(Gregg Wonderly) (10/13/87)
$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Creating ""VI.11""" $ CREATE VI.11 $ DECK/DOLLARS=$$EOD$$ file_cnt := loop_cnt; LOOP POSITION (obuf); ! See if we already have a buffer by that name IF temp_file_name = 0 THEN temp_buffer_name := FILE_PARSE (get_file_name, "", "", NAME) + FILE_PARSE (get_file_name, "", "", TYPE); ELSE temp_buffer_name := FILE_PARSE (temp_file_name, "", "", NAME) + FILE_PARSE (temp_file_name, "", "", TYPE); ENDIF; IF get_file_parm <> 0 THEN ! Trim the trailing dot off. EDIT (get_file_parm, UPPER, COLLAPSE); IF (SUBSTR (get_file_parm, LENGTH(get_file_parm), 1) <> '.') THEN IF (SUBSTR (temp_buffer_name, LENGTH(temp_buffer_name), 1) = '.') THEN temp_buffer_name := SUBSTR (temp_buffer_name, 1, LENGTH(temp_buffer_name)-1); ENDIF; ENDIF; ENDIF; loop_buffer := GET_INFO (BUFFERS, "FIRST"); found_a_buffer := 0; LOOP EXITIF loop_buffer = 0; IF temp_buffer_name = GET_INFO (loop_buffer, "NAME") THEN found_a_buffer := 1; EXITIF 1; ENDIF; loop_buffer := GET_INFO (BUFFERS, "NEXT"); ENDLOOP; ! If there is a buffer by that name, is it the same file? ! We ignore version numbers to keep our sanity IF found_a_buffer THEN ! Have a buffer with the same name IF temp_file_name = 0 THEN ! No file on disk IF get_file_name = GET_INFO (loop_buffer, "OUTPUT_FILE") THEN want_new_buffer := 0; ELSE ! If the buffer is empty, then throw it ! away. IF (GET_INFO (loop_buffer, "RECORD_COUNT") > 0) THEN want_new_buffer := 0; ELSE IF (temp_file_name <> 0) and (temp_file_name <> "") THE N vi$message ("Buffer empty, reading file"); POSITION (loop_buffer); vi$message (FAO ('Reading "!AS"', temp_file_name)); file_read := READ_FILE (temp_file_name); IF file_read <> "" THEN SET (OUTPUT_FILE, loop_buffer, file_read); vi$status_lines (loop_buffer); ENDIF; ENDIF; want_new_buffer := 2; POSITION (BEGINNING_OF (loop_buffer)); MAP (CURRENT_WINDOW, loop_buffer); ENDIF; ENDIF; ELSE ! Check to see if the same file outfile := GET_INFO (loop_buffer, "OUTPUT_FILE"); filename := GET_INFO (loop_buffer, "FILE_NAME"); ! Trim version numbers off all of the names. IF (outfile <> 0) THEN outfile := FILE_PARSE (outfile, "", "", DEVICE) + FILE_PARSE (outfile, "", "", DIRECTORY) + FILE_PARSE (outfile, "", "", NAME) + FILE_PARSE (outfile, "", "", TYPE); ENDIF; IF (filename <> 0) THEN filename := FILE_PARSE (filename, "", "", DEVICE) + FILE_PARSE (filename, "", "", DIRECTORY) + FILE_PARSE (filename, "", "", NAME) + FILE_PARSE (filename, "", "", TYPE); ENDIF; temp_file_name := FILE_PARSE (temp_file_name, "", "", DEVICE) + FILE_PARSE (temp_file_name, "", "", DIRECTORY) + FILE_PARSE (temp_file_name, "", "", NAME) + FILE_PARSE (temp_file_name, "", "", TYPE); ! If the buffer is empty, then throw it away. IF (GET_INFO (loop_buffer, "RECORD_COUNT") > 0) THEN IF (outfile = temp_file_name) OR (filename = temp_file_name) THEN want_new_buffer := 0; ELSE want_new_buffer := 1; ENDIF; ELSE IF temp_file_name <> 0 THEN vi$message ("Buffer empty, reading file"); POSITION (loop_buffer); vi$message (FAO ('Reading "!AS"', temp_file_name)); file_read := READ_FILE (temp_file_name); IF (file_read <> "") THEN SET (OUTPUT_FILE, loop_buffer, file_read); vi$status_lines (loop_buffer); ENDIF; ENDIF; want_new_buffer := 2; POSITION (BEGINNING_OF (loop_buffer)); MAP (CURRENT_WINDOW, loop_buffer); ENDIF; ENDIF; IF want_new_buffer = 1 THEN vi$message (FAO ( "Buffer name !AS is in use", temp_buffer_name)); temp_buffer_name := vi$read_line ( "Type new buffer name or press Return to cancel: "); IF temp_buffer_name = "" THEN vi$message ("No new buffer created"); ELSE new_buffer := vi$_create_buffer (temp_buffer_name, get_file_name, temp_file_name); ENDIF; ELSE IF (want_new_buffer = 0) and (CURRENT_BUFFER = loop_buffer) THE N vi$message (FAO ( "Already editing file !AS", get_file_name)); ELSE IF (want_new_buffer = 0) THEN vi$check_auto_write; MAP (CURRENT_WINDOW, loop_buffer); ENDIF; ENDIF; ENDIF; ELSE ! No buffer with the same name, so create a new buffer new_buffer := vi$_create_buffer (temp_buffer_name, get_file_name, temp_file_name) ; ENDIF; IF new_buffer <> 0 THEN SET (EOB_TEXT, new_buffer, "[EOB]"); SET (TAB_STOPS, new_buffer, vi$tab_amount); ENDIF; loop_cnt := loop_cnt - 1; EXITIF loop_cnt <= 0; POSITION (BEGINNING_OF (choice_buffer)); temp_file_name := vi$current_line; ERASE_LINE; ENDLOOP; IF (file_cnt > 1) THEN vi$_first_file; ENDIF; vi$set_status_line (CURRENT_WINDOW); RETURN (file_cnt); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! This procedure collects the names of all buffers that are leading ! derivatives of "buffer_name". The function value is the boolean ! value telling whether or not the name matched exactly. The other ! parameters are return values. ! PROCEDURE vi$choose_buffer (buffer_name, how_many_buffers, possible_buffer, possible_buffer_name, loop_buffer ) LOCAL this_buffer, ! Current buffer loop_buffer_name, ! String containing name of loop_buffer found_a_buffer, ! True if buffer found with same exact name how_many_buffers; ! Number of buffers listed in possible_names found_a_buffer := 0; EDIT (buffer_name, COLLAPSE); possible_buffer := 0; possible_buffer_name := 0; how_many_buffers := 0; ! See if we already have a buffer by that name this_buffer := CURRENT_BUFFER; loop_buffer := GET_INFO (BUFFERS, "FIRST"); CHANGE_CASE (buffer_name, UPPER); ! buffer names are uppercase ERASE (choice_buffer); LOOP EXITIF loop_buffer = 0; loop_buffer_name := GET_INFO (loop_buffer, "NAME"); IF buffer_name = loop_buffer_name THEN found_a_buffer := 1; how_many_buffers := 1; EXITIF 1; ELSE IF buffer_name = SUBSTR (loop_buffer_name, 1, LENGTH (buffer_name)) THEN vi$add_choice (loop_buffer_name); possible_buffer := loop_buffer; possible_buffer_name := loop_buffer_name; how_many_buffers := how_many_buffers + 1; ENDIF; ENDIF; loop_buffer := GET_INFO (BUFFERS, "NEXT"); ENDLOOP; RETURN (found_a_buffer); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Return current line or empty string if at EOB ! PROCEDURE vi$current_line IF (MARK (NONE) = END_OF (CURRENT_BUFFER)) THEN RETURN (""); ELSE RETURN (CURRENT_LINE); ENDIF; ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! If autowrite is active, then write the current buffer out. ! PROCEDURE vi$check_auto_write vi$last_mapped := CURRENT_BUFFER; IF GET_INFO (CURRENT_BUFFER, "MODIFIED") AND vi$auto_write AND NOT GET_INFO (CURRENT_BUFFER, "SYSTEM") AND NOT GET_INFO (CURRENT_BUFFER, "NO_WRITE") THEN vi$message ("Writing out """+GET_INFO (CURRENT_BUFFER, "NAME")+""""); WRITE_FILE (CURRENT_BUFFER); ENDIF; ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Only perform an update if there is not a keyboard macro in progress. ! PROCEDURE vi$update (win) IF (vi$key_buf = 0) AND (vi$playing_back = 0) THEN UPDATE (win); ENDIF; ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! This procedure should be envoked after a GET FILE command. It will allow ! a list of files that have been created due to a wildcard filespec to be ! processed sequentially. ! PROCEDURE vi$_next_file LOCAL win, fn, pos, found_one, btype, bn, how_many_buffers, possible_buffer, possible_buffer_name, loop_buffer, line; ON_ERROR ! Ignore errors ENDON_ERROR; vi$check_auto_write; pos := MARK (NONE); win := CURRENT_WINDOW; POSITION (vi$file_names); IF (MARK (NONE) <> END_OF (CURRENT_BUFFER)) THEN MOVE_VERTICAL (1); IF (MARK (NONE) = END_OF (CURRENT_BUFFER)) THEN vi$message ("No more files!"); MOVE_VERTICAL (-1); POSITION (win); RETURN (1); ENDIF; ELSE vi$message ("No more files!"); POSITION (win); RETURN (1); ENDIF; fn := vi$current_line; bn := FILE_PARSE (fn, "", "", NAME); btype := FILE_PARSE (fn, "", "", TYPE); IF btype = "" THEN btype := "."; ENDIF; bn := bn + btype; found_one := vi$choose_buffer (bn, how_many_buffers, possible_buffer, possible_buffer_name, loop_buffer) ; IF (found_one) THEN POSITION (pos); IF (CURRENT_BUFFER = loop_buffer) THEN vi$message ("Already positioned in that buffer"); ELSE vi$check_auto_write; UNMAP (win); MAP (win, loop_buffer); vi$set_status_line (CURRENT_WINDOW); ENDIF; ELSE vi$message (FAO ( "No such buffer ""!AS"", buffer has been deleted!", bn)); POSITION (vi$file_names); MOVE_VERTICAL (1); ENDIF; POSITION (win); vi$kill_undo; vi$undo_end := 0; RETURN (1); ENDPROCEDURE ! ! This procedure should be envoked after a GET FILE command. It will allow ! a list of files that have been created due to a wildcard filespec to be ! processed sequentially. ! PROCEDURE vi$_previous_file LOCAL win, fn, pos, found_one, btype, bn, how_many_buffers, possible_buffer, possible_buffer_name, loop_buffer, line; ON_ERROR ! Ignore errors ENDON_ERROR; vi$check_auto_write; pos := MARK (NONE); win := CURRENT_WINDOW; fn := GET_INFO (CURRENT_BUFFER, "OUTPUT_FILE"); POSITION (vi$file_names); IF (MARK (NONE) <> BEGINNING_OF (CURRENT_BUFFER)) THEN IF (MARK (NONE) = END_OF (CURRENT_BUFFER)) THEN MOVE_VERTICAL (-1); ENDIF; MOVE_VERTICAL (-1); ELSE vi$message ("No previous file!"); POSITION (pos); RETURN (1); ENDIF; fn := vi$current_line; bn := FILE_PARSE (fn, "", "", NAME); btype := FILE_PARSE (fn, "", "", TYPE); IF btype = "" THEN btype := "."; ENDIF; bn := bn + btype; found_one := vi$choose_buffer (bn, how_many_buffers, possible_buffer, possible_buffer_name, loop_buffer) ; IF (found_one) THEN POSITION (pos); IF (CURRENT_BUFFER = loop_buffer) THEN vi$message ("Already positioned in that buffer"); ELSE vi$check_auto_write; UNMAP (win); MAP (win, loop_buffer); vi$set_status_line (CURRENT_WINDOW); ENDIF; ELSE vi$message ("No previous file!"); ENDIF; vi$kill_undo; vi$undo_end := 0; POSITION (win); RETURN (1); ENDPROCEDURE ! ! Map first file in file list to the current window, providing it make ! sense to do so (eg. no mapping should be done to the command window. ! PROCEDURE vi$_first_file LOCAL win, fn, pos, found_one, btype, bn, how_many_buffers, possible_buffer, possible_buffer_name, loop_buffer, line; ON_ERROR ! Ignore errors ENDON_ERROR; vi$check_auto_write; pos := MARK (NONE); win := CURRENT_WINDOW; POSITION (BEGINNING_OF (vi$file_names)); IF (MARK (NONE) = END_OF (vi$file_names)) THEN vi$message ("No filename list!"); POSITION (pos); RETURN (1); ENDIF; fn := vi$current_line; bn := FILE_PARSE (fn, "", "", NAME); btype := FILE_PARSE (fn, "", "", TYPE); IF btype = "" THEN btype := "."; ENDIF; bn := bn + btype; found_one := vi$choose_buffer (bn, how_many_buffers, possible_buffer, possible_buffer_name, loop_buffer) ; IF (found_one) THEN POSITION (pos); IF (CURRENT_BUFFER = loop_buffer) THEN vi$message ("Already positioned in that buffer"); ELSE vi$check_auto_write; UNMAP (win); MAP (win, loop_buffer); vi$set_status_line (CURRENT_WINDOW); ENDIF; ELSE vi$message ("Buffer not found: " + bn + "!"); ENDIF; vi$kill_undo; vi$undo_end := 0; POSITION (win); RETURN (1); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Show the contents of the tags buffer ! PROCEDURE vi$_show_tags vi$show_list (vi$tag_buf, "Current tags from the files: "+vi$tag_files, info_window) ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Show the list of filenames currently being used by the NEXT FILE, FIRST ! FILE, and PREVIOUS FILE commands. ! PROCEDURE vi$_show_files vi$show_list (vi$file_names, " File names currently active for PREVIOUS, FIRST and NEXT line mode commands" , info_window) ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Show a buffer, dbuf, in a window, dwin, with the status line set to 'stat'. ! Allow scrolling around, but no editing. <ENTER> gets you out. ! PROCEDURE vi$show_list (dbuf, stat, dwin) LOCAL this_key, win, pos; win := CURRENT_WINDOW; pos := MARK (NONE); MAP (dwin, dbuf); SET (STATUS_LINE, dwin, NONE, ""); SET (STATUS_LINE, dwin, REVERSE, stat); POSITION (dwin); SET (EOB_TEXT, dbuf, "[Press RETURN to continue editing] "); UPDATE (dwin); LOOP this_key := vi$read_a_key; EXITIF (this_key = RET_KEY); IF (this_key = CTRL_D_KEY) OR (this_key = CTRL_U_KEY) OR (this_key = CTRL_F_KEY) OR (this_key = CTRL_B_KEY) OR (this_key = KEY_NAME ('h')) OR (this_key = KEY_NAME ('j')) OR (this_key = KEY_NAME ('k')) OR (this_key = KEY_NAME ('l')) THEN EXECUTE (LOOKUP_KEY (this_key, PROGRAM, vi$cmd_keys)); UPDATE (CURRENT_WINDOW); ENDIF; ENDLOOP; UNMAP (dwin); SET (STATUS_LINE, dwin, NONE, ""); SET (EOB_TEXT, dbuf, ""); POSITION (win); POSITION (pos); vi$message (""); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! This procedure creates a new buffer with the named file in it. ! Checking is done to see if the input file exists, and CREATE was on ! the command line, etc... ! PROCEDURE vi$_create_buffer (buffer_name, req_name, actual_file_name) LOCAL info, succ, outf, new_buffer; ! Buffer created ON_ERROR IF ERROR = TPU$_DUPBUFNAME THEN vi$message (FAO ("Buffer !AS already exists", buffer_name)); RETURN (0); ENDIF; ENDON_ERROR; IF (actual_file_name = 0) OR (actual_file_name = "") THEN new_buffer := CREATE_BUFFER (buffer_name); IF (req_name <> 0) THEN outf := FILE_PARSE (req_name); MESSAGE (outf); vi$message (FAO ("New file ""!AS""", outf)); SET (OUTPUT_FILE, new_buffer, outf); ENDIF; ELSE vi$message ("Reading file """+actual_file_name+""""); new_buffer := CREATE_BUFFER (buffer_name, actual_file_name); vi$message (FAO ("""!AS"", !UL lines", actual_file_name, GET_INFO (new_buffer, "RECORD_COUNT"))); IF (vi$starting_up) THEN IF GET_INFO (COMMAND_LINE, "OUTPUT") THEN SET (OUTPUT_FILE, new_buffer, FILE_PARSE ( GET_INFO (COMMAND_LINE, "OUTPUT_FILE"), actual_file_name)); ! Set the buffer to be modified so that the file will ! be written on exit. SPLIT_LINE; APPEND_LINE; ENDIF; ELSE SET (OUTPUT_FILE, new_buffer, actual_file_name); ENDIF; ENDIF; vi$check_auto_write; MAP (CURRENT_WINDOW, new_buffer); vi$status_lines (new_buffer); IF GET_INFO (COMMAND_LINE, "READ_ONLY") THEN SET (NO_WRITE, new_buffer); ENDIF; SET (TAB_STOPS, new_buffer, vi$tab_amount); RETURN (new_buffer); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Add a string to the end of the choice buffer ! PROCEDURE vi$add_choice (choice_string) LOCAL pos; ! Current position in the buffer pos := MARK (NONE); POSITION (END_OF (choice_buffer)); COPY_TEXT (choice_string); POSITION (pos); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Put a message into the message window, and make sure that it is visible. ! There appears to be problems with mapping the command_window over the ! top of the message window that makes this kludge necessary. ! PROCEDURE vi$message (mess) MESSAGE (mess); vi$update (message_window); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Print the system error message corresponding to the error code passed. ! PROCEDURE vi$system_message (errno) MESSAGE (CALL_USER (vi$cu_getmsg, STR(errno))); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Below are the window manipulation routines. They take care of ! spliting and deleting windows. The vi$prev_win and vi$next_win are ! very VERY dependent on there not being any occusion of the windows ! that they consider. If a window is occluded, the results are ! unpredictable. ! ! Split the current window exactly where it is at ! PROCEDURE vi$split_here LOCAL curwin, nextwin, curtop, curbuf, len, line, row, errno, newwin, newlen, newtop, top; ON_ERROR errno := ERROR; line := ERROR_LINE; MESSAGE ("ERROR at line: "+ STR (line)); vi$system_message (errno); RETURN(1); ENDON_ERROR IF (vi$in_occlusion) THEN MESSAGE ("Can't split while MAKE FULL SCREEN is active"); RETURN (1); ENDIF; curwin := CURRENT_WINDOW; row := GET_INFO (SCREEN, "CURRENT_ROW"); top := GET_INFO (curwin, "VISIBLE_TOP"); len := GET_INFO (curwin, "VISIBLE_LENGTH"); IF (row - top < 1) OR (top + len - row < 3) THEN ! Check to see if the cursor can not be placed in the middle because ! the buffer does not have enough lines. IF ((GET_INFO (CURRENT_BUFFER, "RECORD_COUNT") >= len/2) AND (MARK (NONE) <> BEGINNING_OF (CURRENT_BUFFER)) AND (MARK (NONE) <> END_OF (CURRENT_BUFFER))) THEN vi$pos_in_middle (MARK(NONE)); UPDATE (CURRENT_WINDOW); row := GET_INFO (SCREEN, "CURRENT_ROW"); ELSE ! Not enough lines, so estimate the middle. row := top+(len/2)-1; ENDIF; ! Check limits again. IF (row - top < 1) OR (top + len - row < 3) THEN MESSAGE ("Can't split window"); RETURN(1); ENDIF; ENDIF; curbuf := GET_INFO (curwin, "BUFFER"); newlen := row - top + 1; newwin := CREATE_WINDOW (top, newlen, ON); newtop := row + 1; MAP (newwin, curbuf); vi$set_status_line (newwin); newwin := CREATE_WINDOW (newtop, len - (newtop - top), ON); MAP (newwin, curbuf); vi$set_status_line (newwin); UNMAP (curwin); DELETE (curwin); POSITION (newwin); vi$pos_in_middle (MARK(NONE)); vi$previous_window; vi$pos_in_middle (MARK(NONE)); vi$this_window := CURRENT_WINDOW; RETURN (0); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! This procedure is used to initialize some things that are necessarily ! changed when the editing environment changes because of window or other ! operations. ! PROCEDURE vi$new_env vi$how_much_scroll := GET_INFO (CURRENT_WINDOW, "VISIBLE_LENGTH") / 2; vi$new_offset := 1; ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Delete the current window ! PROCEDURE vi$delete_window LOCAL curwin; MESSAGE (""); IF (vi$in_occlusion) THEN IF (CURRENT_WINDOW <> vi$occluding_win) THEN MESSAGE ("Can't delete this window."); RETURN; ENDIF; UNMAP (vi$old_occ_win); MAP (vi$old_occ_win, CURRENT_BUFFER); DELETE (vi$occluding_win); vi$in_occlusion := 0; vi$set_status_line (CURRENT_WINDOW); vi$new_env; ELSE curwin := GET_INFO (WINDOWS, "CURRENT"); vi$del_win (curwin); ENDIF; ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Do the actual work of deleting a window ! PROCEDURE vi$del_win (curwin) LOCAL max_len, ! Maximum length of screen minus the ! command window and message window prevwin, ! Window before the current nextwin, ! Window below the current prevtop, ! Top line of previous window nexttop, ! Top line of next window curtop, ! Top line of current window prevbuf, ! Buffer mapped to previous window prevlen, ! Length of previous window curlen, ! Length of current window nextbuf, ! Buffer mapped to next window nextend, ! Last line of next window newwin, nextlen; ! Length of next window max_len := vi$scr_length - 2; prevwin := vi$prev_win (curwin); nextwin := vi$next_win (curwin); curlen := GET_INFO (curwin, "VISIBLE_LENGTH"); curtop := GET_INFO (curwin, "VISIBLE_TOP"); IF (nextwin <> 0) THEN nextend := GET_INFO (nextwin, "VISIBLE_BOTTOM"); ELSE nextend := max_len+1; ! Something greater than the max_len used below ENDIF; IF (nextwin <> 0) AND (nextend <= max_len) THEN nextlen := GET_INFO (nextwin, "VISIBLE_LENGTH"); nextbuf := GET_INFO (nextwin, "BUFFER"); newwin := CREATE_WINDOW (curtop, curlen+nextlen, ON); UNMAP (curwin); UNMAP (nextwin); MAP (newwin, nextbuf); vi$set_status_line (newwin); DELETE (curwin); DELETE (nextwin); ELSE IF (prevwin <> 0) THEN prevlen := GET_INFO (prevwin, "VISIBLE_LENGTH"); prevbuf := GET_INFO (prevwin, "BUFFER"); prevtop := GET_INFO (prevwin, "VISIBLE_TOP"); newwin := CREATE_WINDOW (prevtop, curlen+prevlen, ON); UNMAP (curwin); UNMAP (prevwin); MAP (newwin, prevbuf); vi$set_status_line (newwin); DELETE (curwin); DELETE (prevwin); ELSE MESSAGE ("Can't delete this window"); RETURN; ENDIF; ENDIF; IF (vi$prev_win (CURRENT_WINDOW) = 0) THEN IF (vi$next_win (CURRENT_WINDOW) = 0) THEN SET (STATUS_LINE, CURRENT_WINDOW, NONE, ""); REFRESH; ENDIF; ENDIF; vi$this_window := CURRENT_WINDOW; vi$pos_in_middle (MARK (NONE)); vi$new_env; ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Take the current buffer (if there is more than one window displayed on the ! screen), and remap it to a new window that occludes all others and is ! the size of the screen. ! PROCEDURE vi$make_full_screen LOCAL win, buf; IF (vi$in_occlusion) THEN MESSAGE ("Already in full screen"); RETURN; ENDIF; IF (vi$next_win (CURRENT_WINDOW) = 0) THEN IF (vi$prev_win (CURRENT_WINDOW) = 0) THEN MESSAGE ("Current window is only window"); RETURN; ENDIF; ENDIF; vi$old_occ_win := CURRENT_WINDOW; buf := CURRENT_BUFFER; win := CREATE_WINDOW (1, vi$scr_length - 1, ON); vi$occluding_win := win; IF (win <> 0) THEN vi$in_occlusion := 1; SET (STATUS_LINE, win, NONE, ""); MAP (win, buf); vi$pos_in_middle (MARK (NONE)); vi$new_env; ELSE MESSAGE ("Error creating window, command aborted!"); ENDIF; ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Move to next window going down the screen ! PROCEDURE vi$next_window LOCAL nextwin, curwin; IF (vi$in_occlusion) THEN RETURN; ENDIF; curwin := CURRENT_WINDOW; nextwin := vi$next_win (curwin); IF (nextwin <> 0) THEN UPDATE (curwin); POSITION (nextwin); vi$set_status_line (nextwin); vi$new_env; ENDIF; ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Move to previous window going up the screen ! PROCEDURE vi$previous_window LOCAL prevwin, curwin; IF (vi$in_occlusion) THEN RETURN; ENDIF; curwin := CURRENT_WINDOW; prevwin := vi$prev_win (curwin); IF (prevwin <> 0) THEN UPDATE (curwin); POSITION (prevwin); vi$set_status_line (prevwin); vi$new_env; ENDIF; ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Return the window that is below the current one, or ZERO if there is ! none. Note the special case that occurs while MAKE_FULL_SCREEN is active. ! PROCEDURE vi$next_win (win) LOCAL winbot, nexttop, nextwin; IF (vi$in_occlusion) THEN RETURN (0); ENDIF; nextwin := GET_INFO (WINDOWS, "FIRST"); winbot := GET_INFO (win, "VISIBLE_BOTTOM"); IF (winbot >= (vi$scr_length - 3)) THEN RETURN (0); ENDIF; LOOP EXITIF nextwin = 0; IF (GET_INFO (nextwin, "BUFFER") <> 0) THEN nexttop := GET_INFO (nextwin, "VISIBLE_TOP"); IF (winbot + 2 = nexttop) THEN RETURN (nextwin); ENDIF; ENDIF; nextwin := GET_INFO (nextwin, "NEXT"); ENDLOOP; RETURN (0); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Return the window that is above the current one, or ZERO if there is ! none. Note the special case that occurs while MAKE_FULL_SCREEN is active. ! PROCEDURE vi$prev_win (win) LOCAL max_len, ! Maximum length of screen minus the ! command window, and message window. wintop, prevbot, prevwin; IF (vi$in_occlusion) THEN RETURN(0); ENDIF; max_len := vi$scr_length - 1; prevwin := GET_INFO (WINDOWS, "FIRST"); wintop := GET_INFO (win, "VISIBLE_TOP"); IF (max_len <= wintop) THEN RETURN (0); ENDIF; IF (max_len - 1 = GET_INFO (win, "VISIBLE_BOTTOM")) AND (wintop = 1) THEN RETURN (0); ENDIF; LOOP EXITIF prevwin = 0; IF (GET_INFO (prevwin, "BUFFER") <> 0) THEN prevbot := GET_INFO (prevwin, "VISIBLE_BOTTOM"); IF (prevbot + 2 = wintop) THEN RETURN (prevwin); ENDIF; ENDIF; prevwin := GET_INFO (prevwin, "NEXT"); ENDLOOP; RETURN (0); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Shrink the current window, lengthing the lower window if possible first. ! If there is no window below, then try above. If can't do that either, ! then give up with a message ! PROCEDURE vi$shrink_window (shrinkparm) LOCAL curwin, currow, prevwin, nextwin, newshrink; IF (vi$in_occlusion) THEN RETURN; ENDIF; newshrink := shrinkparm; curwin := GET_INFO (WINDOWS, "CURRENT"); currow := GET_INFO (curwin, "VISIBLE_LENGTH"); IF (currow < 3) THEN MESSAGE ("Can't shrink this window"); RETURN; ENDIF; IF newshrink > currow - 2 THEN newshrink := currow - 2; ENDIF; IF newshrink <= 0 THEN MESSAGE ("Can't shrink this window"); RETURN; ENDIF; nextwin := vi$next_win (curwin); prevwin := vi$prev_win (curwin); IF (nextwin <> 0) THEN ADJUST_WINDOW (curwin, 0, -newshrink); ADJUST_WINDOW (nextwin, -newshrink, 0); ELSE IF (prevwin <> 0) THEN ADJUST_WINDOW (curwin, newshrink, 0); ADJUST_WINDOW (prevwin, 0, newshrink); ELSE MESSAGE ("Can't shrink this window"); RETURN; ENDIF; ENDIF; POSITION (curwin); vi$pos_in_middle (MARK(NONE)); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Enlarge the current window if possible. Try moving the bottom down. ! If that doesn't work, then try moving the top up. ! PROCEDURE vi$enlarge_window (enlargeparm) LOCAL curwin, prevwin, nextwin, nextrow, newenlarge, prevrow; IF (vi$in_occlusion) THEN RETURN; ENDIF; newenlarge := enlargeparm; curwin := GET_INFO (WINDOWS, "CURRENT"); nextwin := vi$next_win (curwin); prevwin := vi$prev_win (curwin); IF (nextwin <> 0) THEN nextrow := GET_INFO (nextwin, "VISIBLE_LENGTH"); IF (nextrow > 2) then IF (newenlarge + 2 > nextrow) THEN newenlarge := nextrow - 2; ENDIF; IF newenlarge <= 0 THEN MESSAGE ("Can't enlarge this window"); RETURN; ENDIF; ADJUST_WINDOW (nextwin, newenlarge, 0); ADJUST_WINDOW (curwin, 0, newenlarge); ELSE MESSAGE ("Can't shrink next window"); RETURN; ENDIF; ELSE IF (prevwin <> 0) THEN prevrow := GET_INFO (prevwin, "VISIBLE_LENGTH"); IF (prevrow < 3) THEN MESSAGE ("Can't shrink previous window"); RETURN; ENDIF; IF (newenlarge + 2 > prevrow) THEN newenlarge := prevrow - 2; ENDIF; IF newenlarge = 0 THEN MESSAGE ("Can't enlarge this window"); RETURN; ENDIF; ADJUST_WINDOW (prevwin, 0, -newenlarge); ADJUST_WINDOW (curwin, -newenlarge, 0); ELSE MESSAGE ("Can't enlarge this window"); RETURN; ENDIF; ENDIF; POSITION (curwin); vi$pos_in_middle (MARK(NONE)); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Set the status line for the window passed ! PROCEDURE vi$set_status_line (win) LOCAL nowr, buf, fmtstr, fn; IF (GET_INFO (win, "STATUS_VIDEO") <> REVERSE) THEN RETURN; ENDIF; buf := GET_INFO (win, "BUFFER"); nowr := " "; IF (GET_INFO (buf, "NO_WRITE")) THEN nowr := "*"; ENDIF; fn := GET_INFO (buf, "NAME"); SET (STATUS_LINE, win, NONE, ""); fmtstr := "!" + STR (GET_INFO (win, "WIDTH")); SET (STATUS_LINE, win, REVERSE, FAO (fmtstr+"<!ASBuffer: !AS!>", nowr, fn)); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Position the location passed into the middle of the current window. ! PROCEDURE vi$pos_in_middle (pos) LOCAL scroll_top, scroll_bottom, cur_window, scroll_amount, scrl_value; ON_ERROR ENDON_ERROR; cur_window := CURRENT_WINDOW; scrl_value := (GET_INFO (cur_window, "VISIBLE_LENGTH") / 2); POSITION (pos); MOVE_VERTICAL (-scrl_value); vi$update (cur_window); POSITION (pos); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Update the status lines for windows with the buffer passed mapped to them ! PROCEDURE vi$status_lines (buf) LOCAL win; win := GET_INFO (WINDOWS, "FIRST"); LOOP EXITIF (win = 0); IF (GET_INFO (win, "BUFFER") = buf) THEN vi$set_status_line (win); ENDIF; win := GET_INFO (WINDOWS, "NEXT"); ENDLOOP; ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Send the string passed to a DCL process. All the necessary stuff is ! done to move to the DCL buffer, and start the DCL process, and all ! of the other junk. ! PROCEDURE vi$send_to_dcl (dcl_string) ON_ERROR IF ERROR = TPU$_CREATEFAIL THEN MESSAGE ("DCL subprocess could not be created"); RETURN (1); ENDIF; ENDON_ERROR; IF CURRENT_BUFFER <> vi$dcl_buf THEN IF (GET_INFO (vi$dcl_buf, "MAP_COUNT") > 0) AND (vi$in_occlusion = 0) THEN POSITION (vi$dcl_buf); ELSE ! Attempt to split the screen at the cursor position IF (vi$split_here = 1) THEN IF (vi$in_occlusion = 0) THEN MESSAGE ("Move cursor to middle of current window"); ENDIF; RETURN (1); ENDIF; MAP (CURRENT_WINDOW, vi$dcl_buf); ENDIF; ENDIF; POSITION (END_OF (vi$dcl_buf)); vi$status_lines (CURRENT_BUFFER); UPDATE (CURRENT_WINDOW); IF (GET_INFO (vi$dcl_process, "TYPE") = UNSPECIFIED) OR (vi$dcl_process = 0) THEN MESSAGE ("Creating DCL subprocess..."); vi$dcl_process := CREATE_PROCESS (vi$dcl_buf); IF (vi$dcl_process = 0) THEN RETURN; ENDIF; MESSAGE ("Process was created"); ENDIF; SPLIT_LINE; COPY_TEXT (dcl_string); UPDATE (CURRENT_WINDOW); SEND (dcl_string, vi$dcl_process); POSITION (END_OF (vi$dcl_buf)); UPDATE (CURRENT_WINDOW); RETURN (0); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! ! PROCEDURE vi$mess_select (mode) LOCAL pos; pos := MARK (NONE); vi$message_select := 0; POSITION (END_OF (message_buffer)); vi$message_select := SELECT (mode); POSITION (pos); ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Allow local modifications to be done here. ! PROCEDURE tpu$local_init ENDPROCEDURE; ! ! Create a section file, and terminate. ! vi$init_keys; COMPILE ("PROCEDURE vi$init_keys ENDPROCEDURE;"); SAVE ("SYS$DISK:[]VI.GBL"); QUIT; $$EOD$$