[comp.sources.misc] v04i084: 3demo program - part 3 of 4

leo@philmds.UUCP (Leo de Wit) (09/20/88)

Posting-number: Volume 4, Issue 84
Submitted-by: "Leo de Wit" <leo@philmds.UUCP>
Archive-name: 3demo/Part03

: This is a shar archive.  Extract with sh, not csh.
: This archive ends with exit, so do not worry about trailing junk.
echo 'Extracting drawlin.asm'
sed 's/^X//' > drawlin.asm << '+ END-OF-FILE drawlin.asm'
X*                                                                            *
X*    drawlin.asm version 1.0 of 19 June 1988    (c) L.J.M. de Wit 1988       *
X*                                                                            *
X* This software may be used and distributed freely if not used commercially  *
X* and the originator (me) is mentioned.                                      *
X*                                                                            *
X   section s.ccode
X   module drawlin
X   xdef drawlin
X   xref ncolor
X* void drawlin(x1,xy1,x2,y2)
X* WORD x1,y1,x2,y2;
X* frame pointer offsets for drawlin; compiler dependent
X* For Lattice C each argument on the stack has 4 bytes size
Xx1      equ 10
Xy1      equ 14
Xx2      equ 18
Xy2      equ 22
Xlogbase equ 3
Xxbios   equ 14
X       link    a6,#0
X       movem.l d4-d7/a4-a5,-(sp)
X       move.w  #logbase,-(sp)
X       trap    #xbios
X       addq.l  #2,sp
X       move.l  d0,d7                * Screen start address in d7
X       move.w  x1(a6),d0
X       move.w  x2(a6),d1
X       cmp.w   d0,d1
X       bge.s   noswap               * Swap end points iff x2 < x1
X       move.w  y2(a6),d2
X       move.w  y1(a6),y2(a6)
X       move.w  d0,x2(a6)
X       move.w  d1,x1(a6)
X       move.w  d2,y1(a6)
X       move.l  #$80008000,d4        * Mask
X       move.w  #$a0,d2              * Screen width for medium & low res: ystep
X       lea.l   ncolor,a0
X       cmp.w   #4,(a0)
X       bge.s   goodcol
X       move.w  #$50,d2              * Screen width for high res: ystep
X       move.w  d2,d0                * d0 = screen width
X       move.w  x2(a6),d5
X       sub.w   x1(a6),d5            * d5 = x2 - x1 ( == |x2 - x1| = A )
X       move.w  y2(a6),d6
X       sub.w   y1(a6),d6            * d6 = y2 - y1
X       bpl.s   posy
X       neg.w   d6                   * So  d6 = |y2 - y1| ( == B)
X       neg.w   d2                   * Make ystep negative in this case
X       move.w  x1(a6),d1
X       andi.w  #$f,d1               * d1 = x1 % 16
X       ror.l   d1,d4                * Set mask to correct starting value
X       move.w  y1(a6),d1
X       muls.w  d0,d1
X       add.l   d7,d1
X       movea.l d1,a4                * a4 = screen start + y1 * screen width
X       move.w  x1(a6),d1
X       ext.l   d1                   * d1 = x1
X       moveq.l #0,d0                * d0 = 0
X       cmp.w   #4,(a0)
X       beq.s   xy2                  * Medium res (2 bit planes)
X       bhi     xy4                  * Low res (4 bit planes)
X*****  start high res  *****
X       asr.l   #4,d1
X       asl.l   #1,d1
X       adda.l  d1,a4                * a4 += 2 * (x1 / 16)
X       cmp.l   d6,d5
X       blt.s   yx1                  * Iff A < B
X       move.w  d5,d7
X       asr.w   #1,d7                * E = A / 2, startvalue error term
X       move.w  d5,d3                * d3 = # steps (== A)
X       bra.s   xy1end
X       or.w    d4,d0                * Or in mask into new value
X       sub.w   d6,d7                * E -= B
X       bge.s   xy1not               * E >= 0: No 'y-correction yet
X       add.w   d5,d7                * Do E += A and step in y direction
X       or.w    d0,(a4)              * But first write new value to screen
X       adda.w  d2,a4                * Add ystep to screen address
X       moveq.l #0,d0                * Clear new value again
X       ror.w   #1,d4                * Step in x always includes rotating mask
X       bcc.s   xy1end               * If pixel not yet at word boundary
X       or.w    d0,(a4)+             * Else write new value & inc screen address
X       moveq.l #0,d0                * Clear new value
X       dbra    d3,xy1nxt            * A steps will be taken
X       or.w    d0,(a4)              * Value at end point
X       bra     drawex               * Finished
X       move.w  d6,d7
X       asr.w   #1,d7                * E = B / 2, startvalue error term
X       move.w  d6,d3                * d3 = # steps (== B)
X       bra.s   yx1end
X       or.w    d4,(a4)              * Or in mask into screen
X       sub.w   d5,d7                * E -= A
X       bge.s   yx1not               * E >= 0: No 'x-correction' yet
X       add.w   d6,d7                * Do E += B and step in x direction
X       ror.w   #1,d4                * Step in x always includes rotating mask
X       bcc.s   yx1not               * If pixel not at word boundary
X       addq.l  #2,a4                * Increment screen address (1 word)
X       adda.w  d2,a4                * Update screen address for ystep
X       dbra    d3,yx1nxt            * B steps will be taken
X       bra     drawex               * Finished
X*****  start med res  *****
X       asr.l   #4,d1
X       asl.l   #2,d1
X       adda.l  d1,a4                * a4 += 4 * (x1 / 16)
X       cmp.l   d6,d5
X       blt.s   yx2                  * Iff A < B
X       move.w  d5,d7
X       asr.w   #1,d7                * E = A / 2, startvalue error term
X       move.w  d5,d3                * d3 = # steps (== A)
X       bra.s   xy2end
X       or.l    d4,d0                * Or in mask into new value
X       sub.w   d6,d7                * E -= B
X       bge.s   xy2not               * E >= 0: No 'y-correction' yet
X       add.w   d5,d7                * Do E += A and step in y direction
X       or.l    d0,(a4)              * But first write new value to screen
X       adda.w  d2,a4                * Add ystep to screen address
X       moveq.l #0,d0                * Clear new value again
X       ror.l   #1,d4                * Step in x always includes rotating mask
X       bcc.s   xy2end               * If pixel not yet at word boundary
X       or.l    d0,(a4)+             * Else write new value & inc screen address
X       moveq.l #0,d0                * Clear new value
X       dbra    d3,xy2nxt            * A steps will be taken
X       or.l    d0,(a4)              * Value at end point
X       bra.s   drawex               * Finished
X       move.w  d6,d7
X       asr.w   #1,d7                * E = B / 2, startvalue error term
X       move.w  d6,d3                * d3 = # steps (== B)
X       bra.s   yx2end
X       or.l    d4,(a4)              * Or in mask into screen
X       sub.w   d5,d7                * E -= A
X       bge.s   yx2not               * E >= 0: No 'x-correction' yet
X       add.w   d6,d7                * Do E += B and step in x direction
X       ror.l   #1,d4                * Step in x always includes rotating mask
X       bcc.s   yx2not               * If pixel not at word boundary
X       addq.l  #4,a4                * Increment screen address (2 words)
X       adda.w  d2,a4                * Update screen address for ystep
X       dbra    d3,yx2nxt            * B steps will be taken
X       bra.s   drawex               * Finished
X*****  start low res  *****
X       asr.l   #4,d1
X       asl.l   #3,d1
X       adda.l  d1,a4                * a4 += 8 * (x1 / 16)
X       cmp.l   d6,d5
X       blt.s   yx4                  * Iff A < B
X       move.w  d5,d7
X       asr.w   #1,d7                * E = A / 2, startvalue error term
X       move.w  d5,d3                * d3 = # steps (== A)
X       bra.s   xy4end
X       or.l    d4,d0                * Or in mask into new value
X       sub.w   d6,d7                * E -= B
X       bge.s   xy4not               * E >= 0: No 'y-correction' yet
X       add.w   d5,d7                * Do E += A and step in y direction
X       or.l    d0,(a4)+             * But first write new value to screen
X       or.l    d0,(a4)              * And also at next address
X       subq.l  #4,a4                * Compensate for increment
X       adda.w  d2,a4                * Add ystep to screen address
X       moveq.l #0,d0                * Clear new value again
X       ror.l   #1,d4                * Step in x always includes rotating mask
X       bcc.s   xy4end               * If pixel not yet at word boundary
X       or.l    d0,(a4)+             * Else write new value & inc screen address
X       or.l    d0,(a4)+             * And again
X       moveq.l #0,d0                * Clear new value
X       dbra    d3,xy4nxt            * A steps will be taken
X       or.l    d0,(a4)+             * Value at end point
X       or.l    d0,(a4)              * And again
X       bra.s   drawex               * Finished
X       move.w  d6,d7
X       asr.w   #1,d7                * E = B / 2, startvalue error term
X       move.w  d6,d3                * d3 = # steps (== B)
X       bra.s   yx4end
X       or.l    d4,(a4)+             * Or in mask into screen
X       or.l    d4,(a4)              * And another one
X       subq.l  #4,a4                * Compensate for increment
X       sub.w   d5,d7                * E -= A
X       bge.s   yx4not               * E >= 0: No 'x-correction' yet
X       add.w   d6,d7                * Do E += B and step in x direction
X       ror.l   #1,d4                * Step in x always includes rotating mask
X       bcc.s   yx4not               * If pixel not at word boundary
X       addq.l  #8,a4                * Increment screen address (4 words)
X       adda.w  d2,a4                * Update screen address for ystep
X       dbra    d3,yx4nxt            * B steps will be taken
X       bra.s   drawex               * Finished
X       nop                          * Jump for symmetry so nop needed 8-)
X       movem.l (sp)+,d4-d7/a4-a5
X       unlk    a6
X       rts
X   end
+ END-OF-FILE drawlin.asm
chmod 'u=rw,g=r,o=' 'drawlin.asm'
echo 'SENT: -rw-r-----  1 leo          9537 Aug 21 14:35 drawlin.asm'
echo -n 'RCVD: '
/bin/ls -l drawlin.asm
echo 'Extracting mxops.asm'
sed 's/^X//' > mxops.asm << '+ END-OF-FILE mxops.asm'
X*                                                                            *
X*    mxops.asm   version 1.0 of 19 june 1988    (c) l.j.m. de wit 1988       *
X*                                                                            *
X* this software may be used and distributed freely if not used commercially  *
X* and the originator (me) is mentioned.                                      *
X*                                                                            *
X   module mxhmul
X   section s.ccode
X   xdef mxhmul
X   xdef matcopy
X*                                                                            *
X*  mxhmul(a,b,c,p,q,r)                                                       *
X*  short *a, *b, *c, p, q, r;                                                *
X*                                                                            *
X*  Matrix multiplication:                                                    *
X*  a points to an array of p * q shorts                                      *
X*  b points to an array of q * r shorts                                      *
X*  c points to an array of p * r shorts                                      *
X*  The matrices pointed to by a and b are multiplied giving an array of      *
X*  p * r longs on the stack. Then a suitable shift is chosen so that each    *
X*  long fits into a signed short after shifting. In fact the shift is even   *
X*  some more to garantee that the sum of four products of these shorts fit   *
X*  into a signed long; this guarantee must also already exist for the shorts *
X*  in the a and b arrays and is achieved by demanding:                       *
X*                                                                            *
X*           - (1 << 14) <= short < (1 << 14)                                 *
X*                                                                            *
X*  For performance reasons the case q == 4 (which is particularly            *
X*  interesting for our purposes) is handled as a special case.               *
X*                                                                            *
Xoffset   equ 40
X       movem.l  d3-d7/a3-a6,-(sp)
X       move.l   offset(sp),a0        * a
X       move.l   offset+4(sp),a2      * b
X       move.l   offset+8(sp),a5      * c
X       moveq.l  #0,d5
X       move.w   offset+14(sp),d5     * p
X       beq      mx_done
X       moveq.l  #0,d6
X       move.w   offset+18(sp),d6     * q
X       beq      mx_done
X       moveq.l  #0,d7
X       move.w   offset+22(sp),d7     * r
X       beq      mx_done
X       move.w   d5,d2
X       mulu.w   d7,d2                * p*r
X       add.w    d7,d7                * r*2
X       move.w   d7,d4
X       mulu.w   d6,d4                * q*r*2
X       move.w   d5,d0
X       mulu.w   d6,d0
X       add.w    d0,d0                * p*q*2
X       lea      -2(a0,d0.w),a1       * ap = a + p*q*2 - 2
X       move.w   (a1),d3              * *ap
X       move.w   d5,d0
X       mulu.w   d7,d0                * p*r*2
X       lea      (a5,d0.w),a5         * cp = c + p*r*2
X       add.w    d0,d0                * p*r*4
X       suba.w   d0,sp                * room for p*r longs on stack
X       movea.l  sp,a6                * a6 points to it
X       move.w   d2,d0
X       subq.l   #1,d0
X       moveq.l  #0,d1
X       move.l   d1,(a6)+
X       dbra     d0,tmpclear
X       move.w   d7,d5
X       add.w    d5,d5                * r*4
X       cmp.w    #8,d7                * i.e. r == 4
X       beq.s    mat4
X       lea      (a2,d4.w),a4         * bs = b + q*r*2
X       move.l   a4,a3                * bp = bs
X       bra.s    rowend
X       move.w   -(a3),d0
X       muls.w   d3,d0
X       add.l    d0,-(a6)             * *--tmp = *--bp * *ap
X       cmpa.l   a4,a3                * bp > bs ?
X       bgt.s    row
X       lea      (a6,d5.w),a6         * tmp += r*4
X       move.w   -(a1),d3             * *--ap
X       suba.w   d7,a4                * bs -= r*2
X       cmpa.l   a2,a4                * bs >= b ?
X       bge.s    rownxt
X       suba.w   d5,a6                * tmp -= r*4
X       cmpa.l   a0,a1                * ap >= a ?
X       bge.s    mat
X       bra.s    homgen
X       lea      (a2,d4.w),a3         * bp = b + q*r*2
X       move.w   -(a3),d0
X       muls.w   d3,d0
X       add.l    d0,-(a6)             * *--tmp = *--bp * *ap
X       move.w   -(a3),d0
X       muls.w   d3,d0
X       add.l    d0,-(a6)             * ditto
X       move.w   -(a3),d0
X       muls.w   d3,d0
X       add.l    d0,-(a6)             * ditto
X       move.w   -(a3),d0
X       muls.w   d3,d0
X       add.l    d0,-(a6)             * ditto
X       lea      (a6,d5.w),a6         * tmp += r*4
X       move.w   -(a1),d3             * *--ap
X       cmpa.l   a2,a3                * bp > b ?
X       bgt.s    row4
X       suba.w   d5,a6                * tmp -= r*4
X       cmpa.l   a0,a1                * ap >= a ?
X       bge.s    mat4
X       movea.l  sp,a6                * start of tmp area
X       move.w   d2,d0
X       subq.l   #1,d0
X       move.w   d0,d5
X       moveq.l  #0,d1
X       move.l   (a6)+,d3
X       bpl.s    sh_plus
X       neg.l    d3
X       or.l     d3,d1                * Or in each absolute value
X       dbra     d0,sh_it
X       beq.s    sh_none
X       move.l   #15,d0
X       subq.l   #1,d0
X       lsr.l    #1,d1
X       bne.s    sh_count
X       tst.w    d0                   * d0 contains: 14 - highest bit # of d1.
X       beq.s    sh_none              * No shift needed.
X       bpl.s    sh_left              * Shift to left: numbers are too small
X       neg.w    d0                   * Take abs val of shift.
X       move.l   -(a6),d1
X       asr.l    d0,d1
X       move.w   d1,-(a5)             * Put low word in array pointed to by c
X       dbra     d5,sh_right          * For each number in the array
X       bra.s    sh_zero
X       move.l   -(a6),d1
X       asl.l    d0,d1
X       move.w   d1,-(a5)             * Ditto for left shift
X       dbra     d5,sh_left
X       bra.s    sh_zero
X       move.l   -(a6),d1             * Just copy over
X       move.w   d1,-(a5)             * each low order word
X       dbra     d5,sh_none           * in case of no shift
X       asl.w    #2,d2
X       add.w    d2,sp                * effectively remove temp array from stack
X       bra.s    mx_done
X       nop
X       movem.l  (sp)+,d3-d7/a3-a6
X       rts
X*                                                                            *
X* short *matcopy(a,b,n)                                                      *
X* short *a;                                                                  *
X* short *b;                                                                  *
X* short n;                                                                   *
X*                                                                            *
X* Copy over n shorts from the array pointed to by a to that pointed to by b. *
X* The copy is done using longs (this being faster). For more speed the # of  *
X* moves inside the loop is increased (8 words at a time).                    *
X*                                                                            *
X       movea.l  4(sp),a0             * a0 = a
X       movea.l  8(sp),a1             * a1 = b
X       move.w   14(sp),d0            * d0 = n
X       asr.w    #1,d0
X       bcc.s    mc_0
X       move.w   (a0)+,(a1)+          * 1 mod 2 words so do 1 like this.
X       asr.w    #1,d0
X       bcc.s    mc_1
X       move.l   (a0)+,(a1)+          * 2 mod 4 words so do 2 like this.
X       asr.w    #1,d0
X       bcc.s    mc_2
X       move.l   (a0)+,(a1)+          * 4 mod 8 words so do 4 like this.
X       move.l   (a0)+,(a1)+
X       bra.s    mc_rep
X       move.l   (a0)+,(a1)+
X       move.l   (a0)+,(a1)+
X       move.l   (a0)+,(a1)+
X       move.l   (a0)+,(a1)+
X       dbra     d0,mc_next           * Moving 8 words at a time
X       rts
X   module mxproj
X   section s.ccode
X   xdef  mxproj
X   xref  maxx
X   xref  maxy
X*                                                                            *
X* mxproj(inarr,outarr,pcount,eye_z,scal_x,scal_y)                            *
X* short *inarr, *outarr;                                                     *
X* short pcount;                                                              *
X* short eye_z, scal_x, scal_y;                                               *
X*                                                                            *
X* Projection of inarr onto the instance's screen coordinates outarr.         *
X* inarr points to an pcount x 4 array of shorts representing the hom.        *
X* coordinates of the pcount points of the instance.                          *
X* outarr points to a pcount x 2 array of shorts representing the screen      *
X* coordinates to be calculated for each point (this array is part of the     *
X* instance).                                                                 *
X* eye_z, scal_x and scal_y are parameters that determine the projection:     *
X* eye_z: distance between observer and screen                                *
X* scal_x: scaling factor for x direction                                     *
X* scal_y: scaling factor for y direction                                     *
X*                                                                            *
Xinarr  equ 8
Xoutarr equ 12
Xpcount equ 18
Xeye_z  equ 22
Xscal_x equ 26
Xscal_y equ 30
X       link     a6,#0
X       movem.l  d3-d7/a2-a5,-(sp)
X       lea.l    maxx,a2              * a2 points to maxx
X       lea.l    maxy,a3              * a3 points to maxy
X       move.w   pcount(a6),d7
X       move.w   d7,d1
X       ext.l    d1
X       asl.l    #2,d1                * d1 = sizeof(outarr)
X       movea.l  outarr(a6),a4
X       adda.l   d1,a4                * a4 points to end of outarr
X       add.l    d1,d1
X       movea.l  inarr(a6),a5
X       adda.l   d1,a5                * a5 points to end of inarr
X       move.w   eye_z(a6),d6         * d6 = eye_z
X       move.w   scal_x(a6),d4        * d4 = scal_x
X       move.w   scal_y(a6),d5        * d5 = scal_y
X       bra.s    loop
X* call homogene coordinates of a point: (x,y,z,w)
X       move.w   -(a5),d1
X       muls.w   d6,d1
X       move.w   -(a5),d0
X       ext.l    d0
X       sub.l    d0,d1                * d1 = eye_z * w - z
X       move.w   d5,d0
X       muls.w   d6,d0
X       muls.w   -(a5),d0             * d0 = eye_z * scal_y * y
X       move.l   d1,d2
X       swap.w   d2                   * We prepare division of d0 by d1
X       moveq.l  #1,d3                * d3 will contain shift to avoid long div.
X       and.w    #$ffff,d2            * Was top word of d1
X       bpl.s    simpos
X       not.w    d2                   * Swap bits if d1 was negative
X       beq.s    simplex              * All bits zero: fits already into word
X       addq.l   #8,d3                * If not, at least a 8 bits shift
X       and.w    #$ff00,d2            * Test top byte
X       beq.s    simplex
X       addq.l   #8,d3                * Another 8 bits shift if also not 0
X       asr.l    d3,d0                * Shift each operand first
X       asr.l    d3,d1                * And the other one
X       divs.w   d1,d0                * Perform division now (d1 fits in word)
X       bpl.s    ypos
X       moveq.l  #0,d0                * Use 0 as minimum
X       cmp.w    (a3),d0
X       ble.s    ylow
X       move.w   (a3),d0              * And maxy as maximum
X       move.w   d0,-(a4)             * Store y coordinate
X       move.w   d4,d0
X       muls.w   d6,d0
X       muls.w   -(a5),d0             * d0 = scal_x * eye_z * x
X       asr.l    d3,d0                * Shift this operand too (d3 is still ok)
X       divs.w   d1,d0                * Perform division also here
X       bpl.s    xpos
X       moveq.l  #0,d0                * Use 0 as minimum
X       cmp.w    (a2),d0
X       ble.s    xlow
X       move.w   (a2),d0              * And maxx as maximum
X       move.w   d0,-(a4)             * Store x coordinate
X       dbra     d7,nxtpnt            * Repeat for each point
X       movem.l  (sp)+,d3-d7/a2-a5
X       unlk     a6
X       rts
X   end
+ END-OF-FILE mxops.asm
chmod 'u=rw,g=r,o=' 'mxops.asm'
echo 'SENT: -rw-r-----  1 leo         12831 Aug 21 15:03 mxops.asm'
echo -n 'RCVD: '
/bin/ls -l mxops.asm
echo 'Extracting matricks.h'
sed 's/^X//' > matricks.h << '+ END-OF-FILE matricks.h'
X ******************************************************************************
X *                                                                            *
X *    matricks.h  version 1.0 of 17 July 1988    (C) L.J.M. de Wit 1988       *
X *                                                                            *
X * This software may be used and distributed freely if not used commercially  *
X * and the originator (me) is mentioned.                                      *
X *                                                                            *
X ******************************************************************************
X */
X#define SV -1                       /* Special value to denote end of a list */
X#define FIXPOINT 14                 /* 1<<FIXPOINT considered fixpoint unity */
X#define QUAD(a) ((a)*(a))
X#ifdef LATTICE                      /* trick to make Lattice use faster ints */
X#define int short
X#define CLS   "\33H\33J"            /* clear screen sequence for vt52 emul. */
X/* matcompose: Multiplication of two 4 x 4 matrices leaving result in first */
X/* Because mxhmul uses an intermediate array a can be a result parameter */
X#define matcompose(a,b) mxhmul((a),(b),(a),4,4,4)
Xtypedef unsigned char bool;         /* boolean type */
Xtypedef struct polystruct {         /* polygon def: ptr to this struct */
X   int count;                       /* # of points in this polygon */
X   struct polystruct *next;         /* ptr to next polygon */
X   WORD coord[1];                   /* index of first point */
X} *polygon;                         /* the rest follows hereafter */
Xtypedef struct itstruct {           /* item definition: ptr to this struct */
X   int count;                       /* # of points in this item */
X   polygon next;                    /* pointer to polygon list */
X   WORD r_data[1][4];               /* homogene coordinates of first point; */
X} *item;                            /* the rest follows hereafter */
Xtypedef struct instruct {           /* instance def: ptr to this struct */
X   item in_item;                    /* item of which this is an instance */
X   WORD trans[4][4];                /* 4x4 homogene transformation to place it*/
X   WORD i_data[1][2];               /* screen coordinates of first point */
X} *instance;                        /* the rest follows hereafter */
Xtypedef unsigned char uchar;        /* for 'bytes' */
Xextern WORD handle;                 /* handle of virtual workstation */
Xextern WORD maxx,maxy,ncolor,
X            pixwidth, pixheight;
Xextern double maxfactor(),          /* calculate max. factor for mult. array */
X              mysin(),
X              mycos();
Xextern WORD *matreflect(),          /* create reflection matrix */
X            *matrotate(),           /* create rotation matrix */
X            *mattlate(),            /* create translation matrix */
X            *matident(),            /* create identity matrix */
X            *matseteye();           /* set eye coordinates */
Xextern item matcrit();              /* create an item */
Xextern instance matcrins();         /* create an instance of an item */
Xextern void matfrit(),              /* free an item */
X            matfrins();             /* free an instance of an item */
Xextern void insstore(),             /* store instance into array */
X            insload(),              /* load instance from array */
X            matproject(),           /* calculate screen coords for instance */
X            matdraw(),              /* draw an instance, using VDI */
X            matfdraw(),             /* draw an instance, using drawlin */
X            matapply(),             /* apply a transformation onto a matrix */
X            matstr_to_scr();        /* put string data onto screen */
Xextern uchar *matscr_to_str();      /* put screen into string data */
X/* Assembler routines for speeding up */
Xextern void mxhmul(),               /* 4x4 matrix mult. (homogene coords) */
X            mxproj(),               /* matrix projection calculation */
X            drawlin();              /* fast line drawing algorithm */
X/* graphic functions */
Xextern void gem_init(),             /* set up virt. workst & allocate screen */
X            gem_exit(),             /* clean up before exit */
X            swapscreen(),           /* swap the logical & physical screens */
X            help(),                 /* offer help info */
X            error();                /* simple error handler */
+ END-OF-FILE matricks.h
chmod 'u=rw,g=r,o=' 'matricks.h'
echo 'SENT: -rw-r-----  1 leo          4469 Aug 21 14:45 matricks.h'
echo -n 'RCVD: '
/bin/ls -l matricks.h
echo 'Extracting makefile'
sed 's/^X//' > makefile << '+ END-OF-FILE makefile'
X#Makefile for tools
XOBJECTS = 3demo.bin mat.bin mxops.bin drawlin.bin gemfuncs.bin object.bin
XSOURCES = 3demo.c mat.c mxops.asm drawlin.asm gemfuncs.c object.c
Xall: 3demo.prg
X3demo.prg : 3dlib.bin 3demo.bin
X         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) 3demo.bin -L 3dlib.bin -lgemlib -o $@
X3demo.bin : 3demo.c matricks.h
X         $(CC) -c 3demo.c
X3dlib.bin: object.bin mat.bin mxops.bin drawlin.bin gemfuncs.bin
X         cat object.bin mat.bin mxops.bin drawlin.bin gemfuncs.bin >3dlib.bin
Xgemfuncs.bin : gemfuncs.c matricks.h
X         $(CC) -c gemfuncs.c
Xmat.bin : mat.c matricks.h
X         $(CC) -c mat.c
Xobject.bin : object.c matricks.h
X         $(CC) -c object.c
Xmxops.bin: mxops.asm
X         $(AS) mxops.asm
Xdrawlin.bin: drawlin.asm
X         $(AS) drawlin.asm
+ END-OF-FILE makefile
chmod 'u=rw,g=r,o=' 'makefile'
echo 'SENT: -rw-r-----  1 leo           755 Aug 21 14:37 makefile'
echo -n 'RCVD: '
/bin/ls -l makefile
exit 0