[comp.sources.misc] v19i021: rkive - Usenet sources archiver, Patch01c/3

kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com (Kent Landfield) (05/10/91)

Submitted-by: Kent Landfield <kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com>
Posting-number: Volume 19, Issue 21
Archive-name: rkive/patch01c
Patch-To: rkive: Volume 17, Issue 17-22

# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
# file patch2.1 continued
if test ! -r _shar_seq_.tmp; then
	echo 'Please unpack part 1 first!'
	exit 1
(read Scheck
 if test "$Scheck" != 3; then
	echo Please unpack part "$Scheck" next!
	exit 1
	exit 0
) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1
if test ! -f _shar_wnt_.tmp; then
	echo 'x - still skipping patch2.1'
echo 'x - continuing file patch2.1'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'patch2.1' &&
! #                          files  are  to  be tested for transit damage.
! #                          Currently,  only  comp.sources.unix  supports
! #                          this test with the X-Checksum-Snerfu: header.
! #                          If this variable is specified, it  must  con-
! #                          tain  the  full  path  to the command used to
! #                          perform the test.
X  #                   NNTP - The location of the NNTP server where the articles
X  #                          are to be archived from. This can be specified
X  #                          globally if all or most newsgroups are archived
--- 82,95 ----
X  #                          the available selection format capabilities.
X  #               COMPRESS - The location of the compression utility if the 
X  #                          files are to be reduced.
! #              CHECKHASH - The location of the article verification utility if  
! #                          the files  are  to  be tested for transit damage.
! #                          Currently,  only  comp.sources.unix  and  
! #                          comp.sources.misc supports this type of testing.
! #                          The X-Checksum-Snerfu: header is being phased out
! #                          in favor of the X-Md4-Signature: header.  If this 
! #                          variable is specified, it  must  contain the full
! #                          path  to the command used to perform the test.
X  #                   NNTP - The location of the NNTP server where the articles
X  #                          are to be archived from. This can be specified
X  #                          globally if all or most newsgroups are archived
*** 195,207 ****
X  #                the available selection format capabilities.
X  #     COMPRESS - The location of the compression utility if the files 
X  #                are to be reduced.
! #    CHECKHASH - The location of the checkhash utility if  the
! #                files  are  to  be tested for transit damage.
! #                Currently,  only  comp.sources.unix  supports
! #                this test with the X-Checksum-Snerfu: header.
! #                If this variable is specified, it  must  con-
! #                tain  the  full  path  to the command used to
! #                perform the test.
X  #         NNTP - The location of the NNTP server where the articles
X  #                are to be archived from.  This can be specified either
X  #                globally, if all or most newsgroups are archived
--- 196,209 ----
X  #                the available selection format capabilities.
X  #     COMPRESS - The location of the compression utility if the files 
X  #                are to be reduced.
! #    CHECKHASH - The location of the article verification utility if  
! #                the files  are  to  be tested for transit damage.
! #                Currently,  only  comp.sources.unix  and  
! #                comp.sources.misc supports this type of testing.
! #                The X-Checksum-Snerfu: header is being phased out
! #                in favor of the X-Md4-Signature: header.  If this 
! #                variable is specified, it  must  contain the full
! #                path  to the command used to perform the test.
X  #         NNTP - The location of the NNTP server where the articles
X  #                are to be archived from.  This can be specified either
X  #                globally, if all or most newsgroups are archived
*** 241,246 ****
--- 243,282 ----
X  #                by the use of PATHLOG.
X  #		
X  ######################################################################
+ ###################################
+ #
+ #   Sterling Archives
+ #
+ ###################################
+ $$comp.sources.3b1
+ 	BASEDIR: /usenet/3b1
+ 	TYPE: Volume-Issue
+         INDEX: /usenet/3b1/index
+         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B\t%S" 
+ 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
+ $$alt.sources
+ 	BASEDIR: /usenet/alt/sources
+ 	TYPE: Chronological
+         INDEX: /usenet/alt/sources/index
+         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B\t%S" 
+ 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
+ $$alt.sources.amiga
+ 	BASEDIR: /usenet/alt/sources.amiga
+ 	TYPE: Chronological
+         INDEX: /usenet/alt/sources.amiga/index
+         INDEX_FORMAT: "%O\t%T" 
+ 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
+ $$alt.sources.patches
+ 	BASEDIR: /usenet/alt/src.patches
+ 	TYPE: Chronological
+         INDEX: /usenet/alt/src.patches/index
+         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B\t%S" 
+ 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
X  $$comp.sources.amiga		
X  	BASEDIR: /usenet/amiga 
X  	TYPE: Volume-Issue
*** 248,253 ****
--- 284,303 ----
X          INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
X  	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
+ $$comp.sources.apple2
+ 	BASEDIR: /usenet/apple2
+ 	TYPE: Volume-Issue
+         INDEX: /usenet/apple2/index
+         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B\t%S" 
+ 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
+ $$comp.archives
+ 	BASEDIR: /usenet/archives
+ 	TYPE: Chronological
+         INDEX: /usenet/archives/index
+         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
+ 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
X  $$comp.sources.atari.st
X  	BASEDIR: /usenet/atari/st
X  	TYPE: Volume-Issue
*** 276,293 ****
X          INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
X  	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
! $$comp.sources.unix        	
!         BASEDIR: /usenet/unix
! 	TYPE: Volume-Issue
!         INDEX: /usenet/unix/index
!         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
! #       CHECKHASH: /usr/local/bin/checkhash -s
X  	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
! $$comp.sources.x		
! 	BASEDIR: /usenet/x
X  	TYPE: Volume-Issue
!         INDEX: /usenet/x/index
X          INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
X  	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
--- 326,342 ----
X          INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
X  	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
! $$comp.sources.bugs
! 	BASEDIR: /usenet/patches/bugs
! 	TYPE: Chronological
!         INDEX: /usenet/patches/bugs/index
!         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B\t%S" 
X  	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
! $$comp.sources.reviewed		
! 	BASEDIR: /usenet/reviewed
X  	TYPE: Volume-Issue
!         INDEX: /usenet/reviewed/index
X          INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
X  	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
*** 298,345 ****
X          INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
X  	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
- $$comp.sources.bugs
- 	BASEDIR: /usenet/patches/bugs
- 	TYPE: Chronological
-         INDEX: /usenet/patches/bugs/index
-         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B\t%S" 
- 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
- $$comp.sources.3b1
- 	BASEDIR: /usenet/3b1
- 	TYPE: Volume-Issue
-         INDEX: /usenet/3b1/index
-         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B\t%S" 
- 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
- $$comp.sources.apple2
- 	BASEDIR: /usenet/apple2
- 	TYPE: Volume-Issue
-         INDEX: /usenet/apple2/index
-         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B\t%S" 
- 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
- $$alt.sources
- 	BASEDIR: /usenet/alt/sources
- 	TYPE: Only-Archive-Name
-         INDEX: /usenet/alt/sources/index
-         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B\t%S" 
- 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
- $$alt.sources.amiga
- 	BASEDIR: /usenet/alt/sources.amiga
- 	TYPE: Chronological
-         INDEX: /usenet/alt/sources.amiga/index
-         INDEX_FORMAT: "%O\t%T" 
- 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
- $$alt.sources.patches
- 	BASEDIR: /usenet/alt/src.patches
- 	TYPE: Chronological
-         INDEX: /usenet/alt/src.patches/index
-         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B\t%S" 
- 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
X  $$u3b.sources
X  	BASEDIR: /usenet/u3b
X  	TYPE: Chronological
--- 347,352 ----
*** 347,352 ****
--- 354,367 ----
X          INDEX_FORMAT: "%O\t%T" 
X  	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
+ $$comp.sources.unix        	
+         BASEDIR: /usenet/unix
+ 	TYPE: Volume-Issue
+         INDEX: /usenet/unix/index
+         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
+ #       CHECKHASH: /usr/local/bin/checkhash -s
+ 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
X  $$unix-pc.sources
X  	BASEDIR: /usenet/unix-pc
X  	TYPE: Article-Number
*** 361,402 ****
X          INDEX_FORMAT: "%O\t%T" 
X  	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
! $$comp.archives
! 	BASEDIR: /usenet/archives
! 	TYPE: Chronological
!         INDEX: /usenet/archives/index
X          INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
X  	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
- #$$space.shuttle
- #        BASEDIR: /pub/ftp/pub/archive/sci.space.shuttle
- #        TYPE: Article-Number
- #        LOG: /pub/ftp/pub/archive/sci.space.shuttle/log
- #        INDEX: /pub/ftp/pub/archive/sci.space.shuttle/index
- #        LOG_FORMAT: "%O %S"
- #        MATCH: subject glob-matches "space news from * AW&ST*" \
- #        or subject glob-matches "Shuttle Status for ??/??/?? (Forwarded)*" \
- #        or ( subject glob-matches "* (Forwarded)*" and \
- #                not subject glob-matches "Re:*" )
- $$sci.space
-         BASEDIR: /usenet/sci.space
-         TYPE: Article-Number
-         LOG: /usenet/sci.space/log
-         INDEX: /usenet/sci.space/index
-         LOG_FORMAT: "%O %S"
-         MATCH: subject glob-matches "space news from * AW&ST*" \
-         or subject glob-matches "Voyager Status for ??/??/?? (Forwarded)*" \
-         or subject glob-matches "Voyager Update*" \
-         or \
-         subject glob-matches "NASA Headline News for ??/??/?? (Forwarded)*" \
-         or subject glob-matches "News of the Week,*" \
-         or subject glob-matches "Magellan Update - ??/??/??" \
-         or subject glob-matches "Hubble Space Telescope Update - ??/??/??" \
-         or ( subject glob-matches "* (Forwarded)*" and \
-                 not subject glob-matches "Re:*" )
X  $$comp.misc
X          BASEDIR: /usr/doc/news
X          TYPE: External-Command
--- 376,394 ----
X          INDEX_FORMAT: "%O\t%T" 
X  	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
! $$comp.sources.x		
! 	BASEDIR: /usenet/x
! 	TYPE: Volume-Issue
!         INDEX: /usenet/x/index
X          INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
X  	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
+ ###################################
+ #
+ #
+ ###################################
X  $$comp.misc
X          BASEDIR: /usr/doc/news
X          TYPE: External-Command
*** 430,444 ****
X          or subject glob-matches "Access to UNIX User Groups" \
X          or subject glob-matches "Access to UNIX-Related Publications"
- $$comp.windows.x
-         BASEDIR: /usr/doc/.admin
-         TYPE: External-Command
-         ARCHIVE_CMD: /usr/local/lib/rkive/update_netdocs $m $o $g $U
-         LOG: /usr/doc/.admin/log
-         INDEX: /usr/doc/.admin/index
-         LOG_FORMAT: "%O %S"
-         MATCH: subject glob-matches "Frequently Asked Questions about X *"
X  $$news.admin
X          BASEDIR: /usr/doc/.admin
X          TYPE: External-Command
--- 422,427 ----
*** 471,474 ****
--- 454,574 ----
X          or subject glob-matches "Alternative Newsgroup Hierarchies" \
X          or subject glob-matches "List of Moderators" \
X          or subject glob-matches "Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists" 
+ #
+ #################################################
+ #
+ # Frequently Asked Questions - various newsgroups
+ #
+ #################################################
+ #
+ $$comp.windows.x
+         BASEDIR: /usr/doc/.admin
+         TYPE: External-Command
+         ARCHIVE_CMD: /usr/local/lib/rkive/update_netdocs $m $o $g $U
+         LOG: /usr/doc/.admin/log
+         INDEX: /usr/doc/.admin/index
+         LOG_FORMAT: "%O %S"
+         MATCH: subject glob-matches "Frequently Asked Questions about X *"
+ $$comp.unix.questions
+         BASEDIR: /usr/doc/.admin
+         TYPE: External-Command
+         ARCHIVE_CMD: /usr/local/lib/rkive/update_netdocs $m $o $g $U
+         LOG: /usr/doc/.admin/log
+         INDEX: /usr/doc/.admin/index
+         LOG_FORMAT: "%O %S"
+         MATCH: subject glob-matches "Frequently Asked Questions about Unix *" \
+ 	or subject glob-matches "Welcome to comp.unix.questions *"
+ $$comp.lang.perl
+         BASEDIR: /usr/doc/.admin
+         TYPE: External-Command
+         ARCHIVE_CMD: /usr/local/lib/rkive/update_netdocs $m $o $g $U
+         LOG: /usr/doc/.admin/log
+         INDEX: /usr/doc/.admin/index
+         LOG_FORMAT: "%O %S"
+         MATCH: subject glob-matches "Frequently Asked Questions about Perl - *"
+ $$comp.compilers
+         BASEDIR: /usr/doc/.admin
+         TYPE: External-Command
+         ARCHIVE_CMD: /usr/local/lib/rkive/update_netdocs $m $o $g $U
+         LOG: /usr/doc/.admin/log
+         INDEX: /usr/doc/.admin/index
+         LOG_FORMAT: "%O %S"
+         MATCH: subject glob-matches "comp.compilers monthly message"
+ $$comp.os.vms
+         BASEDIR: /usr/doc/.admin
+         TYPE: External-Command
+         ARCHIVE_CMD: /usr/local/lib/rkive/update_netdocs $m $o $g $U
+         LOG: /usr/doc/.admin/log
+         INDEX: /usr/doc/.admin/index
+         LOG_FORMAT: "%O %S"
+         MATCH: subject glob-matches "Monthly info posting: *" \
+         or subject glob-matches "Info-VAX Monthly Posting, Part *" \
+         or subject glob-matches "Monthly checkgroups posting"
+ #
+ ####################################
+ #
+ # General Testing and play archives
+ #
+ ####################################
+ #
+ $$alt.sources
+ 	BASEDIR: /tmp/usenet/alt/sources
+ 	TYPE: Only-Archive-Name
+         INDEX: /tmp/usenet/alt/sources/index
+         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B\t%S" 
+ 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
+ $$comp.archives
+ 	BASEDIR: /tmp/usenet/archives
+ 	TYPE: Comp-Archives
+         INDEX: /tmp/usenet/archives/index
+         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
+ 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
+ $$imd.sources
+ 	BASEDIR: /tmp/usenet/imd/sources
+ 	TYPE: Archive-Name
+         INDEX: /tmp/usenet/imd/sources/index
+         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
+ 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
+ $$comp.sources.misc		
+ 	BASEDIR: /tmp/usenet/misc
+ 	TYPE: Archive-Name
+         INDEX: /tmp/usenet/misc/index
+         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
+ 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
+ #$$space.shuttle
+ #        BASEDIR: /pub/ftp/pub/archive/sci.space.shuttle
+ #        TYPE: Article-Number
+ #        LOG: /pub/ftp/pub/archive/sci.space.shuttle/log
+ #        INDEX: /pub/ftp/pub/archive/sci.space.shuttle/index
+ #        LOG_FORMAT: "%O %S"
+ #        MATCH: subject glob-matches "space news from * AW&ST*" \
+ #        or subject glob-matches "Shuttle Status for ??/??/?? (Forwarded)*" \
+ #        or ( subject glob-matches "* (Forwarded)*" and \
+ #                not subject glob-matches "Re:*" )
+ $$sci.space
+         BASEDIR: /tmp/usenet/sci.space
+         TYPE: Article-Number
+         LOG: /tmp/usenet/sci.space/log
+         INDEX: /tmp/usenet/sci.space/index
+         LOG_FORMAT: "%O %S"
+         MATCH: subject glob-matches "space news from * AW&ST*" \
+         or subject glob-matches "Voyager Status for ??/??/?? (Forwarded)*" \
+         or subject glob-matches "Voyager Update*" \
+         or \
+         subject glob-matches "NASA Headline News for ??/??/?? (Forwarded)*" \
+         or subject glob-matches "News of the Week,*" \
+         or subject glob-matches "Magellan Update - ??/??/??" \
+         or subject glob-matches "Hubble Space Telescope Update - ??/??/??" \
+         or ( subject glob-matches "* (Forwarded)*" and \
+                 not subject glob-matches "Re:*" )
Only in ../usenet: rkive.h
Only in .: rkive.h.dst
diff -cr ../usenet/suffix.c ./suffix.c
*** ../usenet/suffix.c	Wed May  8 21:32:04 1991
--- ./suffix.c	Thu May  9 02:05:42 1991
*** 9,15 ****
X  */
X  #if !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER)
! static char SID[] = "@(#)suffix.c	2.1 2/21/91";
X  #endif
X  #include <stdio.h>
--- 9,15 ----
X  */
X  #if !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER)
! static char SID[] = "@(#)suffix.c	2.2 5/9/91";
X  #endif
X  #include <stdio.h>
*** 18,34 ****
X  #include "suffix.h"
X  int strcmp();
X  extern char compress[];
X  char *suffix(compression)
X      char *compression;
!  {
X      struct compress_tab *ct;
X      ct = &cprgs[0];
X      while ((ct->com_name) != NULL) {
!         if (strcmp(compression, ct->com_name) == 0) 
X              return(ct->com_suffix);
X          ct++;
X      }
--- 18,48 ----
X  #include "suffix.h"
X  int strcmp();
+ char *strcpy();
X  extern char compress[];
X  char *suffix(compression)
X      char *compression;
! {
!    char *strchr();
!     char *ccp;
!     char sccmd[BUFSIZ];
X      struct compress_tab *ct;
+     /*
+     ** Need to remove any compression command
+     ** options if they exist. (compress -f)
+     */
+     (void) strcpy(sccmd, compression);
+     if ((ccp = strchr(sccmd,' ')) != NULL)
+          *ccp = '\0';
X      ct = &cprgs[0];
X      while ((ct->com_name) != NULL) {
!         if (strcmp(sccmd, ct->com_name) == 0) 
X              return(ct->com_suffix);
X          ct++;
X      }
*** 67,74 ****
X  char *filename;
X  struct group_archive *ng;
X  {
X      char *comp_cmd;
-     char *strcpy();
X      char *strcat();
X      char *basename();
--- 81,88 ----
X  char *filename;
X  struct group_archive *ng;
X  {
+     char *oops;
X      char *comp_cmd;
X      char *strcat();
X      char *basename();
*** 86,92 ****
X      if (*(ng->compress)) {
X          comp_cmd = basename(ng->compress);
!         (void) strcat(compress_path, suffix(comp_cmd));
X      }
X      else if (*compress) {
X          comp_cmd = basename(compress);
--- 100,107 ----
X      if (*(ng->compress)) {
X          comp_cmd = basename(ng->compress);
!         oops = suffix(comp_cmd);
!         (void) strcat(compress_path, oops);
X      }
X      else if (*compress) {
X          comp_cmd = basename(compress);
Only in .: sys.cf
diff -cr ../usenet/t.cf ./t.cf
*** ../usenet/t.cf	Wed May  8 21:32:05 1991
--- ./t.cf	Thu May  9 02:07:05 1991
*** 3,46 ****
X  #
X  ######################################################################
X  SPOOLDIR=/usr/spool/news      
! PROBLEMS=/usenet/problems
X  TYPE= Volume-Issue
X  #TYPE= External-Command
! #ARCHIVE_CMD=update_netdocs
X  PATCHES=Historical
X  MAIL=kent
X  OWNER=src
X  GROUP=archive
X  MODE=0444
- #LOG=/usenet/archive.log
- #LOG_FORMAT= "%B %a\t%T"
- #INDEX= /usenet/index
- #INDEX_FORMAT= "%O\t%a\t%T"
X  COMPRESS=/usr/ucb/compress -f
- #CHECKHASH=/usr/local/bin/checkhash -s
- #NNTP=sparky
- #MATCH="I have no idea what a global match might be but it was a freebee so..\
- #	I put it in.. Creaping featurism ya know... :-) "
X  ######################################################################
! $$comp.sources.test		
! 	BASEDIR: /usenet/test 
! 	TYPE: Volume-Issue
X          PATCHES: Historical
!         MAIL: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com,kent@uunet.uu.net,rick,sparky!rick
!         OWNER: src
!         GROUP: archive
!         MODE: 0644
!         LOG: /usenet/admin/test.log
!         LOG_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
!         INDEX: /usenet/amiga/index
!         INDEX_FORMAT: "%B %a %T" 
! 	COMPRESS: /usr/ucb/compress -f
! 	CHECKHASH: /usr/local/bin/checkhash -s
! 	ARCHIVE_CMD: /usr/local/bin/external_test
! 	ARCHIVED_LOG: /usenet/.admin/cst.archived
! 	PATCHLOG: /usenet/.admin/cst.patchlog
! 	NNTP: smokey
!         MATCH: subject glob-matches "How to Get Information about Networks" \
!         or subject glob-matches "USENET Software: History and Sources" \
!         or subject glob-matches "A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet Community"
--- 3,27 ----
X  #
X  ######################################################################
X  SPOOLDIR=/usr/spool/news      
! PROBLEMS=/tmp/usenet/problems
X  TYPE= Volume-Issue
X  #TYPE= External-Command
! ARCHIVE_CMD=update_netdocs $P
X  PATCHES=Historical
X  MAIL=kent
X  OWNER=src
X  GROUP=archive
X  MODE=0444
X  COMPRESS=/usr/ucb/compress -f
X  ######################################################################
! $$imd.sources
! 	BASEDIR: /tmp/usenet/imd.sources 
X          PATCHES: Historical
! 	TYPE: External-Command
!         ARCHIVE_CMD:  /testit $N $F 
!         LOG: /tmp/usenet/imd.sources/test.log
!         LOG_FORMAT: "%Z %a %T" 
!         INDEX: /tmp/usenet/imd.sources/index
!         INDEX_FORMAT: "%O - %Z - %a %T" 
! 	NNTP: sparky
diff -cr ../usenet/update_netdocs ./update_netdocs
*** ../usenet/update_netdocs	Wed May  8 21:32:05 1991
--- ./update_netdocs	Thu May  9 02:08:20 1991
*** 1,6 ****
X  #!/bin/sh
X  #
! #  @(#)update_netdocs	2.1 2/21/91
X  #
X  #  Author: Kent Landfield
X  #
--- 1,6 ----
X  #!/bin/sh
X  #
! #  @(#)update_netdocs	2.2 5/9/91
X  #
X  #  Author: Kent Landfield
X  #
*** 10,17 ****
X  # called as:
X  #    update_netdocs filename-to-archive modes owner group [users to notify..] 
X  #
! set -x
X  ARTICLE=/usr/local/bin/article
--- 10,18 ----
X  # called as:
X  #    update_netdocs filename-to-archive modes owner group [users to notify..] 
X  #
+ PATH=/bin:/etc:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin
! #set -x  # Exterminator flag
X  ARTICLE=/usr/local/bin/article
*** 53,88 ****
X  	#
X  	"Access to UNIX-Related Standards")
X  		filename=$basedir/'unix.standards' 
! 		approved="jsq@cs.utexas.edu (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)"
X  		;;
X  	"Calendar of UNIX-related Events")
X  		filename=$basedir/'unix.events' 
! 		approved="jsq@cs.utexas.edu (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)"
X  		;;
X  	"Access to UNIX User Groups")
X  		filename=$basedir/'user.groups' 
! 		approved="jsq@cs.utexas.edu (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)"
X  		;;
X  	"Access to UNIX-Related Publications")
X  		filename=$basedir/'unix.pubs' 
! 		approved="jsq@cs.utexas.edu (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)"
X  		;;
X  	# 
- 	# comp.windows.x
- 	#
- 	"Frequently Asked Questions about X with Answers 1/3 [long monthly posting]")
- 		filename=$basedir/'X.questions.1' 
- 		from="xug@lta.com (X User's Group)"
- 		;;
- 	"Frequently Asked Questions about X with Answers 2/3 [long monthly posting]")
- 		filename=$basedir/'X.questions.2' 
- 		from="xug@lta.com (X User's Group)"
- 		;;
- 	"Frequently Asked Questions about X with Answers 3/3 [long monthly posting]")
- 		filename=$basedir/'X.questions.3' 
- 		from="xug@lta.com (X User's Group)"
- 		;;
- 	# 
X  	# News.admin
X  	#
X  	"Checkgroups message (without INET groups)")
--- 54,74 ----
X  	#
X  	"Access to UNIX-Related Standards")
X  		filename=$basedir/'unix.standards' 
! 		approved="sef@uunet.uu.net (Moderator, Sean Eric Fagan - comp.std.unix)"
X  		;;
X  	"Calendar of UNIX-related Events")
X  		filename=$basedir/'unix.events' 
! 		approved="sef@uunet.uu.net (Moderator, Sean Eric Fagan - comp.std.unix)"
X  		;;
X  	"Access to UNIX User Groups")
X  		filename=$basedir/'user.groups' 
! 		approved="sef@uunet.uu.net (Moderator, Sean Eric Fagan - comp.std.unix)"
X  		;;
X  	"Access to UNIX-Related Publications")
X  		filename=$basedir/'unix.pubs' 
! 		approved="sef@uunet.uu.net (Moderator, Sean Eric Fagan - comp.std.unix)"
X  		;;
X  	# 
X  	# News.admin
X  	#
X  	"Checkgroups message (without INET groups)")
*** 160,165 ****
--- 146,231 ----
X  		filename=$basedir/'mail.lists' 
X  		approved="spaf@cs.purdue.EDU"
X  		;;
+ 	#
+ 	#################################################
+ 	# Frequently Asked Questions - various newsgroups
+ 	#################################################
+ 	# 
+ 	# comp.windows.x
+ 	#
+ 	"Frequently Asked Questions about X with Answers 1/4 [long monthly posting]")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'X.questions.1' 
+ 		from="xug@lta.com (X User's Group)"
+ 		;;
+ 	"Frequently Asked Questions about X with Answers 2/4 [long monthly posting]")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'X.questions.2' 
+ 		from="xug@lta.com (X User's Group)"
+ 		;;
+ 	"Frequently Asked Questions about X with Answers 3/4 [long monthly posting]")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'X.questions.3' 
+ 		from="xug@lta.com (X User's Group)"
+ 		;;
+ 	"Frequently Asked Questions about X with Answers 4/4 [long monthly posting]")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'X.questions.4' 
+ 		from="xug@lta.com (X User's Group)"
+ 		;;
+ 	# 
+ 	# comp.unix.questions
+ 	#
+ 	"Welcome to comp.unix.questions [Monthly posting]")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'unix.questions' 
+ 		from="sahayman@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Steve Hayman)"
+ 		;;
+        "Frequently Asked Questions about Unix - with Answers [Monthly posting]")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'unix.faq' 
+ 		from="sahayman@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Steve Hayman)"
+ 		;;
+ 	# 
+ 	# comp.lang.perl
+ 	#
+        "Frequently Asked Questions about Perl - with Answers [Monthly posting]")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'perl.faq' 
+                 from="tchrist@convex.com (Tom Christiansen)"
+ 		;;
+ 	# 
+ 	# comp.compilers
+ 	#
+ 	"comp.compilers monthly message")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'compilers.faq' 
+ 		approved="compilers@iecc.cambridge.ma.us"
+ 		;;
+ 	# 
+ 	# comp.os.vms
+ 	#
+ 	"Monthly info posting: What is VMSnet?")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'vmsnet.info' 
+ 		approved="tp@mccall.com"
+ 		;;
+ 	"Monthly info posting: VMSnet on Bitnet")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'bitnet.vmsnet' 
+ 		approved="tp@mccall.com"
+ 		;;
+ 	"Monthly info posting: vmsnet.sources archive sites")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'vmsnet.archives' 
+ 		approved="tp@mccall.com"
+ 		;;
+ 	"Info-VAX Monthly Posting, Part 1 of 3")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'Info-VAX.1' 
+ 		approved="tp@mccall.com"
+ 		;;
+ 	"Info-VAX Monthly Posting, Part 2 of 3")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'Info-VAX.2' 
+ 		approved="tp@mccall.com"
+ 		;;
+ 	"Info-VAX Monthly Posting, Part 3 of 3")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'Info-VAX.3' 
+ 		approved="tp@mccall.com"
+ 		;;
+ 	"Monthly checkgroups posting")
+ 		filename=$basedir/'vmsnet.checkgroups' 
+ 		approved="tp@mccall.com"
+ 		;;
X  	*) echo "Specified filename error. please update $0"
X  		exit 1 ;;
X  esac 
diff -cr ../usenet/zfopen.c ./zfopen.c
*** ../usenet/zfopen.c	Wed May  8 21:32:06 1991
--- ./zfopen.c	Thu May  9 02:09:46 1991
*** 8,14 ****
X  **
X  */
X  #if !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER)
! static char SID[] = "@(#)zfopen.c	2.2 2/23/91";
X  #endif
X  #include <sys/types.h>
--- 8,14 ----
X  **
X  */
X  #if !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER)
! static char SID[] = "@(#)zfopen.c	2.3 5/9/91";
X  #endif
X  #include <sys/types.h>
*** 18,24 ****
X  extern FILE *errfp;
! static    char    cmdline[512] = "";
X  FILE *zfopen(file,mode)       
X  char *file, *mode;
--- 18,24 ----
X  extern FILE *errfp;
! static char cmdline[512] = "";
X  FILE *zfopen(file,mode)       
X  char *file, *mode;
*** 25,30 ****
--- 25,31 ----
X  {
X      int strlen();
X      int strcmp();
+     char *strcat();
X      FILE *fopen();
X      FILE *popen();
*** 33,42 ****
X      struct compress_tab *ct;
X      /*
!     ** need to compare the filename passed in to 
!     ** the compression suffix table in order to
!     ** determine if the file has a recognized,
!     ** compression suffix attached.
X      */
X      cmdline[0] = '\0';
--- 34,54 ----
X      struct compress_tab *ct;
X      /*
!     ** First, need to compare the filename passed in to the
!     ** compression suffix table in order to determine if the
!     ** file has a recognized, compression suffix attached. 
!     **
!     ** If it does, execute the command specified in the table.
!     ** 
!     ** If no suffix found to be attached, try to open the file 
!     ** name passed to this function. 
!     ** 
!     ** If that fails, brute force it to see if the file name 
!     ** passed in did not contain the suffix but the file on
!     ** disk the user is trying to open does. Do this by appending
!     ** each compression suffix to the filename passed in and
!     ** try to open the file. If the open does not fail, execute
!     ** the command specified in the table.
X      */
X      cmdline[0] = '\0';
*** 53,71 ****
X      }
X      if (cmdline[0] != '\0') {
X          if ((fp = popen(cmdline, "r")) == NULL) {
X              (void) fprintf(errfp, "Can't execute command: %s\n", cmdline);
X              exit(1);
X          }
!     } else if ((fp = fopen (file, mode)) == NULL) {
!          (void) fprintf (errfp, "Can't open file %s\n", file);
!          exit(1);
X       }
X       return (fp);
X  }
! int        zfclose(fp)
! FILE    *fp;
X  {
X      int fclose();
X      int pclose();
--- 65,111 ----
X      }
X      if (cmdline[0] != '\0') {
+         /*
+         ** Found an attached suffix, execute the specified command.
+         */
X          if ((fp = popen(cmdline, "r")) == NULL) {
X              (void) fprintf(errfp, "Can't execute command: %s\n", cmdline);
X              exit(1);
X          }
!     }
!     else if ((fp = fopen (file, mode)) == NULL) {
!         /*
!         **  OK, no suffix found to be attached, opening the file
!         **  directly failed. Time to brute force it to see if a file
!         **  name was passed in that did not contain the suffix but
!         **  the file on disk that the user is trying to open does...
!         */
!         ss = file+strlen(file);
!         ct = &cprgs[0];
!         while ((ct->com_name) != NULL) {
!             (void) strcat(file, ct->com_suffix);
!             if ((fp = fopen (file, mode)) != NULL) {
!                 *ss = '\0';
!                 (void) sprintf(cmdline, "%s %s", ct->uncom_name, file);
!                 if (cmdline[0] != '\0') {
!                     if ((fp = popen(cmdline, "r")) == NULL) {
!                         (void) fprintf(errfp, "Can't execute command: %s\n", 
!                                        cmdline);
!                         exit(1);
!                     }
!                 }
!             }
!             ct++;
!             *ss = '\0';
!         }
!         (void) fprintf (errfp, "Can't open file %s\n", file);
!         exit(1);
X       }
X       return (fp);
X  }
! int   zfclose(fp)
! FILE  *fp;
X  {
X      int fclose();
X      int pclose();
echo 'File patch2.1 is complete' &&
chmod 0664 patch2.1 ||
echo 'restore of patch2.1 failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'patch2.1'`"
test 91391 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
	echo 'patch2.1: original size 91391, current size' "$Wc_c"
rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
rm -f _shar_seq_.tmp
echo You have unpacked the last part
exit 0
exit 0 # Just in case...
Kent Landfield                   INTERNET: kent@sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
Sterling Software, IMD           UUCP:     uunet!sparky!kent
Phone:    (402) 291-8300         FAX:      (402) 291-4362
Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent@uunet.uu.net.