allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc) (11/27/89)
Posting-number: Volume 9, Issue 12 Submitted-by: (Steve Tynor) Archive-name: fplan/part02 #This is part 2/6 of FPLAN #!/bin/sh # shar: Shell Archiver (v1.22) # Packed Mon Nov 20 19:28:35 EST 1989 by gaffa!tynor # from directory /files/home/users/tynor/src/fplan # # Run the following text with /bin/sh to create: # fplan.1 # fplan.5 # paddb.1 # echo "x - extracting fplan.1 (Text)" sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > fplan.1 && X'\" t \" must preprocess with tbl with troff. -*- nroff -* X.\" $Id: fplan.1,v 2.17 89/11/14 20:29:26 tynor Exp $ X.\"------------------------------------------- X.TH FPLAN 1 "11 November 1989" FPLAN "Flight Planning" X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH NAME Xfplan \- flight planner X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH SYNOPSIS X.LP X\fBfplan -l\fP \fIdesignator ...\fP X\fBfplan -r\fP [ \fB\-\fP | \fIplanfile\fP ] X\fBfplan -g\fP [ \fB\-\fP | \fIplanfile\fP ] (Sun systems only) X\fBfplan\fP [ \fB\-n|w\fP ][ \fB\-b\fP ][ \fB\-d\fP ][ \fB\-e\fP ][ X\fB\-s\fP ][ \fB\-t\fP ][ \fB\-\fP | \fIplanfile\fP ] X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH DESCRIPTION X.LP X\fBfplan\fP reads the \fIplanfile\fP consisting of departure and Xdestination airports, navigation aids, intermediate checkpoints, fuel Xconsumption rates, winds aloft, and produces a flight plan including Xwind corrected heading, fuel consumption for each leg, vor fixes for Xeach checkpoint, etc. \fBfplan\fP uses \fBnav(5)\fP format databases Xfor upward compatibility with those widely distributed databases. X.PP XThe primary differences between \fBfplan\fP and \fBnav(1)\fP are that X\fBfplan\fP will automatically compute VOR cross fixes (radial and Xdistance to/from fix) at each waypoint along the flight and allow you Xto enter a waypoint as ``15 miles since the previous waypoint along Xthe current heading''. These features provide a kind of flight plan Xmore useful in VFR / dead reckoning flight, where frequent checkpoints Xare necessary. On Sun systems, a graphic preview of the flight can be Xdisplayed in a scrollable window. X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH OPTIONS X.LP X.TP 10 X.B \-l XLookup the \fIdesignator(s)\fP in the databases and Xprint their information to the standard output. If any designator Xexists in both the airports and navigation aids databases, then both Xentries are printed. X.TP X.B \-r XProduce a return trip based on the input plan file. All waypoints are Xreversed and incremental waypoints are recomputed. Correct \fBnav\fP Xdirectives are included so that each waypoint uses the same VORs as in Xthe input file. Fuel, wind, airspeed and altitude directives are not Xincluded in the reversed plan. X.TP X.B \-g X(Sun systems only). Preview the flight in a Sunview window. (NOTE: the Xpreviewer uses a naive projection system - curvature of the earth is Xignored. Do not use the preview map for navigation). The window is Xdivided into two sections: the command panel and the map. The map is a Xscrollable canvas where each waypoint and navaid is drawn. The command Xpanel contains the following items: X \fBQUIT\fP - Quits the previewer. X \fBTO FIRST\fP - Scrolls the map to make the first waypoint visible. X \fBTO LAST\fP - Scrolls the map to make the last waypoint visible. X \fBBRIEF\fP - Toggles whether incremental waypoints are shown (similar Xto the \fB-b\fP option). X \fBSCALE\fP - Sets the scale of the map. The default scale is 100 Xpixels per degree of latitude. X.TP X.B \- XRead the planfile from the standard input. If this option is present, Xthen no \fIplanfile\fP may be specified. X.TP X.B \-d XAppend a sorted summary of all database objects used in the planfile. X.TP X.B \-e XUse Epson (IBM/PC) style box characters on the output form instead of the Xdefault `+', `-', and `|'. Produces a more readable form if your terminal Xand/or printer is capable of printing IBM box characters. X.TP X.B \-n XSelect the narrow output format (no VOR cross fixes). Fits on a 80 Xcharacter terminal. Mutually exclusive with the \fB\-w\fP option X[DEFAULT]. X.TP X.B \-w XSelect the wide output format (with VOR cross fixes). Can be up to 136 Xcharacters wide (depending on the number of active VORs). Mutually Xexclusive with the \fB\-n\fP option. X.TP X.B \-s XSelect statute miles (and miles per hour) for output form. Default is Xnautical miles (and knots). Note: All speeds and distances in the X\fIplanfile\fP are assumed to be knots and nautical miles unless Xexplicitly marked by the \fBmi\fP or \fBmph\fP keywords. X.TP X.B \-b XSelects \fIbrief\fP mode. Intermediate waypoints (those which are not Xturning points) are not included in the output form. Useful for seeing Xthe 'big picture'. X.TP X.B \-t XDisables automatically tracking navaids in the primary navigation Xradio (nav(1)). By default the nav(1) VOR automatically tracks to the Xnext navaid (or from the previous one). When this option is enabled X[DEFAULT], user specified nav(1) assignments are overridden. X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH "PLANFILE FORMAT" X\fBfplan\fP accepts a reasonably free-format input language to specify Xdeparture and destination airports, winds aloft, intermediate Xwaypoints, etc. The \fIplanfile\fP consists of any number of Xsemicolon (;) separated descriptors. Comments are introduced by a Xhash mark (#) in any column (all characters following the # on the Xline are ignored). Each boldfaced keyword is case sensative - all are Xlowercase. A \fIdesignator\fP, on the other hand, is not case Xsensative - they may be written in upper or lowercase. In the case of Xa conflict with an \fBfplan\fP keyword (e.g. if there is an airport Xnamed VIA), use uppercase to prevent \fBfplan\fP from interpreting VIA Xas a keyword. Each descriptor is listed below. X.TP 20 X.\"----------------- X\fBfrom\fP \fIdesignator\fP ; XSpecifies the departure airport. \fIDesignator\fP is an airport Xdesignator (e.g. ORD). The private and public airports.nav databases Xare searched. It is an error if the \fIdesignator\fP cannot be found Xin any database. (Example: \fIfrom ORD;\fP). X.\"----------------- X.TP X\fBto\fP \fIdesignator\fP ; XSpecifies the destination airport. \fIDesignator\fP is an airport Xdesignator (e.g. ORD). The private and public airports.nav databases Xare searched. It is an error if the \fIdesignator\fP cannot be found Xin any database. (Example: \fIto ATL;\fP). X.\"----------------- X.PP XIntermediate waypoints can be specified in three ways: by designator X(for vors or airports in the databases), by geographic coordinates X(latitude and longitude), or as a `distance since last turn' (useful Xfor VFR, dead reckoning flights where it is helpful to have a Xcheckpoint every 10 minutes or so). X.TP 20 X\fBvia\fP \fIdesignator\fP ; XSpecifies a navaid or airport waypoint. \fIDesignator\fP is a Xnavaid, intersection, or airport designator (e.g. RMG). The private Xand public vors.nav, then airports.nav databases are searched. It is Xan error if the \fIdesignator\fP cannot be found in any database. X(Example: \fIvia CMI;\fP). X.\"----------------- X.TP X\fBvia\fP \fIlatitude\fP , \fIlongitude [, name [, city [, comment ]]]\fP ; XSpecifies a geographic coordinate checkpoint. Use positive latitudes Xfor north, negative for south. Use positive longitudes for west, Xnegative for east. Use \fIdegrees.minutes\fP notation: 45.678 means 45 Xdegrees, 67.8 minutes. Up to three optional comma-separated strings X(corresponding to the \fIname\fP, \fIcity\fP, and \fIcomment\fP, Xstrings in the output form) may be specified. (Examples: \fIvia 33.51, X84.38, ``Tank Farms'', ``Atlanta'', ``7nm NW of FTY'';\fP or \fIvia X33.51, 84.38, ``Tank Farms'', ``Atlanta'';\fP or even just \fIvia X33.51, 84.38;\fP). X.\"----------------- X.TP X\fBvia\fP \fIdistance [, name [, city [, comment ]]]\fP ; XSpecifies an `incremental' checkpoint. If positive, \fIDistance\fP is Xa number specifying the number of \fInautical\fP miles (unless the X\fBmi\fP keyword is specified - then statute miles) since the last Xturn point. If negative, then the distance until the next turn point. XIncremental waypoints are very useful for intermediate waypoints in XVFR / dead reckoning flight, where it is often necessary to have Xcheckpoints every 10 miles or so. They are also useful for specifying X`end-of-climb' or `beginning-of-descent' points. The optional strings Xare described under geographic coordinate checkpoints. Warning: Xsuccessive `incremental' distances refer to the previous Xnon-`incremental' checkpoint. Thus the following two waypoints Xactually refer to the same point: \fIvia 10, ``point 1'';\fP and X\fIvia 10, ``point 2''\fP. (Examples: \fIvia 12;\fP or \fIvia 13.4 Xmi;\fP or \fIvia 5, ``Montefusco's Lake'';\fP) X.PP XThe following directives are used to specify the wind and true airspeed. X.TP 20 X\fBwind\fP \fIheading\fP \fB@\fP \fIspeed\fP ; XSpecifies the wind speed and direction. If no wind is specified, it Xis assumed to be calm. (Example: \fIwind 320@15;\fP). X.TP X\fBtas\fP \fIspeed\fP ; XSpecifies the true airspeed. If no true airspeed is specified, time Xestimates will not be made. The speed is assumed to be in knots unless Xthe \fBmph\fP keyword is specified. (Example: \fItas 95;\fP or \fItas X95mph;\fP). X.PP XIn order for fuel consumption computations to be made, the initial Xamount of fuel on board and burn rate must be specified. X.TP 20 X\fBfuel_amt\fP \fInumber\fP ; XSpecifies the initial amount (pounds, gallons, liters, whatever) of Xfuel on board. (Example: \fIfuel_amt 24.5;\fP). X.TP X\fBfuel_rate\fP \fInumber\fP ; XSpecifies the fuel burn rate in units per hour - use the same units Xas in the \fBfuel_amt\fP directive. (Example: \fIfuel_rate 5.4;\fP). X.TP X\fBfuel_used\fP \fInumber\fP ; XSpecifies fuel burn not computable from the burn rate (e.g. for taxi Xand climb). Use the same units as in the \fBfuel_amt\fP directive. X(Example: \fIfuel_used 0.8;\fP). X.PP XThe flight altitude may be specified with the following directive. It Xis currently simply copied to the output form, but future versions of X\fBfplan\fP may use it to look up true airspeed and fuel economy from Xan aircraft specific database. X.TP 20 X\fBalt\fP \fIfeet\fP ; XSpecifies the flight altitude for the succeeding legs. (Example: X\fIalt 5500;\fP). X.PP XVOR cross fixes can be computed for each waypoint. Up to 6 Xsimultaneous fixes may be specified. By default, nav(1) automatically Xtracks to the next waypoint (if it is a navigation aid), or from the Xprevious waypoint. This can be disabled by the \fB-t\fP command line Xswitch. When auto track is enabled (the default), user specified Xvalues for nav(1) are ignored. X.TP 20 X\fBnav (\fP \fInumber\fP \fB)\fP \fIdesignator\fP ; XSpecifies which VOR to track in the \fInumber\fP navigation radio. It Xis an error if no navaid named \fIdesignator\fP can be found in the Xdatabases. (Example: \fInav(2) cmi;\fP). X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH EXAMPLE XThe following example planfile illustrates a simple flight from XChicago O'Hare to Champaign, IL via the DuPage VOR with a 5 knot wind Xfrom 320. True airspeed is set for 95 knots. VOR cross fixes from the XPeotone VOR (EON) will be computed. Initial fuel is 24.5 gallons and Xfuel economy is set to 5.4 gallons per hour. X.sp Xnav(2) EON; Xfuel_amt 24.5; Xfuel_rate 5.4; Xtas 95; Xwind 230@5; Xfrom ORD; Xvia DPA; Xto CMI; X.sp XRunning X.B fplan Xwith this planfile produces (elided in order to fit the narrow page): X.sp X.\" if this is nroff, then don't use tbl since the column widths X.\" usually end up too wide for an 80 column terminal. If it's troff, X.\" then use tbl since we don't have constant width fonts to do our X.\" formatting. X.if n \{ .nf X+-------- / -------+---+-----+ +--------+ X|CHECKPOI / DESIG| | FUEL| | VOR| X|CITY / FREQ|DIS| ETE+------+---+----+-----+--------+ FREQ| X|COMMENT / AT/LONG|REM| ATE| MC|TAS|DIST| ALT| VOR|DME RAD| X+-------- / -------+---+-----> WIND|EGS| ETE| RATE| FREQ<--------+ X|CHICAGO- / ORD| | 24.5| MH|AGS| ATE| FUEL|DME RAD| EON| X|CHICAGO, / | 0| +------+---+----+-----+--------+ 113.20| X| / 87.543]|132| | 256| 95| 21| | DPA|43 171T| X+-------- / -------+---+----->230@05| 90| 14| 5.4| 108.40<--------+ X|DUPAGE / DPA| | 23.3| 254| | | 1.2|21 253T| EON| X| / 108.40| 21| 14+------+---+----+-----+--------+ 113.20| X|L [IL] C / 88.210]|111| | 176| 95| 111| | CMI|45 144T| X+-------- / -------+---+----->230@05| 92|1:12| 5.4| 110.00<--------+ X|UNIVERSI / CMI| | 16.8| 179| | | 6.5|111 175T| EON| X|CHAMPAIG / 120.40|132| 1:26+------+---+----+-----+--------+ 113.20| X|CHICAGO / 88.167]| 0| | |77 015T| X+-------- / -------+---+-----+ +--------+ X\} X.if t \{ .nf X.bp X\s-2 XSpeeds in knots; Distances in nautical miles X.TS Xtab (~) center; X| l || r | r | r | r r r r re | re | . X_~_~_~_~~~~~~_ XCHECKPOINT~DESIG~~FUEL~~~~~~VOR X.T& X| l || r | r | r | r | r | r | r | re | re | . XCITY~FREQ~DIS~ETE~_~_~_~_~_~FREQ XCOMMENT~T/LONG~REM~ATE~MC~TAS~DIST~ALT~VOR~RAD DME X_~_~_~_~WIND~EGS~ETE~RATE~FREQ~_~ XCHICAGO-O~ORD~~24.5~MH~AGS~ATE~FUEL~RAD DME~EON XCHICAGO, IL~~0~~_~_~_~_~_~113.20 XCHICAGO~87.543]~132~~256~95~21~~DPA~171T 43 X_~_~_~_~230@05~90~14~5.4~108.40~_ XDUPAGE~DPA~~23.3~254~~~1.2~253T 21~EON X~108.40~21~14~_~_~_~_~_~113.20 XL [IL] CHIC~88.210]~111~~176~95~111~~CMI~144T 45 X_~_~_~_~230@05~92~1:12~5.4~110.00~_ XUNIVERSITY~CMI~~16.8~179~~~6.5~175T 111~EON XCHAMPAIGN/~120.40~132~1:26~_~_~_~_~_~113.20 X.T& X| l || r | r | r | r r r r re | re | . XCHICAGO~88.167]~0~~~~~~~015T 77 X_~_~_~_~~~~~~_ X.TE X\s+2 X\} X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH ENVIRONMENT X.B fplan Xrecognizes the following environment variables to specify where to Xlook for its databases: X.TP 12 X.B NAV XOverrides the location of the public databases (Unix default is X"/usr/local/lib/preflight", MSDOS default is "\\lib\\flight"). X.TP X.B NAV_PRIVATE XOverrides the location of the private databases (Unix default is X"~/preflight", MSDOS default is "\\flight"). X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH FILES XThe database files used by \fBfplan\fP are specially formatted for Xquick lookup. Use \fBpaddb\fP to convert a text file into the Xformatted version suitable for use with \fBfplan\fP. X.sp X.PD 0 X.TP 15 X.B airports.nav XAirports database in \fBfplan(5)\fP format. X.TP X.B vors.nav XNavigation aids database in \fBfplan(5)\fP format. X.PD X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH SEE ALSO X\fBnav(1)\fP, \fBfplan(5)\fP, \fBnav(5)\fP, \fBpaddb(1)\fP X.LP X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH AUTHOR XSteve Tynor \- X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH DISCLAIMER X USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! I assume no responsibility for any errors Xin this program, its database or documentation. I will make an effort Xto fix bugs, but if you crash and burn because, for example, fuel Xestimates in this program were inaccurate, it's your own fault for Xtrusting somebody else's code! Remember, as Pilot In Command, it's X\fIyour\fP responsibility to do complete preflight planning. Use this Xprogram as a flight planning aid, but verify its results before using Xthem. X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH LIMITATIONS XThe airways.nav databases are currently not used. SHAR_EOF chmod 0444 fplan.1 || echo "restore of fplan.1 fails" echo "x - extracting fplan.5 (Text)" sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > fplan.5 && X.\" -*- nroff -* X.\" $Id: fplan.5,v 1.1 89/11/11 19:09:21 tynor Exp $ X.TH FPLAN 5 "11 November 1989" FPLAN "Flight Planning" X.SH "NAME" Xairports.nav, vors.nav \- databases for flight planning Xprograms (nav and fplan) X.SH "SYNOPSIS" X.B airports.nav X.B vors.nav X.SH "DESCRIPTION" X.PP XThe \fBfplan(5)\fP format is identical to the \fBnav(5)\fP format. XDatabases created for \fBnav(1)\fP are compatible with \fBfplan(1)\fP. X.PP XThese files (\fIairports.nav\fP, and \fIvors.nav\fP) contain Xinformation about airports and and radio navigation aids. The files Xconsist of any number of records in the formats described below. Each Xrecord contains a series of fields, separated by colons (:) and is Xnull-padded to a fixed length which allows \fBfplan(1)\fP to use a Xfast binary search algorithm for database searches. A companion Xprogram, \fBpaddb(1)\fP, can be used to convert a text file into a Xpadded database file. The records must occur in increasing Xlexigraphic (alphabetical) order. X.SH AIRPORTS DATABASE (airports.nav) X.PP XThe following sample record: X.sp X.ce 1 X"1C6:POLO, IL:RADIO RANCH:840:-01:0:41:58.7:89:33.6:122.800:CHICAGO" X.sp Xis for Radio Ranch airport in Polo, IL. The airport designator Xis 1C6. Its elevation is 840 feet. The local magnetic variation is 1 Xdegree, 0 minutes east. Its geographic coordinates (latitude and Xlongitude) are 41 degrees, 58.7 minutes north, 89 degrees, 33.6 Xminutes west. Its CTAF frequency is 122.8. The final field is usually Xused to indicate on which sectional chart the airport may be found - in Xthis case Chicago. X.PP XThe fields in each X.B airport.nav Xrecord are as follows. X.TP 15 XAirport ID XAirport identification code, typically three or four Xcharacters and digits. All letters must be uppercase. Airports ID Xcan be at most five characters long. NOTE: for private databases, XAirport IDs may contain underscores (_) in order to distinguish them Xfrom official Airport IDs. X.TP XCity XName of the nearest city; up to thirty-two characters. X.TP XAirport Name XAirport name, up to thirty-two characters. X.TP XAirport Elevation XSpecified in feet. X.TP XDegrees Portion of Magnetic Variation XThe magnetic variation which Xapplies to navigation at the airport, rounded down to the nearest Xdegree. Positive numbers indicate \fIwest\fP variation, negative Xnumbers indicate \fIeast\fP. X.TP XMinutes Portion of Magnetic Variation XThe minutes portion of the variation. X.TP XDegrees Portion of Latitude XThe \fIdegrees\fP portion of the latitude Xof the airport. Negative numbers indicate south latitude. X.TP XMinutes Portion of Latitude XThe \fIminutes\fP portion of the latitude Xof the airport, expressed in minutes and tenths of minutes (eg. 45.8). X.TP XDegrees Portion of Longitude XAs for latitude; negative numbers indicate east longitude. X.TP XMinutes Portion of Longitude XAs for latitude; again, minutes and tenths. X.TP XCommon Traffic Avoidance Frequency XThe CTAF Xfor the airport, if known. Frequently, this field is empty. X.TP XComments XMay include, for example, other frequencies at the airport, or the Xsectional on which the airport appears. X.SH NAVIGATION AIDS DATABASE (vors.nav) X.PP XFollowing are some examples of records from the X\fIvors.nav\fP Xdatabase. They are for a VOR-DME Xor VorTac, for a VOR X(without distance determination capabilities), Xfor an XNDB, Xand for an intersection. (In what follows, the term "fix" Xrefers to an intersection or a waypoint.) X.sp X.ce 4 X"GUS:Grissom:116.50:810:02:0:40:38.7:86:9.1:DME:T [IN] IND FSS" X"ROM:Priest:110.0:3880:-16:00:36:8.4:120:39.8:VOR:L PRB FSS" X"EZB:East Bay:362::-17:0:37:44.6:122:13.1:NDB:[CA] OAK FSS" X"AUGUS:ENRT-LOW:0:0:03:0:38:17.9:87:16.4:INT:PXVr043d31 & SAMr103" X.sp X.PP XThe first of these is for the Grissom VOR/DME or VorTac, with Xidentifier GUS and frequency 116.5. The second is for Priest VOR, Xidentifier ROM on frequency 110.0. The third is for the East Bay NDB, Xfrequency 362 and identifier EZB. The last example is for the AUGUS Xintersection, which is an enroute-low intersection (i.e. appears on Xan enroute low-altitude navigation chart). X.TP 15 XNavaid ID XThe identifier of the navigation aid, waypoint, or fix. XThis field should be in all upper case, with at most five characters. XNOTE: for private databases, Navaid IDs may contain underscores (_) Xin order to distinguish them from official Navaid IDs. X.TP XNavaid Name XName of the navigation aid, up to thirty-two characters. For a Xfix, this field will contain the principle use of the fix. X.TP XFrequency XFrequency of this navigation aid. X.TP XAltitude XAltitude of the navigation aid. X.TP XDegrees Portion of Magnetic Variation XThe magnetic variation which applies to navigation at the navaid, Xas described for the airports.nav file above. X.TP XMinutes Portion of Magnetic Variation XThe minutes portion of the variation. X.TP XDegrees Portion of Latitude XThe \fIdegrees\fP Xportion of the latitude of the airport. Negative numbers indicate south Xlatitude. X.TP XMinutes Portion of Latitude XThe X\fIminutes\fP Xportion of the latitude of the airport, expressed in minutes and tenths Xof minutes (eg. 45.8). X.TP XDegrees Portion of Longitude XAs for latitude; negative numbers indicate east longitude. X.TP XMinutes Portion Longitude XAs for latitude; again, minutes and tenths. X.TP XNavaid or Fix Type XThe type of the navigation aid or fix. Types are: X.IP XUNK \(em Unknown XNDB \(em Non-Directional Beacon XVOR \(em VOR (no distance determination facilities) XDME \(em VOR-DME or VORTAC XTAC \(em TACAN XILS \(em Localizer XINT \(em Intersection XWPT \(em Waypoint XLOM \(em Locator Outer Marker XLMM \(em Locator Middle Marker X.TP XComments XComments associated with this navaid or fix. May include, Xfor example, the state in which the navaid is located, the flight Xservice station or ATC facility associated with or controlling it, Xand, for a fix, the navids comprising the fix. (In the fix shown Xabove, the fix is defined by the Pocket City (PXV) VorTac's 043 radial Xat 31 nautical miles, and by PXV's 043 radial and the Samsville (SAM) XVorTac's 103 radial.) X.SH "FILES" Xairports.nav, vors.nav X.SH "SEE ALSO" Xnav(1), fplan(1), fplan(5) X.SH AUTHORS XAlan Markum \(em \(em author of \fBnav\fP XSteve Tynor \(em \(em author of \fBfplan\fP X.sp XThis file is essentially just a reformat of the \fBnav(5)\fP manual Xpage. SHAR_EOF chmod 0444 fplan.5 || echo "restore of fplan.5 fails" echo "x - extracting paddb.1 (Text)" sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > paddb.1 && X.\" -*- nroff -* X.\" $Id: paddb.1,v 1.2 89/11/11 19:09:26 tynor Exp $ X.\"------------------------------------------- X.TH PADDB 1 "11 November 1989" PADDB "Flight Planning" X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH NAME Xpaddb \- flight planner database formatter X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH SYNOPSIS X.LP X\fBpaddb\fP \fItext-file database-file\fP X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH DESCRIPTION X.LP X\fBpaddb\fP reads a \fItext_file\fP and formats it into X\fIdatabase-file\fP which can be used by \fBfplan(1)\fP by padding XASCII NULL characters at the end of each record to make each record of Xequal length. X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH SEE ALSO X\fBfplan(1)\fP, \fBfplan(5)\fP X.LP X.\"------------------------------------------- X.SH AUTHOR XSteve Tynor \- SHAR_EOF chmod 0444 paddb.1 || echo "restore of paddb.1 fails" exit 0