[comp.sources.amiga] install.asm

doc@j.cc.purdue.edu (Craig Norborg) (05/26/87)

    PD version of the Install command.  By Bryce Nesbitt.  Note that his
new mailing address will be hoser.berkeley.edu in a few weeks.

;INSTALL, Public domain.
;Please tell me about any enhacements,changes,bugs or brain-damage in this
;code.	bryce@cogsci.berkeley.EDU -or- ucbvax!cogsci!bryce
;Bryce Nesbitt 1712 Marin Ave.	Berkeley, Ca 94707-2206
;   Works just like the CLI INSTALL command.
;   I use ARP.LIBRARY for all my parsing.  You don't have that and I can't
;   give it to you yet.  Thus this version of INSTALL is hardwired for DF0:
;   For some reason that is not entirely my fault, if the disk in DF0: is
;   write-protected INSTALL will merrily report success.
;   The second "bug" will be worked around in the final ARP release.
;   Assembled with METACOMCO and blink'ed with BLINK
 INCLUDE 'exec/types.i'
 INCLUDE 'exec/memory.i'
 INCLUDE 'exec/ports.i'
 INCLUDE 'exec/io.i'
 INCLUDE 'libraries/dos.i'
 INCLUDE 'libraries/dosextens.i'
 INCLUDE 'devices/trackdisk.i'
 ;INCLUDE 'lib/exec_lib.i'   ;my peculiarities.
 ;INCLUDE 'lib/dos_lib.i'    ;you don't have these
blink macro
 bchg #1,$bfe001
jsrlib MACRO
 xref _LVO\1
 jsr _LVO\1(a6)
jmplib MACRO
 xref _LVO\1
 jmp _LVO\1(a6)

;--Get ready...--
		move.l	4,a6
		lea.l	DOSName,a1
		jsrlib	OldOpenLibrary
		move.l	d0,a6

		lea.l	bblock,a0
		move.l	a0,a1

		move.l	#128+127,d3
		moveq	#0,d0
		move.l	d0,4(a0)
		move.w	#0,CCR
chksum		move.l	(a1)+,d1
		addx.l	 d1,d0
		dbra	d3,chksum
		neg.l	d0
		subq.l	#1,d0
		move.l	d0,4(a0)

		moveq	#0,d0
		bne.s	e_block

		lea.l	yess,a0
		moveq	#yese-yess,d3
		bra.s	in
e_block 	lea.l	nos,a0
		moveq	#noe-nos,d3
in		move.l	a0,d2
		jsrlib	Output
		move.l	d0,d1
		beq.s	e_output
		jsrlib	Write
		moveq	#0,d0
e_deviceproc	moveq	#20,d0
; port=CREATEPORTE(),exec
; d0		     a6
; z=error
;FUNCTION: Create a nameless message port, 0 priority.
;RESULT: The port pointer or Z=1 if an error occured.
;REGISTERS: A6 must contain exec!
;		beq.s	noport	;Not enough memory (or signals)
CREATEPORTE	move.l	a2,-(a7)
		moveq	#MP_SIZE,d0
		jsrlib	AllocMem
		move.l	d0,a2
		tst.l	d0
		beq.s	cp_nomemory
		moveq	#-1,d0
		jsrlib	AllocSignal	;d0=return
		moveq	#-1,d1
		cmp.l	d0,d1	;-1 indicates bad signal
		bne.s	cp_sigok
		move.l	a2,a1
		moveq	#MP_SIZE,d0
		jsrlib	FreeMem
cp_nomemory	move.l	(a7)+,a2
		moveq	#0,d0

cp_sigok	move.b	d0,MP_SIGBIT(a2)
		move.b	#PA_SIGNAL,MP_FLAGS(a2)
		move.b	#NT_MSGPORT,LN_TYPE(a2)
		clr.b	LN_PRI(a2)
		suba.l	a1,a1		   ;a1=0/Find this task
		jsrlib	FindTask       ;[d0=this task]
		move.l	d0,MP_SIGTASK(a2)
		lea.l	MP_MSGLIST(a2),a0  ;Point to list header
		NEWLIST a0		;Init new list macro
		move.l	a2,d0
		move.l	(a7)+,a2	;cc's NOT affected
;	     a1    a6
;FUNCTION:  Deletes the port by first setting some
; fields to illegal values then calling FreeMem.
;RESULT: none
;REGISTERS: A6 must contain exec!
DELETEPORTE	move.l	a1,-(a7)
		moveq	#-1,d0
		move.b	d0,LN_TYPE(a1)
		move.l	d0,MP_MSGLIST+LH_HEAD(a1)
		moveq	#0,d0	;Clear upper 3/4 of d0
		move.b	MP_SIGBIT(a1),d0
		jsrlib	FreeSignal
		move.l	(a7)+,a1
		moveq	#MP_SIZE,d0
		jmplib	FreeMem
;	   a0	  d0
WRITELBLOCK	movem.l d2/a3/a6,-(a7)
		move.l	4,a6
	       ;move.l	d0,d2
		move.l	a0,a3
		suba.l	#IOTD_SIZE,a7
		moveq	#IOTD_SIZE-1,d0 ;clear the new IORequest (slowly)
		move.l	a7,a0
clearit 	clr.b	(a0)+
		dbra	d0,clearit
		beq	e_TDport
		move.l	d0,MN_REPLYPORT(a7)
		move.b	#NT_MESSAGE,LN_TYPE(a7)
		lea.l	TrackName,a0
		move.l	a7,a1
		moveq	#0,d0
		moveq	#0,d1
		jsrlib	OpenDevice  ;[a0-name|d0=unit|a1-IO|d1-flags]
		tst.l	d0
		bne.s	e_TDopen

		move.w	#CMD_WRITE,IO_COMMAND(a7) ;ETD!!
		move.l	#1024,IO_LENGTH(a7)
	       ;moveq	#9,d0
	       ;asl.l	d0,d2	;shift d2 by d0
	       ;move.l	d2,IO_OFFSET(a7)
	       clr.l   IO_OFFSET(a7)
		move.l	a3,IO_DATA(a7)
		move.l	a7,a1
		jsrlib	DoIO	;[a1-IO]
		move.b	IO_ERROR(a7),d0    ;cc's set
		bne.s	e_TDerror

		move.w	#CMD_UPDATE,IO_COMMAND(a7) ;ETD!!
		;move.l  #1024,IO_LENGTH(a7)
		;moveq #0,d2
		;move.l  d2,IO_OFFSET(a7)
		;move.l  a3,IO_DATA(a7)
		move.l	a7,a1
		jsrlib	DoIO	;[a1-IO]

		move.w	#TD_MOTOR,IO_COMMAND(a7) ;ETD!!
		clr.l	IO_LENGTH(a7)		;motor off
		;moveq	 #0,d2
		;move.l  d2,IO_OFFSET(a7)
		;move.l  a3,IO_DATA(a7)
		move.l	a7,a1
		jsrlib	DoIO	;[a1-IO]
		moveq	#0,d7
		move.b	IO_ERROR(a7),d7
		bra	e_good
e_TDport	moveq	#-1,d7

e_good		move.l	MN_REPLYPORT(a7),a1
		adda.l	#IOTD_SIZE,a7	   ;cc's not
		movem.l (a7)+,d2/a3/a6	   ;cc's not
		move.l	d7,d0

;This is the actual boot-block.  From the descriptions in the RKM I was
;able to determine the registers.  From there to code was three steps;
;I tired OpenLibrary on DOS, zilch.  Tried returning the value from
;FindResident, crash.  And at last the correct answer -> extract the
;init pointer from the resident structure.
;Later investigation revealed:
;At boot-block time DOS.LIBRARY has not been built.  A perfect time to
;add a totally different DOS!  If you want to call the current DOS you
;will need a hyper-kludge.
;The code at the jump address returned by the boot code builds the DOS
;library, sends a message the does a REMTASK (!).  No hope of using a JSR
;to return control.
;This area is checksumed on the fly, so feel free to change it either
;in source or object form.
		cnop 0,4
bblock		dc.b 'DOS',0    ;Disk Type
		dc.l 0		;Checksum
		dc.l 880	;Root block key

		move.l	4,a6
		lea.l	DOSName(pc),a1
		jsrlib	FindResident
		move.l	d0,a0
		tst.l	d0
		bne.s	LibOpenOk
		subq.l	#1,d0	    ;make -1
		rts		    ;failure
DOSName 	dc.b	'dos.library',0
LibOpenOk	move.l	$16(a0),a0  ;Initial Jump
		moveq	#0,d0	    ;success
		dcb.b 1024-(here-bblock),0  ;Pad block with zeros
;-- static data --
yess		dc.b 'Disk in drive DF0: is now bootable.',10
nos		dc.b 'Install DF0: failed',10
TrackName	dc.b 'trackdisk.device',0

	Craig Norborg
	comp.{sources,binaries}.amiga moderator