[net.jobs] Postdocs at UC, San Diego

norman@sdcsla.UUCP (Donald A. Norman) (02/12/85)

	This note is to announce the formation of a new collaborative
research group: the NPRDC-UCSD Intelligent Systems Group (ISG).  ISG is
concerned with addressing basic research questions involving intelligent
graphical interfaces, computational accounts of cognition, knowledge
representation, human machine interaction, and elicitation of expert
knowledge.  The group has excellent computational facilities.  Currently
this includes four Symbolics lisp machines, two Xerox Dandy-Tigers, a Xerox
Dorado, and arpanet access via central Vax computers.  The Institute for
Cognitive Science, of which ISG is a member, has a network of 15 SUN
workstations and a Vax. 

	A number of post-doctoral fellowships are available for recent
cognitive science or artificial intelligence PhDs.  Fellowships are for
two-years with an option of a third year.  Stipend is approximately
30K/year with an additional allowance of 6K for relocation and professional
travel.  The postdoctoral fellowships come from NPRDC (the Navy Personnel
Research and Development Center, San Diego).  Fellows will work in ISG on
the UCSD campus.  Interested applicants should communicate with
James D. Hollan or Donald A. Norman, Intelligent Systems Group;
Institute for Cognitive Science C-015;  University of California, San Diego;
La Jolla, CA 92093.  Arpanet addresses:  hollan@nprdc or norman@nprdc.