nm34@sdcc12.UUCP (nm34) (05/06/85)
APPLIED STATISTICIAN WANT TO CHANGE LOCATION I am an applied statistician looking for work in the electronics, medical or natural resources field. I am currently located in beautiful sunny Southern California and I want desperately to escape to more notherly climes. I have two years professional experience and four years of additional research experience. My strengths are years of scientific experience, computer expertise which includes one year as a programmer, and an ability to interact with my peers in a way that maximizes the creative process. My resume follows: ANDREW G. BINDMAN Southwest Fisheries Center P.O. Box 271 La Jolla, California 92038 Telephone: (619) 453-2820 (work) (619) 294-8363 (home) EDUCATION: Graduate M.S. Biostatistics/Biomathematics University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, July, 1984. Major Course work: Applied Statistics, Regression and Multivariate Analysis, Non-parameteric Methods, Stochastic Processes, ANOVA, Sampling Theory, Statistical Computing, Probability and Statistical Theory, Models in Fisheries Management. Thesis Title: An Application of Andersen's Method of Extracting Information from the Stomach Contents of Fish. An application and analysis of a method for estimating parameters for a size selective feeding model and for predicting prey weight distributions in the environment. Undergraduate B.S. Biology (emphasis in Ecology), State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York, May 1980. EXPERIENCE: 4/84 to present Mathematical Statistician for the National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Center. Developing and using mathematical and statistical models for estimating the abundance of several fish species. Statistical consulting is a periodic requirement. 5/83 to 4/84 Scientific Computer Programmer for the National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center. Computer software for the analysis of fisheries data was written and updated. This involved all aspects of computer program development from scientific consultation to complete program documentation. Duties also included database organization and management. Statistical consulting was conducted on an informal basis. 1/81 to 1/83 University of Washington Research Assistant. Assessed the suitability of using simulation models for the detection of nuclear power plant impact on lake ecosystems. Alternative representations of biological processes were compared. Included in this work was statistical analysis, mathematical modeling, computer programming, and mathematical translation. Spring 1982 University of Washington Teaching Assistant. Conducted review sessions and gave lectures in statistics. Fall 1980 University of Washington Teaching Assistant. Conducted review sessions and gave lectures in calculus. COMPUTER SKILLS: Machines CDC, DEC10, Prime, Burroughs, VAX, C/PM Micros Languages FORTRAN, Pascal, ALGOL, Basic Packages SPSS, MINITAB, BMDP, GLIM3 PUBLICATIONS: L.R. Ginzburg, Slobodkin, L.B., Bindman, A.G. (1982) Quasiextinction Probabilities as a Measure of Impact on Population Growth. Risk Analysis, Vol. 2, No. 3. P. Sullivan, Swartzman, G., Bindman, A. (1984) A Process Notebook for Aquatic Ecosystem Simulations, Second Edition. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Technical Report, NUREG/CR-3392.