[comp.sources.misc] v03i028: mg 2a part 4 of 15

BLARSON@ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson) (05/26/88)

comp.sources.misc: Volume 3, Issue 28
Submitted-By: "Bob Larson" <BLARSON@ECLA.USC.EDU>
Archive-Name: mg2a/Part4

#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----#
# shar:    Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	kbd.c
#	kbd.h
#	key.h
#	keymap.c
#	line.c
#	macro.h
#	main.c
# This archive created: Tue May 17 18:06:01 1988
# By:	blarson
cat << \SHAR_EOF > kbd.c
 *		Terminal independent keyboard handling.
#include	"def.h"
#include	"kbd.h"

#define EXTERN
#include	"key.h"

#ifndef NO_MACRO
#include "macro.h"

#ifndef METABIT
#define METABIT 0x80

int use_metakey = TRUE;

 * Toggle the value of use_metakey
do_meta(f, n)
	if(f & FFARG)	use_metakey = n > 0;
	else		use_metakey = !use_metakey;
	ewprintf("Meta keys %sabled", use_metakey ? "en" : "dis");
	return TRUE;

#ifdef	BSMAP
static int bs_map = BSMAP;
 * Toggle backspace mapping
bsmap(f, n)
	if(f & FFARG)	bs_map = n > 0;
	else		bs_map = ! bs_map;
	ewprintf("Backspace mapping %sabled", bs_map ? "en" : "dis");
	return TRUE;

#ifndef NO_DPROMPT
#define PROMPTL 80
  char	prompt[PROMPTL], *promptp;

static	int	pushed = FALSE;
static	int	pushedc;

VOID	ungetkey(c)
int	c;
	if(use_metakey && pushed && c==CCHR('[')) pushedc |= METABIT;
		pushedc = c;
	pushed = TRUE;

int getkey(flag)
int	flag;
	int	c;
	char	*keyname();

#ifndef NO_DPROMPT
	if(flag && !pushed) {
		if(prompt[0]!='\0' && ttwait()) {
			ewprintf("%s", prompt);	/* avoid problems with % */
			update();		/* put the cursor back	 */
			epresf = KPROMPT;
		if(promptp > prompt) *(promptp-1) = ' ';
	if(pushed) {
		c = pushedc;
		pushed = FALSE;
	} else	c = getkbd();
#ifdef 	BSMAP
		if(c==CCHR('H')) c=CCHR('?');
		else if(c==CCHR('?')) c=CCHR('H');
	if(use_metakey && (c&METABIT)) {
		pushedc = c & ~METABIT;
		pushed = TRUE;
		c = CCHR('[');
#ifndef NO_DPROMPT
	if(flag && promptp < &prompt[PROMPTL - 5]) {
	    promptp = keyname(promptp, c);
	    *promptp++ = '-';
	    *promptp = '\0';
	return c;

 * doscan scans a keymap for a keyboard character and returns a pointer
 * to the function associated with that character.  Sets ele to the
 * keymap element the keyboard was found in as a side effect.


    if (n < 0)	return FALSE;
    if (n == 0) return TRUE;
    c = key.k_chars[key.k_count-1];
#ifndef NO_MACRO
    if(macrodef && macrocount < MAXMACRO) {
	if(f & FFARG) macrocount -= 2;
	if(lastflag & CFINS) {	/* last command was insert -- tack on end */
	    if(maclcur->l_size < maclcur->l_used + n) {
		if((lp = lallocx(maclcur->l_used + n)) == NULL)
		    return FALSE;
		lp->l_fp = maclcur->l_fp;
		lp->l_bp = maclcur->l_bp;
		lp->l_fp->l_bp = lp->l_bp->l_fp = lp;