(Patrick White) (06/01/88)
Submitted by: kuhling!jonasf (Jonas Flygare) Summary: unix m4 look-alike macro processor. Poster Boy: Patrick White ( Archive Name: sources/amiga/volume5/ binaries/amiga/volume6/ tested. NOTES: I undid the shar to undo the uuencoded compressed files, and to separate the docs from everything else. I nroffed the docs so everybody gets a readable copy of the docs. A patch to some of the test files was included with the origional posting.. I applied the patch to the files and excluded the patch from this posting. . -- Pat White (co-moderator comp.sources/binaries.amiga) ARPA/UUCP:!ain BITNET: PATWHITE@PURCCVM PHONE: (317) 743-8421 U.S. Mail: 320 Brown St. apt. 406, West Lafayette, IN 47906 ======================================== # This is a shell archive. # Remove everything above and including the cut line. # Then run the rest of the file through sh. #----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----# #!/bin/sh # shar: Shell Archiver # Run the following text with /bin/sh to create: # # readme # readme.flax # ack.m4 # hanoi.m4 # hash.m4 # sqroot.m4 # string.m4 # test.m4 # This archive created: Mon May 16 09:17:19 1988 # By: Patrick White (PUCC Land, USA) echo shar: extracting '(15241 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > M4(local) UNIX Programmer's Manual M4(local) NAME pd m4 - macro processor ORIGIN MetaSystems SYNOPSIS m4[ _o_p_t_i_o_n_s ] DESCRIPTION _P_d _M_4 is a un*x M4 look-alike macro processor intended as a front end for Ratfor, Pascal, and other languages that do not have a built-in macro processing capability. Pd M4 reads standard input, the processed text is written on the standard output. The options and their effects are as follows: -D_n_a_m_e[=_v_a_l] Defines _n_a_m_e to _v_a_l or to null in _v_a_l's absence. -U_n_a_m_e undefines _n_a_m_e. Macro calls have the form: name(_a_r_g_1,_a_r_g_2, ..., _a_r_g_n) The ( must immediately follow the name of the macro. If the name of a defined macro is not followed by a (, it is taken to be a call of that macro with no arguments, i.e. name(). Potential macro names consist of alphabetic letters and digits. Leading unquoted blanks, tabs and newlines are ignored while collecting arguments. Left and right single quotes are used to quote strings. The value of a quoted string is the string stripped of the quotes. When a macro name is recognized, its arguments are collected by searching for a matching ). If fewer arguments are sup- plied than are in the macro definition, the trailing argu- ments are taken to be null. Macro evaluation proceeds nor- mally during the collection of the arguments, and any commas or right parentheses which happen to turn up within the value of a nested call are as effective as those in the ori- ginal input text. (This is typically referred as _i_n_s_i_d_e-_o_u_t macro expansion.) After argument collection, the value of the macro is pushed back onto the input stream and res- canned. Printed 5/16/88 30 Aug 1987 1 M4(local) UNIX Programmer's Manual M4(local) _P_d _M_4 makes available the following built-in macros. They may be redefined, but once this is done the original meaning is lost. Their values are null unless otherwise stated. define usage: _d_e_f_i_n_e(_n_a_m_e [, _v_a_l]) the second argument is installed as the value of the macro whose name is the first argument. If there is no second argument, the value is null. Each occurrence of $_n in the replace- ment text, where _n is a digit, is replaced by the _n-th argument. Argument 0 is the name of the macro; missing arguments are replaced by the null string. defn usage: _d_e_f_n(_n_a_m_e [, _n_a_m_e ...]) returns the quoted definition of its argument(s). Useful in renaming macros. undefine usage: _u_n_d_e_f_i_n_e(_n_a_m_e [, _n_a_m_e ...]) removes the definition of the macro(s) named. If there is more than one definition for the named macro, (due to previous use of _p_u_s_h_d_e_f) all definitions are removed. pushdef usage: _p_u_s_h_d_e_f(_n_a_m_e [, _v_a_l]) like _d_e_f_i_n_e, but saves any previous definition by stacking the current definition. popdef usage: _p_o_p_d_e_f(_n_a_m_e [, _n_a_m_e ...]) removes current definition of its argument(s), exposing the previous one if any. ifdef usage: _i_f_d_e_f(_n_a_m_e, _i_f-_d_e_f [, _i_f_n_o_t-_d_e_f]) if the first argument is defined, the value is the second argument, otherwise the third. If there is no third argument, the value is null. A word indicating the current operating system is predefined. (e.g. _u_n_i_x or _v_m_s) shift usage: _s_h_i_f_t(_a_r_g, _a_r_g, _a_r_g, ...) returns all but its first argument. The other arguments are quoted and pushed back with com- mas in between. The quoting nullifies the effect of the extra scan that will subse- quently be performed. changequote usage: _c_h_a_n_g_e_q_u_o_t_e(_l_q_c_h_a_r, _r_q_c_h_a_r) change quote symbols to the first and second arguments. With no arguments, the quotes are reset back to the default characters. (i.e., ). Printed 5/16/88 30 Aug 1987 2 M4(local) UNIX Programmer's Manual M4(local) changecom usage: _c_h_a_n_g_e_c_o_m(_l_c_c_h_a_r, _r_c_c_h_a_r) change left and right comment markers from the default # and newline. With no arguments, the comment mechanism is reset back to the default characters. With one argument, the left marker becomes the argument and the right marker becomes newline. With two arguments, both markers are affected. divert usage: _d_i_v_e_r_t(_d_i_v_n_u_m) _m_4 maintains 10 output streams, numbered 0-9. initially stream 0 is the current stream. The _d_i_v_e_r_t macro changes the current output stream to its (digit-string) argument. Output diverted to a stream other than 0 through 9 disappears into bitbucket. undivert usage: _u_n_d_i_v_e_r_t([_d_i_v_n_u_m [, _d_i_v_n_u_m ...]]) causes immediate output of text from diver- sions named as argument(s), or all diversions if no argument. Text may be undiverted into another diversion. Undiverting discards the diverted text. At the end of input processing, _M_4 forces an automatic _u_n_d_i_v_e_r_t, unless _m_4_w_r_a_p is defined. divnum usage: _d_i_v_n_u_m() returns the value of the current output stream. dnl usage: _d_n_l() reads and discards characters up to and including the next newline. ifelse usage: _i_f_e_l_s_e(_a_r_g, _a_r_g, _i_f-_s_a_m_e [, _i_f_n_o_t-_s_a_m_e | _a_r_g, _a_r_g ...]) has three or more arguments. If the first argument is the same string as the second, then the value is the third argument. If not, and if there are more than four arguments, the process is repeated with arguments 4, 5, 6 and 7. Otherwise, the value is either the fourth string, or, if it is not present, null. incr usage: _i_n_c_r(_n_u_m) returns the value of its argument incremented by 1. The value of the argument is calculated by interpreting an initial digit-string as a decimal number. decr usage: _d_e_c_r(_n_u_m) returns the value of its argument decremented Printed 5/16/88 30 Aug 1987 3 M4(local) UNIX Programmer's Manual M4(local) by 1. eval usage: _e_v_a_l(_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n) evaluates its argument as a constant expres- sion, using integer arithmetic. The evalua- tion mechanism is very similar to that of _c_p_p (#if expression). The expression can involve only integer constants and character con- stants, possibly connected by the binary operators * / % + - >> << < > <= >= == != & ^ | && || or the unary operators - ~ ! or by the ter- nary operator ? : . Parentheses may be used for grouping. Octal numbers may be specified as in C. len usage: _l_e_n(_s_t_r_i_n_g) returns the number of characters in its argu- ment. index usage: _i_n_d_e_x(_s_e_a_r_c_h-_s_t_r_i_n_g, _s_t_r_i_n_g) returns the position in its first argument where the second argument begins (zero ori- gin), or -1 if the second argument does not occur. substr usage: _s_u_b_s_t_r(_s_t_r_i_n_g, _i_n_d_e_x [, _l_e_n_g_t_h]) returns a substring of its first argument. The second argument is a zero origin number selecting the first character (internally treated as an expression); the third argument indicates the length of the substring. A missing third argument is taken to be large enough to extend to the end of the first string. translit usage: _t_r_a_n_s_l_i_t(_s_o_u_r_c_e, _f_r_o_m [, _t_o]) transliterates the characters in its first argument from the set given by the second argument to the set given by the third. If the third argument is shorter than the second, all extra characters in the second argument are deleted from the first argument. If the third argument is missing altogether, all characters in the second argument are deleted from the first argument. include usage: _i_n_c_l_u_d_e(_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e) returns the contents of the file named in the Printed 5/16/88 30 Aug 1987 4 M4(local) UNIX Programmer's Manual M4(local) argument. sinclude usage: _s_i_n_c_l_u_d_e(_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e) is identical to _i_n_c_l_u_d_e, except that it says nothing if the file is inaccessible. paste usage: _p_a_s_t_e(_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e) returns the contents of the file named in the argument without any processing, unlike _i_n_c_l_u_d_e. spaste usage: _s_p_a_s_t_e(_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e) is identical to _p_a_s_t_e, except that it says nothing if the file is inaccessible. syscmd usage: _s_y_s_c_m_d(_c_o_m_m_a_n_d) executes the UNIX command given in the first argument. No value is returned. sysval usage: _s_y_s_v_a_l() is the return code from the last call to _s_y_s_c_m_d. maketemp usage: _m_a_k_e_t_e_m_p(_s_t_r_i_n_g) fills in a string of XXXXXX in its argument with the current process ID. m4exit usage: _m_4_e_x_i_t([_e_x_i_t_c_o_d_e]) causes immediate exit from _m_4. Argument 1, if given, is the exit code; the default is 0. m4wrap usage: _m_4_w_r_a_p(_m_4-_m_a_c_r_o-_o_r-_b_u_i_l_t-_i_n) argument 1 will be pushed back at final EOF; example: m4wrap(`dumptable()'). errprint usage: _e_r_r_p_r_i_n_t(_s_t_r [, _s_t_r, _s_t_r, ...]) prints its argument(s) on stderr. If there is more than one argument, each argument is separated by a space during the output. dumpdef usage: _d_u_m_p_d_e_f([_n_a_m_e, _n_a_m_e, ...]) prints current names and definitions, for the named items, or for all if no arguments are given. AUTHOR Ozan S. Yigit (oz) BUGS Pd M4 is distributed at the source level, and does not require an expensive license agreement. Printed 5/16/88 30 Aug 1987 5 M4(local) UNIX Programmer's Manual M4(local) A sufficiently complex M4 macro set is about as readable as APL. All complex uses of M4 require the ability to program in deep recursion. Previous lisp experience is recommended. Pd M4 is slower than V7 M4. EXAMPLES The following macro program illustrates the type of things that can be done with M4. changequote(<,>) define(HASHVAL,99) dnl define(hash,<expr(str(substr($1,1),0)%HASHVAL)>) dnl define(str, <ifelse($1,",$2, <str(substr(<$1>,1),<expr($2+'substr($1,0,1)')>)>) >) dnl define(KEYWORD,<$1,hash($1),>) dnl define(TSTART, <struct prehash { char *keyword; int hashval; } keytab[] = {>) dnl define(TEND,< "",0 };>) dnl Thus a keyword table containing the keyword string and its pre-calculated hash value may be generated thus: TSTART KEYWORD("foo") KEYWORD("bar") KEYWORD("baz") TEND which will expand into: struct prehash { char *keyword; int hashval; } keytab[] = { "foo",27, "bar",12, "baz",20, "",0 }; Presumably, such a table would speed up the installation of the keywords into a dynamic hash table. (Note that the above macro cannot be used with _M_4, since eval does not handle character constants.) Printed 5/16/88 30 Aug 1987 6 M4(local) UNIX Programmer's Manual M4(local) SEE ALSO cc(1), m4(1), cpp(1). _T_h_e _M_4 _M_a_c_r_o _P_r_o_c_e_s_s_o_r by B. W. Ker- nighan and D. M. Ritchie. Printed 5/16/88 30 Aug 1987 7 SHAR_EOF if test 15241 -ne "`wc -c`" then echo shar: error transmitting '(should have been 15241 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting readme '(3304 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > readme What you have here is a completely PD implementation of M4. It was originally written for the GNU project. This version was the last version before a major re-write took place. Pd M4 is based on software tools macro, as described in the two tools books by Kernighan and Plauger. Although some serious changes have been made, this version inherits the basic design problems of the original, hence the ugliness of the underlying code. [GNU version of this processor is re-designed in a much cleaner fashion, and is expected to be out before 1988. GNU version also includes an extensive texinfo document.] PDness: This code *is* PD. You (public) have all the rights to the code. [But this also means you (singular) do not have any *extra* rights to the code, hence it is impossible for you to restrict the use and distribution of this code in any way.] Dedication: This posting is a dedication to an old 750 that started out running 4.1BSD and had 1.5 meg, 1 dz11, and 2 Rk07 drives. It was named yetti [sic] by accident, and was managed by the author until its retirement few months ago. [the name yetti now identifies a different machine] Distribution + misc: The distribution includes a small test suite, the sources and a man page. texinfo document is not included. The makefile is pretty simple. See the makefile for configuration options. Try "make time" for some timing comparisons between your un*x m4 and the pd m4. [It should be slighly slower than V7 m4, and slightly faster than SV m4]. Make sure to set MBIN to indicate the location of un*x m4. See the test suite (test.m4) for some additional comments about pd m4 vs un*x m4. Some thoughts: M4 is a neat macro processor but probably a bit outdated by now. It does not need gratuitous additions, or "features", but a complete re-write. As it stands, it is powerful enough for most macro processing needs. We have, for example, used it to build a configuration language for DECNET under VMS. It can be a handy software engineering tool under most circumstances, and can displace a lot of meaningless little hacks written in C, pascal or whatever. [See some net postings for references.] Suggestions for hacking: If you want to hack M4 further, you may wish to implement the SV m4 "trace" facility, and extended (5-char) Comment/Quote definitions. This version also needs some dynamicity for its data structures, and the ability to handle multiple file names in the command line. If you want to add "features", you may wish to first think about implementing the "feature" as an M4 macro. If you really want to elevate this processor into a more state-of the-art tool, than you should probably re-write it. [But I have already done that, so you may wish to wait for the GNU version to get a head start.] Feedback: If you have any important fixes and/or speed improvements, I am much interested, since my new version inherits some code from this version. I am also interested in hearing about any unique applica- tions of M4. I am not interested in gratuitous hacks or "neat" kitchen-sink features. Contact: Usenet: [decvax|ihnp4]!utzoo!yetti!oz || ...seismo!mnetor!yetti!oz Bitnet: oz@[yulibra|yuyetti].BITNET Phonet: [416] 736-5257 x 3976 enjoy. oz SHAR_EOF if test 3304 -ne "`wc -c readme`" then echo shar: error transmitting readme '(should have been 3304 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting readme.flax '(382 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > readme.flax This is the port of M4 macro package to the amiga. I just compiled the PD package and added some functions, also claned up some code that wouldn't work on the amiga. I haven't done too extensive tests, but it works fine with the included testfiles. Anyway, if you find a bug, you have the source, so diffs will be enough. The source included here compiles with just a few warnings SHAR_EOF if test 382 -ne "`wc -c readme.flax`" then echo shar: error transmitting readme.flax '(should have been 382 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting ack.m4 '(95 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > ack.m4 define(ack, `ifelse($1,0,incr($2),$2,0,`ack(DECR($1),1)', `ack(DECR($1), ack($1,DECR($2)))')') SHAR_EOF if test 95 -ne "`wc -c ack.m4`" then echo shar: error transmitting ack.m4 '(should have been 95 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting hanoi.m4 '(189 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > hanoi.m4 define(hanoi, `trans(A, B, C, $1)') define(moved,`move disk from $1 to $2 ') define(trans, `ifelse($4,1,`moved($1,$2)', `trans($1,$3,$2,DECR($4))moved($1,$2)trans($3,$2,$1,DECR($4))')') SHAR_EOF if test 189 -ne "`wc -c hanoi.m4`" then echo shar: error transmitting hanoi.m4 '(should have been 189 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting hash.m4 '(425 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > hash.m4 dnl This probably will not run on any m4 that cannot dnl handle char constants in eval. dnl changequote(<,>) define(HASHVAL,99) dnl define(hash,<eval(str(substr($1,1),0)%HASHVAL)>) dnl define(str, <ifelse($1,",$2, <str(substr(<$1>,1),<eval($2+'substr($1,0,1)')>)>) >) dnl define(KEYWORD,<$1,hash($1),>) dnl define(TSTART, <struct prehash { char *keyword; int hashval; } keytab[] = {>) dnl define(TEND,< "",0 };>) dnl SHAR_EOF if test 425 -ne "`wc -c hash.m4`" then echo shar: error transmitting hash.m4 '(should have been 425 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting sqroot.m4 '(238 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > sqroot.m4 define(square_root, `ifelse(eval($1<0),1,negative-square-root, `square_root_aux($1, 1, eval(($1+1)/2))')') define(square_root_aux, `ifelse($3, $2, $3, $3, eval($1/$2), $3, `square_root_aux($1, $3, eval(($3+($1/$3))/2))')') SHAR_EOF if test 238 -ne "`wc -c sqroot.m4`" then echo shar: error transmitting sqroot.m4 '(should have been 238 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting string.m4 '(204 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > string.m4 define(string,`integer $1(len(substr($2,1))) str($1,substr($2,1),0) data $1(len(substr($2,1)))/EOS/ ') define(str,`ifelse($2,",,data $1(incr($3))/`LET'substr($2,0,1)/ `str($1,substr($2,1),incr($3))')') SHAR_EOF if test 204 -ne "`wc -c string.m4`" then echo shar: error transmitting string.m4 '(should have been 204 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting test.m4 '(7933 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > test.m4 # # test file for mp (not comprehensive) # # v7 m4 does not have `decr'. # define(DECR,`eval($1-1)') # # include string macros # include(string.m4) # # create some fortrash strings for an even uglier language # string(TEXT, "text") string(DATA, "data") string(BEGIN, "begin") string(END, "end") string(IF, "if") string(THEN, "then") string(ELSE, "else") string(CASE, "case") string(REPEAT, "repeat") string(WHILE, "while") string(DEFAULT, "default") string(UNTIL, "until") string(FUNCTION, "function") string(PROCEDURE, "procedure") string(EXTERNAL, "external") string(FORWARD, "forward") string(TYPE, "type") string(VAR, "var") string(CONST, "const") string(PROGRAM, "program") string(INPUT, "input") string(OUTPUT, "output") # divert(2) diversion #1 divert(3) diversion #2 divert(4) diversion #3 divert(5) diversion #4 divert(0) define(abc,xxx) ifdef(`abc',defined,undefined) # # v7 m4 does this wrong. The right output is # this is A vEry lon sEntEnCE # see m4 documentation for translit. # translit(`this is a very long sentence', abcdefg, ABCDEF) # # include towers-of-hanoi # include(hanoi.m4) # # some reasonable set of disks # hanoi(6) # # include ackermann's function # include(ack.m4) # # something like (3,3) will blow away un*x m4. # ack(2,3) # # include a square_root function for fixed nums # include(sqroot.m4) # # some square roots. # square_root(15) square_root(100) square_root(-4) square_root(21372) # # some textual material for enjoyment. # [taken from the 'Clemson University Computer Newsletter', September 1981, pp. 6-7] I am a wizard in the magical Kingdom of Transformation and I slay dragons for a living. Actually, I am a systems programmer. One of the problems with systems programming is explaining to non-computer enthusiasts what that is. All of the terms I use to describe my job are totally meaningless to them. Usually my response to questions about my work is to say as little as possible. For instance, if someone asks what happened at work this week, I say "Nothing much" and then I change the subject. With the assistance of my brother, a mechanical engineer, I have devised an analogy that everyone can understand. The analogy describes the "Kingdom of Transformation" where travelers wander and are magically transformed. This kingdom is the computer and the travelers are information. The purpose of the computer is to change information to a more meaningful forma. The law of conservation applies here: The computer never creates and never intentionally destroys data. With no further ado, let us travel to the Kingdom of Transformation: In a land far, far away, there is a magical kingdom called the Kingdom of Transformation. A king rules over this land and employs a Council of Wizardry. The main purpose of this kingdom is to provide a way for neighboring kingdoms to transform citizens into more useful citizens. This is done by allowing the citizens to enter the kingdom at one of its ports and to travel any of the many routes in the kingdom. They are magically transformed along the way. The income of the Kingdom of Transformation comes from the many toll roads within its boundaries. The Kingdom of Transformation was created when several kingdoms got together and discovered a mutual need for new talents and abilities for citizens. They employed CTK, Inc. (Creators of Transformation, Inc.) to create this kingdom. CTK designed the country, its transportation routes, and its laws of transformation, and created the major highway system. Hazards ======= Because magic is not truly controllable, CTK invariably, but unknowingly, creates dragons. Dragons are huge fire-breathing beasts which sometimes injure or kill travelers. Fortunately, they do not travel, but always remain near their den. Other hazards also exist which are potentially harmful. As the roads become older and more weatherbeaten, pot-holes will develop, trees will fall on travelers, etc. CTK maintenance men are called to fix these problems. Wizards ======= The wizards play a major role in creating and maintaining the kingdom but get little credit for their work because it is performed secretly. The wizards do not wan the workers or travelers to learn their incantations because many laws would be broken and chaos would result. CTK's grand design is always general enough to be applicable in many different situations. As a result, it is often difficult to use. The first duty of the wizards is to tailor the transformation laws so as to be more beneficial and easier to use in their particular environment. After creation of the kingdom, a major duty of the wizards is to search for and kill dragons. If travelers do not return on time or if they return injured, the ruler of the country contacts the wizards. If the wizards determine that the injury or death occurred due to the traveler's negligence, they provide the traveler's country with additional warnings. If not, they must determine if the cause was a road hazard or a dragon. If the suspect a road hazard, they call in a CTK maintenance man to locate the hazard and to eliminate it, as in repairing the pothole in the road. If they think that cause was a dragon, then they must find and slay it. The most difficult part of eliminating a dragon is finding it. Sometimes the wizard magically knows where the dragon's lair it, but often the wizard must send another traveler along the same route and watch to see where he disappears. This sounds like a failsafe method for finding dragons (and a suicide mission for thr traveler) but the second traveler does not always disappear. Some dragons eat any traveler who comes too close; others are very picky. The wizards may call in CTK who designed the highway system and transformation laws to help devise a way to locate the dragon. CTK also helps provide the right spell or incantation to slay the dragon. (There is no general spell to slay dragons; each dragon must be eliminated with a different spell.) Because neither CTK nor wizards are perfect, spells to not always work correctly. At best, nothing happens when the wrong spell is uttered. At worst, the dragon becomes a much larger dragon or multiplies into several smaller ones. In either case, new spells must be found. If all existing dragons are quiet (i.e. have eaten sufficiently), wizards have time to do other things. They hide in castles and practice spells and incatations. They also devise shortcuts for travelers and new laws of transformation. Changes in the Kingdom ====================== As new transformation kingdoms are created and old ones are maintained, CTK, Inc. is constantly learning new things. It learns ways to avoid creating some of the dragons that they have previously created. It also discovers new and better laws of transformation. As a result, CTK will periodically create a new grand design which is far better than the old. The wizards determine when is a good time to implement this new design. This is when the tourist season is slow or when no important travelers (VIPs) are to arrive. The kingdom must be closed for the actual implementation and is leter reopened as a new and better place to go. A final question you might ask is what happens when the number of tourists becomes too great for the kingdom to handle in a reasonable period of time (i.e., the tourist lines at the ports are too long). The Kingdom of Transformation has three options: (1) shorten the paths that a tourist must travel, or (2) convince CTK to develop a faster breed of horses so that the travelers can finish sooner, or (3) annex more territories so that the kingdom can handle more travelers. Thus ends the story of the Kingdom of Transformation. I hope this has explained my job to you: I slay dragons for a living. # #should do an automatic undivert.. # SHAR_EOF if test 7933 -ne "`wc -c test.m4`" then echo shar: error transmitting test.m4 '(should have been 7933 characters)' fi # End of shell archive exit 0 (Patrick White) (06/01/88)
Submitted by: kuhling!jonasf (Jonas Flygare) Summary: unix m4 look-alike macro processor. Poster Boy: Patrick White ( Archive Name: sources/amiga/volume5/m4.src.sh1.Z tested. NOTES: I undid the shar to undo the uuencoded compressed files, and to separate the docs from everything else. I nroffed the docs so everybody gets a readable copy of the docs. A patch to some of the test files was included with the origional posting.. I applied the patch to the files and excluded the patch from this posting. . -- Pat White (co-moderator comp.sources/binaries.amiga) ARPA/UUCP:!ain BITNET: PATWHITE@PURCCVM PHONE: (317) 743-8421 U.S. Mail: 320 Brown St. apt. 406, West Lafayette, IN 47906 ======================================== # This is a shell archive. # Remove everything above and including the cut line. # Then run the rest of the file through sh. #----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----# #!/bin/sh # shar: Shell Archiver # Run the following text with /bin/sh to create: # manifest # makefile # m4.lnk # extr.h # mdef.h # eval.c # expr.c # getopt.c # look.c # main.c # mktemp.c # This archive created: Mon May 16 09:27:04 1988 # By: Patrick White (PUCC Land, USA) echo shar: extracting manifest '(230 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > manifest mdef.h - definitions and structures main.c - this file: driver routines eval.c - general macro evaluator serv.c - service routines (doxxxx) misc.c - miscellaneous routines expr.c - expression parser look.c - hash table management SHAR_EOF if test 230 -ne "`wc -c manifest`" then echo shar: error transmitting manifest '(should have been 230 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting makefile '(1376 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > makefile # # pd m4 [oz] # # -DEXTENDED # if you like to get paste & spaste macros. # -DVOID # if your C compiler does NOT support void. # -DGETOPT # if you STILL do not have getopt in your library. # [This means your library is broken. Fix it.] # -DDUFFCP # if you do not have fast memcpy in your library. # CFLAGS = -DEXTENDED -DMYMKTMP -cw DEST = : MANL = : OBJS = main.o eval.o serv.o look.o misc.o expr.o CSRC = main.c eval.c serv.c look.c misc.c expr.c INCL = mdef.h extr.h MSRC = ack.m4 hanoi.m4 hash.m4 sqroot.m4 string.m4 test.m4 DOCS = README MANIFEST m4.1 LINKFILE = m4.lnk MBIN = c: m4: ${OBJS} @echo "loading m4.." @lc ${CFLAGS} ${OBJS} @blink with ${LINKFILE} @list m4 ${OBJS}: ${INCL} install: m4 copy ./m4 ${DEST}/m4 copy ./m4.1 ${MANL}/m4.l deinstall: delete ${DEST}/m4 delete ${MANL}/m4.l time: m4 @echo "timing comparisons.." @echo "un*x m4:" time ${MBIN}/m4 <test.m4 >unxm4.out @echo "pd m4:" time ./m4 <test.m4 >pdm4.out @echo "un*x m4:" time ${MBIN}/m4 <test.m4 >unxm4.out @echo "pd m4:" time ./m4 <test.m4 >pdm4.out @echo "un*x m4:" time ${MBIN}/m4 <test.m4 >unxm4.out @echo "pd m4:" time ./m4 <test.m4 >pdm4.out @echo "output comparisons.." -diff pdm4.out unxm4.out @rm -f pdm4.out unxm4.out clean: delete #?.o core m4 #?.out pack: shar -a makefile ${INCL} ${CSRC} >M4MAIN.SHAR shar -a ${MSRC} ${DOCS} >M4MSRC.SHAR SHAR_EOF if test 1376 -ne "`wc -c makefile`" then echo shar: error transmitting makefile '(should have been 1376 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting m4.lnk '(119 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > m4.lnk FROM LIB:c.o+main.o+eval.o+serv.o+look.o+misc.o+expr.o+getopt.o+mktemp.o TO m4 LIB LIB:lc.lib+LIB:amiga.lib MAP SHAR_EOF if test 119 -ne "`wc -c m4.lnk`" then echo shar: error transmitting m4.lnk '(should have been 119 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting extr.h '(1150 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > extr.h extern ndptr hashtab[]; /* hash table for macros etc. */ extern char buf[]; /* push-back buffer */ extern char *bp; /* first available character */ extern char *endpbb; /* end of push-back buffer */ extern stae mstack[]; /* stack of m4 machine */ extern char *ep; /* first free char in strspace */ extern char *endest; /* end of string space */ extern int sp; /* current m4 stack pointer */ extern int fp; /* m4 call frame pointer */ extern FILE *infile[]; /* input file stack (0=stdin) */ extern FILE *outfile[]; /* diversion array(0=bitbucket)*/ extern FILE *active; /* active output file pointer */ extern char *m4temp; /* filename for diversions */ extern int ilevel; /* input file stack pointer */ extern int oindex; /* diversion index.. */ extern char *null; /* as it says.. just a null.. */ extern char *m4wraps; /* m4wrap string default.. */ extern char lquote; /* left quote character (`) */ extern char rquote; /* right quote character (') */ extern char scommt; /* start character for comment */ extern char ecommt; /* end character for comment */ SHAR_EOF if test 1150 -ne "`wc -c extr.h`" then echo shar: error transmitting extr.h '(should have been 1150 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting mdef.h '(4970 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > mdef.h /* * mdef.h * Facility: m4 macro processor * by: oz */ #define unix 1 /* should be here so i don't have to rewrite all the code. */ #ifndef unix #define unix 0 #endif #ifndef vms #define vms 0 #endif #if vms #include stdio #include ctype #include signal #else #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdlib.h> #endif /* * * m4 constants.. * */ #define MACRTYPE 1 #define DEFITYPE 2 #define EXPRTYPE 3 #define SUBSTYPE 4 #define IFELTYPE 5 #define LENGTYPE 6 #define CHNQTYPE 7 #define SYSCTYPE 8 #define UNDFTYPE 9 #define INCLTYPE 10 #define SINCTYPE 11 #define PASTTYPE 12 #define SPASTYPE 13 #define INCRTYPE 14 #define IFDFTYPE 15 #define PUSDTYPE 16 #define POPDTYPE 17 #define SHIFTYPE 18 #define DECRTYPE 19 #define DIVRTYPE 20 #define UNDVTYPE 21 #define DIVNTYPE 22 #define MKTMTYPE 23 #define ERRPTYPE 24 #define M4WRTYPE 25 #define TRNLTYPE 26 #define DNLNTYPE 27 #define DUMPTYPE 28 #define CHNCTYPE 29 #define INDXTYPE 30 #define SYSVTYPE 31 #define EXITTYPE 32 #define DEFNTYPE 33 #define STATIC 128 /* * m4 special characters */ #define ARGFLAG '$' #define LPAREN '(' #define RPAREN ')' #define LQUOTE '`' #define RQUOTE '\'' #define COMMA ',' #define SCOMMT '#' #define ECOMMT '\n' /* * definitions of diversion files. If the name of * the file is changed, adjust UNIQUE to point to the * wildcard (*) character in the filename. */ #if unix #define DIVNAM "/tmp/m4*XXXXXX" /* unix diversion files */ #define UNIQUE 7 /* unique char location */ #else #if vms #define DIVNAM "sys$login:m4*XXXXXX" /* vms diversion files */ #define UNIQUE 12 /* unique char location */ #else #if amiga #define DIVNAM "t:M4*XXXXXX" /* msdos diversion files */ #define UNIQUE 4 /* unique char location */ #else #define DIVNAM "/M4*XXXXXX" /* msdos diversion files */ #define UNIQUE 3 /* unique char location */ #endif #endif #endif /* * other important constants */ #define EOS (char) 0 #define MAXINP 10 /* maximum include files */ #define MAXOUT 10 /* maximum # of diversions */ #define MAXSTR 512 /* maximum size of string */ #define BUFSIZE 4096 /* size of pushback buffer */ #define STACKMAX 1024 /* size of call stack */ #define STRSPMAX 4096 /* size of string space */ #define MAXTOK MAXSTR /* maximum chars in a tokn */ #define HASHSIZE 199 /* maximum size of hashtab */ #define ALL 1 #define TOP 0 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define cycle for(;;) #ifdef VOID #define void int /* define if void is void. */ #endif /* * m4 data structures */ typedef struct ndblock *ndptr; struct ndblock { /* hastable structure */ char *name; /* entry name.. */ char *defn; /* definition.. */ int type; /* type of the entry.. */ ndptr nxtptr; /* link to next entry.. */ }; #define nil ((ndptr) 0) struct keyblk { char *knam; /* keyword name */ int ktyp; /* keyword type */ }; typedef union { /* stack structure */ int sfra; /* frame entry */ char *sstr; /* string entry */ } stae; /* * macros for readibility and/or speed * * gpbc() - get a possibly pushed-back character * min() - select the minimum of two elements * pushf() - push a call frame entry onto stack * pushs() - push a string pointer onto stack */ #define gpbc() (bp > buf) ? *--bp : getc(infile[ilevel]) /* #define min(x,y) ((x > y) ? y : x) defined in stdio.h.. */ #define pushf(x) if (sp < STACKMAX) mstack[++sp].sfra = (x) #define pushs(x) if (sp < STACKMAX) mstack[++sp].sstr = (x) /* * . . * | . | <-- sp | . | * +-------+ +-----+ * | arg 3 ----------------------->| str | * +-------+ | . | * | arg 2 ---PREVEP-----+ . * +-------+ | * . | | | * +-------+ | +-----+ * | plev | PARLEV +-------->| str | * +-------+ | . | * | type | CALTYP . * +-------+ * | prcf ---PREVFP--+ * +-------+ | * | . | PREVSP | * . | * +-------+ | * | <----------+ * +-------+ * */ #define PARLEV (mstack[fp].sfra) #define CALTYP (mstack[fp-1].sfra) #define PREVEP (mstack[fp+3].sstr) #define PREVSP (fp-3) #define PREVFP (mstack[fp-2].sfra) SHAR_EOF if test 4970 -ne "`wc -c mdef.h`" then echo shar: error transmitting mdef.h '(should have been 4970 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting eval.c '(5714 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > eval.c /* * eval.c * Facility: m4 macro processor * by: oz */ #include "mdef.h" #include "extr.h" extern ndptr lookup(); extern char *strsave(); extern char *mktemp(); /* * eval - evaluate built-in macros. * argc - number of elements in argv. * argv - element vector : * argv[0] = definition of a user * macro or nil if built-in. * argv[1] = name of the macro or * built-in. * argv[2] = parameters to user-defined * . macro or built-in. * . * * Note that the minimum value for argc is 3. A call in the form * of macro-or-builtin() will result in: * argv[0] = nullstr * argv[1] = macro-or-builtin * argv[2] = nullstr * */ int eval (argv, argc, td) register char *argv[]; register int argc; register int td; { register int c, n; static int sysval; #ifdef DEBUG printf("argc = %d\n", argc); for (n = 0; n < argc; n++) printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", n, argv[n]); #endif /* * if argc == 3 and argv[2] is null, * then we have macro-or-builtin() type call. * We adjust argc to avoid further checking.. * */ if (argc == 3 && !*(argv[2])) argc--; switch (td & ~STATIC) { case DEFITYPE: if (argc > 2) dodefine(argv[2], (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null); break; case PUSDTYPE: if (argc > 2) dopushdef(argv[2], (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null); break; case DUMPTYPE: dodump(argv, argc); break; case EXPRTYPE: /* * doexpr - evaluate arithmetic expression * */ if (argc > 2) pbnum(expr(argv[2])); break; case IFELTYPE: if (argc > 4) doifelse(argv, argc); break; case IFDFTYPE: /* * doifdef - select one of two alternatives based * on the existence of another definition */ if (argc > 3) { if (lookup(argv[2]) != nil) pbstr(argv[3]); else if (argc > 4) pbstr(argv[4]); } break; case LENGTYPE: /* * dolen - find the length of the argument * */ if (argc > 2) pbnum((argc > 2) ? strlen(argv[2]) : 0); break; case INCRTYPE: /* * doincr - increment the value of the argument * */ if (argc > 2) pbnum(atoi(argv[2]) + 1); break; case DECRTYPE: /* * dodecr - decrement the value of the argument * */ if (argc > 2) pbnum(atoi(argv[2]) - 1); break; #if unix || vms case SYSCTYPE: /* * dosys - execute system command * */ if (argc > 2) sysval = system(argv[2]); break; case SYSVTYPE: /* * dosysval - return value of the last system call. * */ pbnum(sysval); break; #endif case INCLTYPE: if (argc > 2) if (!doincl(argv[2])) { fprintf(stderr,"m4: %s: ",argv[2]); error("cannot open for read."); } break; case SINCTYPE: if (argc > 2) (void) doincl(argv[2]); break; #ifdef EXTENDED case PASTTYPE: if (argc > 2) if (!dopaste(argv[2])) { fprintf(stderr,"m4: %s: ",argv[2]); error("cannot open for read."); } break; case SPASTYPE: if (argc > 2) (void) dopaste(argv[2]); break; #endif case CHNQTYPE: dochq(argv, argc); break; case CHNCTYPE: dochc(argv, argc); break; case SUBSTYPE: /* * dosub - select substring * */ if (argc > 3) dosub(argv,argc); break; case SHIFTYPE: /* * doshift - push back all arguments except the * first one (i.e. skip argv[2]) */ if (argc > 3) { for (n = argc-1; n > 3; n--) { putback(rquote); pbstr(argv[n]); putback(lquote); putback(','); } putback(rquote); pbstr(argv[3]); putback(lquote); } break; case DIVRTYPE: if (argc > 2 && (n = atoi(argv[2])) != 0) dodiv(n); else { active = stdout; oindex = 0; } break; case UNDVTYPE: doundiv(argv, argc); break; case DIVNTYPE: /* * dodivnum - return the number of current * output diversion * */ pbnum(oindex); break; case UNDFTYPE: /* * doundefine - undefine a previously defined * macro(s) or m4 keyword(s). */ if (argc > 2) for (n = 2; n < argc; n++) remhash(argv[n], ALL); break; case POPDTYPE: /* * dopopdef - remove the topmost definitions of * macro(s) or m4 keyword(s). */ if (argc > 2) for (n = 2; n < argc; n++) remhash(argv[n], TOP); break; case MKTMTYPE: /* * dotemp - create a temporary file * */ if (argc > 2) pbstr(mktemp(argv[2])); break; case TRNLTYPE: /* * dotranslit - replace all characters in the * source string that appears in * the "from" string with the corresponding * characters in the "to" string. * */ if (argc > 3) { char temp[MAXTOK]; if (argc > 4) map(temp, argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]); else map(temp, argv[2], argv[3], null); pbstr(temp); } else if (argc > 2) pbstr(argv[2]); break; case INDXTYPE: /* * doindex - find the index of the second argument * string in the first argument string. * -1 if not present. */ pbnum((argc > 3) ? indx(argv[2], argv[3]) : -1); break; case ERRPTYPE: /* * doerrp - print the arguments to stderr file * */ if (argc > 2) { for (n = 2; n < argc; n++) fprintf(stderr,"%s ", argv[n]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } break; case DNLNTYPE: /* * dodnl - eat-up-to and including newline * */ while ((c = gpbc()) != '\n' && c != EOF) ; break; case M4WRTYPE: /* * dom4wrap - set up for wrap-up/wind-down activity * */ m4wraps = (argc > 2) ? strsave(argv[2]) : null; break; case EXITTYPE: /* * doexit - immediate exit from m4. * */ exit((argc > 2) ? atoi(argv[2]) : 0); break; case DEFNTYPE: if (argc > 2) for (n = 2; n < argc; n++) dodefn(argv[n]); break; default: error("m4: major botch in eval."); break; } } SHAR_EOF if test 5714 -ne "`wc -c eval.c`" then echo shar: error transmitting eval.c '(should have been 5714 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting expr.c '(11535 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > expr.c /* * expression evaluator: performs a standard recursive * descent parse to evaluate any expression permissible * within the following grammar: * * expr : query EOS * query : lor * | lor "?" query ":" query * lor : land { "||" land } * land : bor { "&&" bor } * bor : bxor { "|" bxor } * bxor : band { "^" band } * band : eql { "&" eql } * eql : relat { eqrel relat } * relat : shift { rel shift } * shift : primary { shop primary } * primary : term { addop term } * term : unary { mulop unary } * unary : factor * | unop unary * factor : constant * | "(" query ")" * constant: num * | "'" CHAR "'" * num : DIGIT * | DIGIT num * shop : "<<" * | ">>" * eqlrel : "=" * | "==" * | "!=" * rel : "<" * | ">" * | "<=" * | ">=" * * * This expression evaluator is lifted from a public-domain * C Pre-Processor included with the DECUS C Compiler distribution. * It is hacked somewhat to be suitable for m4. * * Originally by: Mike Lutz * Bob Harper */ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define EOS (char) 0 #define EQL 0 #define NEQ 1 #define LSS 2 #define LEQ 3 #define GTR 4 #define GEQ 5 #define OCTAL 8 #define DECIMAL 10 static char *nxtch; /* Parser scan pointer */ /* * For longjmp */ #include <setjmp.h> static jmp_buf expjump; /* * macros: * * ungetch - Put back the last character examined. * getch - return the next character from expr string. */ #define ungetch() nxtch-- #define getch() *nxtch++ expr(expbuf) char *expbuf; { register int rval; nxtch = expbuf; if (setjmp(expjump) != 0) return (FALSE); rval = query(); if (skipws() == EOS) return(rval); experr("Ill-formed expression"); } /* * query : lor | lor '?' query ':' query * */ query() { register int bool, true_val, false_val; bool = lor(); if (skipws() != '?') { ungetch(); return(bool); } true_val = query(); if (skipws() != ':') experr("Bad query"); false_val = query(); return(bool ? true_val : false_val); } /* * lor : land { '||' land } * */ lor() { register int c, vl, vr; vl = land(); while ((c = skipws()) == '|' && getch() == '|') { vr = land(); vl = vl || vr; } if (c == '|') ungetch(); ungetch(); return(vl); } /* * land : bor { '&&' bor } * */ land() { register int c, vl, vr; vl = bor(); while ((c = skipws()) == '&' && getch() == '&') { vr = bor(); vl = vl && vr; } if (c == '&') ungetch(); ungetch(); return(vl); } /* * bor : bxor { '|' bxor } * */ bor() { register int vl, vr, c; vl = bxor(); while ((c = skipws()) == '|' && getch() != '|') { ungetch(); vr = bxor(); vl |= vr; } if (c == '|') ungetch(); ungetch(); return(vl); } /* * bxor : band { '^' band } * */ bxor() { register int vl, vr; vl = band(); while (skipws() == '^') { vr = band(); vl ^= vr; } ungetch(); return(vl); } /* * band : eql { '&' eql } * */ band() { register int vl, vr, c; vl = eql(); while ((c = skipws()) == '&' && getch() != '&') { ungetch(); vr = eql(); vl &= vr; } if (c == '&') ungetch(); ungetch(); return(vl); } /* * eql : relat { eqrel relat } * */ eql() { register int vl, vr, rel; vl = relat(); while ((rel = geteql()) != -1) { vr = relat(); switch (rel) { case EQL: vl = (vl == vr); break; case NEQ: vl = (vl != vr); break; } } return(vl); } /* * relat : shift { rel shift } * */ relat() { register int vl, vr, rel; vl = shift(); while ((rel = getrel()) != -1) { vr = shift(); switch (rel) { case LEQ: vl = (vl <= vr); break; case LSS: vl = (vl < vr); break; case GTR: vl = (vl > vr); break; case GEQ: vl = (vl >= vr); break; } } return(vl); } /* * shift : primary { shop primary } * */ shift() { register int vl, vr, c; vl = primary(); while (((c = skipws()) == '<' || c == '>') && c == getch()) { vr = primary(); if (c == '<') vl <<= vr; else vl >>= vr; } if (c == '<' || c == '>') ungetch(); ungetch(); return(vl); } /* * primary : term { addop term } * */ primary() { register int c, vl, vr; vl = term(); while ((c = skipws()) == '+' || c == '-') { vr = term(); if (c == '+') vl += vr; else vl -= vr; } ungetch(); return(vl); } /* * <term> := <unary> { <mulop> <unary> } * */ term() { register int c, vl, vr; vl = unary(); while ((c = skipws()) == '*' || c == '/' || c == '%') { vr = unary(); switch (c) { case '*': vl *= vr; break; case '/': vl /= vr; break; case '%': vl %= vr; break; } } ungetch(); return(vl); } /* * unary : factor | unop unary * */ unary() { register int val, c; if ((c = skipws()) == '!' || c == '~' || c == '-') { val = unary(); switch (c) { case '!': return(! val); case '~': return(~ val); case '-': return(- val); } } ungetch(); return(factor()); } /* * factor : constant | '(' query ')' * */ factor() { register int val; if (skipws() == '(') { val = query(); if (skipws() != ')') experr("Bad factor"); return(val); } ungetch(); return(constant()); } /* * constant: num | 'char' * */ constant() { /* * Note: constant() handles multi-byte constants */ register int i; register int value; register char c; int v[sizeof (int)]; if (skipws() != '\'') { ungetch(); return(num()); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(int); i++) { if ((c = getch()) == '\'') { ungetch(); break; } if (c == '\\') { switch (c = getch()) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': ungetch(); c = num(); break; case 'n': c = 012; break; case 'r': c = 015; break; case 't': c = 011; break; case 'b': c = 010; break; case 'f': c = 014; break; } } v[i] = c; } if (i == 0 || getch() != '\'') experr("Illegal character constant"); for (value = 0; --i >= 0;) { value <<= 8; value += v[i]; } return(value); } /* * num : digit | num digit * */ num() { register int rval, c, base; int ndig; base = ((c = skipws()) == '0') ? OCTAL : DECIMAL; rval = 0; ndig = 0; while (c >= '0' && c <= (base == OCTAL ? '7' : '9')) { rval *= base; rval += (c - '0'); c = getch(); ndig++; } ungetch(); if (ndig) return(rval); experr("Bad constant"); } /* * eqlrel : '=' | '==' | '!=' * */ geteql() { register int c1, c2; c1 = skipws(); c2 = getch(); switch (c1) { case '=': if (c2 != '=') ungetch(); return(EQL); case '!': if (c2 == '=') return(NEQ); ungetch(); ungetch(); return(-1); default: ungetch(); ungetch(); return(-1); } } /* * rel : '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' * */ getrel() { register int c1, c2; c1 = skipws(); c2 = getch(); switch (c1) { case '<': if (c2 == '=') return(LEQ); ungetch(); return(LSS); case '>': if (c2 == '=') return(GEQ); ungetch(); return(GTR); default: ungetch(); ungetch(); return(-1); } } /* * Skip over any white space and return terminating char. */ skipws() { register char c; while ((c = getch()) <= ' ' && c > EOS) ; return(c); } /* * Error handler - resets environment to eval(), prints an error, * and returns FALSE. */ int experr(msg) char *msg; { printf("mp: %s\n",msg); longjmp(expjump, -1); /* Force eval() to return FALSE */ } SHAR_EOF if test 11535 -ne "`wc -c expr.c`" then echo shar: error transmitting expr.c '(should have been 11535 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting getopt.c '(2825 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > getopt.c /* getopt.h - Get next option letter from argument vector. v1.1 12-Dec-1987 aklevin */ #define GETOPT_H #ifndef _STDIO_H #include <stdio.h> #endif /* optarg points to an option's argument (if any). optind holds the index of the next argument vector element to parse. Once all options have been parsed, points to the first non-option argument. [If (optind > argc) then there are no more arguments]. opterr, if set to 0 will suppress getopt's error messages (default is 1). optopt, while not usually documented, is used here to return the actual option character found, even when getopt itself returns '?'. */ char *optarg; int optind=1, opterr=1, optopt; int getopt(argc, argv, optstring) int argc; char *argv[], *optstring; { int any_more, i, result; static int opthold, optsub=1; /* Reset optarg upon entry */ *optarg = '\0'; /* Reset optsub if caller has changed optind. */ if (optind != opthold) optsub = 1; /* Look at each element of the argument vector still unparsed. */ for ( ; optind < argc; optind++) { /* Done if a non-option argument or single dash is reached. However, don't skip over said argument. */ if (argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '\0') break; /* Got an option. */ /* Done if "--" is reached. Skip over it, too. */ if (argv[optind][1] == '-') { optind++; break; } /* Look at each character in optstring. */ for (i=0; i < strlen(optstring); i++) { if ( (optopt = argv[optind][optsub]) != optstring[i]) continue; /* Got a match. */ /* Are there any more chars in this option? e.g. `-abc' */ any_more = strlen(argv[optind])-optsub-1; /* Does this option require an argument? */ if (optstring[i+1] == ':') { /* Yes. If this is the last argument, complain. */ if (optind == argc-1 && !any_more) { if (opterr) fprintf(stderr, "%s: `-%c' option requires an argument.\n", argv[0], optopt); optind++; result='?'; goto leave; } /* end if (opt */ /* Qualifier is either rest of this argument (if any) or next argument. */ else { if (!any_more) optarg = argv[++optind]; else optarg = &argv[optind][optsub+1]; optind++; optsub=1; } /* end else */ } /* end if (opt */ else { /* No argument; just adjust indices. */ /* Advance to next argument. */ if (!any_more) { optind++; optsub=1; } /* end if (! */ /* Advance to next character. */ else optsub++; } /* end else */ result=optopt; goto leave; } /* end for (i=0 */ if (opterr) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unrecognized option `-%c'.\n", argv[0], optopt); if (strlen(argv[optind])-optsub-1) optsub++; else { optind++; optsub=1; } result='?'; goto leave; } /* end for ( ; */ result=EOF; leave: opthold = optind; return(result); } /* end getopt() */ SHAR_EOF if test 2825 -ne "`wc -c getopt.c`" then echo shar: error transmitting getopt.c '(should have been 2825 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting look.c '(1649 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > look.c /* * look.c * Facility: m4 macro processor * by: oz */ #include "mdef.h" #include "extr.h" extern char *strsave(); /* * hash - compute hash value using the proverbial * hashing function. Taken from K&R. */ hash (name) register char *name; { register int h = 0; while (*name) h += *name++; return (h % HASHSIZE); } /* * lookup - find name in the hash table * */ ndptr lookup(name) char *name; { register ndptr p; for (p = hashtab[hash(name)]; p != nil; p = p->nxtptr) if (strcmp(name, p->name) == 0) break; return (p); } /* * addent - hash and create an entry in the hash * table. The new entry is added in front * of a hash bucket. */ ndptr addent(name) char *name; { register int h; ndptr p; h = hash(name); if ((p = (ndptr) malloc(sizeof(struct ndblock))) != NULL) { p->nxtptr = hashtab[h]; hashtab[h] = p; p->name = strsave(name); } else error("m4: no more memory."); return p; } /* * remhash - remove an entry from the hashtable * */ int remhash(name, all) char *name; int all; { register int h; register ndptr xp, tp, mp; h = hash(name); mp = hashtab[h]; tp = nil; while (mp != nil) { if (strcmp(mp->name, name) == 0) { mp = mp->nxtptr; if (tp == nil) { freent(hashtab[h]); hashtab[h] = mp; } else { xp = tp->nxtptr; tp->nxtptr = mp; freent(xp); } if (!all) break; } else { tp = mp; mp = mp->nxtptr; } } } /* * freent - free a hashtable information block * */ int freent(p) ndptr p; { if (!(p->type & STATIC)) { free((char *)p->name); if (p->defn != null) free((char *)p->defn); } free((char *)p); } SHAR_EOF if test 1649 -ne "`wc -c look.c`" then echo shar: error transmitting look.c '(should have been 1649 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting main.c '(11175 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > main.c /* * main.c * Facility: m4 macro processor * by: oz */ #include "mdef.h" /* * m4 - macro processor * * PD m4 is based on the macro tool distributed with the software * tools (VOS) package, and described in the "SOFTWARE TOOLS" and * "SOFTWARE TOOLS IN PASCAL" books. It has been expanded to include * most of the command set of SysV m4, the standard UN*X macro processor. * * Since both PD m4 and UN*X m4 are based on SOFTWARE TOOLS macro, * there may be certain implementation similarities between * the two. The PD m4 was produced without ANY references to m4 * sources. * * References: * * Software Tools distribution: macro * * Kernighan, Brian W. and P. J. Plauger, SOFTWARE * TOOLS IN PASCAL, Addison-Wesley, Mass. 1981 * * Kernighan, Brian W. and P. J. Plauger, SOFTWARE * TOOLS, Addison-Wesley, Mass. 1976 * * Kernighan, Brian W. and Dennis M. Ritchie, * THE M4 MACRO PROCESSOR, Unix Programmer's Manual, * Seventh Edition, Vol. 2, Bell Telephone Labs, 1979 * * System V man page for M4 * * Modification History: * * Jan 28 1986 Oz Break the whole thing into little * pieces, for easier (?) maintenance. * * Dec 12 1985 Oz Optimize the code, try to squeeze * few microseconds out.. * * Dec 05 1985 Oz Add getopt interface, define (-D), * undefine (-U) options. * * Oct 21 1985 Oz Clean up various bugs, add comment handling. * * June 7 1985 Oz Add some of SysV m4 stuff (m4wrap, pushdef, * popdef, decr, shift etc.). * * June 5 1985 Oz Initial cut. * * Implementation Notes: * * [1] PD m4 uses a different (and simpler) stack mechanism than the one * described in Software Tools and Software Tools in Pascal books. * The triple stack nonsense is replaced with a single stack containing * the call frames and the arguments. Each frame is back-linked to a * previous stack frame, which enables us to rewind the stack after * each nested call is completed. Each argument is a character pointer * to the beginning of the argument string within the string space. * The only exceptions to this are (*) arg 0 and arg 1, which are * the macro definition and macro name strings, stored dynamically * for the hash table. * * . . * | . | <-- sp | . | * +-------+ +-----+ * | arg 3 ------------------------------->| str | * +-------+ | . | * | arg 2 --------------+ . * +-------+ | * * | | | * +-------+ | +-----+ * | plev | <-- fp +---------------->| str | * +-------+ | . | * | type | . * +-------+ * | prcf -----------+ plev: paren level * +-------+ | type: call type * | . | | prcf: prev. call frame * . | * +-------+ | * | <----------+ * +-------+ * * [2] We have three types of null values: * * nil - nodeblock pointer type 0 * null - null string ("") * NULL - Stdio-defined NULL * */ #ifdef MYMKTMP int mytmpnum=000000; /* used in mktemp() */ #endif ndptr hashtab[HASHSIZE]; /* hash table for macros etc. */ char buf[BUFSIZE]; /* push-back buffer */ char *bp = buf; /* first available character */ char *endpbb = buf+BUFSIZE; /* end of push-back buffer */ stae mstack[STACKMAX+1]; /* stack of m4 machine */ char strspace[STRSPMAX+1]; /* string space for evaluation */ char *ep = strspace; /* first free char in strspace */ char *endest= strspace+STRSPMAX;/* end of string space */ int sp; /* current m4 stack pointer */ int fp; /* m4 call frame pointer */ FILE *infile[MAXINP]; /* input file stack (0=stdin) */ FILE *outfile[MAXOUT]; /* diversion array(0=bitbucket)*/ FILE *active; /* active output file pointer */ char *m4temp; /* filename for diversions */ int ilevel = 0; /* input file stack pointer */ int oindex = 0; /* diversion index.. */ char *null = ""; /* as it says.. just a null.. */ char *m4wraps = ""; /* m4wrap string default.. */ char lquote = LQUOTE; /* left quote character (`) */ char rquote = RQUOTE; /* right quote character (') */ char scommt = SCOMMT; /* start character for comment */ char ecommt = ECOMMT; /* end character for comment */ struct keyblk keywrds[] = { /* m4 keywords to be installed */ "include", INCLTYPE, "sinclude", SINCTYPE, "define", DEFITYPE, "defn", DEFNTYPE, "divert", DIVRTYPE, "expr", EXPRTYPE, "eval", EXPRTYPE, "substr", SUBSTYPE, "ifelse", IFELTYPE, "ifdef", IFDFTYPE, "len", LENGTYPE, "incr", INCRTYPE, "decr", DECRTYPE, "dnl", DNLNTYPE, "changequote", CHNQTYPE, "changecom", CHNCTYPE, "index", INDXTYPE, #ifdef EXTENDED "paste", PASTTYPE, "spaste", SPASTYPE, #endif "popdef", POPDTYPE, "pushdef", PUSDTYPE, "dumpdef", DUMPTYPE, "shift", SHIFTYPE, "translit", TRNLTYPE, "undefine", UNDFTYPE, "undivert", UNDVTYPE, "divnum", DIVNTYPE, "maketemp", MKTMTYPE, "errprint", ERRPTYPE, "m4wrap", M4WRTYPE, "m4exit", EXITTYPE, #if unix || vms "syscmd", SYSCTYPE, "sysval", SYSVTYPE, #endif #if unix "unix", MACRTYPE, #else #if vms "vms", MACRTYPE, #endif #endif }; #define MAXKEYS (sizeof(keywrds)/sizeof(struct keyblk)) extern ndptr lookup(); extern ndptr addent(); extern int onintr(); extern char *malloc(); extern char *mktemp(); extern int optind; extern char *optarg; void main(argc,argv) char *argv[]; { register int c; register int n; char *p; if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGINT, onintr); #ifdef NONZEROPAGES initm4(); #endif initkwds(); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "tD:U:o:")) != EOF) switch(c) { case 'D': /* define something..*/ for (p = optarg; *p; p++) if (*p == '=') break; if (*p) *p++ = EOS; dodefine(optarg, p); break; case 'U': /* undefine... */ remhash(optarg, TOP); break; case 'o': /* specific output */ case '?': default: usage(); } infile[0] = stdin; /* default input (naturally) */ active = stdout; /* default active output */ m4temp = mktemp(DIVNAM); /* filename for diversions */ sp = -1; /* stack pointer initialized */ fp = 0; /* frame pointer initialized */ macro(); /* get some work done here */ if (*m4wraps) { /* anything for rundown ?? */ ilevel = 0; /* in case m4wrap includes.. */ putback(EOF); /* eof is a must !! */ pbstr(m4wraps); /* user-defined wrapup act */ macro(); /* last will and testament */ } else /* default wrap-up: undivert */ for (n = 1; n < MAXOUT; n++) if (outfile[n] != NULL) getdiv(n); /* remove bitbucket if used */ if (outfile[0] != NULL) { (void) fclose(outfile[0]); m4temp[UNIQUE] = '0'; #if vms (void) remove(m4temp); #else (void) unlink(m4temp); #endif } exit(0); } ndptr inspect(); /* forward ... */ /* * macro - the work horse.. * */ int macro() { char token[MAXTOK]; register char *s; register int t, l; register ndptr p; register int nlpar; cycle { if ((t = gpbc()) == '_' || isalpha(t)) { putback(t); if ((p = inspect(s = token)) == nil) { if (sp < 0) while (*s) putc(*s++, active); else while (*s) chrsave(*s++); } else { /* * real thing.. First build a call frame: * */ pushf(fp); /* previous call frm */ pushf(p->type); /* type of the call */ pushf(0); /* parenthesis level */ fp = sp; /* new frame pointer */ /* * now push the string arguments: * */ pushs(p->defn); /* defn string */ pushs(p->name); /* macro name */ pushs(ep); /* start next..*/ putback(l = gpbc()); if (l != LPAREN) { /* add bracks */ putback(RPAREN); putback(LPAREN); } } } else if (t == EOF) { if (sp > -1) error("m4: unexpected end of input"); if (--ilevel < 0) break; /* all done thanks.. */ (void) fclose(infile[ilevel+1]); continue; } /* * non-alpha single-char token seen.. * [the order of else if .. stmts is * important.] * */ else if (t == lquote) { /* strip quotes */ nlpar = 1; do { if ((l = gpbc()) == rquote) nlpar--; else if (l == lquote) nlpar++; else if (l == EOF) error("m4: missing right quote"); if (nlpar > 0) { if (sp < 0) putc(l, active); else chrsave(l); } } while (nlpar != 0); } else if (sp < 0) { /* not in a macro at all */ if (t == scommt) { /* comment handling here */ putc(t, active); while ((t = gpbc()) != ecommt) putc(t, active); } putc(t, active); /* output directly.. */ } else switch(t) { case LPAREN: if (PARLEV > 0) chrsave(t); while (isspace(l = gpbc())) ; /* skip blank, tab, nl.. */ putback(l); PARLEV++; break; case RPAREN: if (--PARLEV > 0) chrsave(t); else { /* end of argument list */ chrsave(EOS); if (sp == STACKMAX) error("m4: internal stack overflow"); if (CALTYP == MACRTYPE) expand(mstack+fp+1, sp-fp); else eval(mstack+fp+1, sp-fp, CALTYP); ep = PREVEP; /* flush strspace */ sp = PREVSP; /* previous sp.. */ fp = PREVFP; /* rewind stack...*/ } break; case COMMA: if (PARLEV == 1) { chrsave(EOS); /* new argument */ while (isspace(l = gpbc())) ; putback(l); pushs(ep); } break; default: chrsave(t); /* stack the char */ break; } } } /* * build an input token.. * consider only those starting with _ or A-Za-z. This is a * combo with lookup to speed things up. */ ndptr inspect(tp) register char *tp; { register int h = 0; register char c; register char *name = tp; register char *etp = tp+MAXTOK; register ndptr p; while (tp < etp && (isalnum(c = gpbc()) || c == '_')) h += (*tp++ = c); putback(c); if (tp == etp) error("m4: token too long"); *tp = EOS; for (p = hashtab[h%HASHSIZE]; p != nil; p = p->nxtptr) if (strcmp(name, p->name) == 0) break; return(p); } #ifdef NONZEROPAGES /* * initm4 - initialize various tables. Useful only if your system * does not know anything about demand-zero pages. * */ initm4() { register int i; for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) hashtab[i] = nil; for (i = 0; i < MAXOUT; i++) outfile[i] = NULL; } #endif /* * initkwds - initialise m4 keywords as fast as possible. * This very similar to install, but without certain overheads, * such as calling lookup. Malloc is not used for storing the * keyword strings, since we simply use the static pointers * within keywrds block. We also assume that there is enough memory * to at least install the keywords (i.e. malloc won't fail). * */ int initkwds() { register int i; register int h; register ndptr p; for (i = 0; i < MAXKEYS; i++) { h = hash(keywrds[i].knam); p = (ndptr) malloc(sizeof(struct ndblock)); p->nxtptr = hashtab[h]; hashtab[h] = p; p->name = keywrds[i].knam; p->defn = null; p->type = keywrds[i].ktyp | STATIC; } } SHAR_EOF if test 11175 -ne "`wc -c main.c`" then echo shar: error transmitting main.c '(should have been 11175 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting mktemp.c '(513 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > mktemp.c #include <stdio.h> /* mktemp(0 shamelessly swiped off our vax, didn't find */ /* a (c) anywhere on this piece of code.. */ char * mktemp(as) char *as; { register char *s; register int tmp; register i; extern int mytmpnum; loop: tmp = mytmpnum%100000; s = as; while (*s++) ; s--; while (*--s == 'X') { *s = (tmp%10) + '0'; tmp /= 10; } s++; i = 'a'; while (access(as, 0) != -1) { if (i=='z') { mytmpnum+=1; goto loop; } *s = i++; } mytmpnum+=1; return(as); } SHAR_EOF if test 513 -ne "`wc -c mktemp.c`" then echo shar: error transmitting mktemp.c '(should have been 513 characters)' fi # End of shell archive exit 0 (Patrick White) (06/01/88)
Submitted by: kuhling!jonasf (Jonas Flygare) Summary: unix m4 look-alike macro processor. Poster Boy: Patrick White ( Archive Name: sources/amiga/volume5/m4.src.sh2.Z tested. NOTES: I undid the shar to undo the uuencoded compressed files, and to separate the docs from everything else. I nroffed the docs so everybody gets a readable copy of the docs. A patch to some of the test files was included with the origional posting.. I applied the patch to the files and excluded the patch from this posting. . -- Pat White (co-moderator comp.sources/binaries.amiga) ARPA/UUCP:!ain BITNET: PATWHITE@PURCCVM PHONE: (317) 743-8421 U.S. Mail: 320 Brown St. apt. 406, West Lafayette, IN 47906 ======================================== # This is a shell archive. # Remove everything above and including the cut line. # Then run the rest of the file through sh. #----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----# #!/bin/sh # shar: Shell Archiver # Run the following text with /bin/sh to create: # serv.c # main.c.orig # m4.1 # This archive created: Mon May 16 09:27:49 1988 # By: Patrick White (PUCC Land, USA) echo shar: extracting serv.c '(11602 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > serv.c /* * serv.c * Facility: m4 macro processor * by: oz */ #include "mdef.h" #include "extr.h" extern ndptr lookup(); extern ndptr addent(); extern char *strsave(); char *dumpfmt = "`%s'\t`%s'\n"; /* format string for dumpdef */ /* * expand - user-defined macro expansion * */ int expand(argv, argc) register char *argv[]; register int argc; { register char *t; register char *p; register int n; register int argno; t = argv[0]; /* defn string as a whole */ p = t; while (*p) p++; p--; /* last character of defn */ while (p > t) { if (*(p-1) != ARGFLAG) putback(*p); else { switch (*p) { case '#': pbnum(argc-2); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if ((argno = *p - '0') < argc-1) pbstr(argv[argno+1]); break; case '*': for (n = argc - 1; n > 2; n--) { pbstr(argv[n]); putback(','); } pbstr(argv[2]); break; default : putback(*p); break; } p--; } p--; } if (p == t) /* do last character */ putback(*p); } /* * dodefine - install definition in the table * */ int dodefine(name, defn) register char *name; register char *defn; { register ndptr p; if (!*name) error("m4: null definition."); if (strcmp(name, defn) == 0) error("m4: recursive definition."); if ((p = lookup(name)) == nil) p = addent(name); else if (p->defn != null) free(p->defn); if (!*defn) p->defn = null; else p->defn = strsave(defn); p->type = MACRTYPE; } /* * dodefn - push back a quoted definition of * the given name. */ int dodefn(name) char *name; { register ndptr p; if ((p = lookup(name)) != nil && p->defn != null) { putback(rquote); pbstr(p->defn); putback(lquote); } } /* * dopushdef - install a definition in the hash table * without removing a previous definition. Since * each new entry is entered in *front* of the * hash bucket, it hides a previous definition from * lookup. */ int dopushdef(name, defn) register char *name; register char *defn; { register ndptr p; if (!*name) error("m4: null definition"); if (strcmp(name, defn) == 0) error("m4: recursive definition."); p = addent(name); if (!*defn) p->defn = null; else p->defn = strsave(defn); p->type = MACRTYPE; } /* * dodumpdef - dump the specified definitions in the hash * table to stderr. If nothing is specified, the entire * hash table is dumped. * */ int dodump(argv, argc) register char *argv[]; register int argc; { register int n; ndptr p; if (argc > 2) { for (n = 2; n < argc; n++) if ((p = lookup(argv[n])) != nil) fprintf(stderr, dumpfmt, p->name, p->defn); } else { for (n = 0; n < HASHSIZE; n++) for (p = hashtab[n]; p != nil; p = p->nxtptr) fprintf(stderr, dumpfmt, p->name, p->defn); } } /* * doifelse - select one of two alternatives - loop. * */ int doifelse(argv,argc) register char *argv[]; register int argc; { cycle { if (strcmp(argv[2], argv[3]) == 0) pbstr(argv[4]); else if (argc == 6) pbstr(argv[5]); else if (argc > 6) { argv += 3; argc -= 3; continue; } break; } } /* * doinclude - include a given file. * */ doincl(ifile) char *ifile; { if (ilevel+1 == MAXINP) error("m4: too many include files."); if ((infile[ilevel+1] = fopen(ifile, "r")) != NULL) { ilevel++; return (1); } else return (0); } #ifdef EXTENDED /* * dopaste - include a given file without any * macro processing. */ dopaste(pfile) char *pfile; { FILE *pf; register int c; if ((pf = fopen(pfile, "r")) != NULL) { while((c = getc(pf)) != EOF) putc(c, active); (void) fclose(pf); return(1); } else return(0); } #endif /* * dochq - change quote characters * */ int dochq(argv, argc) register char *argv[]; register int argc; { if (argc > 2) { if (*argv[2]) lquote = *argv[2]; if (argc > 3) { if (*argv[3]) rquote = *argv[3]; } else rquote = lquote; } else { lquote = LQUOTE; rquote = RQUOTE; } } /* * dochc - change comment characters * */ int dochc(argv, argc) register char *argv[]; register int argc; { if (argc > 2) { if (*argv[2]) scommt = *argv[2]; if (argc > 3) { if (*argv[3]) ecommt = *argv[3]; } else ecommt = ECOMMT; } else { scommt = SCOMMT; ecommt = ECOMMT; } } /* * dodivert - divert the output to a temporary file * */ int dodiv(n) register int n; { if (n < 0 || n >= MAXOUT) n = 0; /* bitbucket */ if (outfile[n] == NULL) { m4temp[UNIQUE] = n + '0'; if ((outfile[n] = fopen(m4temp, "w")) == NULL) error("m4: cannot divert."); } oindex = n; active = outfile[n]; } /* * doundivert - undivert a specified output, or all * other outputs, in numerical order. */ int doundiv(argv, argc) register char *argv[]; register int argc; { register int ind; register int n; if (argc > 2) { for (ind = 2; ind < argc; ind++) { n = atoi(argv[ind]); if (n > 0 && n < MAXOUT && outfile[n] != NULL) getdiv(n); } } else for (n = 1; n < MAXOUT; n++) if (outfile[n] != NULL) getdiv(n); } /* * dosub - select substring * */ int dosub (argv, argc) register char *argv[]; register int argc; { register char *ap, *fc, *k; register int nc; if (argc < 5) nc = MAXTOK; else #ifdef EXPR nc = expr(argv[4]); #else nc = atoi(argv[4]); #endif ap = argv[2]; /* target string */ #ifdef EXPR fc = ap + expr(argv[3]); /* first char */ #else fc = ap + atoi(argv[3]); /* first char */ #endif if (fc >= ap && fc < ap+strlen(ap)) for (k = fc+min(nc,strlen(fc))-1; k >= fc; k--) putback(*k); } /* * map: * map every character of s1 that is specified in from * into s3 and replace in s. (source s1 remains untouched) * * This is a standard implementation of map(s,from,to) function of ICON * language. Within mapvec, we replace every character of "from" with * the corresponding character in "to". If "to" is shorter than "from", * than the corresponding entries are null, which means that those * characters dissapear altogether. Furthermore, imagine * map(dest, "sourcestring", "srtin", "rn..*") type call. In this case, * `s' maps to `r', `r' maps to `n' and `n' maps to `*'. Thus, `s' * ultimately maps to `*'. In order to achieve this effect in an efficient * manner (i.e. without multiple passes over the destination string), we * loop over mapvec, starting with the initial source character. if the * character value (dch) in this location is different than the source * character (sch), sch becomes dch, once again to index into mapvec, until * the character value stabilizes (i.e. sch = dch, in other words * mapvec[n] == n). Even if the entry in the mapvec is null for an ordinary * character, it will stabilize, since mapvec[0] == 0 at all times. At the * end, we restore mapvec* back to normal where mapvec[n] == n for * 0 <= n <= 127. This strategy, along with the restoration of mapvec, is * about 5 times faster than any algorithm that makes multiple passes over * destination string. * */ int map(dest,src,from,to) register char *dest; register char *src; register char *from; register char *to; { register char *tmp; register char sch, dch; static char mapvec[128] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 }; if (*src) { tmp = from; /* * create a mapping between "from" and "to" */ while (*from) mapvec[*from++] = (*to) ? *to++ : (char) 0; while (*src) { sch = *src++; dch = mapvec[sch]; while (dch != sch) { sch = dch; dch = mapvec[sch]; } if (*dest = dch) dest++; } /* * restore all the changed characters */ while (*tmp) { mapvec[*tmp] = *tmp; tmp++; } } *dest = (char) 0; } SHAR_EOF if test 11602 -ne "`wc -c serv.c`" then echo shar: error transmitting serv.c '(should have been 11602 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting main.c.orig '(11102 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > main.c.orig /* * main.c * Facility: m4 macro processor * by: oz */ #include "mdef.h" /* * m4 - macro processor * * PD m4 is based on the macro tool distributed with the software * tools (VOS) package, and described in the "SOFTWARE TOOLS" and * "SOFTWARE TOOLS IN PASCAL" books. It has been expanded to include * most of the command set of SysV m4, the standard UN*X macro processor. * * Since both PD m4 and UN*X m4 are based on SOFTWARE TOOLS macro, * there may be certain implementation similarities between * the two. The PD m4 was produced without ANY references to m4 * sources. * * References: * * Software Tools distribution: macro * * Kernighan, Brian W. and P. J. Plauger, SOFTWARE * TOOLS IN PASCAL, Addison-Wesley, Mass. 1981 * * Kernighan, Brian W. and P. J. Plauger, SOFTWARE * TOOLS, Addison-Wesley, Mass. 1976 * * Kernighan, Brian W. and Dennis M. Ritchie, * THE M4 MACRO PROCESSOR, Unix Programmer's Manual, * Seventh Edition, Vol. 2, Bell Telephone Labs, 1979 * * System V man page for M4 * * Modification History: * * Jan 28 1986 Oz Break the whole thing into little * pieces, for easier (?) maintenance. * * Dec 12 1985 Oz Optimize the code, try to squeeze * few microseconds out.. * * Dec 05 1985 Oz Add getopt interface, define (-D), * undefine (-U) options. * * Oct 21 1985 Oz Clean up various bugs, add comment handling. * * June 7 1985 Oz Add some of SysV m4 stuff (m4wrap, pushdef, * popdef, decr, shift etc.). * * June 5 1985 Oz Initial cut. * * Implementation Notes: * * [1] PD m4 uses a different (and simpler) stack mechanism than the one * described in Software Tools and Software Tools in Pascal books. * The triple stack nonsense is replaced with a single stack containing * the call frames and the arguments. Each frame is back-linked to a * previous stack frame, which enables us to rewind the stack after * each nested call is completed. Each argument is a character pointer * to the beginning of the argument string within the string space. * The only exceptions to this are (*) arg 0 and arg 1, which are * the macro definition and macro name strings, stored dynamically * for the hash table. * * . . * | . | <-- sp | . | * +-------+ +-----+ * | arg 3 ------------------------------->| str | * +-------+ | . | * | arg 2 --------------+ . * +-------+ | * * | | | * +-------+ | +-----+ * | plev | <-- fp +---------------->| str | * +-------+ | . | * | type | . * +-------+ * | prcf -----------+ plev: paren level * +-------+ | type: call type * | . | | prcf: prev. call frame * . | * +-------+ | * | <----------+ * +-------+ * * [2] We have three types of null values: * * nil - nodeblock pointer type 0 * null - null string ("") * NULL - Stdio-defined NULL * */ #ifdef MYMKTMP int mytmpnum=000000; /* used in mktemp() */ #endif ndptr hashtab[HASHSIZE]; /* hash table for macros etc. */ char buf[BUFSIZE]; /* push-back buffer */ char *bp = buf; /* first available character */ char *endpbb = buf+BUFSIZE; /* end of push-back buffer */ stae mstack[STACKMAX+1]; /* stack of m4 machine */ char strspace[STRSPMAX+1]; /* string space for evaluation */ char *ep = strspace; /* first free char in strspace */ char *endest= strspace+STRSPMAX;/* end of string space */ int sp; /* current m4 stack pointer */ int fp; /* m4 call frame pointer */ FILE *infile[MAXINP]; /* input file stack (0=stdin) */ FILE *outfile[MAXOUT]; /* diversion array(0=bitbucket)*/ FILE *active; /* active output file pointer */ char *m4temp; /* filename for diversions */ int ilevel = 0; /* input file stack pointer */ int oindex = 0; /* diversion index.. */ char *null = ""; /* as it says.. just a null.. */ char *m4wraps = ""; /* m4wrap string default.. */ char lquote = LQUOTE; /* left quote character (`) */ char rquote = RQUOTE; /* right quote character (') */ char scommt = SCOMMT; /* start character for comment */ char ecommt = ECOMMT; /* end character for comment */ struct keyblk keywrds[] = { /* m4 keywords to be installed */ "include", INCLTYPE, "sinclude", SINCTYPE, "define", DEFITYPE, "defn", DEFNTYPE, "divert", DIVRTYPE, "expr", EXPRTYPE, "eval", EXPRTYPE, "substr", SUBSTYPE, "ifelse", IFELTYPE, "ifdef", IFDFTYPE, "len", LENGTYPE, "incr", INCRTYPE, "decr", DECRTYPE, "dnl", DNLNTYPE, "changequote", CHNQTYPE, "changecom", CHNCTYPE, "index", INDXTYPE, #ifdef EXTENDED "paste", PASTTYPE, "spaste", SPASTYPE, #endif "popdef", POPDTYPE, "pushdef", PUSDTYPE, "dumpdef", DUMPTYPE, "shift", SHIFTYPE, "translit", TRNLTYPE, "undefine", UNDFTYPE, "undivert", UNDVTYPE, "divnum", DIVNTYPE, "maketemp", MKTMTYPE, "errprint", ERRPTYPE, "m4wrap", M4WRTYPE, "m4exit", EXITTYPE, #if unix || vms "syscmd", SYSCTYPE, "sysval", SYSVTYPE, #endif #if unix "unix", MACRTYPE, #else #if vms "vms", MACRTYPE, #endif #endif }; #define MAXKEYS (sizeof(keywrds)/sizeof(struct keyblk)) extern ndptr lookup(); extern ndptr addent(); extern int onintr(); extern char *malloc(); extern char *mktemp(); extern int optind; extern char *optarg; main(argc,argv) char *argv[]; { register int c; register int n; char *p; if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGINT, onintr); #ifdef NONZEROPAGES initm4(); #endif initkwds(); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "tD:U:o:")) != EOF) switch(c) { case 'D': /* define something..*/ for (p = optarg; *p; p++) if (*p == '=') break; if (*p) *p++ = EOS; dodefine(optarg, p); break; case 'U': /* undefine... */ remhash(optarg, TOP); break; case 'o': /* specific output */ case '?': default: usage(); } infile[0] = stdin; /* default input (naturally) */ active = stdout; /* default active output */ m4temp = mktemp(DIVNAM); /* filename for diversions */ sp = -1; /* stack pointer initialized */ fp = 0; /* frame pointer initialized */ macro(); /* get some work done here */ if (*m4wraps) { /* anything for rundown ?? */ ilevel = 0; /* in case m4wrap includes.. */ putback(EOF); /* eof is a must !! */ pbstr(m4wraps); /* user-defined wrapup act */ macro(); /* last will and testament */ } else /* default wrap-up: undivert */ for (n = 1; n < MAXOUT; n++) if (outfile[n] != NULL) getdiv(n); /* remove bitbucket if used */ if (outfile[0] != NULL) { (void) fclose(outfile[0]); m4temp[UNIQUE] = '0'; #if vms (void) remove(m4temp); #else (void) unlink(m4temp); #endif } exit(0); } ndptr inspect(); /* forward ... */ /* * macro - the work horse.. * */ macro() { char token[MAXTOK]; register char *s; register int t, l; register ndptr p; register int nlpar; cycle { if ((t = gpbc()) == '_' || isalpha(t)) { putback(t); if ((p = inspect(s = token)) == nil) { if (sp < 0) while (*s) putc(*s++, active); else while (*s) chrsave(*s++); } else { /* * real thing.. First build a call frame: * */ pushf(fp); /* previous call frm */ pushf(p->type); /* type of the call */ pushf(0); /* parenthesis level */ fp = sp; /* new frame pointer */ /* * now push the string arguments: * */ pushs(p->defn); /* defn string */ pushs(p->name); /* macro name */ pushs(ep); /* start next..*/ putback(l = gpbc()); if (l != LPAREN) { /* add bracks */ putback(RPAREN); putback(LPAREN); } } } else if (t == EOF) { if (sp > -1) error("m4: unexpected end of input"); if (--ilevel < 0) break; /* all done thanks.. */ (void) fclose(infile[ilevel+1]); continue; } /* * non-alpha single-char token seen.. * [the order of else if .. stmts is * important.] * */ else if (t == lquote) { /* strip quotes */ nlpar = 1; do { if ((l = gpbc()) == rquote) nlpar--; else if (l == lquote) nlpar++; else if (l == EOF) error("m4: missing right quote"); if (nlpar > 0) chrsave(l); } while (nlpar != 0); } else if (sp < 0) { /* not in a macro at all */ if (t == scommt) { /* comment handling here */ putc(t, active); while ((t = gpbc()) != ecommt) putc(t, active); } putc(t, active); /* output directly.. */ } else switch(t) { case LPAREN: if (PARLEV > 0) chrsave(t); while (isspace(l = gpbc())) ; /* skip blank, tab, nl.. */ putback(l); PARLEV++; break; case RPAREN: if (--PARLEV > 0) chrsave(t); else { /* end of argument list */ chrsave(EOS); if (sp == STACKMAX) error("m4: internal stack overflow"); if (CALTYP == MACRTYPE) expand(mstack+fp+1, sp-fp); else eval(mstack+fp+1, sp-fp, CALTYP); ep = PREVEP; /* flush strspace */ sp = PREVSP; /* previous sp.. */ fp = PREVFP; /* rewind stack...*/ } break; case COMMA: if (PARLEV == 1) { chrsave(EOS); /* new argument */ while (isspace(l = gpbc())) ; putback(l); pushs(ep); } break; default: chrsave(t); /* stack the char */ break; } } } /* * build an input token.. * consider only those starting with _ or A-Za-z. This is a * combo with lookup to speed things up. */ ndptr inspect(tp) register char *tp; { register int h = 0; register char c; register char *name = tp; register char *etp = tp+MAXTOK; register ndptr p; while (tp < etp && (isalnum(c = gpbc()) || c == '_')) h += (*tp++ = c); putback(c); if (tp == etp) error("m4: token too long"); *tp = EOS; for (p = hashtab[h%HASHSIZE]; p != nil; p = p->nxtptr) if (strcmp(name, p->name) == 0) break; return(p); } #ifdef NONZEROPAGES /* * initm4 - initialize various tables. Useful only if your system * does not know anything about demand-zero pages. * */ initm4() { register int i; for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) hashtab[i] = nil; for (i = 0; i < MAXOUT; i++) outfile[i] = NULL; } #endif /* * initkwds - initialise m4 keywords as fast as possible. * This very similar to install, but without certain overheads, * such as calling lookup. Malloc is not used for storing the * keyword strings, since we simply use the static pointers * within keywrds block. We also assume that there is enough memory * to at least install the keywords (i.e. malloc won't fail). * */ initkwds() { register int i; register int h; register ndptr p; for (i = 0; i < MAXKEYS; i++) { h = hash(keywrds[i].knam); p = (ndptr) malloc(sizeof(struct ndblock)); p->nxtptr = hashtab[h]; hashtab[h] = p; p->name = keywrds[i].knam; p->defn = null; p->type = keywrds[i].ktyp | STATIC; } } SHAR_EOF if test 11102 -ne "`wc -c main.c.orig`" then echo shar: error transmitting main.c.orig '(should have been 11102 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting m4.1 '(9643 characters)' cat << \SHAR_EOF > m4.1 .TH M4 local "30 Aug 1987" .DA 08 Jan 1986 .SH NAME pd m4 \- macro processor .SH ORIGIN MetaSystems .SH SYNOPSIS .BI m4 "[ options ]" .SH DESCRIPTION .I Pd M4 is a un*x M4 look-alike macro processor intended as a front end for Ratfor, Pascal, and other languages that do not have a built-in macro processing capability. Pd M4 reads standard input, the processed text is written on the standard output. .PP The options and their effects are as follows: .TP \f3\-D\fP\f2name\^\fP[\f3=\fP\f2val\^\fP] Defines .I name to .I val or to null in .IR val 's absence. .TP .BI \-U name undefines .IR name . .PP Macro calls have the form: .PP .RS \fBname\fI(arg1,arg2, .\|.\|., argn)\fR .RE .PP The .B ( must immediately follow the name of the macro. If the name of a defined macro is not followed by a .BR ( , it is taken to be a call of that macro with no arguments, i.e. name(). Potential macro names consist of alphabetic letters and digits. .PP Leading unquoted blanks, tabs and newlines are ignored while collecting arguments. Left and right single quotes are used to quote strings. The value of a quoted string is the string stripped of the quotes. .PP When a macro name is recognized, its arguments are collected by searching for a matching .BR ) . If fewer arguments are supplied than are in the macro definition, the trailing arguments are taken to be null. Macro evaluation proceeds normally during the collection of the arguments, and any commas or right parentheses which happen to turn up within the value of a nested call are as effective as those in the original input text. (This is typically referred as .I inside-out macro expansion.) After argument collection, the value of the macro is pushed back onto the input stream and rescanned. .PP .I Pd M4 makes available the following built-in macros. They may be redefined, but once this is done the original meaning is lost. Their values are null unless otherwise stated. .de MC .TP 14 .B \\$1 usage: \\fI\\$1\\$2\\fR .br .. .MC define "(name [, val])" the second argument is installed as the value of the macro whose name is the first argument. If there is no second argument, the value is null. Each occurrence of .BI $ n in the replacement text, where .I n is a digit, is replaced by the .IR n -th argument. Argument 0 is the name of the macro; missing arguments are replaced by the null string. .MC defn "(name [, name ...]) returns the quoted definition of its argument(s). Useful in renaming macros. .MC undefine "(name [, name ...])" removes the definition of the macro(s) named. If there is more than one definition for the named macro, (due to previous use of .IR pushdef ) all definitions are removed. .MC pushdef "(name [, val])" like .IR define , but saves any previous definition by stacking the current definition. .MC popdef "(name [, name ...])" removes current definition of its argument(s), exposing the previous one if any. .MC ifdef "(name, if-def [, ifnot-def])" if the first argument is defined, the value is the second argument, otherwise the third. If there is no third argument, the value is null. A word indicating the current operating system is predefined. (e.g. .I unix or .IR vms ) .MC shift "(arg, arg, arg, ...)" returns all but its first argument. The other arguments are quoted and pushed back with commas in between. The quoting nullifies the effect of the extra scan that will subsequently be performed. .MC changequote "(lqchar, rqchar)" change quote symbols to the first and second arguments. With no arguments, the quotes are reset back to the default characters. (i.e., \*`\|\*'). .MC changecom "(lcchar, rcchar)" change left and right comment markers from the default .B # and .BR newline . With no arguments, the comment mechanism is reset back to the default characters. With one argument, the left marker becomes the argument and the right marker becomes newline. With two arguments, both markers are affected. .MC divert "(divnum)" .I m4 maintains 10 output streams, numbered 0-9. initially stream 0 is the current stream. The .I divert macro changes the current output stream to its (digit-string) argument. Output diverted to a stream other than 0 through 9 disappears into bitbucket. .MC undivert "([divnum [, divnum ...]])" causes immediate output of text from diversions named as argument(s), or all diversions if no argument. Text may be undiverted into another diversion. Undiverting discards the diverted text. At the end of input processing, .I M4 forces an automatic .IR undivert , unless .I m4wrap is defined. .MC divnum "()" returns the value of the current output stream. .MC dnl "()" reads and discards characters up to and including the next newline. .MC ifelse "(arg, arg, if-same [, ifnot-same | arg, arg ...])" has three or more arguments. If the first argument is the same string as the second, then the value is the third argument. If not, and if there are more than four arguments, the process is repeated with arguments 4, 5, 6 and 7. Otherwise, the value is either the fourth string, or, if it is not present, null. .MC incr "(num)" returns the value of its argument incremented by 1. The value of the argument is calculated by interpreting an initial digit-string as a decimal number. .MC decr "(num)" returns the value of its argument decremented by 1. .MC eval "(expression)" evaluates its argument as a constant expression, using integer arithmetic. The evaluation mechanism is very similar to that of .I cpp (#if expression). The expression can involve only integer constants and character constants, possibly connected by the binary operators .nf .ft B * / % + - >> << < > <= >= == != & ^ | && || .ft R .fi or the unary operators \fB\- ~ !\fR or by the ternary operator \fB ? : \fR. Parentheses may be used for grouping. Octal numbers may be specified as in C. .MC len "(string)" returns the number of characters in its argument. .MC index "(search-string, string)" returns the position in its first argument where the second argument begins (zero origin), or \-1 if the second argument does not occur. .MC substr "(string, index [, length])" returns a substring of its first argument. The second argument is a zero origin number selecting the first character (internally treated as an expression); the third argument indicates the length of the substring. A missing third argument is taken to be large enough to extend to the end of the first string. .MC translit "(source, from [, to])" transliterates the characters in its first argument from the set given by the second argument to the set given by the third. If the third argument is shorter than the second, all extra characters in the second argument are deleted from the first argument. If the third argument is missing altogether, all characters in the second argument are deleted from the first argument. .MC include "(filename)" returns the contents of the file named in the argument. .MC sinclude "(filename)" is identical to .IR include , except that it says nothing if the file is inaccessible. .MC paste "(filename)" returns the contents of the file named in the argument without any processing, unlike .IR include. .MC spaste "(filename)" is identical to .IR paste , except that it says nothing if the file is inaccessible. .MC syscmd "(command)" executes the .SM UNIX command given in the first argument. No value is returned. .MC sysval "()" is the return code from the last call to .IR syscmd . .MC maketemp "(string)" fills in a string of .SM XXXXXX in its argument with the current process .SM ID\*S. .MC m4exit "([exitcode])" causes immediate exit from .IR m4 . Argument 1, if given, is the exit code; the default is 0. .MC m4wrap "(m4-macro-or-built-in)" argument 1 will be pushed back at final .BR EOF ; example: m4wrap(`dumptable()'). .MC errprint "(str [, str, str, ...])" prints its argument(s) on stderr. If there is more than one argument, each argument is separated by a space during the output. .MC dumpdef "([name, name, ...])" prints current names and definitions, for the named items, or for all if no arguments are given. .dt .SH AUTHOR Ozan S. Yigit (oz) .SH BUGS Pd M4 is distributed at the source level, and does not require an expensive license agreement. .PP A sufficiently complex M4 macro set is about as readable as .BR APL . .PP All complex uses of M4 require the ability to program in deep recursion. Previous lisp experience is recommended. .PP Pd M4 is slower than V7 M4. .SH EXAMPLES .PP The following macro program illustrates the type of things that can be done with M4. .PP .RS .nf \fBchangequote\fR(<,>) \fBdefine\fR(HASHVAL,99) \fBdnl\fR \fBdefine\fR(hash,<\fBexpr\fR(str(\fBsubstr\fR($1,1),0)%HASHVAL)>) \fBdnl\fR \fBdefine\fR(str, <\fBifelse\fR($1,",$2, <str(\fBsubstr\fR(<$1>,1),<\fBexpr\fR($2+'\fBsubstr\fR($1,0,1)')>)>) >) \fBdnl\fR \fBdefine\fR(KEYWORD,<$1,hash($1),>) \fBdnl\fR \fBdefine\fR(TSTART, <struct prehash { char *keyword; int hashval; } keytab[] = {>) \fBdnl\fR \fBdefine\fR(TEND,< "",0 };>) \fBdnl\fR .fi .RE .PP Thus a keyword table containing the keyword string and its pre-calculated hash value may be generated thus: .PP .RS .nf TSTART KEYWORD("foo") KEYWORD("bar") KEYWORD("baz") TEND .fi .RE .PP which will expand into: .RS .nf struct prehash { char *keyword; int hashval; } keytab[] = { "foo",27, "bar",12, "baz",20, "",0 }; .fi .RE .PP Presumably, such a table would speed up the installation of the keywords into a dynamic hash table. (Note that the above macro cannot be used with .IR M4 , since .B eval does not handle character constants.) .SH SEE ALSO cc(1), m4(1), cpp(1). .I "The M4 Macro Processor\^" by B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie. SHAR_EOF if test 9643 -ne "`wc -c m4.1`" then echo shar: error transmitting m4.1 '(should have been 9643 characters)' fi # End of shell archive exit 0