[net.jobs] Resume of Jeff Burkhart

ted@scc.UUCP (Ted Goldstein) (03/05/85)

I am passing this resume along for a friend. Please direct al
inquiries using the telephone number below.  Jeff would like a
position in the Los Angeles area.  I recommend him. 

				Ted Goldstein,
				Freelance Consultant

ihnp4!pesnta  -\
fortune!idsvax -> scc!ted
ucbvax!twg    -/    Santa Cruz, California

Cut here

                                    jeff burkhart

                                 107 baymount street
                            santa cruz, california  95062
                                   (408) 425-1570

          objective:  software engineer systems programming

          education:  b.a. in computer and information science
                      university of california at santa cruz; march, 1985

          work experience:
               software engineer - sorcim/ius, 9/84 - present
                     current project is implementing the user interface for a
                     business oriented graphics package. this project is being
                     written in c and 8086 assembly.

               quality assurance test engineer - sorcim/ius, 6/84 - 9/84
                     was responsible for designing and implementing test
                     procedures for spreadsheets, word processors, and file
                     conversion products.

               designed an intermediate level, stack oriented language, and
               implemented a compiler for that language. the compiler was
               written in c and produced vax assembly code.

          major school projects:
               designed and implemented a linker that produced relocatable
               code for the 8086 based victor 9000.

               wrote a file system in modula-2 that was patterned after the
               unix file system.

               implemented a graphics library in c. the library provided such
               primitives as polygon filling, three dimensional transformations,
               and segmentation. the library was implemented to run on both the
               ibm pc and the hp 150.

               implemented a parser generator system. parse, screen, and scan
               tables were constructed for a tree representation of a grammar.

          relevant course work:

                          software                        hardware
          assembly language/systems programming   digital logic and comp. design
          operating systems                       computer architecture
          programming linguistics - syntax        microprocessors
          programming linguistics - semantics

          languages:  c, modula-2, pascal, 8086 assembly vax assembly
          operating systems:  unix, ms-dos, cp/m


.ce 4
jeff burkhart

107 baymount street
santa cruz, california  95062
(408) 425-1570

objective:  software engineer systems programming

education:  b.a. in computer and information science
	    university of california at santa cruz; march, 1985

work experience:
     software engineer - sorcim/ius, 9/84 - present
	   current project is implementing the user interface for a 
	   business oriented graphics package. this project is being
	   written in c and 8086 assembly.

     quality assurance test engineer - sorcim/ius, 6/84 - 9/84
	   was responsible for designing and implementing test 
	   procedures for spreadsheets, word processors, and file
	   conversion products.

     designed an intermediate level, stack oriented language, and 
     implemented a compiler for that language. the compiler was 
     written in c and produced vax assembly code.

major school projects:
     designed and implemented a linker that produced relocatable 
     code for the 8086 based victor 9000.

     wrote a file system in modula-2 that was patterned after the 
     unix file system.

     implemented a graphics library in c. the library provided such 
     primitives as polygon filling, three dimensional transformations,
     and segmentation. the library was implemented to run on both the
     ibm pc and the hp 150.

     implemented a parser generator system. parse, screen, and scan 
     tables were constructed for a tree representation of a grammar.

relevant course work:

		software			hardware
assembly language/systems programming   digital logic and comp. design
operating systems			computer architecture
programming linguistics - syntax	microprocessors
programming linguistics - semantics

languages:  c, modula-2, pascal, 8086 assembly vax assembly
operating systems:  unix, ms-dos, cp/m

				Ted Goldstein,
				Freelance Consultant

	     "Don't thank me, thank Uni" 
		 from 'This Perfect Day' by Ira Levin

ihnp4!pesnta  -\
fortune!idsvax -> scc!ted
ucbvax!twg    -/    Santa Cruz, California       (408) 662-3112