[comp.sources.misc] Source for Solitaire

nowlin@y.UUCP (Jerry Nowlin) (06/18/87)

Enclosed is the source for a solitaire game written in the Icon Programming
Language.  One of the interesting things about this version of solitaire is
that it will take over and play on it's own.  I call it auto pilot mode. 
The documentation for the program is in a comment block at the top of the
source.  Since Icon is not "yet" a mainstream language I figured misc would
be the place to post this.

If you want more info on Icon send me some mail.  Icon is available for
MS-DOS, ATARI ST GEMDOS, UNIX, VMS and a number of other systems.  Last I
heard it was included on the BSD distribution tape.  It's running on almost
all implementations of SVR2 and Xenix too.  It's a bit large to post but I
can send you an address at the University of Arizona where you can obtain
Icon for the cost of media and postage.  It's fully supported by the CS
Department at the University of Arizona as The Icon Project.

Jerry Nowlin

-------------------------------> cut here <-------------------------------
#	<<<   A semi-system independent solitaire game in Icon   >>>
#			 06/04/87 by Jerry Nowlin
# This program was inspired by a solitaire game that was written by Allyn
# Wade and copyrighted by him in 1985.  His game was designed for the IBM
# PC/XT/PCjr with a color or monochrome monitor.
# I didn't follow his design exactly because I didn't want to restrict myself
# to a specific machine.  This program has the correct escape sequences
# programmed into it to handle several common terminals and PC's.  It's
# commented well enough that most people can modify the source to work for
# their hardware.
# The rules for this solitaire game and a help screen with the commands for
# this program are coded into the program and are available while playing
# by typing the "r" and "?" commands respectively.  The screen is layed out
# with 7 piles for runs of cards, 4 aces piles, and a deck.  The run piles
# each have 2 numbers over them.  The first number is the number of the
# pile and is used when moving cards to or from the pile.  The second
# number is the number of hidden cards under the pile.  When aces are
# uncovered in the deck or in a hidden pile under a run they are
# automatically moved to the correct aces pile.  When you have uncovered
# all the hidden cards and the deck is empty the game will take over for
# you and move the cards in runs to the aces piles.
# These variables must be defined with the correct escape sequences to:
#	CLEAR  -  clear the screen
#	CLREOL -  clear to the end of line
#	NORMAL -  turn on normal video for foreground characters
#	RED    -  make the foreground color for characters red
#	BLACK  -  make the foreground color for characters black
# If there is no way to use red and black, the escape sequences should at
# least make RED and BLACK have different video attributes; for example red
# could have inverse video while black has normal video.

# There are two other places where the code is device dependent.  One is in
# the face() procedure.  The characters used to display the suites of cards
# can be modified there.  For example, the IBM PC can display actual card
# face characters while all other machines currently use HDSC for hearts,
# diamonds, spades and clubs respectively.
# The last, and probably trickiest place is in the movecursor() procedure.
# This procedure must me modified to output the correct escape sequence to
# directly position the cursor on the screen.  The comments and 3 examples
# already in the procedure will help.
# So as not to cast dispersions on Allyn Wade's program, I incorporated the
# commands that will let you cheat.  They didn't exist in his program.  I
# also incorporated the auto pilot command that will let the game take over
# from you at your request and try to win.  I've run some tests, and the
# auto pilot can win about 10% of the games it starts from scratch.  Not
# great but not too bad.  I can't do much better myself (without cheating).
# This program is pretty thoroughly commented so you should be able to
# follow the logic behind the auto pilot without too much trouble and maybe
# even modify it.  It's up to you to make the auto pilot smarter.


global	whitespace, amode, seed, deck, over, hidden, run, ace

procedure main(args)

	VERSION := "hp2621"

	VERSION := (!args == ("Atari ST" | "hp2621" | "IBM PC" | "vt100"))

	case VERSION of {

		"Atari ST": {
			CLEAR  := "\eE"
			CLREOL := "\eK"
			NORMAL := "\eb3"
			RED    := "\eb1"
			BLACK  := "\eb2"

		"hp2621": {
			CLEAR  := "\eH\eJ"
			CLREOL := "\eK"
			NORMAL := "\e&d@"
			RED    := "\e&dJ"
			BLACK  := "\e&d@"

		"IBM PC" | "vt100": {
			CLEAR  := "\e[H\e[2J"
			CLREOL := "\e[0K"
			NORMAL := "\e[0m"
			RED    := "\e[31m"
			BLACK  := "\e[34m"

		default: {	# same as IBM PC and vt100
			CLEAR  := "\e[H\e[2J"
			CLREOL := "\e[0K"
			NORMAL := "\e[0m"
			RED    := "\e[31m"
			BLACK  := "\e[34m"

	# white space is blanks or tabs
	whitespace := ' \t'

	# clear the auto pilot mode flag
	amode := 0

	# if a command line argument started with "seed" use the rest of
	# the argument for the random number generator seed value
	if (a := !args)[1:5] == "seed" then seed := integer(a[5:0])

	# initialize the data structures
	deck   := shuffle()
	over   := []
	hidden := [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
	run    := [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
	ace    := [[],[],[],[]]

	# lay down the 7 piles of cards
	every p := 1 to 7 do every c := p to 7 do put(hidden[c],get(deck))

	# turn over the top of each pile to start a run
	every r := 1 to 7 do put(run[r],get(hidden[r]))

	# check for aces in the runs and move them to the ace piles
	every r := 1 to 7 do while getvalue(run[r][1]) = 1 do {
		s := getsuite(!run[r])

	# initialize the command and cheat counts
	cnt := cheat := 0

	# clear the screen and display the initial layout

	# if a command line argument was "auto" let the auto pilot take over
	if !args == "auto" then autopilot()

	# loop reading commands
	repeat {

		# increment the command count
		cnt +:= 1

		# prompt for a command
		writes("cmd:",cnt,"> ",CLREOL)

		# scan the command line
		cmd := read() ? {

			# parse the one character action
			act := (move(1) | "")

			# switch on the action
			case act of {

			# turn on the automatic pilot
			"a": autopilot()

			# move a card or run of cards
			"m": {
				from := move(1) | whoops(cmd)
				dest := move(1) | whoops(cmd)

				if not movecard(from,dest) then
				else if cardsleft() = 0 then

			# thumb the deck
			"t" | "": thumb()

			# print some help
			"h" | "?": disphelp()

			# print the rules of the game
			"r": disprules()

			# give up without winning
			"q": break

			# shuffle the deck (cheat!)
			"s": {
				deck |||:= over
				over := []
				deck := shuffle(deck)
				cheat +:= 1

			# put hidden cards in the deck (cheat!)
			"p": {
				from := move(1) | whoops(cmd)
				if integer(from) &
				   from >= 2 & from <= 7 &
				   *hidden[from] > 0 then {
					deck |||:= hidden[from]
					hidden[from] := []
					cheat +:= 1
				} else {

			# print the contents of the deck (cheat!)
			"d": {
				write(*deck + *over," cards in deck:")
				every writes(face(deck[*deck to 1 by -1])," ")
				every writes(face(!over)," ")
				writes("\nHit RETURN")
				every 1 to 4 do write(CLREOL)
				cheat +:= 1

			# print the contents of a hidden pile (cheat!)
			"2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7": {
				write(*hidden[act]," cards hidden under run ",
				every writes(face(!hidden[act])," ")
				writes("\nHit RETURN")
				every 1 to 4 do write(CLREOL)
				cheat +:= 1

			# they gave an invalid command
			default: whoops(cmd)

			} # end of action case

		} # end of scan line

	} # end of command loop

	# a quit command breaks the loop
	writes(CLREOL,"I see you gave up")
	if cheat > 0 then
		write("...even after you cheated ",cheat," times!")
		write("...but at least you didn't cheat...congratulations!")



# this procedure moves cards from one place to another

procedure movecard(from,dest,limitmove)

	# if from and dest are the same fail
	if from == dest then fail

	# move a card from the deck
	if from == "d" then {

		# to one of the aces piles
		if dest == "a" then {
			return deck2ace()

		# to one of the 7 run piles
		} else if integer(dest) & dest >= 1 & dest <= 7 then {
			return deck2run(dest)

	# from one of the 7 run piles
	} else if integer(from) & from >= 1 & from <= 7 then {

		# to one of the aces piles
		if dest == "a" then {
			return run2ace(from)

		# to another of the 7 run piles
		} else if integer(dest) & dest >= 1 & dest <= 7 then {
			return run2run(from,dest,limitmove)

	# if none of the correct move combinations were found fail


procedure deck2run(dest)

	# set fcard to the top of the overturned pile or fail
	fcard := (over[1] | fail)

	# set dcard to the low card of the run or to null if there are no
	# cards in the run
	dcard := (run[dest][-1] | &null)

	# check to see if the move is legal
	if chk2run(fcard,dcard) then {

		# move the card and update the display

		# while there are aces on the top of the overturned pile
		# move them to the aces piles
		while getvalue(over[1]) = 1 do {
			s := getsuite(over[1])


procedure deck2ace()

	# set fcard to the top of the overturned pile or fail
	fcard := (over[1] | fail)

	# for every ace pile
	every a := !ace do {

		# if the top of the ace pile is one less than the from card
		# they are in the same suit and in sequence
		if a[-1] + 1 = fcard then {

			# move the card and update the display

			# while there are aces on the top of the overturned
			# pile move them to the aces piles
			while getvalue(over[1]) = 1 do {
				s := getsuite(!over)


procedure run2ace(from)

	# set fcard to the low card of the run or fail if there are no
	# cards in the run
	fcard := (run[from][-1] | fail)

	# for every ace pile
	every a := !ace do {

		# if the top of the ace pile is one less than the from card
		# they are in the same suit and in sequence
		if a[-1] + 1 = fcard then {

			# move the card and update the display

			# if the from run is now empty and there are hidden
			# cards to expose
			if *run[from] = 0 & *hidden[from] > 0 then {

				# while there are aces on the top of the
				# hidden pile move them to the aces piles
				while getvalue(hidden[from][1]) = 1 do {
					s := getsuite(hidden[from][1])

				# put the top hidden card in the empty run
				# and display the hidden counts

			# update the from run display


procedure run2run(from,dest,limitmove)

	# set fcard to the high card of the run or fail if there are no
	# cards in the run
	fcard := (run[from][1] | fail)

	# set dcard to the low card of the run or null if there are no
	# cards in the run
	dcard := (run[dest][-1] | &null)

	# avoid king thrashing in automatic mode (there's no point in
	# moving a king high run to an empty run if there are no hidden
	# cards under the king high run to be exposed)
	if amode > 0 & /dcard & getvalue(fcard) = 13 & *hidden[from] = 0 then

	# avoid wasted movement if the limit move parameter was passed
	# (there's no point in moving a pile if there are no hidden cards
	# under it unless you have a king in the deck)
	if amode > 0 & \limitmove & *hidden[from] = 0 then fail

	# check to see if the move is legal
	if chk2run(fcard,dcard) then {

		# add the from run to the dest run
		run[dest] |||:= run[from]

		# empty the from run
		run[from] := []

		# display the updated runs

		# if there are hidden cards to expose
		if *hidden[from] > 0 then {

			# while there are aces on the top of the hidden
			# pile move them to the aces piles
			while getvalue(hidden[from][1]) = 1 do {
				s := getsuite(hidden[from][1])

			# put the top hidden card in the empty run and
			# display the hidden counts

		# update the from run display


procedure chk2run(fcard,dcard)

	# if dcard is null the from card must be a king or
	if ( /dcard & (getvalue(fcard) = 13 | fail) ) |

	# if the value of dcard is one more than fcard and
	   ( getvalue(dcard) - 1 = getvalue(fcard) &

	# their colors are different they can be moved
	     getcolor(dcard) ~= getcolor(fcard) ) then return


# this procedure finishes a game where there are no hidden cards left and the
# deck is empty

procedure finish(cheat)

	writes("\007I'll finish for you now\007")

	# finish moving the runs to the aces piles
	while movecard(!"7654321","a")

	writes(CLREOL,"\007You WIN\007")

	if cheat > 0 then
		write("...but you cheated ",cheat," times!")
		write("...and without cheating...congratulations!")



# this procedure takes over and plays the game for you

procedure autopilot()

	writes("Going into automatic mode...")

	# set auto pilot mode
	amode := 1

	# while there are cards that aren't in runs or the aces piles
	while (cardsleft()) > 0 do {

		# try to make any run to run plays that will uncover
		# hidden cards
		while movecard(!"7654321",!"1234567","hidden")

		# try for a move that will leave an empty spot
		if movecard(!"7654321",!"1234567") then next

		# if there's no overturned card thumb the deck
		if *over = 0 then thumb()

		# initialize the thumbed sequence set
		tseq := set([])

		# try thumbing the deck for a play
		totdeck := *deck + *over
		every 1 to totdeck do {
			if movecard("d",!"1234567a") then break

		# if we made a deck to somewhere move continue
		if totdeck > *deck + *over then next

		# try for a run to ace play
		if movecard(!"7654321","a") then next

		# if we got this far and couldn't play give up

	# position the cursor for the news

	# if all the cards are in runs or the aces piles
	if cardsleft() = 0 then {


		# finish moving the runs to the aces piles
		while movecard(!"7654321","a")

		write("I won!!!!!")


	} else {

		writes("I couldn't win this time")

		# print the information needed to verify that the
		# program couldn't win
		writes(*deck + *over," cards in deck")
		if *tseq > 0 then {
			write("...final thumbing sequence:")
			every writes(" ",face(!tseq))




# this procedure updates the display

procedure display(parts)

	static	long	# a list with the length of each run

	initial {
		long := [1,1,1,1,1,1,1]

	# if the argument list is empty or contains "all" update all parts
	# of the screen
	if /parts | !parts == "all" then {
		long  := [1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
		parts := [	"label","hide","ace","deck",
				"1","2","3","4","5","6","7" ]

	# for every part in the argument list
	every part := !parts do case part of {

		# display the run number, aces and deck labels
		"label" : {
			every r := 1 to 7 do {

		# display the hidden card counts
		"hide" : {
			every r := 1 to 7 do {
				writes(0 < *hidden[r] | " ")

		# display the aces piles
		"ace" : {
			every a := 1 to 4 do
				writes(face(ace[a][-1]) | "---","  ")

		# display the deck and overturned piles
		"deck" : {
			writes((*deck > 0 , " # ") | "   ","  ")
			writes(face(!over) | "   ","  ")

		# display the runs piles
		"1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" : {
			l := ((long[part] > *run[part]) | long[part])
			h := ((long[part] < *run[part]) | long[part])
			l <:= 1
			every c := l to h do {
				writes(face(run[part][c]) | "   ")
			long[part] := *run[part]



# this procedure thumbs the deck 3 cards at a time

procedure thumb()

	# if the deck is all thumbed
	if *deck = 0 then {

		# if there are no cards in the overturned pile either return
		if *over = 0 then return

		# turn the overturned pile back over
		while put(deck,pull(over))

	# turn over 3 cards or at least what's left
	every 1 to 3 do if *deck > 0 then push(over,get(deck))


	# while there are aces on top of the overturned pile move them to
	# the aces pile
	while getvalue(over[1]) = 1 do {
		s := getsuite(over[1])

	# if the overturned pile is empty again and there are still cards
	# in the deck thumb again (this will only happen if the top three
	# cards in the deck were aces...not likely but)
	if *over = 0 & *deck > 0 then thumb()



# this procedure shuffles a deck of cards

procedure shuffle(cards)

	static	fulldeck	# the default shuffle is a full deck of cards

	initial {
		# set up a full deck of cards
		fulldeck := []
		every put(fulldeck,1 to 52)

		# if seed isn't already set use the time to set it
		if /seed then seed := integer(&clock[1:3] ||
					      &clock[4:6] ||

		# seed the random number generator for the first time
		&random := seed

	# if no cards were passed use the full deck
	/cards := fulldeck

	# copy the cards (shuffling is destructive)
	deck := copy(cards)

	# shuffle the deck
	every !deck :=: ?deck

	return deck


procedure face(card)

	static	cstr,	# the list of card color escape sequences
		vstr,	# the list of card value labels
		sstr	# the list of card suite labels

	initial {
		cstr := [RED,BLACK]
		vstr := ["A",2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,"J","Q","K"]
		if VERSION == "IBM PC" then
			sstr := ["\003","\004","\005","\006"]
			sstr := ["H","D","S","C"]

	# return a string containing the correct color change escape sequence,
	# the value and suite labels right justified in 3 characters,
	# and the back to normal escape sequence
	return	cstr[getcolor(card)] ||
		right(vstr[getvalue(card)] || sstr[getsuite(card)],3) ||


# a deck of cards is made up of 4 suites of 13 values; 1-13, 14-26, etc.

procedure getvalue(card)

	return (card-1) % 13 + 1


# each suite of cards is made up of ace - king (1-13)

procedure getsuite(card)

	return (card-1) / 13 + 1


# the first two suites are hearts and diamonds so all cards 1-26 are red
# and all cards 27-52 are black.

procedure getcolor(card)

	return (card-1) / 26 + 1


# this procedure counts cards that aren't in runs or the aces piles

procedure cardsleft()

	# count the cards left in the deck and the overturned pile
	totleft := *deck + *over

	# add in the hidden cards
	every totleft +:= *!hidden

	return totleft


# this procedure implements a device dependent cursor positioning scheme

procedure movecursor(line,col)

	if VERSION == "Atari ST" then

	else if VERSION == "hp2621" then



# all invalid commands call this procedure

procedure whoops(cmd)

	writes("\007Invalid Command: '",cmd,"'\007")

	# this delay loop can be diddled for different machines
	every i := 1 to 500 do j := i




# display the help message

procedure disphelp()

	static	help

	initial {
		help := [
"Commands: t or RETURN     : thumb the deck 3 cards at a time",
"          m [d1-7] [1-7a] : move cards or runs",
"          a               : turn on the auto pilot (in case you get stuck)",
"          s               : shuffle the deck (cheat!)",
"          p [2-7]         : put a hidden pile into the deck (cheat!)",
"          d               : print the cards in the deck (cheat!)",
"          [2-7]           : print the cards in a hidden pile (cheat!)",
"          h or ?          : print this command summary",
"          r               : print the rules of the game",
"          q               : quit",
"Moving:   1-7, 'd', or 'a' select the source and destination for a move. ",
"          Valid moves are from a run to a run, from the deck to a run,",
"          from a run to an ace pile, and from the deck to an ace pile.",
"Cheating: Commands that allow cheating are available but they will count",
"          against you in your next life!"

	every write(!help)
	writes("Hit RETURN")


# display the rules message

procedure disprules()

	static	rules

	initial {
		rules := [
"Object:   The object of this game is to get all of the cards in each suit",
"          in order on the proper ace pile.",
"                                        ",
"Rules:    Cards are played on the ace piles in ascending order: A,2,...,K. ",
"          All aces are automatically placed in the correct aces pile as",
"          they're found in the deck or in a pile of hidden cards.  Once a",
"          card is placed in an ace pile it can't be removed.",
"          Cards must be played in descending order: K,Q,..,2, on the seven",
"          runs which are initially dealt.  They must always be played on a",
"          card of the opposite color.  Runs must always be moved as a",
"          whole, unless you're moving the lowest card on a run to the",
"          correct ace pile.",
"          Whenever a whole run is moved, the top hidden card is turned",
"          over, thus becoming the beginning of a new run.  If there are no",
"          hidden cards left, a space is created which can only be filled by",
"          a king.",
"          The rest of the deck is thumbed 3 cards at a time, until you spot",
"          a valid move.  Whenever the bottom of the deck is reached, the",
"          cards are turned over and you can continue thumbing."

	every write(!rules)
	writes("Hit RETURN")
