[comp.sources.amiga] install2

ain@j.cc.purdue.edu (Patrick White) (07/29/88)

Submitted by:	"Klaus Kaempf" <unido!rmi!kkaempf@uunet.uu.net>
Summary:	Installs a boot block that ignores fast mem and external drives.
Poster Boy:	Patrick White	(ain@j.cc.purdue.edu)
Archive Name:	sources/amiga/volume5/install2.s.sh.Z
tested.. kinda
   I tried to test this, but since I only have a 512K Amiga with internal
drive, I couldn't tell if it worked... it didn't crash though.
   I didn't compile it since it is assembly.
-- Pat White   (co-moderator comp.sources/binaries.amiga)
ARPA/UUCP: j.cc.purdue.edu!ain  BITNET: PATWHITE@PURCCVM  PHONE: (317) 743-8421
U.S.  Mail:  320 Brown St. apt. 406,    West Lafayette, IN 47906
[archives at: j.cc.purdue.edu.ARPA]
#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----#
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	Install2.bat
#	Install2.c
#	BootCode2.asm
# This archive created: Fri Jul 22 18:50:04 1988
# By:	Patrick White (PUCC Land, USA)

Install2 - a useful (?) boot block


Installing a disk this way will cause ...

 a) preference being given to MEMF_CHIP for poorly written
    software, e. g. games from Germany :-) :-) :-)
 b) all external drives to be ignored by the system (and
    therefore eat up less memory for internal disk buffers).


It would be even better if programs like this one would not
be necessary at all, but several developers asked me to
write something like this, so here you are!

Background information: In Germany *lots* of programmers use
the SEKA assembler (a pirated copy, of course) and some of
them even do not know about include files, ATOM, FixHunk
etc. (Teut Weidemann and Hans-Joachim Deeg, you're the
exceptions, of course).

Just INSTALL2 a disk (make sure it does not have a custom
boot block!) and reboot. If it still does not work ... curse
the manufacturer and buy someone else's software next time.

As always: If you want to include this boot block with any
commercial product, contact me before doing so! Permission
granted for non-commercial use if distributed unchanged from
the original version and free of charge!

A similar boot block can be used to MOUNT a normal trackdisk
drive with the new Fast Filing System (hey Steve, thanks a
lot). But Andy Finkel said that the automatic detection of a
DISKCHANGE was not yet implemented ...

"requires no more than 512 KB and internal drive", aaarrggghh!


Ralph Babel, Falkenweg 3, D-6204 Taunusstein, FRGermany

cat << \SHAR_EOF > Install2.bat
FailAt 1
LC1 -b0 -ceft -oT: Install2
LC2 -r1 -s -v T:Install2
BLink LIB:Astartup.obj+T:Install2.o TO Install2 LIB LIB:amiga.lib+LIB:lcnb.lib SC SD ND NOALVS BATCH
Delete T:Install2.o
FailAt 10
cat << \SHAR_EOF > Install2.c
** Install2.c - give preference to MEMF_CHIP and deactivate external drives
** Copyright (C) 1987 Ralph Babel, Falkenweg 3, D-6204 Taunusstein
** all rights reserved - alle Rechte vorbehalten
** 23-May-1987 created Install1.c
** 07-Aug-1987 changed for new boot code
** 30-Mar-1988 cleanup

/*** included files ***/

#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/io.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <devices/bootblock.h>
#include <devices/trackdisk.h>
#include <libraries/dos.h>
#include <libraries/dosextens.h>

/*** external function references ***/

struct IOStdReq *CreateStdIO(struct MsgPort *);
VOID DeleteStdIO(struct IOStdReq *);
BYTE OpenDevice(char *, LONG, struct IORequest *, ULONG);
VOID CloseDevice(struct IORequest *);
BYTE DoIO(struct IORequest *);
struct Task *FindTask(char *);

VOID printf(char *, );

LONG toupper(LONG);

/*** constants ***/

#define ROOT 880 /* default AmigaDOS root block (3.5 inch) */

/*** structures ***/

struct BootSectors
 struct BootBlock bs_BootBlock;
 UBYTE bs_Data[BOOTSECTS * TD_SECTOR - sizeof(struct BootBlock)];

/*** the boot code ***/

UWORD BootCode[] =
 0x2F02, 0x4EAE, 0xFF7C, 0x226E, 0x0142, 0x6020,
 0x0829, 0x0001, 0x000F, 0x6716, 0x2F09, 0x4EAE,
 0xFF04, 0x225F, 0x137C, 0x000A, 0x0009, 0x41EE,
 0x0142, 0x4EAE, 0xFEF2, 0x2242, 0x2411, 0x66DC,
 0x4EAE, 0xFF76, 0x241F, 0x43FA, 0x0032, 0x4EAE,
 0xFE0E, 0x4A80, 0x6724, 0x2040, 0x41E8, 0x0034,
 0x70FF, 0x20C0, 0x20C0, 0x2080, 0x43FA, 0x0026,
 0x4EAE, 0xFFA0, 0x4A80, 0x670A, 0x2040, 0x2068,
 0x0016, 0x7000, 0x4E75, 0x70FF, 0x4E75, 0x6469,
 0x736B, 0x2E72, 0x6573, 0x6F75, 0x7263, 0x6500,
 0x646F, 0x732E, 0x6C69, 0x6272, 0x6172, 0x7900

/*** entry point ***/

LONG main(argc, argv)
LONG argc;
char *argv[];
 struct BootSectors *bs;
 struct IOStdReq *iosr;
 struct Process *pr;
 ULONG checksum, precsum;
 LONG result;

 result = RETURN_WARN; /* user error */

 if(argc == 2
 && toupper(argv[1][0]) == 'D'
 && toupper(argv[1][1]) == 'F'
 && argv[1][2] >= '0' && argv[1][2] <= '3'
 && argv[1][3] == ':'
 && argv[1][4] == '\0')
  result = RETURN_FAIL; /* no resources */

  if((bs = (struct BootSectors *)
   AllocMem(sizeof(struct BootSectors), MEMF_CHIP | MEMF_CLEAR)) != NULL)
   pr = (struct Process *)FindTask(NULL);
   if((iosr = CreateStdIO(&pr->pr_MsgPort)) != NULL)
    result = RETURN_ERROR; /* disk error */

    if(OpenDevice(TD_NAME, argv[1][2] - '0', (struct IORequest *)iosr, 0) == 0)
     *(ULONG *)bs->bs_BootBlock.bb_id = BBNAME_DOS;
     bs->bs_BootBlock.bb_dosblock = ROOT;
     CopyMem((APTR)BootCode, (APTR)bs->bs_Data, sizeof(BootCode));

     checksum = 0;
     for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
      precsum = checksum;
      if((checksum += ((ULONG *)bs)[i]) < precsum)

     bs->bs_BootBlock.bb_chksum = 0xffffffff - checksum;

     iosr->io_Command = CMD_WRITE;
     iosr->io_Length  = sizeof(struct BootSectors);
     iosr->io_Data    = (APTR)bs;
     iosr->io_Offset  = 0;
     if(DoIO((struct IORequest *)iosr) == 0)
      iosr->io_Command = CMD_UPDATE;
      (void)DoIO((struct IORequest *)iosr);
     if(iosr->io_Error != 0)
      printf("%s failed, trackdisk error %ld\n", argv[0], iosr->io_Error);
      result = RETURN_OK; /* everything fine */
     iosr->io_Command = TD_MOTOR;
     iosr->io_Length  = 0;
     (void)DoIO((struct IORequest *)iosr);
     CloseDevice((struct IORequest *)iosr);
     printf("Unable to open trackdisk device, error %ld\n", iosr->io_Error);
    printf("Unable to create IO request\n");
   printf("Insufficient free store\n");
  printf("Usage: %s {DF0:|DF1:|DF2:|DF3:}\n", argv[0]);

 return result;
cat << \SHAR_EOF > BootCode2.asm
* BootCode2.asm - give preference to MEMF_CHIP and deactivate external drives
* Copyright (C) 1987 Ralph Babel, Falkenweg 3, D-6204 Taunusstein
* all rights reserved - alle Rechte vorbehalten
* 07-Aug-1987 created
* 30-Mar-1988 cleanup


	include	"exec/types.i"
	include	"exec/execbase.i"
	include	"exec/memory.i"
	include	"exec/resident.i"
	include	"devices/bootblock.i"
	include	"resources/disk.i"


* registers

REG_SysBase	equr	a6

* macros

xlib	macro
	xref	_LVO\1

callsys	macro
	jsr	_LVO\1(REG_SysBase)

* IMPORT, external symbol references

	xlib	Forbid
	xlib	Permit
	xlib	Remove
	xlib	Enqueue
	xlib	OpenResource
	xlib	FindResident

* constants

ROOT	equ	880	;default AmigaDOS root block (3.5 inch)
NEW_PRI	equ	10	;priority for MEMF_CHIP regions

* code section

	section	"text",code

* magic constants

	dc.l	0	;checksum
	dc.l	ROOT

* boot code, called on system start-up
* In:
* A1: IOStdReq for TD_NAME, UNIT_0
* A6: SysBase
* Out:
* A0: start address to jump to (D0 == zero)
* D0: failure code, null if successful

	move.l	d2,-(sp)

	callsys	Forbid

	movea.l	LH_HEAD+MemList(REG_SysBase),a1
	bra.s	3$

1$	btst.b	#MEMB_CHIP,MH_ATTRIBUTES+1(a1)	;hi .. lo
	beq.s	2$

	move.l	a1,-(sp)
	callsys	Remove
	movea.l	(sp)+,a1

	move.b	#NEW_PRI,LN_PRI(a1)
	lea	MemList(REG_SysBase),a0
	callsys	Enqueue

2$	movea.l	d2,a1

3$	move.l	(a1),d2	;move.l LN_SUCC(a1),d2
	bne.s	1$

	callsys	Permit

	move.l	(sp)+,d2

	lea	diskName(pc),a1
	callsys	OpenResource
	tst.l	d0
	beq.s	error

	movea.l	d0,a0

	lea	DR_UNITID+4(a0),a0
	moveq	#DRT_EMPTY,d0

	move.l	d0,(a0)+	;unit 1
	move.l	d0,(a0)+	;unit 2
	move.l	d0,(a0)		;unit 3

	lea	dosName(pc),a1
	callsys	FindResident
	tst.l	d0
	beq.s	error
	movea.l	d0,a0
	movea.l	RT_INIT(a0),a0
	moveq	#0,d0

error	moveq	#-1,d0

	dc.b	'disk.resource',0

	dc.b	'dos.library',0

#	End of shell archive
exit 0