alan@leadsv.UUCP (Alan Strassberg) (08/15/88)
Posting-number: Volume 4, Issue 26 Submitted-by: "Alan Strassberg" <alan@leadsv.UUCP> Archive-name: tptctest/Part1 [WARNING!!! This software is shareware and copyrighted. Those who do not accept such programs should give this a miss. ++bsa] #--------------------------------CUT HERE------------------------------------- #! /bin/sh # # This is a shell archive. Save this into a file, edit it # and delete all lines above this comment. Then give this # file to sh by executing the command "sh file". The files # will be extracted into the current directory owned by # you with default permissions. # # The files contained herein are: # # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 343 Aug 14 17:08 acker.pas # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 48 Aug 14 17:08 compall.bat # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 32 Aug 14 17:08 compold.bat # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 4499 Aug 14 17:08 dia.pas # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 1403 Aug 14 17:08 dial.pas # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 277 Aug 14 17:08 doall.bat # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 1091 Aug 14 17:08 findchrs.pas # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 5132 Aug 14 17:08 fmap.pas # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 1785 Aug 14 17:08 linklist.pas # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 32 Aug 14 17:08 look.bat # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 6778 Aug 14 17:08 minicrt.pas # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 1300 Aug 14 17:08 mtplus.pas # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 531 Aug 14 17:08 point4.pas # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 451 Aug 14 17:08 pointers.pas # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 4577 Aug 14 17:08 puzzle.pas # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 2131 Aug 14 17:08 qsort.pas # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 3939 Aug 14 17:08 readme # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 2060 Aug 14 17:08 sets.pas # echo 'x - acker.pas' if test -f acker.pas; then echo 'shar: not overwriting acker.pas'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > acker.pas X X(* X * Ackerman function X *) X Xprogram Acker; X XVar X R : Integer; X X function A(M, N : Integer) : Integer; X begin X if M = 0 then X A := N+1 X else X if N = 0 then X A := A(M-1, 1) X else X A := A(M-1, A(M, N-1)); X end; X Xbegin X WriteLn('Ackerman function...'); X R := A(3, 6); X WriteLn('finished, R=',R); Xend. ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < acker.pas` -ne 343; then echo 'shar: acker.pas was damaged during transit (should have been 343 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - compall.bat' if test -f compall.bat; then echo 'shar: not overwriting compall.bat'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > compall.bat Xfor %%f in (*.c) do call compold %%f Xq \tmp\*.c ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < compall.bat` -ne 48; then echo 'shar: compall.bat was damaged during transit (should have been 48 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - compold.bat' if test -f compold.bat; then echo 'shar: not overwriting compold.bat'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > compold.bat X@echo off Xfc %1 old\%1 >\tmp\%1 ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < compold.bat` -ne 32; then echo 'shar: compold.bat was damaged during transit (should have been 32 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - dia.pas' if test -f dia.pas; then echo 'shar: not overwriting dia.pas'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > dia.pas X X(* X * hardware diagnostic utility X * s.h.smith, 13-jan-87 X * X *) X{$c-} X Xtype X anystring = string[80]; Xvar X hardware: char; X Xfunction digit(i: integer): char; Xbegin X i := i and 15; X if i > 9 then i := i + 7; X digit := chr(i + ord('0')); Xend; X Xfunction itoh(i: integer): anystring; Xbegin X itoh := {digit(i shr 12) + digit(i shr 8) + } X digit(i shr 4) + digit(i); Xend; X Xfunction itob(i: integer): anystring; Xconst X bits: array[0..15] of anystring = X ('0000','0001','0010','0011', X '0100','0101','0110','0111', X '1000','1001','1010','1011', X '1100','1101','1110','1111'); Xbegin X itob := bits[(i shr 4) and 15] + bits[i and 15]; Xend; X Xfunction htoi(h:anystring): integer; Xvar X i,j: integer; Xbegin X j := 0; X for i := 1 to length(h) do X j := j * 16 + pos(upcase(h[i]),'123456789ABCDEF'); X htoi := j; Xend; X Xprocedure determine_hardware; Xbegin X port[$342] := 6; X case port[$342] and 7 of X 1: hardware := 'B'; X 7,0: hardware := 'A'; X else hardware := 'B'; X end; X X writeln('hardware: rev ',hardware); Xend; X X Xprocedure readanalog; Xvar X h,l: integer; X s: anystring; X d: char; X Xbegin X write('display data (y/n/b)? '); X read(kbd,s[1]); X d := upcase(s[1]); X X while not keypressed do X begin X port[$341] := 0; {start conversion}; X repeat X l := port[$342]; X until ((l and $80) = 0) or keypressed; X X l := port[$340]; X h := port[$341]; X X case d of X 'Y': write(itoh(h),itoh(l),' '); X 'B': write(itob(h),itob(l),' '); X end; X end; Xend; X X Xprocedure readport; Xvar X p: integer; X s: anystring; X d: integer; X Xbegin X write('read what port(hex): '); X readln(s); X p := htoi(s); X X write('display data(y/n/b)? '); X read(kbd,s[1]); X X writeln('reading from port $',itoh(hi(p)), itoh(lo(p))); X X if upcase(s[1]) = 'Y' then X while not keypressed do X write(itoh(port[p]),' ') X else X X if upcase(s[1]) = 'B' then X while not keypressed do X write(itob(port[p]),' ') X X else X while not keypressed do X d := port[p]; Xend; X X Xprocedure writetest; Xvar X p: integer; X d: integer; X d2:integer; X s: anystring; X Xbegin X write('write what port(hex): '); X readln(s); X p := htoi(s); X X write('write what data(hex): '); X readln(s); X d := htoi(s); X X writeln('writing data $',itoh(lo(d)), X ' to port $',itoh(hi(p)), itoh(lo(p))); X X while not keypressed do X port[p] := d; Xend; X X X Xprocedure writetoggle; Xvar X p: integer; X d: integer; X d1: integer; X s: anystring; X v: integer; X Xbegin X write('write toggle to what port(hex): '); X readln(s); X p := htoi(s); X X write('toggle from bits(hex): '); X read(s); X d := htoi(s); X X write(' to bits(hex): '); X readln(s); X d1 := htoi(s); X X writeln('toggle data between $',itoh(d),' and $',itoh(d1), X ' to port $',itoh(hi(p)), itoh(lo(p))); X X while not keypressed do X for v := 1 to 5 do X begin X port[p] := d; X port[p] := d1; X end; Xend; X X Xprocedure setmux; Xvar X m: integer; Xbegin X write('what mux channel 0..7: '); X readln(m); X port[$342] := m; Xend; X X Xprocedure pause; Xbegin X writeln; X write('press <enter> to continue'); X readln; X writeln; Xend; X Xprocedure map_ports; Xbegin X writeln('DASH8_base_address = $340;'); X writeln('DASH8_data_lo = $340; {low data register}'); X writeln('DASH8_data_hi = $341; {high data register}'); X writeln('DASH8_start_cmd = $341; {start-conversion by writing to this port}'); X writeln('DASH8_op_port = $342; {parallel output}'); X writeln(' ANALOG_mux_bits = $07; {multiplex select bits}'); X writeln(' old_ANALOG_power_supply_enable_bit = $80;'); X writeln('DASH8_ip_port = $342; {parallel input}'); X writeln(' hardware_version_mask = $7;'); X writeln(' ANALOG_end_conversion = $80; {low when conversion is finished}'); X pause; Xend; X Xvar X cmd: anystring; X Xbegin X textbackground(0); X clrscr; X X repeat X writeln; X writeln('hardware diagnostic 14-jan-87 (30-apr-87)'); X determine_hardware; X X writeln; X write('read, write, toggle, analog, mux, ?=map (r/w/t/a/m/?/q)? '); X read(kbd,cmd[1]); X writeln(cmd[1]); X X case upcase(cmd[1]) of X 'R': readport; X 'W': writetest; X 'T': writetoggle; X 'A': readanalog; X 'M': setmux; X 'Q': halt; X '?': map_ports; X end; X X if keypressed then X read(kbd,cmd[1]); X X until true=false; Xend. X ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < dia.pas` -ne 4499; then echo 'shar: dia.pas was damaged during transit (should have been 4499 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - dial.pas' if test -f dial.pas; then echo 'shar: not overwriting dial.pas'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > dial.pas X X(* X * Usage: DIAL xxx-xxxx X *) X Xprogram Dial; X {dials number on command line to Hayes compatible modem on COM1} X Xconst X Com_Base = $3F8; {Use 3F8 for COM1, 2F8 for COM2} X X {Offsets from Com_Base for async control ports } X RX = 0; {Receiver Buffer Register } X TX = 0; {Transmitter Buffer Register } X LC = 3; {Line Control Register } X MC = 4; {Modem Control Register } X LS = 5; {Line Status Register } X DLL = 0; {Divisor Latch, Low Order Byte } X DLH = 1; {Divisor Latch, High Order Byte} X X No_Parity = $03; X Xtype X anystring = string[80]; X X Xprocedure send(command: anystring); Xvar X P: integer; X C: char; X I: integer; X Xbegin X X {send string to modem} X for P := 1 to length(command) do X begin X C := command[P]; X Port[com_base+TX] := C; X repeat X until Port[com_base+LS] >= $20; X P := Succ(P); X X I := 0; X repeat X I := Succ(I); X until I >= 1000; X end; Xend; X X Xbegin X {init modem} X Port[com_base+LC] := $83; {Set baud rate, No parity, 8 bits} X Port[com_base+DLL] := 96; {1200 baud} X Port[com_base+DLH] := 0; X Port[com_base+LC] := No_Parity; X Port[com_base+MC] := $03; {Turn ON DTR and RTS} X X {set up modem control string} X send('ATDT' + paramstr(1) + ^M); Xend. ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < dial.pas` -ne 1403; then echo 'shar: dial.pas was damaged during transit (should have been 1403 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - doall.bat' if test -f doall.bat; then echo 'shar: not overwriting doall.bat'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > doall.bat Xrem translate all sample programs to c Xset tptc=-l -wj: -sc:\inc -i Xfor %%f in (tptcsys minicrt acker dia dial fmap puzzle qsort sieve test test2 unsq) do tptc %%f Xfor %%f in (varrec timedat4 smallrec subrange sets pointers point4 linklist findchrs) do tptc %%f Xtptc mtplus -m ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < doall.bat` -ne 277; then echo 'shar: doall.bat was damaged during transit (should have been 277 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - findchrs.pas' if test -f findchrs.pas; then echo 'shar: not overwriting findchrs.pas'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > findchrs.pas X X(* X * Example of sets of characters X * X *) X Xprogram Find_All_Lower_Case_Characters; X Xconst X String_Size = 30; X Xtype X Low_Set = set of 'a'..'z'; X Xvar X Data_Set : Low_Set; X Storage : string[String_Size]; X Index : 1..String_Size; X Print_Group : string[26]; X Xbegin (* main program *) X Data_Set := []; X Print_Group := ''; X Storage := 'This is a set test.'; X X for Index := 1 to Length(Storage) do begin X if Storage[Index] in ['a'..'z'] then begin X if Storage[Index] in Data_Set then X Writeln(Index:4,' ',Storage[Index], X ' is already in the set') X else begin X Data_Set := Data_Set + [Storage[Index]]; X Print_Group := Print_Group + Storage[Index]; X Writeln(Index:4,' ',Storage[Index], X ' added to group, complete group = ', X Print_Group); X end; X end X else X Writeln(Index:4,' ',Storage[Index], X ' is not a lower case letter'); X end; Xend. (* of main program *) ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < findchrs.pas` -ne 1091; then echo 'shar: findchrs.pas was damaged during transit (should have been 1091 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - fmap.pas' if test -f fmap.pas; then echo 'shar: not overwriting fmap.pas'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > fmap.pas X X(* X * fmap - find symbols related to an address in a .MAP load X * map generated by LINK or TMAP X * X * S.H.Smith, 27-jan-86 X * X *) X X{$g512,p512,c-} X Xconst X version = 'FMAP 1.0 (1/26/87 SHS)'; X Xtype X anystring = string[80]; X Xvar X line: anystring; X fd: text[10240]; X target: anystring; X mapname: anystring; X X Xprocedure abort_check; Xbegin X if keypressed then X begin X writeln('aborted'); X halt; X end; Xend; X X Xprocedure parse_segments; Xbegin X writeln('Segments'); X repeat X readln(fd,line); X until length(line) < 20; Xend; X X Xprocedure parse_by_name; Xbegin X writeln('Names'); X readln(fd,line); X X repeat X readln(fd,line); X abort_check; X until length(line) < 17; Xend; X X Xprocedure parse_by_value; Xvar X pr: anystring; X ad: anystring; X ppr: anystring; X pad: anystring; X pline: anystring; X Xbegin X writeln('Values'); X readln(fd,line); X pad := '0000'; X ppr := ''; X X repeat X ad := copy(line,7,4); X pr := copy(line,18,99); X if (ppr <> '') and (target >= pad) and (target < ad) then X writeln(pad,'-',ad,' ',pline); X X pad := ad; X ppr := pr; X pline := line; X X readln(fd,line); X abort_check; X until length(line) < 17; Xend; X X Xprocedure output_lines(name: anystring; first, last: integer); Xvar X fd: text[1024]; X n: integer; X b: anystring; X Xbegin X writeln('Output lines ',first,'-',last,' from ',name); X assign(fd,name); X{$i-} X reset(fd); X{$i+} X if ioresult <> 0 then X begin X writeln('can''t find source file: ',name); X writeln('need lines ',first,'-',last); X halt; X end; X X{$i-} X for n := 1 to first-1 do X readln(fd,b); X X for n := first to last+1 do X begin X writeln(n:6,'| ',b); X readln(fd,b); X abort_check; X end; X{$i+} X X close(fd); Xend; X X Xvar X name: anystring; X ln: integer; X ad: anystring; X pln: integer; X pad: anystring; X first: boolean; X X procedure check_match; X begin X writeln(' check match, ',pad,'-',ad,' lines ',pln,'-',ln); X X if (pln <> 0) and (target >= pad) and (target < ad) then X begin X if first then X begin X writeln; X writeln('=============================='); X writeln(name); X first := false; X end; X X if (ln-pln) < 20 then X begin X writeln('---------'); X writeln(pad,'-',ad); X output_lines(name,pln,ln); X end X else X begin X writeln('---------'); X writeln(pad,'-',ad,' lines ',pln,'-',ln); X end; X end; X end; X Xprocedure parse_line_numbers; Xvar X i: integer; X code: integer; X buf: anystring; X Xbegin X writeln('Line numbers: ',line); X X i := pos('(',line) + 1; X name := ''; X while line[i] <> ')' do X begin X name := name + line[i]; X i := i + 1; X end; X X readln(fd,line); X writeln('name=[',name,']'); X X pln := 0; X pad := '0000'; X first := true; X X repeat X abort_check; X X while length(line) > 6 do X begin X X {extract the line number} X buf := copy(line,1,5); X while copy(buf,1,1) = ' ' do X delete(buf,1,1); X val(buf,ln,code); X X {extract the code address} X ad := copy(line,12,4); X X {remove the processed part of the line} X delete(line,1,17); X X {if target is between two lines, then print it out} X check_match; X X pad := ad; X pln := ln; X end; X X readln(fd,line); X until length(line) < 6; X X check_match; {process the last line} Xend; X X Xprocedure parse_others; Xbegin X writeln('Other: ',line); X readln(fd,line); Xend; X X Xprocedure parse_mapfile; Xbegin X writeln('Scanning mapfile ',mapname); X writeln('for address ',target,':'); X writeln; X X readln(fd,line); X X while not eof(fd) do X begin X if copy(line,1,30) = ' Start Stop Length Name ' then X parse_segments X else X if copy(line,1,30) = ' Address Publics by N' then X parse_by_name X else X if copy(line,1,30) = ' Address Publics by V' then X parse_by_value X else X if copy(line,1,17) = 'Line numbers for ' then X parse_line_numbers X else X parse_others; X X abort_check; X end; X X close(fd); Xend; X X Xvar X i: integer; X Xbegin X writeln; X writeln(version); X writeln; X X if paramcount <> 2 then X begin X writeln('Usage: fmap MAPFILE TARGET_ADDRESS'); X writeln('Finds references to TARGET_ADDRESS in MAPFILE.'); X halt(1); X end; X X mapname := paramstr(1); X if pos('.',mapname) = 0 then X mapname := mapname + '.MAP'; X X assign(fd,mapname); X{$i-} X reset(fd); X{$i+} X if ioresult <> 0 then X begin X writeln('can''t open mapfile: ',mapname); X halt; X end; X X target := paramstr(2); X for i := 1 to length(target) do X target[i] := upcase(target[i]); X X if length(target) <> 4 then X begin X writeln('TARGET_ADDRESS must be 4 hex digits'); X halt; X end; X X parse_mapfile; X writeln; Xend. X ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < fmap.pas` -ne 5132; then echo 'shar: fmap.pas was damaged during transit (should have been 5132 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - linklist.pas' if test -f linklist.pas; then echo 'shar: not overwriting linklist.pas'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > linklist.pas X X(* X * Example of pointer manipulation with circular type declarations X * X *) X Xprogram Linked_List_Example; X Xtype X Next_Pointer = ^Full_Name; X X Full_Name = record X First_Name : string[12]; X Initial : char; X Last_Name : string[15]; X Next : Next_Pointer; X end; X Xvar X Start_Of_List : Next_Pointer; X Place_In_List : Next_Pointer; X Temp_Place : Next_Pointer; X Index : integer; X Xbegin (* main program *) X (* generate the first name in the list *) X New(Place_In_List); X Start_Of_List := Place_In_List; X Place_In_List^.First_Name := 'John'; X Place_In_List^.Initial := 'Q'; X Place_In_List^.Last_Name := 'Doe'; X Place_In_List^.Next := nil; X (* generate another name in the list *) X Temp_Place := Place_In_List; X New(Place_In_List); X Temp_Place^.Next := Place_In_List; X Place_In_List^.First_Name := 'Mary'; X Place_In_List^.Initial := 'R'; X Place_In_List^.Last_Name := 'Johnson'; X Place_In_List^.Next := nil; X (* add 10 more names to complete the list *) X for Index := 1 to 10 do begin X Temp_Place := Place_In_List; X New(Place_In_List); X Temp_Place^.Next := Place_In_List; X Place_In_List^.First_Name := 'William'; X Place_In_List^.Initial := 'S'; X Place_In_List^.Last_Name := 'Jones'; X Place_In_List^.Next := nil; X end; X (* display the list on the video monitor *) X Place_In_List := Start_Of_List; X repeat X Write(Place_In_List^.First_Name); X Write(' ',Place_In_List^.Initial); X Writeln(' ',Place_In_List^.Last_Name); X Temp_Place := Place_In_List; X Place_In_List := Place_In_List^.Next; X until Temp_Place^.Next = nil; Xend. (* of main program *) ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < linklist.pas` -ne 1785; then echo 'shar: linklist.pas was damaged during transit (should have been 1785 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - look.bat' if test -f look.bat; then echo 'shar: not overwriting look.bat'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > look.bat Xfind "%1" *.inc tptc.pas >t Xq t ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < look.bat` -ne 32; then echo 'shar: look.bat was damaged during transit (should have been 32 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - minicrt.pas' if test -f minicrt.pas; then echo 'shar: not overwriting minicrt.pas'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > minicrt.pas X X(* X * MiniCrt - simplified version of Borland's CRT unit. X * Does not EVER do direct video. The standard crt unit X * locks up multi-taskers with its direct video checking before X * the user program can turn it off. X * X * Samuel H. Smith, 20-dec-87 X * X *) X X{$i} X Xunit MiniCrt; X Xinterface X X uses X Dos; X X var X stdout: text; {output through dos for ANSI compatibility} X X function KeyPressed: Boolean; X function ReadKey: Char; X X procedure Window(X1,Y1,X2,Y2: Byte); {only partial support} X X procedure GotoXY(X,Y: Byte); X function WhereX: Byte; X function WhereY: Byte; X X procedure ClrScr; X procedure ClrEol; X X procedure NormalVideo; X procedure ReverseVideo; X procedure BlinkVideo; X X X (* -------------------------------------------------------- *) X procedure ScrollUp; X {$F+} function ConFlush(var F: TextRec): integer; {$F-} X {$F+} function ConOutput(var F: TextRec): integer; {$F-} X {$F+} function ConOpen(var F: TextRec): Integer; {$F-} X X X(* -------------------------------------------------------- *) Ximplementation X X const X window_y1 : byte = 1; X window_y2 : byte = 25; X TextAttr : byte = $0f; X key_pending: char = #0; X X X (* -------------------------------------------------------- *) X function ReadKey: Char; X var X reg: registers; X begin X if key_pending <> #0 then X begin X ReadKey := key_pending; X key_pending := #0; X exit; X end; X X := $0100; {check for character} X intr($16,reg); X if (reg.flags and FZero) = 0 then X begin X := $0000; {wait for character} X intr($16,reg); X if = 0 then X key_pending := chr(reg.ah); X end X else X X begin X := $0700; {direct console input} X msdos(reg); X end; X X ReadKey := chr(; X end; X X X (* -------------------------------------------------------- *) X function KeyPressed: Boolean; X var X reg: registers; X begin X := $0b00; {ConInputStatus} X msdos(reg); X KeyPressed := ( = $FF) or (key_pending <> #0); X end; X X X (* -------------------------------------------------------- *) X procedure Window(X1,Y1,X2,Y2: Byte); X begin X window_y1 := y1; X window_y2 := y2; X end; X X X (* -------------------------------------------------------- *) X procedure GotoXY(X,Y: Byte); X var X reg: registers; X begin X reg.ah := 2; {set cursor position} X := 0; {page} X reg.dh := y-1; X reg.dl := x-1; X intr($10,reg); X end; X X X (* -------------------------------------------------------- *) X function WhereX: Byte; X var X reg: registers; X begin X reg.ah := 3; X := 0; X intr($10,reg); X WhereX := reg.dl+1; X end; X X function WhereY: Byte; X var X reg: registers; X begin X reg.ah := 3; X := 0; X intr($10,reg); X WhereY := reg.dh+1; X end; X X X (* -------------------------------------------------------- *) X procedure ClrScr; X var X reg: registers; X begin X := $0600; {scroll up, blank window} X := 0; {upper left} X reg.dx := $194F; {line 24, col 79} X := TextAttr; X intr($10,reg); X GotoXY(1,1); X end; X X X (* -------------------------------------------------------- *) X procedure ClrEol; X var X reg: registers; X begin X := $0600; {scroll up, blank window} X := wherey-1; X := wherex-1; X reg.dh :=; X reg.dl := 79; {lower column} X := TextAttr; X intr($10,reg); X end; X X X (* -------------------------------------------------------- *) X procedure NormalVideo; X begin X TextAttr := $0f; X end; X X procedure ReverseVideo; X begin X TextAttr := $70; X end; X X procedure BlinkVideo; X begin X TextAttr := $F0; X end; X X X (* -------------------------------------------------------- *) X procedure ScrollUp; X var X reg: registers; X begin X reg.ah := 6; {scroll up} X := 1; {lines} X := 0; {upper left} X reg.dh := window_y2-1; {lower line} X reg.dl := 79; {lower column} X := TextAttr; X intr($10,reg); X end; X X X (* -------------------------------------------------------- *) X {$F+} function ConFlush(var F: TextRec): integer; {$F-} X var X P: Word; X reg: registers; X x,y: byte; X X begin X {get present cursor position} X reg.ah := 3; X := 0; X intr($10,reg); X y := reg.dh+1; X x := reg.dl+1; X X {process each character in the buffer} X P := 0; X while P < F.BufPos do X begin X := ord(F.BufPtr^[P]); X X case of X 7: write(stdout,^G); X X 10: if y >= window_y2 then {scroll when needed} X ScrollUp X else X inc(y); X X 13: x := 1; X X else X begin X reg.ah := 9; {display character with TextAttr} X reg.bx := 0; {... does not move the cursor} X := 1; X := TextAttr; X intr($10,reg); X X if x = 80 then {line wrap?} X begin X x := 1; X if y >= window_y2 then {scroll during wrap?} X ScrollUp X else X inc(y); X end X else X inc(x); X end; X end; X X {position physical cursor} X reg.ah := 2; {set cursor position} X := 0; {page} X reg.dh := y-1; X reg.dl := x-1; X intr($10,reg); X X inc(P); X end; X X F.BufPos:=0; X ConFlush := 0; X end; X X X {$F+} function ConOutput(var F: TextRec): integer; {$F-} X begin X ConOutput := ConFlush(F); X end; X X X {$F+} function ConOpen(var F: TextRec): Integer; {$F-} X begin X F.InOutFunc := @ConOutput; X F.FlushFunc := @ConFlush; X F.CloseFunc := @ConFlush; X F.BufPos := 0; X ConOpen := 0; X end; X X X (* -------------------------------------------------------- *) Xvar X e: integer; X Xbegin X X{$IFDEF DEBUGGING} X writeln('minicrt init'); X{$ENDIF} X X with TextRec(output) do X begin X InOutFunc := @ConOutput; X FlushFunc := @ConFlush; X OpenFunc := @ConOpen; X BufPos := 0; X end; X X {error #18 has been reported here when operating under desqview} X {what is 18, anyway??} X assign(stdout,''); X {$i-} rewrite(stdout); {$i+} X e := ioresult; X if e <> 0 then X writeln('[error ',e,' on stdout]'); Xend. X ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < minicrt.pas` -ne 6778; then echo 'shar: minicrt.pas was damaged during transit (should have been 6778 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - mtplus.pas' if test -f mtplus.pas; then echo 'shar: not overwriting mtplus.pas'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > mtplus.pas X X(* X * Example of PASCAL/MT+ X *) X XMODULE MENUS; X XCONST X{$I MENUS.CON} X XVAR X DUMMY_B: BOOLEAN; X DATE: STRING[12]; X REVS: BYTE; X WAIT_PERIOD: LONGINT; X S: STRING; {default length?} X IN_TOP_LEVEL: EXTERNAL BOOLEAN; X MNS: EXTERNAL ARRAY [1..200] OF STRING[40]; X L_MARGIN: EXTERNAL BYTE; X X (*------- notice the external declaration -------*) X X EXTERNAL PROCEDURE PUTCHRS(CH: CHAR ; CNT: INTEGER); X EXTERNAL FUNCTION WAIT_FOR_CHAR: CHAR; X EXTERNAL FUNCTION GET_CHR_AND_MESSAGES: CHAR; X EXTERNAL FUNCTION SYS_TICK: LONGINT; X EXTERNAL PROCEDURE ANSWER; X X (*------- notice the external declaration in an overlay #1 -------*) X X EXTERNAL [1] PROCEDURE EDIT; X EXTERNAL [2] PROCEDURE PREPARE; X EXTERNAL [2] PROCEDURE SAVE_SYS_PARMS; X EXTERNAL [5] PROCEDURE LOAD_MSG; X EXTERNAL [5] PROCEDURE SAVE_MSG; X EXTERNAL [5] PROCEDURE KILL_MSG; X EXTERNAL [5] PROCEDURE VIEW_MSG; X XPROCEDURE SET_DATE(S: STRING); XBEGIN X DATE := S; X ATTR := HILT; X XYGOTO(60,1); X WRITE([ADDR(PUT_CHR)],DATE); X ATTR := NORMAL; XEND; X XPROCEDURE SWITCH(CH: CHAR); XBEGIN X C := (C & $FF00) ! ORD(CH); X (*---- ^ this is a bit-wise OR ----*) X (*---- ^ this is a bit-wise AND ----*) XEND; X X{$E-} X{$E+} X XMODEND. ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < mtplus.pas` -ne 1300; then echo 'shar: mtplus.pas was damaged during transit (should have been 1300 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - point4.pas' if test -f point4.pas; then echo 'shar: not overwriting point4.pas'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > point4.pas X X(* X * Another example of pointer manipulation X * X *) X Xtype X Int_Point = ^Integer; X Xvar X Index : Integer; X Where : ^Integer; X Who : ^Integer; X Pt1, Pt2, Pt3 : Int_Point; X Xbegin X Index := 17; X Where := @Index; X Who := @Index; X Writeln('The values are ',Index:5,Where^:5,Who^:5); X X Where^ := 23; X Writeln('The values are ',Index:5,Where^:5,Who^:5); X X Pt1 := @Index; X Pt2 := Pt1; X Pt3 := Pt2; X Pt2^ := 151; X Writeln('The Pt values are',Pt1^:5,Pt2^:5,Pt3^:5); Xend. ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < point4.pas` -ne 531; then echo 'shar: point4.pas was damaged during transit (should have been 531 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - pointers.pas' if test -f pointers.pas; then echo 'shar: not overwriting pointers.pas'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > pointers.pas X(* X * Examples of pointer manipulation X * X *) X Xprogram Pointer_Use_Example; X Xtype X Name = string[20]; X Xvar X My_Name : ^Name; (* My_Name is a pointer to a string[20] *) X My_Age : ^integer; (* My_Age is a pointer to an integer *) X Xbegin X New(My_Name); X New(My_Age); X X My_Name^ := 'John Q Doe'; X My_Age^ := 27; X X Writeln('My name is ',My_Name^); X Writeln('My age is ',My_Age^:3); X X Dispose(My_Name); X Dispose(My_Age); Xend. ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < pointers.pas` -ne 451; then echo 'shar: pointers.pas was damaged during transit (should have been 451 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - puzzle.pas' if test -f puzzle.pas; then echo 'shar: not overwriting puzzle.pas'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > puzzle.pas X X(* X * Example of multi-dimensional array manipulation X *) X Xprogram Puzzle; X Xconst X XSize = 511; { d*d*d-1} X ClassMax = 3; X TypeMax = 12; X D = 8; X Xtype X PieceClass = 0..ClassMax; X PieceType = 0..TypeMax; X Position = 0..XSize; X Xvar X PieceCount : array[PieceClass] of 0..13; X Class : array[PieceType] of PieceClass; X PieceMax : array[PieceType] of Position; X Puzzle : array[Position] of Boolean; X P : array[PieceType] of array[Position] of Boolean; X P2 : array[PieceType,Position] of Boolean; {alternate form} X M, N : Position; X I, J, K : 0..13; X Kount : Integer; X X function Fit(I : PieceType; J : Position) : Boolean; X label 1; X var X K : Position; X begin X Fit := False; X for K := 0 to PieceMax[I] do X if P[I, K] then X if Puzzle[J+K] then X goto 1; X Fit := True; X1: X end; X X function Place(I : PieceType; J : Position) : Position; X label X 1; X var X K : Position; X begin X for K := 0 to PieceMax[I] do X if P[I, K] then X Puzzle[J+K] := True; X PieceCount[Class[I]] := PieceCount[Class[I]]-1; X for K := J to XSize do X if not Puzzle[K] then X begin X Place := K; X goto 1; X end; X WriteLn('Puzzle filled'); X Place := 0; X1: X end; X X procedure Remove(I : PieceType; J : Position); X var X K : Position; X begin X for K := 0 to PieceMax[I] do X if P[I, K] then X Puzzle[J+K] := False; X PieceCount[Class[I]] := PieceCount[Class[I]]+1; X end; X X function Trial(J : Position) : Boolean; X var X I : PieceType; X K : Position; X begin X for I := 0 to TypeMax do X if PieceCount[Class[I]] <> 0 then X if Fit(I, J) then X begin X K := Place(I, J); X if Trial(K) or (K = 0) then X begin X {writeln( 'Piece', i + 1, ' at', k + 1);} X Trial := True; X exit; X end X else X Remove(I, J); X end; X Trial := False; X Kount := Kount+1; X end; X Xbegin X WriteLn('Solving puzzle...'); X for M := 0 to XSize do X Puzzle[M] := True; X for I := 1 to 5 do X for J := 1 to 5 do X for K := 1 to 5 do X Puzzle[I+D*(J+D*K)] := False; X X for I := 0 to TypeMax do X for M := 0 to XSize do X P[I, M] := False; X X for I := 0 to 3 do X for J := 0 to 1 do X for K := 0 to 0 do X P[0, I+D*(J+D*K)] := True; X X Class[0] := 0; X PieceMax[0] := 3+D*1+D*D*0; X for I := 0 to 1 do X for J := 0 to 0 do X for K := 0 to 3 do X P[1, I+D*(J+D*K)] := True; X X Class[1] := 0; X PieceMax[1] := 1+D*0+D*D*3; X for I := 0 to 0 do X for J := 0 to 3 do X for K := 0 to 1 do X P[2, I+D*(J+D*K)] := True; X X Class[2] := 0; X PieceMax[2] := 0+D*3+D*D*1; X for I := 0 to 1 do X for J := 0 to 3 do X for K := 0 to 0 do X P[3, I+D*(J+D*K)] := True; X X Class[3] := 0; X PieceMax[3] := 1+D*3+D*D*0; X for I := 0 to 3 do X for J := 0 to 0 do X for K := 0 to 1 do X P[4, I+D*(J+D*K)] := True; X X Class[4] := 0; X PieceMax[4] := 3+D*0+D*D*1; X for I := 0 to 0 do X for J := 0 to 1 do X for K := 0 to 3 do X P[5, I+D*(J+D*K)] := True; X X Class[5] := 0; X PieceMax[5] := 0+D*1+D*D*3; X for I := 0 to 2 do X for J := 0 to 0 do X for K := 0 to 0 do X P[6, I+D*(J+D*K)] := True; X X Class[6] := 1; X PieceMax[6] := 2+D*0+D*D*0; X for I := 0 to 0 do X for J := 0 to 2 do X for K := 0 to 0 do X P[7, I+D*(J+D*K)] := True; X X Class[7] := 1; X PieceMax[7] := 0+D*2+D*D*0; X for I := 0 to 0 do X for J := 0 to 0 do X for K := 0 to 2 do X P[8, I+D*(J+D*K)] := True; X X Class[8] := 1; X PieceMax[8] := 0+D*0+D*D*2; X for I := 0 to 1 do X for J := 0 to 1 do X for K := 0 to 0 do X P[9, I+D*(J+D*K)] := True; X X Class[9] := 2; X PieceMax[9] := 1+D*1+D*D*0; X for I := 0 to 1 do X for J := 0 to 0 do X for K := 0 to 1 do X P[10, I+D*(J+D*K)] := True; X X Class[10] := 2; X PieceMax[10] := 1+D*0+D*D*1; X for I := 0 to 0 do X for J := 0 to 1 do X for K := 0 to 1 do X P[11, I+D*(J+D*K)] := True; X X Class[11] := 2; X PieceMax[11] := 0+D*1+D*D*1; X for I := 0 to 1 do X for J := 0 to 1 do X for K := 0 to 1 do X P[12, I+D*(J+D*K)] := True; X X Class[12] := 3; X PieceMax[12] := 1+D*1+D*D*1; X PieceCount[0] := 13; X PieceCount[1] := 3; X PieceCount[2] := 1; X PieceCount[3] := 1; X M := 1+D*(1+D*1); X Kount := 0; X X if Fit(0, M) then X N := Place(0, M) X else X WriteLn(' error 1'); X X if Trial(N) then X WriteLn(' success in ', Kount, ' trials') X else X WriteLn(' failure'); Xend. ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < puzzle.pas` -ne 4577; then echo 'shar: puzzle.pas was damaged during transit (should have been 4577 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - qsort.pas' if test -f qsort.pas; then echo 'shar: not overwriting qsort.pas'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > qsort.pas X X(* X * Non-recursive quick sort X *) X Xprogram QuickSort; X Xconst X N = 15000; X StackSize = 60; X InsertParam = 20; Xtype X Index = 0..N; Xvar X L, R, I, J, M : Index; X V, T : Integer; X S : 0..StackSize; X Stack : array[1..StackSize] of record X L, R : Index; X end; X A : array[Index] of Integer; X Xbegin { qsort} X WriteLn('Non-recursive QuickSort...'); X for I := 1 to N do X A[I] := I mod 500; X A[0] := -MaxInt; X S := 1; X Stack[1].L := 1; X Stack[1].R := N; X repeat X L := Stack[S].L; X R := Stack[S].R; X S := S-1; X while R-L > InsertParam do X begin X M := (L+R) div 2; X T := A[M]; X A[M] := A[L+1]; X A[L+1] := T; X if A[L+1] > A[R] then X begin X T := A[L+1]; X A[L+1] := A[R]; X A[R] := T; X end; X if A[L] > A[R] then X begin X T := A[L]; X A[L] := A[R]; X A[R] := T; X end; X if A[L+1] > A[L] then X begin X T := A[L+1]; X A[L+1] := A[L]; X A[L] := T; X end; X I := L+1; X J := R; X V := A[L]; X repeat X repeat X I := I+1; X until A[I] >= V; X repeat X J := J-1; X until A[J] <= V; X if I < J X then begin X T := A[I]; X A[I] := A[J]; X A[J] := T; X end; X until I > J; X A[L] := A[J]; X A[J] := V; X S := S+1; X if I-L < R-I then X begin X Stack[S].L := I; X Stack[S].R := R; X R := J-1; X end X else X begin X Stack[S].L := L; X Stack[S].R := J-1; X L := I; X end; X end; X until S = 0; X X for L := 1 to N-1 do X begin X if A[L] > A[L+1] then X begin X V := A[L+1]; X I := L; X repeat X A[I+1] := A[I]; X I := I-1; X until A[I] <= V; X A[I+1] := V; X end; X end; X X WriteLn('finished'); Xend. ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < qsort.pas` -ne 2131; then echo 'shar: qsort.pas was damaged during transit (should have been 2131 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - readme' if test -f readme; then echo 'shar: not overwriting readme'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > readme X X X X TPTC - Turbo Pascal to C translator X Version 1.7, 25-Mar-88 X X Copyright 1988 Samuel H. Smith; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED X X X These files are distributed under the SourceWare concept. X Do not distribute modified versions without my permission. X Do not use any of this in a commercial product. X Do not remove this notice or any other copyright notice. X X X X XTptc is delivered in three archives: X XTPTC17.ARC 67244 03-26-88 Translate Pascal to C. Exe+DOC files. v1.7 X This is the main distribution archive. It contains the X translator, documentation and a few supporting files. See X HISTORY.DOC for the revision history, including changes since X the manual was last updated. See TODO.DOC for a list of changes X that are planned in the near future. X XTPTC17SC.ARC 63947 03-26-88 Full Source Code for TPTC. SourceWare. v1.7 X This is the complete source code for TPTC. This is distributed X under the SourceWare concept. See the file LICENSE.DOC for X details. X XTPTC17TC.ARC 34428 03-26-88 A number of Test Cases for TPTC. v1.7 X This archive contains a number of "test cases" used to verify X the operation of TPTC. New test cases are added as the X translator development proceeds. X X X X X X X X DISCLAIMER X ========== X X IN NO EVENT WILL I BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY X LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL X DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM, OR X FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. X X X X X X X X X X X ---------------- X Turbo Pascal is a registered trademark of Borland International. X X X LICENSE X ======= X SourceWare: What is it? X ----------------------- X SourceWare is my name for a unique concept in user supported X software. X X Programs distributed under the SourceWare concept always offer X complete source code. X X This package can be freely distributed so long as it is not modified X or sold for profit. If you find that this program is valuable, you X can send me a donation for what you think it is worth. I suggest X about $20. The donation is manditory if you are using this program X in a comercial setting. X X Send your contributions to: X Samuel. H. Smith X 5119 N. 11 ave 332 X Phoenix, Az 85013 X X X Why SourceWare? X --------------- X Why do I include source code? The value of good software should be X self-evident. The source code is the key to complete understanding X of a program. You can read it to find out how things are done. You X can also change it to suit your needs, so long as you do not X distribute the modified version without my consent. X X X Copyright X --------- X If you modify this program, I would appreciate a copy of the new X source code. I am holding the copyright on the source code, so X please don't delete my name from the program files or from the X documentation. X X X SUPPORT X ======= X X I work very hard to produce a software package of the highest X quality and functionality. I try to look into all reported bugs, X and will generally fix reported problems within a few days. X X Since this is user supported software under the SourceWare concept, X I don't expect you to contribute if you don't like it or if it X doesn't meet your needs. X X If you have any questions, bugs, or suggestions, please contact me X at: X The Tool Shop BBS X (602) 279-2673 X X The latest version is always available for downloading. X X Enjoy! Samuel H. Smith X Author and Sysop of The Tool Shop. X ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < readme` -ne 3939; then echo 'shar: readme was damaged during transit (should have been 3939 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check echo 'x - sets.pas' if test -f sets.pas; then echo 'shar: not overwriting sets.pas'; else sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > sets.pas X X(* X * Examples of set manipulation X * X *) X Xprogram Define_Some_Sets; X Xtype X Goodies = (Ice_Cream,Whipped_Cream,Banana,Nuts,Cherry, X Choc_Syrup,Strawberries,Caramel,Soda_Water, X Salt,Pepper,Cone,Straw,Spoon,Stick); X X Treat = set of Goodies; X Xvar X Sundae : Treat; X Banana_Split : Treat; X Soda : Treat; X Ice_Cream_Cone : Treat; X Nutty_Buddy : Treat; X Mixed : Treat; X Index : byte; X Xbegin X (* define all ingredients used in each treat *) X Ice_Cream_Cone := [Ice_Cream,Cone]; X Soda := [Straw,Soda_Water,Ice_Cream,Cherry]; X Banana_Split := [Ice_Cream..Caramel]; X Banana_Split := Banana_Split + [Spoon]; X Nutty_Buddy := [Cone,Ice_Cream,Choc_Syrup,Nuts]; X Sundae := [Ice_Cream,Whipped_Cream,Nuts,Cherry,Choc_Syrup, X Spoon]; X X (* combine for a list of all ingredients used *) X X Mixed := Ice_Cream_Cone + Soda + Banana_Split + Nutty_Buddy + X Sundae; X Mixed := [Ice_Cream..Stick] - Mixed; (* all ingredients not used *) X X if Ice_Cream in Mixed then Writeln('Ice cream not used'); X if Whipped_Cream in Mixed then Writeln('Whipped cream not used'); X if Banana in Mixed then Writeln('Bananas not used'); X if Nuts in Mixed then Writeln('Nuts are not used'); X if Cherry in Mixed then Writeln('Cherrys not used'); X if Choc_Syrup in Mixed then Writeln('Chocolate syrup not used'); X if Strawberries in Mixed then Writeln('Strawberries not used'); X if Caramel in Mixed then Writeln('Caramel is not used'); X if Soda_Water in Mixed then Writeln('Soda water is not used'); X if Salt in Mixed then Writeln('Salt not used'); X if Pepper in Mixed then Writeln('Pepper not used'); X if Cone in Mixed then Writeln('Cone not used'); X if Straw in Mixed then Writeln('Straw not used'); X if Spoon in Mixed then Writeln('Spoon not used'); X if Stick in Mixed then Writeln('Stick not used'); Xend. ________This_Is_The_END________ if test `wc -c < sets.pas` -ne 2060; then echo 'shar: sets.pas was damaged during transit (should have been 2060 bytes)' fi fi ; : end of overwriting check exit 0