[comp.sources.misc] v13i005: GCC1.37 on OS-9/68000

bignum@math.keio.ac.jp (NIIMI Makoto) (05/28/90)

Posting-number: Volume 13, Issue 5
Submitted-by: bignum@math.keio.ac.jp (NIIMI Makoto)
Archive-name: gcc-os9_68k/part01

I posted on comp.os.os9 in March, my friend ported GCC on OS-9/68000.
It can be distribute now.

Mr. Seyama can not post, so I post it instead of him.
If you want to contact him, E-Mail to me.
I'll forward him.
(Mr. Seyama's non-E-Mail address was writen in document.
 Of course, you can contact him directly by non-E-Mail.)

My post is diff-files from Original-GCC-1.37.
You must have(or get) Original-GCC-1.37 source file.

Enjoy GCC on OS-9/68000!
Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology
     Department of Math Nakanishi Laboratory
		NIIMI Makoto 