[net.jobs] Business Programmer seeking employment

bzf@psuvm.UUCP (03/31/85)


      My name is David Bealer.  I am a senior at The Pennsylvania State Univer-
sity, The Capitol Campus.  Come May 18, 1985, I expect to receive a Bachelor of
Business Administration degree from this institution, with a major in Computer
      Most people believe that business computer majors can only program in
COBOL.  While it is true that I CAN program in COBOL, and rather well, I might
add, it is not my primary computer language.  Pascal is my native computer
language, which means that I not only know how to program in a structured way,
but that I actually PREFER to program in a structured fashion.  I am also
familiar with FORTRAN and IBM 360/370 Assembler.
      During my junior year I assisted an Assistant Professor of Economics here
with a research project on travel and tourism.  I helped him create a small
data base using SAS.  I also abstracted a few of the less technical articles
for the literature survey which was to accompany the research report.  I could
have had the job back this year, but funding was not renewed until November,
and by that time I had already settled myself into another job which offered
more hours per week.
      The position I have held since September 1984 is that of student opera-
tor/consultant at the computer center here on campus.  My responsibilities in-
clude taking print-outs off the printer, operating the card reader for those
users who still use card decks, monitoring and maintaining our connection with
the IBM mainframes at the main campus of Penn State, and providing assistance
to users who experience problems with hardware, JCL, or software.
      This semester I am working on two "design projects."  The first is called
"System Design Project," and is required for all seniors in my major.  It is
independent study, and emphasis is placed on design, working with a real user,
and documenting the completed system, rather than on actual programming, al-
though programming is part of the project.  My project involves creating a
data base for the Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center located here
on campus.  I am writing the system in Knowledgeman, and it will run on an IBM
XT.  The system will keep track of the Center's clients, and will provide in-
formation regarding procurement, which is the process the Center goes through
to help their clients obtain government contracts.
      My other project is called "Software Design."  It is an elective, and is
offered by the Math Science department.  For this project, I am writing an in-
tegrated package of programs for the computer center here.  I am converting
four functions, which are now handled by FORTRAN programs running on the IBM
mainframe, to Turbo-Pascal programs which will run on the IBM PC.  The programs
      Admissions Office Inquiries: this program is a data-base which will con-
          tain the records of all persons who have inquired about admission to
          this school.
      Business Office Inventory: an inventory control system, including order
          quantities and printing of special forms.
      Line Charge Billing: will print bills for computer usage by the various
          departments of the school.
      Postage Billing: same as line charge, but for postage meter usage by
          various departments.
      Admissions Office Contacts: this was not part of the original assignment,
          but was added by the admissions department.  It involves creating a
          second data base for them which will contain info about their re-
          cruiting contacts at other schools around the state and the country.
          This system is a manual card system at the present time.
      It should be noted that, when completed, the two admissions office
          programs will run on an XT located in their office, thus freeing the
          computer center from those responsibilities.

      I believe that I can offer an employer a unique combination of educa-
tion and experience.  I have a fairly extensive background working with data
bases.  I have worked with all types of computers: from micros, through minis,
to mainframes.  I have used VM/CMS running on an IBM 3081, UNIX running on a
DEC PDP 11/70 (although that was four years ago), and PC-DOS on the IBM PC. I
have even done some experimentation with an Apple IIe, using Apple Pascal.
      My job interests lie mainly with Personal Computers, although I would be
interested in almost any job which would challenge me.  I am interested in a
job which would allow me to use my rather fertile imagination to the fullest.
I realize full well that many employers consider most "creative people" to be
"trouble makers," and generally disruptive to the normal work environment.  If
you consider someone who would be constantly looking for ways to do things bet-
ter and faster to be disruptive, than I would be just that.  I am easy to get
along with, however, and I possess good communications skills. (One of my
references is an Assistant Professor of Speech Communication here at Penn
      Although I would prefer a position in the Northeast U.S., I would give
serious consideration to an offer ANYWHERE in the United States.  My current
residence is located about five miles from the Three Mile Island nuclear plant.
I think that shows that I'm willing to live almost anywhere! (And that I'm very
open minded.)

      I would like to thank everyone who reads this, whether they are interest-
ed in me or not (although I'm sure you must be interested if you've read this
far!).  I can be reached through Bitnet at  BZF@PSUVM and by U.S. Mail at
either of the following addresses:

      Home:  David K Bealer              School:  David K Bealer
             3802 Redbud Drive                    852A Kirtland Avenue
             Northampton, PA 18067                Middletown, PA 17057

      Phone: I am difficult to reach by phone, but you could leave a message
             (which I may or may not get) at (717) 944-0302.  Also, if you
             keep strange hours like I do, or are in another time zone, I can
             usually be reached at (717) 948-6019 on weeknights after 11pm EST
             and until at least 3 or 4 am.  If you get a busy signal at the
             latter number, I'm probably using the modem, so please try later.

bzf@psuvm.UUCP (04/02/85)


      My name is David Bealer.  I am a senior at The Pennsylvania State Univer-
sity, The Capitol Campus.  Come May 18, 1985, I expect to receive a Bachelor of
Business Administration degree from this institution, with a major in Computer
      Most people believe that business computer majors can only program in
COBOL.  While it is true that I CAN program in COBOL, and rather well, I might
add, it is not my primary computer language.  Pascal is my native computer
language, which means that I not only know how to program in a structured way,
but that I actually PREFER to program in a structured fashion.  I am also
familiar with FORTRAN and IBM 360/370 Assembler.
      During my junior year I assisted an Assistant Professor of Economics here
with a research project on travel and tourism.  I helped him create a small
data base using SAS.  I also abstracted a few of the less technical articles
for the literature survey which was to accompany the research report.  I could
have had the job again this year, but funding was not renewed until November,
and by that time I had already settled myself into another job which offered
more hours per week.
      The position I have held since September 1984 is that of student opera-
tor/consultant at the computer center here on campus.  My responsibilities in-
clude taking print-outs off the printer, operating the card reader for those
users who still use card decks, monitoring and maintaining our connection with
the IBM mainframes at the main campus of Penn State, and providing assistance
to users who experience problems with hardware, JCL, or software.
      This semester I am working on two "design projects."  The first is called
"System Design Project," and is required for all seniors in my major.  It is
independent study, and emphasis is placed on design, working with a real user,
and documenting the completed system, rather than on actual programming, al-
though programming is part of the project.  My project involves creating a
data base for the Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center located here
on campus.  I am writing the system in Knowledgeman, and it will run on an IBM
XT.  The system will keep track of the Center's clients, and will provide in-
formation regarding procurement, which is the process the Center goes through
to help their clients obtain government contracts.
      My other project is called "Software Design."  It is an elective, and is
offered by the Math Science department.  For this project, I am writing an in-
tegrated package of programs for the computer center here.  I am converting
four functions, which are now handled by FORTRAN programs running on the IBM
mainframe, to Turbo-Pascal programs which will run on the IBM PC.  The programs
      Admissions Office Inquiries: this program is a data-base which will con-
          tain the records of all persons who have inquired about admission to
          this school.
      Business Office Inventory: an inventory control system, including order
          quantities and printing of special forms.
      Line Charge Billing: will print bills for computer usage by the various
          departments of the school.
      Postage Billing: same as line charge, but for postage meter usage by
          various departments.
      Admissions Office Contacts: this was not part of the original assignment,
          but was added by the admissions department.  It involves creating a
          second data base for them which will contain info about their re-
          cruiting contacts at other schools around the state and the country.
          This system is a manual card system at the present time.
      It should be noted that, when completed, the two admissions office
          programs will run on an XT located in their office, thus freeing the
          computer center from those responsibilities.

      Since February, I have had a second job with the Residence Living
Program Office here at Capitol Campus.  I am teaching the staff of that
office how to use their IBM PC.  They are learning DOS, as well as how
to use packages such as File Express.

      I believe that I can offer an employer a unique combination of educa-
tion and experience.  I have a fairly extensive background working with data
bases.  I have experience in both in research and in education.
      I have worked with all types of computers: from micros, through minis,
to mainframes.  I have used VM/CMS running on an IBM 3081, UNIX running on a
DEC PDP 11/70 (although that was four years ago), and PC-DOS on the IBM PC. I
have even done some experimentation with an Apple IIe, using Apple Pascal.
      My job interests lie mainly with Personal Computers, although I would be
interested in any job which would challenge me.  I am interested in a job
which would allow me to use my rather fertile imagination to the fullest.
I realize full well that many employers consider most "creative people" to be
"trouble makers," and generally disruptive to the normal work environment.  If
you consider someone who would be constantly looking for ways to do things bet-
ter and faster to be disruptive, than I would be just that.  I am easy to get
along with, however, and I possess good communications skills. (One of my
references is an Assistant Professor of Speech Communication here at Penn
      Although I would prefer a position in the Northeast U.S., I would give
serious consideration to an offer ANYWHERE in the United States.  My current
residence is located about five miles from the Three Mile Island nuclear plant.
I think that shows that I'm willing to live almost anywhere! (And that I'm very
open minded.)

      I would like to thank everyone who reads this, whether they are interest-
ed in me or not (although I'm sure you must be interested if you've read this
far!).  I can be reached through Bitnet at  BZF@PSUVM and by U.S. Mail at
either of the following addresses:

      Home:  David K Bealer              School:  David K Bealer
             3802 Redbud Drive                    852A Kirtland Avenue
             Northampton, PA 18067                Middletown, PA 17057

      Phone: I am difficult to reach by phone, but you could leave a message
             (which I may or may not get) at (717) 944-0302.  Also, if you
             keep strange hours like I do, or are in another time zone, I can
             usually be reached at (717) 948-6019 on weeknights after 11pm EST
             and until at least 3 or 4 am.  If you get a busy signal at the
             latter number, I'm probably using the modem, so please try later.
               Dave Bealer                     BZF @ PSUVM  (Bitnet)
               Student Operator/Consultant
               PSU/Capitol Campus Computer Center