gordon@1solaria.ori-cal.com (Gordon) (05/17/88)
comp.sources.misc: Volume 3, Issue 22 Submitted-By: "Gordon" <gordon@1solaria.ori-cal.com> Archive-Name: calcdate I thought the net folks might find this useful, if something like it doesn't exist already. I couldn't find anything, so... I probably should make a little disclaimer here, in reference to the lack of a "user-friendly" option of being prompted for the information, so here goes; This is just something I whipped up fairly quickly and then redid to add the second feature (diff between dates), and for our uses here it was deemed (yes, I consulted the users) unnecessary to have prompts. If anyone out there disagrees, please feel free to make the mod and post it. Hope some of you find it useful... -=gordon=- Oh, yeah... Neither ORI/Calculon nor myself, nor anyone else, warranty this product in any way, and accept no responsibility if it doesn't work right. Of course, I know for sure that it works under SCO XENIX V, Altos UNIX V, and Intel XENIX 3.5 (a brain-dead Sys III port), so it probably works on most other systems as well. ;-) --------------------- CUT HERE ------------------------->> /**************************************************************************** Program: calcdate Synopsis: calcdate mmddyy { -o [-]offset | -d mmddyy } Purpose: Calculate the target date when given an initial date and an offset in days, or the difference between two dates when given two dates. Options: There are two options as listed below. One or the other must be entered. -o [-]offset Allows the user to enter an offset (in days) and returns the initial date plus the offset. Negative offsets are permitted. -d mmddyy Allows the user to enter a second date, and returns the difference between the two dates relative to the first date. Author: Gordon A. Runkle ORI/Calculon ...uunet!men2a!1solaria!gordon *********************************************************************}********/ #include <stdio.h> #define REG 0 #define LEAP 1 #define NEG 0 #define POS 1 /* Version and usage information. usage is used to print */ char *version = "calcdate v2.01, 17 May 88, Gordon A. Runkle, ORI/Calculon\n"; char *usage = "Usage: calcdate mmddyy { -o [-]offset | -d mmddyy }\n\n"; char *prog = "calcdate"; /* External variables for holding results of parsing of date values */ int month_1, day_1, year_1, month_2, day_2, year_2; /* no_days[0] is for reg yrs, no_days[1] is for leap yrs */ int no_days[2][12] = { { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }, { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } }; main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { extern char *version, *usage; /* Test for the proper number of args. */ if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, version); fprintf(stderr, usage); exit(-1); } /* Tests first date for valid format and contents */ if (valid_date(argv[1], 1) != 0) exit(-1); /* The error message is in the function */ /* Test for an option flag in the second arg */ if (argv[2][0] != '-') { fprintf(stderr, usage); exit(-1); } /* Make a decision based on the option */ if (argv[2][1] == 'o') { if (off_calc(argv[3]) != 0) exit(-1); } else if (argv[2][1] == 'd') { if (valid_date(argv[3], 2) != 0) exit(-1); else { if (dates_calc() != 0) /* no arg is needed - valid_date */ exit (-1); /* takes care of the dates */ } } else { fprintf(stderr, usage); exit(-1); } return(0); } /***************************************/ valid_date(tst_date, date_flag) char tst_date[]; int date_flag; { extern int month_1, day_1, year_1; extern int month_2, day_2, year_2; extern char *prog; int i, leap_flag, month, day, year; if (strlen(tst_date) != 6) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: date must be entered as mmddyy\n", prog); return(-1); } for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) if (tst_date[i] < '0' || tst_date[i] > '9') { fprintf(stderr, "%s: date must be entered as mmddyy\n", prog); return(-1); } sscanf(tst_date, "%2d%2d%2d", &month, &day, &year); if (month > 12) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid month %d\n", prog, month); return(-1); } if (year % 4 == 0) leap_flag = LEAP; else leap_flag = REG; if (day > no_days[leap_flag][month - 1]) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid day %d\n", prog, day); return(-1); } /* This determines where our carefully-checked values are stored */ if (date_flag == 1) { day_1 = day; month_1 = month; year_1 = year; } else if (date_flag == 2) { day_2 = day; month_2 = month; year_2 = year; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected error assigning date values\n", prog); return(-1); } return(0); } /***************************************/ off_calc(offset) char offset[]; { extern int no_days[2][12]; extern int month_1, day_1, year_1; extern char *prog; int atoi(); int i_offset, n_month, n_day, n_year, month_bal; int i, leap_flag; char newdate[7]; /* This checks for a valid offset value. Negative values are allowed and checked for. It stops at the first null. */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (offset[i] == '\0') break; if (i == 0 && offset[i] == '-') continue; if (offset[i] < '0' || offset[i] > '9') { fprintf(stderr, "%s: offset must be entered as an integer\n", prog); exit(-1); } } i_offset = atoi(offset); /* This is the beginning of the neat stuff. I hope it works! */ /* leap year is when =>> year % 4 == 0 */ n_year = year_1; /* the *_1 is used, as this is the value of the */ n_month = month_1; /* first date entered */ n_day = day_1; if (i_offset >= 0) { while (i_offset > 0) { if (n_year % 4 == 0) leap_flag = LEAP; else leap_flag = REG; month_bal = no_days[leap_flag][n_month - 1] - n_day; if (i_offset > month_bal) { i_offset -= month_bal; n_month++; if (n_month > 12) { n_month = 1; n_year++; if (n_year > 99) n_year = 0; } n_day = 0; } else { n_day += i_offset; i_offset = 0; } } } else { while (i_offset < 0) /* this loop processes neg offsets */ { if (n_year % 4 == 0) leap_flag = LEAP; else leap_flag = REG; month_bal = n_day - 1; if (abs(i_offset) > month_bal) { i_offset += month_bal; n_month--; if (n_month < 1) { n_month = 12; n_year--; if (n_year < 0) n_year = 99; } n_day = no_days[leap_flag][n_month - 1] + 1; } else { n_day += i_offset; i_offset = 0; } } } sprintf(newdate, "%2d%2d%2d", n_month, n_day, n_year); for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) if (newdate[i] == ' ') newdate[i] = '0'; fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", newdate); return(0); } /***************************************/ dates_calc() { extern int no_days[2][12]; extern int month_1, day_1, year_1, month_2, day_2, year_2; int first_rec = 0, curr_offset = 0; int leap_flag, sign_flag; int start_day, start_month, start_year, end_day, end_month, end_year; /**** This section determines which date is later, so that the program may evaluate the earlier one first. There is a flag set to indicate what sign the end result should have based on whether the first date entered is earlier or later than the second. ****/ /* set the default sign */ sign_flag = NEG; if (year_1 < year_2) sign_flag = POS; else if (year_1 == year_2 && month_1 < month_2) sign_flag = POS; else if (year_1 == year_2 && month_1 == month_2 && day_1 < day_2) sign_flag = POS; /* This makes the earlier date be set to start_* */ if (sign_flag == POS) { start_day = day_1; start_month = month_1; start_year = year_1; end_day = day_2; end_month = month_2; end_year = year_2; } else { start_day = day_2; start_month = month_2; start_year = year_2; end_day = day_1; end_month = month_1; end_year = year_1; } /* The calculations below keep incrementing curr_offset and start_* until start_* == end_* */ for (;;) { if (start_year % 4 == 0) leap_flag = LEAP; else leap_flag = REG; if (first_rec == 0) { /* This is for when the month and year start out the same, and the user just wants the days (ie. 051688 052688 */ if (start_month == end_month && start_year == end_year) { curr_offset = end_day - start_day; break; } curr_offset = no_days[leap_flag][start_month - 1] - start_day; first_rec = 1; } else if (start_month == end_month && start_year == end_year) { curr_offset += end_day; break; /* This is the end of it */ } else curr_offset += no_days[leap_flag][start_month - 1]; start_month++; if (start_month > 12) { start_month = 1; start_year++; if (start_year > 99) start_year = 0; } } if (sign_flag == NEG) curr_offset = -curr_offset; fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", curr_offset); return(0); } /* end of calcdate.c -=gordon=- */