[comp.sources.amiga] comp.sources.amiga archive index

ahh@j.cc.purdue.edu (Brent L. Woods) (11/18/87)

     For those of you who mailed and asked, your requests have been
answered.  A complete index of what is in the sources archive and
what (I believe) it is follows.  As always, if you have any questions,
comments, war stories, etc., please don't be shy about telling us
(I'm sure you won't  :-) ).

     Also, for those of you who wish to use anonymous ftp to
j.cc.purdue.edu, the path to the source directories is:

          news/comp/sources/amiga/volume1     and

from the default ftp directory.  Also, the files are compressed (12 bits;
an Amiga should be able to handle the uncompression with no trouble) to
save space, so, if you want to avoid corruption during transmission, you
should use "binary" mode in ftp (ftp's help command should tell you what
it is).  Hmm...  Have I been "overly helpful" enough, yet?  :-)

     All this fun stuff brought to you by the happpy people who are your
Moderators, but specifically:

Brent Woods, Co-Moderator, comp.{sources,binaries}.amiga

USENET:   ...!j.cc.purdue.edu!ahh          ARPANET:  ahh@j.cc.purdue.edu
BITNET:   PODUM@PURCCVM                    PHONE:  +1 317 743-8421
USNAIL:   320 Brown St., #406  /  West Lafayette, IN  47906

     In other words, I get the gripes.

     So, without further ado (just what is "ado," anyway?), here's
the index:

----------------------------------cut here-------------------------------

     Volume 1:

candbasic.sh          Shows how to call C routines from Basic

checkmodem.sh         Source to Matt Dillon's checkmodem program.

claz.sh               IFF -> Postscript conversion program

clicktof.asm          Bryce Nesbitts ClickToFront utility.

clock.c               Nifty clock program

cmd.sh                Redirect printer output to a file.

dbuf.gels.c           Demo on how to use sprites (double buffered)

demolition.sh         Neat graphics hack!

dirutilii             Directory utility for the Amiga (good!)

disksalv              Restores bad disks

display.c             Display program for .img files.

dme.doc.sh            Matt Dillon's editor documentation
dme.src.sh1           Source to above

exec_support          Exec library support routines in 68000.

filereq.sh            File requestor template (nice!)

gaded.sh              Gadget editor source.

grav.src.sh1          Gravity Wars source (modula2)

hunkpad.sh            Pad binaries for easy uploading/downloading.

journal.doc.sh        Documentation for Journal.

journal.sh            Sources for Journal.

lander.sh             Nifty workbench lander program!

libdemos.sh           Shows how to call system routines from basic

library.sh            library routines used in the compilation of shell

make.sh               PD 'make' converted from version posted to net.

mouseclock.c          Clock put into your mouse pointer.
mouseclock.c          Nifty clock program.  Puts time of day in mouse pointer.

ms2.sh                Source to munching squares 2.  (Leo Schwab)

mylib.doc             Documentation for Matt Dillon's lib routines.

mylib.sh              Matt Dillon's lib source

othello.mod.sh        Modula-2 sources to othello.

p.sh1                 Ed Pucket's pipe handler

pageprint.sh          Better way to print a number of text files at once.

placewindow.sh        Place your window where you like on the screen.

popcli2.sh            Popcli II.  Has screen blanking, cli at a keystroke...

screendump.c          Screen Dump routines provided by Commodore

scrollpf.c            Demo on how to scroll a playfield

sdb.1                 A database program called sdb

shar                  Like the Unix shar program for sending multiple files

shell203.sh1          Matt Dillon's shell (v2.03)
shell203doc.sh        Documentation for Matt Dillon's shell (v2.03)

shell206M.sh1         Steve Drew's version of Dillon's shell for manx.

sp.src.sh             Star Plotting source (needs data files from binaries)

speeddir.sh           SpeedDir source (By Bryce Nesbitt)

superc                Neat graphics demo.  Needs to be run under WB1.2

tarsplit.c            Split up tar format files on the Amiga

tools.sh              Bryce Nesbitt's tools in assembly

uEmacs3.08.sh         Micro Emacs v 3.08

unshar.c              Program to unshar most shar files.

utilities.sh1         Unix like utilities.

utilities.sh2         More Unix like utilities.

uuendecode.sh         uuencode/uudecode for the Amiga

uw.sh                 Unix Windows for the Amiga

viacom.sh             YA Leo Schwab screen hack

vt100.sh1             vt100 terminal emulator (DBW2.4)

warptext.sh           Warptext routines
------- End of Volume 1 ------

audio-tools.sh.Z      Audio production routines.

bawk.src.sh1.Z        Text processing language.


bt_maps.sh1.Z         Bard's Tale maps (for the last resort only :-)

cancel.src.Z          Hits "cancel" on requester when machine unattended.

catalog.sh.Z          Creates catalog of disk files.

clickupfront.src.sh.Z Brings window to front with a double click.

cmd4.src.sh.Z         Newest version of Carolyn Scheppner's cmd program.

helios_fix.sh.Z       Fix for Helios mouse handler routines.

helios.src.sh.Z       Source for Helios Sun-like mouse handler routines.

instant.sh.Z          Application writing aid (an application application?)

introv2.Z             Introduction to Volume 2 (by Doc)

linedraw.sh.Z         Draws lines from data files (pictures, maybe?)

micro-emacs.macros.Z  Patches and macros for Micro-EMACS.

monidcmp.sh.Z         Monitors messages passing through any IDCMP window.

mrbackup.sh1.Z        Disk backup utility.

nat-enq.sh.Z          Prints "National Enquirer" type headlines.

pop.sh.Z              Creates pop-up menus at mouse pointer locations.

portable-dir.sh.Z     Directory printing utility.

psint.sh1.Z           Screen-only PostScript language interpreter.

tek.src.sh1.Z         Terminal program; emulates vt100 and TEK 4014/4010.

texdrv1.sh.Z          Tektronix printer driver.

uucodes.src.sh.Z      New uu{en,de}code versions.

vt27.sh1.Z            VT100 terminal program version 2.7.

warptext.src.sh.Z     Speeds up text printing to the screen.

windowutil.sh.Z       Window data lookup utility.

wkeys.src.sh.Z        Binds window manipulation functions to function keys.
------  End of Volume 2 ------