[comp.sources.misc] ils manual pages

robertd@ncoast.UUCP (Rob DeMarco) (09/15/87)

This is ils documentation:

   nroff -man ils.man
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.B ils
\- enhanced 
.B ls

.B ils
.I "[start options]" "[file/dir/switchable options]"

.B ils
is an enhanced version of 
.B ls.
It displays files in
this format:

     999    9999    9999 foo.bar
      ^      ^       ^      ^
    lines  words   char.  file

It tells the number of lines, words, and characters of a file,
respectively. A directory displays "
.B <DIR>
" in the middle of
where the lines, words, and characters would be.

This program has "
switchable parameters.
 " It also has "
starter parameters.
" The starter
parameters may only appear at the beginning of the command
line. Once it encounters a file or directory, no more starter
parameters will be accepted. Switchable parameters can be set
and unset within the course of the command line.


.RS 6

.B -80
         Display information in 80 column format.

.B -pager n
    Display files while pausing every n lines.
            WARNING: If used in conjunction with 
.B -80
            on a 40 column screen, you will not get 
            the desired result.

.B -silent
     Invokes silent mode when 
.BR -exec ing
            a directory.



.RS 6

.B -contents
   For the following directories viewed, 
.B ils
            will show the
of the directory.
            This condition is terminated upon
            execution of 
.B +contents.

.B +contents
   Shuts off the contents switch. 
            All directories will be displayed
.B -exec
            The following files will be executed and
            there status information printed. If it 
            encounters a directory and 
.B -contents

            flag is set, it will execute ALL files
            in that directory and give status 
            information.If it is a directory and
.B -contents 
flag is NOT set or it is 
            reset by 
.B +contents 
then it will make 
            the current directory that directory.
            It will also display the directory. 
            You can filter out the display by 
.B -silent 
at the beginning of the
            command line. This is useful when
            you have several files in a directory
            that takes MANY pathnames to reach.

.B +exec
       Resets the exec flag.


As you can see, there many options. These examples should
help you understand them:

.RE 1

.B ils

Lists directory.

.B ils /bin

Lists /bin directory. 

.B ils foo.bar

Lists foo.bar file.

.B ils foo.bar foo.dir

Lists a file and directory.

.B ils -pager 24

Lists directory and pauses every 23 lines.

.B ils -pager 24 -80

Lists directory in 24x80 format.

.B ils -contents foo.dir

Lists contents of directory foo.dir.

.B ils -contents foo.dir +contents dir

Lists contents of foo.dir; lists dir.

.B ils -exec a.out

Executes and lists file a.out with status information.

.B ils -contents -exec foo.dir

Executes everything in foo.dir and prints status information.

.B ils -exec foo.dir [A]* `pwd` "+exec L"

Changes cwd to foo.dir and executes all files beginning with A.
It then changes back `pwd`.It then encounters +exec which
shuts off the exec switch. It will display L normally.

.B "ils -silent -exec foo.dir A B +exec [c]*"

Invokes silent mode. When changing to foo.dir , you will not
see a directory listing. It then executes A and B in
that directory and prints status information.Then 
.B -exec

flag is shut off. It 
.I lists
 all files beginning with "c".


.RS 6
If you don't have read access to a certain file, 
.B ils
report an error and go on.

If you start a 
.B +switch 
before a file,
.B ils
 will confuse it for
a file and (most likely) report an error message. Any file
beginning with
.B -
will be ignored.

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