(Elwood C. Downey) (03/11/90)
Posting-number: Volume 11, Issue 7 Submitted-by: (Elwood C. Downey) Archive-name: ephem4.12/part06 # This is the first line of a "shell archive" file. # This means it contains several files that can be extracted into # the current directory when run with the sh shell, as follows: # sh < this_file_name # This is file 1 of a two-part manual, Man.txt if test -r Man.txt then echo Man.txt has already been built. exit fi echo x Man.txt.1 sed -e 's/^X//' << 'EOFxEOF' > Man.txt.1 X X X X X X X Ephem V4.12 - February 20, 1990 X X Copyright (c) 1990 by Elwood Charles Downey X Chaska, Minnesota, USA X X X Table of Contents X 1. Introduction ................................................... 3 X 2. Running Ephem .................................................. 3 X 2.1. Command Line Format .......................................... 3 X 2.2. Program Operation ............................................ 4 X 3. Screen Fields .................................................. 5 X 3.1. Top Screen Fields ............................................ 5 X 3.2. Data format columns .......................................... 6 X 3.3. RiseSet format columns ....................................... 7 X 3.4. Separation format fields ..................................... 7 X 4. Date and Time Formats .......................................... 7 X 5. Configuration File ............................................. 8 X 5.1. Configuration File fields .................................... 8 X 5.2. Example ephem.cfg ............................................ 10 X 6. Menu options ................................................... 10 X 6.1. Adaptive vs. Standard hzn .................................... 11 X 6.2. Geocentric vs. Topocentric ................................... 11 X 7. Object X ....................................................... 11 X 7.1. Controlling Object-X Operation ............................... 12 X 7.1.1. Fixed coordinates .......................................... 12 X 7.1.2. Elliptical elements ........................................ 12 X 7.1.3. Parabolic elements ......................................... 12 X 7.1.4. On or Off .................................................. 13 X 8. Plotting ....................................................... 13 X 8.1. Defining plot fields ......................................... 13 X 8.2. Displaying a plot file ....................................... 14 X 8.3. Cartesian or Polar coords .................................... 14 X 8.4. Begin Plotting ............................................... 14 X 8.5. Stopping Plotting ............................................ 14 X 9. Watching ....................................................... 14 X 9.1. Trails ....................................................... 15 X 9.2. Night sky .................................................... 15 X 9.3. Solar System ................................................. 15 X 10. Searching ..................................................... 15 X 10.1. Find extreme ................................................ 16 X 10.2. Find 0 ...................................................... 16 X 10.3. Binary ...................................................... 16 X 10.4. Define a New function ....................................... 16 X 10.4.1. Intrinsic functions ....................................... 17 X 10.4.2. Field Specifiers .......................................... 17 X 10.4.3. Constants ................................................. 17 X 10.4.4. Operators ................................................. 18 X 10.5. Specifying Search Accuracy .................................. 18 X 10.6. Stop ........................................................ 18 X 10.7. Example Searches ............................................ 18 X 10.8. Another Example ............................................. 19 X 10.9. Caution ..................................................... 19 X 11. Implementation Notes .......................................... 20 X X X X X X X X X X - 2 - X X X 11.1. Program limits .............................................. 20 X 12. DOS Installation Procedure .................................... 21 X 12.1. Setting TZ .................................................. 21 X 13. Wish List ..................................................... 21 X 14. Sample Screens ................................................ 23 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X - 3 - X X X 1. Introduction X X Ephem is a program that displays observing circumstances for all the X planets plus any one additional object. The additional object may be fixed X or specified via heliocentric elliptical or parabolic orbital elements to X accommodate solar system objects such as comets or asteroids. X X Information displayed about each object includes RA and Dec precessed to X any epoch, heliocentric coordinates, local azimuth and altitude, distance X from sun and earth, solar elongation, angular size, visual magnitude, X illumination phase, local rise, transit and set times, length of time up, X and topocentric or geocentric angular separations between all combinations X of objects. X X Observing circumstance information includes UTC and local date and time, X local sidereal time, times of astronomical twilight, length of day and X night, local temperature, pressure and height above sea level for the X refraction model and a monthly calendar. X X RA/Dec calculations are geocentric and include the effects of light travel X time, nutation, aberration and precession. Alt/az and rise/set/transit X and, optionally, angular separation calculations are topocentric and X include the additional effects of parallax and refraction. X X A running plot file of selected field values may be generated as the X program runs. Ephem includes a very crude quick-look facility to view X these plot files or they may be plotted by other programs. X X One may watch the night sky or the solar system with a simple screen- X oriented display. X X Ephem may be asked to search for interesting conditions automatically, X using several algorithms. Most fields displayed on the screen may be used X as terms in an arbitrary arithmetic expression that can be solved for zero X or minimized or maximized, or the time of state change of any boolean X expression can be found. X X The program is written in C for unix or DOS. It uses only a very simple X set of io routines and should be easily ported to any ASCII display. X X The planetary data and correction algorithms are taken, with permission, X from "Astronomy With Your Personal Computer", by Peter Duffett-Smith, X Cambridge University Press, 1985. X X 2. Running Ephem X X X 2.1. Command Line Format X X To run ephem, just type "ephem". You may also optionally specify an X alternate configuration file, and optionally specify values for several X screen fields. The command line syntax can be summarized as follows: X X ephem [-c <configfile>] [field=value ...] X X X X X X X X X X - 4 - X X X 2.2. Program Operation X X When ephem starts, it first displays a disclaimer banner. Then, after any X key is pressed, it reads a configuration file to set the initial values of X several fields. The default file name is ephem.cfg or .ephemrc in the X HOME environment variable directory if available. The exact format of the X file is described below. Then it processes any additional command line X arguments exactly as it would if they too came from the configuration X file. (See the later section on this manual for a description of the X possible entries.) It then draws all fields on the screen with their X initial values. The program then loops advancing time each step, by some X amount you may control, and updating all fields each loop. X X There are two fields that control this looping behavior: NStep and StpSz. X These control the number of steps and the amount of time to add each step, X respectively. When the number of steps, NStep, goes to 0 or any key is X pressed, the looping stops and you enter a command mode. X X Command mode allows you to modify most of the fields. The idea is that X you move to each field on the screen you wish to change and change it. X When you have changed everything you want to, type "q" to resume screen X updates. X X To change a field: X X 1) move the cursor to the field (see below); X 2) type RETURN; X 3) type in the new value along the command line at the top according X to the format indicated in the prompt. To accept the new value X type RETURN, or to leave it unchanged after all type "q". X X X A few fields don't require you to type anything; just typing RETURN does X all the work. If you can't move to it, you can't change it. X X The arrow keys on most systems move the cursor around. If these do not X function or function incorrectly, the h/j/k/l keys also move the cursor X left/down/up/right, respectively. Motions off any edge of the screen will X wrap around. You may also move the cursor immediately to a planet row by X typing one of the characters SMevmjsunpx. (To avoid conflict with j, X jupiter's row must actually be typed as control-j.) "x" is for the user- X defined object X on the bottom row. Also, the characters d, o and z move X you to the UT Date, Epoch and StpSz fields immediately, if appropriate. X X When you have changed a field that would invalidate any of the other X fields the message NEW CIRCUMSTANCES appears in the top center of the X screen. This will remain until you type "q" to allow at least one screen X update loop to occur. If you change any field that causes new X circumstances, the StpSz value is not added to the first loop. Note also X that after a series of loops, NStep is automatically reset to 1 so "q" X will do exactly one loop and return you to command mode. X X To quit the program, type control-d from command mode. For a little more X help, type ?. The entire screen may be erased and redrawn with control-l. X X X X X X X X X X - 5 - X X X 3. Screen Fields X X The screen is divided into two halves, top and bottom. The top fields are X always present. They define the general observing circumstances and X control features. X X The planets and one additional object are displayed in a table in the X bottom portion of the screen. There is one object per row, and several X columns. There are three forms of this portion selected by picking the X Menu selection. X X Some things may be turned off to reduce compute times. Calculations for X each planet may be turned on and off by selecting the planet name field. X Calculations for Dawn/Dusk/NiteLn may be turned off by selecting any of X these fields. Planet positions are only updated as often as necessary to X match the display precision of the screen unless plotting or searching is X on. In these cases full precision is desired at all times and so X positions are always fully recalculated at each iteration. X X Follows is a list and description of each of the fields in each section. X Following each name a parenthetical "p" indicates the field may be X selected for plotting (see later). All fields may be selected for X changing. X X X 3.1. Top Screen Fields X X LTZ the local timezone name. The name field may be changed to X any three-character mnemonic. X LT(p) X LD(p) The local time and date are not labeled as such but are to X the right of the local timezone name. They are individually X selectable. Time and date fields may be changed as X described in a later section. Set to "n" to set to "now" X from computer clock. X UT(p) X UD(p) The universally coordinated time and date are not labeled as X such but are to the right of the UTC label. They are X individually selectable. Time and date fields may be X changed as described in a later section. Set to "n" to set X to "now" from computer clock. X JulianDat(p) the current Julian date, to about 1-second accuracy. X Watch selects the sky or solar system displays; see complete X discussion below. X Search controls the automatic search feature of ephem. See the X complete discussion below. X Plot controls plotting; see complete discussion below. X Menu controls which menu is in the bottom half of the screen. X See their complete discussion below. X LST(p) the current local sidereal time. set to "n" to set from X computer clock. X Dawn(p) local time when the sun is approximately 18 degrees below X the horizon before sunrise. X X X X X X X X X X X - 6 - X X X Dusk(p) local time when the sun is approximately 18 degrees below X the horizon after sunset. X NiteLn(p) length of astronomical night, ie, Dawn - Dusk. If this line X is shown as "-----", it means the sun is either always below X or always above approximately -18 degrees altitude on this X particular day. This and the Dawn and Dusk lines are blank X when their computation has been turned off. X NStep The number of times the display with be updated (time X advanced by StpSz each step) before entering command mode. X StpSz the amount of time UTC (and its derivatives) is incremented X each loop. set this to "r" to use real-time based on the X computer clock. you may also set it in terms of days by X appending a "d" after the number when you set it. X Lat(p) location latitude, positive degrees north of equator. X Long(p) location longitude, positive degrees west of Greenwich X meridian. set to "N" to set from computer clock. X Elev(p) local elevation of the ground above sea level, in feet. (see X implementation notes). X Temp(p) local surface air temperature, in degrees F. X AtmPr(p) local surface air pressure, in inches of mercury. X TZ(p) hours local time is behind utc, ie, positive west or X negative east of Greenwich. X Epoch the epoch, to the nearest 0.1 years, to which the ra/dec X fields are precessed. This says (OfDate) when coordinates X are not precessed, ie, are in the epoch of date. Set to "e" X to set to epoch of date. The coordinates for the extra X object are assumed to be in the epoch given by this field X when they are entered. X Also in the upper right of the screen is a calendar for the current local X month. Dates of new and full moons are marked NM and FM, respectively. X X 3.2. Data format columns X Ob name of object. Select this to toggle the display and X calculations on and off. X R.A.(p) apparent geocentric right ascension of object, precessed to X given epoch, in hours, minutes and decimal minutes. X Dec(p) apparent geocentric declination of object, precessed to X given epoch, in degrees and minutes. X Az(p) degrees eastward of true north for object. X Alt(p) degrees up from a horizontal plane Elev feet above sea X level. X Helio Long(p) true heliocentric longitude, in degrees. Earth's is X displayed on the sun's line. X Helio Lat(p) true heliocentric latitude, in degrees. X Ea Dst(p) true distance from earth center to object center, in AU, X except distance to the moon is in miles. X Sn Dst(p) true distance from sun center to object center, in AU. X Elong(p) spherical angular separation between sun and given object, X calculated from the their geocentric ecliptic coordinates. X Note this is not just difference in ecliptic longitude. The X sign, however, is simply sign(obj's longitude - sun's X longitude), ie, degrees east. thus, a positive elongation X means the object rises after the sun. X X X X X X X X X X X - 7 - X X X Size(p) angular size of object, in arc seconds. X VMag(p) visual magnitude of object. X Phs(p) percent of visible surface in sunlight. Note the moon phase X is calculated simplistically as just abs(elongation)/180*100 X which can be a few degrees off... this means that because of X how elongation is defined it doesn't say 0 during new moon X (or 100 during full) except during close eclipses (maybe X that's a "feature"?). X Also, some terminals scroll when a character is written to the lower right X character position. To avoid this, Object X's phase is left shifted by one X column. This can look particularly ugly when the phase is 100% because the X "100" is right next to visual magnitude number. X X 3.3. RiseSet format columns X Rise The local time and azimuth when the upper limb of the object X rises. X Transit The local time and altitude when the object crosses the X meridian, ie, when its azimuth is true south or, if no X precession, when the local sidereal time equals the object's X right ascension. X Set The local time and azimuth when the upper limb of the object X sets. X Hrs Up The number of hours the object is up on the local date. X X Horizon displacement may be calculated in either of two ways; see the X horizon discussion in the Menu selection section. X X Various oddball conditions are accounted for, including an object that is X up sometime during the day but that doesn't rise, transit or set as such X on that day, an object that is circumpolar or that is never up or one that X rises twice on the same day. These are marked as "Never rises", "Never X transits", "Never sets", "Circumpolar", "Never up" or appended with a plus X "+" sign, respectively. X X 3.4. Separation format fields X This format is a table of angular separations between each pair of X objects. These angles are based on the local altitude/azimuth, and so in X general differ somewhat from the elongations reported for the sun in the X Data menu. X X 4. Date and Time Formats X Times are displayed and entered in h:m:s format. If you pick a time field X to change it any of the h, m, and s components that are not specified are X left unchanged from their current value. For example, 0:5:0 set hours to X 0, minutes to 5, seconds to 0, whereas :5 sets minutes to 5 but leaves X hours and seconds unchanged. A negative time is indicated by a minus sign X (-) anywhere before the first digit. X X Dates are displayed and entered in American month:day:year format. As X with time, components omitted when entering a new value retain the current X value. For example, if the current date is 10/20/1988 and you type 20/20 X the new date will become 20/20/1988. Note you must type the full year X since the program is accurate over several centuries either side of 1900. X If you change the date, the time (ie, partial day) will not change. X X X X X X X X X X - 8 - X X X Two other ways to set the date are supported for compatibility with some X published comet ephemerides. You may enter the day portion as a real X number. When you set the day this way, the time will also change to X correspond to the fractional portion of the day. X X You may also enter a date as a decimal year, as in 1990.12345. This is X also useful in interpreting plot files that include a date field, since X date fields are stored in plot files as decimal years. If no decimal X point is included, the number is assumed to be a year unless it is in the X range 1-12, in which case it will be taken to mean that you are just X changing the month of the current date. To actually specify the years 1 - X 12, you must append a decimal point to distinguish them from months. X X As a matter of typing convenience, the program accepts most any character X as the separator; you don't have to type a perfect ":" or "/". X X 5. Configuration File X The ephem.cfg configuration file allows you to set the initial values of X many of the screen fields. You can still change any field while the X program is running too; this file just sets the initial conditions. Note X that the order of entries in this file is important because they each take X effect immediately. You should put them in the same order you wish them X to be processed, just as though you were changing the fields interactively X within ephem. X X You can have several different configuration files if you wish. By X default, ephem looks for one named ephem.cfg. You can tell it to use an X alternate file by using the -c switch as follows: X X ephem -c <filespec> X X X If your system supports the HOME environment variable then ephem also X looks for a configuration file there with the name X X The format of the file uses the form KEYWORD=VALUE, where the possible X KEYWORDS and the types of VALUES for each are described below. Any X KEYWORDS not in the file will take on some sort of default. The separator X need not be an actual equals sign; any char will do because the VALUE is X assumed to start one character after the KEYWORD, regardless. X X Blank lines and lines that begin with an asterisk (*), pound (#), or X whitespace (space or tab) are ignored and may be used for comments. X X Note: because of the way unspecified time and date components are left X unchanged (see section on Date and Time Formats) always specify the X complete time and date for all entries in the configuration file. For X example, to initialize the longitude to zero degrees, say 0:0:0, not just X 0. X X 5.1. Configuration File fields X UD initial UTC date, such as 10/20/1988, or "NOW" to use the X computer clock. X X X X X X X X X X X - 9 - X X X UT initial UTC time, such as 12:0:0, or "NOW" to use the computer X clock. X TZONE hours the local time is behind utc, such as 5:0:0. you need not X set this if you use "NOW" for UT or UD. X TZNAME name of the local time zone, such as CDT. 3 chars max. you need X not set this if you use "NOW" for UT or UD. X LONG longitude, in degrees west of Greenwich, in the form d:m:s. X LAT latitude, in degrees north of the equator, in the form d:m:s. X HEIGHT height above sea level, in feet, such as 800 X TEMP air temperature, in degrees F, such as 50 X PRES air pressure, in inches of Mercury, such as 29 X STPSZ the time increment between screen updates, such as "1" to give X one hour updates. this can be a specific amount or RTC to use X the system clock as a real-time source. You may also specify a X time in days, by appending a D (or d) after the number. X PROPTS this selects what you want included initially in the display. X since IBM-PC math is not very fast, you can reduce the time to X update the screen by only printing those fields of interest. the X VALUE is a collection of letters to turn on each item from the X following set: X X T twilight (dawn-dusk) X S circumstances for the sun X M circumstances for the moon X e circumstances for mercury X v circumstances for venus X m circumstances for mars X j circumstances for jupiter X s circumstances for saturn X u circumstances for uranus X n circumstances for neptune X p circumstances for pluto X x circumstances for object X X X For example, to just track the sun and saturn, say PROPTS=Ss X X If the delimiter between PROPTS and the selection is a plus (+) X sign then the given planets are included IN ADDITION TO ones X already specified. Any other delimiter sets the selection to X exactly the set specified. This feature was added so that the X command line version of using PROPTS could add to the set of X planets giving in the configuration file. X NSTEP number of times program will loop before entering command mode. X see the discussion under Program Operation. X EPOCH this sets the desired ra/dec precession epoch. you can put any X date here or EOD to use the current instant ("Epoch of Date"). X OBJX This field specifies the optional object "x". The field X contains several items, each separated by a comma. The first X field is the type of the object, that is, one of the strings X "fixed", "elliptical", or "parabolic"; only enough of the string X to be unique is required so you may use just the first character X if desired. The remaining fields depend on the type of object. X They are exactly the same parameters, and in the same order, as X ephem asks for when defining the object from the menu. These X X X X X X X X X X - 10 - X X X are described in more detail in the section on "Object X". You X may define one object of each type in the configuration file; X the last one defined will be the "current" one when ephem gets X going. X X 5.2. Example ephem.cfg X X This is the ephem.cfg file that was in effect when the sample screens (in X another section) were generated. You might run ephem with this X configuration file and compare with the samples as a check. X X * time is the evening of comet austin's maximum solar separation angle. X UT=1:45:0 X UD=4/5/1990 X TZNAME=CST X TZONE=6:0;0 X LONG=93:42:8 X LAT=44:50:37 X HEIGHT=800 X TEMP=40 X PRES=29.5 X STPSZ=RTC X PROPTS=TSMevmjsunpx X EPOCH=Eod X NSTEP=1 X X * comet halley. elements from Duffett-Smith book; mag from 12/86 S&T pg 666 X OBJX=e,1986.109,76.0081,170.011,0.9673,162.2384,58.1540,17.9435,3.66,7.05 X X * orion, roughly X OBJX=fixed,6:0:0,0:0:0,1950 X X * comet austin, 1989c1, as per IAU Circular 4941, and magnitude rumors. X OBJX=parabolic,4/9.847/1990,58.911,61.504,.34963,75.409,1950,3.8,13.7 X X As another common example, this ephem.cfg creates an essentially free- X running real-time screen based on the computer clock: X X UT=Now X LONG=90:10:8 X LAT=40:50:20 X HEIGHT=800 X TEMP=50 X PRES=29 X STPSZ=RTC X PROPTS=TSMevmjsunp X NSTEP=9999999 X EPOCH=Eod X X X 6. Menu options X X When you select "Menu" you can change among the three styles of bottom X screens. There are also two options that can be set from the Menu quick- X X X X X X X X X X - 11 - X X X choice menu. These options toggle when picked and retain their values so X they need only be changed when desired. X X 6.1. Adaptive vs. Standard hzn X X This selects the horizon refraction displacement algorithm used by the X Rise/Set menu. "Adaptive" uses the local atmospheric conditions known to X ephem and matches the Planet Info times nicely. "Standard" uses the X "accepted nominal" horizon refraction value of 32 arc minutes and usually X agrees, to a minute or so, with published tables. X X 6.2. Geocentric vs. Topocentric X X This selects the vantage point for the Separation menu. "Geocentric" X ignores local conditions and gives the separation as seen from Earth X center. "Topocentric" uses the local conditions known to ephem. They are X particularly critical for lunar occultations, but the effect can be X significant for the planets. X X Note that searching over a period that will include the rise or set times X of either object is generally better performed from the geocentric X viewpoint. The refraction effect of the topocentric viewpoint causes many X arcminutes of rapid whiplash displacement as the objects rise and set that X overlays the smooth celestial motion of the objects. This rapid position X variation can confuse the solver algorithms that expect fairly smooth X functions. X X 7. Object X X X You may specify an extra object for ephem to use. This object may be X defined in three ways: fixed celestial sphere coordinates, or X heliocentric elliptical or parabolic orbital elements. Elliptical X elements are typically useful for periodic comets or asteroids, and X parabolic elements are for nonrecurring solar system interlopers such as X aperiodic comets. X X A simple magnitude model is used to estimate the brightness of comets. X This model requires two parameters to be specified. One, the absolute X magnitude, is the visual magnitude of the comet if it were one AU from X both the sun and the earth. The other, the luminosity index, X characterizes the brightness change of the comet as a function of its X distance from the sun. The model may be expressed as: X X m = A + 5*log10(Re) + S*log10(Rs) X where: X m is the resulting visual magnitude; X A is the absolute visual magnitude; X Re is the comet-earth distance, in AU; X S is the luminosity index; and X Rs is the comet-sun distance. X X Note that this model does not take into account the phase angle of X sunlight on the comet. X X X X X X X X X X X - 12 - X X X The parameters for each type of object are stored separately, so you may X switch between types of objects without losing parameters. X X 7.1. Controlling Object-X Operation X X To control the type and the corresponding details for object X, select the X left column of the bottom row, that is, the X. (Remember that typing the X character "x" is a shorthand way to move to the bottom row.) It will bring X up a quick-choice menu as follows: X X Select: Fixed coordinates, Elliptical elements, Parabolic elements, On X X X When you first enter the quick-choice menu the cursor will start out X positioned at the field for the current type of object. The first three X selections allow you to enter or review the various parameters required to X define an object's position of such type, one parameter at a time. You X set the current object type and begin to view its parameters by X positioning the cursor over the type and pressing RETURN. The prompt for X each item includes a short description, the units to use, and its current X setting is shown in parentheses. To leave the item unchanged and go to the X next item, type RETURN. If you do not wish to change or see any more X items about the object then type "q" and you will return immediately to X the object-X quick-choice menu. X X You exit the quick-choice menu by typing "q" while over any field or X RETURN while over On or Off, as described in a later section. X X As with all dates throughout ephem, the dates for the epochs of perihelion X and reference epochs may be entered in month/day/year or decimal year X formats, and the day may be entered as a real number (see the section on X Date and Time Formats). All dates given for comet parameters are always X in UT. X X 7.1.1. Fixed coordinates X X This selection will present a series of three prompts, one each for the X RA, Dec, and the reference epoch for the coordinates of a fixed object. X X 7.1.2. Elliptical elements X X This will begin a series of nine prompts asking for the parameters that X define a heliocentric elliptic orbit and the magnitude model coefficients. X These orbital parameters are, in order, the epoch of perihelion, orbital X period, longitude of perihelion, eccentricity, inclination, longitude of X the ascending node, and the semi-major axis of the ellipse. Then follows X the absolute magnitude and luminosity index coefficients. X X 7.1.3. Parabolic elements X X This will begin a series of eight prompts asking for the parameters that X define a heliocentric elliptic orbit and the magnitude model coefficients. X These orbital parameters are, in order, the epoch of perihelion, X inclination, argument of perihelion (same as the longitude of perihelion X X X X X X X X X X - 13 - X X X minus the longitude of the ascending node), perihelion distance, longitude X of the ascending node, and the reference epoch of the parameters. Then EOFxEOF len=`wc -c < Man.txt.1` if expr $len != 33834 > /dev/null then echo Length of Man.txt.1 is $len but it should be 33834. fi # if Man.txt.2 exists, then the second half of the manual has already been # created from its shar file so we stick it after this one to make Man.txt. if test -w Man.txt.2 then echo catting Man.txt.2 to Man.txt.1 to form Man.txt cat Man.txt.2 >> Man.txt.1 rm Man.txt.2 mv Man.txt.1 Man.txt fi