[comp.sources.misc] uupc.uu.8.2

Stuart.Lynne@van-bc.UUCP (Stuart Lynne) (08/17/87)

>From uucp Wed Aug 12 02:45 PDT 1987
>From slynne  Wed Aug 12 02:45:18 1987 remote from slmac
Received: by van-bc.uucp (smail2.3)
	id AA17641; 12 Aug 87 02:45:18 PDT (Wed)
Received: by slmac.vnet.van-bc.uucp (pcmail) Wed Aug 12 02:40:31 1987
Date: Wed Aug 12 02:40:31 1987
From: Stuart Lynne - test a mac <slynne@slmac.vnet.van-bc.uucp>
Message-ID: <153@slmac.vnet.van-bc.uucp>
To: sl@van-bc
Subject: shar/uupc.uu.8.2

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	host.h
#	lib.c
#	lmail.c
#	mail.c
#	mailhost.c
#	mlib.c
#	ndir.h
#	pcmail.c
#	rmail.c
#	ulib.c
#	uuhost.c
#	systems
# This archive created: Wed Aug 12 02:02:15 1987
# By:	Stuart Lynne - test a mac ()
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'host.h'
       echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'host.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'host.h'
/*		host.h


#include "local/host.h"

chmod +x 'host.h'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'lib.c'
       echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'lib.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'lib.c'
/* 		lib.c


#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "host.h"

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0L

char *index();
char *rindex();

MKDIR( path )
char * path;
	char * cp = path;

	if ( *cp == '\0' )
		return( 0 );

	/* see if we need to make any intermediate directories */
	while ( ( cp = index( cp, '/' ) ) != (char *) NULL ) {
		*cp = '\0';
		mkdir( path );
		*cp = '/';

	/* make last dir */
	return( mkdir( path ) );


CHDIR( path )
char * path;
	char * cp = path;

	if ( *cp == '\0' )
		return( 0 );

	MKDIR( path );

	/* change to last directory */
	return( chdir( path ) );


FILE * FOPEN( name, mode, ftype )
char * name;
char * mode;
char ftype;

	char * last;
	FILE * results;

	/* are we opening for write or append */

	FILEMODE( ftype );
	results = fopen( name, mode );

	if ( results != (FILE *) NULL || *mode == 'r' )
		return( results );

	/* are we opening in sub-directory */
	last = rindex( name, '/' );

	/* lets just verify that all sub-dir's exist */
	if ( last != (char *) NULL ) {
		*last = '\0';
		MKDIR( name );
		*last = '/';

	/* now try open again */
	return( fopen( name, mode ));


int CREAT( name, mode, ftyp )
char * name;
int mode;
char ftyp;

	char * last;
	int results;

	/* are we opening for write or append */
	FILEMODE( ftyp );
	results = creat( name, mode );

	if ( results != -1 )
		return( results );

	/* are we opening in sub-directory */
	last = rindex( name, '/' );

	/* lets just verify that all sub-dir's exist */
	if ( last != (char *) NULL ) {
		*last = '\0';
		MKDIR( name );
		*last = '/';

	/* now try open again */
	return( creat( name, mode ) );


extern FILE *logfile;
extern int debuglevel;
extern int remote;

#define MASTER 1

int getargs( line, flds )
char *line;
char **flds;
	int i = 0;
	char *s;

	while ( (*line != '\0') && (*line != '\n') )
	   if ( isspace(*line) )
	   *flds++ = line;
	   while( (isspace(*line) == 0) && (*line != '\0') ) line++;
	   if (isspace(*line)) *line++ = '\0';

chmod +x 'lib.c'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'lmail.c'
       echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'lmail.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'lmail.c'
/*			lmail.c


#define NOMAIN
/* #define RMAIL /* if defined we get rmail() else we get lmail() */

#include	"pcmail.c"

chmod +x 'lmail.c'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'mail.c'
       echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'mail.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mail.c'
 *	mail.c

#define	exit	return

#include <stdio.h>
#include "host.h"

FILE *freopen();

int	debuglevel = 1;

#define LSIZE   	256

char	line[LSIZE];
char	resp[LSIZE];

char	mfilename[132];

struct ldesc {
   int   	delete;		/* status of this message */
   long		adr;		/* address of From line */
   long		date;		/* address of Date: line */
   long		subject;	/* address of Subject: line */
   long		from;		/* address of From: line */
   long		size;		/* number of lines */

struct	ldesc letters[300];

int   	letternum   = 0;
char   	thefilename[50];

char   	tmailbox[64];
char 	tmailbag[64];

FILE   	*fmailbox;
FILE 	*rmailbox;
FILE	*fmailbag;

int	error = 0;
int	modified;

int	printonly;

int	PageCount = 0;

mailmain(argc, argv)
char **argv;

	loadenv(); */

	mkfilename( tmailbox, tempdir, "mailbox");
	mkfilename( tmailbag, tempdir, "mailbag");

	unlink( tmailbox );

	if ( mailbox == (char *)NULL )
		mailbox = "???";

	if ( argc == 1 ||
		( argv[1][0] == '-' ) && ( argv[1][1] != 's' ))
		showmail (argc, argv );
		lmail (argc, argv );



	if ( fmailbag != (FILE *)NULL) fclose( fmailbag );
	unlink( tmailbox );
	unlink( tmailbag );
	exit( error );

/*	sendmail
	send message n to "line"
sendmail( n, line )
	char 	*argv[50];
	int 	argc;
	char	buf[BUFSIZ];
	long 	bytes;

	/* open a temporary file */
	fmailbag = FOPEN( tmailbag, "w", 'b' );

	/* copy nth message to mailbag file */
	fseek( fmailbox, letters[ n ].adr, 0 );
	bytes = letters[ n+1 ].adr - letters[ n ].adr;

	while( bytes > 0 && fgets( buf, BUFSIZ, fmailbox) ) {
		fputs( buf, fmailbag  );
		bytes -= strlen( buf );

	fclose( fmailbag );

	/* use mailbag as stdin to mail delivery */
	fclose( stdin );
	FILEMODE( 'b' );
	if ( freopen( tmailbag, "r", stdin ) != (FILE *)NULL ) {
		argc = getargs( line, argv );

		lmail( argc, argv );

		fclose( stdin );
#ifdef MSDOS
	FILEMODE( 't' );
	freopen( CONSOLE, "r", stdin );
	freopen( device, "r", stdin );

	/* get rid of mailbag */
	unlink( tmailbag );

invert( i )
	return( letternum - i - 1 );

showmail(argc, argv)
char **argv;
	int flg, i, j, k, print;
	char *p, *cp, *getnext();
	long nextadr;
	struct ldesc *letter;

	/* get mailbox file name */
	mkfilename( mfilename, maildir, mailbox );

	/* parse arg's */
	for (; argc > 1; argv++, argc--) {
	   if ( argv[1][0] == '-' ) {
	      if ( argv[1][1] == 'f' ) {
	         if ( argc >= 3) {
	            if ( argv[2][0] == '=' )
	               mkfilename( mfilename, maildir, &argv[2][1] );
	               strcpy( mfilename, argv[2] );

	      } else if ( argv[1][1 ]== 'p' ) printonly++;
	   else {
	      fprintf(stderr, "mail: unknown option %c\n", argv[1][1]);
	   } else break;

	/* open real mailbox file */
	if (( rmailbox = FOPEN( mfilename, "r", 'b' ))  == (FILE *)NULL) {
		fprintf( stdout, "No mail in %s.\n", mfilename );

	/* open up tmp mailbox file */
  	if (( fmailbox = FOPEN( tmailbox, "w", 'b' )) == (FILE *)NULL ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "mail: cannot open %s for writing\n", tmailbox );

	/* copy real mailbox file to tmp mailbox file */
	letternum = 0 ;
	nextadr = 0;
	while ( fgets(line, LSIZE, rmailbox ) != (char *)NULL) {
		fputs( line, fmailbox );

		if ( strncmp( line, "From ", 5 ) == SAME ) {
			letter = &letters[letternum++];
			letter->from =
			letter->subject =
			letter->date = -1L;
			letter->adr = nextadr;
			letter->delete = FALSE;
			letter->size = 0L;
		}else if ( strncmp( line, "Date: ", 6 ) == SAME )
			letter->date = nextadr;
		else if ( strncmp( line, "From: ", 6 ) == SAME )
			letter->from = nextadr;
		else if ( strncmp( line, "Subject: ", 9 ) == SAME )
			letter->subject = nextadr;

		letter->size += 1L;
		nextadr += strlen( line );

	letters[letternum].adr = nextadr;   /* last plus 1 */

	/* close mailbox files */
	fclose( rmailbox );
	fclose( fmailbox );

	fmailbox = FOPEN( tmailbox, "r", 'b' );

	modified = 0;

	if ( printonly ) {
		j = letternum;
		while ( j > 0 ) {
			pager( j );


	printsub( -1 );

	i = letternum - 1;
	while ( TRUE ) {

		if ( i < 0 )
			i = 0;
		if ( i >= letternum)
			i = letternum - 1;
		j = invert( i );

		fprintf( stdout, "%d ? ", invert( i ) );

		if ( fgets( resp, LSIZE, stdin) == (char *)NULL )

		switch ( resp[0] ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "usage\n");
		case '?':
			print = 0;
			fprintf( stderr, "q\tquit\n" );
			fprintf( stderr, "x\texit\tmailbox restored\n" );
			fprintf( stderr, "p\tprint message\n" );
			fprintf( stderr, "s[file]\tsave message to a file (default =mbox)\n" );
			fprintf( stderr, "w[file]\ttsave message to a file (default =mbox) without header\n" );
			fprintf( stderr, "-\tprint last message\n" );
			fprintf( stderr, "d\tdelete current message\n" );
			fprintf( stderr, "+\tnext message (no delete)\n" );
			fprintf( stderr, "f user\tforward current message to user\n" );
			fprintf( stderr, "m user\tmail a message to user\n" );
			fprintf( stderr, "g num\t set current message\n" );
		case '+':
		case 'n':
			i-- ;
		case 'g':
			i = invert( atoi( resp+2 ) );
		case '0':
		case '1':
		case '2':
		case '3':
		case '4':
		case '5':
		case '6':
		case '7':
		case '8':
		case '9':
			i = invert( atoi( resp ) );

		case 'x':
			modified = 0;
		case 'q':
			goto donep;
		case '\n':
		case 'p':
			pager( j );
		case '^':
		case '-':
		case 'y':
		case 'w':
		case 's':
			flg = 0;
			if (resp[1] != '\n' && resp[1] != ' ') {
				print = 0;
			if (strlen( resp ) == 1)
				strcat( resp, " =mbox" );
			for (p = resp+1; (p = getnext( &cp, p )) != (char *)NULL; ) {
			   if ( *cp == '=' )
	                      mkfilename( thefilename, maildir, ++cp );
			      strcpy( thefilename, cp );
			   fprintf( stderr, "%s to %s\n",
			   		(resp[0] == 's') ? "Appending":"Writing", thefilename );
			   if (( fmailbag=FOPEN( thefilename, "a", 't' )) == (FILE *)NULL ) {
			      fprintf( stdout, "mail: cannot append to %s\n",
			               thefilename );
			   copymsg( j, fmailbag, resp[0]=='w' );
			   fclose( fmailbag );
			if (flg)
				print = 0;
			else {
				letters[j].delete = TRUE;
		case 'm':
			fprintf( stderr, "mail command not implemented yet!\n" );
		case 'f':
			flg = 0;
			if (resp[1] == '\n' || resp[1] == '\0') {
			if (resp[1] != ' ') {
				printf( "invalid command\n" );
				print = 0;

			sendmail( j, p );

			if (flg)
				print = 0;
			else {
				letters[j].delete = TRUE;

		case 'd':
			letters[j].delete = TRUE;
			if (resp[1] == 'q')
				goto donep;

		case 'h':
			printsub( -1 );

		case 'H':
			printsub( i );


	if ( modified )

readaline( adr, line )
long adr;
char *line;
	char 	buf[132];
	char	*cp;

	*line = '\0';
	if ( adr != -1L )
		if ( fseek( fmailbox, adr, 0 ) == 0 )
			if ( fgets( buf, 132, fmailbox ) != (char *)NULL )
				strcpy( line, buf );

	if ( (cp = index( line, '\n' ) ) != (char *) NULL)
		*cp = '\0';

	readaline( lp->from, line );
	if (
		( i = index( line, '<' )) != 0 &&
		( k = index( line, '>')) != 0 &&
		( k > i )
		k -= i;
		strncpy( from, line[i], k );
		from[k] = '\0';
	else {


printsub( K )
	struct ldesc	*ld;
	int		j;
	char	from[132], subject[132], date[132], line[132];
	register char	*sp, *dp, *lp, *tp;
	int k, mink, maxk;


	if ( K == -1 ) {
		maxk = letternum -1;
		mink = 0;
		maxk = mink = K;

	for ( k = maxk ; k >= mink ; k-- ) {

		j = invert( k );
		ld = & letters[ j /*k*/];

 		(void)strcpy(from, "unknown");	/* default to "unknown" */
		readaline( ld->from, line );
		if ( strlen( line ) > 0 ) {
			/* Assume From: mailbox@site.domain */
			/* get first usable stuff after From: */
			sp = index( line, ':' ) + 1;

			/* do we have From: mailbox@site.domain ( Proper Name ) */
			if ( ( ( tp = index( line, '(' )) != (char *) NULL &&
					( lp = index( line, ')')) != (char *) NULL  ) )
				sp = ++tp;
			/* or we may have From: Proper Name < mailbox@site.domain > */
				lp = index( line, '<');

			if ( *lp == '<' || *lp == ')' )

			/* if we didn't get either of the last two, just grab line */
			if ( lp < sp || lp == (char *) NULL )
				lp = line + strlen( line ) - 1;

			/*debugMsg("\PCheck isspace *sp");*/
			while ( isspace( *sp ) ) sp++;

			/*debugMsg("\PCheck isspace *lp");*/
			while ( isspace( *lp ) ) lp--;

			dp = from;
			while ( sp <= lp ) *dp++ = *sp++;
			*dp = '\0';

		/* Date: Wed May 13 23:59:53 1987 */
 		*date = '\0';	/* default date to null */
		readaline( ld->date, date );
		if ( strlen( date ) > 0 ) {
			sscanf( date, "%*s %*s %s %s", line, subject );
			sprintf( date, "%s %s", line, subject );

		strcpy( subject, "--- no subject ---" );
		readaline( ld->subject, line );
		if ( strlen( line ) > 0 ) {
			sp = line;
			while ( !isspace( *sp ) ) sp++;
			while ( isspace( *sp ) ) sp++;
			strcpy( subject, sp );

		from[20] = '\0';
		date[6] = '\0';
		subject[35] = '\0';

		sprintf( line, "%3d  %6s  %20s %35s (%6d)\n",
						j, date, from, subject, ld->size );
		if ( pageline( line ) == TRUE )

	register i, n, c;
	int new = 0;

	if (( fmailbag = FOPEN( mfilename, "w", 'b' )) == (FILE *)NULL ) {
		fprintf (stderr, "mail: can't rewrite %s\n", mfilename );
	n = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < letternum; i++ )
		if ( letters[i].delete == FALSE ) {
			copymsg( i, fmailbag, FALSE );
	fclose (fmailbag );

/* copy a message
   if noheaders true, don't copy header lines
copymsg( n, f, noheaders )
FILE *f;
	long 	bytes;
	char	buf[BUFSIZ];

	fseek( fmailbox, letters[n].adr, 0 );
	bytes = letters[n+1].adr - letters[n].adr;

	while ( bytes > 0 && fgets( buf, BUFSIZ, fmailbox ) != (char *)NULL ) {
		bytes -= strlen( buf );

		/* write line */
		if ( !noheaders  )
			fputs( buf, f );

		/* reset header */
		if ( noheaders  && strcmp( buf, "\n") == SAME )
			noheaders  = FALSE;


	long 	bytes;
	char	buf[BUFSIZ];

	fseek( fmailbox, letters[n].adr, 0 );
	bytes = letters[n+1].adr - letters[n].adr;

	while ( bytes > 0 && fgets( buf, BUFSIZ, fmailbox ) != (char *)NULL ) {
		bytes -= strlen( buf );
		if ( pageline( buf ) == TRUE )

	pageline( "\n" );

	PageCount = 0;

pageline( s )
char * s;
	char c;

	fputs( s, stdout );
	if ( ++PageCount > 24 ) {
		PageCount = 0;
		c = get_one();
		switch( c ) {
		case 'q':
		case 'Q':
		case '\003':
		case 'x':
		case 'X':
			return( TRUE );
	return( FALSE );

char *getnext( s, p )
register char **s, *p;
	*s = (char *)NULL;
	while ( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' )
	if ( *p == '\n' || *p == '\0' )
		return( (char *)NULL );
	*s = p;
	while ( *p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\n' && *p != '\0' )
	if ( *p != '\0' )
		*p++ = '\0';

chmod +x 'mail.c'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'mailhost.c'
       echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'mailhost.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mailhost.c'
/*		mailhost.c

#define	MAIN	mailmain
#include	"local/host.c"

chmod +x 'mailhost.c'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'mlib.c'
       echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'mlib.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mlib.c'
/* 		mlib.c


#include	"local/mlib.c"

chmod +x 'mlib.c'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'ndir.h'
       echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'ndir.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'ndir.h'
/* @(#)ndir.h	1.4	4/16/85 */
#include "local/ndir.h"

fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'pcmail.c'
       echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'pcmail.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'pcmail.c'
/* 		pcmail.c

		copyright (C) 1987 Stuart Lynne

		Copying and use of this program are controlled by the terms of the
		Free Software Foundations GNU Emacs General Public License.

		version		0.1		March 31/1987


		pcmail address1 address2 ... < the.message


	An 822 compatible (hopefully) mail delivery system for pc's.

	Designed for delivering mail on a pc based system. It will put
	local mail (ie, not @ or ! in address) into files in the default
	mail directory.

	If remote it will put into an outgoing mailbag in the default mail
	directory. Performs a simple bundling of mail messages into one
	file with arguments prepended as To: arg header lines. And adds a
	Message-Lines: header which gives the number of lines in the
	content part of the message (after the first blank line).

		pcmail john jack jill@xyz.uucp < afile

		To: john
		To: jack
		To: jill@xyz.uucp
		X-Message-Lines: ?????
		Content-Length: ?????


	Content-Length: is used without X- prepended to be compatible with AT&T
	Mail bundles. This is not 822 compatible per se, but is allowed.

	It also adds the from From and Date lines. Subject: lines may be inserted
	by placing them at the beginning of the message.

	A Unix version should lock the /usr/mail/mailbag file.

	Another program called rpcmail will unbundle the files created by
	pcmail and deliver each message to the local rmail. So conceptually

		(pcmail ..... < ...; pcmail .... < ...) | sz -> rz | rpcmail

	would deliver remote messages intact.

environment variables

	The following evironment variables are used:

		MAILBOX		current user's mailbox, 	"stuart"
		NAME		current user's name, 		"Stuart Lynne"
		DOMAIN		domain of this machine, 	"slynne.mac.van-bc.can"
		MAILDIR		where is mail kept,			"mpw:mail"


	Compiled by itself it will operate as a standalone program. If the
	compiler option:


	is used, it will compile as a routine:

		pcmail (argc, argv)
		char **argv;
		int argc;

	and can be used internally in other programs.


	PCMAIL		mailbag for remote mail
	FAKEUUX		emulate uux, make appropriate files in SPOOLDIR

	RMAIL		rmail

	DEBUG1		first level Debug trace


#ifdef NOMAIN
#include "dcp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "host.h"


#define FORWARD		"Forward to"

#define	SBUFSIZ		124

FILE   *mailfile;
FILE   *tempfile;

char	buf[BUFSIZ];
char	miscbuff[100];
long int lines = 0;
long int bytes = 0;
long int sequence = 0;

long tloc;
char chartime[26];	/* current time in characters */
char *thetime;

char	tfilename[100];
char	mfilename[100];
char	mailsent[100];

int local = TRUE;

char 	remotes[BUFSIZ];

char uucp[] = "uucp";

char *fgets();
int fputs();

#ifdef NOMAIN

#ifdef RMAIL
#define main	rmail
#define	main	lmail

#define exit	return

extern int debuglevel;

int debuglevel;

#ifndef RMAIL
char	Subject[132] = "";

char *mcurdir;
char s_mcurdir[128];	/* current directory path (save malloc call) */
char * getcwd();
int chdir();

main(argc, argv)
char *argv[];
	long int position;
	register int header = 1;
	register int amount;

	register int argcount;
	register char **argvec;
	int remote;
	int s1, s2;

#ifndef NOMAIN
	/* get environment var's */

 	if (argc <= 1) {
		fprintf( stderr, "pcmail usage: pcmail addresses < message\n" );
	debuglevel = 1;

#ifdef RMAIL
	local = FALSE;
	local = TRUE;

	if ( debuglevel > 5 ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: argc %d ", argc );
		argcount = argc;
		argvec = argv;
		while (argcount--) {
			fprintf( stderr, " \"%s\"", *argvec++ );
		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

		tloc = time( (long *)NULL );
		thetime = ctime(&tloc);
		fprintf( stderr, "thetime: %s\n",thetime );

#ifdef MSDOS
 	mcurdir = getcwd( s_mcurdir, sizeof(s_mcurdir) );
	mcurdir = getcwd( s_mcurdir, 0 );
	chdir( spooldir );

	/* get sequence number */
	mkfilename( tfilename, confdir, SFILENAME );

 	if ( debuglevel > 4 )
 	   fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: opening %s\n", tfilename ); /* */

	tempfile = FOPEN( tfilename, "r", 't' );
	if (tempfile != (FILE *)NULL) {
		fscanf( tempfile, "%ld", &sequence );
		fclose( tempfile );
 	else {
 		fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: can't find %s file, creating\n",
 					tfilename );
 		sequence = 1;	/* start at 1 */

	/* update sequence number */
	if ( debuglevel > 5 )
		fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: new sequence # %ld\n", sequence );

	tempfile = FOPEN( tfilename, "w", 't' );
	if (tempfile != (FILE *)NULL) {
		fprintf( tempfile, "%ld\n", sequence+1 );
		fclose( tempfile );

	/* open a temporary file */
	/* sprintf( tfilename, TFILENAME, sequence ); */
 	sprintf( miscbuff, TFILENAME, sequence );
 	mkfilename( tfilename, tempdir, miscbuff );

 	if ( debuglevel > 5 )
 		fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: opening %s\n", tfilename );

	tempfile = FOPEN( tfilename, "w", 'b' );
 	if (tempfile == (FILE *)NULL)  {
		fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: can't open %s\n", tfilename );

	/* copy stdin to tempfile, counting content lines and bytes */
	header = 1;
	while (fgets( buf, 512, stdin ) != (char *)NULL) {
		if (header != 0) {
			if (strlen( buf ) == 1) {
				header = 0;
				fprintf( tempfile, "\n" );
			else if (strchr( buf, ':' ) == NULL) {
				header = 0;
				fprintf( tempfile, "\n" );
		if (header == 0) {
			bytes += strlen( buf );
		fputs( buf, tempfile );
#ifndef RMAIL
	/* copy stdin to tempfile, counting content lines and bytes */
	/* get signature */
	mkfilename( mfilename, home, SIGFILE );

	if (debuglevel > 4)
 	   fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: opening sigfile %s\n", mfilename );
	mailfile = FOPEN( mfilename, "r", 't' );
	if (mailfile != (FILE *)NULL) {
		fputs( "\n--\n", tempfile );
		while (fgets( buf, 512, mailfile ) != (char *)NULL) {
			bytes += strlen( buf );
			fputs( buf, tempfile );
		fclose( mailfile );

 	fclose( tempfile );

	if ( debuglevel > 4 ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: stdin copied to tmp %ld %ld\n",
	                 bytes, lines );
 		fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: args %d\n", argc );

	/* loop on args, copying to appropriate postbox,
	   do remote only once
	   remote checking is done empirically, could be better
	remotes[0] = '\0';

#ifndef RMAIL
	if ( strcmp( argv[1], "-s" ) == SAME ) {
		if ( argc == 0 )
			return( -1 );
		strcpy( Subject, *argv );
	argcount = argc;
	argvec = argv;

	while (--argcount > 0) {
		if ( debuglevel > 5 )
			fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: arg# %d\ %s\n",
							argcount, *argvec );

		if (
			(strchr( *argvec, '!' ) != SAME) ||
			(strchr( *argvec, '@' ) != SAME) ||
			(strchr( *argvec, '%' ) != SAME)
		   ) {
			if ( debuglevel > 5 )
				fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: send to remote\n" );

			s1 = strlen( remotes );
			s2 = strlen( *argvec );

			/* can we cram one more address on line */
			if ( s1 > 0 && (s1 + s2 + 1) > 128 ) {
				/* dump it then, to bad */
				sendone( argc, argv, remotes, TRUE );
				remotes[0] = '\0';

			/* add *arvgvec to list of remotes */
			strcat( remotes, " " );
			strcat( remotes, *argvec );

		else {
			if ( debuglevel > 5 )
				fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: calling sendone %s\n",
							*argvec );

			sendone( argc, argv, *argvec, FALSE );

	/* dump remotes if necessary */
	if ( strlen( remotes ) > 0 )
		sendone( argc, argv, remotes, TRUE );

#ifndef RMAIL

	mkfilename( mailsent, home, COPYFILE );
	if ( debuglevel > 4 )
	   fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: copfile = %s\n", mailsent );
	sendone( argc, argv, mailsent, FALSE );


	unlink( tfilename );
	chdir( mcurdir );

char fpat1[] = "%c.%.7s%04ld";
char fpat2[] = "S %s %s %s - %s 0666 %s";

/* sendone copies file plus headers to appropriate postbox
   NB. we do headers here to allow flexibility later, for example
   in being able to do bcc, per host service processing etc.
sendone( argc, argv, address, remote )
char **argv;
int argc;
char *address;
	register char 	*cp;
	char	icfilename[32];		/* local C. copy file */
	char	ixfilename[32];		/* local X. xqt file */
	char	idfilename[32];		/* local D. data file */
	char	rxfilename[32];		/* remote X. xqt file */
	char	rdfilename[32];		/* remote D. data file */
 	char	tmfilename[32];		/* temporary storage */
 	char	cixfilename[32];		/* canonical ixfilename */
 	char	cidfilename[32];		/* canonical idfilename */
 	if ( remote ) {
 		/* sprintf all required file names */
		sprintf( tmfilename, fpat1, 'C', mailserv, sequence );
		importpath( icfilename, tmfilename );
#ifdef MSDOS
 		sprintf( cidfilename, fpat1, 'D', mailserv, sequence );
		importpath( idfilename, cidfilename );
		sprintf( cixfilename, fpat1, 'D', nodename, sequence );
 		importpath( ixfilename, cixfilename );
		sprintf( tmfilename, fpat1, 'D', mailserv, sequence );
		importpath( idfilename, tmfilename );
		sprintf( tmfilename, fpat1, 'D', nodename, sequence );
		importpath( ixfilename, tmfilename );
		sprintf( rdfilename, fpat1, 'D', nodename, sequence );
		sprintf( rxfilename, fpat1, 'X', nodename, sequence );
 	else {
		/* postbox file name */
 		if ( index( address, SEPCHAR ) == (char *)NULL )
			mkfilename( idfilename, maildir, address );
			strcpy( idfilename, address );

	if ( debuglevel > 5 )
 		fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: sendone: %s\n", idfilename );

 	if ( remote == FALSE ) {
 	   if ( debuglevel > 5 )
 	      fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: sendone: check for remote\n" );
		/* check for forwarding */
		if ( (mailfile = FOPEN( idfilename, "r", 'b' )) != (FILE *)NULL ) {
			cp = fgets( buf, BUFSIZ, mailfile );
			fclose( mailfile );
			if (cp != (char *)NULL)
				if (strncmp( buf, FORWARD, 10 ) == 0) {
					strcpy( buf, buf+11 );
					return( sendone( argc, argv, buf, FALSE ) );

	/* open mailfile */
	if ( (mailfile = FOPEN( idfilename, "a", 'b' )) == (FILE *)NULL ) {
		fprintf( stdout, "pcmail: cannot append to %s\n", idfilename );
		return( 0 );

	if ( debuglevel > 5 )
		fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: append to mailfile\n" );

	tloc = time( (long *)NULL );
	thetime = ctime(&tloc);
 	(void)strcpy(chartime, thetime);	/* make our own copy */
 	thetime = chartime;	/* and work with our own copy */
	thetime[strlen(thetime)-1] = '\0';

#ifdef RMAIL
	fprintf( mailfile, "From uucp %s", thetime );
	fputc( '\012', mailfile );
	fprintf( mailfile, "Received: by %s (pcmail) %s", domain, thetime );
	fputc( '\012', mailfile );
#else /* RMAIL */
	fprintf( mailfile, "From %s %s", mailbox, thetime );
	if ( remote )
		fprintf( mailfile, " remote from %s", nodename );
	fputc( '\012', mailfile );
	fprintf( mailfile, "Received: by %s (pcmail) %s", domain, thetime );
	fputc( '\012', mailfile );
	fprintf( mailfile, "Date: %s", thetime );
	fputc( '\012', mailfile );
	/* add Date:, From: and Message-ID: headers */
	fprintf( mailfile, "From: %s <%s@%s>", name, mailbox, domain );
	fputc( '\012', mailfile );
	fprintf( mailfile, "Message-ID: <%ld@%s>", sequence, domain );
	fputc( '\012', mailfile );
	/* add To: headers */
	while (--argc > 0) {
		fprintf( mailfile, "To: %s", *++argv );
		fputc( '\012', mailfile );
	if ( strlen( Subject ) > 0 ) {
		fprintf( mailfile, "Subject: %s", Subject );
		fputc( '\012', mailfile );
#ifdef PCMAIL
	/* add Message-Lines: and Content-Length: headers */
	fprintf( mailfile, "X-Message-Lines: %ld", lines );
	fputc( '\012', mailfile );
	fprintf( mailfile, "Content-Length: %ld", bytes );
	fputc( '\012', mailfile );
#endif /* PCMAIL */
#endif /* RMAIL */

	/* copy tempfile to postbox file */
	if (debuglevel > 4)
	   fprintf( stderr, "pcmail: copy tempfile %s to %s\n",
	                    tfilename, idfilename );
	tempfile = FOPEN( tfilename, "r", 'b' );
	if ( tempfile == (FILE *)NULL) {
		fprintf( stdout, "pcmail: can't re-open %s\n", tfilename );
		return( 0 );
	while (fgets( buf, 512, tempfile ) != (char *)NULL) {
		if ( strncmp( buf, "From ", 5 ) == 0 )
			fputc( '>', mailfile );
		cp = &buf[ strlen(buf)-1 ];
		if ( *cp == '\n' )
			*cp = '\0';
		fputs( buf, mailfile );
		fputc( '\012', mailfile );

	/* close files */
	fclose( mailfile );
	fclose( tempfile );

	/* all done unless going to remote via uucp */
	/* must create the job control files */
	if ( remote == TRUE ) {

		/* create remote X xqt file */
		mailfile = FOPEN( ixfilename, "w", 'b' );
		if 	(mailfile == (FILE *)NULL) {
			fprintf( stdout, "pcmail: cannot append to %s\n", ixfilename );
			return( 0 );
		fprintf( mailfile, "U %s %s", uucp, nodename );
		fputc( '\012', mailfile );
		fprintf( mailfile, "F %s", rdfilename );
		fputc( '\012', mailfile );
		fprintf( mailfile, "I %s", rdfilename );
		fputc( '\012', mailfile );
		fprintf( mailfile, "C rmail %s", address );
		fputc( '\012', mailfile );
		fclose( mailfile );

		/* create local C copy file */
		mailfile = FOPEN( icfilename, "w", 't' );
		if 	(mailfile == (FILE *)NULL) {
			fprintf( stdout, "pcmail: cannot append to %s\n", icfilename );
			return( 0 );

 		fprintf( mailfile, fpat2, cidfilename, rdfilename,
 					uucp, cidfilename, uucp );
 		fputc( '\012', mailfile );
 		fprintf( mailfile, fpat2, cixfilename, rxfilename,
 					uucp, cixfilename, uucp );
 		fputc( '\012', mailfile );
		fprintf( mailfile, fpat2, idfilename, rdfilename,
					uucp, idfilename, uucp );
		fputc( '\012', mailfile );
		fprintf( mailfile, fpat2, ixfilename, rxfilename,
					uucp, ixfilename, uucp );
		fputc( '\012', mailfile );
		fclose( mailfile );

	} /* if ( remote == TRUE ) */

	return( 1 );

#ifndef AMIGA
#ifdef RMAIL
rnews(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
	struct tm	*thetm;
	char	filename[132];
	char	format[128];
	FILE 	*f;
	char	buf[BUFSIZ];

	static int count = 0;

	tloc = time( (long *)NULL );
	thetime = ctime(&tloc);
	tloc = time( (long *)NULL );

	thetm = localtime( &tloc );

	/* mkfilename( format, spooldir, NEWSDIR );	*/
	sprintf( filename, NEWSDIR,
		thetm->tm_year % 100, thetm->tm_mon,
		thetm->tm_mday, thetm->tm_hour,
		thetm->tm_min,  thetm->tm_sec,  count


	if ( debuglevel > 5 )
		fprintf( stderr, "rnews: %s\n", filename );

	if ( (f = FOPEN( filename, "w", 't' )) == (FILE *)NULL ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "rnews: can't open %s %d\n", filename, errno );
		return( -1 );

	while ( fgets( buf, BUFSIZ, stdin ) != (char *)NULL )
		fputs( buf, f );

	fclose( f );

#endif /* RMAIL */
#endif /* AMIGA */

chmod +x 'pcmail.c'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'rmail.c'
       echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'rmail.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'rmail.c'
/*			rmail.c


#define NOMAIN
#define RMAIL /* if defined we get rmail() else we get lmail() */

#include	"pcmail.c"

chmod +x 'rmail.c'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'ulib.c'
       echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'ulib.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'ulib.c'
/* 		ulib.c


#include	"local/ulib.c"

chmod +x 'ulib.c'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'uuhost.c'
       echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'uuhost.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'uuhost.c'
/*		uuhost.c

#define	MAIN	dcpmain
#define CWDSPOOL
#include	"local/host.c"

chmod +x 'uuhost.c'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'systems'
       echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'systems'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'systems'
van-bc Any a HAYES TD939-4756 g ogin:--ogin uuslmac sword:-\c-sword: uuslmac
vdan-bc NONE a DIR 2400 g "" ATZ OK-\d+++\dATZ-OK ATS7=12 OK ATTD939-4782 CONNECT \d\c ogin:--ogin uuslmac sword:-\c-sword: uuslmac

chmod +x 'systems'
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

{ubc-vision,uunet}!van-bc!sl				Stuart.Lynne@van-bc.uucp