[comp.sources.misc] v02i053: Unify TEXT fields from ACCELL Part 4/5

ustel@well.UUCP (Mark Hargrove) (02/11/88)

Comp.sources.misc: Volume 2, Issue 53
Submitted-By: "Mark Hargrove" <ustel@well.UUCP>
Archive-Name: accell-text/Part4

[Beware of substandard shar.  I saw a man page ripe for chomping.  ++bsa]

# to extract, remove the header and type "sh filename"
if `test ! -s ./README`
echo "writing ./README"
cat > ./README << '\Rogue\Monster\'
	To change the function key bindings in mgx:

	The actual function key bindings are in the file "ttykbd.c", in the
function "ttykeymapinit". All other keys are bound in the "key" array in
the file "symbol.c". If the function you are binding to has already been
mapped (in the "key" array definition), then you only need to use the
function "keydup( KEY fkey, char *function_name)".  If you are adding a
function that has NOT been previously defined in the "key" array, you
must use the function "keyadd( KEY fkey, int (*func)(), char
*function_name)". Things bomb spectacularly if you mess up here! 

	The "help" line for function key usage is done using the functions
"modeline" and "rotatmode" in the file "display.c", which is not really
the correct place for a user-accessible function, but I didn't want to
make another global variable, and rebuild the whole program again!. The
help usage attempts to model after the ACCELL function key help, and
should be updated when the function key bindings are changed.

  echo "will not over write ./README"
if `test ! -s ./Makefile`
echo "writing ./Makefile"
cat > ./Makefile << '\Rogue\Monster\'
# Makefile for TinyMG.
# This is a very small word-processor, designed to be called from Accell
#  that is based upon MicroGnuEmacs V.1b, but without multi-window support
#  or run-time configurability. (It really ain't emacs anymore!)

SHELL   = /bin/sh
# This program needs termcap, not terminfo (not enough function keys)
# On our NCR Tower, libtermcap.a is linked to libterminfo.a, however
#  accell comes with a termcap library, which I copied over into
#  /usr/lib/libscotterm.a (name it as you will - but order is IMPORTANT,
#  as on the Tower, libcurses.a includes terminfo)
LIBS	= -lscottterm -lcurses
BIN	= /usr/lbin
# NCR's implementation of SysV defaults to non-shareable text segments
# this option forces the link of a shareable text segment
LDFLAGS = -Wl,-n
# CDEFS gets defines, and gets passed to lint. CFLAGS gets flags, and doesn't
# get passed to lint.
# (Common) compile-time options:
#	DO_METAKEY	-- if bit 7 is set for a key, treat like a META key
#	STARTUP		-- look for and handle initialization file
#	XKEYS		-- use termcap function key definitions
#	BACKUP		-- enable "make-backup-files"
#	PREFIXREGION	-- enable function "prefix-region"
#	BIT7EVEN	-- 7-bits/even parity. should be XOR with DO_METAKEY
#	TINY		-- very small version

OBJ =	basic.o buffer.o cinfo.o display.o echo.o extend.o file.o kbd.o \
	line.o main.o random.o region.o search.o symbol.o version.o \
	window.o paragraph.o word.o fileio.o ttyio.o tty.o ttykbd.o spawn.o \
SRCS =	basic.c buffer.c cinfo.c display.c echo.c extend.c file.c kbd.c \
	line.c main.c random.c region.c search.c symbol.c version.c \
	window.c word.c paragraph.c fileio.c ttyio.c tty.c ttykbd.c spawn.c \
INCS =	ttydef.h sysdef.h def.h

.c.o	:
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

mgx	: $(OBJ)
	cc $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o mgx $(OBJ) $(LIBS)

lin	: $(SRCS)
	lint $(CDEFS) $(SRCS)

$(OBJ)	:	$(INCS)

clean	:
	rm -f $(OBJ)

install : mgx
	cp mgx $(BIN)
	strip $(BIN)/mgx
  echo "will not over write ./Makefile"
if `test ! -s ./def.h`
echo "writing ./def.h"
cat > ./def.h << '\Rogue\Monster\'
 * This file is the general header file for all parts
 * of the MicroEMACS display editor. It contains all of the
 * general definitions and macros. It also contains some
 * conditional compilation flags. All of the per-system and
 * per-terminal definitions are in special header files.
 * The most common reason to edit this file would be to zap
 * the definition of CVMVAS or BACKUP.
#include	"sysdef.h"		/* Order is critical.		*/
#include	"ttydef.h"
#include	<stdio.h>

 * If your system and/or compiler does not support the "void" type
 * then define NO_VOID_TYPE in sysdef.h.  In the absence of some
 * other definition for VOID, the default in that case will be to
 * turn it into an int, which works with most compilers that don't
 * support void.  In the absence of any definition of VOID or
 * NO_VOID_TYPE, the default is to assume void is supported, which
 * should be the case for most modern C compilers.

#  undef VOID
#  define VOID int			/* Default for no void is int */
#ifndef	VOID
#  define VOID void			/* Just use normal void */
#endif /* VOID */
#endif /* NO_VOID_TYPE */

 * Table sizes, etc.
#ifdef	HASH
#define	NSHASH	31			/* Symbol table hash size.	*/
#define	NFILEN	80			/* Length, file name.		*/
#define	NBUFN	24			/* Length, buffer name.		*/
#ifndef NLINE			/* allow it to be defined in makefile */
#define	NLINE	256			/* Length, line.		*/
#define	NKBDM	256			/* Length, keyboard macro.	*/
#define	NPAT	80			/* Length, pattern.		*/
#define	HUGE	1000			/* A rather large number.	*/
#define NSRCH	128			/* Undoable search commands.	*/
#define	NXNAME	64			/* Length, extended command.	*/
#define	NKNAME	20			/* Length, key names		*/
 * Universal.
#define	FALSE	0			/* False, no, bad, etc.		*/
#define	TRUE	1			/* True, yes, good, etc.	*/
#define	ABORT	2			/* Death, ^G, abort, etc.	*/

 * These flag bits keep track of
 * some aspects of the last command. The CFCPCN
 * flag controls goal column setting. The CFKILL
 * flag controls the clearing versus appending
 * of data in the kill buffer.
#define	CFCPCN	0x0001			/* Last command was C-P, C-N	*/
#define	CFKILL	0x0002			/* Last command was a kill	*/

 * File I/O.
#define	FIOSUC	0			/* Success.			*/
#define	FIOFNF	1			/* File not found.		*/
#define	FIOEOF	2			/* End of file.			*/
#define	FIOERR	3			/* Error.			*/

 * Directory I/O.
#define	DIOSUC	0			/* Success.			*/
#define	DIOEOF	1			/* End of file.			*/
#define	DIOERR	2			/* Error.			*/

 * Display colors.
#define	CNONE	0			/* Unknown color.		*/
#define	CTEXT	1			/* Text color.			*/
#define	CMODE	2			/* Mode line color.		*/

 * global mode
#define	MBSMAP	0x0001			/* Map bs<->del			*/
#define MFLOW	0x0002			/* Use ^^ for ^Q and ^/ for ^S	*/
#define	MINDENT	0x0004			/* autoindent			*/
#define	MFILL	0x0008			/* fill mode			*/
#ifdef	NOTAB
#define MNOTAB	0x0010			/* no tab mode			*/
#define MOVRSTK	0x0020			/* insert / over-strike mode	*/

 * Flags for "eread".
#define	EFFUNC	0x0001			/* Autocomplete functions.	*/
#define EFBUF	0x0002			/* Autocomplete buffers.	*/
#define EFFILE	0x0004			/* " files (maybe someday)	*/
#define	EFAUTO	0x0007			/* Some autocompleteion on	*/
#define	EFNEW	0x0008			/* New prompt.			*/
#define	EFCR	0x0010			/* Echo CR at end; last read.	*/

 * Flags for "getkey".
#define KQUOTE	0x0001			/* Get raw character		*/
#define	KNOMAC	0x0002			/* Don't record for macros	*/
#define	KPROMPT 0x0004			/* do delayed prompting		*/

 * Flags for "ldelete"/"kinsert"

#define KNONE	0
#define KFORW	1
#define KBACK	2

 * Keys are represented inside using an 11 bit
 * keyboard code. The transformation between the keys on
 * the keyboard and 11 bit code is done by terminal specific
 * code in the "kbd.c" file. The actual character is stored
 * in 8 bits (DEC multinationals work); there is also a control
 * flag KCTRL, a meta flag KMETA, and a control-X flag KCTLX.
 * ASCII control characters are always represented using the
 * KCTRL form. Although the C0 control set is free, it is
 * reserved for C0 controls because it makes the communication
 * between "getkey" and "getkbd" easier. The funny keys get
 * mapped into the C1 control area. The KEY type is typedefed in
 * sysdef.h, as it may depeond on compiler/machine.
#define	NKEYS	2048			/* 11 bit code.			*/

#define	METACH	0x1B			/* M- prefix,   Control-[, ESC	*/
#define	CTMECH	0x1C			/* C-M- prefix, Control-\	*/
#define	EXITCH	0x1D			/* Exit level,  Control-]	*/
#define	CTRLCH	0x1E			/* C- prefix,	Control-^	*/
#define	HELPCH	0x1F			/* Help key,    Control-_	*/

#define	KCHAR	0x00FF			/* The basic character code.	*/
#define	KCTRL	0x0100			/* Control flag.		*/
#define	KMETA	0x0200			/* Meta flag.			*/
#define	KCTLX	0x0400			/* Control-X flag.		*/

#define	KFIRST	0x0080			/* First special.		*/
#define	KLAST	0x009F			/* Last special.		*/

#define	KRANDOM	0x0080			/* A "no key" code.		*/
#define	K01	0x0081			/* Use these names to define	*/
#define	K02	0x0082			/* the special keys on your	*/
#define	K03	0x0083			/* terminal.			*/
#define	K04	0x0084
#define	K05	0x0085
#define	K06	0x0086
#define	K07	0x0087
#define	K08	0x0088
#define	K09	0x0089
#define	K0A	0x008A
#define	K0B	0x008B
#define	K0C	0x008C
#define	K0D	0x008D
#define	K0E	0x008E
#define	K0F	0x008F
#define	K10	0x0090
#define	K11	0x0091
#define	K12	0x0092
#define	K13	0x0093
#define	K14	0x0094
#define	K15	0x0095
#define	K16	0x0096
#define	K17	0x0097
#define	K18	0x0098
#define	K19	0x0099
#define	K1A	0x009A
#define	K1B	0x009B
#define	K1C	0x009C
#define	K1D	0x009D
#define	K1E	0x009E
#define	K1F	0x009F

#ifndef SEOL		/* needed for OSK, where '\r' == '\n' */
#  define SEOL '\n'

 * These flags, and the macros below them,
 * make up a do-it-yourself set of "ctype" macros that
 * understand the DEC multinational set, and let me ask
 * a slightly different set of questions.
#define	_W	0x01			/* Word.			*/
#define	_U	0x02			/* Upper case letter.		*/
#define	_L	0x04			/* Lower case letter.		*/
#define	_C	0x08			/* Control.			*/
#define _P	0x10			/* end of sentence punctuation	*/

#define	ISWORD(c)	((cinfo[(c)]&_W)!=0)
#define	ISCTRL(c)	((cinfo[(c)]&_C)!=0)
#define	ISUPPER(c)	((cinfo[(c)]&_U)!=0)
#define	ISLOWER(c)	((cinfo[(c)]&_L)!=0)
#define	ISEOSP(c)	((cinfo[(c)]&_P)!=0)
#define	TOUPPER(c)	((c)-0x20)
#define	TOLOWER(c)	((c)+0x20)

 * generally useful thing for chars
#define CCHR(x)		((x)-'@')

 * All repeated structures are kept as linked lists of structures.
 * All of these start with a LIST structure (except lines, which
 * have their own abstraction). This will allow for
 * later conversion to generic list manipulation routines should
 * I decide to do that. it does mean that there are four extra
 * bytes per window. I feel that this is an acceptable price,
 * considering that there are usually only one or two windows.
typedef struct LIST {
	union {
		struct SYMBOL	*l_sp;
		struct WINDOW	*l_wp;
		struct BUFFER	*l_bp;
		struct LIST	*l_nxt;
	} l_p;
	char	*l_name;
 * Usual hack - to keep from uglifying the code with lotsa
 * references through the union, we #define something for it.
#define	l_next	l_p.l_nxt

 * The symbol table links editing functions
 * to names. Entries in the key map point at the symbol
 * table entry.
typedef	struct	SYMBOL {
	LIST	s_list;			/* List chain.			*/
	int	(*s_funcp)();		/* Function.			*/
#ifdef	HASH
	short	s_flags;		/* Flags for this symbol	*/
#define	s_symp	s_list.l_p.l_sp
#define s_name	s_list.l_name
#ifdef	HASH
#define SFEND	0x001			/* End of has list		*/

 * There is a window structure allocated for
 * every active display window. The windows are kept in a
 * big list, in top to bottom screen order, with the listhead at
 * "wheadp". Each window contains its own values of dot and mark.
 * The flag field contains some bits that are set by commands
 * to guide redisplay; although this is a bit of a compromise in
 * terms of decoupling, the full blown redisplay is just too
 * expensive to run for every input character. 
typedef	struct	WINDOW {
	LIST	w_list;			/* List header		       */
	struct	BUFFER *w_bufp;		/* Buffer displayed in window	*/
	struct	LINE *w_linep;		/* Top line in the window	*/
	struct	LINE *w_dotp;		/* Line containing "."		*/
	struct	LINE *w_markp;		/* Line containing "mark"	*/
	short	w_doto;			/* Byte offset for "."		*/
	short	w_marko;		/* Byte offset for "mark"	*/
	char	w_toprow;		/* Origin 0 top row of window	*/
	char	w_ntrows;		/* # of rows of text in window	*/
	char	w_force;		/* If NZ, forcing row.		*/
	char	w_flag;			/* Flags.			*/
#define	w_wndp	w_list.l_p.l_wp
#define w_name	w_list.l_name

 * Window flags are set by command processors to
 * tell the display system what has happened to the buffer
 * mapped by the window. Setting "WFHARD" is always a safe thing
 * to do, but it may do more work than is necessary. Always try
 * to set the simplest action that achieves the required update.
 * Because commands set bits in the "w_flag", update will see
 * all change flags, and do the most general one.
#define	WFFORCE	0x01			/* Force reframe.		*/
#define	WFMOVE	0x02			/* Movement from line to line.	*/
#define	WFEDIT	0x04			/* Editing within a line.	*/
#define	WFHARD	0x08			/* Better to a full display.	*/
#define	WFMODE	0x10			/* Update mode line.		*/

 * Text is kept in buffers. A buffer header, described
 * below, exists for every buffer in the system. The buffers are
 * kept in a big list, so that commands that search for a buffer by
 * name can find the buffer header. There is a safe store for the
 * dot and mark in the header, but this is only valid if the buffer
 * is not being displayed (that is, if "b_nwnd" is 0). The text for
 * the buffer is kept in a circularly linked list of lines, with
 * a pointer to the header line in "b_linep".
typedef	struct	BUFFER {
	LIST	b_list;			/* buffer list pointer		*/
	struct	BUFFER *b_altb;		/* Link to alternate buffer	*/
	struct	LINE *b_dotp;		/* Link to "." LINE structure	*/
	struct	LINE *b_markp;		/* The same as the above two,	*/
	struct	LINE *b_linep;		/* Link to the header LINE	*/
	short	b_doto;			/* Offset of "." in above LINE	*/
	short	b_marko;		/* but for the "mark"		*/
	char	b_nwnd;			/* Count of windows on buffer	*/
	char	b_flag;			/* Flags			*/
	char	b_fname[NFILEN];	/* File name			*/
#define	b_bufp	b_list.l_p.l_bp
#define b_bname	b_list.l_name

#define	BFCHG	0x01			/* Changed.			*/
#define	BFBAK	0x02			/* Need to make a backup.	*/

 * This structure holds the starting position
 * (as a line/offset pair) and the number of characters in a
 * region of a buffer. This makes passing the specification
 * of a region around a little bit easier.
typedef	struct	{
	struct	LINE *r_linep;		/* Origin LINE address.		*/
	short	r_offset;		/* Origin LINE offset.		*/
	RSIZE	r_size;			/* Length in characters.	*/

 * All text is kept in circularly linked
 * lists of "LINE" structures. These begin at the
 * header line (which is the blank line beyond the
 * end of the buffer). This line is pointed to by
 * the "BUFFER". Each line contains a the number of
 * bytes in the line (the "used" size), the size
 * of the text array, and the text. The end of line
 * is not stored as a byte; it's implied. Future
 * additions will include update hints, and a
 * list of marks into the line.
typedef	struct	LINE {
	struct	LINE *l_fp;		/* Link to the next line	*/
	struct	LINE *l_bp;		/* Link to the previous line	*/
	short	l_size;			/* Allocated size		*/
	short	l_used;			/* Used size			*/
#ifdef	PCC
	char	l_text[1];		/* A bunch of characters.	*/
	char	l_text[];		/* A bunch of characters.	*/

 * The rationale behind these macros is that you
 * could (with some editing, like changing the type of a line
 * link from a "LINE *" to a "REFLINE", and fixing the commands
 * like file reading that break the rules) change the actual
 * storage representation of lines to use something fancy on
 * machines with small address spaces.
#define	lforw(lp)	((lp)->l_fp)
#define	lback(lp)	((lp)->l_bp)
#define	lgetc(lp, n)	((lp)->l_text[(n)]&0xFF)
#define	lputc(lp, n, c)	((lp)->l_text[(n)]=(c))
#define	llength(lp)	((lp)->l_used)
#define	ltext(lp)	((lp)->l_text)

 * Externals.
extern	int	thisflag;
extern	int	lastflag;
extern	int	curgoal;
extern	int	epresf;
extern	int	sgarbf;
extern	int	mode;
extern	WINDOW	*curwp;
extern	BUFFER	*curbp;
extern	WINDOW	*wheadp;
extern	BUFFER	*bheadp;
extern	KEY	kbdm[];
extern	KEY	*kbdmip;
extern	KEY	*kbdmop;
extern	KEY	getkey();
extern	char	pat[];
extern	SYMBOL	*symbol[];
extern	SYMBOL	*binding[];
extern	BUFFER	*bfind();
extern	WINDOW	*popbuf();
extern	WINDOW	*wpopup();
extern	LINE	*lalloc();
extern  int	nrow;
extern  int	ncol;
extern	char	*version;
extern	int	ttrow;
extern	int	ttcol;
extern	int	tceeol;
extern	int	tcinsl;
extern	int	tcdell;
extern	char	cinfo[];
extern	char	*keystrings[];
extern	SYMBOL	*symlookup();
VOID		update();
VOID		keyname();
 * Standard I/O.
extern	char	*strcpy();
extern	char	*strcat();
extern	char	*malloc();
  echo "will not over write ./def.h"
if `test ! -s ./sysdef.h`
echo "writing ./sysdef.h"
cat > ./sysdef.h << '\Rogue\Monster\'
 * Name:	MicroEMACS
 *		Ultrix-32 system header file same for System V.
 * Version:	29
 * Last edit:	05-Feb-86
 * By:		rex::conroy
 *		decvax!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-rex!conroy
#define	PCC	1			/* "[]" gets an error.		*/
#define	KBLOCK	8192			/* Kill grow.			*/
#define	GOOD	0			/* Good exit status.		*/

typedef int	RSIZE;			/* Type for file/region sizes	*/
typedef short	KEY;			/* Type for internal keystrokes	*/

 * Macros used by the buffer name making code.
 * Start at the end of the file name, scan to the left
 * until BDC1 (or BDC2, if defined) is reached. The buffer
 * name starts just to the right of that location, and
 * stops at end of string (or at the next BDC3 character,
 * if defined). BDC2 and BDC3 are mainly for VMS.
#define	BDC1	'/'			/* Buffer names.		*/
  echo "will not over write ./sysdef.h"
if `test ! -s ./ttydef.h`
echo "writing ./ttydef.h"
cat > ./ttydef.h << '\Rogue\Monster\'
 *	Termcap terminal file, nothing special, just make it big
 *	enough for windowing systems.

#define	GOSLING			/* Compile in fancy display.	*/
/* #define	MEMMAP		*/	/* Not memory mapped video.	*/

#define	NROW	66    			/* Rows.			*/
#define	NCOL	132			/* Columns.			*/
/* #define	MOVE_STANDOUT		/* don't move in standout mode	*/
#define	STANDOUT_GLITCH			/* possible standout glitch	*/
#define	TERMCAP				/* for possible use in ttyio.c	*/

 * Termcap function keys.  The last 10 keys correspond to the
 * non-standard termcap entries K0-K9 (instead of k0-k9).
#ifdef	XKEYS
#define	KFIRST	K01
#define KLAST	K1A
#define KHOME	K01
#define KDOWN	K02
#define	KUP	K03
#define	KLEFT	K04
#define	KRIGHT	K05
#define	KF0	K06
#define	KF1	K07
#define KF2	K08
#define KF3	K09
#define KF4	K0A
#define KF5	K0B
#define KF6	K0C
#define KF7	K0D
#define KF8	K0E
#define	KF9	K0F
#define KF10	K10
#define	KF11	K11
#define	KF12	K12
#define	KF13	K13
#define	KF14	K14
#define	KF15	K15
#define	KF16	K16
#define	KF17	K17
#define	KF18	K18
#define	KF19	K19
#define	KF20	K1A

#define	NFKEYS	20		/* # of function keys (k0-k9, K0-K9) */
  echo "will not over write ./ttydef.h"
if `test ! -s ./basic.c`
echo "writing ./basic.c"
cat > ./basic.c << '\Rogue\Monster\'
 *		Basic cursor motion commands.
 * The routines in this file are the basic
 * command functions for moving the cursor around on
 * the screen, setting mark, and swapping dot with
 * mark. Only moves between lines, which might make the
 * current buffer framing bad, are hard.
#include	"def.h"

VOID	setgoal();

 * Go to beginning of line.
gotobol(f, n, k)
	curwp->w_doto  = 0;
	return (TRUE);

 * Move cursor backwards. Do the
 * right thing if the count is less than
 * 0. Error if you try to move back from
 * the beginning of the buffer.
backchar(f, n, k) register int n;
	register LINE	*lp;

	if (n < 0)
		return (forwchar(f, -n, k));
	while (n--)
		if (curwp->w_doto == 0)
			if ((lp=lback(curwp->w_dotp)) == curbp->b_linep)
				if (k != KRANDOM)
					ewprintf("Beginning of buffer");
				return (FALSE);
			curwp->w_dotp  = lp;
			curwp->w_doto  = llength(lp);
			curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
	return (TRUE);

 * Go to end of line.
gotoeol(f, n, k)
	curwp->w_doto  = llength(curwp->w_dotp);
	return (TRUE);

 * Move cursor forwards. Do the
 * right thing if the count is less than
 * 0. Error if you try to move forward
 * from the end of the buffer.
forwchar(f, n, k) register int n;
	if (n < 0)
		return (backchar(f, -n, k));
	while (n--)
		if (curwp->w_doto == llength(curwp->w_dotp))
			if (curwp->w_dotp == curbp->b_linep)
				if (k != KRANDOM)
					ewprintf("End of buffer");
				return (FALSE);
			curwp->w_dotp  = lforw(curwp->w_dotp);
			curwp->w_doto  = 0;
			curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
	return (TRUE);

 * Go to the beginning of the
 * buffer. Setting WFHARD is conservative,
 * but almost always the case.
gotobob(f, n, k)
	(VOID) setmark(f, n, k) ;
	curwp->w_dotp  = lforw(curbp->b_linep);
	curwp->w_doto  = 0;
	curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD;
	return (TRUE);

 * Go to the end of the buffer.
 * Setting WFHARD is conservative, but
 * almost always the case.
gotoeob(f, n, k)
	(VOID) setmark(f, n, k) ;
	curwp->w_dotp  = curbp->b_linep;
	curwp->w_doto  = 0;
	curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD;
	return (TRUE);

 * Move forward by full lines.
 * If the number of lines to move is less
 * than zero, call the backward line function to
 * actually do it. The last command controls how
 * the goal column is set.
forwline(f, n, k)
	register LINE	*dlp;

	if (n < 0)
		return (backline(f, -n, KRANDOM));
	if ((lastflag&CFCPCN) == 0)		/* Fix goal.		*/
	thisflag |= CFCPCN;
	dlp = curwp->w_dotp;
	while (n-- && dlp!=curbp->b_linep)
		dlp = lforw(dlp);
	curwp->w_dotp  = dlp;
	curwp->w_doto  = getgoal(dlp);
	curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
	return (TRUE);

 * This function is like "forwline", but
 * goes backwards. The scheme is exactly the same.
 * Check for arguments that are less than zero and
 * call your alternate. Figure out the new line and
 * call "movedot" to perform the motion.
backline(f, n, k)
	register LINE	*dlp;

	if (n < 0)
		return (forwline(f, -n, KRANDOM));
	if ((lastflag&CFCPCN) == 0)		/* Fix goal.		*/
	thisflag |= CFCPCN;
	dlp = curwp->w_dotp;
	while (n-- && lback(dlp)!=curbp->b_linep)
		dlp = lback(dlp);
	curwp->w_dotp  = dlp;
	curwp->w_doto  = getgoal(dlp);
	curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
	return (TRUE);

 * Set the current goal column,
 * which is saved in the external variable "curgoal",
 * to the current cursor column. The column is never off
 * the edge of the screen; it's more like display then
 * show position.

	curgoal = getcolpos() - 1;		/* Get the position.	*/
	if (curgoal >= ncol)			/* Chop to tty width.	*/
		curgoal = ncol-1;

 * This routine looks at a line (pointed
 * to by the LINE pointer "dlp") and the current
 * vertical motion goal column (set by the "setgoal"
 * routine above) and returns the best offset to use
 * when a vertical motion is made into the line.
getgoal(dlp) register LINE *dlp;
	register int	c;
	register int	col;
	register int	newcol;
	register int	dbo;

	col = 0;
	dbo = 0;
	while (dbo != llength(dlp))
		c = lgetc(dlp, dbo);
		newcol = col;
		if (
#ifdef	NOTAB
		    !(mode&MNOTAB) &&
		    c == '\t')
			newcol |= 0x07;
		else if (ISCTRL(c) != FALSE)
		if (newcol > curgoal)
		col = newcol;
	return (dbo);

#ifndef TINY
 * Scroll forward by a specified number
 * of lines, or by a full page if no argument.
 * The "2" is the window overlap (this is the default
 * value from ITS EMACS). Because the top line in
 * the window is zapped, we have to do a hard
 * update and get it back.
forwpage(f, n, k) register int n;
	register LINE	*lp;

	if (f == FALSE)
		n = curwp->w_ntrows - 2;	/* Default scroll.	*/
		if (n <= 0)			/* Forget the overlap	*/
			n = 1;			/* if tiny window.	*/
	else if (n < 0)
		return (backpage(f, -n, KRANDOM));
#ifdef	CVMVAS
	else					/* Convert from pages	*/
		n *= curwp->w_ntrows;		/* to lines.		*/
	lp = curwp->w_linep;
	while (n-- && lp!=curbp->b_linep)
		lp = lforw(lp);
	curwp->w_linep = lp;
	curwp->w_dotp  = lp;
	curwp->w_doto  = 0;
	curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD;
	return (TRUE);

 * This command is like "forwpage",
 * but it goes backwards. The "2", like above,
 * is the overlap between the two windows. The
 * value is from the ITS EMACS manual. The
 * hard update is done because the top line in
 * the window is zapped.
backpage(f, n, k) register int n;
	register LINE	*lp;

	if (f == FALSE)
		n = curwp->w_ntrows - 2;	/* Default scroll.	*/
		if (n <= 0)			/* Don't blow up if the	*/
			n = 1;			/* window is tiny.	*/
	else if (n < 0)
		return (forwpage(f, -n, KRANDOM));
#ifdef	CVMVAS
	else					/* Convert from pages	*/
		n *= curwp->w_ntrows;		/* to lines.		*/
	lp = curwp->w_linep;
	while (n-- && lback(lp)!=curbp->b_linep)
		lp = lback(lp);
	curwp->w_linep = lp;
	curwp->w_dotp  = lp;
	curwp->w_doto  = 0;
	curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD;
	return (TRUE);


 * Internal set mark routine, used by other functions (daveb).
	curwp->w_markp = curwp->w_dotp;
	curwp->w_marko = curwp->w_doto;

 * Set the mark in the current window
 * to the value of dot. A message is written to
 * the echo line unless we are running in a keyboard
 * macro, when it would be silly.
setmark(f, n, k)
	if (kbdmop == NULL)
		ewprintf("Mark set");
	return (TRUE);

 * Swap the values of "dot" and "mark" in
 * the current window. This is pretty easy, because
 * all of the hard work gets done by the standard routine
 * that moves the mark about. The only possible
 * error is "no mark".

#ifndef TINY
swapmark(f, n, k)
	register LINE	*odotp;
	register int	odoto;

	if (curwp->w_markp == NULL)
		ewprintf("No mark in this window");
		return (FALSE);
	odotp = curwp->w_dotp;
	odoto = curwp->w_doto;
	curwp->w_dotp  = curwp->w_markp;
	curwp->w_doto  = curwp->w_marko;
	curwp->w_markp = odotp;
	curwp->w_marko = odoto;
	curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
	return (TRUE);

 * Go to a specific line, mostly for
 * looking up errors in C programs, which give the
 * error a line number. If an argument is present, then
 * it is the line number, else prompt for a line number
 * to use.
gotoline(f, n, k) register int n;
	register LINE	*clp;
	register int	s;
	char		buf[32];

	if (f == FALSE)
		if ((s=ereply("Goto line: ", buf, sizeof(buf))) != TRUE)
			return (s);
		n = atoi(buf);

	clp = lforw(curbp->b_linep);		/* "clp" is first line	*/
	while (n > 1)
		if (lforw(clp) == curbp->b_linep) break;
		clp = lforw(clp);
	curwp->w_dotp = clp;
	curwp->w_doto = 0;
	curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
	return (TRUE);
  echo "will not over write ./basic.c"
if `test ! -s ./buffer.c`
echo "writing ./buffer.c"
cat > ./buffer.c << '\Rogue\Monster\'
 *		Buffer handling.
#include	"def.h"

static	itor();

#ifndef TINY
 * Attach a buffer to a window. The
 * values of dot and mark come from the buffer
 * if the use count is 0. Otherwise, they come
 * from some other window.
usebuffer(f, n, k)
	register BUFFER	*bp;
	register int	s;
	char		bufn[NBUFN];

	/* Get buffer to use from user */
	if (curbp->b_altb != NULL)
		s=eread("Switch to buffer: (default %s) ", bufn, NBUFN,
#ifdef	VARARGS
			 &(curbp->b_altb->b_bname), (char *) NULL
			 ) ;
		s=eread("Switch to buffer: ", bufn, NBUFN, EFNEW|EFBUF
#ifndef VARARGS
			 ,(char *) NULL
	if (s == ABORT)
		return (s);
	if (s == FALSE && curbp->b_altb != NULL)
		bp = curbp->b_altb ;
	else if ((bp=bfind(bufn, TRUE)) == NULL)
		return (FALSE);

	/* and put it in current window */
	curbp = bp;
	return showbuffer(bp, curwp, WFFORCE|WFHARD);

 * pop to buffer asked for by the user.
poptobuffer(f, n, k)
	register BUFFER	*bp;
	register WINDOW	*wp;
	register int	s;
	char		bufn[NBUFN];
	WINDOW		*popbuf();

	/* Get buffer to use from user */
	if (curbp->b_altb != NULL)
		s=eread("Switch to buffer in other window: (default %s) ",
			 bufn, NBUFN, EFNEW|EFBUF, 
#ifdef	VARARGS
			 &(curbp->b_altb->b_bname) ,(char *) NULL
			 ) ;
		s=eread("Switch to buffer in other window: ", bufn, NBUFN,
#ifndef VARARGS
		, (char *) NULL
		) ;
	if (s == ABORT)
		return (s);
	if (s == FALSE && curbp->b_altb != NULL)
		bp = curbp->b_altb ;
	else if ((bp=bfind(bufn, TRUE)) == NULL)
		return (FALSE);

	/* and put it in a new window */
	if ((wp = popbuf(bp)) == NULL)
		return FALSE;
	curbp = bp;
	curwp = wp;
	return TRUE;

 * Dispose of a buffer, by name.
 * Ask for the name. Look it up (don't get too
 * upset if it isn't there at all!). Clear the buffer (ask
 * if the buffer has been changed). Then free the header
 * line and the buffer header. Bound to "C-X K".
killbuffer(f, n, k)
	register BUFFER	*bp;
	register BUFFER	*bp1;
	register BUFFER	*bp2;
	WINDOW		*wp;
	register int	s;
	char		bufn[NBUFN];

	if ((s=eread("Kill buffer: (default %s) ", bufn, NBUFN, EFNEW|EFBUF,
#ifdef	VARARGS
		    )) == ABORT) return (s);
	else if (s == FALSE)
		bp = curbp ;
	else if ((bp=bfind(bufn, FALSE)) == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	if (bp->b_nwnd != 0)
		if ((bp1 = bp->b_altb) == NULL) return FALSE;
		if (bclear(bp) != TRUE) return TRUE;
		for (wp = wheadp; bp->b_nwnd > 0; wp = wp->w_wndp)
			/* Special case - could use showbuf, but don't */
			if (wp->w_bufp == bp)
				wp->w_bufp  = bp1 ;
				wp->w_dotp  = bp1->b_dotp;
				wp->w_doto  = bp1->b_doto;
				wp->w_markp = bp1->b_markp;
				wp->w_marko = bp1->b_marko;
				wp->w_linep = bp1->b_linep;
				wp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFFORCE|WFHARD;
	else if (bclear(bp) != TRUE)
		return TRUE;
	if (bp == curbp)
		curbp = bp->b_altb;
	free((char *) bp->b_linep);		/* Release header line.	*/
	bp1 = NULL;				/* Find the header.	*/
	bp2 = bheadp;
	while (bp2 != bp)
		if (bp2->b_altb == bp) 
			bp2->b_altb = (bp->b_altb == bp2) ? NULL : bp->b_altb;
		bp1 = bp2;
		bp2 = bp2->b_bufp;
	bp2 = bp2->b_bufp;			/* Next one in chain.	*/
	if (bp1 == NULL)			/* Unlink it.		*/
		bheadp = bp2;
		bp1->b_bufp = bp2;
	while (bp2 != NULL)
	{			/* Finish with altb's	*/
		if (bp2->b_altb == bp) 
			bp2->b_altb = (bp->b_altb == bp2) ? NULL : bp->b_altb;
		bp2 = bp2->b_bufp;
	free(bp->b_bname);		/* Release name block	*/
	free((char *) bp);			/* Release buffer block	*/
	return (TRUE);

 * Save some buffers - just call anycb with the arg flag.
savebuffers(f, n, k)
	if (anycb(f) == ABORT) return ABORT;
	return TRUE;

#ifndef TINY
 * Display the buffer list. This is done
 * in two parts. The "makelist" routine figures out
 * the text, and puts it in a buffer. "popbuf"
 * then pops the data onto the screen. Bound to
 * "C-X C-B".
listbuffers(f, n, k)
	register BUFFER	*bp;
	register WINDOW *wp;
	BUFFER	 	*makelist();
        WINDOW          *popbuf();

	if ((bp=makelist()) == NULL
#ifndef TINY
			|| (wp=popbuf(bp)) == NULL
		return FALSE;
	wp->w_dotp = bp->b_dotp;	/* fix up if window already on screen */
	wp->w_doto = bp->b_doto;
	return TRUE;

 * This routine rebuilds the text for the
 * list buffers command. Return TRUE if
 * everything works. Return FALSE if there
 * is an error (if there is no memory).
	register char	*cp1;
	register char	*cp2;
	register int	c;
	register BUFFER	*bp;
	LINE		*lp;
	register RSIZE	nbytes;
	BUFFER		*blp;
	char		b[6+1];
	char		line[128];
	if ((blp = bfind("*Buffer List*", TRUE)) == NULL) return NULL;
	if (bclear(blp) != TRUE) return NULL;
	blp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG;			/* Blow away old.	*/

	(VOID) strcpy(line, " MR Buffer");
	cp1 = line + 10;
	while(cp1 < line + 4 + NBUFN + 1) *cp1++ = ' ';
	(VOID) strcpy(cp1, "Size   File");
	if (addline(blp, line) == FALSE) return NULL;
	(VOID) strcpy(line, " -- ------");
	cp1 = line + 10;
	while(cp1 < line + 4 + NBUFN + 1) *cp1++ = ' ';
	(VOID) strcpy(cp1, "----   ----");
	if (addline(blp, line) == FALSE) return NULL;
	bp = bheadp;				/* For all buffers	*/
	while (bp != NULL)
		cp1 = &line[0];			/* Start at left edge	*/
		*cp1++ = (bp == curbp) ? '.' : ' ';
		*cp1++ = ((bp->b_flag&BFCHG) != 0) ? '*' : ' ';
		*cp1++ = ' ';			/* Gap.			*/
		*cp1++ = ' ';
		cp2 = &bp->b_bname[0];		/* Buffer name		*/
		while ((c = *cp2++) != 0)
			*cp1++ = c;
		while (cp1 < &line[4+NBUFN+1])
			*cp1++ = ' ';		
		nbytes = 0;			/* Count bytes in buf.	*/
		if (bp != blp)
			lp = lforw(bp->b_linep);
			while (lp != bp->b_linep)
				nbytes += llength(lp)+1;
				lp = lforw(lp);
		(VOID) itor(b, 6, nbytes);	/* 6 digit buffer size.	*/
		cp2 = &b[0];
		while ((c = *cp2++) != 0)
			*cp1++ = c;
		*cp1++ = ' ';			/* Gap..			*/
		cp2 = &bp->b_fname[0];		/* File name		*/
		if (*cp2 != 0)
			while ((c = *cp2++) != 0)
				if (cp1 < &line[128-1])
					*cp1++ = c;
		*cp1 = 0;			/* Add to the buffer.	*/
		if (addline(blp, line) == FALSE)
			return NULL;
		bp = bp->b_bufp;
	blp->b_dotp = lforw(blp->b_linep);	/* put dot at beginning of buffer */
	blp->b_doto = 0;
	return blp;				/* All done		*/

 * Used above.
static itor(buf, width, num)
register char buf[]; register int width; register RSIZE num;
	register RSIZE r;

	if (num / 10 == 0)
		buf[0] = (num % 10) + '0';
		for (r = 1; r < width; buf[r++] = ' ')
		buf[width] = '\0';
		return 1;
		buf[r = itor(buf, width, num / (RSIZE)10)] = 
				(num % (RSIZE)10) + '0';
		return r + 1;

 * The argument "text" points to
 * a string. Append this line to the
 * buffer. Handcraft the EOL
 * on the end. Return TRUE if it worked and
 * FALSE if you ran out of room.
addline(bp, text) register BUFFER *bp; char *text;
	register LINE	*lp;
	register int	i;
	register int	ntext;

	ntext = strlen(text);
	if ((lp=lalloc((RSIZE) ntext)) == NULL)
		return (FALSE);
	for (i=0; i<ntext; ++i)
		lputc(lp, i, text[i]);
	bp->b_linep->l_bp->l_fp = lp;		/* Hook onto the end	*/
	lp->l_bp = bp->b_linep->l_bp;
	bp->b_linep->l_bp = lp;
	lp->l_fp = bp->b_linep;
	if (bp->b_dotp == bp->b_linep)		/* If "." is at the end	*/
		bp->b_dotp = lp;		/* move it to new line	*/
	if (bp->b_markp == bp->b_linep)		/* ditto for mark 	*/
		bp->b_markp = lp;
	return (TRUE);

 * Look through the list of buffers, giving the user
 * a chance to save them.  Return TRUE if there are
 * any changed buffers afterwards. Buffers that don't
 * have an associated file don't count. Return FALSE
 * if there are no changed buffers.
	register BUFFER	*bp;
	register int	s = FALSE, save = FALSE;
	char		prompt[NFILEN + 11];

	for (bp = bheadp; bp != NULL; bp = bp->b_bufp)
		if (*(bp->b_fname) != '\0'
					&&  (bp->b_flag&BFCHG) != 0)
			(VOID) strcpy(prompt, "Save text before exiting?");
			if ((f == TRUE || (save = eyorn(prompt)) == TRUE)
			&&  writeout(bp, bp->b_fname) == TRUE)
				bp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG;
				s = TRUE;
			if (save == ABORT)
				return (save);
			save = TRUE;

	return s;

 * Search for a buffer, by name.
 * If not found, and the "cflag" is TRUE,
 * create a buffer and put it in the list of
 * all buffers. Return pointer to the BUFFER
 * block for the buffer.
bfind(bname, cflag) register char *bname;
	register BUFFER	*bp;
	char		*malloc();
	register LINE	*lp;

	bp = bheadp;
	while (bp != NULL)
		if (strcmp(bname, bp->b_bname) == 0)
			return (bp);
		bp = bp->b_bufp;
	if (cflag!=TRUE) return NULL;
	if ((bp=(BUFFER *)malloc(sizeof(BUFFER))) == NULL)
		ewprintf("Can't get %d bytes", sizeof(BUFFER));
		return NULL;
	if ((bp->b_bname=malloc(strlen(bname)+1)) == NULL)
		ewprintf("Can't get %d bytes", strlen(bname)+1);
		free((char *) bp);
		return NULL;
	if ((lp=lalloc((RSIZE) 0)) == NULL)
		free((char *) bp);
		return NULL;
	bp->b_altb = bp->b_bufp  = NULL;
	bp->b_dotp  = lp;
	bp->b_doto  = 0;
	bp->b_markp = NULL;
	bp->b_marko = 0;
	bp->b_flag  = 0;
	bp->b_nwnd  = 0;
	bp->b_linep = lp;
	(VOID) strcpy(bp->b_fname, "");
	(VOID) strcpy(bp->b_bname, bname);
	lp->l_fp = lp;
	lp->l_bp = lp;
	bp->b_bufp = bheadp;
	bheadp = bp;
	return (bp);

 * This routine blows away all of the text
 * in a buffer. If the buffer is marked as changed
 * then we ask if it is ok to blow it away; this is
 * to save the user the grief of losing text. The
 * window chain is nearly always wrong if this gets
 * called; the caller must arrange for the updates
 * that are required. Return TRUE if everything
 * looks good.
bclear(bp) register BUFFER *bp;
	register LINE	*lp;
	register int	s;
	if ((bp->b_flag&BFCHG) != 0		/* Changed.		*/
	&& (s=eyesno("Text modified -- are you sure")) != TRUE)
		return (s);
	bp->b_flag  &= ~BFCHG;			/* Not changed		*/
	while ((lp=lforw(bp->b_linep)) != bp->b_linep)
	bp->b_dotp  = bp->b_linep;		/* Fix "."		*/
	bp->b_doto  = 0;
	bp->b_markp = NULL;			/* Invalidate "mark"	*/
	bp->b_marko = 0;
	return (TRUE);

 * Display the given buffer in the given window. Flags indicated
 * action on redisplay.
showbuffer(bp, wp, flags) register BUFFER *bp; register WINDOW *wp;
	register BUFFER	*obp;
	WINDOW		*owp;

	if (wp->w_bufp == bp)
	{			/* Easy case!	*/
		wp->w_flag |= flags;
		return TRUE ;

	/* First, dettach the old buffer from the window */
	if ((bp->b_altb = obp = wp->w_bufp) != NULL)
		if (--obp->b_nwnd == 0)
			obp->b_dotp  = wp->w_dotp;
			obp->b_doto  = wp->w_doto;
			obp->b_markp = wp->w_markp;
			obp->b_marko = wp->w_marko;

	/* Now, attach the new buffer to the window */
	wp->w_bufp = bp;

	if (bp->b_nwnd++ == 0)
	{		/* First use.		*/
		wp->w_dotp  = bp->b_dotp;
		wp->w_doto  = bp->b_doto;
		wp->w_markp = bp->b_markp;
		wp->w_marko = bp->b_marko;
	/* already on screen, steal values from other window */
		for (owp = wheadp; owp != NULL; owp = wp->w_wndp)
			if (wp->w_bufp == bp && owp != wp)
				wp->w_dotp  = owp->w_dotp;
				wp->w_doto  = owp->w_doto;
				wp->w_markp = owp->w_markp;
				wp->w_marko = owp->w_marko;
	wp->w_flag |= WFMODE|flags;
	return TRUE;

 * Turn off the dirty bit on this buffer.
notmodified(f, n, k)
	register WINDOW *wp;
	curbp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG;
	wp = wheadp;				/* Update mode lines.	*/
	while (wp != NULL)
		if (wp->w_bufp == curbp)
			wp->w_flag |= WFMODE;
		wp = wp->w_wndp;

	return (TRUE);
  echo "will not over write ./buffer.c"
echo "Finished archive 4 of 5"
Mark A. Hargrove                                             U.S. TeleCenters
Voice: 408-496-1800                                          Santa Clara, CA
uucp : {dual, hoptoad, hplabs, portal, ptsfa}!well!ustel