[comp.sources.misc] Modula-2 vi macro package

wyle@ethz.UUCP (Wyle) (08/08/87)

As promised (ages ago) here follows a set of vi macros inspired by the
Sara* macro package on Lilith and Ceres computers.  Just put this text
in the .exrc file in you modula-2 directory, and away you go!

>>> Please Notice: <<<

You will have to change the ascii text ^V ^[ and ^M to the ACTUAL
control characters.  This task is done by the vi commands:


where the text before the slash is a carat "^" and letter combination,
and the text after the second slash is ACTUAL control characters.
Why does one need three (3) levels of control v?  I dunno, maybe my
C-shell eats one.

One must no longer be jealous of the "electric-C" emacs macro package.
Here is "electric-Modula-2" for us real quiche eaters.

Please send me corrections, fixes, suggestions, fan-mail, money, and
bagels (there are NO bagels in Switzerland).

Enjoy!   -Mitch
- ----------------------- cut here ---------------------------------
" The vi modula-2 macro set inspired by sara macros:
" Copyright (C) 1987   M F Wyle   Computer Science Department
" Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zuerich, Switzerland
" Permission is hereby granted to copy this code provided that
" this copyright notice is copied with it.
map ;ce iCARDINAL var ^V^[bcw
map ;C iLONGCARD var ^V^[bcw
map ;in iINTEGER var ^V^[bcw
map ;re iREAL var ^V^[bcw
map ;R iLONGREAL var ^V^[bcw
map ;bi iBITSET var ^V^[bcw
map ;bo iBOOLEAN var ^V^[bcw
map ;se iSET OF var ^V^[bcw
map ;ar iARRAY OF var ^V^[bcw
map ;pr iPROCEDURE proc(vars) : BOOLEAN;^V^M(* PreConditions:  *)^V^M(* PostConditions: *)^V^MEND proc;^V^M^V^[kkkkwcw
map ;pt iPOINTER TO var ^V^[bcw
map ;ex iEXPORT var^V^[bcw
map ;im iIMPLEMENTATION MODULE mod; ^V^[bbcw
map ;fr iFROM mod IMPORT vars; ^V^[bbbbcw
map ;im iIMPORT module; ^V^[bbcw
map ;if iIF ( cond ) THEN^V^M  statement ^V^MEND;^V^M^V^[kkkwwcw
map ;ie iIF ( cond ) THEN^V^M  statement ^V^MELSE^V^M statement2^V^MEND;^V^M^V^[5kwwcw
map ;ii iELSEIF ( cond2 ) THEN^V^M  stmnt2^V^MELSEIF ( cond3 ) THEN^V^M stmnt3^V^M^V^[
map ;wh iWHILE ( cond ) DO^V^M  statement^V^MEND;^V^M^V^[kkkwwcw
map ;wi iWITH var DO^V^M  statement^V^MEND;^V^M^V^[kkkwcw
map ;fo iFOR var := low TO high DO^V^M  statement^V^MEND;^V^M^V^[kkkwcw
map ;rp iREPEAT^V^M  statement^V^MUNTIL ( condition );^V^M^V^[kkwcw
map ;lo iLOOP^V^M  statement^V^M  IF ( cond ) THEN EXIT END;^V^MEND;^V^[kkkwcw
map ;rc ivar = RECORD^V^M  var1 : t1^V^M  var2 : t2^V^MEND;^V^M^V^[kkkkcw
map ;ca iCASE var OF^V^M  case1 : stmnt1 ^V|^V^M  case2 : stmnt2 ^V|^V^Mcase3 : stmnt3^V^M  ELSE default^V^MEND; (* case *)^V^M^V^[
map ;ws iWriteString("str");^V^M^V^[kwwcw
map ;wl iWriteLn;^V^M^V^[
map ;de i(* debug *)^V^MWriteString("string"); WriteInt(var); WriteLn;^V^M^V^[kwwcw
- ---------------------- end of vi m-2 macro set ------------------

Mitchell F. Wyle           | csnet or arpa:  wyle%ifi.ethz.ch@relay.cs.net
Instituet fuer Informatik  | uucp:           wyle@ethz.uucp
ETH Zentrum / SOT          | Telephone:      011 41 1 256 5237
8092 Zuerich, Switzerland