Macro argument token types */ X X#define TKNUL 0 /* end-of-string */ X#define TKARG 1 /* interactive argument */ X#define TKBUF 2 /* buffer argument */ X#define TKVAR 3 /* user variables */ X#define TKENV 4 /* environment variables */ X#define TKFUN 5 /* function.... */ X#define TKDIR 6 /* directive */ X#define TKLBL 7 /* line label */ X#define TKLIT 8 /* numeric literal */ X#define TKSTR 9 /* quoted string literal */ X#define TKCMD 10 /* command name */ X X/* Internal defined functions */ X X#define nextab(a) (a & ~7) + 8 X#ifdef abs X#undef abs X#endif X X/* DIFCASE represents the integer difference between upper X and lower case letters. It is an xor-able value, which is X fortunate, since the relative positions of upper to lower X case letters is the opposite of ascii in ebcdic. X*/ X X#ifdef islower X#undef islower X#endif X X#if ASCII X X#define DIFCASE 0x20 X#define isletter(c) (('a' <= c && 'z' >= c) || ('A' <= c && 'Z' >= c)) X#define islower(c) (('a' <= c && 'z' >= c)) X#endif X X#if EBCDIC X X#define DIFCASE 0x40 X#define isletter(c) (('a' <= c && 'i' >= c) || ('j' <= c && 'r' >= c) || ('s' <= c && 'z' >= c) || ('A' <= c && 'I' >= c) || ('J' <= c && 'R' >= c) || ('S' <= c && 'Z' >= c)) X#define islower(c) (('a' <= c && 'i' >= c) || ('j' <= c && 'r' >= c) || ('s' <= c && 'z' >= c)) X#endif X X/* Dynamic RAM tracking and reporting redefinitions */ X X#if RAMSIZE X#define malloc allocate X#define free release X#endif X X/* X * There is a window structure allocated for every active display window. The X * windows are kept in a big list, in top to bottom screen order, with the X * listhead at "wheadp". Each window contains its own values of dot and mark. X * The flag field contains some bits that are set by commands to guide X * redisplay. Although this is a bit of a compromise in terms of decoupling, X * the full blown redisplay is just too expensive to run for every input X * character. X */ Xtypedef struct WINDOW { X struct WINDOW *w_wndp; /* Next window */ X struct BUFFER *w_bufp; /* Buffer displayed in window */ X struct LINE *w_linep; /* Top line in the window */ X struct LINE *w_dotp; /* Line containing "." */ X short w_doto; /* Byte offset for "." */ X struct LINE *w_markp; /* Line containing "mark" */ X short w_marko; /* Byte offset for "mark" */ X char w_toprow; /* Origin 0 top row of window */ X char w_ntrows; /* # of rows of text in window */ X char w_force; /* If NZ, forcing row. */ X char w_flag; /* Flags. */ X#if COLOR X char w_fcolor; /* current forground color */ X char w_bcolor; /* current background color */ X#endif X} WINDOW; X X#define WFFORCE 0x01 /* Window needs forced reframe */ X#define WFMOVE 0x02 /* Movement from line to line */ X#define WFEDIT 0x04 /* Editing within a line */ X#define WFHARD 0x08 /* Better to a full display */ X#define WFMODE 0x10 /* Update mode line. */ X#define WFCOLR 0x20 /* Needs a color change */ X X/* X * Text is kept in buffers. A buffer header, described below, exists for every X * buffer in the system. The buffers are kept in a big list, so that commands X * that search for a buffer by name can find the buffer header. There is a X * safe store for the dot and mark in the header, but this is only valid if X * the buffer is not being displayed (that is, if "b_nwnd" is 0). The text for X * the buffer is kept in a circularly linked list of lines, with a pointer to X * the header line in "b_linep". X * Buffers may be "Inactive" which means the files associated with them X * have not been read in yet. These get read in at "use buffer" time. X */ Xtypedef struct BUFFER { X struct BUFFER *b_bufp; /* Link to next BUFFER */ X struct LINE *b_dotp; /* Link to "." LINE structure */ X short b_doto; /* Offset of "." in above LINE */ X struct LINE *b_markp; /* The same as the above two, */ X short b_marko; /* but for the "mark" */ X struct LINE *b_linep; /* Link to the header LINE */ X char b_active; /* window activated flag */ X char b_nwnd; /* Count of windows on buffer */ X char b_flag; /* Flags */ X int b_mode; /* editor mode of this buffer */ X char b_fname[NFILEN]; /* File name */ X char b_bname[NBUFN]; /* Buffer name */ X#if CRYPT X char b_key[NPAT]; /* current encrypted key */ X#endif X} BUFFER; X X#define BFINVS 0x01 /* Internal invisable buffer */ X#define BFCHG 0x02 /* Changed since last write */ X X/* mode flags */ X#define NUMMODES 9 /* # of defined modes */ X X#define MDWRAP 0x0001 /* word wrap */ X#define MDCMOD 0x0002 /* C indentation and fence match*/ X#define MDSPELL 0x0004 /* spell error parcing */ X#define MDEXACT 0x0008 /* Exact matching for searches */ X#define MDVIEW 0x0010 /* read-only buffer */ X#define MDOVER 0x0020 /* overwrite mode */ X#define MDMAGIC 0x0040 /* regular expresions in search */ X#define MDCRYPT 0x0080 /* encrytion mode active */ X#define MDASAVE 0x0100 /* auto-save mode */ X X/* X * The starting position of a region, and the size of the region in X * characters, is kept in a region structure. Used by the region commands. X */ Xtypedef struct { X struct LINE *r_linep; /* Origin LINE address. */ X short r_offset; /* Origin LINE offset. */ X long r_size; /* Length in characters. */ X} REGION; X X/* X * All text is kept in circularly linked lists of "LINE" structures. These X * begin at the header line (which is the blank line beyond the end of the X * buffer). This line is pointed to by the "BUFFER". Each line contains a the X * number of bytes in the line (the "used" size), the size of the text array, X * and the text. The end of line is not stored as a byte; it's implied. Future X * additions will include update hints, and a list of marks into the line. X */ Xtypedef struct LINE { X struct LINE *l_fp; /* Link to the next line */ X struct LINE *l_bp; /* Link to the previous line */ X short l_size; /* Allocated size */ X short l_used; /* Used size */ X char l_text[1]; /* A bunch of characters. */ X} LINE; X X#define lforw(lp) ((lp)->l_fp) X#define lback(lp) ((lp)->l_bp) X#define lgetc(lp, n) ((lp)->l_text[(n)]&0xFF) X#define lputc(lp, n, c) ((lp)->l_text[(n)]=(c)) X#define llength(lp) ((lp)->l_used) X X/* X * The editor communicates with the display using a high level interface. A X * "TERM" structure holds useful variables, and indirect pointers to routines X * that do useful operations. The low level get and put routines are here too. X * This lets a terminal, in addition to having non standard commands, have X * funny get and put character code too. The calls might get changed to X * "termp->t_field" style in the future, to make it possible to run more than X * one terminal type. X */ Xtypedef struct { X short t_mrow; /* max number of rows allowable */ X short t_nrow; /* current number of rows used */ X short t_mcol; /* max Number of columns. */ X short t_ncol; /* current Number of columns. */ X short t_margin; /* min margin for extended lines*/ X short t_scrsiz; /* size of scroll region " */ X int t_pause; /* # times thru update to pause */ X int (*t_open)(); /* Open terminal at the start. */ X int (*t_close)(); /* Close terminal at end. */ X int (*t_kopen)(); /* Open keyboard */ X int (*t_kclose)(); /* close keyboard */ X int (*t_getchar)(); /* Get character from keyboard. */ X int (*t_putchar)(); /* Put character to display. */ X int (*t_flush)(); /* Flush output buffers. */ X int (*t_move)(); /* Move the cursor, origin 0. */ X int (*t_eeol)(); /* Erase to end of line. */ X int (*t_eeop)(); /* Erase to end of page. */ X int (*t_beep)(); /* Beep. */ X int (*t_rev)(); /* set reverse video state */ X int (*t_rez)(); /* change screen resolution */ X#if COLOR X int (*t_setfor)(); /* set forground color */ X int (*t_setback)(); /* set background color */ X#endif X} TERM; X X/* TEMPORARY macros for terminal I/O (to be placed in a machine X dependant place later) */ X X#define TTopen (*term.t_open) X#define TTclose (*term.t_close) X#define TTkopen (*term.t_kopen) X#define TTkclose (*term.t_kclose) X#define TTgetc (*term.t_getchar) X#define TTputc (*term.t_putchar) X#define TTflush (*term.t_flush) X#define TTmove (*term.t_move) X#define TTeeol (*term.t_eeol) X#define TTeeop (*term.t_eeop) X#define TTbeep (*term.t_beep) X#define TTrev (*term.t_rev) X#define TTrez (*term.t_rez) X#if COLOR X#define TTforg (*term.t_setfor) X#define TTbacg (*term.t_setback) X#endif X X/* structure for the table of initial key bindings */ X Xtypedef struct { X short k_code; /* Key code */ X int (*k_fp)(); /* Routine to handle it */ X} KEYTAB; X X/* structure for the name binding table */ X Xtypedef struct { X char *n_name; /* name of function key */ X int (*n_func)(); /* function name is bound to */ X} NBIND; X X/* The editor holds deleted text chunks in the KILL buffer. The X kill buffer is logically a stream of ascii characters, however X due to its unpredicatable size, it gets implemented as a linked X list of chunks. (The d_ prefix is for "deleted" text, as k_ X was taken up by the keycode structure) */ X Xtypedef struct KILL { X struct KILL *d_next; /* link to next chunk, NULL if last */ X char d_chunk[KBLOCK]; /* deleted text */ X} KILL; X X/* X * Incremental search defines. X */ X#if ISRCH X X#define CMDBUFLEN 256 /* Length of our command buffer */ X X#define IS_ABORT 0x07 /* Abort the isearch */ X#define IS_BACKSP 0x08 /* Delete previous char */ X#define IS_TAB 0x09 /* Tab character (allowed search char) */ X#define IS_NEWLINE 0x0D /* New line from keyboard (Carriage return) */ X#define IS_QUOTE 0x11 /* Quote next character */ X#define IS_REVERSE 0x12 /* Search backward */ X#define IS_FORWARD 0x13 /* Search forward */ X#define IS_VMSQUOTE 0x16 /* VMS quote character */ X#define IS_VMSFORW 0x18 /* Search forward for VMS */ X#define IS_QUIT 0x1B /* Exit the search */ X#define IS_RUBOUT 0x7F /* Delete previous character */ X X/* IS_QUIT is no longer used, the variable metac is used instead */ X X#endif X X#if MAGIC X X/* X * Defines for the metacharacters in the regular expressions in search X * routines. X */ X X#define MCNIL 0 /* Like the '\0' for strings.*/ X#define LITCHAR 1 X#define ANY 2 X#define CCL 3 X#define NCCL 4 X#define BOL 5 X#define EOL 6 X#define CLOSURE 256 /* An or-able value.*/ X#define MASKCL CLOSURE - 1 X X#define MC_ANY '.' /* 'Any' character (except newline).*/ X#define MC_CCL '[' /* Character class.*/ X#define MC_NCCL '^' /* Negate character class.*/ X#define MC_RCCL '-' /* Range in character class.*/ X#define MC_ECCL ']' /* End of character class.*/ X#define MC_BOL '^' /* Beginning of line.*/ X#define MC_EOL '$' /* End of line.*/ X#define MC_CLOSURE '*' /* Closure - does not extend past newline.*/ X X#define MC_ESC '\\' /* Escape - suppress meta-meaning.*/ X X#define BIT(n) (1 << (n)) /* An integer with one bit set.*/ X#define CHCASE(c) ((c) ^ DIFCASE) /* Toggle the case of a letter.*/ X X/* HICHAR - 1 is the largest character we will deal with. X * HIBYTE represents the number of bytes in the bitmap. X */ X X#define HICHAR 256 X#define HIBYTE HICHAR >> 3 X Xtypedef char *BITMAP; X Xtypedef struct { X short int mc_type; X union { X int lchar; X BITMAP cclmap; X } u; X} MC; X#endif X E!O!F newsize=`wc -c < estruct.h` if [ $newsize -ne 20240 ] then echo "File estruct.h was $newsize bytes, 20240 expected" fi bill davidsen ( {chinet | philabs | sesimo}!steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen "Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me