[comp.sources.amiga] v02i004: surf - produce bezier surfaces of revolution, Part03/03

page@swan.ulowell.edu (Bob Page) (10/20/88)

Submitted-by: edavies@uvvm.bitnet (Eric Davies)
Posting-number: Volume 2, Issue 4
Archive-name: graphics/surf.3of3

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file"
# (Files unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions).
# This archive contains the following files:
#	./bezpt.c
#	./bezpt.h
#	./control.c
#	./control.h
#	./fasttrig.c
#	./fasttrig.h
#	./functions.h
#	./gadgetdef.c
if `test ! -s ./README.DOC`
echo "writing ./README.DOC"
cat > ./README.DOC << '\Rogue\Monster\'
Program: BezSurf
Author: Eric Davies
Resources and Tech Assistance: LateNight Developments (LND) Corporation.

BezSurf is public domain. Feel free to copy it, enhance it, or port it to
other machines, etc.

Compiled under Lattice C 4.0 at the LND offices.
Will also compile under Aztec 3.4a and up.

Software Disclaimer
This is your standard software disclaimer:
  Use this software at your risk.
  Any loss of sleep is your own concern.

Document Disclaimer
This document gives a partial description of BezSurf and its use. Many
of the menu-items and gadgets are not described here. I believe most people
will discover their purpose without too much trouble. If I'm wrong, you can
query me by email at:
     or edavies@uvvm.bitnet
Or by snail mail (if some part of Canada Post is not on strike) at:
      Eric Davies
      1442 Harrop Rd.
      Victoria, B.C.
      V8P 2S6
How soon you get a response depends on how behind my school work I am
and how easily I can determine a return path to you :-).

BezSurf (or Surf for short) is a program for producing bezier surfaces of
revolution. It produces awesome pictures of wineglasses and doorknobs, and
other objects one could turn on a lathe. BezSurf includes the capacity to
map iff image files onto any surface that it can draw.

I originally wrote BezSurf for my final project in an introductory course
in computer graphics at the University of Victoria. The target machine
was a colour Sun Work Station. Being a loyal amigoid, I ported it down to
the Amiga when I had a bit more free time, the Late Night Developers
supplying resources and technical assistence as needed. I proudly claim any
errors or bugs as my own, following the lead of a certain wine glass
manufacturer, "the minute flaws in the product are your guarantee of its
handcrafted nature".

I've run it successfully from Matt Dillon's Shell and the bare cli.
It should run fine from workbench, provided somebody whips up an icon
for it.

Basic Usage
    Once run, you should see a 320x200 lores screen with the text
    "lines curves wire shade map panel" along the top edge. These are the
    basic control gadgets.

    1)  press "lines" (screen clears and crosshairs appear).
        press and hold down the left mouse button.
        move the mouse someplace else and release the button.
        a line should have been rubber banded and left on the screen.
        repeat as desired {
            press and drag the mouse to define new line connected to
            last one line.

    2)  press "curves".
        the endpoints of the first line should be bracked by squares.
        repeat as desired {
            bring the left mouse button near one of squares.
            press left button, move to new location, and release left button.
            nearest square should have accompanied mouse, causing the
            line to curve in strange and wonderful ways.
            press right button to move the next line.

    3)  press "panel"
        takes you to the control panel, so you can change the lighting, save
        files, etc. It is suggested that you try "tilt" with about 20
        degrees ( adds a more 3d effect ).
        to get back to display, press [display] on the control panel.

    4)  press "wire"
        generates wireframe with hidden line removal.

    5)  press "shade"
        generates shaded image with hidden surface removal.

    6)  saving the images you created is done via the "files" menu in the
        control panel.
            save as... saves the ilbm to the specfied file name
            save first... tacks on a ".0" to the file name and saves
            save next... tacks on an ascending number and saves
        "save first" and "save next" are provided in case somebody wants to
        try producing animation sequences with Surf.

    7)  Anything else, excluding maps, should be self apparent with a little bit
        of experimentation.

Error Messages
Error messages are displayed in a requestor. If displayed, you must click
in the requestor's close box to continue. The messages usually indicate
that your file name is wrong, screwy file contents, you don't have enough
memory, etc.

Aborting a time consuming activity
Under the "Image" menu, the "abort" item will terminate any drawing in

Mapping Iff images onto Surfaces (Grey Scale Result)
This is my answer to photon paints mapping of images onto spheres, cones,
etc. Before you can perform the mapping, you need two things: (1) a loaded
map image, and (2) a surface { not necessarily in that order though its
probably better to load the image first if you are not sure you have enough
memory }.

    Loading the map image:
        Go to the control panel window (see earlier discussion).
        Under the files menu, select the "Open Map" item.
        Enter the pathname of an ilbm image file (note:Ehb not supported).
        Wait until the hourglass goes away.

Now, go and define a surface if you haven't already. Once you have both a
surface defined and an image file loaded, click on the "Map" gadget on the
display screen. Be prepared to wait an hour or two for your image to
be produced, it is very slow.

Using lots of bezier and revolution slices (ie, very small patches) results
in images that look less scarred.

The "MapRevV" and "MapRevH" sliders determine how many times the map image is
replicated on the surface.

Closing the map file frees up the memory used to store the map image file.
Openning a new map file automatically closes the old one.

Mapping Iff images onto Surfaces (Colour Result)
The idea here is to produce three different image files, one that contains
the red component, one the green, and one the blue. After the files are
produced, use the mergergb tool to combine them into a single file for use
by the RAY2 program available from the QRT (public domain) package or DBW

procedure: set interlace and lores screen.
           set the grey model to "R only"
           load the iff image file
           set the screen color to "Red" (or grey).
           Generate the surface mapping.
           Save with a ".r" extension.
           set the grey model to "G only"
           load the iff image file again
           set the screen color to "Green" (or grey).
           Generate the surface mapping.
           Save with a ".g" extension.
           set the grey model to "B only".
           load the iff image file again.
           set the screen color to "Blue" (or grey).
           Generate the surface mapping.
           Save with a ".b" extension.

           now run the mergergb program with the filename without extensions
           as the sole argument. Ie, if you named the files smith.r, smith.g,
           and smith.b, then type:
                    mergergb smith
           In this case, mergergb will produce smith.tmp, which can then be
           fed into RAY2. Without other arguments, RAY2 wil produce an
           interlaced ham image.

Be kind of neat if somebody adapted BezSurf to produce object descriptions
for Sc*lpt3D or VideoSc*pe3D. Anyone feeling brave and bored?

  echo "will not over write ./README.DOC"
if `test ! -s ./bezpt.c`
echo "writing ./bezpt.c"
cat > ./bezpt.c << '\Rogue\Monster\'
#include "scrnio.h"
#include "control.h"
#include "bezpt.h"
#include "mytypes.h"

BezCoord Bezpt[MaxSegs+1];

int NumBezPts;
int ActSeg;
bool SegDrawn;
int BezMesh = DefBezMeshVal;
float BezStepSize = 1.0/DefBezMeshVal;

void SetBezMesh( value )
    int value;
    BezMesh = value;
    BezStepSize = 1.0/value;

void ClearSegments()
    NumBezPts = 0;
    ActSeg = 0;

static  float xa, xb, xc, xd;
static  float ya, yb, yc, yd;
 * start up calculations that must be performed before calling
 * CalcBezPt on any given segment
void InitCalcBez()
        xa = -StartPtX(ActSeg) + 3.0*( Cntrl1X(ActSeg) - Cntrl2X(ActSeg))
            + EndPtX(ActSeg);
        xb = 3.0 *( StartPtX(ActSeg) + Cntrl2X(ActSeg) - 2.0*Cntrl1X(ActSeg));
        xc = 3.0*( Cntrl1X(ActSeg) - StartPtX(ActSeg));
        xd = StartPtX(ActSeg);

        ya = -StartPtY(ActSeg) + 3.0*( Cntrl1Y(ActSeg) - Cntrl2Y(ActSeg))
            + EndPtY(ActSeg);
        yb = 3.0 *( StartPtY(ActSeg) + Cntrl2Y(ActSeg) - 2.0*Cntrl1Y(ActSeg));
        yc = 3.0*( Cntrl1Y(ActSeg) - StartPtY(ActSeg));
        yd = StartPtY(ActSeg);

 * calculate a point on the bezier curve of a segment
void CalcBezPt( t, xvp, yvp)
    float t;
    float *xvp, *yvp;
    *xvp = (( t*xa + xb) * t + xc) *t + xd;

    *yvp = (( t*ya + yb) * t + yc) *t + yd;

void XdrawBezSeg()
    float t;
    float ftox, ftoy;
    int fromx, fromy, tox, toy;

    for( fromx = StartPtX(ActSeg), fromy = StartPtY(ActSeg), t=BezStepSize;
        t < 1.0; fromx = tox, fromy = toy, t+= BezStepSize ) {

        CalcBezPt( t, &ftox, &ftoy );
        tox = (int)ftox;
        toy = (int)ftoy;
        DrawLine( fromx, fromy, tox, toy, XOR );
        DrawPnt( tox, toy, XOR );
    DrawLine( fromx, fromy, EndPtX(ActSeg), EndPtY(ActSeg),XOR);

void XdrawAllBezSegs()
    do {
    } while( ActSeg);


void ResetCurve()
    if( NumBezPts > 0 && CurMode == FITBEZIER ) {
        int i;

        for( i = 0; i < NumBezPts; i++ ) {
            Bezpt[i].x.cur1 = Bezpt[i].x.prev2 = Bezpt[i].x.cur0;
            Bezpt[i].y.cur1 = Bezpt[i].y.prev2 = Bezpt[i].y.cur0;
        ActSeg = 0;


 * set the value of a bezpt element
static void SetBezPt( xval, yval )
    int xval, yval;
    BezVal *i;

    i = &Bezpt[NumBezPts-1].x;
    i->cur0 = i->prev2 = i->cur1 = xval;
    i = &Bezpt[NumBezPts-1].y;
    i->cur0 = i->prev2 = i->cur1 = yval;

void InitBezPt(xval,yval)
int xval, yval;
    int segno;

    segno = NumBezPts -2;
    if( segno >= 0) {

        DrawLine( StartPtX( segno), StartPtY(segno),
                EndPtX( segno), EndPtY(segno), XOR );

void EditBezPt(xval, yval)
    int segno = NumBezPts -2;

    DrawLine( StartPtX(segno), StartPtY(segno),
          EndPtX( segno ), EndPtY(segno), XOR );

    SetBezPt(xval, yval);

    DrawLine( StartPtX( segno), StartPtY(segno),
          EndPtX( segno), EndPtY(segno), XOR );

  echo "will not over write ./bezpt.c"
if `test ! -s ./bezpt.h`
echo "writing ./bezpt.h"
cat > ./bezpt.h << '\Rogue\Monster\'
#include "fasttrig.h"
 * structures and such for manipulating bezier curves

#define MaxSegs  50  /* max number of bezier segments */

typedef struct {
    int prev2;  /* second control point of segment n-1 */
    int cur0;   /* begin of segment n, end of segment n-1 */
    int cur1;   /* first control point of segment n */
} BezVal;

typedef struct {
    BezVal  x, y;
} BezCoord;

#define DefBezMeshVal 10

extern BezCoord Bezpt[MaxSegs+1];
extern void SetBezMesh( /* Panel_item, int, struct input_event */);
extern int BezMesh;
extern float BezStepSize;

extern void InitCalcBez( /* void */ );
extern void CalcBezPt(/* float, float *, float * */);
extern void XdrawAllBezSegs(/* void */);
extern void XdrawBezSeg(/* void */);
extern void InitBezPt( /* int, int */);
extern void EditBezPt( /* int, int */);
extern void ResetCurve( /* void */ );

extern int NumBezPts;
extern int ActSeg;

#define GetNumSegs()    (NumBezPts-1)
#define ResetActSeg()   { ActSeg = 0; }
#define GetCurSeg()     (ActSeg)
#define NextSeg()       { ActSeg = (ActSeg +1) %(NumBezPts -1); }

#define StartPtX(XSegNo) Bezpt[XSegNo].x.cur0
#define StartPtY(XSegNo) Bezpt[XSegNo].y.cur0

#define Cntrl1X(XSegNo) Bezpt[XSegNo].x.cur1
#define Cntrl1Y(XSegNo) Bezpt[XSegNo].y.cur1

#define Cntrl2X(XSegNo) Bezpt[XSegNo+1].x.prev2
#define Cntrl2Y(XSegNo) Bezpt[XSegNo+1].y.prev2

#define EndPtX(XSegNo) Bezpt[XSegNo+1].x.cur0
#define EndPtY(XSegNo) Bezpt[XSegNo+1].y.cur0

#define DrawControl0() DrawSqr( Bezpt[ActSeg].x.cur1,\
                                Bezpt[ActSeg].y.cur1, XOR )

#define DrawControl1() DrawSqr( Bezpt[ActSeg+1].x.prev2,\
                                Bezpt[ActSeg+1].y.prev2, XOR )

  echo "will not over write ./bezpt.h"
if `test ! -s ./control.c`
echo "writing ./control.c"
cat > ./control.c << '\Rogue\Monster\'
#include "bezpt.h"
#include "control.h"
#include "scrnio.h"
#include "mytypes.h"


void SetFitBez()
    if( GetNumSegs() < 1 )  {
    CurMode = FITBEZIER;

void SetPolyDraw()
    CurMode = DRAWPOLY;

void EditControl0(x,y)
int x, y;
        Cntrl1X(GetCurSeg()) = x;
        Cntrl1Y(GetCurSeg()) = y;

void EditControl1(x,y)
int x, y;
        Cntrl2X(GetCurSeg()) = x;
        Cntrl2Y(GetCurSeg()) = y;
  echo "will not over write ./control.c"
if `test ! -s ./control.h`
echo "writing ./control.h"
cat > ./control.h << '\Rogue\Monster\'

void SetFitBez();
void SetPolyDraw();

extern CURMODE CurMode;
extern void EditControl0();
extern void EditControl1();
  echo "will not over write ./control.h"
if `test ! -s ./fasttrig.c`
echo "writing ./fasttrig.c"
cat > ./fasttrig.c << '\Rogue\Monster\'
#include <math.h>
#include "fasttrig.h"

extern char *malloc();

float *sintab;
float *costab;

static int oldn = -1,
       oldrange = -1,
       oldstart = -1;

 * return true if could not get memory for trig lookup tables
bool InitFastTrig(angstart, angrange, n)
    int angstart;
    int angrange;
    int n;

    int i;
    float value;
    float AngleInc;
    float curangle;

    if( n == oldn && oldrange == angrange && oldstart == angstart ) {

    if( n != oldn ) {
        if( sintab ) free(sintab);
        if( costab ) free(costab);
        sintab = (float *)malloc( n * sizeof( float ));
        costab = (float *)malloc( n * sizeof( float ));
        if( !sintab || !costab ) {

    oldn = n;
    oldrange = angrange;
    oldstart = angstart;

    AngleInc = (PI*angrange)/(180 *(n-1));
    for( curangle = angstart*PI/180.0, i = 0;
         i< n; i++, curangle += AngleInc ) {

        sintab[i] = sin( curangle );
        costab[i] = cos( curangle );
  echo "will not over write ./fasttrig.c"
if `test ! -s ./fasttrig.h`
echo "writing ./fasttrig.h"
cat > ./fasttrig.h << '\Rogue\Monster\'

#include "mytypes.h"

#define MaxTrigEntries 512
#define PI 3.1415927

extern float *sintab;
extern float *costab;

#define fsin(sdeg) sintab[sdeg]
#define fcos(sdeg) costab[sdeg]

bool InitFastTrig(/* float, int */);

  echo "will not over write ./fasttrig.h"
if `test ! -s ./functions.h`
echo "writing ./functions.h"
cat > ./functions.h << '\Rogue\Monster\'
typedef	long	cList;

long					AbleICR();
void					AbortIO();
long					ActivateGadget();
void					ActivateWindow();
void					AddAnimOb();
void					AddBob();
void					AddConfigDev();
void					AddDevice();
long					AddDosNode();
void					AddFont();
long					AddFreeList();
short					AddGadget();
unsigned short			AddGList();
void					AddHead();
struct Interrupt *		AddICRVector();
void					AddIntServer();
void					AddLibrary();
long					AddMemList();
void					AddPort();
void					AddResource();
void					AddSemaphore();
void					AddTail();
void					AddTask();
void					AddTime();
void					AddVSprite();
long					Alert();
void *					AllocAbs();
long					AllocBoardMem();
cList					AllocCList();
struct ConfigDev *		AllocConfigDev();
struct MemList *		AllocEntry();
long					AllocExpansionMem();
void *					AllocMem();
long					AllocPotBits();
void *					AllocRaster();
char *					AllocRemember();
long					AllocSignal();
long					AllocTrap();
struct WBObject *		AllocWBObject();
void *					Allocate();
void					AlohaWorkbench();
void					AndRectRegion();
long					AndRegionRegion();
void					Animate();
short					AreaDraw();
long					AreaEllipse();
void					AreaEnd();
short					AreaMove();
void					AskFont();
long					AskSoftStyle();
long					AttemptLockLayerRom();
long					AttemptSemaphore();
short					AutoRequest();
long					AvailFonts();
long					AvailMem();
void					BeginIO();
void					BeginRefresh();
void					BeginUpdate();
void					BeginLayer();
long					BltBitMap();
long					BltBitMapRastPort();
void					BltClear();
void					BltMaskBitMapRastPort();
void					BltPattern();
void					BltTemplate();
struct Window *			BuildSysRequest();
char *					BumpRevision();
void					Cause();
void					CBump();
void					CDInputHandler();
void					ChangeSprite();
struct IORequest *		CheckIO();
short					ClearDMRequest();
void					ClearEOL();
void					ClearMenuStrip();
void					ClearPointer();
void					ClearRegion();
long					ClearRectRegion();
void					ClearScreen();
void					ClipBit();
void					Close();
void					CloseDevice();
void					CloseFont();
void					CloseLibrary();
void					CloseScreen();
void					CloseWindow();
short					CloseWorkBench();
void					CMove();
short					CmpTime();
long					ConcatCList();
long					ConfigBoard();
long					ConfigChain();
long					ConsoleDevice();
long					CopperListInit();
cList					CopyCList();
void					CopyMem();
void					CopyMemQuick();
void					CopySBitMap();
void					CreateBehindLayer();
struct Lock *			CreateDir();
struct MsgPort *		CreatePort();
struct Process *		CreateProc();
struct IOStdReq *		CreateStdIO();
struct Task *			CreateTask();
void					CreateUpfrontLayer();
struct Lock *			CurrentDir();
void					CurrentTime();
void					CWait();
long *					DateStamp();
void					Deallocate();
void					Debug();
void					Delay();
short					DeleteFile();
void					DeleteLayer();
void					DeletePort();
void					DeleteStdIO();
void					DeleteTask();
struct Process *		DeviceProc();
void					Disable();
void					DisownBlitter();
short					DisplayAlert();
void					DisplayBeep();
void					DisposeRegion();
void					DoCollision();
long					DoIO();
short					DoubleClick();
void					Draw();
void					DrawBorder();
void					DrawEllipse();
void					DrawGList();
void					DrawImage();
struct Lock *			DupLock();
void					Enable();
void					EndRefresh();
void					EndRequest();
void					EndUpdate();
void					Enqueue();
short					ExNext();
short					Examine();
short					Execute();
void					Exit();
struct ConfigDev *		FindConfigDev();
struct Node *			FindName();
struct MsgPort *		FindPort();
long					FindResident();
struct SignalSemaphore *FindSemaphore();
struct Task *			FindTask();
char *					FindToolType();
void					Flood();
void					FlushCList();
void					Forbid();
void					FreeBoardMem();
void					FreeCList();
void					FreeColorMap();
void					FreeConfigDev();
void					FreeCopList();
void					FreeCprList();
void					FreeDiskObject();
void					FreeEntry();
void					FreeExpansionMem();
void					FreeFreeList();
void					FreeGBuffers();
void					FreeMem();
void					FreePotBits();
void					FreeRaster();
void					FreeRemember();
void					FreeSignal();
void					FreeSprite();
void					FreeSysRequest();
void					FreeTrap();
void					FreeVPortCopLists();
void					FreeWBObject();
long					GetCC();
long					GetCLBuf();
short					GetCLChar();
short					GetCLWord();
struct ColorMap *		GetColorMap();
long					GetCurrentBinding();
struct Preferences *	GetDefPrefs();
struct DiskObject *		GetDiskObject();
void					GetGBuffers();
long					GetIcon();
struct Message *		GetMsg();
struct Preferences *	GetPrefs();
short					GetRGB4();
long					GetScreenData();
short					GetSprite();
struct WBObject *		GetWBObject();
long					IncrCLMark();
short					Info();
void					InitArea();
void					InitBitMap();
long					InitCLPool();
void					InitCode();
void					InitGMasks();
void					InitGels();
void					InitMasks();
void					InitRastPort();
void					InitRequester();
void					InitResident();
void					InitSemaphore();
void					InitStruct();
void					InitTmpRas();
void					InitVPort();
void					InitView();
struct FileHandle *		Input();
void					Insert();
struct Region *			InstallClipRegion();
long					IntuiTextLength();
struct InputEvent *		Intuition();
long					IoErr();
short					IsInteractive();
struct MenuItem *		ItemAddress();
void					LoadRGB4();
struct Segment *		LoadSeg();
void					LoadView();
struct Lock *			Lock();
void					LockLayer();
void					LockLayerInfo();
void					LockLayerRom();
void					LockLayers();
struct DeviceNode *		MakeDosNode();
long					MakeFunctions();
struct Library *		MakeLibrary();
void					MakeScreen();
void					MakeVPort();
long					MarkCList();
long					MatchToolValue();
void					ModifyIDCMP();
void					ModifyProp();
void					Move();
void					MoveLayer();
void					MoveScreen();
void					MoveSprite();
void					MoveWindow();
void					MrgCop();
void					NewList();
void					NewModifyProp();
struct Region *			NewRegion();
void					ObtainConfigBinding();
void					ObtainSemaphore();
void					ObtainSemaphoreList();
void					OffGadget();
void					OffMenu();
void					OnGadget();
void					OnMenu();
struct FileHandle *		Open();
long					OpenDevice();
struct Font *			OpenDiskFont();
struct Font *			OpenFont();
void					OpenIntuition();
struct Library *		OpenLibrary();
struct MiscResource *	OpenResource();
struct Screen *			OpenScreen();
struct Window *			OpenWindow();
short					OpenWorkBench();
void					OrRectRegion();
long					OrRegionRegion();
struct FileHandle *		Output();
void					OwnBlitter();
struct Lock *			ParentDir();
short					PeekCLMark();
void					Permit();
void					PolyDraw();
void					PrintIText();
long					PutCLBuf();
long					PutCLChar();
long					PutCLWord();
short					PutDiskObject();
long					PutIcon();
void					PutMsg();
long					PutWBObject();
void					QBSBlit();
void					QBlit();
short					RawKeyConvert();
long					Read();
char					ReadExpansionByte();
long					ReadExpansionRom();
short					ReadPixel();
void					RectFill();
void					RefreshGadgets();
void					RefreshGList();
void					RefreshWindowFrame();
void					ReleaseConfigBinding();
void					ReleaseSemaphore();
void					ReleaseSemaphoreList();
void					RemConfigDev();
void					RemDevice();
void					RemFont();
struct Node *			RemHead();
void					RemIBob();
void					RemICRVector();
void					RemIntServer();
long					RemLibrary();
unsigned short			RemoveGList();
void					RemPort();
void					RemResource();
void					RemSemaphore();
struct Node *			RemTail();
void					RemTask();
void					RemVSprite();
void					RemakeDisplay();
void					Remove();
unsigned short			RemoveGadget();
short					Rename();
void					ReplyMsg();
void					ReportMouse();
short					Request();
void					RethinkDisplay();
void					ScreenToBack();
void					ScreenToFront();
void					ScrollLayer();
void					ScrollRaster();
void					ScrollVPort();
long					Seek();
void					SendIO();
void					SetAPen();
void					SetBPen();
void					SetCollision();
short					SetComment();
void					SetCurrentBinding();
short					SetDMRequest();
void					SetDRMd();
long					SetExcept();
long					SetFont();
long					SetFunction();
long					SetICR();
struct Interrupt *		SetIntVector();
void					SetMenuStrip();
void					SetPointer();
void					SetPrefs();
short					SetProtection();
void					SetRast();
void					SetRGB4();
void					SetRGB4CM();
long					SetSR();
long					SetSignal();
long					SetSoftStyle();
short					SetTaskPri();
void					SetWindowTitles();
void					ShowTitle();
void					Signal();
long					SizeCList();
void					SizeLayer();
void					SizeWindow();
void					SortGList();
cList					SplitCList();
cList					SubCList();
void					SubTime();
void					SubLibrary();
void					SumKickData();
long					SuperState();
void					SwapBitsRastPortClipRect();
void					SyncSBitMap();
long					Text();
long					TextLength();
long					Translate();
long					UnGetCLChar();
long					UnGetCLWord();
void					UnLoadSeg();
void					UnLock();
short					UnPutCLChar();
short					UnPutCLWord();
void					UnlockLayer();
void					UnlockLayerInfo();
void					UnlockLayerRom();
void					UnlockLayers();
void					UpfrontLayer();
void					UserState();
short					VBeamPos();
struct View *			ViewAddress();
struct ViewPort *		ViewPortAddress();
short					WBenchToBack();
short					WBenchToFront();
long					Wait();
void					WaitBOVP();
void					WaitBlit();
short					WaitForChar();
long					WaitIO();
struct Message *		WaitPort();
void					WaitTOF();
struct Layer *			WhichLayer();
short					WindowLimits();
void					WindowToBack();
void					WindowToFront();
long					Write();
long					WriteExpansionByte();
void					WritePixel();
void					WritePotgo();
void					XorRectRegion();
long					XorRegionRegion();

  echo "will not over write ./functions.h"
if `test ! -s ./gadgetdef.c`
echo "writing ./gadgetdef.c"
cat > ./gadgetdef.c << '\Rogue\Monster\'
/* this file contains definition for the screen */

#include "scrnio.ih"
#include <exec/memory.h>
#ifdef MANX
#include <functions.h>

#include "scrndef.h"
#include "gadgetdef.h"
#include "mytypes.h"
#include "bezpt.h"
#include "poly.h"
#include "revolve.h"
#include "readilbm.h"

 * definition for image of hourglass
static UWORD HourGlassDat[] = {
 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffff,
 0x7ffe, 0x8001, 0x6006, 0x9ff9,
 0x2004, 0x5ffa, 0x1c38, 0x2ff4,
 0xf70, 0x17e8, 0x7e0, 0xbd0,
 0x2c0, 0x5a0, 0x240, 0x5a0,
 0x420, 0xbd0, 0x910, 0x17e8,
 0x1788, 0x2ff4, 0x2fe4, 0x5ffa,
 0x7ff6, 0x9ff9, 0x7ffe, 0x8001,
 0x0, 0xffff, 0x0, 0x0

UWORD *HourGlass = NULL;

 * actual gadget definitions
#define TOP 13
#define ROW 9
#define COL 8
#define TxOff 1
        * start of boolean gadgets
#define BOOLTOP 0
#define BOOLLEFT 0

static struct IntuiText TextDefLines = {
    -1,-1,JAM1, 0, TxOff, NULL,(UBYTE *) "Lines", NULL };

static struct Gadget G_DefLines = {
    BOOLLEFT , BOOLTOP , 5*COL, ROW, /* loc and size of hit box */
    GADGHBOX,    /* complemented when pressed */
    BOOLGADFLAGS,    /* just get gadget up messages */
    0, NULL,

static struct IntuiText TextEditBez = {
    -1,-1,JAM1, 0, TxOff, NULL,(UBYTE *) "Curves", NULL };

static struct Gadget G_EditBez = {
    BOOLLEFT+COL*6, BOOLTOP, 6*COL, ROW, /* loc and size of hit box */
    GADGHBOX,    /* complemented when pressed */
    RELVERIFY,    /* just get gadget up messages */
    0, NULL,

static struct IntuiText TextMap = {
    -1,-1,JAM1, 0, TxOff, NULL,(UBYTE *) "Map", NULL };

static struct Gadget G_Map = {
    BOOLLEFT +24*COL, BOOLTOP, 3*COL, ROW, /* loc and size of hit box */
    GADGHBOX,    /* complemented when pressed */
    RELVERIFY,    /* just get gadget up messages */
    0, NULL,

static struct IntuiText TextWire = {
    -1,-1,JAM1, 0, TxOff, NULL,(UBYTE *) "Wire", NULL };

static struct Gadget G_Wire = {
    BOOLLEFT +13*COL, BOOLTOP, 4*COL, ROW, /* loc and size of hit box */
    GADGHBOX,    /* complemented when pressed */
    RELVERIFY,    /* just get gadget up messages */
    0, NULL,

static struct IntuiText TextShaded = {
    -1,-1,JAM1, 0, TxOff, NULL,(UBYTE *) "Shade", NULL };

static struct Gadget G_Shaded = {
    BOOLLEFT +18*COL, BOOLTOP, 5*COL, ROW, /* loc and size of hit box */
    GADGHBOX,    /* complemented when pressed */
    RELVERIFY,    /* just get gadget up messages */
    0, NULL,

static struct IntuiText TextGoPanel = {
    -1,-1,JAM1, 0, TxOff, NULL,(UBYTE *) "Panel", NULL };

static struct Gadget G_GoPanel = {
    BOOLLEFT +28*COL, BOOLTOP, 5*COL, ROW, /* loc and size of hit box */
    GADGHBOX,    /* complemented when pressed */
    RELVERIFY,    /* just get gadget up messages */
    0, NULL,

static struct IntuiText TextGoSurf = {
    1,-1,JAM1, 0, TxOff, NULL,(UBYTE *) "Display", NULL };

static short S_GoSurf[] = {
    -2,-1,  -2,ROW+1,  7*COL+2,ROW+1,  7*COL+2,-1, -2,-1

static struct Border B_GoSurf = { 0, 0, 1, 0, JAM1, 5, S_GoSurf, NULL };

static struct Gadget G_GoSurf = {
    2*COL, TOP, 7*COL, ROW, /* loc and size of hit box */
    GADGHBOX,    /* complemented when pressed */
    RELVERIFY,    /* just get gadget up messages */
    (APTR)&B_GoSurf, NULL,
    0, NULL,

         * beginning of slider gadgets
#define GadFlags    (GADGIMAGE | GADGHNONE)  /* my gadget flags */
#define MyPropType (PROPGADGET)

 *  definitions for the number of Revolution Slices

static char DispRevSlices[] = { "Rev Slices=[   ]" };

static struct IntuiText TextRevSlices = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispRevSlices)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *)DispRevSlices, NULL

struct GadExtens VRevSlices = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 360, DefRevMeshVal, false };

static struct Gadget G_RevSlices = {
    COL*57 , TOP+ROW*2, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    NULL , /* high lighted */
    (APTR) &VRevSlices

 * definition for the background shade
static char DispBackPlane[] = { "Background = [  ]" };

static struct IntuiText TextBackPlane = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispBackPlane)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *)DispBackPlane, NULL

struct GadExtens VBackPlane = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 31, DefBkPlane, false};

static struct Gadget G_BackPlane = {
    COL*57 , TOP+ROW*13, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    NULL , /* high lighted */
    (APTR) &VBackPlane

 *  definitions for the number of Revolution Angles

static char DispRevAngle[] = { "Rev Angle=[   ]" };

static struct IntuiText TextRevAngle = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispRevAngle)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *)DispRevAngle, NULL

struct GadExtens VRevAngle = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 360, DefRotRange, false };

static struct Gadget G_RevAngle = {
    COL*57 , TOP+ROW*3, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    MyPropType ,
    NULL, /* high lighted */
    (APTR) &VRevAngle
 *  definitions for start rotation angle

static char DispRevStart[] = { "Start Angle=[   ]" };

static struct IntuiText TextRevStart = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispRevStart)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *)DispRevStart, NULL

struct GadExtens VRevStart = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 360, DefRotStart, false };

static struct Gadget G_RevStart = {
    COL*57 , TOP+ROW*4, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    MyPropType ,
    NULL, /* high lighted */
    (APTR) &VRevStart

 *  definitions for the number of Bezier Slices

static char DispBezSlices[] = { "Bez Slices=[   ]" };

static struct IntuiText TextBezSlices = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispBezSlices)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *)DispBezSlices, NULL

struct GadExtens VBezSlices = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 100, DefBezMeshVal, false };

static struct Gadget G_BezSlices = {
    COL*20 , TOP+ROW*2, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    MyPropType ,
    NULL, /* high lighted */

 *  definitions for tilt angle

static char DispTiltAng[] = { "Tilt Angle=[   ]" };

static struct IntuiText TextTiltAng = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispTiltAng)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *)DispTiltAng, NULL

struct GadExtens VTiltAng = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 360, DefTilt, false };

static struct Gadget G_TiltAng = {
    COL*20 , TOP+ROW*3, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    MyPropType ,
    NULL, /* high lighted */
    (APTR) &VTiltAng

 * definitions for K Specular

static char DispKspec[] = {"Kspecular=[     ] " };

static struct IntuiText TextKspec = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispKspec)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *)DispKspec, NULL

struct GadExtens VKspec = { 0.0, 1.0, DefKs, 0, 0, 0, true };

static struct Gadget G_Kspec = {
    49*COL , TOP+ROW*9, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    MyPropType ,
    NULL, /* high lighted */
    (APTR) &VKspec

 * definitions for K diffuse

static char DispKdiffuse[] = {"Kdiffuse=[     ] " };

static struct IntuiText TextKdiffuse = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispKdiffuse)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *)DispKdiffuse, NULL

struct GadExtens VKdiffuse = { 0.0, 1.0, DefKd, 0, 0, 0, true };

static struct Gadget G_Kdiffuse = {
    49*COL , TOP+ROW*10, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    MyPropType ,
    NULL, /* high lighted */
    (APTR) &VKdiffuse

 * definitions for DispPtIntens

static struct IntuiText PtProperties = {
    1,1,JAM1, -10*COL, -ROW, NULL,
    (UBYTE *)"Properties", NULL

static char DispPtIntens[] = {"Intensity=[     ] " };

static struct IntuiText TextPtIntens = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispPtIntens)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *)DispPtIntens, &PtProperties

struct GadExtens VPtIntens = { 0.0, 2.5, DefIntensity , 0, 0, 0, true };

static struct Gadget G_PtIntens = {
    49*COL , TOP+ROW*8, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    MyPropType ,
    NULL, /* high lighted */
    (APTR) &VPtIntens

 * definitions for background intensity
static struct IntuiText DispAmbient= {
    1,1,JAM1,- COL*3, -ROW, NULL,
    (UBYTE *) "Other", NULL

static char DispBkIntens[] = { "Ambience=[     ] " };

static struct IntuiText TextBkIntens = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispBkIntens)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *) DispBkIntens, &DispAmbient

struct GadExtens VBkIntens = { 0.0, 1.0, DefAmbience, 0, 0, 0, true };

static struct Gadget G_BkIntens = {
    20*COL , TOP+ROW*13, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    NULL, /* high lighted */

 * Definitions for Surface distance

static char DispSurfDist[] = {"Surf Dist=[     ] " };

static struct IntuiText TextSurfDist = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispSurfDist)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *) DispSurfDist, NULL

struct GadExtens VSurfDist = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -500, 3000, DefSurfDist, false};

static struct Gadget G_SurfDist = {
    20*COL , TOP+ROW*4, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    NULL, /* high lighted */

 * definitions for location.x
static struct IntuiText PointLight = {
    1,1,JAM1, 9*COL, -ROW*2, NULL,
    (UBYTE *) "Point Light Source", NULL

static struct IntuiText TextPtLocXYZ = {
    1,1,JAM1, -4, -ROW, NULL,
    (UBYTE *) "Location", &PointLight

static char DispPtLocX[] = { "x=[     ] " };

static struct IntuiText TextPtLocX = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispPtLocX)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *) DispPtLocX, &TextPtLocXYZ

struct GadExtens VPtLocX = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -6000, 6000, DefLightSrcX, false };

static struct Gadget G_PtLocX = {
    12*COL , TOP+ROW*8, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    NULL, /* high lighted */
    (APTR) &VPtLocX

 * definitions for location.x

static char DispPtLocY[] = "y=[     ] ";

static struct IntuiText TextPtLocY = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispPtLocY)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *) DispPtLocY, NULL

struct GadExtens VPtLocY = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -6000, 6000, DefLightSrcY, false };

static struct Gadget G_PtLocY = {
    12*COL , TOP+ROW*9, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    NULL, /* high lighted */
    (APTR) &VPtLocY

  * definitions for location.z

static char DispPtLocZ[] = { "z=[     ] " };

static struct IntuiText TextPtLocZ = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispPtLocZ)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *)DispPtLocZ, NULL

struct GadExtens VPtLocZ ={ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1000, 3000, DefLightSrcZ, false };

static struct Gadget G_PtLocZ = {
    12*COL , TOP+ROW*10, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    NULL, /* high lighted */
    (APTR) &VPtLocZ

  * definitions for Map replication in horizontal axis

static char DispRepH[] = { "Map RepH=[     ] " };

static struct IntuiText TextRepH = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispRepH)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *)DispRepH, NULL

struct GadExtens VRepH ={ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 300, DefRepH, false };

static struct Gadget G_RepH = {
    20*COL , TOP+ROW*15, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    NULL, /* high lighted */
    (APTR) &VRepH

  * definitions for map replication in vertical axis

static char DispRepV[] = { "Map RepV=[     ] " };

static struct IntuiText TextRepV = {
    1,1,JAM1, -sizeof(DispRepV)*COL, TxOff, NULL,
    (UBYTE *)DispRepV, NULL

struct GadExtens VRepV ={ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 300, DefRepV, false };

static struct Gadget G_RepV = {
    57*COL , TOP+ROW*15, COL*15, ROW, /* loc and size */
    NULL, /* high lighted */
    (APTR) &VRepV

LoadChipMem( dest, src, srcsize)
    UWORD **dest;
    UWORD *src;
    int srcsize;
    UWORD *d;

    d = (UWORD *)AllocMem( srcsize, MEMF_CHIP );
    *dest = d;
    while( srcsize ) {
        *d++ = *src++;
        srcsize -= sizeof( UWORD );

void InitGadgets()
    struct Gadget *vp;
    LoadChipMem( &HourGlass, HourGlassDat, sizeof(HourGlassDat));

    CntrlWinDef.FirstGadget = &G_RepV;
    GadWinDef.FirstGadget = &G_GoPanel;
     * fill in numeric fields
    for( vp = CntrlWinDef.FirstGadget; vp; vp = vp->NextGadget ) {
        GadgetSetVal( vp );
        GadgetUpdate(vp, false );

void EndGadgets()
    if( HourGlass ) {
        FreeMem(HourGlass, sizeof(HourGlassDat ));
  echo "will not over write ./gadgetdef.c"
echo "Finished archive 3 of 3"
# if you want to concatenate archives, remove anything after this line
Bob Page, U of Lowell CS Dept.  page@swan.ulowell.edu  ulowell!page
"I can't tell the difference between ABC News and Hill Street Blues" -Bono