[comp.sources.amiga] speeddir source

doc@j.cc.purdue.edu.UUCP (05/15/87)

#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----#
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	ReadMe
#	speeddir.asm
# This archive created: Fri May 15 13:08:40 1987
# By:	Craig Norborg (Purdue University Computing Center)
cat << \SHAR_EOF > ReadMe
>>DISCLAIMER:  This code is UNFINISHED, probably BUGGY, is UNCLEAN and is
>>intended for use by HACKERS ONLY.  Commodore-Amiga/Metacomo you are welcome
>>to use these ideas for the next release -> but, better yet, write a *real*
>If this is the case, could you post source please.

Arrgh!!! Well I should have know better than post an executable without
souce code.  Rather than take time to clean it up, all of you that asked
for it will get it as is.
The Ronald Reagan awareness award goes to the person who spots the "seam"
between the two distict programs that speeddir was spawned from.  {The
wound has not healed and still bleeds occasionally :-) }
cat << \SHAR_EOF > speeddir.asm
; Speeddir By Bryce Nesbitt. 
; Disclaimer: Guaranteed defective.  If it works, lucky you!  If you improve
;  on it please send a copy back to the author at:
;  1712 Marin Ave.  Berkeley, Ca 94707-2206.  bryce@cogsci.Berkeley.EDU
 INCLUDE 'exec/types.i'
 INCLUDE 'exec/memory.i'
 INCLUDE 'exec/ports.i'     ;lots of stuff
 INCLUDE 'exec/io.i'
 INCLUDE 'libraries/dos.i'
 INCLUDE 'libraries/dosextens.i'
 INCLUDE 'devices/trackdisk.i'
;INCLUDE 'lib/exec_lib.i'   ;You don't have these.  So *you*
;INCLUDE 'lib/dos_lib.i'    ;need bother with the linker. :-)
blink macro
 move.l d7,-(a7)
 move.b $bfe001,d7
 eori.b #2,d7
 move.b d7,$bfe001
 move.l (a7)+,d7
jsrlib MACRO
 xref _LVO\1
 jsr _LVO\1(a6)
jmplib MACRO	
 xref _LVO\1
 jmp _LVO\1(a6)
DEBUG	equ 1
	INCLUDE 'libraries/filehandler.i'
DOS_TRUE	equ 0
DOS_FALSE	equ -1
myprocport	equr a5
packet		equr a4

;--Get ready...--
		move.l	4,a6
		lea	DOSName(pc),a1
		jsrlib	OldOpenLibrary
		move.l	d0,a6
		move.l	d0,a5
		lea	Volume,a0
		move.l	a0,d1
		jsrlib	DeviceProc
		tst.l	d0
		beq	noway
		move.l	d0,a4
		lea	MyWait,a0
		move.l	a0,pr_PktWait-TC_SIZE(a4)
		move.l	4,a6
lplplp		;move.l  #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C,d0
		moveq	#0,d0
		jsrlib	Wait
		;jsrlib  Forbid
		;clr.l	 pr_PktWait-TC_SIZE(a4)
		;move.l  a5,a6
		;move.l  #150,d1
		;jsrlib  Delay
		;move.l  4,a6
		;jsrlib  Permit
noway		moveq	#21,d0
;Waits for then gets a packet
MyWait		movem.l a2/a6,-(a7)
MyWaitLp	move.l	4,a6
		suba.l	a1,a1
		jsrlib	FindTask
		add.l	#TC_SIZE,d0
		move.l	d0,a0
		move.l	d0,a2
		jsrlib	WaitPort ;!!Signal 8??
		move.l	a2,a0
		jsrlib	GetMsg
		move.l	d0,a0

		move.l	LN_NAME(a0),a1
		move.l	a2,a0
		cmp.w	#$18,dp_Type+2(a1)
		beq.s	ExTheNext
		movem.l (a7)+,a2/a6
;d0		d1   d2
fib_KOB 	equ  fib_FileName+96	;* Kludge-O-Buffer
fib_HashChain	equ  fib_FileName+100	;* Where to chain to
fib_ChainRoot	equ  fib_FileName+104	;* Where chain started from
HASHSIZE	equ  72
ST.FILE 	equ  -3
ST.ROOT 	equ  1
T.SHORT 	equ  2
T.LIST		equ  16
T.DATA		equ  8
exfib		equr a4
blockbuffer	equr a3

;--We can do the job--
ExTheNext	movem.l (a7)+,a2/a6
		movem.l d2-d3/a0-a4/a6,-(a7)
		move.l	4,a6
		move.l	dp_Arg2(a1),d0
		asl.l	#2,d0
		move.l	d0,exfib
		move.l	#512,d0
		jsrlib	AllocMem
		tst.l	d0	    ;grrr...
		beq	e_memory
		move.l	d0,blockbuffer
;--Check if this is the first time 'round--
		btst	#7,fib_Protection(exfib)  ;!!Byte test!!
		bne.s	exthenext
;--This is a new request. Allocate some kludg-o ram--
		move.l	#KOB_SIZE,d0
		jsrlib	AllocMem
		move.l	d0,fib_KOB(exfib)
		beq	e_memory
		clr.l	fib_HashChain(exfib)
		clr.l	fib_ChainRoot(exfib)
		move.l	(exfib),d0	;fib_DiskKey
		move.l	blockbuffer,a0
		cmp.l	#T.SHORT,(blockbuffer)
		bne	e_errorreading
		moveq	#HASHSIZE-1,d0
		move.l	blockbuffer,a0
		adda.l	#24,a0
		move.l	fib_KOB(exfib),a1
KOBfill 	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
		dbra	d0,KOBfill
		clr.l	(exfib)
;--Check if we should chain--
exthenext	tst.l	fib_KOB(exfib)	;This time they simply
		beq	e_endagain	;went too far...
		move.l	fib_HashChain(exfib),d0
		bne.s	getit		;Follow the chain
;--Derive next block from hash table--
ScanList	moveq	#-1,d0
		moveq	#-1,d1
		move.l	fib_ChainRoot(exfib),d2 ;fib_DiskKey
		moveq	#71,d3
		move.l	fib_KOB(exfib),a0

scanlp		;move.l  d0,-(a7)
		;move.l  d3,d0
		;move.l  (a7)+,d0
		cmp.l	(a0)+,d2
		dbcs	d3,scanlp	;Until end or d0 is LOWER
		bcc.s	endscan
		move.l	-4(a0),a1
		cmp.l	a1,d0		;compare with last try
		bls.s	far		;new one is farther
		moveq	#0,d1
		move.l	a1,d0
	       ;bsr	PRINTLONGHEX
far		dbra	d3,scanlp	;DBCS does not decrement count

endscan 	tst.l	d1
		bmi	e_nomore
;--Got it, so get it--
getit		;[block in d0]
		move.l	blockbuffer,a0
		bmi	e_memory
		bne	e_errorreading
;--Valid User Directory in (blockbuffer). Fill in exfib--
		move.l	fib_HashChain(exfib),d0
		move.l	512-16(blockbuffer),fib_HashChain(exfib)
		tst.l	d0
		bne.s	thisisachain
		move.l	4(blockbuffer),fib_ChainRoot(exfib)
thisisachain	move.l	4(blockbuffer),(exfib)	;fib_DiskKey
		;compare with expected
		;compare type
		moveq	#ST.USERDIR,d1
		move.l	512-4(blockbuffer),d0	;Secondary type
		cmp.l	d0,d1
		beq.s	STValid
		moveq	#ST.FILE,d1
		cmp.l	d0,d1
		bne	e_errorreading
STValid 	move.l	d1,fib_DirEntryType(exfib)
;--Filename-- -80
		lea	fib_FileName(exfib),a1
		lea	512-80(blockbuffer),a0
		moveq	#0,d0		;Clear upper half
		move.b	(a0)+,d0
		move.b	d0,(a1)+
	       ; beq.s	 noname
	       ; subq.w  #1,d0		 ;Compensate for dbra
loop1		move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
		dbra	d0,loop1	;68010 Loop mode
noname	       ; clr.b	 (a1)		 ;Null terminate string
;--Protection bits-- -192
		move.l	512-192(blockbuffer),d0
		bset	#31,d0		;Set we've been here flag
		move.l	d0,fib_Protection(exfib)
;--Size in bytes-- -188
		move.l	512-188(blockbuffer),d0
		move.l	d0,fib_Size(exfib)
		beq.s	zeroblocks
;--Calculate # blocks in file--
;--Do *NOT* read in list blocks from disk!--
		divu	#488,d0 ;!!Ok for files <= 31981080 bytes long
		move.w	d0,d1
		ext.l	d0	;extend result
		swap	d1
		tst.w	d1		;Test remainder
		beq.s	zeroblocks	;Even multiply
		addq.l	#1,d0		;Tweak block count
zeroblocks	move.l	d0,fib_NumBlocks(exfib)
;--DateStamp-- -92
		lea	512-92(blockbuffer),a0
		lea	fib_DateStamp(exfib),a1
		move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
		move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
		move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
;--Comment-- 184
		lea	fib_Comment(exfib),a1
		lea	512-184(blockbuffer),a0
		moveq	#0,d0		;Clear upper part
		move.b	(a0)+,d0
		move.b	d0,(a1)+
	       ; beq.s	 nocomment
	       ; subq.w  #1,d0		 ;Compensate for dbra
loop2		move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
		dbra	d0,loop2
nocomment      ; clr.b	 (a1)
;--Exit ok--
		suba.l	a2,a2
		bra.s	ExitA2
e_errorreading	move.w	#ERROR_SEEK_ERROR,a2
		bra.s	ExitA2
e_memory	move.w	#ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE,a2
		bra.s	ExitA2
e_nomore	move.l	fib_KOB(exfib),a1
		move.l	#KOB_SIZE,d0
		jsrlib	FreeMem
e_endagain	move.w	#ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES,a2
ExitA2		move.l	#512,d0
		move.l	blockbuffer,a1
		jsrlib	FreeMem
;--Place error code in d0 where IOErr can find it--
		suba.l	a1,a1
		jsrlib	FindTask
		move.l	d0,a0
		move.l	a2,pr_Result2(a0)
		move.l	a2,d1
		movem.l (a7)+,d2-d3/a0-a4/a6
		bne.s	anerror
		moveq	#-1,d0
		bra.s	noerror
anerror 	moveq	#0,d0
;== Return the packet ==
noerror 	movem.l a2/a6,-(a7)
		move.l	4,a6
		move.l	d0,dp_Res1(a1)
		move.l	d1,dp_Res2(a1)
		move.l	dp_Port(a1),d0
		move.l	a0,dp_Port(a1)
		move.l	dp_Link(a1),a1
		move.l	d0,a0
		jsrlib	PutMsg
		bra	MyWaitLp
;	      d0
		ifeq	1
PRINTLONGHEX	movem.l d0-d3/a0-a1/a6,-(a7)
		subq.l	#5,a7	;Take 10 bytes from stack
		subq.l	#5,a7	;(it's smaller...)
		move.l	a7,a0
		moveq	#7,d2

hexlp		rol.l	#4,d0
		move.l	d0,d1
		andi.w	#$f,d1
		move.b	hextab2(pc,d1.w),(a0)+
		dbra	d2,hexlp

		move.b	#10,(a0)
		move.b	#32,(a0)
		move.l	4,a6
		lea	DOSName,a1
		jsrlib	OldOpenLibrary	;V1.0 compatible :-)
		tst.l	d0		;grrr...
		beq.s	er_lib
		move.l	d0,a6
		jsrlib	Output
		move.l	d0,d1
		beq.s	er_output
		move.l	a7,d2
		moveq	#9,d3
		jsrlib	Write		;skip error check
		move.l	a6,a1
		move.l	4,a6
		jsrlib	CloseLibrary
		addq.l	#5,a7
		addq.l	#5,a7
er_lib		movem.l (a7)+,d0-d3/a0-a1/a6
hextab2 	dc.b	'0123456789ABCDEF'
; port=CREATEPORTE(),exec
; d0		     a6
; z=error
;FUNCTION: Create a nameless message port, 0 priority.
;RESULT: The port pointer or Z=1 if an error occured.
;REGISTERS: A6 must contain exec!
;		beq.s	noport	;Not enough memory (or signals)
CREATEPORTE	move.l	a2,-(a7)
		moveq	#MP_SIZE,d0
		jsrlib	AllocMem
		move.l	d0,a2
		tst.l	d0
		beq.s	cp_nomemory
		moveq	#-1,d0
		jsrlib	AllocSignal	;d0=return
		moveq	#-1,d1
		cmp.l	d0,d1	;-1 indicates bad signal
		bne.s	cp_sigok
		move.l	a2,a1
		moveq	#MP_SIZE,d0
		jsrlib	FreeMem
cp_nomemory	move.l	(a7)+,a2
		moveq	#0,d0

cp_sigok	move.b	d0,MP_SIGBIT(a2)
		move.b	#PA_SIGNAL,MP_FLAGS(a2)
		move.b	#NT_MSGPORT,LN_TYPE(a2)
		clr.b	LN_PRI(a2)
		suba.l	a1,a1		   ;a1=0/Find this task
		jsrlib	FindTask       ;[d0=this task]
		move.l	d0,MP_SIGTASK(a2)
		lea	MP_MSGLIST(a2),a0  ;Point to list header
		NEWLIST a0		;Init new list macro
		move.l	a2,d0
		move.l	(a7)+,a2	;cc's NOT affected
;	     a1    a6
;FUNCTION:  Deletes the port by first setting some
; fields to illegal values then calling FreeMem.
;RESULT: none
;REGISTERS: A6 must contain exec!
DELETEPORTE	move.l	a1,-(a7)
		moveq	#-1,d0
		move.b	d0,LN_TYPE(a1)
		move.l	d0,MP_MSGLIST+LH_HEAD(a1)
		moveq	#0,d0	;Clear upper 3/4 of d0
		move.b	MP_SIGBIT(a1),d0
		jsrlib	FreeSignal
		move.l	(a7)+,a1
		moveq	#MP_SIZE,d0
		jmplib	FreeMem
;	   a0	  d0
READBLOCK	movem.l d2/a3/a6,-(a7)
		move.l	4,a6
		move.l	d0,d2
		move.l	a0,a3
		suba.l	#IOTD_SIZE,a7
		moveq	#IOTD_SIZE-1,d0 ;clear the new IORequest (slowly)
		move.l	a7,a0
clearit 	clr.b	(a0)+
		dbra	d0,clearit
		beq.s	e_TDport
		move.l	d0,MN_REPLYPORT(a7)
		move.b	#NT_MESSAGE,LN_TYPE(a7)
		lea	TrackName,a0
		move.l	a7,a1
		moveq	#1,d0
		moveq	#0,d1
		jsrlib	OpenDevice  ;[a0-name|d0=unit|a1-IO|d1-flags]
		tst.l	d0
		bne.s	e_TDopen
		move.w	#CMD_READ,IO_COMMAND(a7) ;ETD!!
		move.l	#512,IO_LENGTH(a7)
		moveq	#9,d0
		asl.l	d0,d2	;shift d2 by d0
		move.l	d2,IO_OFFSET(a7)
		move.l	a3,IO_DATA(a7)
		move.l	a7,a1
		jsrlib	DoIO	;[a1-IO]
		move.l	MN_REPLYPORT(a7),a1
		move.b	IO_ERROR(a7),d0    ;cc's set
		adda.l	#IOTD_SIZE,a7	   ;cc's not
		movem.l (a7)+,d2/a3/a6	   ;cc's not
e_TDport	moveq	#-1,d0

DOSName 	dc.b 'dos.library',0
Volume		dc.b 'df1:',0
TrackName	dc.b 'trackdisk.device',0
		dc.b 0,0

#	End of shell archive
exit 0