[comp.sources.misc] Upgrade to uudecode

drw@culdev1.UUCP (Dale Worley) (10/05/87)

The following is a patch to the p.d. uudecode posted here recently.
It adds an option "-f", which cures what I consider to be the most
annoying feature of uudecode:  it insists on writing its output to the
file name specified in the input.  When "-f" is given, output goes to
stdout, so uudecode can be used as a filter.  (If there is more than
one file in the encoded file, they are concatenated together.)

*** uudecode.old	Tue Sep 29 12:51:21 1987
--- uudecode.c	Tue Sep 29 13:43:11 1987
*** 13,21 ****
     loop for multiple decodes from a single file, and to handle common
     BITNET mangling.  Also kludged around a missing string function in Aztec
     C */
!  * uudecode [input]
   * Decode a file encoded with uuencode.  WIll extract multiple encoded
   * modules from a single file.	Can deal with most mangled files, including
--- 13,26 ----
     loop for multiple decodes from a single file, and to handle common
     BITNET mangling.  Also kludged around a missing string function in Aztec
     C */
+ /* Modified by drw (Dale Worley, drw@math.mit.edu) to add the -f switch, which
+    forces the output to be on stdout.  This makes uudecode into a filter, and
+    frees the user from perversions in the file name and mode given in the
+    input file. These changes Copyright (C) 1987 Dale R. Worley, and are hereby
+    put in the public domain. */
!  * uudecode [-f] [input]
   * Decode a file encoded with uuencode.  WIll extract multiple encoded
   * modules from a single file.	Can deal with most mangled files, including
*** 37,42 ****
--- 42,50 ----
  #include <sys/stat.h>
+ long	written_size;	/* number of bytes written to output, used instead of
+ 			   of ftell, because ftell doesn't work with -f */
  #define SUMSIZE 64
  #define DEC(c)	(((c) - ' ') & 077)    /* single character decode */
*** 49,54 ****
--- 57,63 ----
  long	filesize;	/* theoretical file size (from header) */
  char	dest[128];
  char	buf[80];
+ int	f_option = 0;	/* set to 1 if -f option is present */
  extern	int Enable_Abort;
*** 55,60 ****
--- 64,76 ----
+     /* First, check for the -f option */
+     if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-f") == 0)
+         {
+         f_option = 1;
+         argc--; argv++;
+         }
      /* A filename can be specified to be uudecoded, or nothing can
      be specified, and the input will come from STDIN */
*** 68,80 ****
  	if ((in = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL)
  	    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: can't find %s\n", argv[1]);
! 	    fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: uudecode [infile]\n");
! 	fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: uudecode [infile]\n");
--- 84,96 ----
  	if ((in = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL)
  	    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: can't find %s\n", argv[1]);
! 	    fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: uudecode [-f] [infile]\n");
! 	fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: uudecode [-f] [infile]\n");
*** 104,149 ****
      sscanf(buf, "begin %o %s", &mode, dest);
  #ifdef unix
!     /* handle ~user/file format */
!     if (dest[0] == '~')
! 	{
! 	char *sl;
! 	struct passwd *getpwnam();
! 	char *index();
! 	struct passwd *user;
! 	char dnbuf[100];
! 	sl = index(dest, '/');
! 	if (sl == NULL)
! 	    fprintf(stderr, "Illegal ~user\n");
! 		exit(13);
- 	*sl++ = 0;
- 	user = getpwnam(dest+1);
- 	if (user == NULL)
- 	    {
- 	    fprintf(stderr, "No such user as %s\n", dest);
- 	    exit(14);
- 	    }
- 	strcpy(dnbuf, user->pw_dir);
- 	strcat(dnbuf, "/");
- 	strcat(dnbuf, sl);
- 	strcpy(dest, dnbuf);
- 	}
!     /* create output file */
!     if ((out = fopen(dest, "w")) == NULL)
! 	{
! 	fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: can't open output file %s\n", dest);
! 	exit(15);
! 	}
  #ifdef unix
!     chmod(dest, mode);
      decode(in, out, dest);
      if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, in) == NULL || strncmp(buf,"end",3))
--- 120,177 ----
      sscanf(buf, "begin %o %s", &mode, dest);
+     /* set up the output file */
+     if (f_option)
+         {
+         /* the -f option is used, so use stdout */
+ 	out = stdout;
+         }
+     else
+         {
+         /* the -f option is not used, so use the filename (and mode) in the
+          * begin line */
  #ifdef unix
! 	/* handle ~user/file format */
! 	if (dest[0] == '~')
! 	    char *sl;
! 	    struct passwd *getpwnam();
! 	    char *index();
! 	    struct passwd *user;
! 	    char dnbuf[100];
! 	    sl = index(dest, '/');
! 	    if (sl == NULL)
! 		{
! 		fprintf(stderr, "Illegal ~user\n");
! 		    exit(13);
! 		}
! 	    *sl++ = 0;
! 	    user = getpwnam(dest+1);
! 	    if (user == NULL)
! 		{
! 		fprintf(stderr, "No such user as %s\n", dest);
! 		exit(14);
! 		}
! 	    strcpy(dnbuf, user->pw_dir);
! 	    strcat(dnbuf, "/");
! 	    strcat(dnbuf, sl);
! 	    strcpy(dest, dnbuf);
! 	/* create output file */
! 	if ((out = fopen(dest, "w")) == NULL)
! 	    {
! 	    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: can't open output file %s\n", dest);
! 	    exit(15);
! 	    }
  #ifdef unix
! 	chmod(dest, mode);
+        }
+     /* actually decode the data */
      decode(in, out, dest);
      if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, in) == NULL || strncmp(buf,"end",3))
*** 155,166 ****
      if (!(fgets(buf,sizeof buf,in) == NULL || strncmp(buf,"size ",3)))
  	sscanf(buf, "size %ld", &filesize);
! 	if (ftell(out) != filesize)
! 	    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: file should have been %ld bytes long but was %ld.\n", filesize, ftell(out));
      through_loop = 1;
  }   /* forever */
  }   /* main */
--- 183,203 ----
      if (!(fgets(buf,sizeof buf,in) == NULL || strncmp(buf,"size ",3)))
  	sscanf(buf, "size %ld", &filesize);
! 	if (written_size != filesize)
! 	    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: file should have been %ld bytes long but was %ld.\n", filesize, written_size);
+     /* close the output file */
+     if (!f_option)
+         if (fclose(out) != 0)
+             {
+ 	    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: error closing file %s.\n", dest);
+ 	    exit(20);
+ 	    }
      through_loop = 1;
  }   /* forever */
  }   /* main */
*** 185,190 ****
--- 222,230 ----
  register int n;
  int checksum, line;
+     /* zero the byte count */
+     written_size = 0;
      for (line = 1; ; line++)	/* for each input line */
  	if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, in) == NULL)
*** 220,228 ****
  	while (n >= 4)
! 	    j = DEC(bp[0]) << 2 | DEC(bp[1]) >> 4; putc(j, out); checksum += j;
! 	    j = DEC(bp[1]) << 4 | DEC(bp[2]) >> 2; putc(j, out); checksum += j;
! 	    j = DEC(bp[2]) << 6 | DEC(bp[3]);	   putc(j, out); checksum += j;
  	    checksum = checksum % SUMSIZE;
  	    bp += 4;
  	    n -= 3;
--- 260,280 ----
  	while (n >= 4)
! 	    j = DEC(bp[0]) << 2 | DEC(bp[1]) >> 4;
! 	    putc(j, out);
! 	    checksum += j;
! 	    written_size++;
! 	    j = DEC(bp[1]) << 4 | DEC(bp[2]) >> 2;
! 	    putc(j, out);
! 	    checksum += j;
! 	    written_size++;
! 	    j = DEC(bp[2]) << 6 | DEC(bp[3]);
! 	    putc(j, out);
! 	    checksum += j;
! 	    written_size++;
  	    checksum = checksum % SUMSIZE;
  	    bp += 4;
  	    n -= 3;
*** 231,245 ****
--- 283,306 ----
  	    j = DEC(bp[0]) << 2 | DEC(bp[1]) >> 4;
  		checksum += j;
  		if (n >= 1)
+ 		    {
  		    putc(j, out);
+ 		    written_size++;
+ 		    }
  	    j = DEC(bp[1]) << 4 | DEC(bp[2]) >> 2;
  		checksum += j;
  		if (n >= 2)
+ 		    {
  		    putc(j, out);
+ 		    written_size++;
+ 		    }
  	    j = DEC(bp[2]) << 6 | DEC(bp[3]);
  		checksum += j;
  		if (n >= 3)
+ 		    {
  		    putc(j, out);
+ 		    written_size++;
+ 		    }
  	    checksum = checksum % SUMSIZE;
  	    bp += 4;
  	    n -= 3;
Dale Worley    Cullinet Software      ARPA: culdev1!drw@eddie.mit.edu
UUCP: ...!seismo!harvard!mit-eddie!culdev1!drw
"Thank you for your cooperation.  Goodnight." -- Robocop
"Don't f--k with the babysitter." -- Adventures in Babysitting