[comp.sources.misc] v07i022: CRISP release 1.9 part 01/32

allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc) (06/11/89)

Posting-number: Volume 7, Issue 22
Submitted-by: fox@marlow.UUCP (Paul Fox)
Archive-name: crisp1.9/part02

[My part # is out of step with the Subject: line -- why do people insist on
using a part 0???  ++bsa]

# shar:	Shell Archiver  (v1.22)
# This is part 1 of a multipart archive                                    
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh        
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	  help/crisp/Abbrev.hlp
#	  help/crisp/How.hlp
#	  help/crisp/Intro.hlp
#	  help/crisp/Prompt.hlp
#	  help/crisp/concept/Regexp.hlp
#	  help/crisp/concept/Buffers.hlp
#	  help/crisp/concept/Files.hlp
#	  help/crisp/concept/Windows.hlp
#	  help/crisp/concept/Blocks.hlp
#	  help/crisp/concept/Macros.hlp
#	  help/crisp/concept/Register.hlp
#	  help/crisp/concept/Proc.hlp
#	  help/crisp/env/Env.hlp
#	  help/crisp/env/Tree.hlp
#	  help/crisp/env/Switches.hlp
#	  help/crisp/env/Startup.hlp
#	  help/crisp/env/Kbd.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Compile.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Filename.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Grep.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Options.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Program.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Region.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Buflist.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Spell.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Wc.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Shell.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Abbrev.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/AbbFiles.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Ascii.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Calc.hlp
#	  help/crisp/features/Mail.hlp
#	  help/crisp/lang/Macros.hlp
#	  help/crisp/lang/Vars.hlp
#	  help/crisp/lang/Compiler.hlp
#	  help/crisp/prim/A.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/B.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/C.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/D.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/E.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/G.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/I.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/M.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/Misc.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/N.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/P.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/R.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/S.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/T.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/U.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/W.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/F.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/O.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/K.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/L.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/V.cmd
#	  help/crisp/prim/Q.cmd
#	  help/crisp/roff/page1.mm
#	  help/crisp/roff/Intro.mm
#	  help/crisp/roff/Concepts.mm
#	  help/crisp/roff/Features.mm
#	  help/crisp/roff/Lang.mm
#	  help/crisp/roff/Prim.mm
#	  help/crisp/roff/Env.mm
#	  help/crisp/roff/Install.mm
#	  help/crisp/roff/ms.mac
#	  help/crisp/sections/Arith
#	  help/crisp/sections/Misc
#	  help/crisp/sections/Debug
#	  help/crisp/sections/List
#	  help/crisp/sections/Kbd
#	  help/crisp/sections/String
#	  help/crisp/sections/Buffer
#	  help/crisp/sections/Macro
#	  help/crisp/sections/Movement
#	  help/crisp/sections/Screen
#	  help/crisp/sections/Env
#	  help/crisp/sections/Window
#	  help/crisp/sections/Proc
#	  help/crisp/sections/Scrap
#	  help/crisp/sections/Var
#	  help/crisp/sections/File
#	  help/crisp/sections/Search
if test -r s2_seq_.tmp
then echo "Must unpack archives in sequence!"
     next=`cat s2_seq_.tmp`; echo "Please unpack part $next next"
     exit 1; fi
echo "x - extracting HLP.README (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > HLP.README &&
XThis is the README file for the GRIEF Help Files.
XThe help files are mostly pure text files which can be accessed
Xvia the <Alt-H> menus available in the MAC_1.* macro package.
XThe macro makeman.m converts these macros to a troff input
Xfile and can be used to print off a copy of the manual.
XAlternatively you can modify the macro to try and produce
Xoutput suitable for your own favourite word-processing package.
XThe Help files are in a format that is relatively simple to parse
Xand perform global translations on. Look at makeman.m to see how
Xand what it does.
XContext sensitive help is not yet supported and the kbd_help macro
Xis unfinished. 
XLate News: Macros can now accept C style comments /*  */.
XFile                            Version
X============                    =======
chmod 0444 HLP.README || echo "restore of HLP.README fails"
mkdir help help/crisp >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "x - extracting help/crisp/Abbrev.hlp (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > help/crisp/Abbrev.hlp &&
XAbbreviations  are  a  short-hand way of accessing certain
Xvalue-added features of the CRISP macros.
XThere  are  two  types  of abbreviation macros - the first
Xlevel  abbreviation  facility  is  as  a short hand way of
Xtyping   in   the   names  of  macros,  e.g. at the  <F10>
X"Command:"  prompt;  the  other use of abbreviations is as
Xa   querying   mechanism   to  certain  prompts,  e.g. the
Xselection  of  files  for  the  "Edit  file:",  and  "Read
Xfile:" prompts.
XThe  abbreviations  facility  is  accessed  by hitting the
X<Tab> key when prompted on the bottom line of the screen.
XIf   the   prompt  is  the  "Command:"  prompt,  then  the
Xabbreviation  facility  can  be  used  to select any CRISP
Xbuiltin-macro,  or  user  defined macro. The abbreviations
Xmacro  firstly  compiles  a list of all macros which start
Xwith  the  prefix  entered  by  the user. If there is only
Xone  macro,  then  the  current  input  is replaced by the
Xfull-name  of  the  abbreviated  macro.  If  there is more
Xthan  one  unique  macro  name,  then  a  pop-up window is
Xplaced  on  the  screen,  with all the valid abbreviations
Xin  alphabetical  order.  The  user  can  use  the  normal
Xcursor  movement  keys  to  select  an option (terminating
Xthe  selection  with <Enter>), or using <Esc> to abort the
XSome  macros  have  different abbreviation facilities. For
Xexample,   the  following  macros  provide  for  file-name
X	(edit_file)
X	(read_file)
X	(output_file)
XIn  this  case,  if the user hits <Tab> in response to the
Xcommand  prompt,  then  a  window containing a list of all
Xfiles  in  the current directory is popped up. If the user
Xhas  already  typed  in  part  of  a  filename,  then  the
Xfile-name  list  will  be all those files which start with
Xthe characters typed in by the user.
chmod 0644 help/crisp/Abbrev.hlp || echo "restore of help/crisp/Abbrev.hlp fails"
mkdir help help/crisp >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "x - extracting help/crisp/How.hlp (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > help/crisp/How.hlp &&
XHelp  is  normally  accessible  by typing <Alt-H>. When this
Xis  typed,  a  top-level menu is presented allowing the user
Xto  select  different help options. The help is organised in
Xan  attempt  to  provide  access  to the different topics of
Xthe help, with a minimal amount of menu hunting.
XHelp  can  also be accessed from any pop-up menu by pressing
X<Alt-H>.  Selection  menus  have  help  available  for  each
Xtopic in the menu.
XWhen  presented  with  a  selection  menu  (current entry is
Xhighlited,   on   color   terminals  this  defaults  to  red
Xbackground   with   green  foreground),  the  <Up>,  <Down>,
X<PgDn>,  <PgUp>,  <Home>, and <End> keys may be used to move
Xaround the menus.
XMenu  items  may also be selected by typing the first letter
Xof the menu item.
chmod 0644 help/crisp/How.hlp || echo "restore of help/crisp/How.hlp fails"
mkdir help help/crisp >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "x - extracting help/crisp/Intro.hlp (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > help/crisp/Intro.hlp &&
XCRISP  is  an extensible programmers editor which has many
Xfeatures  which  make  the  task  of  editing an enjoyable
XThis section describes how to use the help system.
XThe  Help  subsystem  has  a  number  of  modes.  Help  is
Xorganised  into  a  number of different subject areas, and
Xthe  top  level  menus  are  aimed  to make it easy to get
Xhelp on the subjects you are interested in.
XThe  help  system  is  organised  similarly to the printed
Xreference   manual   -  some  topics  are  descriptive  in
Xnature,  and  describe  some  of  the  basic  concepts and
Xfeatures  of  CRISP.  Other  topics  are  used  for  quick
Xon-line  reference,  eg  syntax  and  usage  of  the macro
Xlanguage primitives.
chmod 0644 help/crisp/Intro.hlp || echo "restore of help/crisp/Intro.hlp fails"
mkdir help help/crisp >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "x - extracting help/crisp/Prompt.hlp (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > help/crisp/Prompt.hlp &&
XSome  commands  and macros prompt the user for extra input
Xon  the  bottom  line  of  the screen. This bottom line is
Xreferred to as the prompt line.
XCRISP  has  a  number  of  features to help in editing the
Xprompt  line.  Some  commands  simply prompt for the data,
Xand  others  supply  a  default. Default values to prompts
Xare displayed in the highlite color.
XCRISP  not  only  supports  command line editing, but also
Xsupports  command  history,  ie  every time the user types
Xin  text  to  a  prompt,  the response is saved and can be
Xrecalled  by  using the <Up> and <Down> keys at subsequent
XCRISP   also  supports  an  abbreviations  facility.  When
Xtyping  in  a  response,  if  the user hits the <Tab> key,
Xthen  CRISP  will  try to fill in the partially typed word
Xif  this  represents  a  unique  abbreviation.  (See  also
XWhen   typing   in  at  the  prompt  line,  the  following
Xcharacters may be used to edit what the user has typed in:
X<Backspace>	Used to delete previous character.
X<End>		Move cursor to end of input text.
X<Enter>		Terminate input.
X<Esc>		Abort input. CRISP responds with 
X		'Command cancelled.' on	bottom line of 
X		screen.
X<Home>		Move cursor to start of input text.
X<Left>, <Right>	Allows user to move backwards and forwards
X		along current input.
X<Ctrl-Right>	Move left and right one word at a time.
X<Up>, <Down>	Allows user to scroll through previous
X		responses to prompt. This is a command
X		history mechanism.
X<Ctrl-U>	Delete all input text.
X<Alt-I>		Toggle between insert and overtype mode.
X<Alt-L>		Recalls the last prompt that was typed by
X		the user. This is useful if user types
X		in a response to the wrong response.
X<Alt-Q>		Quote next input character. This allows user
X		to type things like <Tab> and <Esc> as part
X		of the input text.
chmod 0644 help/crisp/Prompt.hlp || echo "restore of help/crisp/Prompt.hlp fails"
mkdir help help/crisp help/crisp/concept >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "x - extracting help/crisp/concept/Regexp.hlp (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > help/crisp/concept/Regexp.hlp &&
XThis  section  describes  what  a regular expression is, and
Xwhat the syntax is for regular expressions in CRISP.
X> What is a Regular Expression
XA  Regular  expression  is  a term used to describe a string
Xof    characters   used   in   pattern   matching.   Regular
Xexpressions   allow   certain   classes  of  strings  to  be
Xmatched,  and  provide  a  very  flexible  way  of  matching
XCRISP   provides  a  variety  of  features  when  performing
Xpattern matching:
X	- literal pattern matching.
X	- character class matching
X	- wild-card matching
X	- grouping
X	- alternation
X	- repeated expressions
XAll of these are described below.
X> Syntax of a Regular Expression
XA  regular  expression is a sequence of characters which are
Xcompared  against  another  string,  or  characters from the
Xcurrent buffer.
XMost   characters  match  themselves;  some  characters  are
Xspecial  and  are  used  to  provide  access  to the pattern
Xmatching structures mentioned above.
XThe special characters are as follows:
X    <, ^    matches the beginning of a line.
X    >, $    matches the end of a line.
X    ?       matches any single character.
X    *       matches zero or more characters
X    [..]    matches any character within the [..]
X    |       performs alternation.
X    \c      used to set the cursor after a match.
X    @       matches zero or more of the previous expressions.
X    +       matches one or more of the previous expressions.
X    {..}    groups a regular expression.
X    \x      treat x as a normal character.
XA  regular  expression consists of a sequence of one or more
Xsimple  expressions.  A simple expression (SE) is one of the
X    a sequence of characters
X    < or ^
X    > or $
X    [..]
X    ?
X    *
XA  simple  regular  expression (SRE) is a simple expression,
Xoptionally followed or enclosed in a modifier:
X    {SE}
X    SE@
X    SE+
X    SE
XA  regular  expression  is  a  sequence  of  simple  regular
Xexpressions as follows:
X    SRE SRE      (Concatenation)
X    SRE | SRE    (Alternation)
X> Precedence of Regular Expression Operators
XThe   following   table  gives  the  precedence  of  regular
Xexpression operators, with the highest appearing first:
X    \
X    @, +, |, {..}
X    <, >, ?, *, [..]
X    concatenation
XThis means that if you have a regular expression as follows:
X    cat | dog
Xthen  this  expression  matches the pattern 'ca' followed by
Xthe  character  't'  or  'd',  followed  by 'og', i.e. it is
Xbracketed as
X    {ca} {t|d} {og}
XTo match the word 'cat' or 'dog', brackets should be used:
X    {cat} | {dog}
X> Character Escaping
XThe   backslash   character  may  be  used  to  precede  any
Xcharacter  to  turn  off  any  special effects the character
Xhas.  For  example  to  match  an  asterisk in the text, the
Xsequence \* would be used.
XA  common  form  of  error  when writing macros is to forget
Xthat  the  macro  compiler  strips  off  the  first level of
Xbackslash  characters.  For  example,  if  the user wants to
Xmatch an asterisk in a macro, he/she might write:
X    (search_fwd "\*")
XHowever,  this  is  wrong. The macro compiler strips off the
X'\'  and  leaves  the  expression as "*" which matches every
Xline.  In  order  to  escape  this  character  properly, the
Xfollowing should be used:
X    (search_fwd "\\*")
XIn this  case, the macro compiler strips off the first level
X'\'  leaving  "\*"  for  the  regular  expression  parser to
X> Beginning of line operators: < and ^
XThese   operators   match  the  beginning  of  a  line.  For
Xexample,  in  order  to  match  the  word  'dog'  only if it
Xappears at the beginning of a line, use:
X    <dog
XIf  the  '<'  is  omitted, then the first occurence of 'dog'
Xwill  be  matched  whether  it  occurs at the beginning of a
Xline or in the middle.
XThe operator ^ is provided as a concession to Unix users.
X> End of line operators: > and $
XThese  operators  are  used  to match the end of a line. For
Xexample  to  match a comma followed by any sequence of white
Xspace at the end of a line, the following can be used:
X    ,[ \t\n]@>
XThis  matches  a  ',' followed by zero or more occurences of
Xspace, tab or newline, followed by the end of line.
X> The wild card operators: ? and *
XThe  '?'  operator  matches  a single character; '*' matches
Xzero or more characters.
XThe  number  of  characters matched by a '*' depends on what
Xfollows  the  '*'  and  the  search  mode.  (See  section on
XSearch Modes).
XFor example, the following expression:
X    cat*dog
Xmatches  any  line  which  contains the word cat followed by
Xsomewhere else on the line, the word dog.
X> Character Class: [..]
XThe  square  bracket operators are used to match one or more
Xcharacters  from  a  class  of characters. If the expression
Xis  of  the  form  '[..]'  then a match is successful if the
Xcharacter  being  matched  is  any  of the characters within
Xthe  square  brackets.  If the first character after the '['
Xis  either  a  '^'  or  '~', then the match is successful if
Xthe  character  is NOT equal to any of the characters in the
Xmatched class.
XThe  characters  within  the  square brackets form either an
Xenumeration   or  a  range  of  characters.  '[ABC]'  is  an
Xexample  of  an enumeration. It matches the single character
X'A', or 'B', or 'C'.
X'[a-z]'  is  an  example  of  a  range. It matches any lower
Xcase alphabetic character.
XRanges  and  enumerations  may  be combined, for example the
Xfollowing may be used to match a C symbol:
X    [_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]@
Xwhich  defines  a  regular  expression expression consisting
Xof  a  single  character  of  '_',  an  upper  or lower case
Xalphabetic,  followed  by  zero  or more characters from the
Xclass '_', A-Z, a-z or 0-9.
XSpecial  characters  may  be enclosed in the character class
Xconstruct  using  the \ syntax. Eg \n matches a new-line; \t
Xmatches a tab.
XThe  characters  -,  and  ]  may be included in the class by
Xpreceding them with a backslash (e.g. \- or \]).
X> Repetition: @ and +
XThe  @  and  +  are  used to indefinitely match a previously
Xspecified  pattern.  A simple regular expression followed by
X'@'  will  be matched zero or more times; an SRE followed by
X'+' will be matched one or more times.
XFor  example,  the  following regular expression can be used
Xto  match  a  sequence  of words followed by a comma (e.g. a
Xsub-phrase of a sentence):
X    {[A-Za-z]+[ ]+}+,
X[A-Za-z]+  matches  any  word  of  one  or  more  alphabetic
Xcharacters;  the  [  ]+  matches  one or more spaces between
Xeach  word.  The final }+ sequence means repeat the previous
Xexpression one or more times.
XThe  following  example  shows how to match the last word of
Xone sentence and the first word of the following sentence:
X    [A-Za-z]+.[ ]@[A-Z]
X[A-Za-z]]+  matches  the  final  word in a sentence. The '.'
Xmatches   the  full-stop  after  it.  The  expression  [  ]@
Xmatches   zero   or  more  spaces  which  may  separate  the
Xfull-stop and the first letter of the next sentence.
X> Regular Expression Grouping: {..}
XThe  regular  expression  grouping  characters  are used for
Xone  of  two  purposes  -  alter the precedence in which the
Xregular  expression  is  parsed,  and to define groupings of
Xregular expressions for use by the translation mechanism.
XBy and large, the regular expressions:
X    xyz  and {xyz}
Xare  equivalent.  The  major  use  is  for bracketing in the
Xpresence  of  the  following  operators:  @,  +,  and |. For
X    {hello}@
X    {cat}|{dog}
XThe  other  use  for  the  bracket  operators is to define a
Xsub-part  of  a  regular  expression for use in translation.
XEach  occurence  of  brackets  is defined as a grouping. The
Xfirst  occurence  of  {..}  is group 1, the next is group 2.
XBy  grouping  parts  of  a  regular expression, translations
Xcan be made which swap fields around.
XFor  example,  say we have a piece of C code which defines a
Xtable as follows:
X    "string1",	number1,
X    "string2",	number2,
X      ..
XIf  we  need  to  swap the fields around so that we have the
Xnumbers  first  on the line, and the strings following them,
Xthen  the  regular  expression search pattern can be defined
X    <[ \t]@{"[^"]@",}[ \t]@{[0-9]+,}
XThis  breaks  down  as  follows:  <[ \t]@ matches the spaces
Xand  tabs  at  the beginning of the line. {"[^"]@",} matches
Xthe  string  field (quote followed by zero or more non-quote
Xcharacters  terminated  by a quote and a comma). This is the
Xfirst  group.  [ \t]@  matches  the  zero or more spaces  or
Xtabs  between  the columns. {[0-9]+,} is the second grouping
Xand matches the number followed by a comma.
XIf  the  translation  replacement  pattern (see (translate))
Xis defined as follows:
X    \t\2\t\1
Xthen  this  effects  the field swap. The sequence \N where N
Xis   in  the  range  1-9  means  insert  the  matched  group
Xdesignated  by  N.  If  N  is  zero, then the entire matched
Xstring is inserted.
X> Minimal and Maximal Matching
XAll  Unix  regular  expression  parsers  use the '*' and '+'
Xoperators  to  mean  repeat  the previous expression zero or
Xmore,  or  one  or  more  times respectively. CRISP uses the
X'@' and '+' operators for the same effect.
XHowever,  all  Unix  parsers,  when matching repeated groups
Xwill  always  try  to  match the longest string. Under Unix,
Xif we have the string:
X    abbbbbbbc
Xand issue the search pattern:
X    b*
Xthen  this  will match the 7 b's between the 'a' and 'c'. By
Xdefault,  CRISP  (and  BRIEF) perform a shortest match. This
Xmeans that the regular expression:
X    b@
Xwill  match  only  the  first  'b'  after  the 'a'. For pure
Xsearches,  the  difference  hardly  ever  matters,  but when
Xtranslations   are   performed   the   different   is   very
Ximportant.   In  the  above  example,  using  the  following
Xtranslation from 'vi' will result in the following string:
X    s/ab*/X/p
X    Xc
XThis is what happens with CRISP:
X    (translate "ab@" "X")
X    Xbbbbbbbc
XThis  is  simply  because  the Unix parsers try to match the
Xlongest  string,  whereas  CRISP tries to match the shortest
XCRISP   provides   the   ability   to  modify  this  default
Xbehaviour.   BRIEF   calls  this  behaviour  minimal/maximal
Xmatching  and  backward  matching.  BRIEF  tries  to combine
Xthese  concepts  without  clearly  explaining  what they are
XCRISP  operates  in a compatible manner to BRIEF, and so the
Xsame terminology will be adhered to.
XThe  search  macros  -  search_fwd,  search_back, translate,
Xsearch_string  and  search_list  have  a parameter, labelled
X're'   which   is   used   to  control  the  minimal/maximal
Xmatching.  This  parameter  can  have  one  of  seven  valid
Xvalues: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3.
XThe seven case are as follows:
X    -3   maximal, backward 
X    -2   maximal, same as search direction
X    -1   maximal, forward
X     0   forward
X     1   minimal, forward
X     2   minimal, same as in search direction
X     3   minimal, backward 
X0   is   used   for  non-regular  expressions.  The  maximal
Xmatching modes are compatible with Unix.
X> Matching Direction
XIn  the  table  above, the values show what form of matching
Xis  to  be performed. BRIEF and CRISP support the concept of
Xa    forward   and   backward   matching   mechanism.   This
Xterminology  comes  from  BRIEF. The terminology is actually
Xnot a very good one.
XThe  difference  between  the  two  mainly comes into effect
Xwhen  performing  a  backward  match. Consider the following
X    the cat sat on the mat
X    _^
Xwith  the  cursor  placed  on  the  'h'  of  the first word,
X'the'.  In  forward  matching,  if  we are searching for the
Xword  'the',  then  the  string 'he cat sat on the mat' will
Xbe  searched,  and  the  match  will  be  on  the word 'the'
Xbefore  'mat'.  In  backwards  matching mode, the search can
Xstart  before  the  cursor, and will match the word 'the' at
Xthe start of the line.
X> Differences between BRIEF and CRISP
XBRIEF  was  developed  under  DOS and provides a rich set of
Xregular  expression  operators.  However, Unix already has a
Xde  facto  set  of  regular  expression operators, which are
Xshared among programs, such as 'vi', 'ed', 'awk' and 'sed'.
XIt  was  felt  unwise  to force a different set of operators
Xonto  Unix  users.  I  have  tried where possible to support
Xboth sets of  operators under Unix, i.e. the ones that BRIEF
Xsupports, and those that are familiar to Unix users.
XThe  full  set  of  BRIEF  operators  are  supported so that
XBRIEF  macros  can  be run under CRISP with no modification.
XIn  some  places  extensions  have  been made to the regular
Xexpressions  accepted  by  CRISP  to make Unix users more at
Xhome.  The  following  sections  describe  the differences a
Xregular  BRIEF  user  will  see  when  using  CRISP  regular
Xexpressions,  and  the differences a Unix user will see when
Xusing the CRISP regular expressions.
X> Differences for BRIEF users
XThe following extensions have been added:
XThe  ^  operator  is valid as an alternative to '<' to match
Xthe beginning of a line.
XThe  sequence  [^..]  is  equivalent  to  [~..] (matches all
Xcharacters not in the character class).
XThe  character  $  is  valid  as a match for the end of line
Xcharacter, and is an alternative to '>'.
XCRISP  cannot  perform  regular expression matches over line
X> Differences for Unix users
XThe   following   describes  the  differences  between  Unix
Xregular  expression  syntax and the CRISP regular expression
Xsyntax.  If  the  user  has selected Unix regular expression
Xsyntax, then see the next section for further details.
XThe  character  '<'  may be used as an alternative to '^' to
Xmatch the beginning of a line.
XThe  character  '>'  may be used as an alternative to '$' to
Xmatch the end of line.
XThe  sequence  [~..]  is  equivalent to [^..] and is used to
Xmatch all characters not in the character class.
XUsers  of  egrep  will  note  that  the precedence of '|' is
Xdifferent  in  CRISP.  In  egrep the expression 'dog|cat' is
Xbracketed   as   '{dog}|{cat}';   in   CRISP,   the  implied
Xbracketing is '{do}{g|c}{at}'.
XThe  \c  pattern  is  available for cursor positioning; this
Xis   not  available  under  other  Unix  regular  expression
XUnder  Unix,  '*'  is  usually used as a postfix operator to
Xmean  one  or more occurences of the previous expression, eg
X.*  matches  zero  or  more  characters.  In  CRISP,  '*' is
Xequivalent to .*, and is an operator in its own right.
XThe '?' in CRISP is equivalent to '.' in Unix.
XThe   operator  '@'  in  CRISP  is  equivalent  to  the  '*'
Xoperator in other Unix parsers.
XOther  Unix  program  bracket  regular expressions using the
X\(..\) syntax. CRISP uses '{..}' instead.
X> Regular Expression Syntax Mode
XCRISP  allows  the user to select between pure CRISP regular
Xexpression   syntax,   as   described  above,  or  the  more
Xfamiliar   Unix   syntax.   This  is  done  by  calling  the
X(re_syntax)  primitive.  In  CRISP mode, regular expressions
Xare  exactly  as  described in the previous sections of this
XIn Unix mode, the following features are enabled/disabled:
XThe '.' character replaces the '?' wild-card character.
XThe  '*'  character  means  zero  or  more iterations of the
Xprevious  expression.  This  disables  the CRISP '@' zero or
Xmore character.
XThe  sequence  \(..\)  replaces the use of {..}. The { and }
Xcharacters become normal characters.
chmod 0644 help/crisp/concept/Regexp.hlp || echo "restore of help/crisp/concept/Regexp.hlp fails"
mkdir help help/crisp help/crisp/concept >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "x - extracting help/crisp/concept/Buffers.hlp (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > help/crisp/concept/Buffers.hlp &&
XThis  section  describes  what  a  buffer is and some of the
Xproperties of buffers.
X> What is a Buffer ?
XA  buffer  is  an  object  within  CRISP  used  to  hold the
Xcontents  of  files.  CRISP supports the dynamic creation of
Xa buffer.
XBuffers  are  like  dynamic  string arrays. Each line in the
Xbuffer  is  a  variable  length string (terminated with a \n
Xcharacter).  The  buffer  grows and contracts as data is put
Xinto the buffer.
XBuffers   can   either   be   created   empty,   using   the
X(create_buffer)  macro,  or  a  file  may be placed into the
Xbuffer, (create_buffer) and (edit_file).
XA buffer has a number of attributes associated with it:
X	- buffer name
X	- filename
X	- contents of buffer
X	- permissions
X	- status flags
X	- current position
X	- symbol table.
X	- undo information
X> The Buffer and File Names
XEach  buffer  is given a name. This name is used to uniquely
Xidentify  the  buffer. These names usually correspond to the
Xfile names which are also associated with a buffer.
XA  buffer  may have an optional filename associated with it.
XThis  file  name  is  usually  specified  as  the  result of
Xreading  a  file  into  a  buffer. The filename is used when
Xsaving the contents of a buffer (via (write_buffer)).
X> The Contents of a Buffer
XThe  buffer  contents is an array of lines. Lines are stored
Xinternally  as  a  line  header,  plus a pointer to the data
Xwithin  the  line.  A  buffer  can  contain  arbitrary ASCII
Xcharacters  -  each  line  has  a length associated with it.
XThe  C  standard  of  using  a  NULL terminator is not used,
Xsince this is too inefficient.
XCRISP  works  best at editing normal ASCII files, but can be
Xused to edit binary files.
XEach  line  in  the  buffer  has  a  pointer to the next and
Xprevious  lines  in  the  buffer, ie the lines in the buffer
Xare  stored  as  a linked list. This structure makes it easy
Xto  move  from the beginning of the buffer to the end of the
Xbuffer  -  very  little  work is involved. Jumping to a line
Xin the middle of the buffer involves more work.
XThe  line  headers  and data parts of the line are allocated
Xseparately.   The   idea  here  is  that  line  headers  are
Xallocated  in  big  chunks,  and  the  data for each line is
Xheld  elsewhere  in  memory.  This  helps  in virtual memory
Xsystems.  When  walking  down the linked list of lines, only
Xthe  pages  which  contain the line headers need be resident
Xin  memory.  The  data stored for each line does not need to
Xbe  in  memory  unless  the  line is being modified or being
XA  buffer  always  contains  a place-holding line at the end
Xof  the  buffer.  This  line has no data but acts as a place
Xholder  for  the  begin/end  markers  of the buffer. When an
Xattempt   is   made  to  modify  this  'pseudo-line',  CRISP
Xallocates  a  new  line header. This allows the user to move
Xthe  cursor  to  one  line  past  the  end of the buffer and
Xstart typing.
XCRISP  keeps  track  of  how  many  lines  there  are in the
Xbuffer.  This  allows  the percentage marker to be displayed
Xon the status line. (See (echo_line)).
X> Permissions
XWhen  a  file  is  read into a buffer, a note is made of the
Xoriginal  protection  bits  on  that file. This is needed so
Xthat  when  the file is written away, it can give the output
Xfile  the  same  protection  bits  as the original file. For
Xexample,  when  editing  an  executable  shell  script,  the
Xexecute bits are turned on for the modified file.
XCRISP understands the  concept  of  a read-only file, e.g. a
Xfile  checked  out from SCCS via a 'get' command. CRISP does
Xnot allow any editing to be performed on the file.
X> Status Flags
XCRISP  maintains  a  number of status flags for each buffer,
Xe.g. whether a backup of the file associated with the buffer
Xis to be made when a (write_buffer) is performed, etc.
XThese  flags  can  be  inquired  via  the (inq_buffer_flags)
X> Current Position
XCRISP  maintains  two  separate cursor for each buffer - the
Xnormal  cursor,  as  displayed on the screen, and a parallel
Xcursor for process buffers. (See the section on Processes).
XIf  a  buffer  is  not being displayed in a window, then the
Xcursor  position  changes  as  a  result of text insertions,
Xdeletions,   pattern  searches,  etc.  When  the  buffer  is
Xattached  to  a  window,  the  cursor  is  copied  into  the
Xwindows data structure.
XThus,  each  window  onto  a buffer maintains an independent
Xcursor.  This  allows  different  parts  of  a  buffer to be
Xviewed in different windows.
XWhen  a  buffer  is  detached  from  a window, the cursor is
Xcopied into the buffers data structure.
X> Symbol Tables
XCRISP  supports  the  concept  of  a symbol table associated
Xwith    a    buffer.   These   symbols   are   defined   via
X(make_local_variables).   These   symbols   are   in   scope
Xwhenever  the  buffer  is  set  to  the current buffer. This
Xallows  buffer  specific  state information to be associated
Xwith each buffer.
X> Undo Information
XIf  a  buffer  is marked as a normal buffer (ie non-system),
Xthen  all  changes  to  the  buffer  are recorded in a file.
XThis  allows  the  (undo)  command  to  function. The (undo)
Xinformation is discarded when the buffer is deleted.
XCRISP  also  supports  a  (redo)  facility.  This  allows an
X(undo)  operation  to  be  undone. The only restriction with
Xredo  is  that you cannot use redo unless the last operation
Xwas an undo itself.
X> System Buffers
XSystem  buffers  are  the  same as normal buffers, except no
Xundo  information  is  maintained  for them. This makes them
Xsignificantly  faster  at performing operations which modify
Xthe  buffer.  System  buffers are designed for use by macros
X- ie they are not normally directly modifiable by the user.
X> The Scrap Buffer
XThe  scrap  buffer  is  a  special  buffer  used to hold the
Xresult  of  scrap  operations.  Internally,  it is just like
Xany  other  buffer,  and  looks  much  the  same as a system
Xbuffer.   However,  whenever  a  (cut),  (copy)  or  (paste)
Xoperation  is  performed,  the  data  is explicitly taken or
Xput into the scrap buffer.
XAlthough  the  scrap  buffer  is an internal buffer, you can
Xwatch   the   contents   of  this  buffer  by  exploiting  a
Xmis-feature of CRISP.
XIf  you  edit  the  file "/-scrap-//" then CRISP will attach
Xyou  to  the  scrap  buffer. If you create another window on
Xthe  screen  and  copy  text  to the scrap, you will see the
Xscrap window change its contents.
chmod 0644 help/crisp/concept/Buffers.hlp || echo "restore of help/crisp/concept/Buffers.hlp fails"
mkdir help help/crisp help/crisp/concept >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "x - extracting help/crisp/concept/Files.hlp (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > help/crisp/concept/Files.hlp &&
XThis  section  describes  what  files  are  and how they are
Xmanipulated within CRISP.
X> What are Files ?
XFiles  are  used  to  store long term information. Files may
Xbe  edited  by  CRISP. This is done by reading a file into a
Xbuffer. (See section on Buffers).
XOnce  a  file  is read into a buffer, it may be edited using
Xany  of  the primitives which affect buffers. When a file is
Xread  into  memory, it is actually part of the address space
Xof  CRISP.  CRISP  does  not  perform  any  dynamic paging -
Xinstead  it  relies  on the virtual memory system within the
Xoperating system.
XThis  is  important  to  bear in mind, since editing a large
Xfile  increases  the  process  size  of  CRISP  by an amount
Xproportional to the size of the file.
XIn  practise,  CRISP  can  always  edit  a file, and usually
Xdoes  a  better  job  of  it,  than  say,  vi, which usually
Xlimits  the  size  of files it can edit, based on the number
Xof lines in the file.
XCRISP  limits  the  editing  of files based on the amount of
Xvirtual memory a process can acquire.
XThis  makes  it  much  faster  to  do  certain operations on
Xfiles, e.g. global substitutes.
XCRISP  can  edit  an arbitrary number of files concurrently,
Xagain limited by virtual memory.
X> Text and Binary Files
XCRISP  knows  how  to  edit  binary and text files. For most
Xoperations  buffers  containing  binary  and  text files are
Xtreated  the  same,  however, the two exceptions are reading
Xa file into a buffer, and writing the file away.
XWhen  a  file  is  read  into  a  buffer (via (edit_file) or
X(read_file)),  CRISP  examines  the  first  two bytes of the
Xfile.  If  either  byte  is  zero (0x00), or has the top bit
Xset,  then  CRISP  assumes  that the file must be binary. In
Xthis  case  CRISP does not treat new-line characters as line
Xterminators,  but  instead  treats  them as part of the line
Xof  text.  CRISP  chops  the  lines in the file into 32 byte
Xchunks,  so  that  you  dont  end  up with a one line buffer
Xpossibly containing tens of thousands of characters.
XWhen  a  buffer  containing  a  binary file is written away,
XCRISP   does   not   insert   new-line   characters  between
Xboundaries,  but  just  writes  the  lines  away as they are
X(possibly  including  any  embedded  new-lines in the buffer
XThese  two  features  ensure  that  a user can edit a binary
Xfile  --  although  care  should  be  taken  not  to  insert
Xnew-lines  into  the  buffer, since these will be treated as
Xline terminators and ignored when the file is written away.
XThe state of a buffer can be tested via the (inq_buffer_flags)
Xprimitive to see if the buffer contains a binary or text file.
X> Operations on Files
XCRISP  contains  a  number  of  primitives  for manipulating
Xfiles.  Files  may  either  be  associated with a buffer, or
Xmay be operated on independently of any buffer.
XThe  buffer-independent  file  operations are limited to the
X	- check for existence of file
X	- delete a file
X	- perform directory look up.
XA  buffer  may  be  created which is associated with a file.
XBuffers  are  the  main editing areas for CRISP. Buffers are
Xlike  dynamic  arrays  of  strings,  each line is a separate
Xstring, and allows for efficient editing, e.g. inserting and
Xdeleting  characters,  and for moving blocks of text around,
Xe.g. inserting and deleting entire lines.
XBuffers  are  more  completely  described  in the section on
XBuffers.  Buffers  have  two  names associated with them - a
Xbuffer   name  which  is  used  to  uniquely  identify  each
Xbuffer,  and  a  filename.  The  buffer  name is usually the
Xlast  part  of the full path name of a file. The association
Xof  a  file with a buffer is done so that when the buffer is
Xsaved  the  buffer will be written to the same file that was
Xoriginally read in.
X> Backing up a File
XCRISP  supports  automatic  backup  of files. When a file is
Xedited, (i.e. read into a buffer), a flag is set to say that
Xwhen  the  file is written away, a copy of the original file
Xshould be saved.
XCRISP  supports  a  number  of  mechanisms  for saving these
Xbackup files.
XBacking  up  files  are  performed for a number of reasons -
Xfirstly  so  that  the user can make a whole load of changes
Xto  a  file,  and  if  during  the  editing session the user
Xdecides  to  abandon  the  editing, he/she can revert to the
Xoriginal  version  of the file. Backing up also avoids files
Xbeing  lost  if  CRISP or the system crashes whilst saving a
XBacking  up  files  is  also  useful  if  users do something
Xstupid,  like  accidently type something like 'rm * .o' when
Xthey should have typed 'rm *.o'.
XCRISP  allows  the user to turn on or off backup generation.
X(See the (set_backup) macro primitive).
XWhen  CRISP  comes to save a file, it performs the following
Xalgorithm  in  trying  to  decide  how and where to save the
X	1. If the file has multiple links to it, the file
X	   is copied to the destination directory. (See below).
X	   If the file has only a single link, then it
X	   may be link()ed to the destination directory.
X	2. For each directory in the BBACKUP environment
X	   variable, try to link() the file to the
X	   specified directory. This operation may fail
X	   if the directory is on a different file
X	   system.
X	3. If step 2 fails, then for each directory in
X	   the BBACKUP environment variable, try and copy
X	   the file to the resultant directory. This may
X	   fail because of permissions.
X	4. If steps 2 & 3 fail, try and create a file with
X	   a .bak extension. If the file has multiple links,
X	   then the old file is copied to the new file. If the
X	   file has a single link, then it is link()ed to the .bak
X	   file.
XThe  overall  aim  of  the  algorithm  is  to use the link()
Xsystem  call  to  save  the old file where possible. This is
Xmuch   faster  than  copying  the  file  block-by-block.  By
Xspecifying   a   directory   or   directories  in  a  global
Xenvironment  variable,  then  all  backup files can be saved
Xin  a  single  directory.  This is better than cluttering up
Xdirectories  with  .bak  files.  This  allows  the  user  to
Xeasily  clear  away  all  .bak files with an 'rm *' command,
Xrather than having to issue a
X    find -name \*.bak -exec rm {} \;
XHaving  a  global  backup  directory is my preference. CRISP
Xgives  you  the  user,  a personal choice as to how you want
Xto do this.
XOnce  a  backup  file  has  been  made  (as  a  result  of a
X(write_buffer)  macro  call),  no other backups will be made
Xfor  that  file.  This  is done so that a user can always go
Xback  to  the  state  a  file was in when CRISP was entered,
Xnot back to the last (write_buffer) command.
X> Autosaving
XAutosaving   is  a  mechanism  in  CRISP  which  causes  all
Xcurrently  modified  buffers  to  be  written  to  disk when
XCRISP  is  idle,  so  that  in  the event of a system crash,
Xetc, then an upto date copy of the files can be restored.
XCRISP   itself   does  not  directly  implement  autosaving;
Xinstead,  it  is a macro which is supplied with CRISP. CRISP
Xsupports   the   mechanism  for  implementing  the  autosave
Xfeature.  If  any  user  does  not  like the mechanism, then
Xhe/she  can  modify  the  macro  to make it do what the user
Xreally wants.
XThe  existing  autosave macro is there because it is useful,
Xand  for  serious  user's,  they  can  use it as a guide for
Xwriting their own.
XAutosaving  is  implemented  via  the  idle  timer. The idle
Xtimer  is  a  timer  which  is maintained by CRISP. The idle
Xtimer  goes  off  when the user hasn't typed anything for 60
Xseconds.  (This  is  configurable via the command line). The
Xautosave   macros  looks  at  each  non-system  buffer,  and
Xwrites  out  the  buffer  if it has the buffer modified flag
XThe  autosave  file  is a function of the real file name. If
Xthe  file  is called foo.c, then the file is saved in a file
Xcalled  '@foo.c@'.  The use of the '@'s is to make the files
Xstand  out  when  performing a directory listing. The prefix
X'@'  is  useful since if for some reason CRISP doesnt delete
Xthe  autosaved  files,  then it is easier and safer to issue
Xan  'rm  @*'  command  than  an individual rm for each file.
XThe  trailing  '@'  is added on so that if the user issues a
Xcommand such as:
X    ls *.c
Xthen  the  autosaved  files  dont  get included in the list.
XThe  major  objective  here  is  to avoid sticking on a long
Xsuffix  (e.g. .asv) to  a  file  name on systems such as V.3
XUnix,  which  only  have  14  character  file names anyway).
XAdding  suffixes  to  a  filename  is a dangerous game since
Xthe  original  filename  may  already be at the 14-character
Xfilename  limit,  and the suffix would get ignored. Having a
Xprefix and suffix seems to be the best of both worlds.
XAny autosaved files should be deleted when CRISP exits.
XWhen   the  autosave  macro  runs,  it  prints  the  message
X'Autosaving...'  followed  by  'Autosave  complete.' when it
Xhas finished.
X> Editing Binary Files
XCRISP  supports  the  ability  to  edit binary files. Binary
Xfiles  may  be treated as a normal ASCII file. CRISP makes a
Xreasonable  attempt  to  display  binary  characters  on the
Xscreen.  On  displays  which  support the ability to display
Xcharacters  with  the  top  bit set, CRISP will use this. On
Xdisplays  which  cannot  distinguish these characters, CRISP
Xwill  display  the  characters in octal or hexadecimal. (See
chmod 0644 help/crisp/concept/Files.hlp || echo "restore of help/crisp/concept/Files.hlp fails"
mkdir help help/crisp help/crisp/concept >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "x - extracting help/crisp/concept/Windows.hlp (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > help/crisp/concept/Windows.hlp &&
XThis  section  describes  what  a window is and how they are
X> What is a Window ?
XA  window  is an area of the screen, through which part of a
Xbuffer  may  be  viewed. All windows on screen have a buffer
X'attached' to them.
XWindows  are  very  useful for viewing more than one file at
Xthe same time, or different parts of the same file.
XWindows  and  buffers  are  separate entities. Various macro
Xprimitives  allow  buffers  to be mapped to various windows.
XA  window  can never be displayed on its own, it must always
Xbe attached to a buffer, otherwise CRISP gets confused.
XA  buffer  may be attached to more than one window, in which
Xcase  each  window can be set up to view a different part of
Xthe buffer.
X> Tiling and Overlapped Windows
XCRISP   supports   two   forms   of   windows  -  tiled  and
Xoverlapping.   Tiled   windows  are  windows  which  do  not
Xoverlap  or  obscure  each  other. Initially CRISP starts up
Xwith a single window which occupies the whole of the screen.
XThis  window  can  be split horizontally or vertically, thus
Xat  all  times the entire screen contains a window mapping a
XOverlapped windows are  usually  used in a pop-up mode, e.g.
Xthe  buffer  list  macros  pops  up a window onto the screen
Xwhich  obscures  any  windows  sitting  behind  it. When the
Xmacro  has  terminated  the  window  is  destroyed  and  the
Xwindows behind it are refreshed.
X> Cursor Positioning
XEach   window  maintains  an  independent  cursor  onto  the
Xbuffer  below  it.  Any  changes  to  a  buffer  made in one
Xwindow  are  displayed  in  the other windows displaying the
Xsame part of the same buffer.
chmod 0644 help/crisp/concept/Windows.hlp || echo "restore of help/crisp/concept/Windows.hlp fails"
mkdir help help/crisp help/crisp/concept >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "x - extracting help/crisp/concept/Blocks.hlp (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > help/crisp/concept/Blocks.hlp &&
XThis  section  describes  blocks  (otherwise  referred to as
Xregions  and  anchors). It also discusses the scrap, and the
Xtypes of anchors.
X> What is a Block/Region ?
XA  block,  or  region,  is  a  marked area of a buffer. This
Xmarked  area  is  highlited  when  it  is  displayed  on the
Xscreen  so  that  the  user  can easily see exactly what has
Xbeen marked.
XThis   following  summarises  the  operations  that  may  be
Xperformed on a block:
X	- it may be copied to the scrap.
X	- it may be deleted.
X	- it may be written out to a file.
X	- it may be indented.
X	- it may be formatted.
XCRISP  supports  a  number  of basic operations which may be
Xperformed  on  blocks.  The other functions are higher level
Xmacros which are built from these primitives.
X> Types of Regions
XThere are four types of regions:
X	- non-inclusive
X	- inclusive
X	- line
X	- column
X> Inclusive and Non-inclusive Region
XInclusive  and  non-inclusive  regions  are  similar, except
Xfor  non-inclusive  regions,  the character under the cursor
Xis  not  considered  to  be  part  of the marked region. The
Xeffect of this is illustrated by the following.
XConsider a buffer with two lines in it:
X    This is line one.
X    And this line two.
XFor  an  inclusive  region,  if the cursor starts out on the
X'T'  and  is  moved down a line, then the whole of the first
Xline  is  highlited  as  well as the 'A' at the beginning of
Xthe  second  line. For a non-inclusive region, the region is
Xhighlited  the  same,  except  the  'A'  is not highlited as
Xwell.  If  the inclusive region is deleted then whole of the
Xfirst  line  will  disappear as well as the 'A' at the start
Xof  the  second line. For the non-inclusive region, only the
Xfirst line will be deleted.
X> Column Regions
XA  column  region  is  treated  internally  the  same  as an
Xinclusive  region,  except  the  display  code knows only to
Xhilite  a  rectangular  block  of  the  buffer. (cut)-ing or
X(copy)-ing  the  column  mark will be treated the same as if
Xit were an inclusive mark.
XColumn  regions  are  provided  for manipulating rectangular
Xregions  of  the  buffer.  The only currently supported high
Xlevel  macro  for  use with column regions is column-delete.
XSupport  for  the  other  types  will be included in a later
X> Line Regions
XLine  regions  are  used  to  select  the entirety of a line
Xirrespective  of  where  the  cursor  is  on  the line. Line
Xregions  are  very  useful  for moving entire lines of text.
XUsing   the  inclusive  or  non-inclusive  regions  is  very
Xfiddly  when  copying  lines  since  the cursor has to be in
Xthe  correct  position for (cut), (copy) and (paste) to have
Xthe desired effect.
chmod 0644 help/crisp/concept/Blocks.hlp || echo "restore of help/crisp/concept/Blocks.hlp fails"
mkdir help help/crisp help/crisp/concept >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "x - extracting help/crisp/concept/Macros.hlp (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > help/crisp/concept/Macros.hlp &&
XThis  section  describes  what  a  macro is and how they are
X>  What is a Macro ? 
XA  macro  is  a  sequence  of  instructions which performs a
Xhigh-level  function.  Different people have different ideas
Xabout  what  a  programming  editor  should  look like. Some
Xpeople  want  simple options, others need complicated macros
Xwhich   can   perform  tasks  as  complicated  as  sort  the
Xfunctions in a .c file into alphabetical order.
XCRISP  is  designed  to allow it to be easy to customise the
Xediting  tasks  that a user wants, no matter how complicated
Xthe editing facility required.
XRather   than  complicate  CRISP  internally  with  hard  to
Xchange  ideas  about  what  facilities  should be available,
XCRISP   provides   a   set   of   builtin  primitives  which
Xmanipulate   the   objects  CRISP  knows  about, e.g. files,
Xbuffer, windows, etc.
XCRISP  has  a  programming  language  which  allows users to
Xcombine these primitives into more complex functions.
XFor  example,  CRISP  provides  a set of functions to search
Xthe  current  buffer  for  a  string.  One of the high level
Xmacros  provided  with  CRISP matches braces, i.e. it checks
Xthat  there  are  an  equal  number  of  opening and closing
Xbrackets.  This  is  an  example  of  a  macro. The macro is
Xbuilt  from  the  primitives  which  CRISP has compiled into
Xits code.
XIf  you  do  not like the way these macros are written, then
Xyou may easily customise them.
X> Tools for Writing Macros
XCRISP  provides  a  number  of  facilities to aid in writing
Xand  debugging  your  own  macros.  These include a compiler
Xwhich  optimises  the  layout  of the code so that CRISP can
Xthen execute the macro as efficiently as possible.
XMacros  are  usually  stored  in  files, and commonly have a
X'.m' extension so that their purpose stands out.
XCRISP  comes  with a macro compiler, called 'cm'. cm is used
Xto  compile  the  macros  to a more compact internal format.
XThis  format  allows  CRISP  to  load the entire file in one
echo "End of part 1"
echo "File help/crisp/concept/Macros.hlp is continued in part 2"
echo "2" > s2_seq_.tmp
exit 0
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