[comp.sources.misc] Prettyprint a du listing

drw@culdev1.UUCP (Dale Worley) (12/17/87)

I've always wanted to get a du listing that shows how the space is
being used graphically.  I finally wrote a program to digest a du
listing and print out a tree, where each directory occupies lines
proportionally to how much space the files in it consume.

To run it, type "du | dugraph" or some such.  The listing for each
directory starts with a blank space showing space occupied by files
directly in that directory, then the subtrees for each subdirectory
(in descending order of size).  If the subdirectories at the bottom
get so small that they occupy less than 1 line each, they are all
merged into an entry "(etc.)".

The entire listing always occupies 60 lines (the value of 'length').
This program has tab-width = 5.
/* program to make a pretty graph out of a du report */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

/* number of lines the listing should occupy */
int	length = 60;
/* message for suppressed directories */
#define	SUPPRESSED	"(etc.)"

/* format of a tree node */
struct node {
			struct node	*lson;	/* left son */
			struct node	*rbrother;/* right brother */
			unsigned long	size;	/* size of directory in kbytes */
			int			loc;		/* location we will print it at */
			int			print_col;/* column to print name in */
			int			print_limit;
								/* location we can't print on or
								 * after */
			int			last;	/* are we last son of our father? */
			char			name[1];	/* name */

/* root of the tree */
struct node	*root = NULL;
/* total size of things listed */
unsigned long	total_size;
/* current line number we are on (0-origin) */
int			current_line = 0;
/* list of where to put bars */
int			bar_list[50];
/* number of bars in the list */
int			bar_count = 0;

/* declare functions */
void			read_input();
struct node	*insert_in_tree();
void			dfs();
void			dfs1();
void			missing_sizes();
void			sort();
void			calc_loc();
void			blank();
void			mark_last();
void			calc_pc();
void			output();
void			position();

	struct node	*t;	/* scratch */

	/* read the input and form a tree */
	root->size = 0;
	/* put sizes on entries that have none */
	dfs(NULL, missing_sizes);
	/* sort each directory */
	dfs(sort, NULL);
	/* calculate the total size */
	total_size = 0;
	for (t = root->lson; t != NULL; t = t->rbrother)
		total_size += t->size;
	/* calculate the location of each directory */
	/* blank out subdirectories that get scrunched together at the bottom */
	root->print_limit = length;
	dfs(calc_loc, blank);
	/* print out the tree */
	for (t = root->lson; t != NULL; t = t->rbrother)
		/* mark the last son of each directory */
		/* figure out the print columns */
		t->print_col = 0;
		dfs1(calc_pc, mark_last, t);
		dfs1(output, NULL, t);
	/* put blank space at end */

/* read input and form a tree */
void read_input()
	unsigned long	size;		/* size read from input */
	char			name[100];	/* directory name read from input */

	/* make the dummy node at the top of the tree */
	root = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof (struct node));
	root->name[0] = '\0';
	root->lson = NULL;
	/* read the next line of input */
	while (fscanf(stdin, "%lu %s\n", &size, name) != EOF)
		/* insert (or find) the directory in the tree and save its size */
		insert_in_tree(name)->size = size;

/* insert (or find) a directory in the tree */
struct node *insert_in_tree(name)
	char	*name;		/* name of the directory */
	struct node	*t;	/* pointer for searching down through tree */
	char			*np;	/* points to next part of directory name to be
					 * examined */
	struct node	*t1;	/* scratch pointer */
	char			*np1;/* scratch pointer */

	/* read through the name, one directory-part at a time, and hunt
	 * down the tree, constructing nodes as needed */
	for (t = root, np = name; np != NULL; np = np1)
		/* extract the next directory-part */
		if ((np1 = strchr(np, '/')) != NULL)
			/* we found a slash, replace it with a null, and position
			 * np1 to point to the remainder of the name */
			*np1++ = '\0';
		/* else */
			/* we found no shash, so we are at the end of the name
			 * np1 has been set to NULL for us by strchr */
		/* search the sons of this node for a node with the proper name */
		for (t1 = t->lson; t1 != NULL && strcmp(t1->name, np) != 0;
				t1 = t1->rbrother)
		/* did we find one? */
		if (t1 != NULL)
			/* yes, go to it */
			t = t1;
			/* no, make one */
			t1 = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node) + strlen(np));
			strcpy(t1->name, np);
			t1->lson = NULL;
			t1->rbrother = NULL;
			t1->size = 0;
			/* insert it in tree */
			t1->rbrother = t->lson;
			t->lson = t1;
			t = t1;
	return t;

/* depth-first-search routine */
void dfs(pre_routine, post_routine)
	void	(*pre_routine)();	/* routine to execute before scanning
						 * descendants */
	void	(*post_routine)();	/* routine to execute after scanning
						 * descendants */
	dfs1(pre_routine, post_routine, root);

/* depth-first-search service routine */
void dfs1(pre_routine, post_routine, t)
	void	(*pre_routine)();	/* routine to execute before scanning
						 * descendants */
	void	(*post_routine)();	/* routine to execute after scanning
						 * descendants */
	struct node *t;		/* node to operate on */
	struct node *t1;		/* scratch pointer */

	/* if it exists, execute the pre-routine */
	if (pre_routine != NULL)
	/* call self on sons of this node */
	for (t1 = t->lson; t1 != NULL; t1 = t1->rbrother)
		dfs1(pre_routine, post_routine, t1);
	/* if it exists, execute the post-routine */
	if (post_routine != NULL)

/* add missing sizes */
void missing_sizes(t)
	struct node	*t;
	struct node	*t1;		/* scratch pointer */
	unsigned long	s;		/* scratch */

	if (t->size == 0)
		/* size is missing, we have to calcuate it */
		s = 0;
		for (t1 = t->lson; t1 != NULL; t1 = t1->rbrother)
			s += t1->size;
		t->size = s;

/* sort the directories under a directory */
void sort(t)
	struct node	*t;
	struct node	*p1, *p2, *p3, *pp;		/* scratch pointers */
	int			nodes, n;				/* scratch */

	/* count the number of nodes */
	nodes = 0;
	for (p1 = t->lson; p1 != NULL; p1 = p1->rbrother)
	/* just a simple and inefficient bubble sort */
	for (n = 1; n < nodes; n++)
		for (p1 = NULL, p2 = t->lson, p3 = p2->rbrother; p3 != NULL;
				p1 = p2, p2 = p3, p3 = p3->rbrother)
			if (p2->size < p3->size)
				/* exchange the nodes p2 and p3 */
				pp = p3->rbrother;
				p3->rbrother = p2;
				p2->rbrother = pp;
				if (p1 != NULL)
					p1->rbrother = p3;
					t->lson = p3;
				/* exchange the values of p2 and p3 */
				pp = p2;
				p2 = p3;
				p3 = pp;

/* calculate the print location */
void calc_loc(t)
	struct node	*t;
	unsigned long	cs;		/* scratch */
	struct node	*t1, *t2;	/* scratch pointers */
	int			print_limit;
						/* location next directory after t will
						 * be printed */

	if (t == root)
		cs = 0;
		/* figure out how much is in the directory itself */
		for (t1 = t->lson, cs = 0; t1 != NULL; t1 = t1->rbrother)
			cs += t1->size;
		/* cs is the size accounted for by subdirectories */
		cs = t->size - cs;
	/* cs is the size of the files in the directory itself */
	/* convert cs to lines */
	cs = cs*length/total_size + t->loc;
	/* calculate where next directory after t will be */
	print_limit = t->print_limit;
	/* assign locations */
	for (t1 = t->lson, t2 = NULL; t1 != NULL; t2 = t1, t1 = t1->rbrother)
		/* make sure we don't run into next directory */
		if (cs >= print_limit)
			cs = print_limit-1;
		t1->loc = cs;
		if (t2 != NULL)
			t2->print_limit = cs;
		cs += t1->size*length/total_size;
	if (t2 != NULL)
		t2->print_limit = print_limit;

/* figure out which directories to blank out */
void blank(t)
	struct node	*t;
	struct node	*t1, *t2, *t3;		/* loop pointers */

	/* return if there aren't at least two sons */
	if (t->lson == NULL || t->lson->rbrother == NULL)
	for (t1 = NULL, t2 = t->lson, t3 = t2->rbrother; t3 != NULL;
			t1 = t2, t2 = t3, t3 = t3->rbrother)
		if (t2->loc == t3->loc)
			/* replace t1 and succeeding nodes with "(etc.)" */
			t3 = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof (struct node) +
				sizeof (SUPPRESSED) - 1);
			strcpy(t3->name, SUPPRESSED);
			t3->lson = t3->rbrother = NULL;
			t3->loc = t2->loc;
			if (t1 == NULL)
				t->lson = t3;
				t1->rbrother = t3;

/* mark the last son of each directory */
void mark_last(t)
	struct node	*t;
	struct node	*t1, *t2;	/* scratch pointers */
	t->last = 0;
	for (t1 = t->lson, t2 = NULL; t1 != NULL; t2 = t1, t1 = t1->rbrother)
	if (t2 != NULL)
		t2->last = 1;

/* calculate the print columns */
void calc_pc(t)
	struct node	*t;
	struct node	*t1;		/* scratch pointer */
	int			c;		/* column suns will be printed in */

	c = t->print_col + strlen(t->name) + 5;
	for (t1 = t->lson; t1 != NULL; t1 = t1->rbrother)	
		t1->print_col = c;

/* write the output */
void output(t)
	struct node	*t;
	printf("--%s%s", t->name, (t->lson != NULL ? "--+" : ""));
	/* remove the bar for our father if we are the last son */
	if (t->last)
	/* add the location of the bar to the bar list if we have a son */
	if (t->lson != NULL)
		bar_list[bar_count] = t->print_col + strlen(t->name) + 5 - 1;

/* position to a specific line */
void position(line)
	int	line;		/* line number */
	int	i;			/* counts through the bar list */
	int	j;			/* current column number */

	/* for every line we need to go down */
	for (; current_line < line; current_line++)
		/* print the bars for this line */
		j = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < bar_count; i++)
			for (; j < bar_list[i]; j++)
				putchar(' ');
			if (current_line == line-1 && i == bar_count-1)
     |        |        +--scpp--+--temp
     |        +--error
     |        |
     |        +--shar--+
     |                 |
     |                 +--temp
     |         |
     |         |
     |         +--build
     |        |
     |        |
     |        |
     |        +--(etc.)
     |          +--dist3
     |          +--dist2
     |       +--source

------------------------------end of example------------------------------
Dale Worley    Cullinet Software      ARPA: culdev1!drw@eddie.mit.edu
UUCP: ...!seismo!harvard!mit-eddie!culdev1!drw
Nothing shocks me -- I'm a scientist.