(Kent Paul Dolan) (10/08/87)
In response to a terrifying dearth of AmigaBASIC software, I submit the following piece of cute trivia for the USENet community. My friends claim it is fun to watch the mazes grow. My friends are mostly pretty weird. Hex_maze.bas is a program that designs hexagonal mazes on the Amiga's screen. There are 5 sizes of maze available, from a quick demo to an hours long "killer maze". The program desperately needs the AmigaBASIC Compiler ((C) by whomever). I don't own it, but I tried it on this at a friends house before I added the menus to this program, and it cut down the run time for the biggest maze from 135 minutes to about 7 minutes. Super tool! (Plug, plug! ;-) The only thing nice about this program besides the cute mazes is the maze generating algorithm. A hex grid is drawn. All of its cells are assigned to the exterior of the maze. Then a starting cell is chosen from the grid at random. It is assigned to the maze interior and the (up to) six cells around it are added to the (up to now empty) list of the boundary cells. Thereafter, a cell is chosen at random from the boundary list, moved to the maze interior, a wall is knocked out between it and (a random one of) the adjacent interior cell(s), and any adjacent exterior cells are added to the list of boundary cells. This continues until all the cells are in the interior. Then the entrance and exit are opened. So much for documentation. Here's the program. Enjoy! Kent, the man from xanth. (Kent Paul Dolan, LCDR, NOAA, Retired) ----------------------- usual clip job here ---------------------------------- CLEAR,10000& CLEAR,60000& : REM Yep, the biggest maze needs every bit of that space. REM Program Hex Maze REM REM Another demented creation from the mind and keys of Kent Paul Dolan. REM REM Draws a hexagonal grid, then removes sides and doors to make a hex maze. REM RANDOMIZE TIMER REM precalculate trig stuff for speed PI = 4#*ATN(1#) c0pi3 = COS(0!*PI/3!) s0pi3 = SIN(0!*PI/3!) c1pi3 = COS(1!*PI/3!) s1pi3 = SIN(1!*PI/3!) c2pi3 = COS(2!*PI/3!) s2pi3 = SIN(2!*PI/3!) c3pi3 = COS(3!*PI/3!) s3pi3 = SIN(3!*PI/3!) c4pi3 = COS(4!*PI/3!) s4pi3 = SIN(4!*PI/3!) c5pi3 = COS(5!*PI/3!) s5pi3 = SIN(5!*PI/3!) REM Sizes for largest supported maze; used only to dimension arrays below. xhuge = 51 yhuge = 51 DIM SHARED inlist(6,2),evenlist(6,2),oddlist(6,2),marks%(2*xhuge+1,yhuge+1),border%((2*xhuge+1)*(yhuge+1),2) REM Tables for pointing to the (column,row) offset of adjacent hexes REM for an even numbered hex in a row DATA 1,1, 0,1, -1,1, -1,0, 0,-1, 1,0 REM for an odd numbered hex in a row DATA 1,0, 0,1, -1,0, -1,-1, 0,-1, 1,-1 RESET FOR k = 1 TO 6 FOR j = 1 TO 2 READ evenlist(k,j) NEXT j NEXT k FOR k = 1 TO 6 FOR j = 1 TO 2 READ oddlist(k,j) NEXT j NEXT k CALL announce SCREEN 1,640,400,1,4 WINDOW 2,"Hex Maze",,20,1 PALETTE 0,.4,.4,.4 PALETTE 1,.2,.2,.2 COLOR 1,0 MENU 5,0,1,"Hex Maze Choices" MENU 5,1,1,"Demo - 30 seconds" MENU 5,2,1,"Kiddie - 4 minutes" MENU 5,3,1,"Challenge - 16 minutes" MENU 5,4,1,"Toughie - 60 minutes" MENU 5,5,1,"Killer - 140 minutes" MENU 5,6,1,"Quit and clean up" ON MENU GOSUB DoMaze MENU ON WHILE (1) SLEEP WEND DoMaze: IF (MENU(0) <> 5) THEN RETURN CLS MenuItem = MENU(1) IF ( (MenuItem < 1) OR (MenuItem > 6) ) THEN BEEP : RETURN REM Disable the maze menu. MENU 5,0,0 REM xmax is PAIRS of hexes in one row, ymax is rows, rad is radius of a hex REM (xbegin,ybegin) is the offset of the first hex's center from (0,0) REM Bail out option. IF (MenuItem = 6) GOTO CleanUp REM Killer maze - takes over 2 hours to draw, tiny cells, too hard to solve. IF (MenuItem = 5) THEN xmax = 51 : ymax =51 : rad = 4! : xbegin = 6! : ybegin = 14! REM A very detailed maze - about an hour to draw. IF (MenuItem = 4) THEN xmax = 34 : ymax = 34 : rad = 6! : xbegin = 18! : ybegin = 24! REM A pretty good maze; takes about 16 minutes to draw. IF (MenuItem = 3) THEN xmax = 23 : ymax = 23 : rad = 9! : xbegin = 10! : ybegin = 20! REM A kiddie maze, done in about 4 minutes. IF (MenuItem = 2) THEN xmax = 10 : ymax = 10 : rad = 20! : xbegin = 26! : ybegin = 36! REM A fast demo maze, done in about 30 seconds. IF (MenuItem = 1) THEN xmax = 3 : ymax = 3 : rad = 48! : xbegin = 120! : ybegin = 100! REM Stuff different depending on maze sizes starts here. bsize = 0 marksize = rad/10! xorg = xbegin yorg = ybegin ycen = yorg lrad = rad*COS(PI/6!) xoff = 2!*lrad*COS(PI/6!) yoff = 2!*lrad*SIN(PI/6!) REM draw hex grid FOR y = 1 TO ymax xcen = xorg FOR x = 1 TO xmax CALL dohex (xcen,ycen,rad) xcen = xcen + xoff ycen = ycen + yoff CALL dohex (xcen,ycen,rad) xcen = xcen + xoff ycen = ycen - yoff NEXT x yorg = yorg + 2!*lrad ycen = yorg NEXT y REM initialize marks FOR y = 0 TO ymax + 1 FOR x = 0 TO 2 * xmax + 1 IF x = 0 OR x = 2 * xmax + 1 OR y = 0 OR y = ymax + 1 THEN marks%(x,y) = -1 ELSE marks%(x,y) = 0 END IF NEXT x NEXT y REM seed maze yseed = INT(RND * ymax + 1!) xseed = INT(RND * 2 * xmax + 1!) border%(1,1) = xseed border%(1,2) = yseed bsize = 1 CALL surround(1!,bsize,xmax,ymax) REM fill in the rest of the maze WHILE (bsize > 0) goat = INT(RND * bsize + 1!) CALL surround(goat,bsize,xmax,ymax) WEND REM Open an entrance and an exit. CALL remove (1!,1!,1!,0!) CALL remove (2!*xmax,ymax,2!*xmax,ymax+1) REM Reenable the maze menu. MENU 5,0,1 RETURN CleanUp: WINDOW CLOSE 2 SCREEN CLOSE 1 PALETTE 0,.2,.4,.8 PALETTE 1,1!,1!,1! STOP SUB surround(goat,bsize,xmax,ymax) STATIC SHARED rad insize = 0 xgoat = border%(goat,1) ygoat = border%(goat,2) LOCATE 1,1 FOR i = 1 TO 6 IF 2*INT(xgoat/2) = xgoat THEN REM even case xtemp = xgoat + evenlist(i,1) ytemp = ygoat + evenlist(i,2) ELSE REM odd case xtemp = xgoat + oddlist(i,1) ytemp = ygoat + oddlist(i,2) END IF IF marks%(xtemp,ytemp) = 2 THEN insize = insize + 1 inlist(insize,1) = xtemp inlist(insize,2) = ytemp END IF IF marks%(xtemp,ytemp) = 0 THEN bsize = bsize + 1 border%(bsize,1) = xtemp border%(bsize,2) = ytemp marks%(xtemp,ytemp) = 1 END IF NEXT i border%(goat,1) = border%(bsize,1) border%(goat,2) = border%(bsize,2) bsize = bsize - 1 IF rad > 9! THEN CALL markit(xgoat,ygoat) marks%(xgoat,ygoat) = 2 IF insize > 0 THEN newone = INT(RND*insize +1!) xfrom = inlist(newone,1) yfrom = inlist(newone,2) CALL remove(xgoat,ygoat,xfrom,yfrom) END IF REM INPUT junk$ EXIT SUB END SUB SUB getedge(xhome,yhome,xaway,yaway,edge) STATIC edge = 0 xdif = xaway - xhome ydif = yaway - yhome FOR i = 1 TO 6 IF 2*INT(xhome/2) = xhome THEN IF ( (xdif = evenlist(i,1) ) AND (ydif = evenlist(i,2) ) ) THEN edge = i ELSE IF ( (xdif = oddlist(i,1) ) AND (ydif = oddlist(i,2) ) ) THEN edge = i END IF NEXT i IF edge = 0 THEN PRINT "edge error with inputs:",xhome,yhome,xaway,yaway INPUT junk$ STOP END IF EXIT SUB END SUB SUB markit (xgoat,ygoat) STATIC SHARED rad,up,marksize CALL getcen(xgoat,ygoat,xcen,ycen) CALL dohex(xcen,ycen,marksize) EXIT SUB END SUB SUB getcen(xgoat,ygoat,xcen,ycen) STATIC SHARED xbegin,ybegin,xoff,yoff,lrad xcen = xbegin + (xgoat - 1) * xoff ycen = ybegin + 2 * lrad * (ygoat -1) IF 2*INT(xgoat/2!) = xgoat THEN ycen = ycen + lrad END IF EXIT SUB END SUB SUB remove (xgoat,ygoat,xfrom,yfrom) STATIC SHARED rad SHARED c0pi3,c1pi3,c2pi3,c3pi3,c4pi3,c5pi3 SHARED s0pi3,s1pi3,s2pi3,s3pi3,s4pi3,s5pi3 twolrad = 2!*lrad tworad = 2!*rad REM Find the centers of the added hex and the one from which it was added. CALL getcen(xgoat,ygoat,xgcen,ygcen) CALL getcen(xfrom,yfrom,xfcen,yfcen) REM Find the edge they share in common from each point of view. CALL getedge(xgoat,ygoat,xfrom,yfrom,gedge) CALL getedge(xfrom,yfrom,xgoat,ygoat,fedge) REM Find the end points of the edge from the added hex's point of view. IF gedge = 1 THEN xgb = xgcen+rad*c0pi3 ygb = ygcen+rad*s0pi3 xge = xgcen+rad*c1pi3 yge = ygcen+rad*s1pi3 END IF IF gedge = 2 THEN xgb = xgcen+rad*c1pi3 ygb = ygcen+rad*s1pi3 xge = xgcen+rad*c2pi3 yge = ygcen+rad*s2pi3 END IF IF gedge = 3 THEN xgb = xgcen+rad*c2pi3 ygb = ygcen+rad*s2pi3 xge = xgcen+rad*c3pi3 yge = ygcen+rad*s3pi3 END IF IF gedge = 4 THEN xgb = xgcen+rad*c3pi3 ygb = ygcen+rad*s3pi3 xge = xgcen+rad*c4pi3 yge = ygcen+rad*s4pi3 END IF IF gedge = 5 THEN xgb = xgcen+rad*c4pi3 ygb = ygcen+rad*s4pi3 xge = xgcen+rad*c5pi3 yge = ygcen+rad*s5pi3 END IF IF gedge = 6 THEN xgb = xgcen+rad*c5pi3 ygb = ygcen+rad*s5pi3 xge = xgcen+rad*c0pi3 yge = ygcen+rad*s0pi3 END IF REM Find the line ends from the connecting hex's point of view. IF fedge = 1 THEN xfb = xfcen+rad*c0pi3 yfb = yfcen+rad*s0pi3 xfe = xfcen+rad*c1pi3 yfe = yfcen+rad*s1pi3 END IF IF fedge = 2 THEN xfb = xfcen+rad*c1pi3 yfb = yfcen+rad*s1pi3 xfe = xfcen+rad*c2pi3 yfe = yfcen+rad*s2pi3 END IF IF fedge = 3 THEN xfb = xfcen+rad*c2pi3 yfb = yfcen+rad*s2pi3 xfe = xfcen+rad*c3pi3 yfe = yfcen+rad*s3pi3 END IF IF fedge = 4 THEN xfb = xfcen+rad*c3pi3 yfb = yfcen+rad*s3pi3 xfe = xfcen+rad*c4pi3 yfe = yfcen+rad*s4pi3 END IF IF fedge = 5 THEN xfb = xfcen+rad*c4pi3 yfb = yfcen+rad*s4pi3 xfe = xfcen+rad*c5pi3 yfe = yfcen+rad*s5pi3 END IF IF fedge = 6 THEN xfb = xfcen+rad*c5pi3 yfb = yfcen+rad*s5pi3 xfe = xfcen+rad*c0pi3 yfe = yfcen+rad*s0pi3 END IF REM Draw over the appropriate sides in background color. REM (We're hitting the "same" line from both sides, to get all the points REM we'd otherwise miss due to roundoff errors.) LINE (xgb,ygb)-(xge,yge),0 LINE (xfb,yfb)-(xfe,yfe),0 REM Put the line ends back, to avoid breaks in cell walls. PSET (xgb,ygb),1 PSET (xge,yge),1 PSET (xfb,yfb),1 PSET (xfe,yfe),1 EXIT SUB END SUB SUB dohex (xcen,ycen,rad) STATIC SHARED c0pi3,c1pi3,c2pi3,c3pi3,c4pi3,c5pi3 SHARED s0pi3,s1pi3,s2pi3,s3pi3,s4pi3,s5pi3 LINE (xcen+rad*c0pi3,ycen+rad*s0pi3)-(xcen+rad*c1pi3,ycen+rad*s1pi3),1 LINE (xcen+rad*c1pi3,ycen+rad*s1pi3)-(xcen+rad*c2pi3,ycen+rad*s2pi3),1 LINE (xcen+rad*c2pi3,ycen+rad*s2pi3)-(xcen+rad*c3pi3,ycen+rad*s3pi3),1 LINE (xcen+rad*c3pi3,ycen+rad*s3pi3)-(xcen+rad*c4pi3,ycen+rad*s4pi3),1 LINE (xcen+rad*c4pi3,ycen+rad*s4pi3)-(xcen+rad*c5pi3,ycen+rad*s5pi3),1 LINE (xcen+rad*c5pi3,ycen+rad*s5pi3)-(xcen+rad*c0pi3,ycen+rad*s0pi3),1 EXIT SUB END SUB SUB announce STATIC LOCATE 1,1 PRINT TAB(28);"Welcome to Hex Maze!" PRINT PRINT "This program draws a maze on a hexagonal grid." PRINT PRINT "Your choice of maze sizes is from a menu; nothing happens until you" PRINT "choose a maze size. The menu is turned off while the maze is drawn." PRINT PRINT "Use your favorite screen grabber to save a copy of the maze for printing." PRINT "(You'll probably want to change the colors to black and white first;" PRINT "the current color selection is designed to minimize interlace flicker.)" PRINT PRINT "When you're done solving a maze by eye, choose another from the menu." PRINT "Choose the menu 'cleanup' option to leave the program nicely." PRINT PRINT "Have fun!" PRINT PRINT "Enter a return to go ahead when you're done reading." INPUT "(You may have to click the mouse in this window to type here.) Ready";junk$ EXIT SUB END SUB END ----- Cut Here, this is the end, not the beginning, but the end -----